What is a bank loan. What is credit and debit in simple terms

Do not rush to sign on the loan agreement of the bank you like. Before you take it, try carefully, without pressure from the clerks, to study all the features of the chosen program. A standard loan consists of only two parts: the main (loan body) and the interest part. As a rule, modern banks like to add all sorts of additional commissions and fees to the contract, which they “forget” to indicate in advertising brochures. This is how the third, hidden part of the loan appears, which the borrower also has to repay. Some banks advertise a low interest rate on a loan, but to cover additional costs they set an increased percentage for the first or last month.

Credit application

Modern borrowers apply for a loan not only at a bank branch, but also on the website of the institution they like online. Recently, the popularity of online loans has increased rapidly. As a confirmation of the request, a potential client receives an SMS or calls back the manager of a credit institution. After that, the money is transferred immediately to or issued at the branch at the specified address. Today in Russia there is one bank that is considered the "champion" in issuing online loans. This is the bank Tinkoff Credit Systems. The rates are slightly higher than for similar products of other institutions, but you can really get a loan without leaving your home.

Loan calculator

The loan calculator is a convenient tool for planning financial opportunities and calculating the amount of the monthly payment, taking into account all additional fees. Some calculators even offer the service of calculating the effective interest rate on a loan (the real interest that a borrower pays for using money).

The loan calculator gives an approximate, but at the same time quite a clear estimate of the upcoming level of expenses. Thanks to the tool, you will quickly understand how individual calculation methods, interest rates, and loan terms affect the final amount payable.

Bank loan

In recent years, the procedure for obtaining a loan at a bank has been significantly simplified and reduced. To apply for a loan, it is enough to bring your passport, TIN and SNILS with you. Loans are available to any citizen of the Russian Federation who has a permanent registration in one of the regions of the country.

To apply, just contact a bank employee for a free consultation. The decision is made from several hours to several days. Small amounts are issued without proof of income, collateral and guarantor. To get a loan for a serious amount, you need to convince the bank of your own solvency or provide valuable property as collateral.

Credit without references

A loan without income certificates is one of the varieties of an express loan, which does not require a guarantor and confirmation of income with the help of additional documents. The registration process takes no more than a couple of hours. The package of documents consists of a passport and any other document (the client chooses a convenient option from the list provided). At first glance, everything looks very attractive. The price for convenience is an increased interest rate. Less significant disadvantages are short repayment period and limited amount limit.

Cash loan

A cash loan is perhaps one of the most popular banking products. Such loans have no intended purpose, so they can be used to make repairs, go on a trip, or finally make a long-awaited purchase.

A cash loan has specific advantages:

  1. The minimum package of documents for applying.
  2. Quick decision making, mainly in favor of the borrower.
  3. In most cases no collateral or guarantee is required.
  4. Several convenient payment methods are available.

Loan online

Online loans are becoming more popular in our country due to the ease of registration and availability. Even the main bank of the Russian Federation, Sberbank, actively practices the issuance of loans on the Internet. Before submitting an application, you will need to register on the official website of the institution and log in to the Sberbank Online system.

If the registration was successful, just click on the "Online loan application" item and fill out a simple questionnaire. After choosing the type of loan and answering simple questions, your application is sent for consideration.

consumer credit

Consumer credit is most often issued to buyers of popular goods. This type of loan also has its obvious advantages:

  1. Almost instant registration, which takes from 10 to 30 minutes. Borrowers appreciate the opportunity to resolve a financial issue in a short time.
  2. Really loyal conditions. Insurance contracts, income statements, guarantors and collateral are almost never required.
  3. Repayment is available in any convenient way. It is possible to pay off obligations ahead of schedule.
  4. Registration is often accompanied by additional bonuses. The bank offers customers plastic, the opportunity to open a deposit at a favorable percentage and other financial products.

What is a mortgage loan?

A mortgage loan is a large amount for the purchase of a home with a long repayment period. As collateral, a house or apartment, issued in a mortgage, is used. Sometimes real estate, which is owned by the borrower, is issued as collateral.

Mortgages have lower interest rates. But the requirements for potential borrowers are very high. Confirmation of a solid income and an impressive work experience are required without fail.

In recent years, almost all banks require, as an additional condition, to insure the life of the borrower, property located in or both objects at once.

What is a loan rate?

The loan rate, also known as the interest rate or interest on a loan, is the cost of borrowing money that a bank customer pays to a financial institution for the amount provided. The indicator is calculated as a certain percentage of the loan amount for a period of 12 months (for example, 15% per annum). Interest is paid in the currency of the loan. The size of the interest rate is affected by the term of the loan and the level of risk that the banking structure allows. The lowest interest rates can be obtained on loans with collateral.

What is loan refinancing?

Refinancing a loan is a new loan on more favorable terms, which is taken to pay off an old loan. Refinancing is often referred to as refinancing or a loan for a loan. Due to legal specifics, refinancing is classified as a loan with a specific purpose. The signed agreement must contain a wording about the need to send the money received to pay off debts in a commercial bank or other credit institution.

Purpose of the loan

The target orientation of the loan as a characteristic of the loan gives the bank client certain advantages. For example, obtaining a targeted loan is much easier. The requirements for borrowers who are allowed to spend on any needs are noticeably tougher. Interest on a target loan is always an order of magnitude lower. In the case of the purchase of real estate or a vehicle, the acquired property is used as collateral. For this reason, the risks of the bank are significantly reduced, and it is willing to ease the requirements.

Loan differentiation

Differentiation of credit is one of the features of modern work with the distribution of borrowed funds. The concept means the division of borrowers into certain categories depending on their level of solvency, which is confirmed in one way or another.

There are groups of borrowers whose solvency is called into question by lenders. Other categories, on the contrary, have an impeccable reputation and have repeatedly confirmed their reliability. To differentiate loans, a well-developed credit rating scheme with solvency criteria and other requirements for potential borrowers is used.

A loan can be issued to the state, a municipal body, a commercial enterprise or an individual, provided that the interests of the lender and the borrower coincide. A prerequisite is the provision of guarantees for the return of borrowed funds at the end of the loan period.


Lending is a system of relationships between parties, it implies the provision by one party (lender) to the other (borrower) of a certain amount of funds, which must be returned within a specified period. Banks, microfinance organizations, pawnshops, individuals can act as creditors. As borrowers - government agencies, individuals and legal entities. When making some transactions, guarantors or co-borrowers may be additionally involved, who bear, respectively, subsidiary and joint and several liability for repayment of the debt.

Loan classification:


  • agricultural;
  • consumer;
  • industrial;
  • trade;
  • investment;
  • mortgage.


  • unsecured;
  • with collateral.

Repayment type

  • repaid in one payment;
  • payable in installments.

Type of interest rate

  • floating rate;
  • with a fixed rate.

Each program has its own characteristics, is accompanied by a different degree of risk, so lending conditions differ not only depending on the lender, but also the type of loan.

Popular loans

The lending market is formed based on the needs of borrowers. Today, there are several lending options that are most often used by borrowers.

Microloans MFIs

Microfinance institutions provide fast and convenient loans. The main reason for their popularity is availability. Money can be obtained under a simplified scheme without income certificates, collateral and guarantors. Many MFIs offer an online credit card service that allows you to apply and receive money without leaving your home. Such loans have significant drawbacks - a high interest rate, which reaches 1-2% per day, and a short loan term, which rarely exceeds 30 days.

Bank loans

Banks offer a wide range of loan programs, which allows you to get the right amount for any purpose. The conditions for granting loans are among the most favorable. The interest rate ranges from 11-23% per annum, depending on the chosen program.

In addition to traditional loans, banks issue credit cards. Its holder can use it at his own discretion (make purchases, withdraw cash, store his own funds). As long as the credit limit is not used, the borrower does not have obligations, which allows the credit card to be used as a reserve.

There are special programs for buying an apartment, a car, a land plot. The interest rate on them is 3-5% lower than that of consumer loans, and the loan term can be up to 30 years (for mortgages).

The disadvantages of bank loans include a complicated registration procedure and high requirements for the borrower, which often becomes the reason for refusal.

Lombard lending

Pawnshops lend exclusively on the security of liquid property. It can be household appliances, computer equipment, antiques, jewelry, and even vehicles. Credit history, income of the borrower does not affect the decision to issue a loan. The assessment of the subject of pledge is carried out by the employees of the pawnshop, after which the maximum amount available for issuance is announced (40-70% of the appraised value). The registration procedure takes from 15 minutes to 3-4 hours. The disadvantage of such lending is a high interest rate (4-7% per month), and the term is usually no more than a month. It should be noted that there is a high risk of loss of collateral in the event of a breach of obligations by the borrower.

Lending is one of the factors determining the development of the economy. It is a source of investment for enterprises and stimulates production by increasing the purchasing power of the population. The state acts as a regulator, implementing monetary policy aimed at increasing the availability of credit and reducing its cost.

The expression "reduce debit with credit" is probably familiar to everyone. Many people don't even understand what that means. Therefore, below we will try to explain as simply as possible what debit and credit are.

What is accounting for?

Why was bookkeeping invented? In order to take into account the property of the enterprise, its obligations, capital and in general all its activities.

Imagine if you counted goods in pieces, gasoline in liters, and money in rubles, it is not clear how to bring it all together? How to understand whether the company is making a profit or loss, how much goods are left in the warehouse and how much money is in the current account?

Therefore, all transactions, whether it is the receipt of amounts to the accounts of the enterprise, the write-off of material assets or settlements with suppliers, are recorded in accounting in monetary terms.

The basic rule of accounting is the principle of conservation of value. Its essence is that if some property “came”, then the same amount should “leave”. Or vice versa - when writing off a certain amount, you must definitely receive something in return and write it down in the parish.

Debit and credit

What we talked about above is called the principle of double entry. That is, any action in the organization must have 2 operations - incoming and outgoing.

To make it easier to keep such records, the concepts of "debit" and "credit" were introduced. Thus, each account is divided into two halves: a debit is an income, and an expense is a credit, the left and right columns of the account, respectively.

To make it clearer, imagine that you go to the store, take out 2,000 rubles from your wallet (let's call it "Cashier") and buy a dress. In this case, the amount leaves the credit of the "Cashier" account and comes to the debit of the "Shop" account. To reflect this in accounting, you need to take both of these accounts and write down 2,000 rubles 2 times:

Please note that the value always goes out of the credit of the account, but goes into the debit. This transfer of value is called double posting.

What is a debit and credit balance

To understand what a balance is, let's look at a simple example again.

So, you have decided to open a greenhouse sales outlet. It was in autumn. At the same time, to make it easier for us, your organization has no money, no debts, or even the greenhouses themselves yet. But on the other hand, there is already a buyer who wants to buy three greenhouses from you for a total of 100,000 rubles and leave them (greenhouses) with you for storage until spring.

  • Step 1. The buyer pays you 100,000 rubles and calmly waits for spring, that is, you have not yet shipped the greenhouses to him. Let's make an accounting entry: since the money went from the buyer's wallet to your cash desk, we get such a double entry (our account names are conditional, of course):

  • Step 2 You decide to transfer almost the entire amount received from the buyer (namely 90,000 rubles) to your account in the bank. That is, this money left your cash desk (we write it down on credit), but it came to the current account (we write it in debit). This is what this operation looks like in double entry:

  • Step 3 You find a manufacturer who will supply you with greenhouses, and conclude an agreement in the amount of 160,000 rubles. At the same time, you agree that this month you will transfer only half of the amount (that is, 80,000 rubles), and pay the rest later. You transfer 80,000 rubles from the current account to the supplier. This will show up in your account like this:
  • Step 4 You received greenhouses from a supplier in the amount of 160,000 rubles. So, in the credit of the “Supplier” account we write 160,000, in the debit of the “Warehouse” account the amount will be the same:

This is the end of the first month of your work and it's time to take stock.

Credit and debit turnover

For the Buyer's Wallet account, the credit turnover was 100,000 rubles, and the debit turnover was 0.

"Cashier": debit turnover - 100,000 rubles, credit - 90,000 rubles.

“R / s in the bank”: debit turnover - 90,000 rubles, credit - 80,000 rubles.

"Supplier": debit turnover - 80,000 rubles, credit - 160,000 rubles.

"Warehouse": debit turnover - 160,000 rubles, credit - 0.

What is a debit balance

Now it remains to withdraw the balance that turned out for all accounts. This value will be called the "Final Balance". To calculate the balance, it is necessary to minus the smaller one from the larger turnover.

Consider, for example, "R / c in the bank." The debit turnover is 90,000 rubles, and the credit is 80,000. The first amount is larger, which means that the balance here is debit: 90,000–80,000 \u003d 10,000 rubles. We write it in the debit part of the account and enclose it in a red rectangle.

Now pay attention to the “Supplier” account: here the debit balance is 80,000 rubles, and the credit is 160,000. In this case, the balance turned out to be credit: 80,000 - 160,000 \u003d 80,000 rubles (also in the red rectangle).

We do the same with the rest of the accounts. As a result, we get the following result:

Let's look at what the balance means for each of these five accounts.

According to the Buyer's Wallet account, there is a credit balance and it reminds you that in the spring you must give the buyer a greenhouse in the amount of 100,000 rubles.

The balance on the account "Cashier" is debit. It means that the cash desk of your organization is 10,000 rubles.

The debit balance on the third account shows that you have another 10,000 rubles in your bank account.

On the fourth account, we got a credit balance that will not let you forget that you owe the manufacturer 80,000 rubles.

Well, the last account with a debit balance tells that greenhouses in the amount of 160,000 rubles are in your warehouse.

What's next?

You continue to work, and the balance sheet should reflect subsequent transactions. But first, it is necessary to transfer the ending balances of the previous period to the beginning of the new one. Such balances will be called incoming, they must be written in the appropriate column: debit balance - on the left, credit - on the right.

Let's go back to the example. You decided to transfer another 7,000 rubles from the cash desk to the current account. Two accounts are involved. First, do not forget to transfer the incoming balances over them (circled in green in the figure below), then we record the wiring for 7,000 (in Kt "Cashier" and in Dt "R / s").

No further actions were taken on the accounts during this period.

At the end of the 2nd month, we first calculate the turnover, while we do not pay attention to the opening balance yet (turnovers are circled in blue). Then we calculate the final balance (in the red rectangle), already taking into account the incoming balance. It turns out the following picture:

Of course, these are rather primitive examples. In fact, accounting is much more complicated. But it is quite possible to get the basic concepts of what debit, credit and balance are from this article.

Credit- the type of transaction that is concluded between the borrower and one of the credit institutions (bank or non-bank credit institution). As a result of such a transaction, the lender, on certain conditions, provides the borrower with a loan, an agreement is concluded between them, which specifies the term, amount of the loan and remuneration for its use (interest).

Different credit institutions have different lending schemes: a loan can be issued on the security of property (with collateral) or without it, under the guarantee of third parties or subject to compulsory insurance. In any case, it depends both on the credit institution itself and on the type of loan provided. The recipient (borrower) can be both individuals and legal entities(business loan), usually a loan is provided, for example, for the purchase of a car, real estate (mortgage), large household appliances, or for arbitrary needs. The amount of remuneration (interest rate) differs significantly depending on the purpose of lending.

Conditions for the emergence of credit relations

  1. Credit is always borrowing someone's property. Therefore, under a credit transaction arises material liability its participants for those obligations that are regulated by the contract.
  2. Conclusion of a loan agreement becomes possible as a result of the coincidence of the economic interests of the lender and the borrower. Of course, such a situation arises only when the creditor has available free cash that he can" lend"and the borrower there is a need in such funds, in this case, in fact, the decisive role for the consent of the parties to conclude a transaction is played by the amount, term, loan security and the amount of payment for the use of monetary resources by the borrower.

Types of loans

Taking into account the fact that even in one credit institution there can be many lending options and several types of loan programs for each of them, we will consider with you only the main types of loans that banks provide:

  1. consumer credit available only to individuals. The objects of lending of this type are those goods or services that will be purchased by an individual, in other words - for consumer purposes. For example, such goods and services can be: household appliances for the home, furniture, etc. This type of loan is distinguished by relatively high interest rates, as well as not very large amounts of money acting as a loan.
  2. - this type of loan can also be provided to both individuals and legal entities, as the name implies, the purpose of lending in this case can only be the purchase of a car using borrowed funds. Interest rates are already significantly lower than with consumer loans, and the amounts involved in the transaction are significantly higher (comparable to the cost of a car). In addition, there are special state programs, which consist in the fact that a loan for a car will partially repaid by the state in the event that the purchased car is of domestic production.
  3. Educational loan provided solely for the borrower's education. The object of lending, obviously, here is the payment for education in any educational institution (except for the budgetary basis). This type of loan is also characterized by low interest rates, as well as preferential terms of repayment and deferred payments for several years. Part of the debt, as in the case of domestic cars, can be covered by the state.
  4. - provided individuals to purchase your own home. It is one of the types of secured loans. In this case, the object of lending can be exclusively acquired real estate, which is the lowest among all types of loans, loan amounts are the largest (commensurate with the cost of housing), and loan terms average 10-20 years. The acquired property remains pledged to the bank, it is this type of lending that is considered the most reliable, but the number makes up a serious list. Everything can take from 2 to 6 months (depending on many factors).

Today, everyone is familiar with the word "credit", but no one thinks about its initial meaning. Although, if you ask people what it means, then many will put forward their understanding of this word. For many people, the word “credit” has a brightly negative connotation and is associated exclusively with bondage, with debt, with a trap, a pit, a swamp, or something else so bad that you must by all means avoid it. Whereas for a huge number of people a loan is often the only way not only to solve pressing problems, but to start their own business, buy a car or housing, improve their life situation. And, perhaps, no one will argue that a loan must be taken wisely, carefully studying all its aspects in order to be really satisfied with the result.

How did the concept of credit come about?

So what is a loan, how did this concept appear in life and become familiar to everyone? The very word credit originated from the Latin forefather "kreditum": which means "debt" or "loan". Another meaning of this word in translation from Latin is “I believe” or “I trust”. Therefore, the word came into use under the union of these two meanings and adopted the following interpretation in jurisprudence and economics: a loan is an agreement concluded by mutual agreement of persons to provide a loan on certain conditions. According to such an agreement, one of the partners acts as a lender, placing at the disposal of the other partner (borrower) a designated amount of money or other tangible property with a preliminary agreement on the terms of repayment of the loan. The borrower returns the property in the manner prescribed by the agreement. The agreement provides for a period by which the loan must be repaid in full, or certain dates by which a certain amount of the loan is paid for a long period, until the full payment of the loaned funds. Under the agreement, as a rule, the lessor provides tangible assets in exchange for cash or other equivalent of the funds issued, plus certain interest as a payment for deferred payment.

What are the principles of lending today

If it remains a mystery to anyone what a loan is, then the general principles on which lending is carried out in modern times are understandable to most people. Today, the following lending principles stand out and are common to most:

  • Urgency. The loan repayment period must be indicated;
  • Unconditional and full refund. Within the specified period, the designated loan amount must be paid in full;
  • Service fee. For the fact that the borrower is granted the right to use the loan today, with a deferred return, a fee is charged;
  • Compliance with formalities in accordance with the rules and laws. The loan must be provided solely on the basis of a written agreement that fully complies with the standards of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and in no way contradicts Russian law;
  • Immutability of the conditions under which the loan is granted. The conditions under which the loan agreement (agreement) is concluded can only be changed in accordance with the occurrence of circumstances provided for by the agreement, and only in the manner prescribed by the agreement;
  • The agreement is mutually beneficial for both parties. According to this clause, the terms of the agreement must bear commercial benefit (profit) for the lender (bank), but take into account the real possibilities of the borrower (that is, the overpayment should not be fabulous);
  • Target lending. As a rule, a loan is taken by the borrower for certain purposes, for which it is used;
  • Secured and unsecured loans.

In addition, there are intra-bank lending principles that apply to bank employees.

Based on the principle of urgency of the loan, any loan allocated by the bank must be fully repaid within the time period predetermined by the agreement. That is, a prerequisite for the repayment of the loan is the period before the expiration of which it must be paid in full.

In lending to legal organizations, such a concept as the turnover of credit funds is important, with which the security of loans and their differentiation are inextricably linked. Differentiation implies that different credit conditions can be offered for different clients. A potential borrower must be solvent in order to ensure the principles of repayment and urgency of the loan. For lending to organizations, a thorough analysis of the balance of the enterprise for liquidity is carried out, the profitability of the business is assessed at the current moment and prospects for the future. Accordingly, if the indicators characterize the organization as reliable, profitable, potentially developing, it is granted a loan.

Under the security of loans means the presence of property, which can act as collateral to guarantee financial obligations.

Payment for loans is realized by assigning an interest rate for the use of the loan. Thanks to the implementation of this principle, both parties receive the benefit from the transaction that they need. The enterprise receives the finances necessary today for development, the bank receives money back and funds to meet other needs, including for its own development.