How to earn platinum in warframe. Farm game currency in Warframe

Each newcomer tries to quickly imbue all the basics of a new game for himself, catching up with more experienced users in an effort to compete with them in terms of the PVP component. Of course, some gamers are limited to simple PVE content that allows you to get credits in Warframe and other online projects. But, as practice shows, most users strive to acquire the best equipment for participating in upcoming battles with live opponents.

So, every newcomer, when they first enter the game, should know that there are two types of currency in the project at once: Warframe credits and platinum. The first are mined as you complete missions and destroy enemies, and platinum goes to those who decide to spend real currency on acquiring various game elements.

Extraction of credits

We should start with the simplest task - farming credits, for which in the future we will be able to purchase blueprints for weapons that make us stronger. The main source of currency production is raids, where a whole company of players united in a community gathers. The developers are interested in having as many fans of their project as possible find a company, so being in such a raid has its advantages (you will get more currency thanks to a specific bonus).

You can (and even need to) farm loans with activated boosters, which give an additional percentage to the currency received. Suppose that solo players earn about 100k credits per hour (the figure is arbitrary), but in a raid with partners during the same time you can get 2 or even 3 times more!

There are also additional bonus periods in the game, which further increase the possible amount of credits received. At some time (this period is indicated by a burning booster icon), you can get 2 times more credits, while the general bonuses are superimposed on individual ones.

Extraction of relics

In addition to the standard receipt of credits, Warframe has the ability to obtain special items called relics. Farming relics will allow you to get a serious reward for hiking in the Abyss, but this process is associated with certain nuances.

For smooth farming, it is recommended to take a Frame that suits your individual requirements (each player has his own preferences regarding the capabilities and skills for each “suit”). Most gamers agree that a melee frame (dagger) with the ability to go into invisibility (invisibility) is considered ideal in this case.

In the Abyss, you need to capture all the points as quickly as possible, avoiding direct confrontation with the enemy. Ideally, to have a partner covering your back - this way it will be possible not only to quickly complete the mission, but also to get the maximum number of relics.

After completing the quest, players receive a number of relics, each of which has its own chances of dropping items:

  • Pristine Relic - 2% chance to drop a rare item, 22% to drop an uncommon reward, and 76% to get a regular reward;
  • Unusual relic - 4%, 26% and 70%;
  • Peerless - 6%, 34% and 60%;
  • Radiant Relic - 10%, 40% and, respectively, 50%.
  • The above data is presented for completing the mission in solo, while being in a squad, the chances of obtaining in-demand items increase significantly.


    Warframe Polymers are parts and resources needed to craft various in-game items. Polymer mining is also associated with certain risks, so it will be useful for every beginner to know where it is easiest to get rare resources to create more powerful weapons and Frame.

    The easiest way to farm polymers is on missions in the "Survival" and "Defense" modes, where the player needs to fight against waves of enemy. As a rule, at the initial stages there are not so many monsters in each wave, but as you level up, the opponents become stronger and their number increases significantly.

    For the most effective farm, players, as in other cases, are recommended to be in a group and have support from Nekros. You will get even more effect if you turn on boosters for the experience and resources you gain, and then in a few not too long runs you can get several thousand polymers, which you can immediately use in crafting in the future.

    In general, the game "Warframe" is great for both solo play and spending time with friends. Each participant in the gameplay can, without any effort, obtain the desired amount of game currency and resources in a relatively short period of time. So once you set a goal, you can easily catch up with more experienced players and compete with them in a world of futuristic interplanetary battles!

    In 1819-1824. in Russia, the richest deposits of platinum were discovered. But in its pure form, it is almost never found. As a rule, nuggets and grains mined at mines are alloys with noble (Pd, Ir, Ro, Ru, Os) and base (Fe, Cu, Ni, Pb) metals. The latter make platinum too brittle, and this makes it very difficult to process.. ? At that time, the task was to find methods for cleaning metal and forging.

    The search for methods of processing platinum

    In 1826 in the joint laboratory of the Department of Mining and Salt Affairs at the St. Petersburg Mining Cadet Corps (later the Mining Institute), intensive search for methods of processing platinum. This work was led by a 43-year-old engineer Petr Grigorievich Sobolevsky.

    The first thought is to try to purify platinum, like most other metals, by melting it down. But this idea runs into an insurmountable obstacle. Existing furnaces cannot develop a temperature sufficient to melt this metal (2043 K).

    Discovery of Giton

    French scientist Giton in 1790 bypassed this obstacle. Having previously obtained a compound of platinum with arsenic, and then calcining it at a temperature of about 900 K and removing arsenic, he obtained quite malleable platinum, from which it was quite possible to make jewelry.

    The injustice of fate: the method was not given the name of its inventor, but the name of a Parisian jeweler Jeanette who financed Giton's work. Janetti acquired all rights to the method and kept it a secret.

    In the early twenties of the last century, this secret was revealed by a Russian engineer A. N. Arkhipov. But the method turned out to be too laborious, the burning out of arsenic required a lot of time, the metal was not pure enough, a significant part of the platinum was irretrievably lost, and most importantly, arsenic vapors poisoned everything in the area. For the processing of such large quantities of platinum, which were found in the Urals, the Janetti method was not suitable.

    Discovery of P. G. Sobolevsky

    P. G. Sobolevsky together with the berg-probe of the laboratory, V. V. Lyubarsky developed a reliable and simple method for purifying platinum by dissolving it in aqua regia and precipitating from the solution in the form of ammonium chloroplatinate (NH 4) 2 [PtCl 6]. This precipitate was washed, calcined in air, and as a result, a sintered powder (sponge) of pure platinum was obtained. But from the powder it was necessary to learn how to make coins, wire, bowls, etc.

    This problem was posed by life itself. At that time it was relevant, and it had to be solved. And it was resolved. In 1826. The name of the person who first solved it is P. G. Sobolevsky.

    Here is his solution:

    “... We stuff the purified platinum in spongy form cold very tightly into a thick iron annular shape of arbitrary size, squeeze it with a strong onslaught of a screw press and, taking it out of the mold, we get a dense circle with a metallic sheen. In this state, the platinum circle does not have malleability, and the force of adhesion of particles to each other does not resist strong blows in it; it breaks and crumbles. To convert such circles into malleable platinum, it is only necessary to heat them to a white heat and, at this degree of heat, subject them to the pressure of the same press. From one blow, a circle of platinum completely changes its appearance: its granular structure becomes dense and it becomes completely malleable ... After such a compression, the circles are forged into strips or rods of the desired type in the usual way.

    On March 21, 1827, crucibles, bowls and medals made from platinum powder were demonstrated at a meeting of the Scientific Committee for the Mining and Salt Part. Since 1828, according to the Sobolevsky method, platinum coins began to be made in Russia.

    Powder metallurgy

    So there was powder metallurgy- a method, in the words of its creator, "very different from metallurgical processes." The main difference is that metal is obtained without resorting to its melting.

    What P. G. Sobolevsky did with platinum is called in the modern language of powder metallurgy hot pressing. The essence of this method is compaction of powders by compression in a closed mold at elevated temperatures below the melting point.

    This article will tell you about how to get platinum in Warframe. Platinum(Platinum Points) is an in-game currency that can be bought with real money (donat).

    The word "Donat" means "to donate", "to give". That is, it is not a mandatory contribution to the game. But with its help, you can achieve the desired result in almost an instant by spending real money in exchange for in-game offers. Subsequently, the "admin" will give in return what you want.

    Many are concerned about the question how to get platinum in warframe and is it possible without investing real money.

    Options for earning platinum points

    • Buy with real money by paying for the transaction in several ways (Steam, web wallet).
    • Get rewarded when registering an account. In the summer of 2013, they gave 75 platinum points for registration, in the fall it was already 50 points.
    • Purchase with real money using a discount coupon, which can be obtained with a daily bonus, or as a reward for a completed mission (discounts are 25%, 50%, 75%).
    It is impossible to get platinum points, or earn money, without cash investments in the game.

    Daily bonus- these are promotions that the game provides to users as a free bonus for visiting the game daily. The bonus increases every day. As a bonus, you can get credits, weapons, platinum discounts, experience points and more.

    I would like to remind you right away that on the Internet, you can often see such posts as: “Hack for platinum, Cheats for platinum, Codes for platinum, etc.” These are all tricks of scammers. By accessing such sites, you can harm your computer.

    Note 1
    Never do business with "third" parties who offer you Platinum Points at good prices. You can waste your money and not get the desired platinum points.
    Note 2
    Using cheats, hacks, bugs, or all sorts of dishonest ways to get platinum, or other things in the game - is punishable by a "Ban" account forever.

    Play fair, develop your hero, earn experience and just enjoy the game to the fullest.

    Everyone dreams of a supersuit, spectacular wall running and a sharply honed katana, but only Warframe allows gamers to reach it. Of course, you have to pay. Platinum Warframe plays a key role in the multiplayer world - the futuristic cyber ninja needs pumping, and warframe modifications are indispensable.

    To fight evil aliens, the Tenno people use Warframes - suits that allow you to do unrealistic things. If you want to advance in the game quickly, you will have to buy Warframe Platinum, you can’t do without it. Fortunately, there is FunPay - an exchange that allows you to significantly save on a transaction.

    What is Warframe Platinum for and how to get it

    The developers of the game offer to acquire a valuable resource by participating in prize promotions, logging into the game every day (from 7 days) or looking into Prime Access. But prize promotions are a drop in the ocean, while spending, meanwhile, is waiting for the user everywhere. You need to purchase warframes, weapons, paints, kits, building items, blueprints, slots, etc.

    Get ready to constantly collect and modify something. After all, it is not easy to get platinum using conventional methods, and no matter how much you look at a brand new suit, you just have to lick your lips, most likely the farmed currency will not be enough.

    Meanwhile, the ninja game arsenal is amazing. You need to buy platinum at least in order to be able to wave powerful man-made blades in virtuality. There are at least sixteen varieties of warframes in the game. Plus axes, katanas, maces, fancy pistols and rifles. Periodically, the player finds drawings, completes the dojo, expands the suit with new slots. There is a lot to do, so for a player who wants to reach the top in Warframe, buying platinum is simply inevitable.

    Benefits of Buying Warframe Platinum on FunPay

    Our resource has a high level of security, natural pricing and a wide selection of sellers. No markups - the sale of Warframe Platinum is regulated by free market relations. Here are the main advantages of buying currency on FunPay:

    • complete security (transactions are monitored by a guarantor);
    • instant delivery;
    • natural competition among sellers;
    • low prices;
    • the ability to track the reputation of sellers (a feedback system is provided, and the time the seller works on the resource);
    • operational technical support;
    • a wide range of payment systems.

    Those who want to sell Warframe Platinum communicate directly with the buyer. The exchange is, in fact, a trading platform where players themselves set the cost of their goods and services. In the world of ninja, the Warframe Platinum offered by our exchange is valued above all else. If you want to save money - register on FunPay and enjoy the gameplay.


    Do you want to benefit from your savings? Register and offer your services as a seller. Earn a good reputation, gain credibility - and the money will flow like a river. The exchange gives a chance to sell Warframe platinum at an adequate price that corresponds to market realities. Don't miss this opportunity!

    FunPay does not own the Warframe game or any of its components. Official website of the game:

    Hello everyone, in this article you will learn how to level up, where to get platinum and much more.
    1) How to improve the skill level?
    So, your level of skill depends on the number of weapons, warframes, guardians and kubrows you have learned. The more subjects you study, the higher your level will be. Each item can be upgraded to level 30 (max), 1 level = 100 mastery experience, that is, for 1 warframe of the maximum level you will receive 3000 experience. Therefore, I recommend that you craft every weapon, and not just the one you like.
    2) Where is the best place to upgrade weapons and so on?
    Look on the star map for missions against the infected, such as survival, defense, excavation, etc., as usual there is an experience bonus of + 10% or more, you can also buy synthesis amplification, for platinum. The longer you play for survival (defense, etc.), the more experience you get.

    3) How to get platinum in Warframe?
    Method 1: Platinum can be bought for real money (donat), it is most profitable to buy when there is a discount for daily visits to the game.
    Method 2: Platinum can also be obtained by selling weapons, mods, etc. to other players. But not all weapons can be sold. Most often, people buy prime items. Prime items can be obtained in gaps using relics for entrances. Each relic contains certain items. Most often, an item is more valuable when it falls out less often. To increase the chance of items falling out, echoes of the abyss will be required. There are 3 types of enhancement: Uncommon (25 AP), Incomparable (50 AP) and Radiant (100 AP) . Radiant will help you maximize the drop rate of a rare item. It is best to farm prime items in the party, so you will have a better chance of dropping a rare item. You can also exchange with other players a limited number of times a day, it depends on your level (1 level = 1 exchange)

    4) Where to look for warframes?
    Warframe parts drop from bosses, each boss drops one specific warframe, each planet has one boss. Warframe consists of: Blueprint, Helmet, Frame, System and Orokin Power Cell. The base can be bought for credits in the store, you will have to knock out the rest of the drawings from the bosses. There are also prime warframes, these are a more improved version of regular warframes, and they are knocked out in gaps using relics.
    5) What are mods for and where to find them?
    Mods are needed to improve weapons, warframe or your guardian. Mods drop in missions, for an hour in total they are not rare. Rare mods can be found in rifts or bought from a merchant. The merchant arrives every Friday, and he can be on one of the four relays. To buy an item from the merchant, you will need credits and ducats.