Loans to individual entrepreneurs from Russian Agricultural Bank. How to get a cash loan from Rosselkhozbank? Loan for individuals at Russian Agricultural Bank

In 2019, Rosselkhozbank offers profitable consumer loans for individuals. Let's consider how convenient conditions and low interest rates the RSHB provides today.

Rosselkhozbank was initially created to finance projects in Russian agriculture. But today it lends not only to farmers, but also to people not associated with agriculture.

In 2019, Rosselkhozbank provides almost all types of banking products on favorable terms to both individuals and legal entities. The services of one of the largest and most reliable banks in Russia are in demand by the population.

Rosselkhozbank cash loans in 2019 can be obtained by Russian citizens aged from 21 to 75 years (at the time of the final loan repayment deadline), including persons running private household plots. For participants in salary projects and reliable clients with a good credit history, the bank offers reduced interest rates. However, it should be noted that low rates apply subject to personal insurance for life, health and job loss.

Among the main features of lending at RSHB are:

  1. No commissions;
  2. Possibility to choose a loan repayment scheme (annuity / differentiated);
  3. Early repayment without restrictions;
  4. Possibility of income confirmation using the bank form;
  5. Receipt without collateral or guarantee.

In this review, the site’s correspondents examined the features of various loan programs operating today at the Russian Agricultural Bank. The bank's requirements for borrowers and the documents required for registration are also indicated.

Consumer loans from Rosselkhozbank for individuals

Let’s take a closer look at the conditions and at what interest rates Rosselkhozbank offers consumer loans to individuals in 2019.

Rosselkhozbank loan without collateral

Consumer loans from Rosselkhozbank without guarantors or collateral are provided for any purpose.

It can be issued by citizens of the Russian Federation aged from 23 to 65 years (at the time of full refund).


  • Amount: from 10,000 to 750,000 rubles. (RUB 1.5 million for payroll clients).
  • Term: up to 5 years (up to 7 years for salaried and “reliable” clients, as well as state employees).
  • Collateral: not required.

Interest rates

Special conditions

Only for individuals with a positive credit history

Special conditions

1. For an amount up to 300 thousand rubles

For individuals

For state employees

For individuals

For state employees

Special conditions

1. For an amount up to 300 thousand rubles

For individuals

For state employees

2. For an amount over 300 thousand rubles

For individuals

For state employees

Standard terms

without shares, for ordinary individuals.

1. For an amount up to 300 thousand rubles

For individuals

For state employees

2. For an amount over 300 thousand rubles

For individuals

For state employees

Calculate payment and overpayment on a credit card


See also interest rates and loan terms in

Loan without collateral for salary clients

A consumer loan without collateral and guarantors for individuals receiving wages into an account at JSC Rosselkhozbank, at a preferential interest rate. Available to citizens of the Russian Federation aged 21 to 65 years (at the time of full refund).


  • Amount: from 10,000 to 1 million rubles (1.5 million rubles for clients who receive salaries into an account with the Russian Agricultural Bank for at least 6 months).
  • Duration: up to 7 years.
  • Collateral: not required.

Interest rates

Special conditions

For the amount of 1 million rubles

For payroll clients

2. For an amount over 300 thousand rubles

For individuals with a positive credit history

2. For an amount over 300 thousand rubles

For salary clients - public sector employees

For salary clients - public sector employees

For salary clients - public sector employees

up to 12 months

12 – 60 months

60 - 84 months


4.50% on loans on standard terms in case the borrower refuses to take out life and health insurance.

See what loan conditions are offered today

Loan from Rosselkhozbank with collateral

Consumer loans of Rosselkhozbank for any purpose secured at a reduced interest rate. You can reduce the interest rate of the loan by securing it with a guarantee or collateral of property. It is possible to attract co-borrowers to increase the loan amount. Available to citizens of the Russian Federation aged 18 to 65 years (at the time of full refund).


  • Amount: from 10,000 to 1.0 million rubles (2 million rubles for clients who receive salaries into an account with Rosselkhozbank for at least 6 months).
  • Term: up to 5 years (up to 7 years for salary and “reliable” clients, as well as state employees).
  • Security: guarantee or pledge of liquid property.

Interest rates

1. For an amount up to 300 thousand rubles

For individuals

For state employees

2. For an amount over 300 thousand rubles

For individuals

For state employees


4.5% in case of failure of life and health insurance.

Non-targeted loan secured by housing

A consumer loan from Rosselkhozbank, secured by the property it owns, is provided for any purpose. Available to citizens of the Russian Federation aged 21 to 75 years (at the time of full refund).


  • Amount: from 100,000 to 10 million rubles (no more than 50% of the market value of the property being pledged).
  • Duration: up to 10 years.
  • Security: pledge (mortgage) of a property - an apartment, a residential building with a land plot (including a townhouse).

Interest rates


1.00% in case of refusal of the borrower to carry out life and health insurance during the entire term of the loan agreement.

See what interest rates on loans are today in

Loan from Rosselkhozbank Pension

A consumer loan for pensioners at Rosselkhozbank is provided for urgent needs without confirmation of the intended use of loan funds. It can be applied for by pensioners under the age of 75 (at the time of full refund).


  • Amount: from 10,000 to 500,000 rubles.
  • Duration: up to 5 years and up to 7 years.
  • Collateral: not required

Interest rates

Special conditions

1. For an amount up to 300 thousand rubles

2. For an amount over 300 thousand rubles

For clients transferring pensions to an account at Rosselkhozbank

Special conditions

1. For an amount up to 300 thousand rubles

For clients transferring pensions to an account at Rosselkhozbank

2. For an amount over 300 thousand rubles

For clients transferring pensions to an account at Rosselkhozbank

Standard terms

1. For an amount up to 300 thousand rubles

For clients transferring pensions to an account at Rosselkhozbank

2. For an amount over 300 thousand rubles

For clients transferring pensions to an account at Rosselkhozbank


4.5% in case of refusal of life and health insurance (provided that the borrower is under 65 years of age on the date of filing the loan application);

5.0% in case of refusal of life and health insurance (provided that the borrower is 65 years old on the date of application for the loan).

Read about Rosselkhozbank loans for pensioners

Rosselkhozbank loan for refinancing

This is a loan to repay existing consumer loans from the RSHB itself or other banks at a low interest rate. You can fully repay your existing consumer loans, car loans, credit cards in one or more third-party banks on favorable terms. Available to citizens of the Russian Federation aged 23 to 65 years (at the time of full refund).


  • Amount: up to 750,000 rub. (RUB 1.5 million for payroll clients / RUB 3 million if there are no overdue loan payments during the year).
  • Term: up to 5 years (up to 7 years for salaried and reliable clients, as well as state employees).

Interest rates

11.25% - for individuals;

11.0% - 11.5% for salary or reliable clients of the Russian Agricultural Bank;

10.5% - 11.0% for public sector employees;

10.0% - 10.5% for public sector employees - salaried or reliable clients of the Russian Agricultural Bank.


up to 0.5% when applying online.

Read about refinancing consumer loans at Rosselkhozbank

Credit for buying a new car

Loan program for the purchase of a new foreign or Russian-made passenger car.

Credit for development of personal subsidiary plots

Under this program, citizens running private farms can receive a secured loan from Rosselkhozbank JSC at a reduced interest rate.

Member credit "Union of Gardeners of Russia"

Special offer on consumer lending for members of the All-Russian public organization “Union of Gardeners of Russia”. No collateral required.

See also rates and terms of bank loans

Loan from Rosselkhozbank "Gardener"

A program for owners of garden and dacha plots or those who are just planning to purchase such plots. With credit money, you can build a bathhouse, install water, and even buy yourself a plot with a ready-made house. The interest rate on Sadovod is lower than on standard loan products.

See also loan rates and conditions in

Rosselkhozbank loan "Engineering Communication"

This loan is issued on special terms and allows you to install water, gas, sewerage, change electrical wiring, heating system and even install a telephone.

See also rates and terms of bank loans

How to apply for a loan at Rosselkhozbank?

Having chosen a suitable loan program, you need to contact the bank. You can do this in person, or you can submit an online application on the official website.

A bank employee will contact you, and a final decision will be made approximately 3 business days from the moment the complete set of documents on the application is provided.

If it turns out to be positive, then they will open an account for you at the Russian Agricultural Bank and transfer the entire amount there at once.

Who can apply for loans from Rosselkhozbank?

The bank has simple and clear requirements for clients.

  1. Citizenship: Russian Federation;
  2. Registration: on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  3. Age: from 18 to 74 years, depending on the loan program;
  4. Experience: at least 6 months at the current place of work and at least 1 year of total experience over the last 5 years;
  5. Availability of regular income that ensures timely repayment of the loan.

What income will be taken into account when determining the loan size?

Rosselkhozbank accepts both one and several types of income:

  • at the main place of work;
  • received from another place of work (part-time work);
  • from entrepreneurial activity (except for a loan for a period of over 36 months);
  • pension payments;
  • from running a personal subsidiary plot (LPH);
  • income from other sources permitted by law, documented:
  • income from real estate lease agreements (documented);
  • remuneration from the use of intellectual property;
  • under civil contracts.

Who are the “reliable” clients of Rosselkhozbank?

A consumer loan from Rosselkhozbank is a very attractive option, since the organization offers a large number of programs on fairly favorable terms. Loans from Rosselkhozbank have a lot of advantages, but the requirements for borrowers cannot be called too lenient. The company's product line is quite wide and is designed for various segments of the population. When considering the possibility of obtaining a loan from Rosselkhozbank, the conditions for obtaining it should be studied in advance in order to determine whether it will be possible to provide the necessary package of papers.

How to get a loan from Rosselkhozbank? The organization offers those who apply for help to receive the required amount, which is provided without any type of collateral or guarantors. The only condition: potential borrowers must have a salary account in the bank on very favorable terms. A loan can only be issued in Russian rubles for an amount of up to 1.5 million rubles.

  • the loan is issued for the realization of any desires;
  • minimum 10 thousand rubles;
  • maximum 1 million, but 2 million - to clients who receive wages from this bank;
  • maximum loan period - 5 years;
  • rate - from 17.9% for up to a year;
  • rate - from 18.9% for a period of 12 to 60 months;
  • mortgaged property;
  • there is no grace period for debt payment;
  • there is no commission for issuing a loan;
  • the application can be considered within five working days;
  • the borrower receives the entire amount at a time;
  • repayment of the loan according to schedule;
  • possibility of early payment of debt;
  • it is necessary to conclude an insurance contract.

Bank requirements

  • age from 18 to 65 years;
  • presence of Russian citizenship, which is confirmed by the presence of a passport;
  • registration only on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • when receiving a salary in this bank, the work experience must be at least 3 months and at least six for 5 years of work;
  • if the borrower does not have an active account, then the work experience must be at least six months and at least a year for the last 5 years;
  • Certificates from the main workplace, as well as from another one, are accepted;
  • When calculating the maximum amount, the income of the co-borrower is taken into account.

How to get a loan? Everyone may have difficult situations in life, including pensioners who need money for medicine. Receiving a loan for urgent needs without confirmation of intended use is possible for pensioners under 75 years of age.

Conditions for obtaining a loan:

  • a loan is issued for any need;
  • currency - only Russian rubles;
  • minimum 10 thousand rubles;
  • maximum - 500 thousand rubles;
  • lending period - up to 5 and up to 7 years;
  • no loan collateral required;
  • no grace period is provided when paying debts;
  • there is no fee for issuing a loan;
  • the response is received within five working days;
  • You can receive money within 45 days after approval;
  • the entire amount is issued at once;
  • debt repayment according to schedule;
  • mandatory conclusion of an insurance contract.

When drawing up an agreement for a period of up to a year, the interest rate is from 15.5% per annum, and in the case of receiving a pension into a bank account, the rate is from 13.9%. When receiving a loan for a period of one to 5 years, the interest rate is from 17.5%, and for clients - from 15.9%. If the term is from 5 to 7 years, then the rate is from 18.5%, and for bank clients - from 16.9%.

Institution requirements

They are:

  • maximum age - 75 years;
  • citizenship of the Russian Federation confirmed by the presence of a passport;
  • registration on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • production must be at least six months and at least a year for the last 5 years;
  • work experience - at least 3 months and at least six months over the last 60 months;
  • a certificate of income from the main workplace or from entrepreneurial activity, pension payments are also taken into account;
  • the income of the co-borrower is taken into account.

The institution issues a loan for any purpose secured by existing real estate. This type of lending has many advantages. How to apply for a loan at Rosselkhozbank? What documents are needed to obtain a loan? Let's talk.

Conditions of organization:

Requirements for the borrower

They are:

  • the client must be at least 21 and not over 65 years old;
  • citizenship of the Russian Federation only;
  • work experience of at least six months and at least one year over the last 5 years;
  • if the borrower is a client of the bank and receives funds from it, then the experience is at least 3 months and six months for 5 years;
  • registration must be on the territory of the Russian Federation at the place of residence or stay.

Refinancing of consumer loans

Many people wonder what documents are needed for a loan from Rosselkhozbank.

The institution allows you to obtain a loan to repay active loans from third-party organizations on favorable terms. To apply for a loan, in addition to the standard package of papers, it is also necessary to prepare certificates from those financial institutions that issued previous loans.

Loans from Rosselkhozbank, the terms of which are very attractive, have many advantages. Lending terms:

  • the purpose of the loan is to refinance funds that were previously obtained from other institutions;
  • lending period - up to 5 years;
  • if there is no security, then the maximum amount is 750 thousand rubles;
  • if the client receives a salary or has security, then the amount is 1 million rubles;
  • if the period of use of the loan lasts up to a year, then the overpayment is from 13.5%;
  • if the period is from 1 year to 5 years, then the overpayment is from 15%;
  • guarantee of at least 1 individual;
  • no benefits are provided for payments;
  • the application is considered within three working days;
  • The loan can be obtained within 45 days after the application is approved;
  • it is necessary to draw up an agreement on life insurance for the borrower;
  • possibility of early repayment of loan debt.

Organization requirements

They are:

  • You can cooperate from 23 to 65 years old;
  • Russian citizenship confirmed by the presence of a valid passport;
  • work experience of at least six months and at least one year over the last 5 years;
  • The bank client's work experience must be at least 3 months and six months over the last 5 years;
  • income from a permanent workplace and from another is taken into account;
  • the income of the co-borrower is taken into account.

Target mortgage

Mortgage loans from Rosselkhozbank are especially popular. The institution makes it possible to obtain a loan for the purchase of an apartment secured by the property the potential borrower already owns. To obtain a loan from Rosselkhozbank, a fairly voluminous package of documents is required, which must confirm the solvency of the potential client and the ownership of housing. When the secured loan is fully repaid, the collateral will again become the full property of the client.

Lending terms

The mortgage is issued under the following conditions:

  • the loan is issued only for the purchase of an apartment, house, or land;
  • issued only in Russian rubles;
  • minimum - 100 thousand rubles;
  • maximum - 20 million rubles, but this amount should not exceed 70% of the value of the security;
  • loan term - up to 30 years;
  • no down payment;
  • the application is considered within 5 working days;
  • It is necessary to insure the property;
  • an approved application is valid for 90 days;
  • the loan issuance period is minimal: you can conclude an agreement the very next day after the paperwork on the collateral is completed.

Institution requirements

They are:

  • persons aged 21 to 65 years;
  • availability of Russian citizenship confirmed by the presence of a passport;
  • the total work experience must be at least six months over the last five years;
  • it is necessary to confirm income with certificates for at least the last 3 months;
  • presence of registration in any of the regions where the bank is represented.

Rosselkhozbank has an excellent reputation, good development dynamics and flexible terms for providing loans to different categories of borrowers, which allows it to regularly attract new clients. The abundance of lending programs and feasible requirements for borrowers allow people to receive the necessary financial assistance in the required amount and in the shortest possible time.

Rosselkhozbank issues cash loans under special programs. Each of them has its own advantages and features.

Does Rosselkhozbank issue cash loans?

There is no separate cash lending program at Rosselkhozbank. According to the terms of the transactions, all funds are transferred to the accounts of sellers of real estate, cars, goods, works, and services.

Today Rosselkhozbank has several loan products that involve the transfer of an agreed amount to the borrower’s account opened in a branch of the Russian Agricultural Bank.

Such programs include:

  • Consumer loan without collateral for participants in salary projects in Rosselkhoz.
  • Consumer loan without collateral.
  • Consumer loan with collateral.
  • Pension loan.
  • Special loan program “Gardener”.
  • Credit "Engineering Communications".

Rosselkhozbank programs allowing you to get a cash loan at the cash desk

Lending programs at Rosselkhozbank, which allow you to receive cash at the branch’s cash desk, have some differences (more details in Tables 1 and 2).

Table 1. Conditions for credit programs: consumer without collateral, consumer with collateral and consumer without collateral for payroll clients.

Terms / ProgramsConsumer without securityConsumer with depositConsumer without collateral for payroll clients
Purpose of issuing a cash loanAny goalsAny goalsAny goals
Minimum loan amount10,000 Russian rubles10,000 Russian rubles10,000 Russian rubles
Maximum loan amount750,000 Russian rubles1000000 Russian rubles If certain conditions are met, 2,000,000 Russian rubles.1000000 Russian rubles If certain conditions are met, 1,500,000 Russian rubles.
Interest rateFrom 10% to 17%From 10% to 16.5%From 10% to 16.5%
Duration of the programFrom 1 month to 5 yearsFrom 1 month to 7 yearsFrom 1 month to 7 years
Additional feesNone
Possible without limitation
Loan repayment schemeBorrower's choice:

· Annuity;

· Differentiated

Additional agreementsPersonal insurance contractPersonal insurance contractPersonal insurance contract
Application review period3 banking days5 banking days5 banking days
SecurityNot required

d) Attracting co-borrowers

Not required

Table 2. Conditions for loan programs: pension, gardener and utilities.

Terms / ProgramsPensionGardenerEngineering Communication
Purpose of issuing a cash loanAny goalsFor the needs of gardeningAny type of work related to connecting communications
Minimum loan amount10,000 Russian rubles10,000 Russian rubles10,000 Russian rubles
Maximum loan amount500,000 Russian rubles1500000 Russian rubles.500,000 Russian rubles
Interest rateFrom 11.5% to 16.5%From 13.25% to 16.75%From 13.50% to 16.75%
Duration of the programFrom 1 month to 7 yearsTarget – 5 years;

Non-target – 3 years

From 1 month to 5 years
Additional feesNone
Repayment before the contract deadlinePossible without limitation
Loan repayment schemeBorrower's choice:

· Annuity;

· Differentiated

Additional agreementsPersonal insurance contractPersonal insurance contract;Personal insurance contract;

Insurance agreement for collateral;

Agreement for opening and maintaining an account with the Russian Agricultural Bank

Application review period5 banking daysUp to 10 banking days
Grace period for repayment of principal debtAbsentUp to 12 months
SecurityNot requireda) 1 guarantor – an individual;

b) Guarantee of a legal entity;

c) Liquid property as collateral;

d) Attracting co-borrowers

a) 1 guarantor – an individual;

b) Guarantee of a legal entity;

c) Liquid property as collateral;

d) Attracting co-borrowers

If the applicant refuses to issue a personal insurance contract, the interest rate increases by 3.5 points.

Violation of the conditions for the intended use of cash increases the interest rate by 2 points.

Credit calculator

The loan calculator service allows you to estimate your real loan burden and correlate it with your income.

In order to draw up a preliminary payment schedule, you need to know:

  1. The loan amount that you plan to take out in cash.
  2. Interest rates.
  3. Duration of the loan agreement.
  4. Loan repayment scheme.
  5. Amount of additional commissions.

The calculation obtained in this way is not final. The exact amounts and dates of payments will be indicated in the bank loan agreement, which allows you to receive cash at the Rosselkhozbank cash desk.

Requirements for the borrower

Depending on the chosen cash lending program, the Russian Agricultural Bank imposes appropriate requirements on the applicant.

Table 3. Requirements for credit programs: consumer without collateral, consumer with collateral and consumer without collateral for payroll clients.

Table 4. Requirements for loan programs: pension, gardening and utilities.

Experience requirements

Rosselkhozbank imposes requirements on the applicant's work experience:

  • The minimum official length of service in the last position must be at least 180 days.
  • The total work experience, which the borrower can officially confirm, for the last 60 months cannot be less than one year.

It will be useful to view:

For clients who applied for a cash loan from Rosselkhoz, along with this, they are participants in the bank’s salary projects, the length of service requirements are slightly reduced, namely:

  1. The minimum official length of service in the last position must be at least 90 days.
  2. The total work experience, which the borrower can officially confirm, over the last 60 months cannot be less than 180 days.

Work experience requirements do not apply to retired applicants.

For borrowers who run personal subsidiary plots, when applying for a cash loan from Rosselkhoz, it is necessary to provide records from the household register of local governments confirming that the applicant has engaged in such activities over the past twelve months.

Income Requirements

Income is confirmed by a 2-NDFL certificate

When considering an application for a cash loan, Agricultural Bank takes into account the income of the potential borrower.

These include:

  • Salary, bonuses, incentive payments at the main place of work.
  • Similar payments for part-time work.
  • Income from individual entrepreneurship.
  • Income from private practice.
  • Income from personal subsidiary plots.
  • Income from the rental of your own property.
  • Amounts of pension accruals.
  • Other rewards.

The bank takes into account from one to several types of income. Also, RSHB employees can take into account the income of the co-borrower to increase the possible loan amount that can be obtained in cash.

All income must be documented.

Package of documents

To take out a cash loan from Rosselkhozbank, you cannot do without certificates and guarantors. The applicant must provide a package of documents to the institution.

The main ones include:

  • Loan application. The form of this document is established by the RSHB.
  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  • Second document confirming your identity. This could be a driver's license, military ID, or foreign passport.


Application form

Military ID

international passport

Driver's license

Rosselkhoz employees may additionally request:

  • A copy of the work record book or employment contract.
  • Pensioner's ID.
  • Marriage certificate.
  • Marriage contract.
  • Certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur.
  • Documents confirming the conduct of private practice.

Photos: Certificate of income according to bank form

If a cash loan is issued on the security of any property, then documents confirming the borrower’s ownership of it should also be provided to Rosselkhozbank. A complete list of required certificates and certificates can be found on the official website of Rosselkhozbank.

How to apply for a loan at Rosselkhozbank and receive a cash loan?

Cash loan applications are accepted at Rosselkhozbank both at bank branches and through Internet resources.

When visiting a bank office in person, you must take your passport with you. An RSHB employee will ask you to fill out an application for a loan. Next, the application is sent for consideration to the bank’s credit committee. This procedure takes from three to ten business days.

After a preliminary decision is made, the applicant will receive a call from Rosselkhozbank and be informed about the results of consideration of his application. If the decision is positive, the client will need to visit the branch with a full package of documents and sign a loan agreement.

A potential borrower has the right to fill out and send to the bank an application for a cash loan online. This option is available only to existing clients registered in the Internet client system. Using the program prompts, the applicant must carefully fill out all the required fields, confirm his actions at the request of the system and send the application form to Rosselkhozbank.

After reviewing the application, the client will be informed of a preliminary decision. Next, the applicant will need to contact the department with documents to sign the agreement.

Then the borrower has the right to contact the branch cash desk within 45 days and receive cash within the agreed amount.

Loan repayment and servicing

Repayment of the Rosselkhozbank loan is carried out monthly according to the scheme chosen by the client. In annuity form debt reduction, the total loan amount is divided into equal parts over the entire term of the transaction.

Differentiated system involves payment in different amounts: at the beginning of the period the amount of payments is larger, by the end of the period their amount decreases.

Comparison of annuity and differentiated loan repayment methods using an example

Customers have access to early repayment of the loan received. To do this, the borrower must contact the Rosselkhozbank branch and write a corresponding application: for partial or full repayment.

The client can repay the debt in the most convenient way for him:

  • In cash at branches and terminals of Rosselkhozbank.
  • Non-cash transfers.

For failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of the terms of a credit transaction, the client is obliged to pay fines, penalties and penalties in the amounts determined by the terms of such agreement.

The general idea of ​​a consumer loan comes down to the purchase by the population of televisions, refrigerators and other household appliances. A consumer loan from Rosselkhozbank with optimal interest rates and repayment terms is available to a wide group of clients, which includes entrepreneurs, gardeners and owners of private farms. With the help of these loans, garden houses, buildings, greenhouses, agricultural equipment, seeds, fertilizers, large and small livestock are purchased.

What is a consumer loan

Consumer loans are considered a type of non-targeted loan from the population for the purchase of consumer goods, household goods, and goods for the operation of personal plots. Such loans are issued with or without collateral. With collateral in the form of any liquid property or the presence of guarantors, a consumer loan from Rosselkhozbank is issued in the amount of up to 2 million rubles. Having residential real estate as collateral, the borrower will receive a loan of up to 10 million rubles. Without collateral, the maximum amount of consumer lending will be 750 thousand rubles.

Owners of garden plots and personal plots with the help of consumer loans have the opportunity to connect utilities and purchase the following goods:

  • garden buildings;
  • watering equipment;
  • agricultural machinery, tractors, trailers;
  • fuels and lubricants;
  • large and small livestock;
  • seeds;
  • fertilizers;
  • Consumables.

Consumer loans from Rosselkhozbank to individuals

Full information about consumer loans from Rosselkhozbank, conditions and content of lending programs is posted on the bank’s official website. RSHB divides such loans into two main groups according to the criterion of availability of collateral:

  • Consumer loans without collateral are issued in amounts of up to 750 thousand rubles and up to 1.5 million for employees whose enterprises are serviced by wages at Rosselkhozbank.
  • If there is security, these amounts are equal to 1 and 2 million rubles.

The Gardener program, with a rate of 19.5%, offers special lending conditions for purchases of equipment, seeds, fertilizers, livestock, and equipment for rural residents and owners of personal plots. For the purchase or repair of utilities, connecting electricity, gas, water, or sewerage, the bank offers loans from 20.5%.

Without collateral

It is easy to apply for and receive a consumer loan from Rosselkhozbank without collateral if the amount does not exceed 750 thousand rubles. To do this, you need a passport and a certificate of income in the form of a bank, signed by the director and chief accountant of the enterprise. The borrower does not require guarantors or collateral in this program; he has the opportunity to choose the type of monthly debt repayment:

  • the annuity form involves equal monthly payments;
  • differentiated form means paying equal shares of the loan body with the addition of interest on the balance.

For payroll clients

Up to 1.5 million rubles can be received by bank clients who have had a salary card with the Russian Agricultural Bank for at least 6 months. If such clients work under limited fixed-term contracts with the bank's client company, the loan is issued for the period until the expiration of this contract. There is no grace period for this type of loan. Loan repayment is made in cashless form to the client's bank account. There are no additional fees for registration and issuance of money.


A secured consumer loan from Rosselkhozbank is issued in an amount of up to 1 million rubles for a period of up to 5 years with a rate of 18.9%. For a loan term of less than 12 months, a 1% discount is given. For salary clients of the bank, the maximum loan amount increases to 2 million rubles. According to the terms of the bank, collateral means the presence of a guarantee from an individual or legal entity, collateral liquid property of both the borrower himself and third parties. When calculating the maximum loan amount available to a client, all types of income are taken into account.

Pension loan

For older people, the bank offers a “Pension” loan product with a maximum amount of up to 500 thousand rubles, for a period of up to 7 years, with a rate of 11.5%. The borrower must be no more than 75 years old at the time of repayment of all payments under the loan agreement. Citizens receiving all types of pensions - old age, disability, social pension under state programs, federal and regional laws have the right to receive a loan under this program. When calculating the maximum loan size, the income of co-borrowers is taken into account.

Non-target secured by housing

The bank provides the most favorable conditions for non-target mortgage loans: the maximum amount increases to 10 million rubles, and the loan term is up to 10 years. The interest rate for a period of up to 36 months will be 16%, from 36 to 120 months – 17% per annum. An apartment, a residential building with a plot of land, or a townhouse are accepted as collateral, and the loan issued cannot exceed 50% of the appraised value of the property. This program requires mandatory real estate insurance, and life and health insurance of the borrower is at his discretion. Insurance is included in the loan amount.

Refinancing of consumer loans

Refinancing of consumer loans from other banks is carried out at a rate of 13.5% for periods of up to 12 months. For a period of 12 to 60 months, the annual interest rate on the refinancing loan will be 15%. In the absence of collateral, the maximum amount for such lending will be 750 thousand rubles. If you have security or a salary card at the Russian Agricultural Bank, the maximum amount will be 1 million rubles. Additionally, within 10 days after the loan issuance, it is required to provide a certificate from a third-party bank confirming the absence of financial obligations to it.

Special programs

For loyal customers under various programs there are special offers and promotions of the bank. Holders of Rosselkhozbank salary cards with amounts exceeding 200 thousand rubles and loan terms of less than 12 months receive a preferential rate of 11.5% per annum. The promotional program for the development of personal subsidiary farming provides an opportunity to take advantage of government subsidies. Loans are issued for the purchase of trucks, tractors, irrigation equipment, livestock equipment, farm animals, seeds, and fertilizers.

Loan conditions at Rosselkhozbank

The table below presents the basic conditions under which citizens of the Russian Federation can obtain a loan:


up to thousand rubles

from % per annum

Without collateral

No life insurance

6% to the rate

2% of the rate

For pensioners

For pensioners receiving a pension from the Russian Agricultural Bank

1% of the rate

Owners of private household plots

For the Union of Gardeners of Russia

1500 from salary card.

With security

For budget or reliable clients

1% of the rate

For clients with an RSHB salary card

0.5% of the rate

Secured by residential real estate

Owners of private household plots


750 without deposit

1000 with deposit

Interest rate

The average interest rate at Rosselkhozbank for loans without collateral is 19%, with collateral – 16%. As the loan amount and term increase, the rate increases by 1%. If the borrower or co-borrower refuses life and health insurance, the premium to the rate will be 6%. For clients whose companies are serviced by salaries at the Russian Agricultural Bank, the interest rate is reduced by 1% for loans with collateral, and by 0.5% in the absence of it. A 2% discount on the rate is given to clients working in companies that are reliable for the bank, and employees of budgetary organizations and institutions.

Loan amount and term

In all credit programs, the minimum loan amount is 10,000 rubles. For loans without collateral, the maximum amount is 750 thousand rubles. In this case, the maximum loan term will be 60 months. When receiving a loan for a period of less than a year, the interest rate is reduced by 1% from the base value. For holders of RSHB salary cards, the maximum loan amount is increased to 1.5 million rubles, and they are issued for a period of up to 5 years. If there is collateral in the form of housing, the maximum loan amount increases to 10 million rubles, and the term - up to 10 years.

Who can get a loan from Rosselkhozbank

A consumer loan from Rosselkhozbank is used not only to buy things for the family and everyday life: entrepreneurs or managers of personal plots use it to purchase means of production, consumables, fuels and lubricants. Any citizen of Russia who meets the age requirements and has provided the required package of documents can receive a loan. The decision to give or not to give a loan is made by the bank within 3 to 5 days.

Requirements for borrowers

Age restrictions for obtaining a consumer loan at Rosselkhozbank are set from 23 to 75 years. For preferential lending programs, the work experience at the last place of work should not be less than 6 months. For clients who work on a garden plot or have personal plots, it is necessary to have an entry in the household book of the district council about the business owner for a period of at least 12 months before receiving a loan. Clients with a good credit history or those receiving salaries through the bank’s salary projects are considered reliable.

How to get a loan from Rosselkhozbank

To obtain a loan, you must write an application in the form established by the bank online on the bank’s website or at its branches. The application shall indicate:

  • personal data;
  • sum;
  • loan term;
  • availability of collateral and guarantors.

It is worth indicating possible benefits for having RSHB salary cards and belonging to the bank’s partner organizations. Additionally, the bank's application form must be filled out. After analyzing the documents provided, the bank takes up to 3 days to make a decision. The opportunity to take out a cash loan from Rosselkhozbank is valid for 45 days after the date of the bank’s positive decision.

Documents for obtaining a loan

The main documents are a passport and a certificate of income in the form of a bank. The certificate is signed at the place of work by the director and chief accountant of the enterprise. Certificates of additional income are confirmed by marks from the territorial authorities at the place of receipt. Additional documents in some loan programs are:

  • military ID;
  • about marital status and presence of children;
  • employment history;
  • documents for collateral real estate.


Unsecured programs require life and health insurance for the borrower. In some cases, with increased loan amounts, additional insurance for co-borrowers will be required. If both the borrower and the co-borrower refuse insurance, the interest rate increases by 6%. For loans secured by housing, you will additionally need insurance for the collateral property. In this program, insurance of the borrower is not mandatory, but remains at his discretion. Insurance, at the request of the borrower, is included in the total loan amount and is paid in monthly installments.

Calculate Rosselkhozbank loan - loan calculator

The private lending section of the Rosselkhozbank website contains a list of all types of programs for different categories of citizens. By choosing his category and type of loan, the client is taken to a page with a full description of the product. This page contains conditions, rates, required documents, service and payment procedures, and a loan calculator. By setting the amount and term of the loan using visual controls or numbers, making notes on the availability of benefits and the desired type of payment, the client will see a complete table of monthly payments for the loan body and interest on the balance.

Pros and cons of consumer loans

The advantage of consumer lending is the ability to quickly receive money for various purposes. The downside is the increase in purchase price. An important feature is the ability to use the funds received from the loan at your own discretion. Only in refinancing programs is it necessary to fully repay previously received loans. The bank does not issue cash loans, but transfers funds to the client’s account at Rosselkhozbank.


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Loans from Rosselkhozbank are popular among the population for a reason, because this bank offers favorable terms of cooperation among all banks, reduced interest rates in 2019 and an abundance of programs for any client’s goals, desires and requirements.

What loans are available to individuals at Rosselkhozbank?

To take out a loan from Rosselkhozbank, you will have to fill out a short application after selecting the best banking product. The credit institution issues:

  • consumer loans from 100 thousand rubles, funds can be spent for any purpose;
  • car loans – up to 5 million, you can buy a new or used car;
  • loans for business – in the amount of up to 150 million, at their expense you can replenish current assets and develop your business;
  • mortgage, including preferential ones, up to 60 million.

Rates on consumer loans start at 6.00%, and if you want to get credit cards, the average overpayment will be 26%. However, it is more profitable to take money in cash, having previously calculated the most attractive terms of cooperation for