List of documents for social mortgage. Social mortgage (state) Social mortgage for youth

Purchasing housing with a preferential mortgage from AHML, according to realtors, at current prices is available only in 29 new buildings in the capital

According to the Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending (AHML), it is now possible to buy an apartment in Moscow using a social mortgage in 62 complexes under construction (in 141 buildings). However, of this number, less than half (29) of the properties are suitable for beneficiaries in terms of price, realtors note. Another part of the new buildings accredited by AHML belongs to high price segments, which significantly narrows the choice of options for social mortgage borrowers, according to materials from the real estate company Metrium Group. “Approximately half of the properties accredited by AHML are of the expensive class. Their cost amounts to tens of millions of rubles. At the same time, the maximum loan amount in Moscow for a social mortgage is set at 10 million rubles. [in combination with the “Mortgage with state support” option, it is reduced to 8 million rubles]. This means that the beneficiary is asked to contribute 60-70% of the cost of the apartment, which is very expensive big money“, explains managing partner of Metrium Group Maria Litinetskaya.

Who is the social mortgage for?

The key mortgage product of AHML, which today can be used to purchase apartments in new urban buildings, is the Social Mortgage: Apartment program. The main conditions declared by the agency for this product: rate from 9.9%, down payment from 10%, loan term up to 30 years.

Basic categories of social borrowers:

  • participants of the “Housing for Russian Family” program;
  • employees of military-industrial complex enterprises with at least one year of experience;
  • disabled people and families raising disabled children who registered for the improvement of housing conditions before 01/01/2005.

To a greater extent, for social groups of citizens who intend to buy housing under the AHML social program, according to Metrium Group analysts, new buildings of the mass segments accredited by the agency are suitable, of which they counted 29 in the capital: of which 15 objects are within the old borders of Moscow and 14 - in the annexed territories of Novomoskovsk and Troitsk administrative districts. “You can get a loan to purchase an apartment in these complexes at reduced rates, more profitable than market offers: at a rate of 9.9% per annum or with a 10% down payment,” follows from the materials of Metrium Group.

Maria Litinetskaya clarified that the client will have to choose one thing - either a small down payment or a low rate. “Despite the fact that AHML declares a social mortgage as a loan with an interest rate of 9.9% per annum and with an initial payment of 10% of the cost of housing, in practice, a combination of these two parameters is impossible,” says the realtor. If the buyer is able to pay only a tenth of the cost of housing, then state support, according to her, will not be available to him, and the rate will be 13.25% per annum.

Residential complex of the mass segment of Moscow with a social mortgage


Minimum apartment area

(million rubles)

9.9% per annum

10% contribution

Initial payment

(thousand roubles.)

Monthly payment

(thousand roubles.)

Initial payment

(thousand roubles.)

Monthly payment

(thousand roubles.)

"Etalon City"

"Varshavskoe, 141"

"Marshala Zakharova, 7"


Multifunctional complex "Fili Grad"

"River Park"

"Life-Mitinskaya Ecopark"

"City on the Tushino River - 2018"

Chertanovo-Severnoye, microdistrict 7B

Obtaining RVE

"Yauza Park"

"House on Nagatinskaya"

"House on Izumrudnaya"

Obtaining RVE

Multifunctional complex "Vodny"

RVE received


RVE received


RVE received

Residential complex of the mass segment of New Moscow with a social mortgage



Minimum apartment area

Minimum cost of an apartment

(million rubles)

9.9% per annum

10% contribution

Initial payment

(thousand roubles.)

Monthly payment

(thousand roubles.)

Initial payment

(thousand roubles.)

Monthly payment

(thousand roubles.)


"Sports Quarter"

1 sq. 20 16

"Prima Park"

Obtaining RVE

"Vnukovo 2016"

4 sq. 20 17

"New star"

2 sq. 20 16


Obtaining RVE


1 sq. 20 16

"First Moscow"

4 sq. 20 19

"Peredelkino Blizhnoe"

3 sq. 20 17

"Butovo Alleys"

Obtaining RVE

"New Vatutinki", Central microdistrict

Obtaining RVE

"New Butovo"

2 sq. 20 16

"Moscow A101"

1 sq. 20 17


Obtaining RVE

The most affordable option for buyers who are eligible for social mortgage loans are apartments in the Borisoglebskoye residential complex in TiNAO, where the minimum lot price is 1.9 million rubles, Metrium Group analysts calculated. If a client, when purchasing an apartment in this complex, chooses a rate of 9.9% per annum, then he will need to make a down payment of 380 thousand rubles, and then pay 13.2 thousand rubles on the loan for 30 years. per month. If the borrower chooses a minimum down payment of 10%, then he will need 190 thousand rubles of his own funds, but the monthly payment will be 19.3 thousand rubles.

Within the old borders of the capital, according to the company, the most budget option for purchasing with a social mortgage is living space in the Etalon City residential complex, where prices for apartments start from 3.55 million rubles. At a rate of 9.9%, the borrower will have to immediately pay 710 thousand rubles after completing the transaction. and then pay the bank 24.7 thousand rubles for three decades. per month. Or you can make a down payment of 355 thousand rubles. and pay 36 thousand rubles monthly to pay off the debt.

Tables: "Metrium Group"

Vladimir Mironov

Throughout 2015, mortgages remained one of the most popular tools for purchasing housing in the mass segment. Largely thanks to the launch of a state program to subsidize housing loan rates. This measure allowed low-income groups to gain access to relatively inexpensive loans: rates on social mortgages from the Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending, thanks to the state program, start at 9.9% per annum. Analysts from the Metrium Group company found out in which new buildings in Moscow it is possible to get a loan according to the social standards of AHML, and calculated how much such a mortgage would cost the buyer.

Providing housing to socially vulnerable groups of citizens is declared in Russia as one of the priority areas of state activity. For this purpose, various programs are being developed, ranging from the opportunity to receive an apartment or house for free use, to various tools for purchasing housing on preferential terms. One of them is the social mortgage, issued by a number of banks in partnership with the Housing Mortgage Lending Agency.

The difference between this program and most of those on the market is a lower interest rate - from 9.9% per annum - and a small down payment: only 10% of the cost of the apartment. In this case, the loan can be issued for a period of up to 30 years, and as additional method attracting financing can be used maternal capital.

However, this program has a number of restrictions regarding both the categories of citizens admitted to it and the objects in which housing can be purchased using a social mortgage.

Participants of the “Housing for Russian Family” program;
- families with two or more minor children;
- employees of military-industrial complex enterprises with at least 1 year of experience;
- disabled people and families raising disabled children who registered for the improvement of housing conditions before 01/01/2005.

In addition, the leadership of each region of the country can admit additional categories to the social mortgage program: combat veterans, young families living in emergency housing, employees of a number of organizations and government bodies, etc.

Regarding facilities accredited to participate in the social mortgages AHML, then today the agency’s website contains a list of about 140 buildings in 62 new buildings being sold in Moscow and in the territories annexed to the capital. At the same time, as Metrium Group analysts note, approximately half of the accredited facilities belong to the business and elite class segments. And this is quite strange, given the fact that the maximum loan amount in Moscow is set at 10 million rubles.

“The concept of “maximum loan amount” means that the buyer must pay the rest of the cost of the apartment as down payment, explains Maria Litinetskaya, managing partner of Metrium Group. - That is, theoretically, a social mortgage can be issued for an apartment worth a billion rubles by contributing 99% of your own funds. It can be assumed that the buyer of a business class apartment will pay 60-70% of its cost from his savings, and will take out a social mortgage for the remaining 10 million rubles. But in the elite segment such a situation is unlikely.”

Despite the fact that AHML promotes social mortgages as a loan with a rate of 9.9% per annum and with a down payment of 10% of the cost of housing, upon closer examination it turns out that a combination of these two parameters is impossible - you have to choose one. A rate of 9.9% per annum is offered under the “Mortgage with state support” option with a minimum down payment of 20%. Moreover, only large families (3 children or more) will be able to receive such a low rate; other social categories can count on a rate of 10.65% per annum. And if the buyer is able to contribute only 10% of the cost of housing, then state support will not be available to him, and the interest rate will be 13.25% per annum.

There is also a limitation on maximum amount loan depending on the size of the down payment. If the “Mortgage with state support” option is used, then the loan size does not change much: 7.3-8 million rubles. Without government support, the loan amount varies from 6.6 million rubles with a contribution of 10-19% of the cost of the purchased housing to 10 million rubles with a contribution of 50%.

"Old" Moscow

Within the old borders of Moscow, social mortgages are currently offered in 15 new economy and comfort class buildings, which is 41.7% of all properties in this segment.

The most low prices for apartments in projects with a social mortgage are presented in the Etalon City residential complex - from 3.55 million rubles. Accordingly, here you can get the most lenient mortgage conditions from AHML. At an annual rate of 9.9%, the down payment will be from 710 thousand rubles, and the monthly payment will be from 24.7 thousand rubles. If we start from the down payment of 10%, then we need to have at least 355 thousand rubles of our own funds and pay at least 36 thousand rubles monthly to pay off the debt.

The second position is in the residential complex “Varshavskoe, 141”, where prices for apartments start from 3.99 million rubles. Here you can get a social mortgage at 9.9% per annum with an initial payment of 798 thousand rubles; servicing the loan will cost from 27.8 thousand rubles per month. With a minimum contribution of your own funds, the first payment will be from 399 thousand rubles, and the monthly one - from 40.4 thousand rubles.

The residential complex “Marshala Zakharova, 7” closes the top three. Starting prices for apartments here are fixed at 4.39 million rubles. To minimize the size of the monthly payment, you need to deposit your own funds from 878 thousand rubles. Then, at a rate of 9.9% per annum, every month you will need to pay from 30.6 thousand rubles. And with a small initial payment (from 439 thousand rubles), you will have to pay the bank almost 1.5 times more monthly - from 44.5 thousand rubles.

In addition to these three new buildings, social mortgages can also be issued in such landmark projects for the capital’s market as Tsaritsyno-2, the Fili Grad and Vodny mixed-use complexes, River Park and a number of others.

Residential complex of the mass segment of Moscow with a social mortgage

Name RVE Min apartment area (sq. m) Min apartment cost (million rubles) 9.9% per annum 10% contribution
Initial payment (thousand rubles) Monthly payment (thousand rubles)
"Etalon City" 1 sq. 18 38,79 3,55 710 24,7 355 36
"Varshavskoe, 141" 4 sq. 16 22,4 3,99 798 27,8 399 40,4
"Marshala Zakharova, 7" 2 sq. 18 26,2 4,39 878 30,6 439 44,5
"Tsaritsyno-2" 1 sq. 17 34,3 5,11 1022 35,6 511 51,8
Multifunctional complex "Fili Grad" 3 sq. 17 28,3 5,77 1154 40,2 577 58,5
"River Park" 2 sq. 17 35,69 5,84 1168 40,7 584 59,2
"Life-Mitinskaya Ecopark" 1 sq. 17 42,12 5,99 1198 41,7 599 60,7
"City on the Tushino River-2018" 4 sq. 17 39,6 6,8 1360 47,3 680 68,9
Chertanovo-Severnoye, microdistrict 7B Obtaining RVE 42,6 7,24 1448 50,4 724 73,4
"Yauza Park" 1 sq. 17 40,45 7,29 1458 50,8 729 73,9
"House on Nagatinskaya"* 3 sq. 16 41 7,64 1528 53,2 1074 (14,1%) 73,9
“House on Izumrudnaya”* Obtaining RVE 43,4 7,73 1546 53,8 1173 (15,2%) 73,8
Multifunctional complex "Vodny"* RVE received 39,9 7,81 1562 54,4 1261 (16,1%) 73,7
"Life-Mitinskaya"* RVE received 43,87 10,66 3198 (30%) 64,9 4396 (41,2%) 70,5
"Vershinino"* RVE received 76,9 17,05 5115 (54%) 68,2 11425 (67%) 63,3

* The minimum cost of apartments in these projects exceeds the maximum allowable size borrowed money for the basic down payment amount. In the “Initial payment” columns, the minimum required share of own funds is indicated in brackets, which will allow you to comply with the conditions for the provision of a social mortgage according to AHML standards.

Source: Metrium Group

New Moscow

On the territory of the Novomoskovsky and Troitsky administrative districts, 14 new buildings are currently offered with the possibility of obtaining a social mortgage from AHML, including in such well-known projects as "", "First Moscow", "Sports Quarter" and others. This represents 38.9% of the total number of projects in New Moscow.

The most interesting conditions today can be obtained in the Borisoglebskoe residential complex. Considering that the minimum cost of an apartment here is 1.9 million rubles, buyers from social categories have the opportunity to contribute 380 thousand of their own funds and pay only 13.2 thousand rubles per month on the loan. Or you can save on the down payment by making only 190 thousand rubles. The size of the monthly payment in this case will also not be very high - 19.3 thousand rubles.

You can also get a social mortgage in the Sports Quarter residential complex. With the cost of the apartment being 2.26 million rubles, the amount of the down payment when applying for a loan at 9.9% per annum will be 452 thousand rubles, and the monthly payment will be 15.7 thousand rubles. And with a 10% down payment of your funds, you will have to pay 226 thousand rubles, and every month you will need to pay 22.9 thousand rubles. It is worth noting that these figures are the lowest in Moscow among projects whose construction has already been completed: buyers of apartments in the Sports Quarter will be able to receive the keys at the beginning of 2016.

The third position is occupied by the Prima-Park residential complex, where prices for apartments start from 2.89 million rubles. You can become the owner of an apartment in this project by contributing 578 thousand rubles of your own funds. The monthly payment will be 20.1 thousand rubles. Alternatively, you can have only 289 thousand rubles of your own money, but every month you will have to give more - 29.3 thousand rubles.

Residential complex of the mass segment of New Moscow with a social mortgage

Name RVE Min apartment area (sq. m) Min apartment cost (millions) rub.) 9.9% per annum 10% contribution
Initial payment (thousand rubles) Monthly payment (thousand rubles) Initial payment (thousand rubles) Monthly payment (thousand rubles)
"Borisoglebskoe" 4 sq. 16 33,4 1,9 380 13,2 190 19,3
"Sports Quarter" 1 sq. 16 28,32 2,26 452 15,7 226 22,9
"Prima Park" RVE's teaching 26 2,89 578 20,1 289 29,3
"Vnukovo 2016" 4 sq. 17 30,41 2,98 596 20,7 298 30,2
"New star" 2 sq. 16 22,9 3,02 604 21 302 30,6
"Novo-Nikolskoye" Obtaining RVE 45 3,53 706 24,6 353 35,8
"Andersen" 1 sq. 16 38,22 3,6 720 25,1 360 36,5
"First Moscow" 4 sq. 19 39,2 3,82 764 26,6 382 38,7
"Peredelkino Blizhnoe" 3 sq. 17 37,2 3,98 796 27,7 398 40,3
"Butovo Alleys" Obtaining RVE 35,6 4,03 806 28,1 403 40,8
"New Vatutinki", Central microdistrict Obtaining RVE 37,2 4,26 852 29,7 426 43,2
"New Butovo" 2 sq. 16 37,5 4,32 864 30,1 432 43,8
"Moscow A101" 1 sq. 17 40,9 4,58 916 31,9 458 46,4
"Buninsky" Obtaining RVE 44,03 5,62 1124 39,2 562 56,9

Today the state is confidently working on various programs support for the poor. This includes providing people with affordable housing. There are various benefits and programs for this, one of which is the so-called social mortgage. We will find out below who can apply for it, what are the features of obtaining such a mortgage, and what is required from the applicant.

What is a social mortgage?

Social mortgage- this is one of the forms mortgage lending, in which part of the amount of money is paid by the state. What are the features of a social mortgage and how profitable is it? Let's try to answer these questions:

  • The main advantage and most attractive factor of a social mortgage is the reduced cost per square meter of housing. That is, it turns out that the same housing purchased under the social or standard mortgage program will cost differently.
  • Before approving a loan, the bank checks the apartment for “cleanliness” and also provides life insurance for the borrower and the apartment.
  • If you managed to get a social mortgage, then now you have another advantage on your side - guarantees from the government and the bank itself.
  • The interest rate set at the beginning remains the same for the entire loan period.
  • Preferential mortgages are issued at a low interest rate. It varies from bank to bank and starts at approximately 9%.
  • People can choose a loan period of up to 30 years.

Please note that the form of this support varies from region to region. For example, this may be not just the purchase of housing at a low cost on credit, but also compensation of a certain amount from a loan for already purchased housing or reimbursement of a certain part of the mortgage interest.

The procedure for obtaining and the social mortgage agreement

The procedure for obtaining a mortgage is not an easy process. If we are talking about social mortgages, then things are even more complicated. The applicant will have to prove that he really belongs to the low-income category of citizens and has the right to receive this type of lending. This process is step-by-step, and each step will be discussed in detail below:

  1. The first and most important step is to apply for a social mortgage. This application is usually submitted to the city administration or to your immediate superiors (depending on the social group you belong to). You are now in line to receive a social mortgage.
  2. Next, you need to find out the nuances of this loan. This is done in a bank that cooperates with government agencies under this program. First, we find out which bank will provide you with a loan (this can be done at the city administration), and then we contact the bank. This stage will allow you to find out the interest rate, payment features, maximum terms and the most important point - the package of documents required for registration.
  3. When it’s finally your turn, a social mortgage agreement is drawn up, and you receive the coveted apartment as a mortgage. A sample document looks like this:

Please note that the mortgage process outlined above may vary in your area. It may also be different for individual categories citizens. Please consider this in advance to act in accordance with the law.

Documents for social mortgage

Depending on which social group you belong to, the package of documents for you may vary. However, there is a certain documentary base, that is, a set of documents that you will definitely need. This includes:

  • Application for a social mortgage. It should be noted that this document is a regular application for a loan. His form is available.
  • A document confirming tax registration.
  • A certificate from your place of employment, which contains information about your current income and work experience.
  • Passports of each family member (children under 14 years old usually require a birth certificate).
  • Certificate from the house register in the prescribed form.
  • Title document for the apartment.
  • A copy of the work record book.
  • Certificate confirming family composition.
  • A certificate confirming the registration of ownership of the purchased property.
  • Extract from the Unified State Register for the purchased living space.
  • Bank account details.

Some situations imply that the property has already been purchased with a mortgage. That is, in this case, as part of a social program, the state will help pay off part of the existing debt or use another way to help simplify payment set amount. Check with your local authorities to find out which type of support you may qualify for.

Who can apply for a social mortgage?

Not all categories of citizens can qualify for a social mortgage. This is an important aspect, because first you should find out whether, in accordance with modern legislation, you are entitled to this type of lending or not. Let's consider several conditions that must be met to obtain this type of lending:

  • The applicant does not have his own home. As a rule, such people live either in communal apartment, or in a hostel, and sometimes they rent housing.
  • People live in cramped conditions, which means less than 14 square meters for each family member.
  • There is a special set of requirements that the bank puts forward. Citizenship, length of work experience, registration, etc. may be taken into account here. You must find out this set of requirements directly from the bank with which the state cooperates as part of the program.

These are the basic requirements for applicants, but additional ones are also noted, which are presented separately for each social category of citizens.

Types of social mortgages

Social mortgage for a young family

What conditions must a young family meet in order to qualify?

  • The family must have enough money to pay off the mortgage loan or pay for the part of the apartment not paid for by the state. Typically, this means that your income must be at least 2 times your mortgage payment.
  • At the time of registration of the mortgage, the age of each spouse should not exceed 30 years.
  • It is necessary for local governments to confirm that the family really needs improved housing conditions. According to the results this confirmation a special certificate must be issued, which will subsequently be required for the package of documents.

Do not forget also about the special requirements that may be imposed by the bank.

Social mortgage for state employees

State employees, as a rule, are employees of government agencies. In most cases, they receive a fairly low salary and therefore have the right to apply for preferential terms on mortgage. Who exactly is included in the category of state employees?

  • teachers;
  • young scientists;
  • the doctors;
  • military employees.

State employees can apply for such forms of social support as preferential mortgages; purchasing housing at cost; partial compensation from the price of real estate from budget funds.

Social mortgage for doctors

Doctors, as employees of budgetary organizations, can apply for preferential mortgage loans. However, to do this they must meet a number of conditions:

  • Have both specialized secondary and higher education in the field of medicine. But a prerequisite is that he must be a certified specialist in this field.
  • In order to start applying for a mortgage, a specialist must work in the medical field for at least 1 year. In some regions this bar is lower: in some places it’s a quarter, and in others it’s six months.
  • The maximum age of program participants cannot exceed 35 years (in some regions this limit reaches 40 years).
  • In the future, a physician must devote himself to working in medicine in a given region for at least 5 years.

Also an important condition is living in cramped conditions or in a rented apartment.

Social mortgage for teachers

Teachers as public sector employees can apply for a social mortgage only if they meet the following conditions:

  • The age of the applicant cannot exceed 35 years.
  • It is necessary that the teacher does not own any real estate.
  • The specialist must have Russian citizenship.
  • The teacher must permanently reside in the region where he works, and also have direct work experience of at least 1 year.
  • The borrower must be solvent. This condition means that the amount of the monthly contribution should not exceed 45% of the salary.
  • It is advisable to have a good “work history”. This can be confirmed by letters of recommendation from the place of work, positive characteristics, absence of reprimands and other sanctions imposed by superiors.

Employees receive primary support when selecting candidates rural areas and teachers who moved from the city to the village or village. Also, the advantage is on the side of those who have young children.

Social mortgage for those on the waiting list

Those on the waiting list are those who have applied for a social mortgage and are waiting in line. In order to join the queue, you must meet the conditions outlined in the sections provided above. Please note that the timing of obtaining a mortgage depends not only on how early you joined the queue. Attention is also paid to the following factors:

  • living conditions available at this moment;
  • presence of young children;
  • belonging to the budget category (or another preferential category);
  • having enough income to pay the mortgage.

Video: Social mortgage - borrower opportunities

It is important to remember that a social mortgage is not only a burden of obligations from paying off the debt, but also a lot of opportunities that the state provides. A specialist will tell you about them in the video:

Please note that in some cases a down payment on the mortgage is required, and this is often a significant amount. However, preferential mortgages require a small down payment, which starts at 10%.

The housing issue in Russia is particularly acute. It is almost impossible for most citizens to purchase it by any means other than a mortgage. This problem is especially relevant for young families and socially vulnerable citizens. According to statistics Pension Fund 95% of the same maternity capital is spent on purchasing real estate.

Therefore, the government has developed a special housing lending program for the population, which includes the so-called social mortgage.

What is social and preferential mortgage

First of all, such a mortgage is designed to help socially vulnerable segments of the population purchase real estate on preferential terms or improve their living conditions.

In other words, this government program gives a real chance to acquire housing for citizens with low incomes. These primarily include public sector workers, large and young families.

How exactly it differs from the usual one, and how to get it - see below.


  1. Opportunity to get bank loan at preferential rates.
  2. The right to receive targeted subsidies from the regional budget is given;
  3. Buying a home at a significant price below market. However, it is worth noting that the property will be economy class. The state is not obligated to spend budget funds on luxury housing.
  4. The down payment when purchasing a residential property will be calculated at the minimum rate.
  5. The interest rate will be provided by a federal subsidy in the form of compensation. The fact is that a social mortgage loan can be obtained at 12% per annum, whereas before the introduction of the program the interest rate in banks was about 15%. It is clear that this is not profitable for banks. And so that they do not suffer a loss, the state compensates them for the difference.
  6. Opportunity deferred payment(“credit holidays”).


The main purpose of the program is that it should help those citizens who do not have large incomes, but are in dire need of housing. The fact that such lending is most beneficial for the poor can be seen based on these data:

  • person caught under preferential lending pays only 30% of the cost of the purchased property;
  • 30%-40%, and sometimes even half (it all depends on which category of poor the borrower belongs to) of the cost is covered by government subsidies;
  • A mortgage loan is issued for the remainder.

The implementation of this social program is beneficial to absolutely everyone: a citizen in need of housing gets a chance to celebrate a housewarming party, banks receive a huge number of potential clients, inexpensive housing in new buildings is actively being purchased, thereby stimulating the development of the construction industry.

Another important advantage of mortgage lending for socially vulnerable citizens is the fact that they are given additional guarantees by the bank:

  • they take care of checking legal purity transactions;
  • provide insurance protection not only real estate, but also the life of the borrower himself;
  • provide an agreement where they undertake don't raise interest rates until the end of the agreement.

In fairness, it should be noted flaws, which the social mortgage has. First of all, due to the long term of the contract, the overpayment for housing increases significantly, which in other cases can reach 100%. Also, a person applying for a preferential mortgage incurs significant costs associated with the services of a notary and specialists from an appraisal company. In addition, deductions go to the bank that draws up the agreement - for processing the application, for maintaining a loan account, etc.

Who can claim benefits

Under the terms of the program, preferential loans can be applied primarily to citizens living in unsuitable housing conditions and at the same time necessarily on a waiting list for housing at their place of residence. The category of citizens whose places of residence are officially recognized as unsuitable for this, as well as persons living in dilapidated houses or those subject to demolition, also have the legal right to do this. These requirements are mandatory for all applicants.

In addition, the following can count on receiving government subsidies:

  • young families with dependent children, where the spouses have not reached 35 years of age;
  • large families with three or more children;
  • persons who participated in combat operations in Afghanistan, Chechnya, Syria;
  • young contract workers, participants in the housing program;
  • employees of budgetary organizations (schools, hospitals, research centers and academies).

The size of the mortgage loan will directly depend on the borrower’s solvency and monthly income. If this income is small, then the citizen can include other people (friends, relatives) in the contract who will act as co-borrowers. In this case, the bank may decide to increase the loan amount.

Conditions and required documents

Since this is a state program, there are certain conditions for receiving assistance: to be a citizen of Russia, to have work experience, permanent registration, not soiled credit history in banks. The registration procedure is simple - a corresponding application is written to local authorities, which are obliged to consider it (taking into account the above conditions) within three days.

If the issue is resolved positively, you will need to provide the following package of documents:

  1. application for a preferential mortgage;
  2. identification document;
  3. a copy of the work book and a certificate from the place of work;
  4. income certificate;
  5. a document confirming the fact that the citizen really needs housing;
  6. military ID;
  7. children's birth certificates.

Programs for young families, conditions

To receive government assistance, a young family must meet the following parameters:

  • age under 30 years;
  • There must be a document confirming that the family really needs a solution to the housing problem;
  • the family must have the financial ability to repay the required part of the loan or have a satisfactory monthly income to make payment under the agreement.

Features of the program for military personnel

This category of citizens housing problem called upon to solve a special project of the state " Military mortgage" The point of this project is that every year a certain amount will be credited to a serviceman’s personal savings account. The amount is determined by the government of the country, but the entire amount received from the state can be equal to 2.2 million rubles.

These funds can be used not only after the expiration of the contract, but also directly during service. Of course, you are allowed to spend this money only on the purchase or construction of residential premises.

An important fact: depending on the financial situation in the country or sharp jump inflation, funds will be indexed accordingly.

How can young professionals get subsidized housing?

This large category of citizens is also taken into account in the social program. To qualify for preferential subsidies, they must work at least 150 shifts in construction teams. Only after this they will have the opportunity to buy real estate at a price much lower than the market price. However, this type of lending is currently only available in a few regions of the country.

Conditions for participation in regional programs

In addition to the preferential mortgage program operating throughout the country, local and regional programs are also being developed. Depending on the region, they may have slight differences, but are mainly implemented according to two schemes:

  • local authorities are building on own funds real estate properties, then sell them to mortgage participants at cost;
  • citizens of the preferential category receive one-time subsidies for making a down payment on a loan, and then all payments are made at the prices and tariffs of a commercial mortgage.

Purchasing housing with government assistance has many options. For example, you can apply a combined scheme: use the means of the mother certificate together with mortgage program for a young family.

Current information on video: how to apply for a social mortgage

Latest information in news material from Channel 360. How to get a social mortgage in the Moscow region - on video.

Welcome to website. In this article we will tell you everything about obtaining a social mortgage, what it is like, and what segments of the population can count on it. Social mortgage is government assistance to citizens who belong to preferential categories. That is, these citizens are allocated money with which they can purchase their own living space.

Regional authorities independently decide how mortgages will be obtained and what subsidies will be applied to them.

Today there are several types of such assistance:

  • Compensation for part of the price of the purchased apartment.
  • Purchase of residential space from the state at a low interest rate.
  • Payment of part of the interest on the mortgage.

A set of government programs with the help of which vulnerable segments of the population can purchase housing is called a social mortgage. Not everyone knows that citizens who have been officially recognized as needing housing have the right to participate in these programs. But these citizens are not the only ones who have the right to receive an affordable mortgage. In accordance with the program, young families, military personnel and public sector workers can purchase a new apartment.

There are several social mortgage programs, among which everyone can choose the appropriate option:

  1. Subsidy on interest rate.
  2. Buying an apartment at a reduced rate.
  3. Payment of a certain amount of the total cost of the apartment.

The interest rate subsidy is social program A mortgage that reduces the interest rate. These programs operate in a large number of commercial banks. They issue certain categories of citizens mortgage loans By low rates, and also establish a flexible payment schedule. For such banks, it makes no difference who pays interest, the borrower himself or the state pays for him.

The low-income part of the population most often chooses to partially pay for living space. The essence of such a mortgage is very simple, that is, the state covers part of the cost of living space, but the money is issued not to the future owner of the apartment, but to a credit institution, which in turn deducts this amount from the total debt and calculates new loan payments.

The purchase of housing from the state represents the purchase of living space from the housing stock. This mortgage is used for the sale of apartments to certain categories of citizens, these include:

  • Military personnel.
  • Civil servants and others.

About social mortgages in 2020

The subsidy amount for 2020 is set at 30% of the total price, or more precisely, it should not be lower than the monetary value. If families with children purchase an apartment, the subsidy increases to a minimum of 35%.

The final size is set by regional authorities independently; it is influenced by the cost per square meter in the region, the size of the regional budget and the number of children in the family.

Social mortgages in 2020 are issued at a minimum interest rate of 9.9% per year. Although the majority of banks, including Sberbank, have set a minimum interest rate of 11.5% per annum and at least a 20% down payment. And at a mortgage lending agency, at the same interest rate, the down payment is only 10% of the total cost of the apartment.

As mentioned above, a large number of commercial banks additionally offer their mortgage lending programs for public sector employees. Interest rates theirs is lower and their repayment period is longer.

Who is entitled to social security?

In accordance with the law, the following categories of citizens are entitled to a social mortgage:

  1. State employees, citizens who are on government support.
  2. Low-income citizens, a category that does not have decent living conditions.
  3. Young families, married citizens and have not reached the age of 35 years.

But they can only claim benefits if certain conditions are met:

  • The work experience of public sector employees must be at least three years in relevant organizations, that is, in state or municipal authorities, medical workers or educational institutions, police, rescue agencies and other structures.
  • If the family does not have their own housing or it does not meet the necessary living standards or sanitary standards.
  • The spouses have not reached the age of 35 years.

To get a mortgage, you must meet a number of important requirements. This type of mortgage is provided only to citizens who are legally recognized as needy and live in housing that is recognized as unsafe or subject to demolition. This mortgage also applies to young families, that is, if the spouses have not yet reached the age of 35.

Large families with three or more children also have the right to receive a social mortgage. The loan can also be issued to citizens who, by law, are participants in hostilities, and fought in Chechnya, Afghanistan and Syria, and defended the honor of their country, citizens who work in the public sector, doctors, teachers, employees in government agencies, scientists and other categories of citizens.

Young families can qualify to purchase housing using a preferential mortgage. This type of mortgage involves a bonus from the state for newlyweds, that is, the bonus is 30% of the total cost of the apartment if the family does not yet have children.

If there are children in the family, the compensation will be 35% of the cost of housing. Even if the family has already taken out a mortgage and they have a baby, the state will still help. In this case, the amount of additional subsidy will be 5% of the total cost.

Cash is not issued; the family receives a certificate, which is provided to the bank after the loan is issued, and the state makes the payment directly to the credit institution.

The family has the right to choose to use the benefit, that is, it can be used for a down payment, for paying part of the main cost of housing, or for closing loan debt.

Not every family has the opportunity to purchase housing, since they either do not have enough money to buy it or have nowhere to earn it. Mortgages, which are provided to low-income families, enable such families to purchase their own square meters. Options for receiving government assistance for low-income families are the same as for other categories of citizens.

Despite the fact that the income of budget workers is stable, it is not very high. Not all banks can issue a low-wage mortgage. But the state created a special one for them credit program, which is called “mortgage for budget workers.” This mortgage for public sector employees is issued for a period of 25 years and has a number of its own features that relate to this loan product.

Not all employees of budgetary organizations have the right to such a mortgage, but only those who provide special value. These include teachers, doctors and researchers. In addition, they must be recognized as needing property. At the request of the state, the employee does not have the right to change his field of activity throughout the entire period of repayment of the mortgage loan.

Mortgage for doctors and military personnel

Social mortgages are provided to military personnel as part of the savings mortgage system, and they must participate in it for at least 3 years. Cash from this fund are used as a down payment for the purchased housing.

The serviceman receives a special certificate that confirms his right to the benefit; it must be brought to credit institution. To obtain this certificate, a serviceman must write a report addressed to the unit commander.

In order for doctors to receive a social mortgage, they need to be in need of their own living space and be needed by their medical enterprise.

Design features

According to the new legislation, social mortgages are issued to citizens who are classified as socially vulnerable and need to purchase their own housing. That is, citizens must document their status of need. To obtain this status, you must apply to the social protection service required package documents and only after this, preferential categories of citizens have the right to stand in line to receive mortgage lending on social terms.

The queue for apartments is familiar to many from the time Soviet Union, the system has not changed since then, but there are now much fewer people in the queue. Since the conditions for obtaining the status of need are very strict, and not all citizens consider this option of purchasing a home.

In accordance with the law, every citizen has the right to receive 18 square meters - this is for a family of three or more people (for each family member), for a family of two people the apartment area is 42 square meters, and single citizens have the right to an apartment with an area of ​​33 square meters.

There are a number of restrictions that significantly reduce the likelihood of being considered in need of living space - these are:

  • The minimum size of living space that is sufficient for living is set by local authorities.
  • All premises and real estate owned by the family are taken into account, even if the family does not live in it. That is, if a family of five lives in an apartment of 40 square meters, and the mother has another house in a given city, then no one from the family has the right to get on the waiting list for housing.
  • The conditions in which the family lives must be declared unacceptable for living, but this requires various examinations and special commissions, which can slow down the entire process for many months.

There is also one more point: now 1.3 million people are eligible to receive preferential mortgages. This is why getting such a mortgage becomes very difficult, and in some cases even impossible.

If a person has received the coveted status of a needy person, the next step is to collect a package of documents that will be required to obtain a loan. Before doing this, it is necessary to clarify what programs currently exist in the region; local authorities will talk about this. Here you should be persistent, since in accordance with the law they must refer a person to a special legal department, which issues all mortgage lending programs on preferential terms.

But even if there is a discount on mortgage lending, it becomes difficult to get it, since the conditions and requirements of banks do not change. That is, you need proof of income and collect a large package of necessary documents.

According to information sources, banks that work with preferential programs, about 40 across the country, but in reality there are only 7-8. Most banks do not agree to work with government programs and offer their own, which simply have similar names.

Where to go

In order for the preferential mortgage lending program to begin its work, a person needs to contact the administration at the place of residence and the bank where the mortgage will be issued. In Moscow, taking part in the program is much more difficult than in the Moscow region.

Many commercial banks may have their own requirements for borrowers, that is, income level or length of service. This information must be clarified before the collection of documents begins.

Documents you will need to apply for a mortgage

A social mortgage for a young family or other preferential category of citizens is issued upon provision of the following documents:

  • Application for receipt.
  • Passports for all family members.
  • Birth certificate for children.
  • Extract from the house register.
  • Certificate of family composition.
  • Certificate of income and work experience.
  • A photocopy of the work book.
  • Extract from the Unified State Register for the apartment being purchased.
  • Certificate of ownership of the apartment.
  • Title documents for housing.
  • Bank account details.

Citizens who do not have their own apartment and live in a communal apartment, dormitory, or rent living space have the right to a social mortgage. It can also be received by government employees who live in the same area with other relatives or in cramped conditions, less than 15 square meters per person.

Conditions for obtaining a social mortgage in Moscow in 2020

Social mortgages in Moscow are provided to citizens subject to a number of conditions:

  • All citizens who registered as needing their own housing, that is, those who registered before March 1, 2005.
  • All citizens who registered as needing to purchase their own housing after March 1, 2005, but before the beginning of 2017 received low-income status, and also managed to apply for a preferential mortgage before the beginning of 2017.

What kind of living space can you get in Moscow?

A person has the right to buy housing or part of it from the list offered by the Moscow Real Estate Department.

The main conditions of a social mortgage are that the total size of the area, after it has been improved, should not be less than the established norm, that is, 18 square meters per family member. The area norm may be larger, but the main thing is that it does not exceed the established standards:

  • 40 square meters per person if a room or one-room apartment is purchased.
  • 44 square meters, if the family consists of two people, that is, only spouses.
  • 54 square meters, two-roomed flat, if there are two people in the family, but they are not spouses.
  • 62 square meters, two-room apartment, if there are three people in a family with spouses.
  • 74 square meters, three-room apartment, if there are three people in the family and no spouses.
  • At 18 square meters per person, if there are four or five people in a family, the resulting apartment size can be increased by another 9 meters, but no more.
  • 18 square meters each, if there are 6 or more people in a family, the resulting apartment size can be increased by 9 square meters, but no more.

It is worth knowing that if there is a person in the family who has the right to independently use the living space or part of it, then the amount for this person will be deducted from the provided norm.

Different-sex family members, except spouses, can move into the same room only with their consent.

Step-by-step instructions on how to take out a social mortgage

To apply for a social mortgage, you need to go through several important steps:

  1. Submit a completed application and a collected package of documents to make changes in the accounting file. When writing an application, you must choose a method of providing the necessary living space, in this case it is a social mortgage. All family members and their applicants are required to sign the application.
  2. If necessary, you will need to bring documents for re-registration. This procedure should occur every 5 years, but not less often. Also, this procedure must be carried out a year before the decision is made to provide living space and then before the decision itself is made. This is done to confirm that the family still needs housing. As a rule, such a procedure is carried out without the participation of the waiting lists themselves. But in some cases it may be necessary to collect additional documents.
  3. Then select living space. After all changes are made in the accounting file, the Real Estate Department, in accordance with the priority, will send a special notice to those on the waiting list, which will contain three options for providing housing. They must be reviewed and then notified to the department. the decision taken. If the family did not like the living quarters provided, then the next three options will be provided only after a year.
  4. After this, the family turns to the bank that will issue the mortgage; it is chosen by the family independently. Then you need to wait for a positive decision from the bank to issue a loan in the amount necessary to purchase the selected apartment, taking into account payment of part of the cost from personal funds. In this case, you can use maternity capital.
  5. A purchase and sale agreement is concluded with the City Property Department. To do this, you need to write an application for concluding a contract and bring full package documents to the multifunctional center (MFC).
  6. And the last stage is registration of ownership of the purchased apartment.

Each application to the City Property Department is registered and assigned an individual number. Using this number, you can check the processing status of your appeal on the official website of the city department.

Why do banks enter into mortgage agreements with public sector employees on special terms?

Commercial banks not only issue mortgage loans to public sector employees, but also provide them with special preferential conditions, this has a significant explanation:

  • Discipline of budget employees. They treat their obligations with full responsibility, and this quality is very important for the bank and they are confident that the loan will be repaid in full.
  • State employees can be influenced with the help of management. These employees hold on to their position, and management can easily exert a strong influence on them. Otherwise, the debt will be written off directly from wages employee.
  • The income of such workers is stable. Despite their small size, their salary is clean and there is no concept of gray and white. Budgetary organizations Reductions or liquidations are rarely carried out. And the likelihood that a person will not change jobs until the end of the mortgage payment increases greatly.

As already mentioned, there is a social mortgage for doctors and other budget workers, and there are special conditions for workers in the defense complex and their pensioners. The exact conditions and amount of such benefits must be obtained from local governments.