According to the deposit and the bank during. How much deposit and interest will be returned in case of bank bankruptcy?

Let’s imagine a situation where you are faced with the task of opening a bank deposit or several bank deposits at once in the bank of your choice. And, of course, in such a situation it may seem that opening a deposit is very simple, but in such a matter, I do not advise anyone to rush, because in fact, you need to know and always remember by heart several rules that will help you open bank deposits more correct. What kind of rules are these? More on this later.

Rule No. 1. The bank in which you want to open a deposit must be a participant in the deposit insurance system.

We can say that this is the most important rule of all the rules regarding opening bank deposits, which, of course, must be observed by every depositor.

The banking market is structured in such a way that the majority banking institutions participate in the deposit insurance system, providing some kind of “protection” to each depositor, although sometimes, in practice, this is not entirely true - unpleasant incidents still happen. But still, if you decide to open a deposit in a bank, then you need to look for and contact a bank participating in the deposit insurance system.

Note that the majority of such banks, and the most large banks in terms of capital, profit and other indicators - absolutely accurate. But nevertheless, even before opening a deposit, check this fact with the bank itself or on the Internet. This is exactly what our investor memo says about the first rule.

Rule No. 2. Always remember the maximum amount of “insurance” and do not exceed its volume

In 2016, the amount of insurance for bank deposits in case of force majeure with the bank itself (revocation of license, liquidation, bankruptcy, etc.) is neither more nor less - 1 million 400 thousand rubles. And of course, at any time, this level can be changed by the Deposit Insurance Agency up or down. However, no matter what its volume, the investor is not recommended to exceed it for any reason.

The thing is that the so-called insurance covers not only the deposit amount itself (up to 1.4 million rubles), but also the accruing interest on it. What does it mean? This means that each depositor should regulate the balance of his deposits in such a way that the entire total amount of funds on deposits in each individual bank, taking into account accrued interest, does not exceed the “ceiling” of the DIA of 1.4 million rubles.

That is, in practice, this may mean that your maximum deposit in each individual bank should not reach exactly 1.4 million rubles, because if you cross it, then in the event of force majeure, you will only receive insurance coverage the amount of your deposit and interest on the deposit will in fact “burn out”.

Therefore, depending on what type of deposit you open, armed with pure mathematics, periodically make sure that the amount in the account for the deposit or deposits in total in one bank never exceeds the established insurance amount.

And yes, you heard right, the amount taken into account is not only the total amount of each single deposit with interest, but also the number of deposits themselves, but in each bank separately, the total amount of which in monetary terms, taking into account interest, is better not to exceed 1 .4 million rubles (since you make deposits, keep track of the amounts of your deposit accounts).

That is, the sheer number of banks in which you made deposits is not summed up when paying out money for insured events. Only branches of the same bank can add up, and in any force majeure cases, and not different banks together.

Rule No. 3. “Don’t chase” high interest rates on deposits

You probably know that there is a so-called average for rates on bank deposits. Let’s assume that at the time you open a deposit, this value is 8% per annum. However, having studied the maximum number of deposit offers from banks, some banks may offer to open a deposit at an above-average rate, for example, 10-12% per annum.

As a rule, “tempting” offers from banks for deposits exceed the average by 4-5%. But the point now is not about the rate, but about whether it’s worth using these banking offers at all? In fact, it is impossible to say directly whether it is worth it or not, because each case according to the proposal must be studied separately.

For example, if a “tempting” offer on deposits is made by a very well-known bank, then this is one thing; when it is not very well-known, it is another matter. However, in general, “tempting” deposits should, at a minimum, alert the depositor and before making a choice in favor of this offer, it is necessary to carefully study the information - which bank offers a deposit with higher rate, whether it is reliable or not, under what conditions, for what amounts, is there insurance or not, and so on.

Rule No. 4. Be careful when filling out documents and receiving them for registration of a deposit

When making deposits in practice, you need to be very prudent in filling out the data in the documents, as well as when receiving these documents in your hands.

The point is that a mistake is made, and even if there is only one, it can lead to negative consequences, especially under force majeure conditions with the bank, for example, when revoking a license, when in case of insurance cases on deposits, a register of depositors is used with their data. This is just an example, and there can be as many examples as you like. That is, there is only one conclusion here - when filling out documents, check them for errors and immediately correct them if they are made.

As for receiving documents for opening a deposit, the bank is obliged to hand over to you at least the following documents: this is an agreement on opening a deposit (1 copy) and a receipt order for opening a deposit for a certain amount. These documents must be kept for the entire time your deposit is valid, that is, until it is actually closed.

Rule No. 5. Choose the most reliable bank available

As we know, there are many banks, but not everyone can “boast” of reliability for the client. Therefore, in conditions of instability, and not only in such conditions, it is necessary to choose one of the most reliable banks, especially when it comes to deposits, and not just opening bank card or taking out a loan, since this implies the action of entrusting your “money for safekeeping” to the bank.

Let us note that it is very difficult to determine the reliability of a bank, because there are a lot of factors that determine this, and not every factor can be recognized by the average bank client.

For example, how can you recognize the fact that bank management is a fraud? No way! These are the factors we are talking about now, which are very difficult to recognize.

Therefore, no matter what the situation, the reliability of the bank should be determined on the basis of assessment and financial indicators, on the basis of various ratings and other things. And at the same time, we note that a truly 100% reliable bank simply does not exist!

Rule No. 6. Remember that there is an alternative to bank deposits

If you decide to open a bank deposit, then keep in mind that each person has different options for saving and increasing their money. Yes, of course, maybe they are not as accessible as a bank deposit and “protected” from risks, but still.

In addition, it is not recommended to use only bank deposits to store and save your capital. Indeed, in fact, you need to look at the situation much more broadly, preferring to distribute your capital in several directions at once.

Moreover, in this regard, pay your attention to the next point.

Rule No. 7. Do not overestimate a bank deposit as an instrument in the financial market

If you think that the main purpose of bank deposits is to increase your money, then you are mistaken. A bank deposit serves only to save money, not to increase it. To increase money, other, more profitable investment instruments are used.

To make this clear, let's give a trivial example.

In the world of finance, there is such a thing as inflation, that is, an increase in prices, which is taken into account as a percentage. The profitability of bank deposits is also taken into account as a percentage, therefore, they can and even need to be compared and compared. And having done this, we will notice that in the country in annual terms. Which, in fact, means that the purpose of bank deposits is not to generate income and increase money, but only to preserve it.

It is also worth considering that there is real inflation, the one that can be calculated independently by comparing current prices for goods and services with last year’s, and “painted” inflation, the one that you can hear on TV from bureaucrats, which, by the way, always lower than real. Why is this so? Because someone was not taught that lying is not good.

Yes, of course, in the future something may change for the better, when bank deposits will be a means of increasing money and their profitability will be slightly higher than the real inflation in the country, but you shouldn’t really count on it.

Moreover, experts advise opening bank deposits only in cases where you simply want to. And if you want to increase them, it is recommended to find more profitable ones for yourself financial instruments, which will easily cover annual inflation and bring profit.

Rule No. 8. Do not leave all your capital in banks

Calculate for yourself all your capital in cash and realize that you do not need to keep all this capital in banks. Distribute it as a percentage among other investment instruments and leave, say, no more than 50% of the total amount of your savings in bank accounts, including bank cards. The question arises, where then to store the rest of the savings?

It all depends on what tools financial market You choosed. For example, if you only want to make deposits in banks, then for the other part of the capital you should prepare a jar, glass, no joke, and store the other part of the money in it. Well, or a mattress, stocking, and so on, will also suit you.

If you want to increase another part of your capital, and not just save it, then pay attention to other investment options and.

Another question is how much money you want to increase. And the answer to this question needs to be dealt with individually in each case.

In addition, if you do not want to increase your money, and you still have some certain part of your savings left in any case, after you make deposits in banks at interest, then you can simply spend it, if you are interested in something need. The message here is to buy what you really need, in multiples. low prices than in the future, that is, having made a certain reserve, for example, of non-perishable products.

But this approach should not be confused with thoughtless spending of money, here it’s just the opposite, you need to buy and spend part of your savings, even if not a large one, in a strategically beneficial way for yourself, taking into account future growing inflation, which our depositor’s memo has already told you about - not forget rising prices when dealing with money.

Rule No. 9. If necessary, open deposits in different banks

If you are an active depositor and prefer to make deposits in banks, then do it not in one bank, but in several at once. This is especially true for those investors who store very large sums of money.

For small investors with amounts, say, less than 500 thousand rubles, this rule may not be needed, but for large investors, with capital of several million rubles, at a minimum, this rule is definitely worth following, because it is correct and a more rational decision for their savings.

Rule No. 10. If possible, do not keep money in banks and do not open deposits

If you don’t need it, then it is recommended not to use banking services in any form at all - neither take out loans with a mortgage, nor make deposits, or even just use bank cards, since all this entails various expenses, if you haven’t noticed yet. There is nothing free in banks. What does this all mean?

This all means that in relation to banking services, you need to limit yourself as much as possible from their consumption. If possible, and loans in general, if possible, refuse to issue bank cards; if possible, do not issue bank deposits at all.

And, by the way, if it is very problematic to refuse to issue a bank card, at least one, this is a human need and, moreover, a technological breakthrough has already been made, which is now difficult to refuse, because, let’s say, everyone has already gotten used to it. Therefore, any person can easily refuse a mortgage, loans and deposits.

You can find the reasons for refusing loans and mortgages yourself. But the reason for refusing to open deposits may be the following.

There is no point in opening a bank deposit if you have found a very good and stable option for increasing money. Why change it to a less profitable one? That's right, no reason.

If you are engaged in a very profitable business and you have plenty of money, and you do not want to save it, but, again, to increase it somewhere.

If you don’t trust banks in principle, then why show up at the bank at all? Right, .

And in general, you can find such reasons for yourself individually on your own, especially if you think carefully, which may prompt you to the following thought: “Is it worth opening a bank deposit at all? Maybe this is not necessary at all? Here you need to really think about it and think carefully about the answer.

If your bank goes bankrupt, don't worry. Wait 14 days and go get your money from authorized bank, which can be found out through the media.

If the bank turns out to be bankrupt, then the Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA) will reimburse depositors in a short time.

Today, about 800 banks are participants, they are the ones who have the right to work with deposits individuals. If suddenly the Central Bank revokes the license from any of these banks to carry out banking operations or introduces a moratorium on satisfying the demands of the bank’s creditors, then the depositor can immediately claim compensation for the deposit in the established amount.

To do this, the victim must submit to the authorized bank (which the DIA selects within the first 14 days) an application for payment of his deposit in a special form and identification documents. The Agency must publish information about the place and time for accepting applications in the press according to its location. credit organization. In addition, within 30 days after the DIA receives the register of obligations to the bank’s depositors, it must send a corresponding message to each depositor in the form of a letter. Accordingly, the victim himself can send his application by mail.

The depositor has the right to apply for compensation from the date of occurrence insured event until the bank liquidation process is completed. If the client did not manage to do this within the allotted time due to a valid reason (such as serious illness, long business trip, etc.), then the DIA will also have to pay the depositor insurance in the amount of the deposit. This opportunity is not provided for other latecomers.

Payment of compensation is made within 3 days from the date of filing the application, but not earlier than 14 days after the occurrence of the insured event on the deposit. You can receive a refund either in cash, including by postal order, or by transferring funds to the client’s account in another bank.

Maximum amount The insurance payment is 1.4 million rubles. Moreover, if the investor has several deposits open in closed bank and their total amount exceeds this figure, then payments will be made proportionally for each deposit. For example, if you had 900 thousand rubles on one deposit and 700 thousand rubles on the other, then you will receive 900 thousand rubles and 500 thousand rubles for each deposit, respectively.

The client can also apply for the remaining funds that the Deposit Insurance Agency will not cover, but during bankruptcy proceedings, when the bank’s property will be sold. At the same time, do not forget that in this case, payments will be made in order of priority, and there may not be enough for everyone. Therefore, to avoid such situations, it is better to keep funds in several banks, distributing them in such a way that each deposit does not exceed the maximum insurance amount. advice: You can quickly find out the bank that will pay deposit insurance on the official DIA website -

All Touch Bank clients can open a deposit at any convenient time without visiting the bank and lengthy consideration of applications. All you need to do is log in to Internet Banking or mobile app from any device connected to the Internet, and independently open a deposit and transfer the required amount on account. Make deposits, receive interest every day and take advantage of other opportunities offered by the modern digital bank Touch Bank.

Advantages of online deposits with Touch Bank

  • Storing money on demand
    You can use the money stored on deposit at any time. This will change interest rate. For the first 30 days from the date of registration of a deposit in rubles, the rate is 5%, from 31 to 90 days - 5.5%, then - 6%. After a partial withdrawal, the initial rate will be 5%.
  • Daily capitalization
    Interest on online deposits is calculated daily and added to the deposit amount. Thus, a larger amount of interest is charged on a larger deposit amount - this allows investors to receive maximum benefits.
  • Guarantee of safety of money on deposit
    Deposits are securely protected modern technologies applied at Touch Bank and are insured by the Deposit Insurance Agency.

Three steps to quickly make deposits in Touch Bank

Step 1 - submit an application for a universal Touch Bank card

Touch Bank issues universal cards free of charge and in the shortest possible time. To receive this convenient payment instrument, leave a request on the bank’s website - it will be reviewed within one business day, and then the courier will deliver the card to your home. To receive it, you only need to present your passport.

Step 2 - card activation

After automatic activation, you will receive a login and password to access the Internet bank via SMS. Usually the SMS arrives within a few hours after receiving the card, but sometimes it can take up to 2 days.

Step 3 - fill out an online application for a deposit

Before you make a deposit, you need to deposit money into your current account. This can be done through the cash desks and devices of OTP Bank, through the terminals of B&N Bank and Moscow credit bank, in the network of Svyaznoy salons, through the service " gold Crown" or Bank transaction. You can also top up your account online from another card via Personal Area and mobile application.

When the money arrives in your current account, all you have to do is log in to the Internet bank or mobile application and make a deposit yourself; the money will be instantly credited to your deposit.

In Russia there is a mechanism compulsory insurance deposits of the population. The specially created Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA) will return your money even if your bank goes bankrupt. The maximum amount that the DIA will return is 1 million 400 thousand rubles. The main points here are as follows.

What deposits are covered by insurance?

Previously, insurance only covered individual deposits. Recently it was extended to all citizens' bank accounts. Moreover, the funds of individual entrepreneurs are now also insured. Exceptions: unallocated metal accounts (OMA), bearer bank deposits and money transferred to the bank for trust management.

Do all banks have DIA insurance?

In all that are participants in the deposit insurance system. But if the bank does not participate in this system, then it does not have the right to accept deposits from the public. The likelihood that you will be outright deceived when accepting money is not high, but it is better to clarify this point with your bank.

Are foreign currency deposits also insured?

Foreign currency deposits are also insured and the insurance amount is the same, 1.4 million rubles. at the Central Bank rate. By deposits in foreign currency they return the amount in rubles at the exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the day the insured event occurred (i.e., revocation of the bank’s license).

The percentage will also be returned

The DIA returns not only the deposit amount, but also the accrued interest. Moreover, according to the law, at the time the license is revoked, interest will be accrued to you even for part of the month or quarter in which the license was revoked. It turns out that the investor does not lose a single ruble from the interest due under the agreement.

How quickly will the deposit be returned?

According to the law, already two weeks after the license is revoked, the depositor can contact the DIA and receive the deposit within 3 days. In real life, despite the lines of upset depositors and the crowds, people get their money quickly enough; they don’t have to wait for months. The worse situation is when the insured event did not occur, i.e. The Central Bank has not yet revoked the bank’s license, but the bank is already half-dead and has stopped returning deposits. In this case, depositors are in limbo: the bank does not give money, and there is no right to demand from the DIA, the insured event has not yet occurred.

How to distribute deposits so that they are all covered by insurance

The DIA insurance limit is taken for one bank. That is, if you have two deposits in one bank, then 1.4 million will not be counted for each deposit, but for their sum. But place deposits up to 1.4 million rubles in different banks. In each case, no one prohibits it, which the population actively uses by choosing banks that give high interest rates. Therefore, you should not put more than 1.4 million rubles in the bank; you should divide your savings between several banks.