Geography lesson using ICT “Oil industry “for good or bad” in Russia? Standard plans for geography Remoteness of the main deposits from consumers of oil products.

    create conditions for the development of cognitive interest in the peculiarities of the oil industry in Russia through problem solving oil industry.


    form an idea about the features of the oil industry in Russia. Determine the role of the oil industry in the structure of the Russian economy. To reveal the importance of the oil industry for Russians in general and for the residents of our village in particular.


    to promote teaching students the ability to justify their answers, illustrating them with examples; create conditions for the development of research skills of students; develop the ability to work with various sources of geographic information and translate information from one sign system to another.


    Contribute to the formation of a communicative culture. Contribute to the formation of a moral and aesthetic culture of work design

Equipment: map of the fuel industry, collection "Oil and products of its processing", atlases, multimedia projector, computers. "Geography of Russia. Population and economy. 9th grade: textbook. for educational institutions / V. P. Dronov, V. Ya. Rom ": - M. Bustard-2007, presentation of the lesson.

Lesson type: lesson learning new material.
Lesson form: scientific and practical seminar.
Methods: explanatory and illustrative, partly exploratory, research.
Form of organization of training: individual, group.
Advanced tasks:

What is called oil, what are the reasons for its formation? What is it used for? (Appendix 1) Development of the oil industry in the territory of Sokur. (Appendix 2) How is oil refining done? (Appendix 3) Large oil pipelines in Russia (Appendix 4) Environmental problems of the oil industry (Appendix 5)

Results of work:

Table No. 1 "Positive and negative factors influencing the development of the oil industry in Russia." Practical work No. 5 "Comparative characteristics of Russian oil bases"

During the classes

Organizing time

We are born and live in a world of products and things derived from oil. In the history of mankind there were stone and iron periods. Who knows, maybe historians will call our period oil or plastic. Oil - is the most titled type of minerals. She is called both the "queen of energy" and the "queen of fertility." And her kingship in organic chemistry is "black gold".
The main question of today's lesson will be the following: - "The oil industry - a misfortune or a boon for Russia?" The oil industry is an integral part of the fuel and energy complex, a diversified system that includes the extraction and production of fuel, the production of energy (electricity and heat), the distribution and transport of energy and fuel.
To work in the lesson, you can use various sources of geographic information, you can use a presentation program to design your work. power point, you can also agree or offer your own criteria for assessing the development of the oil industry in Russia. As a result of solving the problem raised in the lesson, you should have a complete picture of the features of the development of the oil industry in Russia. The result of the work is a ready-made table "Positive and negative factors influencing the development of the oil industry in Russia" (Appendix 6) which is drawn up using the text editor Microsoft Word 2003, practical work "Comparative characteristics of Russian oil bases" (Appendix 7) using the presentation program power point.

Learning new material

Oil has been known to man since ancient times. Herodotus and Plutarch mentioned its use for lighting, heating, making medicines. In the 19th century the invention of a kerosene lamp, and then the internal combustion engine, became the impetus for its development. In the 20th century no other type of primary energy resource has had a greater impact on the economic and social development of mankind than oil. The oil industry is a branch of heavy industry, including exploration of oil and oil and gas fields, drilling of wells, production of oil and associated gas, pipeline transportation of oil. The oil industry is of great importance for the development of our country in general and the residents of our village in particular. Solving the problems of the oil industry at this stage of historical development is very acute. Now we will reveal the importance of the oil industry in the Russian economy.

To do this, we will consider the structure of the Russian economy

Can you identify the share of the fuel industry in the structure of the Russian economy?

19.9% ​​in the structure of the Russian economy is occupied by the fuel and energy complex.
What is the share of the oil industry in the structure of energy production?

39% of the oil industry is in the structure of energy production.
Thus, the oil industry is the leading industry in Russia. But oil is not only one of the main industries in the Russian economy, it forms the basis of Russia's exports.

Analyze the commodity structure of Russia's exports, identify the share of oil in Russia's exports.

Russia exports 210 million tons of oil per year, which is 40% of energy exports. thus, it is not only the leading branch of the Russian economy and the supplier of a significant part of the currency. Russia's production is 10% of the world, so we can say with confidence that the country has a strong position in international market oil. For example, OPEC experts said that the states that are members of this organization will not be able to make up for the shortage of oil if the world market leaves the Russian Federation.
Although now in the conditions of the world financial crisis there is a sharp decline in oil prices, (the cost of oil production is $ 7 per barrel, and today they give dollars for 1 barrel of oil), it is still profitable to extract oil. But the cost of 1 barrel of oil includes not only the price of fuel production, but also oil refining, delivery to the consumer, and tax duties.

Dynamics of oil prices in Russia and on the world market in 2008

What is called oil, what are the reasons for its formation? What is it used for? (Annex 1)
Did you know: using only 1 mg of oil, you can heat a whole bucket of water by one degree, and in order to heat a bucket samovar, you need less than half a glass of oil
For the extraction of oil and gas, wells are drilled, through which they come to the surface and then are pumped through pipelines to places of processing and consumption.

Oil is extracted mainly in two ways:

    pumping fountain

Analysis of the drawings "Methods of oil production", which method of oil production is cheaper?
The oil industry is of great importance for the existence and development of our village.
(Development of the oil industry in the Sokur territory, annex 2)
Russia is rightfully considered one of the few countries in which oil production has a long and glorious history. Russian geologists and oilmen have been searching, exploring and developing oil fields for over 135 years. And the first oil gusher gushed in Russia in 1864 from a well drilled near the Kudako River in the Kuban.
Russian Federation has large oil reserves, it ranks 2nd in terms of proven oil reserves (20 billion tons, which is 13% of global oil reserves) after Saudi Arabia (35.8 billion tons), but although Russia ranks 3rd in oil production in world (350 million tons are produced per year), after Saudi Arabia and the United States, but Russia's resource supply with oil is low.
Resource availability is the ratio between the value natural resources and the extent of their use. It is expressed in years. for which this resource should be sufficient. or its reserves per capita.
Determine the resource availability of the countries of the world with oil using statistical data.

Resource supply of the countries of the world with oil

The name of the country

Number of years oil lasts

Saudi Arabia




Thus, with the current amount of explored resources and the given rates of oil production, there will be enough for 57 years, this is one of the lowest indicators of oil resource availability in the world.
The development of the oil industry is proceeding at a slow pace, one of the main problems of the oil industry is the low availability of resources.
The main reasons are as follows: insufficient volumes of exploration work, almost 50% of drilled wells are not operated, a significant part of oil reserves is lost in the bowels and cannot be extracted to the surface.
We will create with you comparative characteristic oil bases in Russia, highlight their problems and prospects.
You already know that oil, like all fuel resources, is a non-renewable natural resource. The main oil fields are concentrated in the sedimentary cover of ancient platforms, the geological structure of the territory is the leading factor in the location of Russian oil bases.
Analyze the map "Oil reserve of Russia"

Several large oil bases stand out on the territory of Russia - these are the West Siberian and Volga-Ural and Timano-Pechersk, as well as the shelves of the seas washing the territory of Russia

Independent group work. Each group will receive an oil base characterization plan. The 1st group will make a description of the West Siberian base, and the 2nd group of the Volga-Urals, the 3rd group - of the Timano-Pechersk base. For a more complete characterization of the features of oil bases, we will make a comparative description of the oil bases of Russia according to the plan:

    geographic location degree of exploration of reserves degree of basin development method of production oil quality main fields transportation directions environmental and economic problems and prospects for the development of the oil base

You will draw up the results of the work in the form of a table (Appendix 6), at the end of the work you will need to submit your oil base using the presentation program power point.

Did you know that there are also 7 oil fields in the Novosibirsk region, their reserves are about 158 ​​million tons. All deposits are located in the Northern region, the largest deposit is Verkh-Tarskoye.

Crude oil is almost never used. Therefore, before reaching consumers, it must be processed, turning into gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel, fuel oil, and lubricating oils.
How is oil refining done? (Appendix 3)

Oil refining takes place at refineries. Map analysis:

Russian oil refineries. There are currently 28 oil refineries operating in Russia. Manufacturing process at the refinery is carried out around the clock. An oil refinery is a plant where oil is dispersed into fractions and commercial oil products and raw materials for further processing or organic synthesis are produced from them. Oil refineries (refineries) are located along the pipeline routes and at their end points. The capacities of 26 refineries in Russia make it possible to process 300 million tons of oil annually.

Pipeline transport is used to deliver refined products to the consumer. Map analysis: "Transportation of Russian oil". Pipeline transport has already surpassed railway transport in terms of the amount of work performed. Pipeline construction is 3-5 times faster and cheaper than railways. Almost all oil (97%), natural gas, and many refined products (20%) are transported through pipelines.

Large oil pipelines in Russia (Appendix 4)
Large oil pipelines are the oil pipeline "Druzhba", transit of gasoline AI-92, AI-80 and diesel fuel from the refinery in Omsk to the eastern regions of Russia passes through our village.
Oil companies of Russia.
The following companies play the leading role in the development of the oil complex: Rosneft, Surgutneftegaz, Yukos, Lukoil, SIDANKO.

With the ever-increasing scale of oil production and refining, the environmental problem is becoming more and more acute.
Influence of oil properties on the features of its use.
Demonstration of oil, and work to determine the physical properties of oil.


    We examine a test tube with oil (oily liquid, dark brown, almost black with a characteristic smell.)
    Oil does not smell like gasoline, with which the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bit is associated. The aroma of oil is given by the accompanying carbon disulphide, the remains of plant and animal organisms. We dissolve oil in water (does not dissolve, a film forms on the surface). The density of the film is less than water, so it is on the surface.

Conclusion about the causes of environmental problems.
Environmental problems of the oil industry (Annex 5)


The result of the work in the lesson is a finished table (application). At the end of the lesson, students answer main question Lesson: The oil industry - "trouble" or "good" in Russia?

Students response: the development of the oil industry in the modern volume at this stage of historical development, most likely, is the "trouble" of Russia:

    most of Russia's fields are depleted, Russia is losing its positions major exporter, loses a significant part of the currency, to solve the problem, the development of promising oil fields is required most oil refineries have exhausted their resources, construction of new refineries or modernization of old refineries is required not all wells in sufficient are exploited, some of the deep-seated reservoirs cannot be exploited due to the lack of modern equipment; there is a decrease in oil prices on the world market, it is necessary to increase the export of not crude oil, but its refined products, create or join the current grouping of oil exporting countries for the joint regulation of oil prices on the world market.

The extraction and export of oil has always been a profitable area of ​​production, although the further development of the oil industry requires large investments for the exploration and development of new oil fields, and the modernization of equipment at refineries.

Countries. In terms of proven reserves, Russia is in second place after Saudi Arabia. The main deposits are located in the Urals and the Volga region, the Far East, the Caucasus, in the Timan-Pechora basin. However, the West Siberian oil base is considered the largest resource area. Let's consider it in more detail.

West Siberian oil base: geographical location

This resource area includes the territories of Tomsk, Kurgan, Omsk, Tyumen and partly Novosibirsk, Chelyabinsk, Sverdlovsk regions, as well as the Altai and Krasnoyarsk Territories. The area of ​​the basin is about 3.5 million square meters. km. Currently, about 70% of the total amount of recoverable resources in the country comes from the West Siberian oil base. The geographical position of this region has a number of specific features. In particular, the region borders on the economically developed European territory of the country. First of all, this neighborhood provided the basis for the economic development of the basin in its time.

Characteristics of the West Siberian oil base

The deposits present in the basin belong to the deposits of the Cretaceous and Jurassic periods. Most of the resources are located at a depth of 2-3 thousand meters. The oil extracted from the bowels is characterized by a low content of paraffin (up to 0.5%) and sulfur (up to 1.1%). In the raw materials high percent gasoline fractions (40-60%), volatile substances. The Tyumen region acts as a kind of core of the region. It provides more than 70% of raw materials from the volume provided by the West Siberian oil base. Extraction is carried out by gushing or pumping. At the same time, the volume of recoverable reserves by the second method, calculated for the entire territory of the region, is an order of magnitude higher than by the first one.


What areas are known for the West Siberian oil base? The deposits located in this territory are considered one of the richest in the country. Among them:

  • Samotlor.
  • Ust-Balyk.
  • Megion.
  • Strezhevoy.
  • Shaim.

Most of them are located in the Tyumen region. More than 219 million tons of oil are produced here.

Control Structures

The characteristics of the West Siberian oil base are based on the analysis presented by the enterprises involved in the extraction and processing of reserves. The main management companies are also located in the Tyumen region. These include:

  1. Yuganskneftegaz.
  2. Kogalymneftegaz.
  3. Surgutneftegaz.
  4. Noyabrskneftegaz.
  5. Nizhnevartovskneftegaz.

It should be said, however, that, according to experts, the volume of raw materials extracted in Nizhnevartovsk will be significantly reduced.

Economy development

As mentioned above, the West Siberian oil base is adjacent to the large Ural district. At the beginning of the development of the economy, this ensured the influx of labor and equipment to the then undeveloped territories. Another stimulating factor, under the influence of which the West Siberian oil base was developed, was the consumers of the eastern regions. The first industrial volumes of gas were obtained on the territory in 1953. Oil was discovered in 1960. Over the past few decades, the volume of recoverable reserves has increased significantly. So, in 1965 it reached the first million tons. Currently, the main development is in the northern part of the basin. About three hundred deposits have been discovered today.

Features of transportation

The main site for the formation of the flow of resources in the country today, along with the Volga region, is the West Siberian oil base. The method of transportation of raw materials, mainly by rail. Recovered and processed stocks are transported to Southern Urals, Far East and regions of Central Asia. Transportation by water is cheaper and more economical. But it is significantly hampered by the peculiarities of the location of the pools.


This is the most efficient and second most popular route used by the West Siberian Oil Base. Transportation is carried out through a developed network that provides the supply of more than 95% of the total volume of resources. The average transfer distance is about 2.3 thousand km. In general, the network of oil pipelines is presented in the form of two groups of objects unequal in their significance and conditions of management: interregional (regional) and long-distance transit. The first to provide communication between factories and industries. Transit networks integrate oil flows, depersonalizing its specific owner. These pipelines connect a huge number of enterprises and export terminals. They form a technological unified network of regime and economic management. The West Siberian oil base changed the direction of the main flows of raw materials. The most important functions of the subsequent development of the backbone network have now been transferred to it. From this area pipelines are directed to:

  • Ust-Balyk.
  • Mound.
  • Samara.
  • Almetyevsk.
  • Nizhnevartovsk.
  • Novopolotsk.
  • Surgut.
  • Tyumen.
  • Omsk.
  • Pavlodar, etc.

Reasons for the decline of industry in the 90s

Technical methods of extracting resources have been improved throughout the development of the industry. But this process has slowed down considerably. This was due to the extensive path that the oil industry followed during the Soviet period. At that time, the increase in the volume of extracted raw materials was achieved not by automation and the introduction of innovative methods into production, but by the discovery and development of new basins. The problems of the West Siberian oil base today are caused by the aging of technologies. Other reasons for the decline include:

  1. Significant development of large and high-yielding areas of the operated fund and constituting the resource base.
  2. A sharp deterioration in the conditions of newly incremental reserves. In recent years, highly productive deposits have practically not been discovered.
  3. Reducing funding for exploration work. The degree of predicted development of resources in Western Siberia is 35%. Funding has been reduced by 30% since 1989. Drilling volumes have decreased by about the same amount.
  4. An acute shortage of high-performance equipment and units for mining. The main part of the existing equipment is worn out by more than 50%, only 14% of the machines meet international standards. 70% of drilling rigs need to be replaced as soon as possible. After the collapse of the USSR, difficulties began with the supply of equipment from the former republics.

It should also be noted that domestic prices for raw materials remain extremely low today. This significantly complicates the self-financing of extractive enterprises. The lack of environmentally friendly and highly efficient equipment generates environmental pollution. Significant financial resources are involved in eliminating this problem, and at the same time they could participate in the expansion of the industrial sector.


The prospects of the West Siberian oil base, as well as other large resource areas of the country, are linked by the government not with additional state investment, but with the consistent development of the market. Enterprises engaged in the industry need to provide themselves with funds. At the same time, the role of the Government will be to create the necessary economic conditions. Certain steps have already been taken in this direction. So, for example, tasks for state deliveries have been reduced to 20%. The remaining 80% of the enterprise can sell independently. Restrictions are set only for the export of raw materials. In addition, control of the level of domestic prices has been almost completely discontinued.

Shareholding and privatization

These events are of priority importance in the development of the industry today. In the course of corporatization, qualitative changes take place in the organizational forms of enterprises. State-owned companies engaged in oil production and transportation, refining and supply will be transformed into open joint-stock companies. At the same time, 38% of the shares are concentrated in state ownership. Commercial management is carried out by a specially created enterprise "Rosneft". Packages of state shares from 240 JSCs are transferred to him. Rosneft also includes various banks, stock exchanges, associations and other companies. With regard to transportation, special companies have also been formed to manage such enterprises. They are "Transnefteprodukt" and "Transneft". They are given 51% of the securities.

The state of the raw material basis

The West Siberian oil base, like other large resource territories, includes both explored and unexplored reserves. During geological surveys structural analysis of deposits is carried out. Several thousand deposits are expected to be discovered in the near future. However, today the introduction modern methods and technologies is hampered by high capital intensity and operating costs for application in comparison with traditional ones. In this regard, the Ministry of Fuel and Energy is developing proposals for taking a number of measures at the legislative level. They should be aimed at stimulating the use of innovative technologies and methods for enhancing oil recovery. These measures should help to improve the financing of experimental design and research work to create new technological means, the active development of the material and technical base.


The expected production volumes in Western Siberia by 2020 should be 290-315 million tons per year. At the same time, the overall figures for the country should reach 520-600 million tons. Raw materials are supposed to be delivered to the Asia-Pacific countries. They account for about 30% of global consumption. The largest consumers today are China and Japan. A program for 2005-2020 was developed. It provided for the construction of oil pipelines from Eastern Siberia to the Pacific Ocean. It was assumed that the implementation of the project will take place in four stages. Oil transportation was planned in the amount of 80 million tons.


The development of the West Siberian oil base is complicated by three groups of problems. The first of them stems from the inefficient management that was established during the Soviet era. The second group was the result of the liberalization of the economy, the establishment of market relations in the industry. During the change of types of ownership, the authorities lost control over financial flows. This, in turn, led to massive non-payments, barter and other crises. The third group of problems concerns the deterioration of the global market situation. This is due to the overproduction of raw materials. All these problems combined led to a sharp decline in production. The first reversal of this trend was noted in 1997. It was associated with a temporary increase in demand for raw materials in the world market and increased business activity of domestic enterprises. This, in turn, led to an influx foreign investment into the industry. However, today the situation on the world market remains extremely unstable. Supply significantly exceeds demand, which, accordingly, negatively affects prices. In this regard, the countries engaged in the production and processing of oil, as well as their export, are looking for the best ways to get out of the critical situation. Governments and ministries different countries are engaged in a constant dialogue on the current situation. Currently, the issue of a temporary decrease in production volumes is being actively discussed. According to the exporting countries, this will balance prices in the market.

"Retail electricity market" - SE: 120 days before the date of approval (no later than April 1). D) the deadline for the buyer to fulfill the obligation to pay for electricity (payment deadline). The calculation formula is as follows (continued - 6). new. Limit level unregulated power prices. Free purchase amount. loss.

"Fuel and Energy Complex" - Main oil production area: Nakhodka Vladivostok Murmansk St. Petersburg Arkhangelsk Dudinka Novorossiysk Vostochny. Coal industry. Coal shale oil peat natural gas brown coal. Importance of the fuel and energy complex Composition of the fuel and energy complex Fuel industries. Astrakhanskoye Yamburg Urengoy Ukhta Shaim Shtokmanovskoe Orenburgskoe Medvezhye Bovanenkovskoe.

"Production of methanol" - Production of methanol at the point of consumption. Storage. Raw methanol. Generation of superheated steam with an energy content of 15–18% of the source gas. Installation options. Electricity consumption - 700 kW (450 kWh / tn). Synthesis of methanol. Tons per year ~ 500 tons. Rectification. Technology system methanol production.

"Cross-subsidization" - 3-year binding contracts with SOEs. Total need for budget subsidies by 2015. Development of a system of targeted support measures for the population in 2011-2014. Regulated prices until 2014 (no time limit). Gradual rise in prices to economically justified. level Since 2015 - at free prices. Suppliers of electric energy (capacity).

"Wholesale electricity market" - PPP = fact. 14. The ratio of RSV and BR for the supplier. Interoperability Agreement (“POA”). The contractual system of the WEM balancing market. money under RD 100. Buyer (any WEM participant). Will sell 40 at RSV under a sales commission agreement Buy 70 at BR under a sale and purchase agreement. Will buy 30 at RSV under a sale and purchase agreement Will buy 20 at BR under a sale and purchase agreement.

About 30 billion tons of oil are produced annually in the world (as of 2014). By oil production have some advantage developing countries(due to the countries of the Persian Gulf). Among the regions of the world, the leadership of overseas Asia is indisputable, followed by North America and Latin America.

In 2014 the world's largest oil producers were:

  1. USA (more than 4 billion tons);
  2. Russia (almost 4 billion tons);
  3. Saudi Arabia (about 3.5 billion tons). material from the site

Other major oil producers are China, Canada, Iran, UAE, Iraq, Mexico, Kuwait, producing more than 1 billion tons.

Currently, about 30% of oil is produced on the sea shelf (Persian, Gulf of Mexico and Guinea, North, Okhotsk and South China Seas).

About 40% of the oil produced in the world enters the world market. The largest in the world oil exporters are member countries of OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries): Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, Iran, Nigeria, Algeria, Venezuela, Indonesia, etc., as well as Russia, Mexico, Canada and Norway, and importers— Europe, Japan and the USA.

Oil is mainly transported in the world by sea tanker fleet, and from Russia - mainly through oil pipelines. Main oil cargo flows go in the following directions:

  • Persian Gulf Western Europe;
  • Persian Gulf → Japan;
  • Persian Gulf → USA;
  • Russia → Eastern and Western Europe;
  • Mexico and Venezuela → USA;
  • Canada → USA;
  • Southeast Asia → Japan;
  • Southeast Asia → China;
  • North Africa → Western Europe;
  • Western and Central Africa → Western Europe, USA, Brazil.

On this page, material on the topics:

  • Oil industry of the world in 2014

  • Brief summary about the oil industry

  • Geography of the oil industry of the world

  • Oil industry summary

  • Brief report on the topic of the oil industry

Questions about this item:

  • Determining the type of climate according to the climatogram
  • 8 - 9 grade

    10-11 grade

    P lan characteristics of the industry of the world economy

      Dimensions of production with distribution by main geographic regions.

      Environmental and ecological problems arising in connection with the development of the industry.

    P lan characteristics of the EGP of the country (region)

    1. EGP change in time.

    Country Characteristics Plan

      What maps should be used to describe a country?

      Geographical position of the country

        In what part of the continent is the country located?

        Neighboring countries;

        The name of the capital;

      Features of nature

        Relief (the general nature of the surface, the main forms of relief and the distribution of heights). Mineral resources of the country.

        Climatic conditions in different parts of the country (climatic zones, average temperatures in July and January, annual rainfall). Differences by territory and by seasons.

        Major rivers and lakes.

        Natural zones and their main features.

    1. Population of the country:
      1. The peoples inhabiting the country (what, location, external features);
      2. Basic lessons.

    Mountain country description plan

    1. Decide which cards are needed for the description.
    2. In what part of the mainland are they located?
    3. In what direction are they pulling?
    4. What is their approximate length?
    5. Mountain height?
    6. The highest peak, its name, height, coordinates.

    River description plan
    1. In what part of the mainland does it flow?
    2. Where does it start? Where does it fall? large tributaries.
    3. In what direction is it flowing?
    4. Explain the dependence of the nature of the flow on the relief.
    5. Determine the source of the river.
    6. What is the regime of the river and how does it depend on the climate?

    Natural area description plan

    1. Geographic location of the zone.
    2. Climatic conditions.
    3. Soils.
    4. Vegetation.
    5. Animal world.

      Note: When describing a natural area, reveal the relationships between the components of its nature.

    Population description plan

    1. What peoples inhabit the study area?
    2. What parts of the mainland or other territory are most densely populated? What is the average population density?
    3. Where are the populations sparse? What is the lowest density?

      Note: used card<Плотность населения и народы>.

    Climate description plan

    1. In what climate zone, and in what area is the territory located?
    2. Average temperatures in July and January. In what direction are they changing and why?
    3. Prevailing winds (by season) and air masses.
    4. Annual precipitation and their regime. What explains the difference in rainfall?

    Plan for describing the geographical position of the mainland

    1. Determine how the mainland is located relative to the equator, the tropics (arctic circles) and the zero meridian.
    2. Find the extreme points of the mainland, determine their coordinates and the length of the mainland in degrees and kilometers from north to south and from west to east.
    3. In what climate zones is the mainland located?
    4. Determine which oceans and seas wash the mainland.
    5. How is the mainland relative to other continents?
    6. GP features.

    Determining the type of climate from diagrams

    1. Carefully consider all the symbols on the diagram. (The months of the year, through one, are indicated by letters.) What can you learn from it?
    2. Find out the annual course of temperatures. What are the average temperatures in July and January? What is the annual temperature range?
    3. How much precipitation is typical for this type of climate? What is the rainfall pattern during the year?
    4. Make a conclusion about the type of climate.

    Performance planbranches of the world economy:

    1. The importance of the industry in the world economy, its sectoral composition, the impact of scientific and technological revolution on its development.

    2. Raw and fuel resources of the industry and their distribution.

    3. Dimensions of production with distribution by main regions.

    4. main producing countries.

    5. Main regions and centers of production; factors that determined the location of the industry in these areas.

    6. Environmental and ecological problems arising in connection with the development of the industry.

    7. Main countries (regions) of product export. The main countries (regions) of imports of products. The most important cargo flows.

    8. Prospects for the development and location of the industry.

    Performance planEGP of the country (region):

    1. Position in relation to neighboring countries.

    2. Position in relation to the main land and sea transport routes.

    3. Position in relation to the main fuel and raw material bases, industrial and agricultural regions.

    4. Position in relation to the main sales areas.

    5. EGP change in time.

    6. General conclusion about the influence of the EGP on the development and distribution of the country's economy.

    Plan of characteristics of agriculture of the country (region):

    1. The value of the industry and the size of products.

    2. Natural conditions for the development of the industry.

    3. Features of agrarian relations.

    4. The structure of the industry, the ratio of crop production and animal husbandry.

    5. Geography of plant growing and animal husbandry, agricultural regions (zones).

    6. Dependence of the country on exports and imports of agricultural products.

    7. General conclusion and prospects for the development of the industry.

    Plan of characteristics of the population of the country (region):

    1. Number, type of population reproduction, demographic policy.

    2. Age and sex composition of the population, availability of labor resources.

    3. National (ethnic) composition of the population.

    4. The social class composition of the population.

    5. The main features of the distribution of the population, the impact of migration on this distribution.

    6. Levels, rates and forms of urbanization, main cities and urban agglomerations.

    7.WITHspruce settlement.

    8. General conclusion. Prospects for population growth and labor supply.

    Performance planindustriescountry (region):

    1. The importance of the industry and the size of its products.

    2. Natural prerequisites for the development of the industry.

    3. Industry structure.

    4. The main factors influencing the location of the industry, and the main features of its geography; sectoral industrial areas.

    10. General conclusion; development prospects.

    How to make and analyze a cartogram.

    1. Mark on the contour map the boundaries of those territories that are to be analyzed.

    2. Analyze a statistical or other source of indicators for the cartogram, enter the necessary indicators.

    3. Group these indicators into certain intervals.

    4. Create a cartogram legend in which darker tones or thicker shading will reflect a greater intensity of the phenomenon, and vice versa.

    5. Apply coloring or hatching to the contour map.

    6. Analyze charts and draw conclusions.

    Performance planindividual country (simple):

    1. The main features of the EGP.

    2. Economic assessment of natural conditions and resources.

    3. The main features of reproduction, structure and distribution of the population.

    4. General characteristics of the economy.

    5. The main features of the location of the industry.

    6. The main features of the accommodation Agriculture.

    7. The main features of the geography of transport.

    8. main economic regions.

    9. The role and geography of foreign economic relations.

    General conclusion; development prospects

    Plan for describing the relief of the territory

    • What is the general character of the surface, what forms of relief prevail and why.
    • Name the plains, their average and maximum height, location within the study area.
    • Name the mountains, their height, location, age, the highest peak, its name and height.
    • What minerals is rich, explain the location.

    Plan for describing the geographical position of the river

    • In which part of the mainland does the river flow?
    • What does the name of the river mean
    • Where does it start
    • Where does it flow
    • Which direction is it flowing
    • Explain the nature of the river flow depending on the terrain
    • Mark the location of rivers and lakes in relation to the terrain
    • Identify the river's sources of food
    • What is the regime of the river and how does it depend on the climate
    • Determine the historical and economic importance of the river

    Plan for describing the geographical position of the mainland

    • The location of the mainland relative to
      • equator
      • tropics
      • polar circles
      • prime meridian
    • The extreme points of the mainland, their coordinates, the length of the mainland in degrees and kilometers from north to south and from west to east
    • In what climatic zones is the mainland located?
    • Oceans and seas washing the mainland, rivers and lakes
    • Large physical-geographical regions within the mainland
      • mountain systems
      • plains
      • desert
    • The location of the mainland relative to other continents

    Approximate map express analysis plan:

    1. Basic information of the map (phenomenon under study, process).
    2. Methods of information transfer.
    Z. Territorial distribution (distribution) of a phenomenon, process.
    4. The main reasons for the uneven distribution of the phenomenon, process.
    5. Minimum and maximum indicators of the studied phenomenon, process.
    6. If available: export import of raw materials products.
    7. General conclusion.

    Ocean description plan

    1. The name of the ocean and its dimensions.

    2. The position of the ocean relative to the equator and the prime meridian.

    3. What and where washes the ocean.

    4. Neighborhood with other oceans.

    5. The largest seas and bays.

    6. Average and maximum depth of the ocean.

    7. The most important warm and cold currents.

    8. The use of the ocean by man, the most important transport routes.

    9. Conclusion about features geographical location ocean

    Sea description plan

    1. The name of the sea.
    2. Dimensions - length from north to south and from west to east.
    3. The geographical position of the sea, in which part of which ocean it is located, what and where it washes.
    4. Inner or marginal
    5. Average and maximum sea depth.
    6. largest islands.
    7. Biological and mineral resources of the sea.
    8. Human activity.

    Plan of characteristics of the plain

    1. name of the plain
    2. Length from north to south and from west to east
    3. The geographical position of the plain:

    What part of the mainland is
    - with what landforms and where it borders
    - what and where is washed

    4. Average and maximum height.

    5. Minerals.

    Plan for the characteristics of the economic region

    1. The composition of the territory.
    2. EGP of the region: in what part of the country it is located, type of geographical location, with whom and where it borders, with what and where it is washed, conclusion: highlight favorable and unfavorable features.
    3. Natural conditions and resources, conclusion about the resource availability of the area.
    4. Characteristics of the population: size, location, reproduction, gender, age, ethnic and religious composition, level of urbanization, largest cities, features of migration and labor resources.
    5. Branches of industry specialization, factors of specialization, major centers.
    6. The structure of agriculture, the main agricultural regions and branches of specialization of agriculture.
    7. Features of transport, types, main highways, major transport hubs.
    8. Problems and prospects for the development of the region.

    City description plan

    1. Geographical position.
    2. A brief history of the development of the city: the time of formation, the main historical events in the life of the city.
    3. Functional type of the city and its importance in the economy of the country.
    4. Population of the city: population, characteristics of gender, age, national and religious composition of the population and character traits labor resources.
    5. Branches of specialization of industry, the most important industrial enterprises.
    6. Transport: features of the development of the transport hub and urban transport.
    7. Non-production sphere: the largest scientific and educational institutions, museums, theaters, etc.
    8. Problems and prospects of city development.

    Weather description plan

    1. For what period of time (day, week, month) the description is given.
    2. The highest, lowest and average air temperature, the pattern of temperature changes over a specified period of time.
    3. Precipitation, its total amount, type of precipitation and time of occurrence.
    4. Cloudiness, distribution of cloudiness by day, its changes during the day.
    5. Atmospheric pressure. Change in pressure.
    6. The impact of weather on people's health, their lives and activities.
    7. The similarity of the observed weather with the long-term climatic norm or deviation from it.