Calculation of the amount of building materials online calculator. The cost of building a house: features of calculating building materials - what can be calculated using an online calculator

If earlier the choice of what the house would be like was small - from wood or ashlar, today there are plenty of materials, and an accurate calculation of what and how much is needed is required, that’s why it’s needed construction calculator.

In what cases and how is a construction calculator used?

Even if you have not yet decided what materials the house will be built from (and there are plenty of options: brick, silicate or aerated concrete blocks, logs, timber or boards on a frame), the principle will be similar. First, the foundation is made, then the basement, in the process the basement and possibly the basement are formed, then the walls grow, the floors are laid, the rafter system is built and the roof is laid. Everything is simple and, at the same time, very complicated, considering how many different building materials need to be purchased, transported and placed on the site. And if something is missing, should I go again, look and buy?

So that there are no incidents with a lack of bricks or boards, an online construction calculator is used, that is, a special service on the Internet that allows you to make calculations in a matter of minutes.

However, it is impossible to provide for everything in such a program, because house designers often come up with something new, and you may have your own ideas. Therefore, you need to know how to calculate the material for a house using a pen, a piece of paper and simple arithmetic. You will have to operate with such values ​​as length, width, height and volume, as well as linear meters and area (including sections of a particular material).

The foundation is calculated quite simply, you just need to determine the volume of the future fill, decide in what proportions you will mix the solution, and then calculate the construction of the house. Let's say you want a strip foundation for a small cottage 6x5 meters, divided into 2 rooms, the width of the base will be the same as that of the walls, for example, 40 centimeters, the depth is half a meter. It is not difficult to calculate the volume of fill, multiply 40x50 and get the cross-sectional area, then multiply by the length of the walls (2 x 6 meters and 3 x 5 meters). Since we count in meters, it comes out to 0.4. 0.5. 27 = 5.4 cubes of solution. This will help you on how to calculate the amount of materials.

Foundation calculator

Calculation of construction of a house with brick and block walls

Not everyone likes a log house, and many find the brick option more practical, especially since well-made masonry has fairly high thermal insulation properties. Typically, walls are built with one and a half bricks, sometimes two; there are other types of masonry, for example, two walls with a void between them filled with bulk material that plays the role of insulation. Building blocks are purchased by the cubic meter, and it is advisable to know exactly how many stacks will be needed for the job. It’s even better to decide in advance on the number of bricks. How? Calculating the construction of a house in this case will be very simple.

Previously, we looked at strip foundations, but why are walls worse, the thickness of which also allows us to calculate their volume? We proceed in the same way, not paying attention to the error arising from the masonry joints (it is better to make them thin so that cold bridges do not arise). Knowing how to calculate the volume of a house, we can easily find out how many cubic meters of brick will be needed. It remains to determine the volume of one piece, divide the first number obtained by the second, and we will find out the required number of bricks. As for expanded clay concrete blocks, since they are exactly 7 times larger in size, there will be just as many fewer of them.

Calculation of frame-type building structures

The greatest difficulty for calculations is presented by frame houses that are now becoming fashionable. The fact is that such structures are quite complex, and only a designer can say in advance how much timber will go into the frame, which will later be sheathed with boards. But calculate frame house it is still possible, since the construction of this structure is subject to certain rules. The basis of everything is the lower belt, in the form of a frame made of timber with crossbars, which will become the ceiling of the first floor in the future. Next, corner posts are installed, the cross-section of which depends on how many levels the building is supposed to have. For a two-story house, it is advisable to install the supports from 150x150 millimeter timber.

The number of linear meters of material required for the bottom trim is calculated using the formula: (a+b) . 2, Where a And b– lengths of the sides of the house. The result will be, in fact, the perimeter P the buildings. Let's add crossbars here that will correspond to the shorter wall, let's say it will be a, then the formula will change to this option: P = ((a+b) . 2) +n. Here n– number of crossbars laid in increments j, this value is calculated using the formula: n=b/j – 1, one must be subtracted because the last cross member is already taken into account in the previous formula, being one of a-sides The height of the lower belt is two beams, based on this, taking into account the above formulas, it is possible to calculate the construction of a house from lumber.

Then a power frame is built, consisting of vertically installed supports, the spacing between which is half that of the base crossbars. In other words, their number can be derived from the previously given formula by slightly changing it: n = ((a+b) . 2)/(j. 0.5) – 4, the last number corresponds to the number of corner posts. Where doors and windows will be located, the supports are skipped, therefore, the formula must include subtracting the number of such planned openings. The windows are delimited by two cross beams, the doors by one at the top, in addition to the horizontal beams that top the load-bearing frame of the first floor. For the second floor, the calculation of building structures is done in a similar way, but we will not talk about the rafter system here, it requires separate calculations.

How much does it cost to build a house - the calculator will give you the answer

In general, the pitch, both for the jumpers of the lower chord and for the racks, is selected based on the dimensions of the cladding materials. For example, if the length of the exterior finishing board is 1 meter, and the thickness of the support beams is 15 centimeters, then the step between them should be 85 centimeters so that the elements of the nailed sheathing are joined exactly in the middle of the racks. You should also take into account the standard sizes of the internal cladding, in particular, plasterboard sheets have a width of 60, 80 and 120 centimeters, and it is reasonable to adjust the pitch of the beams to these indicators.

A wooden I-beam, which is just beginning to be actively used in construction, is very convenient. Made from two horizontal bars connected by an OSB bridge, this material provides ready-made cells to be filled with insulation.

The cost of one cubic meter of timber is not difficult to find out, but how much it will cost to build a frame is a completely different question. However, given the dimensions of the lumber and the number of racks, anyone can easily calculate the total volume of wood. To know how to build a house, you need a separate calculator for each material, in this case for timber. Next, you will need to calculate the insulation, determine the area of ​​​​waterproofing, windproof membranes, vapor barriers, and calculate the amount of finishing material. For example, based on the thickness of the beam of the load-bearing frame, it is better to choose thermal insulation 2 times thinner and lay it in two layers, this will provide an additional air gap, which, in combination with the overlap of the mats, will give a greater effect. Moreover, the price depends not on the thickness, but on the density of the material.

Construction work largely depends on the correct preliminary calculation of all necessary materials. Since a very large number of different types are used in this area, it is not possible to immediately come to the store and say: give me this or that, so that there is enough.

Before purchasing materials on the website, you should first evaluate the entire scope of work and roughly estimate how much to buy. There are many rules on how to correctly count such purchases.

Let's start the calculations

Performing calculations is a fairly simple process, but there are certain rules you should know when doing them. Each type of material has its own specific technique, which is tailored to certain conditions.

Today, to facilitate such procedures, you can use special services on the Internet, where you just need to indicate your parameters and the calculator will give you the required amount.

But to understand how this procedure occurs, let’s consider the basic rules for calculating some building materials:

  • Concrete is always calculated according to the required volume. To do this, you first need to know this parameter. The volume itself is calculated based on the amount of crushed stone.
  • Putty. The consumption of this material varies, but in most cases it is indicated on the packaging. To find out the full volume of material required, multiply the working area by this parameter.

In construction, there are many different materials that are used as finishing. To find out the required quantity of some of them you need:

  • Tile. When calculating the number of pieces required, you first need to know the area (wall, floor). After this, you need to calculate the area of ​​the material itself (the area of ​​1 tile) and then divide the total parameter by the last number found. To find out the exact quantity, you need to round the resulting parameter to the nearest upper number.
  • Wallpaper. Calculating the required number of such products is not difficult and roughly boils down to the previous technology, where you need to find out the total area, height of the walls, length and height of the walls. The height of the ceiling often plays a role, since the length of the roll is not always a multiple of a certain number of strips, which can lead to large residues.

When calculating all building materials, the entire procedure boils down to finding the required quantity and calculating them based on average use for a certain volume, area, etc.

When thinking about building a house, a person tries to approximately calculate the costs that he will have to incur. Beginners in this business do not know all the nuances, so “figure out in your mind” the approximate amount Money required for construction work is simply unrealistic. Fortunately, there are a lot of devices and services that help eliminate these problems and uncertainty. A house construction calculator is one of them.

Types of house construction calculations

The process of calculating a house consists of several stages. For reliable data, many details must be taken into account. Let's take a closer look at what the procedure consists of:

  • indicators of the area of ​​the house are the size of the structure that is planned to be built, as well as the number of storeys of the structure;
  • design solution - an approximate design cost that can be calculated for structural, engineering and architectural solutions;
  • type of foundation – you need to decide which foundation will be used: strip or tiled;
  • type of floors - the device can take into account the material that will be used for the construction of floors;
  • calculation of the cost of building materials.
Before starting actual construction, it is necessary to calculate the costs of building materials for a particular structure

Main feature The calculator is the ability to experiment and choose a variety of combinations. During the calculation process, the client will be able to change the type of structure, building materials several times and completely change the design solution.

In what cases and how is a construction calculator used?

A calculator for building a house is a very convenient thing, which is primarily intended for approximate (preliminary) calculations of the cost of constructing a structure. Using the program, you can choose any technology for building a house, compare prices for materials and choose the most suitable ones, delve into the process and calculate the future decoration of the room (facades, etc.).

However, having received the estimated cost of building a house, the user must understand that the figure will be much less than the original. This is because the program chooses the average cost. During the execution of work, materials are purchased, the price of which can be significantly higher, as well as the cost of services for construction and installation work.

The disadvantages of the system are the lack of flexibility and transparency of calculations.

The construction calculator for calculating the foundation was created for approximate calculations of the costs of building premises and comparing the cost of structures built using different technologies.

What do construction calculators calculate?

The program helps calculate the cost of the foundation, walls, floors and roofing. Each item comes in different types and is manufactured with different characteristics. Therefore, the price of work will vary significantly. This is another advantage of using a calculator - the ability to select options.

The speed of construction work also depends on the quality of the calculations made, since a lack of any material can slow down the process

Calculation of materials for the foundation

The foundation is one of the most important stages of construction. The strength and reliability of the structure directly depends on the quality of work performed. The calculator helps users decide.

For a successful procedure, you should select the following options:

  1. Type and shape of the foundation. The base can be strip or pile-grillage. The shape, as a rule, is chosen as standard - rectangular, but it is also possible to calculate a structure that has additional load-bearing walls.
  2. You should decide on the thickness and length of the formwork boards.
  3. For a more accurate calculation, the program asks you to indicate the grade of concrete, linear measurements and type of reinforcement.

After entering the parameters, the device displays on the screen how much fill, reinforcement and wire, as well as other materials need to be purchased to complete the work. In addition, the user will be able to find out what the length of the tape will be, the total load on the soil, the weight and volume of concrete, and other details. It is important to understand that all data is indicative and may change during the construction process.

Using a foundation construction calculator allows you to carefully design the work. This is necessary for the successful construction of the structure.

Strip foundations are considered the most practical and are popular among builders. This is a monolithic closed reinforced concrete strip that runs under all load-bearing walls Houses. Thus, the load is distributed along the entire length. The corners in such cases are loaded the most. There are monolithic, prefabricated, shallow and deep strip foundations. To properly construct the foundation of the room, you need to do.

Calculations can be not only of a technical nature, but also of an economic nature, which plays a positive role in the preparatory stage of construction work

Nuances of calculating the consumption of bricks and blocks for walls

Bricks and building blocks have a similar shape, so consumption calculations can be carried out with the same data for each type of material.

You can start the calculation process after entering the following data:

  • the total length of the walls of the structure (i.e., perimeter);
  • area of ​​openings (doors and windows);
  • thickness of the walls of the house;
  • weights and walls of one product;
  • heights of walls at corners;
  • thickness of the material (mortar) in the masonry;
  • type and size of bricks (L*W*H in mm).

There are devices that do not ask you to indicate the thickness of the masonry joint. The program takes a standard value of 1 cm and automatically increases the dimensions of a unit of material.

Thus, it is realistic to understand, because the procedure is quite simple. The user receives data on the mass, total area and cost of the masonry. Block walls occupy one third of the entire construction, so a detailed calculation will help determine future costs.

Some calculations allow you to calculate the economic component of the proposed work, for example, by indicating the cost of one unit of material, the calculator will calculate the total cost of the entire required quantity

What is pre-calculated when building frame houses?

When thinking about building a room, users study the question of how to calculate building materials for building a house. Fortunately, the calculator helps avoid a lot of problems and displays approximate indicators that will be useful to the builder in the future.

The construction process should always begin with a preliminary calculation of building materials.

To create an estimate, the user must enter the following parameters:

  • type of foundation: strip, slab or pile;
  • wall material: brick, construction, aerated concrete, ceramic or foam block, timber, carriage or rounded log;
  • material for insulating the structure;
  • roof type: single-pitch, gable, mansard or hip roof;
  • equipping the house with utility networks and other communications;
  • calculation of building materials for building a house: heavy or light concrete, mortar, insulation, cable cross-section;
  • internal and external finishing of the structure.

Calculating building materials for a house allows you to choose the ideal option for the user and begin work, having an understanding of how much materials will be needed and what the room will be like in the future.

Preliminary calculations must be coordinated with experts in the field or they must check the calculations already carried out

Calculation of the amount of finishing materials

Lining is very often used as a finishing material. It can be made of wood (which significantly increases the cost of the material) or plastic. Wooden lining requires special care, therefore the estimate also includes all kinds of impregnations and other means, for example, varnish or paint. The plastic product has a long service life and excellent moisture resistance properties.

To calculate the approximate price for the material, you should enter data on the number of windows and doors, as well as their sizes, and the perimeter of the building, indicating the height of the walls. The construction calculator makes it possible to calculate such components as cornices, soffits, strips, trims and more. In addition to the lining, you should calculate the amount of other materials: plaster, wallpaper, paint.

Universal online calculators

There are universal construction calculators that will help you calculate the cost of a structure in general terms. Using such a program, you can compare the technologies used in the construction of buildings and the cost of work using different materials, and other parameters. To make a calculation, you must indicate the size of the house, the number of floors, the type of roof and foundation, the type of floors and materials that you would like to use.

In the calculator you can specify the number and sizes of windows, doors, as well as the height, width and length of the house. Universal devices allow you to calculate the price for additional options: insulation, electricity and water.

How much does it cost to build a house - the calculator will give you the answer

Using a calculator helps simplify the construction process and avoid problems with purchasing materials. This is an indispensable program for both novice users and professionals. It is important to understand that the system will not provide accurate data, but the builder will be able to make an approximate estimate.


A construction calculator will help you save time, calculate the volume of concrete and other materials, choose a construction technology, draw up an estimate and set a construction budget.

No less useful will be information about. The calculator will help you calculate the amount of material, and the instructions for each product indicate the required proportions. Liquid glass makes concrete moisture-resistant and waterproof. It is important to know that the materials are mixed dry.

There are universal devices and individual ones, for example, a construction calculator for foundations. To work with it, you need to decide on the type of foundation of the house and other details. In just a couple of minutes the cost will be shown on the screen.

Building a house is a responsible and difficult process, the nuances of which are known only to professionals. But the cost of building a house is primarily influenced by the amount of building materials used and the size of the building, so it is possible to roughly estimate the cost of construction for the selected project using online calculators.

Using a calculator and a house project, you can imagine its approximate cost Source

Types of house construction calculations

There are several types of calculations, and a specific construction calculator is usually created for one of them. To understand what results to expect from the calculations, you need to understand what type of calculations are used:

    By total area of ​​the house. A very approximate method of calculation - you indicate the linear dimensions of the building, the estimated number of floors and material for the walls, and the calculator gives an estimated cost.

    By project type. A more complex method of calculations, which is carried out in several stages - based on architectural, structural and engineering projects. The cost of building the “box”, finishing work and the cost of laying out utilities are shown separately here. The accuracy of the calculations depends on the number of templates included in the calculator.

    Foundation calculators. Allows you to roughly imagine the amount of building materials (concrete, reinforcement, boards for formwork) that will be required for the work. The accuracy of the calculations also depends on the number of templates included in the calculator.

Interface of the online foundation calculator Source

    Universal calculators that allow you to include in the calculations the types of floors and the material from which they are made (blocks, bricks, wooden beams, or even). In some cases, you can even consider houses designed using half-timbered technology.

Video description

In this video we will discuss what the cost consists of wooden house:

Depending on the templates and formulas included in the construction calculator, as a result you receive a calculation of the cost of building a house as a whole, or part of the work, so that you can choose the best option.

In what cases and how is a construction calculator used?

To properly use an online construction calculator, you need to clearly understand its pros and cons. At the same time, first of all you have to focus on the shortcomings:

    Lack of flexibility. Any calculator makes calculations solely based on its built-in templates and formulas. If you need to calculate data for which the calculator is not provided, then you won’t be able to reconfigure it and you will have to do everything manually.

    Low transparency of calculations. Even if the calculator contains exact formulas, the user has no way to check what exactly and how correctly he thinks, since everything is hidden behind the user interface intended exclusively for entering primary data.

Behind the user interface, the formulas by which the calculations are performed are not visible - only the initial data and the result Source

Despite such significant disadvantages, various construction calculators are still very popular - this is due to the following positive aspects:

    Based on the initial data that the calculator requires, you can still imagine the progress of the calculations and what to look for when choosing a project or communicating with the specialists who will perform the work.

    Based on the results generated by the calculator, you can compare the cost of work with different materials or compare the price of houses built using different technologies.

As a result, the main task of a construction calculator is to clearly show the user how approximate calculations are made and what the difference is in the cost of houses built using different technologies.

At the same time, it is not recommended to use a building materials calculator for building a house for any precise calculations, since it is often unknown what formulas and with what tolerances the calculations are made.

What do construction calculators calculate?

In order to carry out the most correct calculation of the main building materials for the construction of a building, it is necessary to decide in advance on the design of the house that will be built. When the configuration of the future cottage is known, this data can be used in an online calculator to calculate the amount of materials needed.

Example finished project wooden house Source

Calculation of materials for the foundation

The foundation accounts for approximately a third of all construction costs. Laying out the foundation is one of the first stages of work and calculations usually begin with it. To calculate the amount of building materials, it is proposed to select or manually set the following data:

    type of foundation – strip or pile-grillage (completely pile foundation it is impossible to calculate online, since there are too many variables to take into account);

    foundation shape – usually rectangular or with additional load-bearing walls;

    linear dimensions - depending on the accuracy of the calculator;

    solution proportions - concrete grade;

    thickness, and in some cases, the desired length of the formwork boards;

    type of reinforcement.

After calculations, the calculator displays the volume of future pouring, the amount of reinforcement and wire for tying, and the cubic capacity of boards for formwork

The nuances of calculation that arise can be clearly seen in the example of calculating the amount of solution for pouring strip foundation 5x6 m in size for a small country house with two rooms.

A strip foundation is a concrete foundation laid along the perimeter of the house frame under all its load-bearing walls and transferring the load from the cottage to the ground.

Strip foundation Source

On our website you can find contacts construction companies who offer house design services. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

When calculating the volume of fill, the width of the base (for example, 40 cm) is multiplied by its depth (50 cm). The resulting cross-sectional area is multiplied by the length of the walls (3 x 5 m and 2 x 6 m).

The simplest calculation could look like this: 0.4x0.5x((6x2)+5x3)) = 0.4x0.5x27 = 5.4 cubic meters. m of solution.

But there is one nuance here that must be taken into account - when the 6 m sides are filled with concrete, then part of the 5 m wall volume is also “captured”. If you do not pay attention to this point, you can order more concrete than necessary. In fact, the calculation will be 0.4x0.5x((6x2)+(4.2x3)) = 0.4x0.5x24.6 = 4.92 cubic meters. m of solution.

Correct calculation of the volume of a strip foundation Source

As you can see, even on a small foundation the difference is noticeable - a mistake of half a cube of solution, and that’s 1.5-2 thousand rubles...

To find out the approximate cost of various types of foundations, use the following calculator:

Nuances of calculating the consumption of bricks and blocks for walls

Since bricks and building blocks have a rectangular shape, the calculation of building a house is carried out with approximately the same initial data, so most calculators for calculating walls can be used for each of these materials.

To calculate the number of blocks or bricks, the online construction calculator will request the following data:

    the total length of all walls of the house (perimeter, m);

    area of ​​door and window openings;

    the thickness of the building walls (the thickness can be half a block, as well as 1, 1.5 or 2-2.5 blocks);

The width of the masonry is 2 bricks Source

    weight and price of one block (kg and rub.);

    thickness of the mortar in the masonry (cm) - usually this indicator ranges from 3 to 10 mm;

    height of walls at corners (cm);

    type and size of future blocks: length, width and height (mm), and some calculators allow you to take into account the voids of blocks, which is used in a number of calculations.

Building Blocks Options Source

Important! In some calculators, the thickness of the masonry joint is not indicated separately. This means that either it is not taken into account at all, or the “format” rule applies, in which the dimensions of a unit of building material are increased by 1 cm (by the standard seam thickness).

Based on all these indicators, the total area, weight and cost of the masonry are calculated. Approximately the cost of constructing block (brick) walls will be 1/3 of the cost of building the entire house.

Video description

The video provides an example of manual calculation of the number of bricks:

What is pre-calculated during the construction of frame houses?

The frame-type house construction calculator allows you to pre-calculate the approximate amount of materials before contacting the specialists of the selected construction company.

To prepare an estimate, the following parameters are calculated:

    foundation (for the construction of ordinary frame houses a pile foundation is excellent, and in the case of unstable soil or for a heavier cottage - a strip or slab foundation);

    the amount of material required for insulation - calculated depending on local climatic conditions;

    roof dimensions - there is a significant difference between a regular roof and an attic roof;

    parameters of utility networks and other communications - not a single calculator can provide all the nuances;

    amount of wind and vapor barrier materials;

    outdoor and interior decoration future building - depending on the selected materials.

To correctly select the foundation and type of roof, you need to perform a detailed calculation specific gravity walls, ceilings and roofs. Depending on the size of the cladding material, the dimensions of the building and the roof structure, builders select a transverse or rack beam for the load-bearing structure of the house.


The basis of any frame house consists of the upper and lower trim, which also need to be calculated - both in terms of strength and in terms of the volume of building materials used. The cross-sectional area of ​​the timber is usually taken as the basis here.

Video description

An online calculator will help you make an approximate calculation of materials, as shown in the following video:

Calculation of the amount of finishing materials

To calculate the construction of a house, it is important to determine the amount of finishing material for the walls. One of the most common materials is various types of lining, using an example of which you can consider the nuances of calculations.

The first parameter that affects the price is the type of lining (wooden or plastic), which determines its dimensions.

Wooden lining is a natural material that is durable and has a long service life. The only drawback of this building material is its high susceptibility to moisture content in the air, which is why it is necessary to include various impregnations, varnishes or paints in the estimate. The dimensions of the lining vary in the following ranges: length - from 210 cm to 600 cm; width – 8, 10, 11, 12, 15 cm; thickness: 1.3 cm, 1.6 cm, 1.9 cm, 2.5 cm.

Plastic lining has an increased service life and absolute moisture resistance, making it excellent for finishing the exterior surfaces of a house. For this type of lining, the dimensions will be as follows: length - from 300 cm to 600 cm; width – 10, 12.5 or 15, 20, 25 cm; thickness: 5, 7, 8, 10 mm.

Calculating the amount of lining using an online calculator Source

To calculate the required amount of lining, the following data is used:

    number of windows, their height and width;

    number of doors and their sizes;

    building perimeter and wall height.

Knowing the area of ​​the building facades and the area of ​​a unit of facing material, you can calculate the amount of lining or other type of siding by dividing the first by the second. The same thing happens when calculating floor coverings inside the house.

Such a building materials calculator will also help calculate the number of specific elements, for example, cornices, strips (starting or finishing), soffits, trims, and other things.

Also, when calculating finishing materials for interior work, the volumes and quantities of paint or wallpaper, flooring and plaster are taken into account.

Video description

Video example of calculating the amount of linoleum required:

The consumption of many of them (for example, primers or paints) is indicated on the label by manufacturers. Therefore, you only need to know the coverage area (height times width, minus the area of ​​windows or doors).

Universal online calculators

To determine the approximate cost of the entire construction, a universal, easy-to-use construction calculator is used. This program is designed to perform a preliminary calculation of the price of a house, taking into account the basic parameters.

Online calculator for calculating building materials Source

Choosing a specific construction technology for construction calculator, you can quickly compare the cost of building a building in different configurations.

When calculating the cost of construction using an online calculator, the following indicators are taken into account:

    foundation type;

    area of ​​the house;

    number of storeys;

    type of roof;

    type of floors (material used for their construction);

    types of construction and finishing materials.

IN universal calculators It is possible to enter the dimensions of the building (height, width and length), as well as window and door openings, certain dimensions of each room, the depth and width of the foundation, the angle of the roof and the type of heating.

An example of an online calculator for calculating the cost of a turnkey house Source

For example: building an economy option (a one-story cottage with an area of ​​up to 80 sq. m) can cost 1 million rubles or more. Basic two-story houses area from 150 sq. m, will cost at least 2 million rubles. The highest price will be for the construction of large and spacious premium class mansions with a total area of ​​more than 350 sq. m. m – from 5 million rubles.


The main purpose of using an online calculator is to save time. The program makes it possible to calculate the approximate cost of building a house quickly and easily. However, it is worth considering that such software implies a considerable error in the calculations. Accordingly, accurate results can only be obtained from a specialized company.

Using an online calculator, it is easier to decide on a suitable project for your future home. The process of calculating the cost of a house is not influenced by the human factor, and the application itself is often free and accessible to everyone. And yet, in order to reduce errors in calculations to a minimum, it is recommended to contact specialized companies with experienced craftsmen.

The best way to quickly estimate costs

Before you begin the pleasant and at the same time exciting procedure of building a future family nest, you need to carry out the financial analysis issue and clearly define the acceptable level of expenses for creating a residential building. If you have already decided on building materials, then an approximate online calculation of the cost of construction can be made directly on the company’s website. An intelligent calculator will allow you to create a preliminary estimate online, while it will take into account the area of ​​the house, the type of foundation, the material of the walls and roof.

In addition, you can choose one of two options for finishing the facade, installing heating, electrical, water supply systems, and add to the estimate the costs of additional insulation and autonomous sewerage. The cost calculator for building a country house will take into account all your wishes and display the approximate cost. Of course, the geolocation of the site, the season of work and the complexity of the project will adjust its cost. Therefore, we recommend contacting the company manager to clarify the estimate.