Planned advance in 1s 8.2.

Let's look at how to calculate the advance for the first half of the month and calculate the planned advance (fixed amount) in 1C ZUP 2.5 (8.2).

Planned advance (fixed amount) in 1C ZUP 2.5

In 1C ZUP 2.5, this option allows you to assign a certain amount as a planned advance and pay it.

How to assign a planned advance

All planned advance amounts are stored in the information register Advances to employees of organizations. In 1C ZUP 2.5 you can fill out this register:

  • Directly by hand. Open the register through the Payroll calculation by organization menu and use the Add button to make an entry for an employee:
  • Using the Employees directory. Open the list of employees and enter the required amount in the Advance column:

How to pay a planned advance

In 1C ZUP 2.5, an advance is paid using the document Salaries payable to organizations: Desktop – Salary calculation – Salaries payable:

We select the month for which we pay the advance. From the example this January 2016, payment option Through the cash register and be sure to indicate what we are paying Planned advance. Next you just have to click Fill and we will see that the 1C ZUP 2.5 program automatically filled out the document with employees, with fixed advance amounts from the Advances to employees of organizations register.

Important! When paying a planned advance, the 1C 8.2 ZUP 2.5 program does not know how to correctly take into account employee absences.

If an employee was absent for the entire billing period for which the advance is considered, then the 1C ZUP 2.5 program can be taught to understand this situation. To do this, just check the box in the accounting parameters Take into account absenteeism:

For example, if an employee was on vacation from the 1st to the 15th, then he will not be included in the advance payment document. But if the employee was not absent for the entire billing period, then the 1C ZUP 2.5 program will offer to pay him the full amount of the advance and will issue a warning.

For example, let’s send an employee on vacation from January 11, 2016. until January 14, 2016:

Now we will pay the advance for January 2016. The 1C ZUP 2.5 program offers to pay the full amount of the advance in the amount of 4,500 rubles, although the employee worked only one day, but at the same time displays a message. Next, you need to decide: either leave the full amount of the advance, or reduce it, but this will have to be done in the document for payment of the advance manually:

Calculation of advance payment for the first half of the month in 1C ZUP 2.5

Using this accrual method in 1C ZUP 2.5, you can get a more accurately calculated advance amount for the first half of the month, that is, from the 1st to the 15th, taking into account the time worked.

In order to correctly calculate and pay such an advance, it is necessary to perform all the actions that personnel officers and accountants perform when they calculate and pay the full salary, only the billing period in this case is half as long.

Procedure for correct calculation of advance payment in 1C ZUP 2.5:

  1. All personnel documents are entered - hiring, transfers, dismissals;
  2. All absences - vacations, business trips, sick leave, etc.;
  3. Salary is calculated for the first half of the month;
  4. An advance is paid for the first half of the month.

Using the T-13 report, we will make sure that the organization has an employee New S.S., who is absent (on leave):

This means that when calculating wages for the first half of the month, absence (vacation) must be taken into account in the calculation. Let's create and calculate the Payroll document with the accrual mode First half of the current month. From the example it is clear that:

  • When calculating the advance payment from employee Novenkiy S.S., for which vacation was paid, the result is calculated taking into account one day worked in the period from 01/01/2016. until January 15, 2016;
  • Samoilov A.V. was hired on January 10, 2016. and did not work the entire billing period of the advance, so he was calculated the amount for 5 days worked:

All that remains is to pay these amounts using the document Salary to be paid indicating what we are paying Advance payment for the first half of the month. The 1C ZUP 2.5 program will automatically fill in the lines with the amounts that were calculated for the first half of the month, taking into account the time worked:

Advance in 1C 8.3 ZUP rev.3.0

The following methods for calculating an advance in the 1C ZUP 3.0 program are possible:

  1. Planned advance (fixed amount);
  2. Percentage of the employee’s payroll;
  3. Calculation for the first half of the month.

Before you begin calculating the advance, you must indicate which option for calculating the advance each employee will have. Information on the selected option is reflected in the information register Planned advances. This register has a period, that is, the date from which this entry is valid. Thus, in the 1C ZUP 3.0 program, you can change the methods for calculating and paying advances for an employee:

You can assign a method for calculating an advance in 1C ZUP 3.0 using the documents:

  • Personnel documents - personnel transfer, change in terms of payment for parental leave, return from parental leave;
  • Changes in wages;
  • Advance change;
  • Initial staffing.

Advance upon hiring in 1C ZUP 3.0

When hiring an employee, on the Remuneration tab, in the Advance field, indicate the required accrual method.

For example, employee Sokorina A.I. the method of calculating the advance payment is assigned as “Percentage of the tariff” indicating 40%. The tariff is the payroll (payroll fund) of the employee:

This payroll is made up of planned accruals that are assigned to an employee when hired, taking into account that in setting up such an accrual there is the following flag:

According to our example, payroll = 17,325 rubles. and it was formed from payroll, salary payments and allowances for leading a team. In order to view these components, you need to display the Contribution to Payroll column by clicking on the green pencil.

The Contribution to Payroll column is filled in for all accruals, except for the monthly bonus, all because the Include in Payroll checkbox is not set in the settings for this accrual:

Thus, by setting this attribute, you can control the accruals that will be included in the payroll. For our employee, the advance will be 40% of 17,325 rubles.

  • In case of payment of an advance in a fixed amount, you must select the appropriate method and indicate the amount of the advance:
  • When calculating the advance for the first half of the month, the corresponding value is also selected:

Calculation of advance payment in 1C 8.3 ZUP 3.0

Once the employee has been assigned a method for paying the advance, you can begin paying it. However, before you start making payments in ZUP 3.0, you must enter all personnel documents on the hiring of new employees, dismissal, documents on changes in planned accruals, as well as the absence of employees during the advance payment period.

  • If the advance to an employee is assigned a fixed amount or a percentage of the payroll, then you can then begin to pay it.
  • If the advance is calculated for the first half of the month, then it is necessary to make a calculation. To calculate the advance payment for the first half of the month, use the document Accrual for the first half of the month.

In order for employee absences to be taken into account when calculating the advance payment, it is necessary that such absences be approved by the accountant.

Let's look at an example. A user with the rights of a personnel officer contributes to employee A.I. Sokorina. failure to appear for an unknown reason from 02/01/16 to 02/04/16 is carried out by this document:

In the list of documents, the new document created by the personnel officer is posted, but highlighted in thick font. That is, the document was entered by the personnel officer, but not approved by the accountant. This means that it cannot be accepted for accounting in the 1C ZUP 3.0 system as a document recording the absence of an employee for a given period:

In the T-13 report for the first part of February according to Sokorina A.I. “NN” is displayed, which was entered by the personnel officer:

Let's create a document Accrual for the first half of the month for an employee for a given period, where you can see the discrepancy in the number of days/hours: according to the timesheet 7 days, and in the calculation of the advance payment 11 days:

This discrepancy arose only because the absence was not approved by the accountant. Therefore, let's approve the document:

And let’s calculate the accrual for the first half of the month again. Now T-13 and crew coincide in terms of time worked:

Important! In order for the time worked to be taken into account in 1C ZUP 3.0 when calculating wages for the first half of the month, it is necessary that all documents be approved by the accountant.

Also, when calculating for the first half of the month, you can only include a certain list of planned accruals. In our case, the monthly bonus is also not included in this calculation, since it does not have the following attribute:

In addition to the fact that all accruals are calculated in the Accrual document for the first half of the month, it also calculates all planned deductions and personal income tax:

The amounts of personal income tax withholding are the amounts that will be taken into account when paying the advance, that is, the result of the accrual will be reduced by the amount of personal income tax withholding. As such, personal income tax, as a calculated tax, is not yet in the 1C ZUP 3.0 program; it will appear only when the salary for the month is finally calculated.

Also, there is no accrual as such in the 1C ZUP 3.0 program yet. If you look at the form or payslip, these forms will be empty. The accrual document for the first half of the month makes a certain calculation, which in the future will be used only when paying the advance.

For more details on how the advance payment is calculated for the first half of the month in the 1C ZUP configuration (8.3), see our video lesson:

Advance payment in 1C ZUP 3.0 (8.3)

  • When paying an advance in a fixed amount or as a percentage of the tariff, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the 1C ZUP 3.0 (8.3) program does not adjust the amount taking into account the time worked. Therefore, if an employee has worked a pay period for which the advance is not paid in full, then the amount of the advance needs to be adjusted manually.
  • If the employee did not fully work the period from 01 to 15, then when paying the advance, he will not be included in the payment document.

Advance payment in 1C ZUP 3.0 (8.3) is carried out with the following documents:

  • Statement of salary payment through the bank;
  • Salary payment sheet through the cash register;
  • Statements of transfers to accounts;
  • Statement of payment through the distributor.

The purpose of payment must indicate Prepaid expense. In 1C ZUP 3.0 by button Fill The document is filled out by employees who have received an advance payment, and it does not matter how it will be calculated.

Each employee is obliged to conscientiously fulfill his duties under the employment contract, and each employer is obliged to pay wages in full and on time. As established by Article 136 of the Labor Code, wages must be paid at least every half month. The date of its payment must fall within 15 calendar days from the end of the period for which it was accrued. Payment for the first half of the month is conventionally designated as “advance”.

From the point of view of the civil code, advance payment is an advance payment for the supply of goods, performance of work or provision of services. One party transfers an advance to the other in the presence of counter-obligations or contractual relations as security for the fulfillment of its obligations before the start of fulfillment of the counter-obligation.

An advance must be distinguished from a deposit. An advance differs from a deposit in that if the contract is not fulfilled, the transferring party responsible for the non-fulfillment of the contract loses the deposit. If the party that accepted the deposit is responsible for failure to fulfill the contract, then the deposit is returned in double amount. When issuing an advance, this rule does not apply. An advance is part of the fulfillment of obligations, and not as a form of security.

Labor legislation does not have a direct definition of the term “advance”. The meaning of this term can be interpreted as a certain conditional amount that is paid to the employee in the middle of the month and does not directly depend on the quantity and quality of work. The salary calculated and paid at the end of the month is reduced by the amount of the previously paid advance.

Therefore, instead of the term “advance”, the more formal term “salary for the first half of the month” is often used. Instead of “Payment of advance payment” - “Payment of wages for the first half of the month”, instead of “Accrual of advance payment in 1C ZUP” - “Accrual ...” and instead of “Change advance payment” - “Change ...”, etc. respectively. From this article you can learn how to carry out all these operations in 1C ZUP 3.1 (8.3).


This can happen in three ways, and each of them has its own differences:

  • Calculation for the first half of the month;
  • Fixed amount;
  • Percentage of the tariff.

When paying a fixed amount, the calculation is made without taking into account the time worked. If it is a percentage of the tariff, the calculation is also made without taking into account the time worked, and to calculate the amount of wages for the specified period, the entire wage fund of the employee is taken into account (all planned accruals assigned to the employee). That is, if the payment is set as a percentage of the tariff, it is not possible to take into account only some of the planned charges when paying. For example, when choosing the calculation method as a percentage of the tariff, you cannot calculate the amount of wages for the first half of the month only from the amount of the salary, without taking into account the monthly bonus.

The payment calculation method in 1C ZUP 3.1 is assigned to each employee. The purpose of the method is made in the “Hiring” document. The method is indicated on the “Payment” tab (Fig. 1).

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If the method selected is “Fixed amount”, then a field will appear where you need to enter the amount for the period. If “Percentage of the tariff”, then a field will appear where you will need to enter the amount of the percentage of it.

When, using 1C ZUP 3.1, an organization that previously used another program for calculations begins to calculate salaries, the calculation method can be assigned in the document “Initial staffing” (Fig. 2).

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You can see the accrual method assigned to a specific employee directly in the employee’s card (Fig. 3) in the “Advance” detail.


Data correction

You can change the previously assigned method using the following documents:

  • Personnel transfer;
  • Personnel transfer list;
  • Changes in wages;
  • Advance change.
The documents “Personnel transfer”, “Personnel transfer by list” are located in the document journal “Admissions, transfers, dismissals” in the “Personnel” section. The document “Change in remuneration” is located in the journal “Change in employee remuneration” and is available both in the “Personnel” section and in the “Salary” section. The document “Changing the advance payment” is located in the journal of the same name and is available in the “Salary” section.

In order to change the calculation method in the “Personnel Transfer” document, you need to turn on the “Advance” checkbox on the “Payment” tab and select a new calculation method (Fig. 4). Using the “Personnel Transfer” document, you can change the method for one employee.

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To change the accrual scheme in the “Personnel transfer list”, you need to fill out the tabular part of the document with information about the employees for whom you want to change the accrual method. By double-clicking on the employee, in the window that appears, select the “Payment” tab, turn on the “Advance” checkbox and select the method we need from the list. Possible list values ​​(in order):

  • Fixed amount;
  • Percentage of the tariff;
  • Calculation for the first half of the month (Fig. 5).

Using the “Personnel transfer by list” document, you can change the accrual method for several employees.

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To change the calculation method in the “Change of wages” document, you need to enable the “Change advance payment” checkbox and select the desired one (Fig. 6). Using the document “Change of remuneration” you can change the calculation method for one employee.

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To change the calculation method using the “Change Advance Payment” document, you must select a new value in the “Advance payment method” field. Having filled out the tabular part with information about employees who need to change the calculation method (by selection or addition), set a new value for the amount or percentage (for the “Fixed amount” or “Percentage of tariff” methods), write it down and post it. Using the “Change Advance Payment” document, you can change the method for several employees (Fig. 7). In this case, the previous value of the method for the employee is shown in the tabular section.



Accrual using the “Calculation for the first half of the month” method is made taking into account the time worked. Therefore, the document “Accrual for the first half of the month” is intended for accrual using this method. It is available from the “Salary” section (Fig. 8).

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In order to calculate an advance payment you must:

  1. Specify the month for which the accrual will be made;
  2. The date until which the first half of the month is calculated (by default, the 15th day of the current month);
  3. If payroll is calculated by department, then select the department for whose employees you need to calculate the advance;
  4. Click on the “Fill” button.

After clicking on the “Fill” button, only those employees of the company or the selected department for whom the method is “Calculation for the first half of the month” will appear in the tabular part of the document.

In addition, the tabular part includes only those types of payments for which the “Accrued when calculating for the first half of the month” flag is active (Fig. 9). It should be taken into account that the tabular part “Accrual for the first half of the month” will not include employees for whom absences were registered with the documents “Vacation”, “Sick leave”, “Absence (illness, absenteeism, no-show)”, “Business trip” or the document “Timesheet” » the type of time that corresponds to absence was recorded.

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If an employee has deductions from his salary, then the “Calculation for the first half of the month” will include only those that are marked with the “Deducted when calculating the first half of the month” checkbox (Fig. 10). Benefits and contributions are not calculated in our calculations.

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Payment is registered via:

  • Statement to the bank;
  • Statement of accounts;
  • Statement to the cash register.

They are available in the "Payments" section. To make a payment, for example, through a bank, you need (Fig. 11):

  • Create a new document “Statement to the Bank”;
  • Select the month for which the payment will be made;
  • If payroll is calculated by department, then mark the required one;
  • In the “Pay” field, select “Advance” from the list;
  • From the directory of salary projects, select the required salary project for which wages are transferred;
  • Click "Fill".

Rice. eleven

After this, the tabular part will be filled with information containing employees and the amount of their advance. Amounts will be calculated in accordance with the established method. The data can be viewed and edited if necessary. For example, you can enter missing data on personal account numbers.

After checking and, if necessary, adjusting the tabular part, you need to click on the “Post and close” button.

An invoice for an advance payment in 1C Enterprise 8.2 can be generated in two ways. The first is that the document is generated manually, based on the payment order for which you received an advance. Second, invoices are generated automatically based on all advances received for the selected period.

Read in the article:

Manual generation of invoices is used for a small number of transactions. If there is a large volume of advance payments in the 1C Enterprise 8.2 program, it is more convenient to use the automatic method. With any of these methods, an invoice is created in three steps.

If you work on the general taxation system, then VAT must be charged on the advances received (clause 1 of Article 167 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Tax base - the amount of the received prepayment. The tax is calculated at calculated rates - 10/110 or 20/120. An invoice must be issued for each advance payment received. Let's talk about how to issue an invoice for an advance payment in 1C.

How to generate an advance invoice manually

You can generate an invoice for an advance payment in 1C Enterprise 8.2 based on the received payment document in 3 steps.

Step 1. Find the incoming payment document in 1C Enterprise 8.2

If the buyer transferred the advance to the current account, go to the “Bank Statements” section (1) and find the payment order (2), on the basis of which an advance invoice will be generated in 1C.

If the advance paid by the buyer in cash to the cash register, then go to the section “Cash receipt orders” (1), find the required receipt (2).

Step 2. Create an advance invoice based on the payment document

Click on the payment document (3), right-click, in the window that opens, follow the link to “Based on” (4), and then to “Invoice issued” (5). The “Invoice issued” window will open to view and edit the document.

Step 3. Advance invoice in 1C: creation and editing

1C Enterprise 8.2. will generate an invoice based on the payment document for which the advance was received. In the window that opens you will see the invoice details. If necessary, the advance invoice in 1C (6) can be edited. For example, change the VAT rate if it was incorrectly indicated in the payment document or change the contract. When the edits are made, click “Ok” (7). The document has been created and posted. The program will automatically make the necessary entries for calculating VAT on the advance payment (D-t 76.AB K-t 68.02), and register the invoice in the sales book.

How to generate invoices for advances automatically for a selected period

How to make an invoice for an advance payment in 1C? To correctly generate advance invoices automatically, you must:

  • carry out all documents on the sale of goods and services for the period of generation of advance invoices (for example, month, quarter);
  • post all receipts of money from customers for the same period;
  • carry out other documents affecting mutual settlements with customers (debt adjustments, etc.).

In 1C Enterprise 8.2, automatic registration of invoices for advance payments is done in 3 steps. We'll tell you how to create an invoice for an advance payment in 1C.

Step 1. Go to the processing “Registration of invoices for advance payments”

Step 2. In the “Registration of advance invoices” window, fill in the required fields

Perform the following steps in sequence:

  • indicate the period for which you want to generate advance invoices (2);
  • select the organization for which advance invoices are generated (3);
  • click the “Fill” button (4).

You will see a list of all incoming payments that the 1C Enterprise 8.2 program has defined as advance payments. In the list fields you can see the counterparty from whom the advance payment came, the amount of the advance, the VAT rate, the basis document, and the date of payment. The window will look like this:

In 1C 8.3 ZUP, an advance is understood as a kind of prepayment that is issued in advance towards the upcoming salary. If at the time of payment of the advance the organization did not have a salary debt to its employee, then this amount is the debt of the employee himself. If planned, the advance amount will be deducted from it.

In this article we will look at step by step, for beginners, the calculation and accrual of advances in 1C ZUP 8.3.

The advance can be calculated in various ways:

  • a fixed amount,
  • % of the employee's wage fund,
  • calculation of wages for the first half of the month.

Initially, the type of advance payment in 1C ZUP is set by personnel documents, changes in wages, advance payments, etc. In this article, we will set up an advance payment when hiring.

We created an employee recruitment and went to the “Payment” tab. At the bottom of the window, from the corresponding drop-down list, you can select one of the methods for calculating the advance payment, which were mentioned earlier. In this case, the advance payment to Alexander Matveevich Vankov will be paid in the amount of 35% of the tariff (wage fund). The default value was forty percent.

All this data will be displayed in the employee’s card.

In the figure you can see that the wage fund is 10,000 rubles, therefore, the advance amount will be 3,500 rubles.

Advance calculation

The calculation of the advance in the 1C 8.3 ZUP 3.1 program is made only if in the previous paragraph you indicated that it is paid “Calculation for the first half of the month.”

Just like when calculating wages, before calculating the advance, you must enter into the program all days of absence of the employee.

Let's assume that our employee S.N. Bazhova took leave without pay for the period from August 7 to August 8, 2017 inclusive. We must reflect this data in the program. Moreover, in order for this failure to appear to be taken into account when calculating the advance, as well as when calculating wages, the “Calculation approved” flag must be set in the document itself.

Now you can proceed to calculating the advance payment. Go to the “Salary” section and select “All accruals”.

In the list form that opens, click on the “Create” button and select the appropriate item, as shown in the figure below.

The header of the document is filled out as standard. In this case, we make the accrual until August 15, 2017. After specifying all the data, click on the “Fill” button and all the necessary data will be included in the document automatically.

In the figure below we see that employee S.N. Bazhova only has 9 days worked instead of 11 according to the standard. Thus, the amount of the advance was calculated based on a salary of 70,000 rubles for 9 days.

Please note that, unlike payroll, this document does not produce actual accrual. He only calculates the amount of the advance.

In addition to calculating the advance, this document also reflects deductions, for example, on writs of execution and personal income tax. All this data, as well as accrued amounts, are subject to manual adjustment. An example would be an employee’s personal request to pay a larger or smaller amount as an advance.

Please note that employee A.M. Vankov was not included in the document. This happened because we had previously established an advance payment for him in the amount of 35% of the payroll amount. In this regard, the advance payment can be made without an accrual document.

Advance payment

You can start paying the advance immediately for those employees for whom it is accrued either as a fixed amount or as a percentage of the payroll. Be careful, because in this case, those employees who were absent from the 1st to the 15th (for example, leave without pay, etc.) will not be included in the payroll.

Go to the “Payments” section and select “All statements”.

In the window that opens, you can select the method by which the advance payment will be made.

In the header of the created document, in the “Pay” field, select “Advance” and indicate for which month it needs to be paid. After that, click on the “Fill” button.

For those employees whose advance payment is a percentage of the payroll, or a constant amount, the advance amount will be automatically calculated and will appear in the tabular part of the document. For those whose advance payment is calculated for the first half of the month, the figures will also be displayed in the document if the corresponding accrual was previously made, as described by us earlier.

How to calculate an advance in 1C: 8.2? How to pay an advance in 1C: 8.2?

The calculation and payment of advances to employees of an enterprise includes several interrelated stages, and begins with the formation of the “Payroll” document. This article discusses the procedure for filling out the documents “Salaries for issue to organizations” and “Salary calculation” in an abbreviated form, with reference specifically to the advance payment.

First, you need to open the “Payroll” tab, which is located on the functions panel. Next, in the journal of documents of the same name, you should create a new document using the “Add” button. A field will open where you can fill in the required details. Before creating a new accrual, you need to pay attention to filling out the production regulated calendar. As soon as the details in the header are filled in and the selection of an employee is completed, check the “Preliminary calculation” checkbox, which serves as a mandatory item when calculating the advance.

Then you will need to click the “Fill” and “Calculate” buttons in this example for the employee. Information about the selected employee will be filled in, fully meeting the time standards at the time of calculating the advance. Next, the document is recorded and posted:

Now you should go to the “Wages to be paid” journal, create a new document in it and fill out its header with the necessary details. Then you will need to set the “Type of payment” item to “Advance” and draw up a document according to the type of payment.

After filling out the information about the accrued advance in automatic mode, change the data from “Through the bank” to “Through the cash register” in the “Payment method” menu column. This action is necessary to generate an RKO (cash expense order) and to pay an advance to an employee through the cash register.

Next, the document is recorded and posted, and then in the wage document journal on the generated document, by clicking, select the “Based on” item in which “Cash outgoing order” is marked, this is necessary for payment through the cash register.

Now we fill in all the required details in the created “RKO” and execute this order.

After completing all the above operations, the accrual and payment of the advance is completed. If all actions were carried out carefully and correctly with the required details correctly filled in, then further processes for paying the remaining amounts until full accrual for the specified period of time will take into account the advance payment transaction.