United Arab Emirates taxation. Tax system of the United Arab Emirates

Tax system is the main source of income for all world governments, and disputes in the field of taxes have always been a key point for the presidential election campaign in any state. At the same time, there is still a state where there is no need to pay taxes on income received and dividends paid. There is also completely no taxation of both non-residents and residents living in the country.

Such a state is the UAE, a country with high GDP per capita, and there is almost no tax burden here. In the UAE you do not have to pay taxes; Dubai has all the advantages for doing international business. Here we have all the resources to turn the most daring business projects into reality. Modern logistics, a large number of office premises of any class, accreditation of many large international companies make Dubai very attractive to numerous foreign investors.

The main advantage for business in Dubai is the specifics of local taxation. It can be firmly stated that Dubai is a zero tax rate for almost all types of businesses with very few exceptions.

Today, the UAE has bilateral agreements with many countries around the world. Such agreements also avoid double taxation. This, in turn, makes businesses operating in the UAE quite profitable.

The answer to the question of why Dubai can be attractive for business is a special favorable tax regime. The specificity is the complete absence of taxes, unlike others developed countries. For example, there is no individual income tax for individuals. If in other countries the employee pays tax depending on wages, then in the UAE such tax is also not levied. This applies to both income tax, as well as taxes on other types of income of individuals - interest, dividends, inheritance, donation, etc.

Regarding the corporate tax, which is paid by legal entities on their profits, in the UAE, such tax is paid only by those companies that are engaged in the petrochemical industry and banking institutions. Representatives of the banking sector and oil companies doing business in the UAE pay corporate income taxes. However, this applies only to those companies that operate directly in the local market. If the company, for example, is an international oil trader, then taxation also does not apply.

Speaking about taxes, Dubai and the economic benefits of this country, it is necessary to note such a phenomenon of the Dubai economy as free economic zones. Companies operating in such zones are completely exempt from tax and customs duties, and such companies are also guaranteed the opportunity to repatriate investment assets.

Such companies can operate not only in the FEZ, but also outside the UAE. At the present stage, many and medium-sized large international companies are interested in opening representative offices or separate companies in Dubai.

Based on the latest financial reports from experts, the tax laws of Dubai and the UAE as a whole are rated as one of the most effective for doing business around the world. The economic attractiveness of states is assessed based on three main quantitative indicators:

  1. The maximum level of taxation rate for personal income.
  2. The maximum level of taxation rate for the income of companies and corporations.
  3. The total amount of tax payments as a percentage of GDP.

Dubai occupies a leading position in all three indicators. The state's favorable taxation, strategic location and developed infrastructure have made it one of the largest business centers in the Middle East.

Current taxation in the UAE:

  • Income taxes – complete exemption from such fees;
  • Value added tax – 5%;
  • Capital gains taxes also do not exist;
  • Taxes on dividends - this type of income is taxed only in the territory of the states where this income was received; In the UAE - no
  • Royalty taxes – complete exemption from such fees;
  • Taxes on interest – complete exemption from such fees;
  • Withholding taxes - complete exemption from such taxes;
  • Taxation through deductions from wages is not applied;
  • Taxes are not levied on the export and import of goods if the activity is carried out through Free Economic Zones;
  • There is no asset tax at all.

The UAE completely lacks quotas, trade restrictions and financial controls for most activities, which is what attracts more and more foreign investors here.

Local currency is attached to American dollar and is freely convertible.

The main advantages of free economic zones in Dubai and other Emirates are freedom from tax deductions. Companies operating in a free economic zone in the UAE are completely exempt from paying corporate tax. And company employees and other individuals do not pay tax on their income and wages.

The UAE is also distinguished by its modern and developed banking system, capable of providing a solid base for an existing business. Dubai is deservedly recognized as an international center of business and business relations. Opening your company or representative office in the UAE will give your business a new impetus for development and expansion.

The UAE tax system is quite unusual. There is no usual national VAT, profit tax and income tax here. Each emirate sets its own tax system. However, it was the tax system that turned the UAE into one of the largest financial centers in the Middle East.

Each emirate sets its own tax policy. But overall, the United Emirates has one of the best tax climates in the world. In the latest Index economic freedom(Index of Economic Freedom), which is compiled annually by the American Foundation The Heritage Foundation and The Wall Street Journal, the tax policy of the United Arab Emirates was assessed, without changes, as one of the most high levels in the region and in the world. In the financial freedom category, the UAE scores 99.9 points annually. (“financial freedom” of a country in the index shows the degree of tax burden).

There is no uniform tax legislation in the UAE. Each emirate sets its own tax system. The country does not have national:

  • - VAT;
  • - tax on personal income;
  • - capital gains tax;
  • - corporate tax and some others.

Different emirates have a system of corporate taxes in different areas of activity. Thus, the entire oil industry and banking sector pay both income tax and capital tax, as well as corporate tax and profit tax.

Another object of income tax is companies with large cash flows. Magnitude tax rate directly depends on income level:

  • - 10% - on profit within the range of 1,000,000 - 2,000,000 dirhams;
  • - 30% - on profit within the range of 2,000,000 - 4,000,000 dirhams;
  • - 40% - on profit within the range of 4,000,000 - 5,000,000 dirhams;
  • - 50% - on profits over 5,000,000 dirhams.

Relatively high taxes in the hotel sector - 17%, and in the commercial real estate - 10%.

The UAE has a "5% circle" - several taxes that add up to 5%. This:

  • -housing tax;
  • -tax on hotel services;
  • - tax on entertainment activities.

The state has signed treaties on the avoidance of double taxation with 45 countries. The dirham is freely convertible into any currency and is pegged in value to the US dollar.

There are more than ten free economic zones (FEZ) in the United Arab Emirates. Each free economic zone is regulated by a separate government agency, which registers enterprises and issues licenses to them in the UAE. Among the main advantages of free economic zones is tax freedom: enterprises registered in a free economic zone are exempt from corporate taxes for 15 years. The law also provides for the possibility of extending this regime for another period of 15 years. Employees of enterprises are exempt from all taxes on personal income.

The UAE is the United Arab Emirates. This country has a number of advantages for opening your business there. One of the main advantages is taxation in the UAE. In the UAE, there is a complete absence of taxes on capital, regardless of size, on income, and there are also no taxes on the repatriation of capital. The only industry that is taxed is the oil refining industry. Banking institutions are also subject to taxes.

The United Arab Emirates has signed treaties with forty-five countries around the world. The essence of these agreements is that according to them, there is no double taxation between the UAE and these countries. Among the countries with which agreements on the elimination of double taxation have been signed are Germany, Italy, France, India, Ukraine and others.

Enterprises that are registered in the United Arab Emirates are quite often used by various corporations in order to optimize taxation when conducting economic transactions with external partners and companies. In the UAE there is a so-called free trade zone, which is also called an offshore zone. In the UAE this offshore zone located in the capital city of Dubai. In the UAE, the offshore sector includes the Dubai Investment Park, the Jebel Ali Free Trade Zone, an international financial center, as well as an e-commerce and technology free zone and others.

Jebel Ali. Founded in 1985, the free trade zone, called Jebel Ali, is designed to take proactive steps to improve the process of attracting investors and investments. The company that was registered in the free trade zone has its own specific status, this is the status of an offshore company, that is, a company that operates outside the United Arab Emirates. A company registered in a free trade zone is 100% owned by a non-resident of the United Arab Emirates. Taxation in the UAE provides for complete exemption of the company from all kinds of import duties, and the company also receives a 100% guarantee that there will be repatriation of invested capital and profits that were received. In this free trade zone, according to the taxation system in the UAE, there are no taxes on the income of various companies; it should be mentioned that the exception is oil refining and oil producing companies, as well as banks. A company that registers in a free trade zone in the United Arab Emirates is granted a special license. This license must be renewed every year. Thanks to the short validity of the license, those wishing to open their own business in the UAE have the opportunity to draw up both long-term and annual business plans without being tied to the obligation to fulfill the terms of contracts. The company that has received a license from the free trade zone receives permission to operate both in the UAE and outside this country.

tax corporate arabic economic

Many Russian citizens, when leaving for permanent residence abroad, focus on arranging life in new country, forgetting about the legal consequences of moving. With a change in place of residence, residence – tax or currency – may change. Some responsibilities, on the other hand, may remain unchanged. In this article we will look at the main provisions of Russian tax and currency legislation that those who have moved or are planning to move to the UAE need to know.

The tax consequences of moving depend primarily on whether your tax status (tax residency) changes or not. If you live in Russia for more than 183 calendar days within 12 consecutive months, then you are a tax resident of the Russian Federation. The 12 month period can be determined in two ways depending on who pays the tax - you yourself or your employer. If you declare your income yourself, the number of days spent in Russia to determine your status will be calculated as of the end of the calendar year (December 31). The time of actual stay in the country from January 1 to December 31 will be taken into account. If personal income tax is paid by your tax agent (for example, an employer), then every time on the day your income is paid, he will be required to check how many days you spent in the Russian Federation. The number of days of stay in Russia will be counted for the last 12 months preceding the date of payment of income.

Tax residence of the Russian Federation

If, when moving to the UAE, you remain a tax resident of the Russian Federation, you have certain tax consequences:

Firstly, you are required to pay personal income tax (personal income tax) in respect of income received from both Russian and foreign sources (Worldwide Income). The basic tax rate is 13%.

Secondly, you are required to notify the Russian tax authorities about participation in foreign companies (notification must be submitted if your share of participation in a foreign company (including the share of spouses and minor children) is more than 10%. The deadline for filing a notification is no later than 3 months from the date of occurrence participation or change in the share of participation), on the establishment of foreign structures without education legal entity(for example, trusts), as well as about foreign companies controlled by them (a controlled foreign company is a company: 1) that is not a tax resident of the Russian Federation; 2) whose activities are controlled by a person with a share of >25% or >10% (the share of tax residents of the Russian Federation is more than 50%)).

Third, you have the right to receive tax benefits - exemption of certain income from taxation (in particular, the following income is exempt from personal income tax: from the sale real estate, owned for more than 5 years; from the sale of other property that was owned by the taxpayer for more than 3 (three) years; received by inheritance and donation from close relatives; income received from the sale of interests/shares in the authorized capital of Russian organizations, etc.) and tax deductions(standard, investment, property, etc.).

If you moved to the UAE, for example, in May (i.e., you spent less than 183 days in Russia since the beginning of the year), then personal income tax will only need to be paid on income received from sources in the Russian Federation (dividends, interest, royalties from Russian organizations , income from the sale of property to Russian residents). The tax rate for non-residents is 30%. Income received by non-residents from foreign sources is not subject to personal income tax in Russia.

You are not required to notify the Russian tax authorities about your participation in foreign organizations/structures, and there is no need to provide information about controlled foreign companies.

Please note that tax non-residents cannot use tax benefits provided for by Russian legislation.


1. A citizen of the Russian Federation worked in Russia until March 2016. In April 2016, he quit and went to work abroad. During work, the employer withheld from wages personal income tax employee at a rate of 13% as from a resident of the Russian Federation. The Russian citizen was abroad until the end of 2016 and lost his status as a tax non-resident of the Russian Federation. Consequently, his personal income tax for 2016 is subject to recalculation at a rate of 30%. Since he quit and no longer received any income from the Russian employer, the Russian organization is not obliged to recalculate personal income tax former employee. An individual must independently recalculate the amount of tax, submit a declaration and pay the missing amount to the budget.

2. During 2016, the Russian organization regularly sent its employee on long-term business trips to the UAE. During the year he spent 195 days abroad. During business trips, the employee retains average earnings. Since at the end of the year the employee lost the status of a tax resident of the Russian Federation, his salary will be taxed at a rate of 30%. The employer, as a tax agent, will withhold the tax amount and transfer it to the budget. The citizen will receive income minus tax; he does not need to declare anything on his own.

International automatic exchange tax information

Recently, the international automatic exchange of tax information has begun to operate in the world, which is carried out on the basis of the OECD Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters and the uniform standards for the automatic exchange of information on financial accounts (CRS) adopted in accordance with it.

Russia and the United Arab Emirates joined the international exchange in 2016 and 2017, respectively. In order to begin the exchange procedure, countries need to change their domestic legislation and create a technical and administrative base. It is expected that the first exchange of information will take place between the countries in 2018.

For tax residents of the Russian Federation and the UAE, the increasing exchange of information will entail certain consequences. If you, as a tax resident of the Russian Federation, open an account in the UAE, be prepared for the bank to ask you to provide detailed information about your income, information on the account (planned transactions, purpose of opening, account currency, etc.), personal data. All collected information will be transmitted to the Russian tax authorities. Similarly, the UAE tax authorities will receive information about Russian accounts opened by Arab residents.

Currency residence of the Russian Federation

Citizens of the Russian Federation who are planning to move abroad or who are staying abroad for a long time need to know the provisions of Russian currency legislation regarding the status of a currency resident.

The concepts of “tax resident” and “currency resident” in Russian legislation are not identical. The status of a tax resident is important for determining the obligations of an individual to pay taxes, and recognition as a currency resident imposes individual certain responsibilities regarding foreign exchange transactions.

All citizens of the Russian Federation who reside / stay on the basis of a work visa in the UAE for less than 1 year are recognized as currency residents. You will be considered a currency resident even if you come to Russia for just one day in the entire year. Therefore, it is important to understand your obligations to the Russian tax authorities and know what liability will arise if they are violated.

Currency residents are required to notify the tax authorities of the Russian Federation about the opening of accounts in a foreign bank, as well as about the closure of such accounts or changes in their details. Such notification must be submitted within 1 month from the date of opening/closing the account or changing its details. Also, currency residents are required annually, no later than June 1 of the year following the reporting year, to submit tax office traffic report Money. The report and notifications are submitted by individuals in tax authority V electronic form through Personal Area taxpayer, or on paper, or sent by registered mail with return receipt requested.

For failure to comply with the deadlines for submitting notifications or cash flow reports, you face a fine of 1,000 to 3,000 rubles.

Practical advice

So, if you are moving to the UAE or any other country, you will first need to check your status - whether you will remain a tax resident of the Russian Federation or not. Understanding tax consequences your status is important and necessary when planning individual transactions and business as a whole. Remember that it is better to make large transactions with Russian real estate in the years when you are a tax resident of the Russian Federation.

When opening an account in a foreign bank for your personal needs or for business, do not forget that for another year after changing the country you will be a currency resident of the Russian Federation. This imposes an obligation on you to notify the tax authorities about the opening of a foreign account, and subsequently annually submit a statement of cash flows on it.

When making transactions on accounts, take into account the restrictions established by Russian currency legislation. Otherwise, you will have to pay very significant fines. In order to avoid the risks associated with foreign exchange transactions, you can create a company in the UAE and make the necessary transactions through it. Thus, you will not only eliminate the risk of being held accountable for illegal currency operations, but you can also optimize tax base(if you are a tax resident of the Russian Federation).

If at the time of transactions on the account an individual was a non-resident, but upon returning to the Russian Federation lost his non-resident status, he is obliged to submit a report for that reporting period(year) in which it acquired the status of “currency resident”. If a citizen of the Russian Federation who is a resident is not registered with the tax authorities, is not registered or registered on the territory of the Russian Federation, he can submit the above notifications (about opening accounts, cash flows) to the tax authority at the place of his residence in the territory of the Russian Federation.

We are often asked: are there taxes in the Emirates? What are the taxes in the UAE? That is why we decided to dwell on this issue separately and tell you whether it is necessary to pay taxes in Dubai and other emirates, who usually pays taxes, and how the mechanisms for collecting these taxes are structured.

Let's start with the fact that the United Arab Emirates is known in the world as a tax paradise, and a paradise with a very good reputation. No taxes are public policy Emirates. It would be strange if such an advanced economy continued to strengthen its position in conditions when the treasury does not receive contributions from individuals and companies. Where is the catch, and where is the Emirati tax inspector hiding?


And then the day came when you opened your business in the Emirates, moved your family and started working. But the inspector is still not there, and no notices are coming.

The explanation will be simple. There are no taxes on personal income, salaries or business income in the Emirates. Everything that you earn and your employees earn goes to you and their bank accounts without any deductions.

Strange? Not really. Taxes in the UAE have existed for a long time, they are just disguised. Remember what we talked about earlier: company registration must be renewed annually, and you pay the cost of the license every year. Moreover, the cost of this license is not $200, but $5,000 – $6,000. Why not a tax? But they don’t call him that! However, if you compare the size of business income and the size of the license fee, it’s hard to call the latter a tax.

Therefore, if we talk about business, you will not need to pay any taxes. There are no taxes in the UAE, and that's a fact.


However, there are a few industries that pay tax and these are oil industry and the banking sector.

Foreign companies engaged in oil and gas production, as well as in the production of hydrocarbons, are taxed at about 55% of operating revenue. This figure is approximate, since the amount of tax is determined in agreements between companies and the government of the emirates on an individual basis. The tax amount is confidential and can range from 55% to 85%.

Branches of foreign banks are also subject to tax. In the emirates of Sharjah, Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Fujairah foreign banks pay taxes in the amount of 20% of operating profit. Depending on the emirate, the tax rate may be higher or lower.

Thus, taxes in the UAE apply only to an extremely limited range of businesses.


If we talk about companies, then we are no longer talking about any deductions. Yes, and if you do not permanently reside in the UAE, disguised everyday fees will be unfamiliar and not scary to you.

And if you plan to permanently reside in the Emirates, then we will next touch on the fees that will be charged in certain cases.

First of all, the main road in Dubai is a toll road, so if there is vehicle and when using the road, a fee of 4 dirhams (a little more than 1 dollar) is charged for driving under a special gate (SALIK toll gate).

When visiting hotels or restaurants located in them, 10% of the total cost of dinner or room is included in the bill.

In the Emirates, there are no taxes on income from rental real estate, but owners pay for building maintenance, air conditioning and water supply, which already includes fees.

From time to time, the government of the emirate may introduce additional fees in the amount of 10 dirhams (about 2 dollars) for certain services.

Despite all of the above, the UAE continues to attract more and more businessmen, since despite all the existing fees, they remain insignificant compared to those that exist in the world.

Let's make a point

  1. Taxes in the UAE: in the UAE there is no tax on business income, personal income, or salaries.
  2. Only companies engaged in oil and gas production, as well as foreign banks, are subject to the tax.
  3. Despite the fact that there are no taxes in the UAE, there are some fees that are veiled and included in the cost of a certain list of services.
  4. From January 1, 2018, 5% VAT was introduced in the UAE. At the same time, there is no tax on personal income, corporate income, or dividends.
  1. Check your flight information on the information board and go to the check-in counters whose numbers are indicated on the board. When checking in, present your passport and ticket.
  2. After checking in and boarding being announced, you must proceed to the appropriate areas for international flights.

Passengers on international flights undergo customs, passport and security control, after which they await departure in the sterile area of ​​the international airlines gallery. When going through security checks, you must present your passport and boarding pass.

When transporting animals or plants, it is necessary to undergo phytocontrol / veterinary control.

Rules for pre-flight and post-flight inspections

In accordance with Appendix No. 1 of the Rules for pre-flight and post-flight inspections, approved by order of the Ministry of Transport Russian Federation dated July 25, 2007 No. 104 prohibited from transporting on board the aircraft by passengers in checked baggage and in things carried by passengers, the following dangerous substances and objects:

Allowed to transport on board the aircraft by crew members and passengers, subject to the required conditions, the following items and substances:

  • in checked baggage in cargo and luggage compartments of an aircraft with isolated passenger access to luggage during the flight:
    • crossbows, spearguns, checkers, sabers, cutlasses, scimitars, broadswords, swords, rapiers, bayonets, daggers, knives: hunting knives, knives with ejectable blades, with locking locks, simulators of any type of weapon;
    • household knives (scissors) with a blade length over 60 mm; alcoholic drinks containing more than 24%, but not more than 70% alcohol by volume in containers with a capacity of no more than 5 liters, in containers intended for retail trade - no more than 5 liters per passenger;
    • liquids and alcoholic drinks with an alcohol content by volume of no more than 24%;
    • aerosols intended for use for sports or household purposes, the release valves of the cans are protected by caps from spontaneous release of the contents in containers with a capacity of no more than 0.5 kg or 500 ml - no more than 2 kg or 2 liters per passenger;
  • in things carried by passengers:
    • medical thermometer - one per passenger;
    • mercury tonometer in a standard case - one per passenger;
    • a mercury barometer or manometer, packed in a sealed container and sealed with the sender's seal;
    • disposable lighters - one per passenger;
    • dry ice for cooling perishable foods - no more than 2 kg per passenger;
    • 3% hydrogen peroxide - no more than 100 ml per passenger;
    • liquids, gels and aerosols classified as non-hazardous: in containers with a capacity of no more than 100 ml (or equivalent capacity in other units of volume measurement), packed in a securely closed transparent plastic bag with a volume of no more than 1 liter - one bag per passenger.

Liquids in containers with a capacity of more than 100 ml are not accepted for transportation, even if the container is only partially filled. Exceptions to transportation include medications, baby food, and special dietary needs.

Liquids purchased from duty-free shops at the airport or on board an aircraft must be packaged in a securely sealed plastic bag that allows the contents of the bag to be identified during the flight and has reliable confirmation that the purchase was made at airport duty-free shops. or on board the aircraft on the day(s) of travel. Keep your receipt as proof of purchase. Do not open the package either before boarding or during the flight.

The administration of the airport, airline, or operator has the right to decide to introduce additional measures to ensure aviation security on high-risk flights, and as a result prohibit the transportation of the following items in the aircraft cabin:

  • corkscrews;
  • hypodermic needles (unless medical justification is provided);
  • knitting needles;
  • scissors with a blade length of less than 60 mm;
  • folding (without lock) travel, pocket knives with a blade length of less than 60 mm.

Upon arrival at Dubai, Sharjah, Abu Dhabi airport

Upon arrival at the airport of Dubai, Sharjah, Abu Dhabi, follow the step-by-step instructions:

Please note that at the airport the wait for the transfer bus is 2 hours after the plane lands.

Upon arrival at the hotel

  1. Go to the reception, where you will be given a registration card.
  2. Fill out the registration card in English.
  3. Hand in the completed registration card, voucher (1 copy), foreign passport (the foreign passport will be returned to you after a photocopy is taken, check at the reception when you can pick up your passport).
  4. Wait for check-in. Check-in at the hotel is at 15:00. If you want to check into a room earlier than the specified time, you must pre-book a room a day before your arrival date (for example, you arrive in the UAE at 5:00 am on September 10, so as not to wait until 15:00 for check-in, you can book a room not from September 10, and from September 9. In this case, you will be checked into your room as soon as you arrive at the hotel).
  5. When checking in at most hotels, guests are required to leave a deposit in the form of sum of money(the amount is determined individually by each hotel) or a copy of the credit card. The hotel takes this amount/credit card details as a deposit towards the tourist’s future expenses. If the guests did not have any expenses at the hotel, this amount returned to the tourist. If there were costs, then the amount spent is deducted from the deposit. If you left a copy of your credit card as a deposit, the hotel will always ask how you want to pay, in cash or by card. Without your permission, no transactions with your credit card is not produced. At some hotels, cash deposits may be refunded in local currency (please check in advance in what form the refund will be issued). In some hotels you can leave your passport as a deposit.
  6. After checking into your room, review the information provided by the hotel. Pay attention to which services are paid and how much they cost (as a rule, the information is in a folder and lies on the table or bedside table).

Tourist tax

From June 1, 2016, the emirate of Abu Dhabi levies a tourist tax (the so-called “tourist dirham”) on all tourists staying in hotels of any star rating, including apartments. The fee is charged to all guests staying in hotels and hotel apartments in the emirate in the amount of AED 15 per day for each room in the room, regardless of the hotel category.

From March 31, 2014 in the emirate of Dubai, from November 1, 2015 in the emirate of Ras al Khaimah, a tourist tax is levied on all tourists staying in hotels of any star rating, including apartments. The tax is charged per room per night (in local currency) upon check-in or check-out.

Meeting with the hotel guide

The time of meeting with the hotel guide will be told to you by the accompanying person (transferman) on the way to the hotel or by the meeting representative at the airport. At the appointed time, you must approach your hotel guide, who will be waiting for you in the hotel lobby (some hotels have a separate room for information meetings). To the meeting, take with you a voucher and a return flight ticket.

If you have any questions or problems, please contact your hotel guide or the hotel reception.

If there are few tourists staying at the hotel, the guide will come to the hotel upon request (an informational meeting with the guide upon arrival will certainly be held without a request).

The day before your flight home

  1. Go to the reception and check if you have any unpaid bills for additional services (use of a minibar, telephone, etc.). If you have any debts, pay them.

On the eve of departure, an information letter will be delivered to your room indicating the time of departure from the hotel. If due to any circumstances the letter was not received, contact your hotel guide or an office representative by phone +971 50 450 3399 , or by phone hotline 800 839 839 .

Check out from the hotel

On the day of departure, rooms will be vacated until 12:00. Please hand over your keys to the reception before the designated time.

You can leave your luggage in the hotel storage room.

We kindly ask you to avoid being late and arrive for the transfer at the specified time. The tourist's waiting time for the transfer is 10 minutes, after which the driver or accompanying person leaves for the next hotel to collect the rest of the tourists.

Arrival at Dubai, Sharjah, Abu Dhabi airport for departure

  1. Check in for your flight (provide your passport and ticket).
  2. Drop your luggage at the front desk.
  3. Get your boarding pass. Pay attention to the gate number and time for boarding the plane (on the boarding pass the gate is indicated by the word GATE, the time - TIME).
  4. Go through passport control (provide your foreign passport and a copy of your e-visa).
  5. Proceed to the departure hall, where you will wait for the boarding announcement for your flight.

Helpful information

Flight time

Flight time Moscow - Dubai, Moscow - Abu Dhabi is 5-6 hours.

Medical service

Medical care is paid. If you need medical attention during your holiday, please contact your insurance company immediately. The company phone number is listed at insurance policy. The insurance company representative will tell you which medical center or hospital to go to.

First aid kit

Before your trip, prepare and take with you a first aid kit, which will help you with minor ailments, save your time searching for medicines and eliminate the problems of communicating in a foreign language; in addition, many medicines can different countries have different names.

Behavior rules

To visit most public places and religious sites, a special dress code must be observed: covered shoulders and knees for women and men.

During the holy month of Ramadan (Islam follows the lunar calendar, so Ramadan begins on different days), Muslims follow strict rules: from sunrise to sunset they abstain from eating, smoking, entertainment and devote themselves entirely to prayers. Followers of other religions should respect the religious feelings of Muslims - they must refrain from drinking, eating, smoking and noisy entertainment on the streets. It is advisable to wear closed clothing in soft colors.

Purchasing and consuming alcoholic beverages

In the UAE, alcohol is available in restaurants and hotel bars that have a special license. The sale of alcohol is prohibited in the emirate of Sharjah.

Drinking alcohol is prohibited for Muslims. This ban does not apply to visitors if they do not profess Islam. It is strictly forbidden to offer or give alcohol to Muslims, as well as to drive while intoxicated. Drinking any alcoholic beverages in public places (on the street, in a park, on the beach) is a crime and is punishable according to the laws of the country.


Arab dirhams

Dirham is the local currency of the UAE (AED - Arab Emirates Dirham). 1 dirham = 100 fils. You can pay in the UAE in both dirhams and US dollars. You can buy local money at any currency exchange office. 1 US dollar is equal to 3.67 dirhams.

The shops

The widest selection of products and affordable prices are the main reasons why many people flock to the UAE. It’s not for nothing that the Emirates is called a “shopper’s paradise.” Free trade zones and low tariffs ensure business prosperity in this country. The shopping festival is held annually in Dubai and attracts with amazing discounts, extensive entertainment programs and various lotteries.

Souvenirs and shopping

The most common souvenirs and purchases are dates, camel figurines, pearl and gold items, hookahs, Arabic coffee and coffee pots, perfumes and incense, spices, and sweets.


In the UAE, you can freely use taxi services, where payment is made by meter. Landing fees start from 5 dirhams in Dubai, from 3 dirhams in Sharjah. The minimum cost of a taxi ride in Dubai is 12 dirhams.


Most hotels require a deposit (cash or credit card) in case of additional expenses, which are not included in the room price - use of a minibar, long-distance calls, and so on. The deposit will be returned on the day of departure in dirhams minus the amount you spent.


In the UAE there are both free public beaches and paid ones. Paid beaches are usually equipped with sun loungers and umbrellas, which can be rented for an additional fee. Some beaches have women's days when men are prohibited from entering.


From February 1, 2017, citizens of the Russian Federation planning tourist trips to the United Arab Emirates do not need to obtain visas in advance.
Upon arrival at any airport in the UAE, citizens of the Russian Federation receive a visa on arrival for a period of 90 days free of charge. The visa can be extended once for 30 days by contacting the Immigration Department in the UAE in advance for an additional fee.
More detailed information in the Visa section.


The time is 1 hour ahead of Moscow.


Government offices are closed on Friday and Saturday. The day off in the offices of private companies is Friday. Shops, shopping and entertainment centers are open seven days a week.

Mains voltage

The network voltage is 220/240 V, the current frequency is 50 Hz. For electrical appliances not manufactured for the UAE market, an adapter will be required.


The state religion of the UAE is Islam.


If a tip is not included in the bill, it is sufficient to leave 10% of the total amount.

When moving around the country, it is not necessary to have a passport with you. It is enough to have copies of your passport, visa and insurance. It is better to leave the originals in a safe - in your hotel room or at the reception. If a foreign passport is lost, you must immediately contact the police station at the scene of the incident and submit a statement about the circumstances of the loss of the foreign passport, and then obtain from the police a document confirming the loss of the passport, which must be presented at the Consulate General when submitting documents for issuing a certificate of entry (return) to Russia or a new foreign passport to replace the lost one.


Per adult, the following is allowed to be imported into the UAE: up to 400 cigarettes, 50 cigars or 500 grams of tobacco. Persons who do not profess Islam can import up to 2 liters of strong alcoholic beverages and the same amount of wine for personal use. The import of photographic and video materials, as well as printed materials with reprehensible and frivolous content is prohibited. The import of drugs, weapons, psychotropic substances, and some medications is strictly prohibited.

Important!!! To obtain permission to import medicines (according to) containing them into the territory of the UAE, you must create a profile on the website of the Ministry of Health, download and fill out the form, () and also upload Required documents(doctor's prescription with translation into English), description of the drug (with translation into English), confirmation of length of stay = voucher, which will be reviewed and approved by the ministry within one working day. At the end of the inspection, if the decision is positive, a certificate will be issued, which must be printed and taken with you. Medicines will be checked upon entry into the country by inspectors in cooperation with customs.


The international code for the UAE is 971.

To call from the CIS countries to the UAE you should dial: 8-10-971 + area code + subscriber number.
Emirates codes: 02 - Abu Dhabi, 03 - Al Ain, 04 - Dubai, 06 - Sharjah, Ajman, Umm al-Quwain, 07 - Ras al-Khaimah, 09 - Fujairah. 05x - mobile phone. To call from emirate to emirate or from a landline number to a mobile number and vice versa, dial: 0 + area code + subscriber number.

You can call from a hotel to another country using “9”, after the dial tone, dial the country code (007 - Russia), then the city code and the number of the subscriber you need. Such a conversation can be ordered from the operator by dialing “0”.

Useful phones

Consulate General of the Russian Federation (Dubai):
Address: Dubai, Umm Al Sheif, 6B Street, Villa No. 21
Tel.: +971 4 328 53 47
Fax: +971 4 328 56 15
Emergency assistance: +971 50 454 77 54 (24 hours a day. This number is intended exclusively for cases related to a threat to the life, health and safety of Russian citizens in the UAE)
Consul General of the Russian Federation in Dubai and the northern emirates Oleg Olegovich Fomin.

Ambulance: 998 or 999
Fire Department: 997
Police: 999

TEZ TOUR tourist support phone numbers in the UAE

24-hour hotline (toll-free for all local numbers within the UAE):

800 839 839

Hotline number for calls from abroad:

+971 50 450 33 99

24/7 telephone in Russia

If you have trouble dialing the support number, please report it to our 24-hour phone number 8-800-700-7878 (calls from any region of Russia are free).