Can I cancel credit card insurance? Credit card insurance.

Not many users are aware that when issuing cards, banks give out travel insurance policies with protection up to $150,000 as a gift. As a rule, insurance is issued separately, so the number of recipients is small. But it makes sense to learn more about profitable credit cards that provide free insurance.

Clients who travel actively have long been using cards that provide for the accumulation of miles. By making more purchases on them, you can quickly become the owner of a gift ticket. As a rule, obtaining a visa in many countries is accompanied by the need to purchase an insurance policy, the cost of which is affected by several parameters, but the main ones are the duration of the trip, activity and the amount of the insurance amount. Let's say the cheapest policy is 30 days for traveling around America, its cost is 2567 rubles. If the tourist's plans are connected with active sports, then the cost of insurance will increase by 2 times and will amount to 5135 rubles. A large number of trips is always associated with high insurance costs.

They can be avoided with a credit or debit card. Banks mainly offer to use free annual policies if the client draws up preferred Gold or Platinum cards. Often this is indicated in the offers of the bank, however, when issuing a card, rarely will anyone remind the client about the possibility of obtaining insurance. It is issued separately at the bank office or through the bank's Internet application, and a foreign passport is required.

Often, outwardly, the policy is an ordinary paper sheet printed on a printer. The policy is a protection not only for the owner of the card, but sometimes for his relatives in the amount of $50 to $150. Insurance is accepted in order to apply for a visa and in the future, going abroad, you must always take it with you. In some cases, the policy is valid only if the client paid for the trip with a card on which the bank issued insurance.

Usually the policy is not valid in countries where there are security problems. For example, where the fighting is taking place, where a state of emergency has been declared or a visit to the state was not recommended by the Russian Foreign Ministry. On the eve of the trip, insurers advise customers to carefully read the insured events for which they can receive compensation.

Top 10 cheapest cards to get free insurance

The easiest way to get acquainted with them is according to the scheme: No. - Bank - card name - Insurance conditions - Cost of service.

1. Bank Avangard - Airbonus Any country, except for the Russian Federation. Each trip cannot be longer than 60 days. Compensation for lost luggage, active sports protection and medical coverage up to 60,000 euros. The unconditional franchise is $40. The cost of annual maintenance is 1 thousand rubles.

2. Moscow Industrial Bank - Visa Classic Voyage Any country. Compensation for medical expenses in the amount of up to $ 50 thousand. The cost of annual maintenance is 1190 rubles.

3. Novikombank - Novicomcard Gold Any country except Russia. Trips must not exceed 60 days. Compensation for lost luggage, flight delays, trip cancellations and medical expenses in the amount of up to $ 100 thousand. The cost of annual maintenance is 1.2 thousand rubles.

4. Tinkoff bank - All Airlines Valid for trips abroad no longer than 45 days. The policy is a guarantee of compensation if the trip is canceled or interrupted ahead of schedule, as well as in case of theft of property, loss of luggage, medical expenses in the amount of up to $ 50 thousand. The cost of annual maintenance is 1890 rubles.

5. Promsvyazbank - Visa Gold Valid worldwide, except for the Russian Federation. Accident insurance during a trip abroad, compensation for medical expenses up to 50 thousand euros. The cost of annual maintenance is 2590 rubles.

6. Raiffeisenbank - Travel Rewards Card Valid in any country incl. and the Russian Federation, provided that the trip lasts no longer than 30 days. The policy is also valid for the spouse of the cardholder. Compensation for various medical expenses, incl. injuries sustained while playing active sports. The maximum threshold for the amount of coverage is 50 thousand euros. Annual maintenance - 2990 rubles.

7. Uralsib - Visa Gold Any country, except for the Russian Federation. Compensation for lost luggage, flight delays, trip cancellations and medical expenses up to EUR 71,000. Annual maintenance - 2999 rubles.

8. Russian standard - Transaero American Express Gold Any country. Insured events include death or injury. The maximum amount of coverage is $150,000. Emergency medical assistance is up to $500. The cost of annual maintenance is 3 thousand rubles.

9. Alfa Bank - Alfa-Miles Signature Light During a trip abroad, the cardholder and his family members (up to 5 children) are insured. Insured events include: trip cancellation, medical expenses, you can insure purchased goods. The maximum coverage threshold is $150 thousand. The cost of annual maintenance is 3.5 thousand rubles.

10. VTB24 - World map Any country + 100 km from home in Russia. Insured events include: death, injury, trip cancellation, etc. The maximum threshold for the amount of coverage is $150 thousand. The cost of annual maintenance is 0 / 4.2 thousand rubles.

Leadership in the rating belongs to the Airbonus credit card offered by Avangard Bank. The plastic card holder becomes the owner of the insurance policy of the company "Welfare". The insurance is valid for up to 60 days for each foreign trip and provides compensation for emergency medical care in the amount of up to 60 thousand euros, emergency dental care - up to 150 euros, accident insurance - up to 20 thousand euros, medical transportation - up to 30 thousand euros and loss of luggage - up to 500 euros. The cost of annual maintenance of the card together with the listed protection is 1 thousand rubles.

The second place belongs to the Moscow Industrial Bank and the Visa Classic Voyage card, which can cover medical expenses for $50,000 with an annual service cost of 1,190 rubles. 10 rubles more expensive - the cost of servicing a debit card from Novikombank, but the maximum amount of payments in the event of an insured event is $ 100 thousand.

Some insurances have an unconditional deductible of $40-60. If an insured event occurs, the cardholder himself pays this amount, and the insurance company pays the rest.

Third place in the list of the most profitable cards "Map of the World", provided by VTB24 Bank. Along with foreign trips, the validity of the insurance policy is valid at a distance of at least 100 km from home in Russia. Maintenance of the card is free of charge, with monthly expenses on it over 35 thousand rubles.

Alexandra Maksimova

especially for

Today, you no longer need a reason to take a credit card. Today we need a reason not to take it. "Take me! Oh please! Well, what are you worth?" - invitingly beckon cards of various colors on street banners, pages of hundreds of newspapers and thousands of websites. And this pleasure is worth a lot. But you can cut your credit card payments. For example, if you refuse insurance.

Credit card insurance usually comes in three types:

  • insurance of the card itself (against loss, theft, destruction, fraud by third parties);
  • life and health insurance of the cardholder (may not apply to force majeure situations and is not issued if the owner suffers from serious chronic diseases, or his activity is associated with a risk to life);
  • insurance when traveling abroad;
  • job loss insurance.

In fact, the banks themselves often act only as intermediaries offering the services of an insurance company, and rather persistent intermediaries. No alternative is usually offered. On the one hand, if a bank cooperates with this particular company, then it can be trusted just like the bank itself. But at the same time, in another company, the conditions may be much more favorable, and according to the law, the borrower has the right to choose.

In 2009, a special resolution No. 386 was even adopted, which states that the bank is obliged to accept insurance from any insurance company. At the same time, however, the insurance company must meet certain requirements of the credit institution.

In fact, almost all banks recommend "their" insurance companies. So, Svyaznoy Bank offers an agreement, the title of which indicates that insurance is voluntary. But it does not offer any alternative in choosing an insurance company.

Ge Money Bank distinguished itself. Having painted in the contract all kinds of horrors that await a client who has lost his card, health and even life, the bank, apparently, expects that the client will immediately conclude an insurance contract. But there are several different programs on offer.

Does the rate depend on the availability of insurance?

Many customers are afraid that a credit card without insurance will cost more. Yes, there are banks that, insuring themselves against defaults, increase the interest rate. But they don't always talk about it directly. This is especially possible with cards, the rate for which is “set individually”.

For example, the Insurance Program of TKS Bank states that "The non-participation of the borrower in the Insurance Program is not a reason to change the terms of the loan or to refuse to conclude a credit card agreement." But you never know what the rate would be if the client took out insurance ...

Some banks directly say that without insurance, the credit card rate will be several percent higher. This, for example, was practiced at the Orient Express Bank, but now this information is not available on the website of the credit institution.

So can you refuse?

Can. In Russia, the Law “On the organization of insurance business” is in force, according to which the procedure and conditions compulsory insurance are determined exclusively by federal laws on each specific type of insurance. And there are no such laws relating specifically to consumer lending.

  • credit card insurance is voluntary;
  • the borrower can refuse insurance both before and after the execution of the loan agreement.

All this can be seen by opening the Insurance Conditions on the website of almost any bank - TCS, Raiffeisenbank, UniCredit Bank, Trust Bank, etc. Another thing is that finding these rules is not so easy, but they exist.

Rejection, more rejection...

A typical situation: a client applies to the bank for a card and immediately receives a super advantageous offer from the insurance company. To the load of the card, of course. You can refuse this offer, as we have already found out. But ... The bank manager immediately retorts: refuse insurance - get a refusal from the bank! That's it, right in the forehead!

Of course, the manager is cunning, but he needs to fulfill the insurance plan at any cost. And the client will have to carefully read the terms of the loan and insurance contracts. No desire to overpay on a credit card? You can look for another bank or immediately refuse insurance. But the fact remains that in this case a negative decision or an increase in the rate is quite possible.

What to do if you didn’t want to refuse right away, didn’t succeed or didn’t have time to look for another bank? As already mentioned, you can get rid of interest for the imposed service even after the conclusion of the contract (according to Article 16 of the Consumer Rights Protection Law and Article 958 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

To do this, you will need to fill out an application in the form of a bank (for example, at MTS-Bank, Sovcombank, Renaissance Credit Bank, etc.). In some credit institutions, you can refuse not only in writing, but also by phone (at TCS, Citibank) or even through the Internet bank (TCS).

Another way is to file an application for termination of the insurance contract immediately with the insurance company.

It is worth considering the fact that the terms of insurance may specify a period during which the borrower can return the entire amount of insurance paid. For example, in Home Credit it is 21 days from the date of conclusion of the insurance contract, in Sovcombank - 30 days. But on the website of TKS Bank it is indicated that “The Borrower may refuse to participate in the Insurance Program at any time, while the Program ends on the day the Statement Account is generated for the period in which the Borrower refused to participate in the Program.”

So please read the terms and conditions carefully. If the bank or insurance company protests and is not going to compensate the funds spent on paying out insurance, you will have to apply to Rospotrebnadzor, and then to the court.

In general, think carefully - what if you really need this service?

User comments:


Thank you for the useful information, especially about the fact that consumer credit insurance is not required. You write, giving examples of several banks, that they have a different number of days to terminate the insurance contract. BUT after all, the insurance contract is not concluded with the bank, but with the insurance company that the bank cooperates with. and the bank can work with more than one company. the question arises - which insurance companies have such conditions for cancellation? when I was looking for information about how long it takes to terminate an insurance contract, I came across an interesting article. It states that according to the instructions of the Central Bank, there are 5 working days for this. how then is it that banks / their insurance companies make a longer period for the possibility of canceling the contract?

Fedor, indeed, from June 1, 2016, the instruction of the Bank of Russia came into force, allowing citizens to refuse the imposed "voluntary" insurance (this right gives citizens the so-called "cooling off period").

According to this document, you can terminate the insurance contract within five working days from the date of its conclusion, if no insured event has occurred during this period. Thus, if the contract has not entered into force within five days, the insurers will be required to return the money in full. Otherwise, the insurance company has the right to withhold part of the insurance premium, that is, a certain percentage of the amount you paid. At the same time, the voluntary insurance contract is considered terminated from the date the insurer receives a written application from the client, after which the insurance company is obliged to return the money within 10 days.

That is, this Instruction of the Bank of Russia can be used unambiguously and unconditionally in any type of voluntary insurance, while all other conditions are prescribed in the insurance contract.


Thanks for the detailed explanation in the article. Particularly interested in the item "Does the rate depend on the availability of insurance." I, too, for a long time was afraid (probably like many others) that a credit card without insurance would cost much more. You mention information about the Orient Express bank, but how can I find out information about Alfa-Bank and Sberbank. I am a regular customer of these banks.


Hello, who can help me write a cancellation of insurance, I’m far from the bank, so I can’t go in person


Can you tell me if it is possible to refuse credit card insurance if it is simply reissued (that is, after 3 years the term has ended) the fact is that my husband and I took CC together from him for a month before mine ended when he turned to the bank for reissuance, they imposed on him insurance and said that this mandatory procedure cost about 1200 rubles (the money is not big, but the fact itself) and that without it he would not receive his CC. How so??? Now go to me to pick up my finished one and I don't know what to do


Good afternoon I issued a credit card on April 25th, the next day I wrote a refusal of insurance, and for a whole month they have been fed with promises of a refund, the limit was set at 10,000 and 1200 was immediately withdrawn for insurance, I don’t use the card, I never even withdrew money, but interest already gone, so it's not my fault that they take so long to return the money, can I sue them? What are my next steps?

Guzalia, in this situation it all depends on what exactly is written in the insurance contract. Most likely, you do not have a separate agreement with the insurance company, but an application for joining the collective insurance agreement, drawn up with the issuing bank. Under these contracts, the so-called "cooling off period" does not apply, during which the possibility of returning the money paid as an insurance premium is legally prescribed, so it will be quite difficult for you to prove your case in court. However, of course, no one can deprive you of such a right. I recommend that you first carefully read the section of the insurance contract on the conditions for its termination.


Hello. Last year, the bank replaced my credit card with another, as they do in all banks, because. 3 years have passed. But at the same time, imperceptibly for me, they changed%. I used to give 25% (loan repayment), and now 76.5%, which includes insurance. Today I made 2000 r. on the card, of which 416 rubles were withheld for insurance, and so monthly. Please tell me, can I cancel the insurance now or is it too late, or when I pay off the entire loan, can I return the money for the insurance?

Olga, you can cancel insurance at any time by filling out an appropriate application. However, since Payment of insurance premiums is carried out monthly, then it will be impossible to return previously paid funds.


Please tell me, I was knitted life and health insurance yesterday. I read it carefully at home and I want to give it up within two days. Will I be charged interest on my credit card or not?

Alexey, you can cancel the insurance at any time. At the same time, if the insurance contract was concluded directly with the insurance company, and not with the bank as part of joining the collective insurance contract, then in this case the so-called "cooling off period" will apply, during which you will be able to fully reimburse the insurance premium paid funds by submitting an application within the specified time.


Good afternoon, Alfa-Bank began issuing credit cards with a 100-day interest-free period. I submitted an application, only upon approval I saw a rate of 23.9% on the monitor, but in fact they call 36% with additional agreement. As I understand it, this is insurance, so you can whether to refuse it immediately, but within 5 days and will the rate of 23.9% be returned? Or is this additional agreement nothing more than a collective and it will be unrealistic to return the bet.? Without additional acc. They refuse to give a loan, which, of course, contradicts the law, but there's nothing to be done about it, bank employees can simply refuse to put it themselves, as you read from the reviews.

Victoria, in order to understand your rights and obligations related to insurance, you must first study the document that you are offered to sign. The clauses on termination of the insurance contract will contain all the information on the order in which you can refuse this service.


Please tell me, I don’t remember how many years I’ve been using the credit card, the credit limit is 140,000. The payment was 7,000 monthly, I paid only 12,000 for the year, the rest was removed + insurance monthly 350 rubles, I overdue the loan for 3 months, at the moment I paid 142,000, the loan remained 28,000, is it possible return insurance premiums and pay off the balance of the loan

Alexandra, if you made monthly payments for insurance, this means that the payment was made after the fact, that is, you will have nothing to return. You can only at the current moment refuse further insurance services by filling out an appropriate application. Similarly, you can also pay off the remaining debt - call the Customer Support Service employee, specify the final amount and deposit it on the card.


Hello, I wanted to open a bank card in order to receive a salary. They offered me to pay 1290 rubles from the beginning for insurance.

Elnura, in order to receive wages, you need to issue a debit card. To apply for this banking product, it is not at all necessary to take out insurance, because. There are no credit risks in this case. Thus, I recommend that you do not agree to the proposed conditions and do not pay any additional commissions and insurance premiums.



I have an Alfa-Bank CashBack credit card.

When issuing, they imposed insurance, they said they would not issue it without it. As far as I remember, they said that insurance is written off 30 days after the start of the grace period (arising of debt). now they say insurance is written off at the time of the formation of the monthly payment, i.e. every 30 days and no matter when the debt arose.

In general, the moment was debited, 340 rubles were written off today (1% of the debt). I was just about to replenish the card so as not to pay insurance (the date of the debt on August 16), and received such a surprise.

I’m writing right now in the bank’s chat - they say you can refuse the service, but the paid commission for insurance will not be returned, because. "the insurance program is in effect" - verbatim from the chat.

And here I don’t quite understand, I can’t completely refuse the insurance program? And return the paid commission?

I'm going to go to the office to figure it out, but I want to be savvy at that moment in this matter.

Denis, you can refuse insurance, but, because. the payment is debited upon the fact of the debt, it is assumed that the service for the past month has already been provided and it is impossible to return the already made payment. However, if you cancel the insurance, no additional payments will be deducted.


Refunded and canceled insurance. Just by contacting through the application in the chat. But not immediately, at first they offered to simply turn it off without a refund



Please tell me in this matter: there is a card "Alfa Bank 100 days" on this card there is a debt that I repay monthly. But recently I looked at the details of the account and there, in addition to writing off the debt, there is insurance about which I was not told during registration. That I can turn off insurance I know, but can I request a refund of funds written off under this insurance or because there is a debt on the card, this service is considered to be provided?

Yuriy, insurance premiums can only be returned if you paid them in advance. In this situation, when the insurance is written off monthly and only upon the existence of a credit debt, indeed, the service is considered to be rendered, and the paid payments are not returned. Thus, you can apply for cancellation of insurance, and in the future, such payments will not be written off.


I applied for a credit card when I signed the documents, they enclosed an application for participation in the program for voluntary life and health insurance for credit card holders. After reading at home, I saw and went 1 hour after registration to refuse this insurance. Wrote a letter of resignation, they said they will consider it within 4 days. Will my credit card be charged for this insurance if I have not used the card yet.


Hello! I ordered a credit card at Sberbank through my personal account, and when I came to receive it, they said that it was necessary to take out insurance for this very card! I turned around and left! Didn't take the card, didn't sign the contract! Will I have to pay something to the bank for the fact that the card was issued, but I refused it? Another employee said that they would put me on the "black list" of credit histories for 15 years! Is it legal? And why is it still indicated in my personal account that the card is ready for issuance, although I did not take it?

Alexey, firstly, insurance when issuing a credit card is a voluntary matter, no matter how bank employees insist on it. The commission for issuing and servicing the card is deducted after its activation, which occurs automatically within a day after it is issued to the holder.

Thus, since You did not receive the card and did not sign the documents, the commission will not be charged. This credit card will "hang" in your personal account until it is destroyed as unclaimed (within the time limits set by the issuing bank, as a rule, this is 2 months).


Hello! Today at Sberbank, the manager gave me credit card insurance for signature, while stating that it is mandatory and it is issued to each recipient of a credit card. I use a credit card very rarely, the limit is 14,000. Now, after such a deception, I think I should stop using it altogether. Further, after the execution of the signing of the so-called insurance, and it was registered there on a voluntary basis, an SMS message came: You are connected to Autopayment "DSZH KK" from the ECMC9226 card. The first payment is on 12/03/18, the day before you will receive an SMS with the ability to refuse the payment. So, please tell me how often they will charge the percentage for using it from my credit card and how can I terminate this filkin's letter. I decided not to use the card on principle and is it possible to return it to the bank.

Dinara, insurance upon receipt of a credit card has never been a prerequisite, despite what the Bank's employees tell you. It is important for them only to sell the service, by any means. And auto payment was connected to you so that you "do not forget" to pay for this voluntary service every month. Interest for the use of borrowed funds is written off monthly if there is a credit debt on the card.


How can I cancel insurance at the Orient Express Bank without visiting the bank, there is no way to go there?


Good evening, on December 23, I issued a card for 50 days without%, they imposed insurance, I asked if I need to pay for it, they said no, but I would need to call and refuse, and I went abroad, and now the Savings Bank does not work, I want to give up insurance and how is it do today will pass 14 days, and then I can refuse it?

Anna, you can cancel the insurance at any time, however, after 14 days, some fee for it may be charged (depending on the conditions under the insurance contract you have issued).

The Sberbank support service is open seven days a week, try calling today and coordinating your next steps.



Good evening. I purchased a card - Thank you from Sberbank. I was connected to an auto payment, DSZh of a credit card borrower. It says that in three months there will be a write-off .. and it also says that the monthly write-off .. So how many times will the write-off be made, and you need to pay the amount that is written there at the end?

Dmitry, the fee for participation in the borrower's life insurance program is tied to the amount of credit card debt on the 20th of each month. That is, if in the next month you have no debt or such debt is less than 1,000 rubles, insurance protection will not work, and the fee for participation in the program will not be written off. Please note that the term of insurance is 1 month with the possibility of subsequent prolongation, so no quarterly payments are provided. Thus, you can cancel the insurance service at the end of each month by turning off Auto payment to Sberbank Online or by sending a code from an SMS message about the next payment.


Hello. Tell me if last year I wrote an application for refusal of insurance, my insurance was canceled. And this month, a year later, a large amount was withdrawn. Under the pretext of insurance using a credit card. How to be?

Elena, in order to return the amount of the insurance premium, you should contact the Raiffeisenbank branch with a passport and fill out an application for waiving the use of insurance. You will also be informed on what basis the amount was debited.


Good afternoon In June 2018, a credit card was issued at Vostochny Bank. When issuing the card, the manager said that life and health insurance is mandatory upon receipt of the card, but then at any time you can refuse insurance, since the payments are monthly. All this time I was making monthly payments which included: principal, interest and insurance. On February 19, 2019, I applied to the bank to turn off insurance, my appeal was accepted, but immediately the answer came that I should apply on the bank's website myself, which I did. Today I received an answer that I will be excluded from the list of insured persons within 10 days, but I am obliged to make payments until July 2019. Allegedly insurance is connected for a year. Is it legal if the insurance is actually written off every month, judging by the statement?


Good afternoon In December 2018, a credit card was issued at Vostochny Bank. When issuing the card, the manager said that life and health insurance is mandatory upon receipt of the card, but then at any time you can refuse insurance, since the payments are monthly. Monthly payments include: principal, interest and insurance. If I write a refusal of insurance, then judging by Olga’s previous question, I will be excluded from the list of insured persons, but I will pay premiums until December 2019. And if an insured event occurs, then it turns out that they will not pay me insurance. Is it possible? After all, if I'm not insured, why should I pay monthly? The contract says that I have the right to cancel the insurance at any time, but they warn that I must pay until the end of the insurance premium, i.e. 12 months. Is a warning a condition of the contract?


Good afternoon. On January 15, I applied for a credit card. She did not use it at all, did not even activate it. Yesterday they called and said that I had an overdue insurance debt. I will pay today. Is it possible to cancel the insurance and get the money paid back?


Good afternoon. on 02/20/19 I issued a credit card at Vostochny Bank, I didn’t take money from the card and I don’t even know the pin code, a month later I receive an SMS that I have a debt of 3780, I call the bank, and they tell me that this is the amount for joining the insurance program. I don’t pay them any money, but they call every day and ask them to pay it off. At the same time, I wrote an appeal to the bank about waiving insurance and writing off the debt for insurance, the bank writes a refusal. Do I have to pay? and what to do in such a situation

Evgenia, all commissions for servicing a credit card are debited directly from the funds of the credit limit approved for it, that is, this debt must be repaid by the card user. If this does not happen, then a delay occurs, on which penalties and fines are charged, etc.

If you do not plan to use a credit card in the future, I recommend that you contact the branch of the issuing bank and file an application for closing the card and terminating the banking service agreement. In this case, you will need to pay off all existing debt.


Good afternoon! On March 9, I went to the bank, wrote an application for the waiver of all insurance. Then the bank sent an answer that with this you need to go to the insurance company personally to write a statement. Well, while I was waiting for a response from the bank, then I found the time to personally go to the VTB Insurance office, it was already March 26th.

It began to be used by banks simultaneously with consumer lending insurance, which is often called the imposition of additional services. According to the mechanism, these two services are completely identical, only for some reason customers are much more loyal to credit card insurance.

General information about the service

When issuing any plastic card, the user is offered a number of additional services in almost every case. Potential cardholders have access to the transfer of pensions to the bank's commercial fund, all kinds of bonus programs, premium services, and insurance. In the case of insurance, it is applied only at the request of the client. The task of a specialist is only the formation of an appropriate proposal.

Credit card insurance can also be provided at the request of the client, or be mandatory. It depends on the internal policy of the bank. Here it should be noted that insurance for their products is not carried out by the banks themselves, but by insurance organizations with which the bank has a partnership agreement.

Initially, credit cards provide for the following types of insurance:

  • card insurance;
  • life and health insurance of the cardholder.

Each of these services is paid. The mechanism works as follows: the bank obliges the client to take out insurance on the card, for which he charges a certain fee. The resulting profit is divided between the insurer and the bank. Loses, in some way, in this scheme, only the cardholder, who suffers additional costs for registration and renewal of insurance.

Card insurance - what is this service

With card insurance, everything is relatively clear: the insurance company will compensate the holder for losses if the card is stolen from him or it is lost. This service also applies to all kinds of fraudulent schemes, the victim of which may be a cardholder. All proven losses must be reimbursed by the insurer in full.

Also, this service will cover cases of attacks on the holder after he withdraws money from an ATM. It happens when a client approaches an ATM, withdraws cash, after which unknown citizens attack him and commit a robbery. If these circumstances are established by the investigation, and if this event falls under the insured event, then the insurer will calculate and reimburse all losses caused to the cardholder.

The list of insured events is established by each company separately. The bank will have nothing to do with it. Given the rather specific type of insurance, the list of insured events for two different insurers can vary significantly.

A: Before paying out a refund, the insurer conducts an examination and its own investigation, since cases of fraud by cardholders are also not uncommon. But in most cases, customers pay for insurance services just like that - for the entire time of using the card, nothing can happen to the holder and the card itself.

Service cost

The price of the service depends on the pricing policy of the insurer. This market is practically not regulated by law, so the price difference between two different companies can be significant.

Most major credit institutions provide such a service. Its cost varies from 70 to 140 rubles per month. It all depends on the insurance package - a list of cases for which compensation is provided. The wider the list, the higher the amount will be. Payment for the service can be made in one of the following ways:

  • the service is paid separately - when the bank remains aloof from the relationship between the insurer and the client;
  • the cost of the service is included in the interest rate - in this case, the user does not need to renew anything or pay separately, since the cost of the policy is initially included in the annual interest on the card.

In some cases, the user can independently select a list of insured events that, in his opinion, are the most relevant. This is the most correct approach of banks and insurance organizations. If the bank offers to issue a ready-made package, then this borders on the most common imposition of services.

Life and health insurance on the card - how it works

This service works in the same way as in the case of consumer credit insurance. The cardholder is invited to insure their life and health in the following cases:

  1. of death;
  2. injury;
  3. disability;
  4. obtaining a disability group.

With cards, this type of insurance service is not effective, since there may not be any debt here. That is, the client uses the card, repaying the debt on time, and using the card only in a non-cash form. Therefore, no debt here can arise a priori.

But the client will continue to pay under the contract with the insurer, as the bank may insist on this. As a result, the level of effectiveness of such an insurance policy leaves only questions.

For example, under an insurance contract it can be stated that in the event of an insured event, the company repays the card debt to the bank in full. Such a condition cannot be considered beneficial, for the reason that the cost of the cardholder to pay for insurance may significantly exceed the possible reimbursement.

When applying for insurance, you need to pay attention to one point: when an insured event occurs, the company must not only pay off the debt to the bank, but also pay a fixed compensation to the insured himself. The big insurers do just that. Smaller companies do not yet work in this way.

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  • For good measure, I will traditionally add VTB-BM "My Bonus" for the 2nd quarter of 2019. Gas stations: 5172, 5541, 5542, 5983 - 3/5% Cosmetics and perfumery: 5977 - 3/5% Air and railway tickets: 3000 -3299, 4304, 4415, 4418, 4511, 4582, 4722, 4112 - 3/5% Entertainment: 7911, 7922, 7929, 7932, 7933, 7991, 7992, 7996, 7998, 7999, 7832 - 5/10% Fitness -clubs: 7997 - 5/10% PROOF.

  • Advise how you can open a card without a European sim card.

  • A good convenient product, but strange tariffs and its own features: 1. I am a freelancer and I get paid in foreign currency and, unfortunately, work with foreign currency accounts only in the most expensive subscription. Although, in fact, there is no functionality there, only accounting and transfer at the rate on the date of enrollment. I hope they make more flexible rates to pay for what you really need. 2. There are also troubles with sending documents, for this you need a digital signature 1. you need to print, sign and scan the application 2. send an application, a scan of your passport and snls to them 3. wait a few days 4. go to certain certification centers 3. The mobile application does not enough...

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  • OTP launches "February Quest".

  • From February 1 to February 28, make purchases with a Renaissance Credit card and receive bonuses from the amount of each check at the rate of 1 Bonus = 1 ruble: + 5% in the Household Appliances category * 5722 Household Appliance Stores (home appliances stores), 5732 Electronic Sales (shops electronics), 5251 Hardware Stores, 4812 Telephone Service/Equip. (shops of telecommunication equipment). +1% bonuses from the amount of any purchase on the card Maximum 1500 bonuses promotion conditions For purchases from February 01 to March 02, 2019 in the "Cosmetics and Beauty" category, we convert your bonuses at the rate of 1 bonus = 1 ruble, but not more than 1000 rubles and 20% of the check amount...

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  • SITUATION!! Fraudsters lured money to the card: 4182 6000 5886 1062 Experts tell me what kind of card this is Post Bank 4182 6000 5886 1062 On the site m/bin-card determines BIN: 418260 PAYMENT SYSTEM: VISA ISSUED BY BANK: VTB BANK OJSC CARD TYPE:DEBIT CARD CATEGORY:PREPAID COUNTRY:RUSSIAN FEDERATION Although in fact it is Post Bank, someone has already been caught here and there was a debriefing: https://www.ban GE_NAME=message &FID= 61&TID=342505&PAGEN_1=2#foru m-message-list I want to know what kind of virtual card it is or some kind of prepaid unnamed card with which they ran to the ATM. Maybe someone found out the beginning of the card number, please give a link to it.

  • Rosselkhozbank opened an online store selling the original form factor of a bank card in the form of a ring. Now the unique technology of contactless payment for purchases, made in the form of jewelry, has become available to all customers of Rosselkhozbank. The online store was opened in partnership with the ring manufacturer Pei Ring. The RSHB Mastercard payment ring is a new form of payment card, inside the ring made of durable zirconium ceramics there is a chip module that provides the payment function using NFC technology. Payments are made by bringing a hand with a ring to the terminal that supports the function of contactless card payment. The accessory is presented in several design options: it is a stylish and easy-to-use black ceramic. news on the bank's website choose a ring
  • Despite the efforts made by Sberbank and other credit organizations in order to protect their customers, they do not always succeed. Credit and debit cardholders remain vulnerable. Fraudsters are on the alert, coming up with ways to steal money from accounts and technical methods of protection, they cannot always stop them. It is possible to insure the card, but again it is not clear whether there is insurance for credit cards? Let's try to figure it out, and at the same time we'll see how you can insure your Sberbank card.

    There is an opinion that only Sberbank debit cards, which the client constantly uses, can be insured: he receives a salary or pension on them, pays with them in a store, etc. Indeed, most debit cards are intended for short-term storage of client funds in order to spend them in the near future. If there is no money on the debit card, then nothing can be withdrawn from it, for this reason, only cards with a positive balance are of interest to scammers.

    By insuring a card with money, you, in fact, insure your savings. What about credit cards? Most often, there is no own money on a Sberbank credit card owned by a client, but there is a credit limit and this is even more dangerous. Suppose scammers somehow took 50,000 rubles from a credit card, half of its credit limit. The debt will fall entirely on the shoulders of the cardholder. In very few cases, the police manage to expose the scammers and find the stolen funds, but this is more the exception than the rule.

    And what is in the dry residue? A citizen who conscientiously used a credit card became a victim of fraudsters, and the bank, instead of taking the side of a good client, demands a debt from him.

    You can get involved in litigation, but the judicial prospect of such cases is not the best.

    Sberbank Insurance does not restrict credit or debit card holders in any way. Whatever card you own, you can purchase a protection policy for it. If you have multiple cards, then you can purchase a policy for each.

    What risks does it cover?

    So, are credit cards insured at Sberbank? We found out that they are insured, and the policy for them is purchased exactly the same as for a debit card. However, the main question arises: what risks does this policy insure against? Maybe you shouldn't buy it at all? The cardholder will receive compensation in a number of cases.

    1. If the card was used by intruders after theft, robbery or robbery.
    2. If the attackers withdrew money from the card, having received data from the owner under the influence of threats and violence.
    3. If the attackers used a fake card with the card details of the insured person and received money from it.
    4. If attackers obtained information from the card through phishing, skimming and similar actions, and then withdrew money from it.
    5. If the attackers stole money withdrawn from an ATM from the cardholder within two hours. This refers not only to theft, but also robbery, robbery.
    6. If the card was damaged by a faulty ATM or terminal.
    7. If the card has become demagnetized or has been accidentally damaged.

    The insurance policy does not provide for additional payments in case of death or disability of the owner of the card of the victim of a crime. However, the insurance company may offer other products that will insure the life and health of a Sberbank client. They pay much more.

    Where and how to apply for a policy?

    Currently, there are two ways to apply for a "Card Protection" policy. The first method involves a trip to the office of the Sberbank Insurance insurance company with a passport and card details. A courteous employee will issue a policy within 15 minutes that will protect your credit card for a year or more, at your discretion.

    The second method involves online registration through the Sberbank insurance portal. This method is much more convenient and allows the client to resolve the issue without leaving home. How to apply for a policy online?

    1. Go to the Sberbank website in the "Insure yourself and property" tab and select "Bank card insurance - apply online."
    2. On the page that appears, click the orange "Apply Online" button.
    3. After going to the Sberbank Insurance portal, select the desired policy and click the orange "Apply" button.
    4. A page with personal data will appear, which you need to fill out, and then click the "Continue" button.
    5. At the last stage, you need to confirm the process of issuing the policy and print its electronic version.

    That's all. You do not need to go anywhere, but the policy is paid either from the card that you insure, or in any other convenient way.

    An insured event has occurred

    If a misfortune happened, and the insured event nevertheless overtook you, do not despair, contact the office of IC Sberbank Insurance as soon as possible. Your appeal will be recorded by an employee, in some cases this is important. You will write an application and listen to the instructions of the employee of the insurance company and bring him the necessary documents as soon as possible. The IC employee will provide a list of documents.

    After providing all the necessary documents and evidence, the employees of the insurance company begin the process of considering the application for payment. The status of the issue can be viewed in your account on the website of the insurance company. In obvious situations, a positive decision on payment can be made within a few hours. By dialing 8 800 555 555 7 you can ask questions about your insurance. The same number should be called in the event of an insured event.

    Insurance payments

    The level of insurance coverage of your credit card must match its credit limit. This is very valuable advice from professionals. The "Card Protection" policy is selected according to the maximum amount of insurance payment. Today there are 4 options:

    • For the amount of 60 thousand rubles, its cost per year is 1161 rubles.
    • For the amount of 120 thousand rubles, its cost per year is 1710 rubles.
    • For the amount of 250 thousand rubles, its cost per year is 3510 rubles.
    • For the amount of 350 thousand rubles, its cost per year is 5310 rubles.

    We start to choose. For example, you have a Sberbank credit card with a credit limit of 150 thousand rubles. Theoretically, attackers can take most of the money from it, but they are unlikely to be able to empty it completely. It is most reasonable to order a policy for 120 thousand rubles, since a policy for 250 thousand covers much more than the credit limit. It would seem, well, well, the UK will pay not 120 thousand rubles, but 250.

    Under the terms of the contract, the insurance company covers only the amount of actual damage, excluding moral damage and lost profits. And this means that even if the attackers completely "clear" the credit card, the owner, at best, will receive the amount that has disappeared from the card, and this is a maximum of 150 thousand rubles. The question is, why overpay 1800 rubles for more expensive insurance, if you still have no chance of getting the full amount? That's right, no need.

    So, we made sure that it is easy to insure a Sberbank credit card in the subsidiary insurance company Sberbank Insurance. The conditions are quite favorable, and the policy is issued quickly and conveniently without leaving home. It remains only to take advantage of the offer of the insurance company. Good luck!