Why home loans do not approve. Reviews of consumer loans from Home Credit Bank

Home Credit Bank assesses solvency both using a scoring model using a computer and an expert model when. In the latter case, not only statistical data from the bank’s database is taken into account, but also socio-demographic indicators.

They evaluate the presence/absence of late payments, the age of the borrower, his regular income, registration at the place of application and other similar data.

What does the credit limit depend on?

Size credit limit determined for each borrower individually. What matters here is the lending period, the expenses/income of the client and his family, and the size of the desired loan. It is also important whether the borrower has collaborated with Home Credit Bank before and how this cooperation took place. Regular reliable clients and owners salary cards banks receive a larger limit.

The following rule applies to Home Credit. The size of the credit load on all members of the client’s family should not exceed 40% of total income. Salaries and other sources of income of family members are taken into account as an additional source for repayment. This means they are a plus. The credit card limit initially, as a rule, is two salaries. If the client is verified, then he can receive a larger amount. Subsequently, if there are no delays, the limits are increased.

What are the possible reasons for loan refusals?

You can get a refusal from Home Credit Bank for various reasons. The most common of them are late payments on past and current loans. A damaged credit history also has a negative impact on others. banking organizations. If you don't have a work or landline phone, then this is also a minus. If you receive an express loan and a specialist evaluates your appearance, problems may arise. You may seem to a bank employee to be unreliable and not a financially capable borrower.

If you did not receive a loan, the matter may be due to incorrect processing. Or that you provided false documents, false information about yourself. Even if you repay loans from other banks in good faith, if there are many such loans, you may be refused. Negative factors include a criminal record, difficulties with the employer or the company itself, a high credit load, and a discrepancy between income and expenses. These are just the most popular reasons for refusal. In fact, there are many more of them.

What should a borrower do to avoid being denied a Home Loan?

In order not to face a refusal at Home Credit Bank, provide as much truthful information as possible. Keep your credit history clean, including credit cards. If you have a credit card and don't use it, close it. If there are delays, you can try to explain the reason for their occurrence.

There is no need to declare too much income. For example, you want to get a loan of 20 thousand rubles for three to four months, but at the same time indicate that your income level is at least 150 thousand - refusal awaits you in most cases.

Before contacting Home Credit, use its online loan calculator, and only after that choose the best loan product. You can also consult with bank specialists. Providing collateral or a guarantor is an opportunity to increase the chances of receiving a loan. To avoid wasting time, you can submit your application virtually. If you receive a refusal online, you will receive the same answer at the institution itself.

Watch how you wear when you visit the bank. In the case of assessing borrowers using an expert model this moment important. Don't try to insist on your creditworthiness. If you receive a refusal, the organization’s employees will not make another decision.

At Home Credit, in addition to loan insurance, they impose without warning another insurance, which is included in the loan amount. If the loan insurance can be returned within 2 weeks, then the second insurance is not returned at all.

Galina Consumer loans Rating: 2

In addition to taking out loan insurance, they impose another insurance without warning you about it. The amount of the second insurance is included in the loan amount. If the loan insurance can be returned within two weeks, then the second insurance is not returned at all.

Bank division
Additional office 34/06 Kamyshin, st. Lenina, 19

Sergey Consumer loans Rating: 5

Good bank! As they write below that the insurance is not refundable, I personally canceled it the next day without any problems and transferred the amount to early repayment. On the day the funds were written off under the contract, I received a notification and a new payment schedule. I only paid 3 more payments, so far everything is fair!!!

Now I’m waiting for the promised rate reduction to 11 percent in 6 months. If this happens, then it will be simply magic.

Igor Consumer loans Rating: No

Deception! The insurance money was not returned. The agent girl is sitting and says until you pay, we won’t give away the insurance. I paid now you are not entitled to insurance. They are deceiving people!

When applying for the loan, the possibility of early partial repayment was discussed. The My Loan application has such a function. They write that the application has been accepted, but repayment is not taking place.

Anonymously Consumer loans Rating: No

When applying for the loan, the possibility of early partial repayment was discussed. The My Loan application has such a function. They write that the application for partial early repayment has been accepted, but repayment is not taking place.

I'm thinking of stopping paying altogether. As they are to me, so am I to them.

Anonymously Consumer loans Rating: No

Pah-pah-pah, I’m paying off a loan for the 3rd time - this is the most adequate bank. Everything is fast, simple, no problems - whatever amount you need to pay - I pay it, everything is written off on time and clearly. Nothing extra. The interest rates are really high + insurance, but when you need money urgently, you don’t have to choose.

Other banks make you want to hang yourself even at the stage of applying for a loan.

I took out a loan twice, not one mistake in payment! Here in Maykop I had to apply and they approved 800 thousand. I’m telling you I don’t need that much, I asked for 200, they refused. Strange!

Andrey Consumer loans Rating: 1

Strange bank! I took out a loan twice, not one mistake in payment! Here in Maykop I had to apply and 800 thousand were approved! I say I don’t need that much, I asked for 200 and they refused! Strange!

Hello Andrei!
The offer from the bank was preliminary; the exact decision will be known only after submitting the application. Don't worry, you can apply again.
We will be glad to cooperate.

Lyudmila Consumer loans Rating: 1

I don't recommend it this bank to no one. High interest rates, although the SMS when they offer to take out a loan indicates a different interest rate, more optimal. Then, as the bank employee explains, each person has an individual loan rate.

They are cunning in imposing additional services, enabling SMS notifications. But the most important thing is that they do not have insurance. And then it turns out that she is present and not small.

The insurance is designed in such a way that you don’t have to sign it, it comes as an insert, an addition to the contract. In general, complete disappointment in this bank. Think before applying for a loan from this bank.

Hello, Lyudmila!

An exact decision on the application can be obtained only after sending it to the bank; a preliminary decision is sent to you via SMS. Any services are connected only at your request and you can disable them.

SMS is turned off at any time by calling the bank or you can write, for example, in chat. And the insurance service is provided within 14 days from the date of execution of the contract.

We really hope that your opinion will change and we will continue cooperation.
Sincerely, Home Credit Bank.

They gave it at 11%, but it turned out to be 19%. They imposed insurance, an SMS package, and withheld 15,000 from the loan amount without explaining why. And where did they get so many evil employees from?

Vasilyeva Zoya Consumer loans Rating: No

We took out a loan in Cheboksary at the main office. They gave it at 11%, but it turned out to be 19%. They imposed insurance, an SMS package, and withheld 15,000 from the loan amount without explaining why. And where did they get so many evil employees from? The administrator is not competent. In general, you shouldn’t waste your nerves and money there.

We are very sorry that your opinion about the bank has become like this(
Most likely, you had an offer from a bank with a rate of 11% per annum, and you can find out the exact decision after submitting your application.
All services can be disabled, insurance can be obtained at a bank office or partner store upon application, and SMS can be obtained by calling hotline or by writing to us in the chat, or in the bank’s official group on social networks.
Sincerely, Home Credit Bank.

Karina Consumer loans Rating: 1

Simply disgusting customer service! I was approved for a cash loan and had to sign an agreement in my personal account. Since I don't need the option " financial protection", I called the hotline, they told me that when I signed the contract, I could refuse this service. But if suddenly you don’t succeed, Vyacheslav told me very politely, then you will call us back and we will turn it off for you.

I sign the contract, of course there was no opportunity to refuse, and call the hotline back. There, no less polite Victoria tells me that I can only do this at the bank office, and also assures me...
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Hello! When signing loan documentation through Personal Area, you just need to uncheck the box next to this service.
If you missed it, you can cancel it at the bank office or partner store upon application.

All conversations in the bank are recorded and, if necessary, we can listen to them.

Sincerely, Home Credit Bank.

Svetlana Consumer loans Rating: 1

I submitted an application for a cash loan from this bank, but it ended up being rejected and incessant calls from companies like “Bystrodengi” and so on. It turns out that the bank blatantly sent my personal data to all these institutions, I did not give consent to this. I didn’t hear anything sensible in response from the bank - each operator speaks in his own way, as if they work for different companies.

One said partners, another laughed and said that they are not partners at all, the third generally said “They’ll call and stop,” it’s useless to write in the chat, each operator gives a couple of vague answers and closes the dialogue.

I will never contact this lousy bank again and I don’t advise you, don’t...
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Good afternoon, Svetlana.

Please clarify, did you submit your application on the website? When submitting an application in this way, you check the appropriate box and in case of refusal, your data is sent to other credit institutions.
We apologize for any inconvenience.

Home Credit Bank.

Anastasia Consumer loans Rating: 1

I don’t think this is 1000% fair. I am your client, as I was told over the phone, “loyal.” I’m telling you my situation so that people who decide to take a loan from you know about the work of your operators.

I decided to take out the nth amount of money on credit from your bank, and they even approved it for me. Everything is fine. But based on the bank’s response, I had to call/write myself, since your bank does not provide feedback to customers on the response. Also, no one informed me that in order to receive money (in cash) I need a 2-personal income tax certificate. Okay, I called the hotline to find out for what period...
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Good afternoon, Anastasia.

To check the information, please clarify your data and a detailed description of the situation in our official VKontakte group.
Please note that the approval of an application is influenced by many factors, but not by the presence/absence of 2NDFL certificates. Applications do not affect credit history.

Home Credit Bank.

Anton Consumer loans Rating: 1

The application offers a loan at a rate of 10.9%, but in fact it is 23.8%. After the application, the call center employee calls and says: thank you, the rate is high - not interesting. To which they ask the question: how do you understand the rate of 23.8%. How should I understand it? How should I even answer this question?

I wanted to ask the quality control department, but they don’t give this number in the application - they just avoid answering. The employee does not appear until you write 3 messages to the automatic bot, and when the employee arrives (which happens through Nth quantity time), contacts are not provided.

Good afternoon.

The application displays the minimum rate from which registration is possible. After submitting the documents, the bank informs you what conditions it offers.
Then the decision is yours!

Best regards, Bank
Home Credit.

Andrianov Andrey Viktorovich Consumer loans Rating: 2

Olga Consumer loans Rating: No

On October 17, 2018, I became the owner of a bank installment card. How it all started: I decided to buy furniture. I made my choice and since it was not possible to immediately buy the furniture I had chosen, I turned to a bank specialist for clarification - to calculate the approximate monthly payment to the bank, subject to the conclusion loan agreement for 6 months.

The bank specialist made a preliminary calculation and told me the approximate amount of the monthly payment. Monthly payment provided that a loan agreement was concluded for 6 months, I was satisfied and I asked the bank specialist to begin processing the loan agreement.

But the girl, a bank specialist, suggested that I take an installment card, convincing me that I would pay...
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Hello Olga!
We are also extremely upset that you found yourself in such a situation; there may have been a misunderstanding (With the Installment Card, you can make purchases from partners for up to 12 months. Also, we have a 10-month promotion for your first purchase.
If possible, write to us in any official group of the bank on social networks, we will figure out why this happened.

Home Credit Bank.

They fraudulently imposed a second insurance policy. They said if you receive 60 thousand now, then in 10 days you will receive another 16 thousand. I received 76 thousand, but I will pay 86 thousand.

Vladimir Consumer loans Rating: No

They fraudulently imposed a second insurance policy on me. They said if you receive 60 thousand now, then in 10 days you will receive another 16 thousand. I received 76 thousand, but I will pay 86 thousand. When I could get 70 thousand and return another 16 thousand insurance, in total I would get 86 thousand, not 76 thousand.

Bank division
Additional office 55/04 Omsk, Mira Ave., 48

Hello, Vladimir!
We apologize for the situation, we don’t understand a little what happened in the end. Write us a more detailed situation and your details to the bank’s official group on social networks (Vkontakte, Twitter, Facebook, Odnoklassniki), we will definitely sort it out.

Home Credit Bank.

Natalia Consumer loans Rating: No

Very large percentage on credit and fraud early repayment. They charged interest for the next month, although the loan was closed 4 days before the end of the month. To the question “why?” They didn’t answer anything worthwhile. Only, the program thinks so.

After a year of loan repayments, it turned out that I only paid interest, and the loan decreased by a tiny amount. Insurance is not refundable. In general, this is out of the question.

Deception and rip-off. The bank's rating is a big, big MINUS.

I received a loan for 3 years at 28.8%, I pay my entire pension every month. Ugliness. Stop deceiving people.

Elena Consumer loans Rating: 1

REVIEW BAD. I received a loan for 3 years at 28.8%, I pay my entire pension every month. UGLINESS. STOP CHEATING PEOPLE!

Daria Consumer loans Rating: No

In December 2017, I took out a fairly large amount of money from HomeCredit Bank for two years; the lending specialist said that if I paid it off earlier, I would pay interest for the duration of the loan. I paid for 8 months, the interest was charged in full, as for two years. I made the full payment, took the invoice from the specialist, and paid. I came for a certificate of full repayment of the loan, I owe another 500 rubles. Horror.

This is not a bank, this is an organization that deceives and the specialists are the same. I advise everyone, after full payment of the debt to the “bank”, to withdraw your personal data with an application.

Take the second copy signed by the bank employee and keep this document. Good luck to you!

Marina Consumer loans Rating: 1

Hello. The bank deceived me and is charging interest for late payment, although I made the payment two weeks before the recommended payment. Let me start with the fact that in July I took 2 goods in installments from Eldorado, signed them with different contracts, the bill was the same. I immediately downloaded the My Credit app to pay with my Sberbank card online.

I went into the application for the first time, checked all the functions, there was early repayment of the loan, partial repayment loan, clicked, I received a notification that your application will be considered, that’s all. Then about two weeks passed, I received my salary and immediately paid off two loans; I’ll tell you right away that the payments were for different contracts.

Home Credit does not return credit insurance and the bank does not notify about the return of insurance. Don't trust the bank, be careful.

Lyudmila Consumer loans Rating: 2

Attention! Home Credit does not return credit insurance and the bank does not notify about the return of insurance. Don't trust the bank, be careful.

Bank division
Additional office 34/05 Volzhsky, Lenin Ave., 71

Ramin Consumer loans Rating: No

When filling online applications for a loan, there is an error in the application form. At least you can figure out for yourself how we should fill it out.

Yuri Consumer loans Rating: No

I am a resident of Togliatti and am writing an extremely negative review about a bank employee, an authorized employee at the Eldorado store, Alexander Sergeevich Repin. 673619.

In order to get a loan for the phone I bought, this person deceived me into getting a loan from this bank at 19.53% per annum, assuring me that if I repaid early, the amount would be 2,000 rubles less than the store price.

If this deception is not the general policy of the bank, then this authorized representative Repin A.S. undermines the authority of the bank and should not work for it. For my part, I will never again contact the services of Home Credit Bank in the future, and I will not recommend it to my friends.

Shubakin Yu.A.

Natalia Consumer loans Rating: 1

A terrible bank, their payment amount does not decrease, but for some reason increases every month. It was calculated at 37,000 and something, I paid the payment, made 3960 and that for the next month I have the amount for full repayment turned out to be even larger than before.

This is how they know how to rob people, we work, we ruin our health, and they live so calmly, at our expense they treat their clients very dishonestly, deceive them and how.

They put us on meager payments, they force us to take out these loans of theirs, and they also deceive us. NEVER CONTACT THIS BANK, THEY ARE EVEN WORSE RECRUITERS TINKOFF.

You can purchase (order) the goods (services) you like, even without large savings, by applying for a Home Credit consumer loan in cash or non-cash form. Let's figure out what conditions it imposes Home Credit Bank to its clients, from how many years they give loans, and what nuances you need to know about.

Consumer loans from Home Credit Bank are issued only to individuals and are intended for any purpose (purchase of a car or telephone, building materials, household appliances, travel, etc.). Home Credit Bank does not exercise control over the use of the issued loan.

The loan is issued without providing real estate or movable property as collateral, no guarantors are required. Among the documents you must present a citizen's passport Russian Federation and SNILS (optional).

If a consumer loan is issued by a citizen who has stopped working and retired, then in addition to the passport, it is necessary to attach to the application pensioner's ID(if it is absent, a certificate of pension accrual).

Requirements for clients

Get a consumer loan in Russian bank Home Loan is available to individuals who meet the following requirements:

  • Age. From 22 to 64 years (the maximum age is determined at the time of full repayment of the debt);
  • Official employment. The length of service with the last employer must be at least 90 days;
  • Permanent registration. If the borrower is registered in the subject of the Russian Federation where the bank branch is located, then there will be no problems.

Home Credit Bank specialists before making the final decision on applying for a consumer loan, determining its size and interest rate, request information from the BKI about the citizen’s credit status.

Damaged CI (credit history) is a basis for refusing to issue a loan for individuals. What can ruin your credit history? Several other unpaid loans, delinquencies and litigation with other creditors.

Credit programs

By contacting Home Credit Bank, you can get not only a pos loan, but also a consumer loan for personal needs. There is no need to inform the bank in advance about the purpose of spending the funds. You decide for yourself how and what to spend the money on.

Today Home Credit Bank offers two credit products, differing in terms of provision:

Note! Special offer The credit institution operates for deposit holders and reliable borrowers - they are provided with a consumer loan at a minimum rate.

Verified borrowers include citizens who previously took out a consumer loan from Home Credit Bank and paid it off on time without delays. If you are a holder salary card Home Credit, then the lending conditions will be many times more profitable. To select a program, we recommend using an online calculator.

How to get a loan in 3 steps?

To apply for a consumer loan from Home Credit, you don’t need to collect a large set of documents and wait several days for a response; you just need to follow 3 simple steps:

1) Fill inonline application and click the “Complete” button.

You must specify:

  1. full name,
  2. email address (if available),
  3. date of birth,
  4. passport details,
  5. Mobile phone number.

Note! By submitting an application for consideration, you consent to the processing of the entered information, as well as making a request in your name to the BKI (Credit History Bureau).

2) Find out what decision Home Credit Bank made(it is displayed instantly), and if you have received approval, then select the most suitable lending conditions at a time convenient for you.

3) Wait for the money to be transferred. You will receive funds on the same day you use online banking.

The main thing is to provide reliable information when filling out the online form, since the entered data without visiting the office influences the decision to issue a consumer loan. On specified number An SMS message with a verification code will be sent to your phone.

Debt repayment methods

The credit organization Home Credit offers not only simple conditions obtaining a consumer loan, but also simple conditions for debt repayment. The loan taken out is repaid in equal payments, with interest paid first and then the principal.

Please note that once during the term of the loan agreement, the bank management agrees to change the date of the monthly payment. A great opportunity for those who pay off several loans at once.

Debt repayment methods:

  • Through the official website of Home Credit Bank using personal or credit office(Internet banking);
  • At cash desks located in branches credit institutions(offices are located in absolutely all regions of the Russian Federation);
  • When transferring wages(you must apply to the accounting department at your place of work);
  • Other methods are using cash-in ATMs and through the cash desks of other banks, but a commission may apply.

In addition to the listed methods, the borrower can use electronic payment systems and Russian Post services to transfer payments to repay a consumer loan.