Recover the PIN code for a Sberbank bank card. How to restore the PIN code of a Sberbank card

According to the instructions of the Central Bank, all cards are issued with a chip to which an individual password or PIN code is attached. And if you could pay with magnetic cards without entering a PIN code, then with cards equipped with a chip you could pay for purchases by entering a four-digit identification number. Therefore, even if a person forgot his PIN, he could safely continue to use the card.

But what to do if you forgot the password for your Sberbank card with a chip? Without a PIN code, you can continue to use the card, for example, pay for goods on the Internet or make transactions through your personal account. But, unfortunately, it’s no longer possible to pay in a store or withdraw money from an ATM. Therefore, based on the card of this bank, we will tell you how to act in such situations when you have forgotten your PIN code.

Let's try to remember

No matter how trivial it may sound, the easiest way to recover your password is to remember it. There are three attempts before the card is temporarily blocked. Many people often put an envelope with a PIN code in the department where all important documents are kept. Also try to remember if you may have written down the password in a notepad or phone. What else can help if you have forgotten the PIN code of your Sberbank card?

Human memory is designed in such a way that it tends to forget information that a person uses little. And if you rarely enter your password, for example once a month in order to withdraw cash, then this situation is quite natural. Muscle memory can help you.

If you are standing at the checkout, there are a lot of people behind you, you entered the password incorrectly, there is no point in continuing to try. Pay in cash and try re-entering your password in a relaxed atmosphere at the ATM. Without thinking about the password, your fingers can automatically perform their usual actions, and you will type the required combination. If you have completely and irrevocably forgotten your PIN code on your Sberbank card, what should you do then?

Password recovery

How to find out the PIN code of a Sberbank bank card? Is it possible to contact bank specialists with this question? The personal code number is made in such a way that it is unknown to any bank employee. It is not displayed in the software and is not recorded anywhere. Therefore, if you have forgotten your PIN, you will need to go through the recovery procedure. So, how to recover the password on a Sberbank card?

It doesn’t matter whether the PIN code is a Sberbank credit card or a Sber debit card, it is not possible to restore it without re-issuing the card itself. Each Sberbank card has only one password. It is released only once. Knowing it, you can fully use the card. Therefore, when restoring your PIN code, be prepared for the fact that your card will be blocked and reissued. The procedure is very simple.

You must contact the bank branch and write a corresponding application. You must have your passport with you. Specialists will accept the application and transfer it to work. You should expect the card and password to be reissued within two weeks. You will be contacted and invited to the office to receive correspondence. Now you know how to recover the PIN code from a Sberbank card.

It is possible to use a Sberbank card only by entering a four-digit code at the ATM, which is given exclusively to the owner of the “plastic”. This was done to ensure that the bank client does not become a victim of scammers, or that his card is not used by strangers for their own selfish purposes.

The cardholder is obliged to store information about the card, that is, his PIN code. This is stipulated in the agreement between the individual and the bank. It is not always possible to fulfill this clause in the contract. You can forget your PIN code, because human memory is not perfect. No one is immune from this. But there is always a way out.

What to do if you forgot your PIN code for your Sberbank card: sequence of actions

So,What to do,if you forgot your PIN code:

  • Try to remember your password. You have three attempts before the card is blocked and it becomes impossible to withdraw money or pay for a purchase in a store. (If you forgot your PIN code when paying for a purchase in a store through the terminal, do not risk trying to enter the numbers before using three attempts. You can make a purchase by showing your passport and signing the receipt.
  • A plastic card is issued in an envelope in which the password is written. Try to find this envelope.
  • Although Sberbank employees do not recommend doing this notes about pin number in a notebook or phone, try to remember whether you left such a note in your personal portable sources of information. If you gave a hint, use it.
  • It happens that a person cannot remember the password, but muscle memory works great for him. You should trust your intuition and try to enter the code blindly. This should be done only when you have one or two attempts left. After all attempts are made, the card will be blocked. It will remain in the ATM and can be obtained by contacting a bank branch.
  • If you forgot your PIN code and need money right now, go to the Sberbank branch with your passport. Upon presentation of your ID, the required amount of money will be withdrawn from your account, provided that the card has not yet expired. But the client is charged a commission for the service - 5%.

Not all banks carry out cash withdrawal operations through the cash desk, so you may be refused; If you are the owner of a Maestro card, withdrawing money through the cash desk will not be possible, since all operations are carried out only using a PIN code.

  • If you are connected mobile bank and there is another card, go to the official website of Sberbank. And transfer money from the credit card to the account of the second card, or to any other account from which withdrawing money will not be difficult.
  • It happens that the cardholder remembers the PIN code only after he has entered three unsuccessful attempts and the credit card has been blocked. In such a situation you should call a Sberbank branch, and ask the employee to unlock your card so you can enter the correct PIN code. The employee will ask you a codeword, which you indicated in the questionnaire when you entered into the contract. And also the place where the card was issued (that is, if you received a credit card in another city, it’s okay, a bank employee will unblock it without any problems). This is necessary to make sure that you are the owner of the credit card.
  • If a card is blocked in another country, the procedure for restoring it will be identical to the same process that is carried out in the Russian Federation.

How to recover a forgotten PIN code?

You should go to the nearest Sberbank branch, taking with you the agreement, proof of identification and the plastic card itself. A bank employee will issue you documents for card reissue. But you will have to pay a fixed amount for an unscheduled replacement of your Sberbank card. You will have to wait two weeks for new plastic. During this time you have a chance to remember your password.

Don't worry, the card details will remain the same and the amount of money on it will not disappear anywhere.

If you don’t have time to wait until the card is restored, you need to enter code five letter word, which was invented by the card owner at the time of concluding an agreement with him. It could be your favorite dish, sport, etc. You must come to the bank with the agreement in which it was concluded. Take your passport, card, keep the code word in mind. Thus, the owner is given the opportunity to instantly restore his PIN code.

A logical question arises: why is Sberbank reissuing the card if you can simply tell the code from the card. The fact is that the four-digit code is the owner’s personal information, that is, the bank does not have information about what your password is.

Good to know! There is a high probability that you will not be allowed to restore a regular-style card, but simply replace the PIN code, provided that you provide an identification document and the card itself. But if we are talking about international cards Visa, Maestro, you will have to re-issue your credit card.

How to change the PIN code of a Sberbank card?

After restoring the card, you can replace the old PIN code with a new, simpler one. There is an important rule to follow here:

  • You cannot come up with a password consisting of your date of birth, the birthday of relatives or close friends, or choose a simple combination of repeating numbers. It is ideal when the password for the card is complex, but at the same time, the combination of numbers reminds you of a significant event in life. For example, the date of departure for a honeymoon, or the date of starting a favorite job.
  • In the previous paragraph of the article, we found out that if you know the code word, you can restore your PIN code in a short time. Having recovered your password, you can immediately change it to a new one that is easier for you.

Without knowing the password for your “plastic”, you will not be able to withdraw money from your account. The maximum that can be done is to buy goods in offline stores like Ali-Express. Therefore, don’t delay, go to the bank to reset your password or replace your card.

Attention! If you lose your PIN code, Sberbank only reissues the card. The client's personal account remains the same.

How to recover a forgotten Sberbank card PIN code

Instructions for restoring the PIN code of a Sberbank card

Sberbank issues personal plastic cards at the request of a bank client, and when issuing a card to the client, it also transmits a code for working with the card, which is called a PIN code.

What is a PIN code

PIN code - (English PIN - personal identification number) - a special personal code of 4 digits, which is linked to a bank card and allows access to it. The code is secret and is issued personally to the cardholder printed in a paper crypto envelope. Transferring the code to third parties may result in loss of card balance. Even bank employees do not know this code, because... the envelope in which it is given to the client is sealed.

The card code is generated when it is issued, written in it, but it can be changed if necessary, for example, restored if you forgot it, or just want to change it.

Every time you want to carry out financial transactions with your card at an ATM or terminal, you need to enter your PIN code. Therefore, if you forget this code, you will temporarily not be able to work with the card and your bank account through an ATM.

All you need to withdraw money from your account is the card itself and knowledge of the PIN code. Therefore, it is advisable to store the code in a safe place, and it is best to remember it.
How to recover your PIN code

1. The simplest thing is to try to remember it. If you wrote down the code somewhere or saved an envelope with it when you received your plastic card, then it’s easier to spend a little time looking for this entry. If you have already entered the code many times, try to visually look at the input keyboard and try to remember the usual movement of your fingers, for example, when paying in a store. Keep in mind that after several unsuccessful attempts to enter the code, your card may simply be blocked, so if you are not sure, then do not try to go through random options.

2. Second - reissue of the plastic card. Contact a Sberbank branch and write an application to issue a new card to replace the old one, indicating the reasons. At the same time, the new card will also have new number And new pin code. However, the production of a new card takes some time, usually up to 2 weeks. The old card will be cancelled. Keep in mind that you may have to pay an additional fee or fine for reissue.

3. Third, issuing a new card. Almost the same as the 2nd method, but only your new card will be valid on par with the old card. To do this, write an application at a bank branch to issue a new card and link it to your existing bank account. Usually, receiving a new card takes time - up to 14 calendar days; they will call you and inform you when you can pick it up during a personal visit to the bank. In this case, you will receive an envelope with a new PIN code.
Having found yourself in such a situation once, the next time it is advisable to take care of the safety of the envelope with the PIN code, or change the code yourself to one that is easy for you to remember.

How to find out the PIN code of a Sberbank card

People ask the question of how to find out their PIN code from a Sberbank card when they forget it. This happens if a person does not often use plastic, or has recently received it, and the numbers of the secret code have not yet become ingrained in memory.

If you can’t remember your password at the right time when you withdraw money from a bank card or during the payment process, don’t panic and don’t type anything.

IMPORTANT: if you enter the wrong pin code three times within 24 hours, the card will be blocked. This is a technical block, imposed for a day, after which it is automatically removed.

If necessary, use funds in your account in alternative ways via the Internet or using a mobile bank, where you do not need to enter a secret combination of numbers.

PIN code required:

  • to withdraw cash from an ATM . If you forgot, get the money through the cashier by presenting your passport and the plastic card itself, or transfer the funds to another card through Sberbank Online and withdraw the funds. Or send money to the account of your loved ones (you can even use a phone number) and ask them to withdraw it and give it to you.
  • to top up your account with cash at an ATM . To top up your account, go to a Sberbank branch with your passport. Or transfer money online. The only caveat is that it takes some time for funds to be credited.
  • for shopping in stores . If you have forgotten the secret code, you will not be able to pay for your purchase in most supermarkets. But if the plastic supports contactless payment technology, then there will be no problems. In other cases, you will have to look for alternative options for purchasing online, paying with another plastic card or in cash.

How to find out the PIN code from a Sberbank bank card

The abbreviation PIN stands for personal identification number. PIN code is a kind of code password that gives the cardholder access to the ATM and is used as a digital signature for the transaction request.

Initially, when a bank card is issued and issued, the pin code is issued in a separate envelope with security instructions. The person is informed that the secret code must not be revealed to anyone, the PIN code must not be stored with the card, and the envelope must be thrown away.

The pin code combination is generated automatically by a special encoder during plastic production and sealed in a special envelope. The first person to see and recognize the code is the owner. Carefully open the envelope and you will see a four-digit combination of numbers.

Sometimes a person does not like this combination because it is difficult to remember. In this case, in order not to forget, change it to one that you will not forget.

IMPORTANT: the 4-digit code is not known to anyone except you (unless you tell it yourself). It is not stored in any databases or servers, and not a single bank employee knows it.

How to change the PIN code on a Sberbank card

You can change your PIN code only if you know the current combination. People resort to this procedure in several cases:

  • the person does not like the combination given because it is too difficult to remember;
  • sometimes people, in order to avoid confusion and remember many passwords, set the same pin code on several cards (although Sberbank security staff do not recommend doing this);
  • If one day, out of necessity, you told someone the code, then play it safe and change it;
  • the person had the feeling that someone else had taken possession of secret information.

The password change procedure is carried out only in Sberbank terminals with the corresponding function. Therefore, the first thing you need to do is find such a device. They are installed in large or popular branches of Sberbank.

You can change your PIN code yourself. If you are not sure that you can handle the technology, contact a consultant. It will help you navigate the menu, but remember that the new numbers you enter must remain out of sight of other people.


IMPORTANT: The password cannot be changed if the card expires in 40 days or less.

How to find out the PIN code of a Sberbank card if you forgot

If such a problem occurs, you will not be able to recover your password. Not a single bank employee knows the secret code, since it is generated and sealed by a computer in an envelope automatically, and is issued to the owner of the plastic card in a closed form. The first person to see the PIN code is you.

If it is irretrievably forgotten, and it is impossible to remember or find the envelope in which it was issued, you will have to reissue the card. The account will remain the same, but the physical medium, the plastic itself, will be new. He will have a new number and a new password.

Actions if you forgot your PIN code:

  1. Withdraw the balance of money from the account: transfer via the Internet or mobile bank to another account or withdrawal through a cash desk with a passport.
  2. Come to the Sberbank office, present your passport, explain the situation and write two statements. One is for issuing a new card, the other is for blocking the current one. It is important to block card products that are no longer in use, disable services, and only then destroy them.
  3. Pay a reissue fee, the standard amount is 150 rubles. If the validity period has expired, it is reissued free of charge, but a fee is charged for early release. You can pay right there at the bank office through a cashier.
  4. After 10 - 14 days, the bank will notify you about the production of new plastic. Come to the branch again, sign the agreement and receive a new card. Services will have to be reconnected (Sberbank Online, mobile banking).

IMPORTANT: production time is on average 14 days and depends on the workload of the bank. Sometimes they call the office after 5 days, and sometimes the production and delivery of new plastic takes 1 month.

How to find out the PIN code from a card via the Internet

It would be illogical and stupid to distribute PIN codes over the Internet, or allow them to be retrieved, restored or changed online. Remember that the pin code is the secret key to the card where the money is stored. This key is a guarantor of the security of funds. People ask questions about how to find out the PIN code of a Sberbank bank card by card number or how to find out their PIN code of a Sberbank card through a mobile bank, without thinking about security, which is important for both the bank and clients. Imagine the situation if a person finds out the PIN code by the plastic number. After all, these are props that are easy to get. It is also easy to gain access to the phone. Therefore, the PIN code cannot be found out or restored either on the Internet, or by plastic number, or by mobile bank.

If you forgot the PIN code from your Sberbank card: what to do

In the banking industry, a situation where a client has forgotten the PIN code of his Sberbank card and does not know what to do to protect his funds occurs every day.

The client's procedure for restoring the card PIN code depends on the situations:

  • When the code from the Sberbank card is forgotten;
  • The PIN code became known to a stranger or the card was lost;
  • For some reason it is necessary to change your personal password.

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If your PIN is forgotten

If the client has forgotten the password for his Sberbank card, he must come to the bank branch where the card was issued. The branch will offer to fill out an application for a replacement bank card; it takes no more than three weeks to produce a new one.

IMPORTANT! When replacing a Sberbank card, credit or debit, only the plastic number and PIN change, but the bank account number remains the same.

Question: how to find out the Sberbank bank card code?

Answer: The password can be found in the sealed envelope included with the card. After opening, it is recommended to remember the four-digit code and destroy the envelope itself or hide it securely.

This code is entered when withdrawing cash from an ATM or making cashless payments in stores. There are only three attempts; if they are unsuccessful, the card is blocked for a couple of days. Moreover, the plastic will be confiscated either by a self-service machine or by a cashier in a store.

You can call Sberbank and explain the situation, giving your full name, passport details and code word. If everything is correct, the bank will cancel the incorrect attempts and unblock the card.

In this case, if the user has forgotten the password, he will be able to use the money on the card in the following ways:

  • receive cash directly at the branch by presenting your passport;
  • purchase goods or services via the Internet.

IMPORTANT! The PIN code is confidential information; Sberbank databases do not contain it, so there is no way to repeatedly recover the password.

If you need to change your password

If the situation with a forgotten password repeats with a certain frequency, the optimal solution would be to change the PIN code automatically issued by the system to a more memorable one. We recommend choosing numbers associated with a significant date.

You can change your password in the following ways:

  • through an ATM;
  • through Sberbank Online.

Change via self-service devices

To change the access code to the payment system, you need to insert the card into the nearest self-service device. To enter the menu and see the program interface, you must enter the previous (currently valid) PIN.

Then select “Change PIN code”, enter new numbers and confirm the change. The ATM display will display a record of the successful completion of the operation. If necessary, you can print a receipt confirming that you made the replacement.

IMPORTANT! The actual code numbers are not displayed anywhere.

Change via Sberbank Online

To change your PIN code through Sberbank Online, log into the program under your name. On the main page, find the “Card Management” section. Select Settings and Services.

In the window that opens, find the “PIN code” tab and click it. The changed PIN code will be sent via SMS to the number linked to the bank card.

If the PIN code becomes known to a third party

In banking practice, situations often arise that the PIN became known to unauthorized persons or the card was lost. In this case, the client's financial resources are at risk.

IMPORTANT! Within three days, you must submit a written application to any branch of the bank, otherwise the blocking of the card will be lifted.

It is possible to block a card without a written application using the Mobile Bank and Sberbank Online services.

In addition, the bank is not responsible for transactions made before receiving an application to block the plastic. If a written statement is not received within three days after an oral one, the user is responsible for transactions made after this period.

If you have problems with your PIN code abroad

The situation requires special consideration if the PIN code of the Sberbank card is forgotten abroad. In this case, you should contact a branch of the Savings Bank of Russia, which has branches in many countries around the world. If necessary, the contact number can be found on the payment device itself.

After submitting the application, the new card will be ready within five working days. Until it is released, operations without a password are available (payment for goods and services in online stores).

IMPORTANT! Cash withdrawal from the account is provided only to premium program participants.

The best option for traveling abroad would be to issue several plastic cards on one account. Then, if one is blocked, access to the account will be possible through the other.

Conclusion on precautions

Sberbank consultants have developed the following precautions on what to do first to limit third-party access to finance if the client has forgotten the PIN code:

  1. It is better to store bank envelopes with a PIN code in a secluded place.
  2. You cannot keep notes with access codes in your wallet or attach them to plastic cards.
  3. If the user often forgets the password, then you can write it down in the phone book under a fictitious name.
  4. Choose numbers that evoke certain associations as codes. For example, memorable dates, birthdays of loved ones, house and apartment numbers of parents.
  5. To always have access to the funds in your account, it is convenient to have several plastic cards.
  6. To avoid blocking and confiscation of the card, do not use a third attempt when entering the PIN code unless you are absolutely sure of its correctness.
  7. When you come to the nearest branch with your passport, you can always get money from your account.
  8. And, most importantly, the fewer people who know your passwords, the more effective your funds are.

It happens that a person has forgotten the PIN code of a Sberbank card and many questions immediately arise:

  • what to do and where to go;
  • How to recover a PIN code from a bank card.

Let’s say right away that there is no need to panic or worry too much about this. Many people face this problem, and you are not a rare exception. And if you have forgotten the PIN code of either a Sberbank debit or credit card (it could be , and , or Maestro), read this article further, we will tell you what to do.

Step-by-step instruction

  • First you need to calm down, as we wrote above. After all, excessive nervousness will only aggravate the situation.
  • Try to remember your PIN code.

ATTENTION: if the card PIN code has already been entered incorrectly several times, simply try entering it again, do not be alarmed that after you have used all your attempts, the card will be blocked.

The same thing happened to the administrator of this site. For example, a few months ago I entered my PIN code, and my Sberbank card was blocked after several unsuccessful attempts.

The blocking lasted for about a day. This naturally caused inconvenience, however, the problem was solved.
As it turns out, even if you enter the wrong PIN code, the ATM still allows you to select the service provided as the next step. In my case, I clicked the menu item to print the balance on the check, but instead it printed out that the PIN code had been entered incorrectly.

Naturally, I believe that this was not done entirely correctly in relation to Sberbank clients. Agree, it would be much easier to simply display or print information about the incorrectly entered PIN code right away. Maybe? it depends on the ATM model.

Second point- if you were unable to remember the forgotten PIN code of your Sberbank card, be sure to try to remember where you put the envelope that was given to you by the bank manager and containing the PIN code of your bank card.

How can I restore the PIN code of a Sberbank card?

If you are unable to remember the forgotten information, then you can use the last option: restore your PIN code. To do this you need:

  • contact the Sberbank branch where you received your bank card;
    when visiting the branch office, do not forget your identification card (passport), as well as the “plastic” itself;
  • write an application for reissue of a bank card.

Please note that re-release may take some time.

It is also worth remembering that other methods, for example, restoring the PIN code will not work.

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