Rusfinance Bank car loan: conditions and interest rate. Conditions and advantages of a car loan at Rusfinance bank Rusfinance car loan conditions

Rusfinance Bank offers a variety of loans for purchasing a car. There are programs for new and used vehicles of domestic and foreign production, with the possibility of registration without CASCO, without proof of income and without a down payment. There are programs with subsidized interest rates.

Lending conditions differ in the chosen car model, the borrower’s parameters, and the amount of the down payment.

Issue parameters:

With interest subsidies, you can get a loan for the purchase of Lifan, Lifan Murman Genesis Direct, etc. cars purchased from authorized dealers.

The collateral is the purchased Car.

The maximum percentage is available for programs that allow you to complete a transaction without income certificates, without CASCO registration, without a down payment.

You can calculate the amount of overpayment using a loan calculator. For example, if you want to purchase a used Porsche Approved under a special program worth 1 million rubles, you can make a minimum down payment of 20%. The amount of monthly payments and the total overpayment under the agreement, depending on the amount of the down payment and the loan term, will be:

The data is given taking into account that the borrower has documented his income, otherwise the rate increases by 1 percentage point.

The transaction is completed in partner companies, the money is transferred to the account.

Recipient requirements

Individuals who are citizens of the Russian Federation and have permanent registration in the area where the bank operates can receive a car loan.

The borrower's age can be from 23 to 65 years (at the date of repayment of the contract). Minimum work experience of 6 months, home and work telephone required

Required documents

Recipients provide:

  • Passport;
  • Foreign passport, driver's license;
  • Income certificates, if necessary.

A subsidiary of Rosbank, represented in 68 regions of the Russian Federation. The main specialization is consumer loans, including car loans, as well as credit cards. Ultimately, the bank belongs to the foreign financial group Societe Generale (it also owns Rosbank).

The bank was registered back in 1992. In 2005, Societe Generale was bought out, and a year later it received its current name. Currently participates in the Deposit Insurance System.

Car loans from Rusfinance Bank

The bank issues loans for the purchase of both new and used cars from car dealers. In this case, a loan can be issued using only two documents. The exception is cases when the amount of loan funds exceeds 1 million rubles (loan for the purchase of a new foreign car) or 800,000 rubles (other cars). In this case, you will have to provide documents confirming your income. The exception is loans in the amount of up to 1.2 million rubles issued for the purchase of a new foreign-made car, 40% or more of the cost of which was paid by the borrower from his own funds as a down payment.

"Fast and Furious"

Money is issued for the purchase of a new foreign-made car.

  • Loan terms range from 2 to 5 years in multiples of 1 year.
  • The down payment amount is at least 20% of the cost of the car.
  • Rate from 9.9% to 17% (the larger the down payment, the lower the rate. When depositing 50% or more, the rate will be minimal).
  • The car is pledged to the bank.
  • The loan amount starts from 50,000 rubles. The maximum you can take is 6.5 million rubles.

GAP insurance allows you to reduce the rate to the lowest possible level. Without it, the rate will start at 13.5%. CASCO insurance is mandatory.


Money is issued for the purchase of a foreign-made car with mileage (but less than 6 years old at the time of execution of the loan agreement and no more than 12 years old at the end date).

The conditions are similar to the terms of the Fast and Furious product, but the rate is higher - from 15.5% to 21%.

  • The lowest rate is offered for cars costing over 2 million rubles. The larger the down payment, the better the interest rate on the loan.
  • It is not necessary to apply for CASCO insurance if the down payment is over 30%.
  • Amount - from 50,000 to 6.5 million rubles (without CASCO registration - maximum 750,000 rubles).

"A great opportunity!"

The loan is provided for the purchase of a new domestic car.

  • The rate is 15.5% - 17% (for life and health insurance minus 2%, when concluding GAP insurance the rate ranges from 9.9% to 13.5%).
  • You need to apply for CASCO insurance.
  • Down payment from 20%.
  • All insurance costs for the entire period of using the loan can be included in the loan amount.

Loan for a used domestic car

  • Amount from 50,000 to 350,000 rubles (for a commercial vehicle - maximum 450,000 rubles).
  • Rate 15.9% - 21.5%.
  • You will need to provide an appraisal report for the loaned car.
  • The age of the car at the end of the loan agreement should not exceed 10 years.
  • CASCO is required (an exception is possible for a down payment of more than 30% of the cost of the car).
  • Personal insurance of the borrower allows you to reduce the interest rate.

Loan with government subsidy

In 2018, there are two state programs - “Family car” and “First car”. To participate in them, you must either have 2 or more minor children, or purchase your first car under the program (the borrower must never have owned a single car before). The discount on the bank rate from the state is 6.7%.

  • The car must be assembled on the territory of the Russian Federation (it is also allowed on the territory of foreign factories, if they are located in Russia).
  • The car must be new - 2017 or 2018, not previously owned by an individual.
  • The maximum cost of the car does not exceed 1,450,000 rubles.
  • The state will return 10% of the cost of the car, subject to making a down payment (you don’t have to make it, but then the right to a discount is lost).
  • In 2018, the client has not yet entered into (and will not enter into) another loan agreement for the purpose of purchasing a car.
  • Loan terms up to 5 years.
  • The minimum loan amount is 50,000 rubles.
  • It is necessary to draw up a car pledge agreement and CASCO insurance.

List of documents required to participate in the state program:

  • Russian Federation passport.
  • Driver license.
  • Birth certificates of children.
  • CASCO policy.
  • Auto pledge agreement.

Package of necessary documents

  • Russian Federation passport.
  • A contract of pledge of a vehicle for the purchase of which a loan is issued.
  • CASCO.
  • Personal insurance agreement for the borrower (if you agree to issue it).
  • Driver's license, international passport, TIN, SNILS or military ID of your choice. It is enough to present one document from this list.
  • Documents confirming the borrower's income. This could be a salary certificate issued at the place of work (2-NDFL, according to the bank form), a tax return or a 3-NDFL certificate, decoration for imputed income, a certificate of the amount of pension payments, a bank account statement, etc. .
  • In order for the bank to take into account the income of the spouse, it is necessary to provide the relevant documents.

Requirements for borrowers

  • Citizen of the Russian Federation aged 23 to 65 years.
  • Positive credit history.
  • Registration and actual residence in one of the regions where the bank is represented.
  • At your last place of work, you must have a continuous work experience of at least 4 months (if the loan is issued for the purchase of a new car) or from 6 months (for a loan for a used car).
  • Having at least two contact telephone numbers, preferably one of them should be a landline.

On this page, the portal user can get acquainted with car loans that can be obtained from Rusfinance Bank. In the list of offers, the site visitor has access to brief information on each product: maximum term and amount, interest rate, minimum down payment. Inside the card of each program you can see detailed current conditions for obtaining a loan. Including the financial institution’s requirements for a potential borrower: age, work experience, place of permanent registration, as well as a list of documents to be provided. In order to understand whether you have the opportunity to take out a car loan at this rate, you need to carefully read the above parameters. If there is a “Leave a request” button next to the program description, the user can save his time by using this service. When a client submits an application online, the bank communicates a preliminary decision by telephone.

Reading time: 7 minutes

Issuing car loans in Russia is becoming an increasingly popular financial service every year. After all, due to the high cost of a car, not all citizens can buy it using their own cash savings. But this is not a reason to use public transport exclusively for travel or remain a pedestrian. A car loan from Rusfinance Bank allows you to become the owner of a car, even when there is not enough money to buy it. Currently, this financial institution offers a number of interesting programs. Let's consider their conditions in 2019.

Which banks can you get a car loan from?

There is no shortage of car loan programs today. It is also important that banking products are updated over time and new options are added to them. Therefore, when choosing a specific counterparty bank, the following parameters should be taken into account:

  • annual interest rate;
  • loan terms;
  • the amount of the down payment;
  • selection of brands and models of vehicles (vehicles) available for purchase on credit;
  • compulsory CASCO insurance for the collateralized vehicle.

In addition to car loans from Rusfinance Bank, services in this segment of the domestic financial market from Cetelem Bank, VTB 24, etc. are popular.

Conditions for car loans at Rusfinance Bank

Currently, Rusfinance Bank offers citizens to buy a car of the chosen brand on credit, selecting the optimal program. This financial organization is characterized by the convenience and efficiency of processing loans, a loyal attitude towards clients and flexible lending terms. In addition, a loan is available on attractive terms:

  • You can purchase passenger vehicles from the domestic automobile industry and from foreign manufacturers
  • Amount (rubles):
    • minimum – 50 thousand;
    • maximum – 6.5 million.
  • The term of the loan agreement can be 24-84 months.
  • The minimum amount of PV (down payment) is 10%.
  • Insurance. In some cases, the collateral must be insured under CASCO and the GAP insurance program. In addition, the client's health and life insurance may be required. The cost of a GAP insurance policy can be included with the loan amount.
  • Early repayment of the loan is permitted. No amount limits or penalties apply.
  • An additional condition is that the borrower must submit an application to open a deposit with the bank.
  • Offers from Rusfinance Bank

    This financial institution offers 4 main and 19 special car loan programs. First, let's take a closer look at the features of the main products.

    For a new car

    For citizens who dream of a respectable car and want to purchase a new foreign car, the Fast and the Furious program has been developed. Its conditions are given in the table.

    Program “Great Opportunity!” designed for people who want to use borrowed funds to purchase only domestic vehicles. You will learn about the conditions under which car loans are provided under this program from the following table. To receive a loan at minimal interest, in addition to the main loan agreement, collateral, CASCO and GAP insurance agreements are drawn up, and an application is submitted to open a deposit with the bank. But in this case, the level of material costs is reduced due to the absence of the need for the borrower to insure his life and health. Interestingly, it is mandatory to purchase these policies at a rate of 13.5-15.0%. But then you don’t have to take out GAP insurance.

    For a used car

    As for the minimum rate (18.9%), everything is logical here. To reduce it, you will additionally need to submit an application to open a deposit with a bank, draw up a collateral agreement, CASCO insurance, as well as the health and life of the borrower. That is, the bank, by lending money, minimizes the risk of non-repayment.

    Rusfinance Bank today has lending programs for the purchase of used cars, both foreign and domestic.

    Subprogram “Just what you need!” The Used Car program is designed for experienced drivers who do not want to overpay. Funds are provided for the purchase of used vehicles from a domestic automaker. You can familiarize yourself with the terms and conditions of this loan product by examining the following table:

    To purchase a used foreign car, you should apply for a “Dvizh’Ok” loan from Rusfinance Bank. The product is designed for car enthusiasts who “value practicality and comfort and place high demands on safety.” The parameters of the Dvizh’Ok loan are as follows:

    Receiving funds at a minimum interest rate of 15.9% for 5 years involves submitting an application to open a deposit in a bank, drawing up a collateral agreement, CASCO insurance, as well as the health and life of the borrower.

    Special car loan programs

    The Dvizh'Ok program has two subprograms. One of them – “Dvizh’Ok_fresh” – provides credit for the purchase of a used vehicle less than 6 years old. You can become the owner of an older foreign car by taking out a loan “Dvizh’Ok_old”. At the same time, at the time of expiration of the loan agreement, the age of the car should not exceed 12 years.

    It was said above that the list of Rusfinance Bank products also includes special car loan programs. The maximum amount you can receive depends on the brand of the car you are purchasing. Specific data is located in the table.

    car modelAmount, rubles

    Bentley50 thousand
    Chery100 thousand
    The decision is made individually
    Fiat (minibuses)100 thousand5 million
    Foton50 thousand6.5 million
    Hyundai50 thousand6.5 million
    Jaguar350 thousand8.5 million
    Jeep50 thousand6.5 million
    KIA50 thousand6.5 million
    LADA50 thousand6.5 million
    Lamborghini50 thousandThe decision is made individually
    Land Rover350 thousand8.5 million
    Lifan50 thousandThe decision is made individually
    Mazda50 thousand6.5 million
    Porsche150 thousand12 million

    Skoda120 thousand1.2 million
    Suzuki50 thousand6.5 million
    Volkswagen50 thousand6.5 million
    GAS50 thousand6.5 million

    ;Validity period of the loan agreement:

    • minimum – 12 months;
    • maximum – up to 84 months.

    Interest rate information is posted below.

    Participation in the state car loan program

    Since mid-2017, state programs for targeted preferential car loans “Family Car” and “First Car” have been launched in our country. You can also apply for loans on their terms at Rusfinance Bank.

    Participants in state programs receive a 10 percent discount on the cost of the purchased vehicle. In addition, the bank rate has decreased.

    However, financial institutions are not at a loss. The profits lost under loan agreements are reimbursed from the state budget.

    You can purchase a car on preferential terms, the cost of which does not exceed 1 million rubles. and left the manufacturing plant no earlier than December 2019. But there is another important condition here - the car must be assembled by a domestic automaker. Of course, this reduces the choice of a suitable car. It should also be noted that you can only get a preferential car loan once.

    Interest rates

    Please note that the bank makes a decision on the lending rate for each client individually. The final size of this indicator depends on the following factors:

    • the amount of the down payment;
    • validity period of the loan agreement;
    • loan size – with a small borrower’s income, the rate increases;
    • credit history. If it is negative, the interest increases;
    • availability of insurance. The annual rate decreases if the loan is insured against more risks;
    • availability of government subsidies.

    Generalized data on interest rates for car loan programs at Rusfinance Bank are presented in the table.

    Bank requirements for the borrower

    Persons who meet the following requirements can receive a loan from Rusfinance Bank to purchase a vehicle:

    • Having Russian citizenship. In addition, the potential client must be registered and permanently reside in the territorial-administrative unit where the bank branch is located.
    • Age:
      • at least 23 years of age on the day the loan is issued;
      • not older than 65 years at the time of full closure of the loan agreement.
    • Length of continuous work experience at last place of employment:
      • at least 6 months if a loan is issued for a used car;
      • at least 4 months when applying for a loan for a new vehicle.
    • Availability of two contact telephone numbers.

    Applying for a car loan

    This procedure involves performing the following steps:

  1. A visit to the car showroom where the field branch of Rusfinance Bank operates.
  2. Choosing the right car.
  3. Filling out the application. At the same time, an employee of a financial institution asks a number of questions, which must be answered frankly. The period for making a preliminary decision on issuing a loan is from 30 minutes.
  4. If the loan application is approved, registration:
    • purchase and sale agreements;
    • registration certificate of the purchased car;
    • car insurance policies.
  5. Transfer of advance payment.

After this, the borrower leaves in a new car, and the bank transfers the required amount to the car dealership’s account.

Required documents

The financial institution is provided with a package of papers, which includes;

  • Russian civil passport.
  • Choose one of the documents:
    • military ID;
    • TIN certificate;
    • SNILS certificate;
    • international passport;
    • driver's license.

When does the bank require proof of income?

Documentary proof of income will be required if:

  • a new foreign car is purchased and the loan amount is at least 1 million rubles. The exception is the case when a loan of up to 1.2 million rubles is taken out. and make an initial payment of 40%;
  • the volume of lending is equal to or exceeds 800 thousand rubles. and vehicles of all other categories are purchased - for example, a used car from a domestic manufacturer.

When calculating the maximum loan amount, Rusfinance Bank also takes into account the income of the official spouse. This allows the borrower to purchase a more prestigious vehicle model.

Comprehensive insurance under the “Protection” program

Rusfinance Bank motivates the borrower to include the additional “Protection” service in the loan amount through incentive pricing and lowering the lending rate. The program provides:

  • CASCO insurance;
  • client's health and life insurance.

Let’s look at the impact of using comprehensive insurance using the example of the Dvizh’Ok loan product. The standard offer from Rusfinance Bank does not require the borrower to insure health and life. The rate in this case fluctuates in the range of 11.7–16.8%. When using the “Protection” program, the limit values ​​of this parameter are reduced by 2 percentage points.

Is it possible to get a car loan without a down payment and CASCO?

Rusfinance Bank provides loans without CASCO insurance. True, only for two programs - the aforementioned loan product “Dvizh’Ok”, as well as “Used Car”. However, you cannot count on a significant reduction in costs when applying for these car loans.

The bank will require the client to submit an assessment report of the vehicle being financed, compiled by a company licensed to provide such a service. Of course, its cost is less than the price of a CASCO policy, but additional costs will still be required. For loans “Fast and Furious” and “Great Opportunity!” CASCO insurance is mandatory.

In 2019, Rusfinance Bank does not provide loans for the purchase of a vehicle without an advance payment. But this type of lending, which is provided by some other financial organizations, also has its advantages for the client.

How to repay a car loan

There are 12 ways to pay off debt on a Rusfinance Bank car loan. Let's name the most popular:

  • transfer of payment by the accounting department at the place of employment;
  • through Rusfinance Bank and Eleksnet terminals;
  • depositing cash into a bank teller, etc.

To avoid delays, the borrower must ensure that there is a sufficient amount of funds in his account before the last working, rather than calendar, day of the month.

Closing the loan agreement before the due date is also permitted. Let's consider this issue in more detail.

Early repayment of a car loan

First of all, you need to find out the amount of the outstanding loan balance. You can calculate it yourself, but to eliminate errors, it is recommended to clarify the figure with a bank specialist.

Early repayment of a car loan at Rusfinance Bank can be full or partial. In the second case, since the debt still remains, the bank will provide the client with a new monthly payment schedule.

Early payment must be made on the day the regular payment is written off.

But before performing this financial transaction, the borrower must inform the bank of his intention. Otherwise, only the amount fixed in the agreement will be withdrawn from the client’s account. But this does not apply to the case when partial or full repayment of the debt is carried out no later than one month from the date of execution of the loan agreement. Then the client is not obliged to notify the bank and explain the reasons.

Advantages and disadvantages of applying for a car loan at Rusfinance Bank

Among the advantages of car loans in this financial institution, we highlight:

  • favorable interest rates;
  • a wide range of credit products;
  • no commissions or additional fees for providing a loan;
  • flexible lending terms;
  • the possibility of including a CASCO insurance premium in the loan amount;
  • wide range of additional services.

The disadvantages include:

  • Mandatory down payment.
  • The need for CASCO insurance under some programs.
  • Dependence of a car loan on other loans issued at Rusfinance Bank. If the client has arrears on a consumer loan obtained from this financial institution, his request for early closure of the car loan will be denied.
  • High fines. For example, if the borrower does not give the bank the registration certificate of the purchased car within 5 days, 5 thousand rubles will be collected from him.

In general, the shortcomings are offset by the close cooperation of Rusfinance Bank with dealers and insurance companies. This makes the procedure for applying for a car loan attractive and more comfortable.

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