Otp bank savings account. Cumulative

Today OTP Bank is a stable guarantor and reliable partner providing a wide range of services. In 2018, he is part of the international banking group, which is the leader in providing banking services in Eastern and Central Europe.

We will tell you in detail about deposits and accounts. OTP Bank classifies customer deposits into two groups:

  1. Retail;
  2. Premium;

Depending on the investment program chosen by the client, deposits are: in rubles, in dollars and in euros.

TO first group deposits include:

  • double benefit plus;
  • maximum;
  • accumulative;
  • pension;
  • flexible;
  • savings account;

TO second group relate:

  • stable income
  • freedom of control;

Double Benefit Plus

This is a great choice for knowledgeable people.

  • Large% on the deposit;
  • Payment of % at the end of the term of cash investments;
  • This program implies a deposit of 181 days and 366 days;

When drawing up an “investment life insurance contract”, the depositor receives incentive benefits. The insurance is carried out by the bank's partners - Alfastrakhovanie-life LLC and IC RGS-Life LLC.

Additional benefits:

  • The contract is for 5 years
  • 100% deposit refund
  • Client life insurance
  • Getting extra income
  • Return 13% - tax deduction from the contribution, but not more than 120,000 rubles. in year

This deposit program provides an investment Money from 50,000.00 to 10,000,000.00 rubles at a rate of 8.5% per annum without registration of ILI (with registration + 0.01% to 8.5%) for a period of 181, 366 days.

Interest rate on the deposit can be 9.0% under the following conditions:

  1. The date of opening the Deposit and the date of the ILI Agreement for a period of 5 years do not differ by more than 30 days from the date of execution of the contract;
  2. The contribution is less than or equal to the amount of the premium under the ILI Agreement;
  3. The ILI agreement was not interrupted by the Client for the entire period.

Payment of % on deposit

At the end of the deposit term, interest is paid. If the amount of the deposit is exceeded, then interest on the deposit “on demand” is accrued on the amount of the increased deposit. For the entire term of the deposit, the interest on it does not change.

Deposit restrictions

  • For one depositor, the amount of the deposit must not be exceeded, even if it consists of several parts;

Additional terms

If, upon completion of the deposit, the client has not withdrawn his money, then this deposit is automatically extended for the next period with the accepted fixed interest at the time of prolongation on the “Maximum” deposit. If there is no “Maximum” deposit during the extension, then this deposit is extended on the terms of the “On Demand” deposit in the currency provided for by this deposit.

Maximum - for those who are set to the maximum. Advantages of this deposit program:
The right to choose the client - the term to choose: 3,6,9,12;
High stakes;
Issuance of% at the end of the term;
Incomplete withdrawal and deposit of funds is not provided.

Deposit "Maximum"

In numbers it looks like this:

Deposit amount 91 days 181 days 275 days 366 days
Rubles, RF% per annum% per annum% per annum% per annum
30 000-100 000 6,0 6,60 6,40 6,40
100 000,01 – 300 000,00 6,40 7,00 6,80 6,80
300 000,01 – 800 000,00 6,40 7,00 6,80 6,80
800 000,01 – 1 400 000,00 6,40 7,00 6,80 6,80
1 400 000,01 – 30 000 000,00 6,40 7,00 6,80 6,80
  1. As can be seen from the table above, the deposit is exclusively in Russian rubles, from 30,000.00 - 30,000,000.00, respectively. Each deposit amount has a fixed percentage, which depends on the term of the investment.
  2. The investor has the right to choose for himself those conditions that are acceptable to him. Also, the client of the Bank has the right to terminate the agreement ahead of schedule, taking his money, but already on the terms of the “On Demand” deposit.

Payment of % on deposit

At the end of the contractual relationship, interest is transferred to the depositor. If the maximum amount of the deposit is exceeded, then interest is accrued on the amount of the increased deposit at the rate of the “on demand” deposit. For the entire term of the deposit, the interest on it does not change.

Deposit restrictions

Expenditure activities and ancillary contributions are not allowed;

Additional terms

If, upon the expiration of the deposit term, the depositor has not withdrawn his money, then the deposit is automatically prolonged for the next period with the accepted interest terms of prolongation for the “Maximum” deposit. If at the moment of prolongation there is no “Maximum” deposit, then this deposit is prolonged on the terms of the “On Demand” deposit in the currency provided for by this contribution.


This special offer for people of retirement age. Advantages of the deposit:

  • Special deposit program designed for pensioners;
  • The deposit can be replenished from 1000 rubles;
  • Benefits in early termination of the contract;
  • Monthly interest payment.

The “Pension” deposit is presented in figures:

Deposit amount91 days181 days366 days
Russian rubles% per annum% per annum% per annum
15 000,00 – 100 000,00 5,73/5,70 6,18/6,10 5,85/5,70
100 000,01 – 300 000,00 6,13/6,10 6,59/6,50 6,06/5,90
300 000,01 – 800 000,00 6,13/6,10 6,59/6,50 6,59/6,50
800 000,01 – 1 400 000,00 6,13/6,10 6,59/6,50 6,27/6,10
1 400 000,01 – 10 000 000,00 6,13/6,10 6,59/6,50 6,27/6,10
Deposit amount91 days181 days366 days
U.S. dollars
300,00 – 2 000,00 0,30/0,30 0,70/0,70 0,85/0,85
2 000,01 – 5 000,00 0,30/0,30 0,70/0,70 0,85/0,85
5 000,01 – 16 000,00 0,30/0,30 0,70/0,70 0,85/0,85
16 000,01 – 30 000,00 0,30/0,30 0,70/0,70 0,85/0,85
30 000,01 – 300 000,00 0,30/0,30 0,70/0,70 0,85/0,85

Under this program, deposits from pensioners are accepted in Russian rubles and US dollars. Each wishing pensioner has the right to choose for himself exactly those conditions that he considers the best, both in terms of the amount of the deposit and in terms of the time of the deposit. The minimum deposit is RUB 15,000.00 or USD 300.00, respectively.

The maximum deposit must not exceed 10,000,000.00 in Russian rubles or 300,000.00 in US dollars.
After formalizing the contractual relationship, the Bank's client has the right to make additional contributions, but not more than the established maximum. The minimum contribution on a pension deposit will be 1000 Russian rubles or 50 US dollars.

Monthly payments are allowed under this program. This program provides for early termination of the contract. This occurs when the amount of the deposit withdrawn exceeds the amount of capitalized interest. Deposit rates are paid for the presence of money on the current account at the rate "on demand".

The amount of the deposit is issued to the depositor minus the interest paid as a result of early repayment.
Payment of interest on the deposit does not change during the term of the contractual relationship. Interest is transferred to the client on a monthly basis, or added to the main installment, if the client wishes.

Additional terms

If the client has not withdrawn his deposit at the end of the deposit term, then the deposit is considered to be reissued for the next period with the current conditions of the Bank for that period of time. If at that moment the Bank does not have this deposit program, then the deposit will be issued as a demand deposit.

Deposit Flexible

Created for people who prefer freedom. Advantages of the deposit:

  • Allowed to deposit and receive funds;
  • Monthly interest payments and capitalization.
Deposit amount181 days366 days
Rubles% per annum% per annum
30 000,00 - 100 000,00 5,05/5,00 4,91/4,80
100 000,01 - 300 000,00 5,15/5,10 5,01/4,90
300 000,01 - 800 000,00 5,26/5,20 5,12/5,00
800 000,01 - 1 400 000,00 5,36/5,50 5,22/5,10
1 400 000,01 - 10 000 000,00 5,46/5,40 5,43/5,30

Deposit amount181 days366 days
dollars% per annum% per annum
300,00 - 2 000,00 0,50/0,50 0,75/0,75
2 000,01 - 5 000,00 0,50/0,50 0,75/0,75
5 000,01 - 16 000,00 0,50/0,50 0,75/0,75
16 000,01 - 30 000,00 0,50/0,50 0,75/0,75
30 000,01 - 300 000,00 0,50/0,50 0,75/0,75

The table below shows that contributions under this program are issued in Russian rubles and US dollars. The minimum deposit is RUB 15,000.00 or USD 300.00. The maximum deposit reaches 10,000,000.00 Russian rubles, in dollars 300,000.00. For himself, any depositor chooses the term of the deposit offered by this program at 181 days, 366 days.

This deposit involves a partial deposit of money for the entire period of the deposit. The only limitation here is a period of 30 days before the end of the contract provided for by the contract. Another limitation is the minimum deposit balance. If this limit has become less than the permissible one, this means that the contract has been terminated ahead of schedule.

Early termination of the deposit

If the depositor decides to return his money, then the interest on the deposit for the presence of money in the Bank is transferred at the rate of the deposit “on demand”. The deposit is returned in the currency in which it was made.
In case of premature termination of the relationship, the amount of the contribution is returned minus the remuneration received at the time of the return of the contribution.

Additional terms

If at the end of the deposit period the client has not withdrawn his contribution, then the contractual relationship is extended for the period and percentage set by the Bank. If there is no such deposit at the time of this procedure, then a prolongation of the contractual relationship is issued - a demand deposit at the interest established at the time of registration of the procedure.

Payment of interest on the deposit is made monthly by transferring the amounts to the current account, also transferred on the day the deposit is closed. If they are not transferred, then they are added to the deposit itself. The interest rates here are differentiated in view of the term, the initial deposit. If the allowable deposit limits are exceeded, then interest is calculated on such amounts at the agreed rates of the deposit "on demand". Percentage throughout the relationship does not change.

It should be noted that in this situation there is a limited balance, which is considered the initial deposit, which is established for the entire period of the contract and is not withdrawn.

Savings account

Created for people who decisively and confidently go to their dream. Advantages of the deposit:

  • At any time, you can make minor contributions to the savings account;
  • Terms of deposits will find their client from 3 months to 2 years;
  • Payment of remuneration occurs at the end of the term of the contractual relationship.

Savings account is issued in rubles and in dollars. The minimum deposit is RUB 15,000.00 and USD 300.00, respectively. What is typical for this deposit, the maximum deposit is equal to a tenfold increase down payment, but cannot exceed 10,000,000.00 rubles and 300,000.00 US dollars. The terms of the deposit are also chosen by the bank's depositors and are 91 days, 181 days, 366 days.

After the client has made the first deposit, he can make insignificant deposits throughout the entire period, but there are small clarifications. Minimum deposit is 3,000 Russian rubles, and in US dollars 100.00 units.

The only thing is, you can not make a contribution 30 days before the termination of the contract. Withdrawing money in funded programs not allowed.

Premature termination of the deposit is possible. If the deposit is withdrawn, this means that the contractual relationship is terminated. The remuneration for this deposit is calculated according to the percentage of the “on demand” deposit.

Additional terms

If at the end of the deposit agreement the client has not withdrawn the deposit, then the contractual relationship is extended for the period and percentage, established by the Bank. If at the time of this procedure there is no such program in the Bank, then the banking institution issues an extension of the contractual relationship with a demand deposit.

The remuneration on the deposit is transferred at the end of the contractual relationship. Depending on the selected deposit period, interest rates are differentiated. If the deposit is more than 10,000,000.00 rubles or 300,000.00 dollars, then interest on the deposit is paid according to the tariff of the “on demand” program. Interest on the deposit does not change during the period of the deposit.

Freedom of control

We also want to note that, along with the above programs, there is a program of deposits and accounts called.

Advantages of this program:

  • You can replenish your account remotely through generally accepted service channels;
  • Debit transactions permissible;
  • Interest capitalization is inherent;
  • A debit or credit card is provided as a gift.
Deposit amount366 days
Russian rubles% per annum
1 500 000,00 - 7 500 000,00 6,06/5,90
7 500 000,00 - 15 000 000,00 6,17/6,00
15 000 000,00 - 30 000 000,00 6,22/6,05
30 000 000,00 - 150 000 000,00 6,27/6,10
U.S. dollars% per annum
50 000,00 - 250 000,00 1,05/1,05
250 000,01 - 500 000,00 1,11/1,10
500 000,01 - 3 000 000,00 1,16/1,15

This program involves deposits, both in Russian currency and in US. The minimum deposit looks like 1,500,000 in rubles and 50,000 in dollars, respectively. The maximum deposit is equal to the initial deposit increased by 10 times, but not more than 150,000,000.00 in rubles and 3,000,000.00 in dollars. This deposit is made for 366 days.

Staged contributions can be made within the limits of the amount of the contribution, but no later than 30 days before the expiration of the concluded agreement. The minimum partial contributions are recognized here: 100,000 rubles and 5,000 dollars. These contributions are made through the cash desk of the Bank's branch.

Debit transactions can be carried out within the irreducible "fixed" balance. If the depositor touches this balance, the Bank considers this as termination of the agreement.

Early termination of the deposit occurs at the time of the decrease in the reduction of the minimum balance stipulated by the contractual relationship. The interest on the deposit is calculated based on the term of keeping the money in the Bank's account at the rate "on demand". When early termination the depositor is returned the deposit minus the interest paid on it.

Additional terms

If at the end of the deposit period the depositor has not withdrawn his deposit, then the validity of the contractual relationship will be extended for the period and interest set by the Bank at that time. If at the time of this procedure there is no such deposit in the Bank, then the banking institution draws up the prolongation of the contractual relationship with a “demand” deposit at the rates in force at the time of registration of the procedure.

Payment of interest and change in interest rate Interest is transferred monthly to the deposit "on demand" or added to the amount of the deposit. Rates are differentiated depending on the deposit amount. If the contributions are above 150,000,000.00 rubles and 3,000,000.00 dollars, then the remuneration will be according to the “on demand” program. If during the contract the amount of the deposit changes, then the remuneration also changes accordingly, depending on the established gradation.

To make a decision, the client is offered an online calculation of profitability, which will allow him to accept an acceptable project. The client chooses the amount of the deposit and the term, the % rate is also selected. The client in the next dialog box selects the purpose of the visit, the date of the visit and the bank branch from the directory. All actions are confirmed on the site. You can also leave a comment (for example, I want to make a deposit for a period of 24 months in the amount of 200,000.00 rubles). Then fill out the form with your data (full name, contact number). The dialog box will display the date of waiting for the bank specialist at the bank branch. This invitation can be printed.

"OTP Bank" is a subsidiary of the Hungarian financial group, which has its branches in many Eastern European countries. It has been operating in Russia since 1994 and is in the TOP-50 largest banks in the country.

"OTP Bank" is a universal institution and is engaged in servicing legal and individuals. Consider the conditions for opening deposits for private clients.

If you have decided to open a deposit in OTP Bank today, then for this you need to perform the following steps:

  • personally contact the nearest branch of the bank;
  • study the current deposit programs and choose best option, which fully meets your requirements;
  • provide the employee with his civil passport for entering data into the software;
  • depositing cash at the cash desk to a bank account;
  • signing the deposit agreement in two copies.

It is impossible to consider this contribution as a source of profit. This is primarily a reliable storage and protection of savings from inflation.

Euro deposits from OTP Bank

In the single European currency, the Hungarian bank offers only a savings account. There are no term deposits.

The interest rate on the savings deposit is 0.3% per annum. You must deposit at least 100 euros into your account. Access to funds is unlimited.

Benefits of cooperation for an individual

Of the main "pluses" of opening deposits in this financial institution, one can note:

  1. The bank has a high level of reliability and liquidity. By placing your savings in this institution, you will not worry about the safety of your capital.
  2. OTP Bank offers not only term deposits. A savings account is an excellent choice for borrowers who value free access to funds.
  3. The bank has a well-developed branch network, so there will be no problems with placing and withdrawing cash.
  4. The financial institution pays special attention to the quality of customer service. By opening an account with OTP Bank, you will understand what the European level of service is.
  5. With the help of OTP Direct Internet banking, you can open a deposit online, replenish it and withdraw part of the funds. With the help of this service, you can find out the necessary information on your deposit at any time.

So, the advantages of cooperation with OTP Bank are quite significant.

How to open a deposit in OTP Bank?

Main disadvantages

  1. Very small selection of deposits foreign currency. The bank offers only a savings account with a minimum interest rate.
  2. The bank does not pay interest on the card. To receive the paid funds, the depositor must personally contact the cash desk of the institution.
  3. Not all ruble deposits provide for capitalization of interest.

Based on the results of the analysis of the conditions for placing deposits in OTP Bank, the following conclusions can be drawn.

and what he offers for today, read the link.

Interest rates on deposits in Russian rubles are average for the market. The Bank pursues a very cautious policy and evaluates all possible risks. The maximum rate in this institution does not offer.

But on the other hand, investors do not have to worry about the safety of their savings. To protect capital from rising inflation, it is better to place funds in different currencies. Deposits in rubles will bring the maximum income.

It is advisable to place the bulk of the savings on these deposits, since all purchases are made in rubles. To make part of the funds on deposits in foreign currency in order to avoid losses during the devaluation of the ruble.

If you have free funds, it is quite easy to increase your personal capital. OTP clients can deposit a certain amount, for the temporary use of which the bank will pay an interest rate. This type of cooperation is beneficial for both parties: OTP receives additional working capital, and the client is a reward.

Types of deposits

Today, the client can make an independent choice: open a deposit for a fixed period of time or for an indefinite period. Most Russian banks offer two main types of deposits: on demand by the client or term. The first option provides for a refund to the client upon request, but does not involve the payment of a tangible interest rate.

To select the optimal cash deposit with OTP Bank, customers can use the online calculator in the Accounts and Deposits section.

When opening a term deposit, the depositor can count on paying a solid interest rate, however, when making an agreement, the parties stipulate the conditions: during what period of time the client cannot request a refund.


The retail deposit program is adapted to the categories of citizens with an average income level. Flexible conditions for activating this type of investment usually do not provide for long-term cooperation: from three months to one year. They also make it possible to credit even small deposits in national or foreign currency to a deposit account.


The premium deposit program is designed for individuals with high level income. This line of deposits provides for depositing large sums into the deposit account: from one and a half million rubles and more. You can open a deposit under the bonus program not only in rubles, but in foreign currency.

"Double benefit plus": conditions, interest

The Double Benefit Plus retail deposit program includes the following conditions:

  1. Amount: from 50 thousand to 10 million rubles.
  2. Currency: Russian ruble.
  3. Additional contributions: not provided.
  4. Rate change: not provided.
  5. Restrictions: if there are several deposits under the "Double Benefit Plus" tariff, the total amount of all deposits should not exceed the established limits.
  6. Early termination: in case of early termination of the contract and a request for funds, the reward is paid for the time period during which the money was present on the deposit. Interest is reimbursed in Russian currency, according to the terms of the agreement.

If after the expiration of the deposit, the client did not apply to the bank with a request for a refund, the deposit will be automatically extended and re-signed to the "Maximum" tariff. If it is not possible to accept funds under the "Maximum" deposit program, the deposit will receive a new status "On Demand".


This deposit provides for the payment of an interest rate of 8.5% per annum if the following conditions are met:

  1. The deposit was activated within 30 days from the date of conclusion of the investment life insurance agreement for five years.
  2. The deposit amount is less than or equal to the sum insured under the investment life insurance contract.
  3. The investment insurance contract was not deactivated during the term of the deposit agreement.

Payment of additional interest on the "Double Benefit" deposit is expected only at the conclusion of the ILI agreement.

The interest rate is paid at the end of the deposit validity period. If the amount of the deposit exceeds the maximum allowable amount on the deposit, interest is paid in accordance with the terms of the "On Demand" deposit.

"Maximum": conditions, percentages

The "Maximum" retail deposit program includes the following conditions:

  1. Fixed term: 3, 6, 9 or 12 months.
  2. Amount: from 30 thousand to 30 million rubles.
  3. Currency: Russian ruble.
  4. Expenditure operations: not provided.
  5. Additional contributions: none.
  6. Rate change: not allowed.
  7. Restrictions: if there are several deposits with an active status under the "Maximum" program, issued to one person, the total figure of all deposits should not exceed thirty thousand.
  8. Early termination: in case of early termination of the contract and a request for a refund, interest is paid for the period of time during which the money was in the deposit account. Interest payments in national currency takes place according to the agreed rate. By initiating a premature and partial withdrawal of funds, the client automatically agrees to the closing of the deposit.

If, upon expiration of the deposit, the client has not requested a refund, the balance of the deposit is automatically transferred to the account of a new deposit, executed in accordance with the conditions in force at the time of renewal. If it is not possible to accept funds under this program, the extended deposit will receive the status "On Demand".


The interest rate depends on the term of the deposit:

Validity3 months6 months9 months12 months
Currency: Russian ruble
% per annum
From 30 to 100 thousand6 6.6 6.4 6.4
From 100 to 300 thousand6.4 7 6.8 6.6
From 300 to 800 thousand6.4 7 6.8 6.8
From 800 thousand to 1.4 million6.4 7 6.8 6.8
1.4 to 30 million6.4 7 6.8 6.8

The interest rate is paid at the end of the deposit term.

If the amount of the deposit exceeds the maximum allowable amount on the deposit, interest is paid in accordance with the terms of the "On Demand" deposit.

"Cumulative": conditions, interest

The "Cumulative" retail deposit program includes the following conditions:

  1. Amount: from 15 thousand rubles or from three hundred dollars.
  2. Currency: US dollars; Russian ruble.
  3. Expenditure operations: not provided.
  4. Additional contributions: provided. You can deposit additional funds within the limits of the maximum allowable deposit amount. Minimum amount additional contribution is 3 thousand rubles or one hundred dollars. The possibility of making an additional deposit is blocked one month before the end of the deposit term (taking into account the day of payment).
  5. Restrictions: the maximum amount of the deposit is equal to the amount of the initial payment, increased by 10 times. If there are several deposits opened in the same currency and for one individual under the "Cumulative" program, their total amount should not exceed 10,000,000 rubles or 300,000 US dollars.
  6. Early termination: in case of early termination of the contract and a request for a refund, interest is paid at the tariff rate "On Demand" for the period of time during which the money was on deposit. In case of premature withdrawal of part of the funds, the contract is considered terminated.

If after the expiration of the agreement the client has not requested a refund, the balance of the deposit in the same currency is automatically transferred to the account of a new deposit, executed in accordance with the conditions in force at the time of renewal. If it is not possible to accept funds under this program, the extended deposit will receive the “On Demand” tariff status.


The interest rate depends on the term of the deposit.

Validity3 months6 months12 months
Currency: Russian ruble
% per annum
From 15 to 100 thousand5.3 5.9 5.7
From 100 to 300 thousand5.7 6.3 5.9
From 300 to 800 thousand5.7 6.2 6
From 800 thousand to 1.4 million5.7 6.3 6.1
1.4 to 10 million5.8 6.3 6.1
Validity3 months6 months12 months
Currency: US dollar
% per annum
From $300 to $2,0000.3 0.9 1.2
From 2 to 5 thousand0.3 0.9 1.2
From 5 to 16 thousand0.3 0.9 1.2
From 16 to 30 thousand0.3 0.9 1.2
From 30 to 300 thousand0.3 0.9 1.2

The interest rate is paid at the end of the deposit term. If the amount of the deposit exceeds the maximum allowable deposit amount, interest is paid in accordance with the terms of the "On Demand" tariff.

"Pension": conditions, interest

The retail deposit program "Pension" includes the following conditions:

  1. Fixed term: 3, 6 or 12 months.
  2. Amount: from 15 thousand rubles or from 300 dollars.
  3. Debit transactions: provided within the framework of capitalized interest.
  4. Additional contributions: provided. You can deposit additional funds within the limits of the maximum allowable deposit amount. The minimum amount of the additional contribution is 1,000 rubles or $50. The possibility of making an additional deposit is blocked one month before the end of the deposit term (taking into account the day of payment).
  5. Interest rate change: not provided.


Interest rate for a deposit in the Russian ruble currency:

Validity3 months6 months9 months
Currency: Russian ruble
% per annum

From 15 to 100 thousand5,73/5,70 6,18/6,10 5,85/5,70
From 100 to 300 thousand6,12/6,10 6,59/6,50 6,07/5,90
From 300 to 800 thousand6,13/6,10 6,59/6,50 6,27/6,10
From 800 thousand to 1.4 million6,12/6,10 6,58/6,50 6,27/6,11
1.4 to 10 million6,13/6,10 6,59/6,50 6,27/6,11

Interest rate for a deposit in USD currency:

Validity3 months6 months9 months
Currency: US dollar
% per annum
first digit - nominal rate
the second digit is the rate, taking into account capitalization
From $300 to $2,0000.3 0.7 0.85
From 2 to 5 thousand0.3 0.7 0.85
From 5 to 16 thousand0.3 0.7 0.85
From 16 to 30 thousand0.3 0.7 0.85
From 30 to 300 thousand0.3 0.7 0.85

The interest rate is paid monthly and on the day of the end of the deposit period by transferring interest to the active account. There is also the option of adding interest to capitalization. If the amount of the deposit exceeds the maximum allowable deposit amount, interest is paid in accordance with the terms of the "On Demand" tariff.

"Flexible": conditions, interest

The flexible retail deposit program includes the following conditions:

  1. Fixed period: 6 or 12 months.
  2. Amount: from patnyadatsat thousand rubles or from three hundred dollars.
  3. Currency: Russian ruble; U.S. dollars.
  4. Debit operations: provided, but under the influence of the minimum balance, are limited. When a client performs an operation that goes beyond the minimum balance, the deposit agreement is considered terminated.
  5. Additional contributions: provided. You can deposit additional funds within the limits of the maximum allowable deposit amount. The minimum amount of the additional contribution is 100 thousand rubles or 5 thousand dollars. The possibility of making an additional deposit is blocked one month before the end of the deposit term (taking into account the day of payment).
  6. Restrictions: if there are several deposits opened in the same currency and for one individual under the "Accumulative" program, their total amount should not exceed 10,000,000 rubles or 300,000 US dollars.

If after the expiration of the deposit the client has not requested a refund, the balance of the deposit in the same currency is automatically transferred to the account of a new deposit, executed in accordance with the conditions in force at the time of renewal. If it is not possible to accept funds under this program, the extended deposit will receive the “On Demand” tariff status.


Interest rate for a deposit in the Russian ruble currency:

Validity6 months12 months
Sum% per annum
first digit - nominal rate
the second digit is the rate, taking into account capitalization
From 30 to 100 thousand5,05/5,00 4,91/4,80
From 100 to 300 thousand5,15/5,10 5,01/4,90
From 300 to 800 thousand5,26/5,20 5,12/5,00
From 800 thousand to 1.4 million5,36/5,30 5,22/5,10
1.4 to 10 million5,46/5,40 5,43/5,30

Interest rate for a deposit in USD currency:

Validity6 months12 months
Currency: US dollar
% per annum
first digit - nominal rate
the second digit is the rate, taking into account capitalization
From $300 to $2,0000,50/0,50 0,75/0,75
From 2 to 5 thousand0,50/0,50 0,75/0,75
From 5 to 16 thousand0,50/0,50 0,75/0,75
From 16 to 30 thousand0,50/0,50 0,75/0,75
From 30 to 300 thousand0,50/0,50 0,75/0,75

The interest rate is paid on a monthly basis and on the day of the end of the deposit period by transferring interest to an active account or a “On Demand” deposit. There is also the option of adding interest to capitalization. If the amount of the deposit exceeds the maximum allowable amount on the deposit, interest is paid in accordance with the terms of the "On Demand" deposit. The interest rate is differentiated and depends on the period of validity of the deposit, as well as the amount of the initial payment.

"Savings account": conditions, interest

Also, clients of OTP Bank can activate a savings account. Before activation savings account Please read the current terms and conditions:

  1. Validity period of the agreement: not limited.
  2. Currency: Russian ruble; U.S. dollar.
  3. Fixed amount of account balance: not set.
  4. Additional contributions: provided. Contributions of any amount and without time limits are allowed. It also provides for the implementation of various debit transactions through Internet banking or in OTP branches.

In case of premature termination of the agreement, the payment of the interest rate occurs on the day the application for deactivation of the account is submitted. Accrual and payment of interest occur monthly on the last calendar day. The amount of interest is calculated from the amount of the rate, which is determined for each day and depends on the cash balance.


Interest rate for accounts opened in Russian ruble currency:

Interest rate for accounts opened in USD currency:

The interest rate for the euro currency is not provided.

"Stable income": conditions, interest

The Stable Income premium deposit program includes the following conditions:

  1. Fixed term: 181 days (for deposits in currency: Russian ruble), 366 days, 550 days or 732 days.
  2. Amount: from 1.5 million rubles or from 50 thousand dollars.
  3. Currency: Russian ruble; U.S. dollars.
  4. Maximum deposit amount: 300 million rubles or 6 million dollars.
  5. Expenditure operations: not provided.
  6. Restrictions: if there are several deposits opened under the "Stable Income" deposit program for one person, the total amount of all deposits should not exceed the maximum deposit amount.
  7. If after the expiration of the deposit the client has not requested a refund, the balance of the deposit in the same currency is automatically transferred to the account of a new deposit, executed in accordance with the conditions in force at the time of renewal. If it is not possible to accept funds under this program, the extended deposit will receive the “On Demand” tariff status.

In case of early termination of a deposit opened in Russian rubles, the following rules must be taken into account:

  1. If the funds were on deposit for no more than 90 calendar days, the interest rate is paid in accordance with the terms of the "On Demand" tariff.
  2. If the deposit has been active for 91-180 days, a quarter of the interest rate on the deposit is paid.
  3. If the money was on deposit for more than 181 days, half of the interest rate on the deposit is paid.

In case of early withdrawal of funds from a deposit opened in the US dollar currency, interest is paid for the actual presence of funds on the deposit, according to the “On Demand” tariff rate. The amount of the difference between the paid and due interest on the deposit is deducted from the deposit amount.


Interest rate for a deposit in the Russian ruble currency:

Term181 days366 days549 days732 days
Currency: Russian ruble
% per annum
the second digit is the deposit rate
the first digit is the rate, taking into account capitalization
1.5 to 7.5 million7,10/7,00 7,01/6,80 6,92/6,60 6,70/6,30
7.5 to 15 million7,10/7,00 7,01/6,80 6,92/6,60 6,70/6,30
15 to 30 million7,21/7.10 7,01/6,80 7,03/6,70 6,81/6,40
From up to 300 million7,21/7.10 7,01/6,80 7,03/6,70 6,81/6,40
Term366 days549 days732 days
Currency: US dollar
% per annum
the first digit is the rate, taking into account capitalization
the second digit is the deposit rate
From 50 to 250 thousand1,51/1,50 1,52/1,50 1,52/1,50
From 250 to 500 thousand1,51/1,50 1,52/1,50 1,52/1,50
500 thousand to 6 million1,51/1,50 1,52/1,50 1,52/1,50

The interest rate is paid monthly and on the day of the end of the deposit period by transferring interest to the active account. There is also the option of adding interest to capitalization. If the amount of the deposit exceeds the maximum allowable amount on the deposit, interest is paid in accordance with the terms of the "On Demand" deposit.

"Freedom of control": conditions, interest

The Freedom of Management premium deposit program includes the following conditions:

  1. Fixed term: 366 days
  2. Amount: from 1.5 million rubles or from 50 thousand US dollars.
  3. Minimum deposit amount: 1.5 million rubles or 50 thousand US dollars.
  4. Maximum deposit amount: 155 million rubles or 3 million dollars.
  5. Debit transactions: provided, but limited to the minimum balance. When the client performs an operation that goes beyond the minimum balance, the deposit agreement is considered terminated.
  6. Additional contributions: provided. You can deposit additional funds within the maximum allowable deposit amount within 30 calendar days from the moment the deposit is activated. The amount of the minimum contribution must be at least 100,000 rubles or 5,000 dollars.

If, upon expiration of the deposit, the client has not requested a refund, the balance of the deposit in the same currency is automatically transferred to the account of a new deposit, executed in accordance with the conditions in force at the time of renewal.


Interest rate for a deposit in the Russian ruble currency:

Interest rate for a deposit in dollar currency:

The interest rate is paid monthly and on the day of the end of the deposit period by transferring interest to the active account. The interest rate is differentiated and depends on the total amount of the deposit. In the event of a gradation of the amount that differs from the one that was fixed at the time of deposit activation, the interest rate is recalculated.

OTP Bank offers its customers a wide range of deposits: retail and premium. Depending on the level of income and the needs of the client, a bank employee will offer the best type of deposit with the most favorable conditions.

OTP Bank is one of the largest financial institutions Russia, a member of the Deposit Guarantee Fund with an extensive network of branches and ATMs throughout the country. Today the company has developed a wide range of deposits in different currencies for individuals and corporate clients.

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About bank

OTP Bank and Touch Bank online bank is a subsidiary of a Hungarian company OTP Group, which occupies a leading position in financial markets Central and Eastern Europe.

The main directions of the bank are POS-lending, servicing accounts, issuing cash loans, making deposits. Also, this institution is active in the interbank and currency markets, in transactions with industrial institutes.

The client base today exceeds 3.9 million people, and offices and ATMs are located in more than 3,700 cities. Equity organization is 25.2 billion rubles.

How to open

This bank is licensed to make deposits of any size and store precious metals.

In order to open a deposit, you must:

  • get acquainted with the presented line of deposits and choose the appropriate option;
  • apply to the territorial division;
  • show the employee an identity document and ask questions of interest;
  • sign a contract and make a certain amount of investment.

Since 2014, the functionality of the official website of the organization has been expanded. With help online service OTP-direct clients can open a deposit on favorable terms and transfer money via the Internet.

OTP bank deposits and their conditions

A wide range of deposit programs is provided under the following conditions:

Bank product namePossibility of replenishmentCurrencyPartial withdrawal
"Cumulative"allowedrubles, €, dollarsNo
"Pension"from 1000 rub.rubles, €, dollarsin the amount of capitalized interest
"Flexible"allowedrubles, €, dollarsallowed
"Savings account"no limitsrubles, €, dollarsno limits
"Stable income"allowed€, USD or RUBNo
"Freedom of Control"allowedrubles, €, dollars or Swiss francsallowed


Minimum amountMaximum amountGeneral term
30000 rub.30000000 rub.92 to 368 days
30000 rub.30000000 rub.3,6,9 and 12 months
3 to 24 months
15,000 rubles, 300 dollars or 300 euros10000000 rubles, 3000000 dollars or 2000000 euros91, 181 or 366 days
15,000 rubles, 300 dollars or 300 euros10000000 rubles, 3000000 dollars or 2000000 euros181 or 366 days
unlimitednot limitedIs not limited
$50,000 or €50,000Not limited1 year
1,500,000 rubles, 50,000 dollars, 50,000 euros or 50,000 Swiss francs.100000000 rubles, 3000000 dollars, 2000000 euros or 2500000 Swiss francs1 year

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Compared to many financial and credit organizations of the Russian Federation, OTP Bank deposits are characterized by high interest rates. Their size depends on the chosen deposit program, terms of placement, amount and currency.

Annual interest rates:

Interest accrual

The capitalization process depends on the chosen banking product. Interest payment period:

  • "Record" - after the expiration of the concluded contract;
  • "Maximum" - at the end of the terms;
  • "Cumulative" - ​​after the expiration of the concluded contract;
  • "Pension" - monthly payment or capitalization (performed at the choice of the client at the time of the conclusion of the agreement);
  • "Flexible" - monthly payment or capitalization (performed at the choice of the client at the time of the conclusion of the agreement);
  • "Savings account" - you can withdraw and deposit money at any convenient time, the interest is calculated every day, and accrued at the end of the current month;
  • "Freedom of management" - at the end of the term;
  • Stable income” — at the end of the term, preferential termination is available before the end of the contract period.


OTP Bank is a member of the state insurance system, so all investments in the amount of 1.4 million rubles. (and their equivalent in foreign currency) are insured at the state level.

All invested funds are subject to compulsory insurance, which guarantees the client reliability and stability. In the event of liquidation or bankruptcy financial institution the depositor is reimbursed for the amount invested.


To place a depositat interest, you must provide a package of documents:


According to the current norms of the Tax legislation of the Russian Federation, the following deposits are taxed:

  • if investments are in rubles and the annual rate exceeds the percentage of refinancing of the Central Bank by 5% (the period for which interest is accrued is taken);
  • if investments are in foreign currency and the yield exceeds 9% per year.

Why it is worth opening a deposit

There are many advantages of placing a deposit in OTP Bank:

  • high percent;
  • a wide range of offers, which makes it possible to choose favorable conditions for everyone;
  • the possibility of withdrawing and replenishing funds for some banking products;
  • the ability to control the balance using Internet banking;
  • the depositor entrusts the money to a reliable organization that demonstrates dynamic development and guarantees the return of invested funds even in case of bankruptcy or liquidation.

How to replenish the deposit

There are several ways to replenish the deposit:

  • bank transfer at a branch of any financial and credit institution;
  • through the cash desk of OTP Bank;
  • through ATMs with the function of accepting cash;
  • thanks to the program "Pay on the way" - in the store "Alt-Telecom", "Eldorado", "Domo", "M-Video", "Svyaznoy";
  • through the CyberPlat system;
  • Online payment system Yandex money;
  • postal transfer;
  • through the settlement cash desk of the accounting department at work;
  • service "Golden Crown".

How to withdraw funds

Deposit currency

Russian rubles; U.S. dollars.

Deposit amount

Minimum deposit amount:

15,000.00 Russian rubles.


The maximum amount of the deposit is equal to the amount of the initial deposit on the deposit, increased by 10 times. The maximum amount of the deposit, as well as the total amount of "Accumulative" deposits in each currency, opened for one person, cannot exceed:

10,000,000.00 Russian rubles.


Deposit term

91 days, 181 days, 366 days

Additional contributions

Allowed within maximum amount deposit, except for the last 30 calendar days of the deposit period established by the agreement (including the day of return of the deposit). The minimum amount of additional contribution when depositing cash through the cash desk of a division of OTP Bank JSC: 3,000.00 rubles of the Russian Federation; $100.00.

Debit transactions

Not allowed.

Early termination of the deposit

In case of early withdrawal of a deposit, interest is paid for the actual number of days the funds are on the deposit at the Bank's current deposit rate "on demand" in the relevant currency. Early withdrawal of a part of the deposit amount means termination of the deposit agreement.

Additional terms

If the depositor has not claimed the amount of the Deposit after the expiration of the Deposit term, the balance of the account is considered to be newly accepted into the Deposit for the same period, on the terms and at the interest rate effective in the Bank for this type of Deposit at the time of accepting the Deposit for a new term. If on the day of expiration of the main or additional term of the Deposit, the acceptance of funds for this type of Deposit in the Bank is terminated, the agreement is considered extended on the terms of the “on demand” deposit in the relevant currency, valid in the Bank at the time of the extension of the agreement.

Payment of interest on a deposit

At the end of the deposit term. Interest rates are differentiated depending on the term of the deposit. At the same time, for the Deposit amount exceeding 10,000,000.00 Russian rubles/300,000.00 US dollars, interest is accrued at the rate of the deposit "on demand" in the relevant currency. The interest rate on the deposit does not change during the entire term of the deposit.