Reliable cash. Where is it more profitable to invest money: expert advice

You go to work every morning, day after day, year after year. And your whole life is more like Groundhog Day. Every day is similar to the previous one. You safely spend all your income received at work on life. The result is a vicious circle. What's next? - you think. Something needs to be changed in this life. One way to break the current situation is to invest.

After all, what is investing?

Investment is investing money today in order to receive it tomorrow, but in larger quantities. Or receiving permanent passive income from funds once invested.

Of course, you won’t be able to find a large amount right away. Most investors start with very modest amounts that they manage to save from their salaries. The main thing here is consistency and time. Taken together with these parameters, any, even insignificant, capital can grow into a fairly decent amount, allowing its owner to receive a very good income that will exceed your current income. Please note that this will be completely passive income, generated with virtually no participation from you.

Beginning investors face many questions, the main one being where to invest. Especially if we are talking about a very small amount of money. It is the limitation on the volume of invested funds that makes its adjustments to possible investments. But nevertheless, even with little money, there are many ways to earn and increase your hard-earned money.

6 ways to invest money for a beginner

Investing in bank deposits

Bank deposits or deposits are the simplest and most reliable type of investment. When you open a bank deposit, you will know in advance. what income you will receive at the end of the term. And most importantly, GUARANTEED INCOME. Deposits are practically the only financial instrument for which the profitability is known in advance. Other investments do not carry such a guarantee. In them you can both earn and lose. Also, do not forget that the safety of deposits is guaranteed by the state (in the amount of 1.4 million rubles). If the amount exceeds this threshold, then it is better to open several deposits in different banks.

Bank deposits are used mainly as a means of initial capital accumulation. When a certain level of funds in the account is reached, other investment opportunities become available to the investor. Why? The answer is quite simple - very low profitability. Typically, deposit rates are within the inflation rate. Therefore, it is unlikely that you will get rich by investing in deposits.

Currency deposits

In the context of a difficult economic situation in the country, foreign currency deposits again began to gain popularity. The ruble is rapidly losing its position compared to other financial payment systems. And in order to somehow preserve their savings, deposits in foreign currency are used. And although the yield on such deposits is quite modest, around 2-5% per annum, real earnings can exceed the current yield several times. Due to the weakening of the ruble and, accordingly, the strengthening of the currency.

It was foreign currency deposits that were the most profitable over the past 5 years among the main types of investments. Those who opened similar deposits several years ago have already earned more than 230% profit. For comparison, simple ruble deposits for the same period showed a return of 83%.

Investments in mutual funds

  • possibility of investing small amounts
  • tax exemption
  • no need to store at home, exposing the risk of theft
  • can be bought and sold in parts, if necessary

Other possible ways investments in gold (purchase of bullion, gold coins) - have precisely those disadvantages that are advantages of compulsory medical insurance.

The question of how to manage accumulated money excites the minds of many people. How can you make the most of your little money? And what method of investing is the safest for a person inexperienced in financial intricacies?

Here we will look at several working investment tools for investors of any level. Let's start with a simple one - a bank deposit, and end with securities. Let's start!

Opening a deposit account

The most common and traditional way to help save a small amount over the last hundred years can be called bank deposits. Indeed, opening a deposit is publicly available, you can start with 1000 rubles, and opening a deposit does not require any special financial knowledge.

Here are some useful materials on deposits:

However, there are several nuances that should not be neglected:

  • It is more profitable to open a deposit for a period of at least 3 months
  • A higher income can be obtained if you do not withdraw accrued interest, but provide a deposit with the possibility .
  • Opening an account online through the bank's website often results in an increase interest rate by 0.5% – 1%.
  • To open a deposit, it is better to choose a bank that provides minimal penalties for early withdrawal of money from a time deposit.

Let's calculate, based on the average interest rate, how much income you can get if you deposit small amounts of money, for example, 5,000 rubles.

  • 1st year: 5000 + 5000 x 10% = 5500 rubles;
  • 2nd year: 5500 + 5500 x 10% = 6050 rubles;
  • 3rd year: 6050 + 6050 x 10% = 6655 rubles;
  • 4th year: 6655 + 6655 x 10% = 7320 rubles;
  • 5th year: 7320 + 7320 x 10% = 8052 rubles.

Of course, at this rate, without replenishing the account, it is possible to double the deposit amount in 7 years. But unpredictability domestic economy cannot guarantee that over such a long period of time no events will occur that will devalue the small amount of money invested.

Therefore, our task is to consider more effective types of investments that can bring significant income already in the second year of their use.

What is a mutual fund and how beneficial is it for an ordinary shareholder?

Financial analysts considered quite optimistic (mutual funds). The cost of “entry” to the fund can vary from tens to hundreds of thousands of rubles.

For example, the minimum cost of a share is 15,000 rubles, shares are sold for 30 thousand rubles. However, even very small amounts of money can be successfully placed in a mutual fund by purchasing not a whole share, but a fraction of it.

The undeniable advantage of investing in mutual funds is their complete transparency and state control. Financial activities mutual funds are strictly regulated by law. Therefore, you should not be afraid of fraudulent schemes when investing in mutual funds.

If you don’t know what a mutual fund is, we highly recommend watching the video:

The only problem that an investor faces is the choice of a management company that will effectively invest the shareholders’ finances in profitable securities. To do this, you need to carefully study the ratings of mutual funds, which are published quarterly in the media or resort to help financial consultant.

Where to begin? Here are some useful materials:

The end of 2014 is significant for mutual funds in that they began to actively invest money in shares of foreign companies. Since the investment attractiveness of Russian sites is quite limited, market expansion will bring clear benefits to shareholders.

Raiffeisen Capital Management Company, which demonstrated a year-end return of its Raiffeisen USA Mutual Fund of 31.54%, has added shares to its portfolio with shares of the USA, China, and Europe.

Considering that the securities include the most popular blue chips, we should expect high returns at the end of 2013.

Risk of loss financial investments in mutual funds is purely theoretical in nature. Due to the fact that the invested money is distributed among different objects, the chance that all enterprises will go bankrupt at once is equal to zero.

PAMM – high risks!

PAMM investing is in many ways similar to placing funds in mutual funds; money is also transferred into trust for the account manager. Only this all happens in the virtual space, with the help of the Internet and the Forex exchange.

Today, many financial experts consider opening PAMM accounts to be one of the highest priority types of investment.

The advantage of this investment is that a small investor can initially invest a small amount in order to “taste” the possibility of earning money internationally. currency exchange.

The initial investment in a PAMM account can start from $100. By transferring money in trust to an experienced trader, the investor is freed from vigilant control over fluctuations in currency prices.

And since the trader’s remuneration directly depends on the income received, it makes sense for him to earn as much as possible.

Again, even if in one trading period the session is not very successful, it may overlap the next day. The average profitability of PAMM accounts, judging by statistics, is never less than 10-15% per month.

For the inexperienced exchange player the best option will be investing in Alpari. More or less stable company. Competitor Forex-Trend turned out to be a financial pyramid

Let's consider what effect can be obtained based on the results of the month if you place a small amount of $1000. Having divided the money among 20 traders, we have $50 in twenty PAMM accounts. If we take into account that it is possible that not all accounts will have equally profitable trading, then at the end of the month you will have to calculate the average profitability.

The average monthly return is 11.21%, and at the end of last year the profit was 177%. Thus, minus the commission that will have to be paid to the PAMM account manager, net profit from the thousand invested will be just under $100.

You can withdraw your profit after the end of the first trading week. But capitalization of profits will be more profitable for the investor, i.e. adding it to the principal amount of the account.

Passive income: gold, securities, currency

It is impossible not to call investing in precious metals one of the solutions to the question “where to invest little money”. Purchasing gold, platinum or silver is possible either in physical form(ingots), or by opening a metal account.

Undoubtedly, precious metals have not fallen in price for many decades. However, there is no significant increase in prices on the gold market.

Therefore, investing in precious metals should be planned for a fairly long period and it is better to not limit yourself to one metal when opening a metal account: “split” the amount into gold and another metal.

The topic of investing in precious metals is the most interesting for us. Here are some useful materials

Hello, dear readers!

Many people want and are ready to invest. But some of us are stopped by the lack of significant capital. Fortunately, small amounts can be successfully invested. This is exactly what today's article will be about. So, read on and find out where to invest a little money to make money.

I’ll say right away that there are restrictions on minimum size there really are investments in many investment companies and projects. If we talk about large European brokers, the entry threshold, as a rule, starts at $10,000 or even more.

Why is this being done? Large companies simply do not want to waste time on servicing and supporting clients who bring in little income. In general, the usual Western prudence is manifested.

At one time, I encountered this myself. However, there were investment options. And over time, it became absolutely clear that even with a small amount you can start making good money from investments.

Trust management technologies

Secondly, never, under any circumstances, trade on Forex or binary options. Barkers lure you with easy money. In fact, it is always a one-way ticket to losses. There are sad statistics: beginners lose on Forex in 99.7% of cases.

At the same time, there is a slightly smarter way to make money. You can invest in experienced managers who have proven themselves over time and are included in this 0.3% of successful traders. In essence, this is the same thing that is offered by the large European brokers mentioned at the top of the article.

Modern technologies for investing in Forex through managers are called PAMM and MAM. The adequate return on these instruments lies in the range of 20-100% per year.

PAMM accounts especially common in RuNet. Competition in the industry is fueling the fight for customers. As a result, there is now a large selection of successful managers and a number of convenient services for monitoring your investments. Wherein, minimum amount for cooperation with one or another trader it starts from $10-$100.

Statistics from one of the popular MAM account managers. The investor gets 50-70% of the profitability


Also, I would note highly profitable projects. They are also called hypes. This is quite a risky tool.
Typically, the risk is covered by generous returns. Profits can amount to tens of percent, and not per year, but per month. The least risky tactic is to invest in a particular project for a period of one or two months, and then withdraw funds.

In conclusion, I note the need for comprehensive. Try to combine different tools. And then the risk will decrease, and the potential profitability will remain the same.

I would be grateful for your questions/opinions on where to invest a little money to earn money in comments.

I wish you all profitable investments!

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Bank deposit (or bank deposit) is money deposited with a credit institution (bank) in order to receive income in the form of interest at the end of the deposit period.

There are many types and conditions of deposits. There are time deposits and demand deposits. In the first case, the deposit is made for a certain period and can be withdrawn in full without loss of interest only after the expiration of this period. Demand deposits do not have a shelf life and are returned upon the depositor’s first request, but the interest on them is significantly lower.

The deposit is an understandable and relatively reliable investment.

Opening a deposit is easy. You don’t even have to leave home to do this: many banks allow you to open deposits through mobile app or your website. Of course, to do this, you first need to become a client of this bank.

The main advantage of the deposit as a type of investment of available funds is insurance coverage by the Deposit Insurance Agency in the amount of 1.4 million rubles. Within this amount, you can confidently place your deposit in any bank that has a license from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. If the bank fails, the state will return the money along with interest on the day the license is revoked. By the way, since 2014, more than 300 banks in Russia have had their licenses revoked, and their depositors certainly suffered.

The disadvantage of a contribution is that compared to an individual investment account it provides fairly modest opportunities for increasing funds.

Individual investment account

Individual investment account (IIA) - a type of brokerage account or trust account of an individual, opened directly with a broker or with a trustee (for example, in a bank), for which there are two types to choose from tax benefits and certain restrictions apply.

The concept of “individual investment account” was legislated on January 1, 2015. IIS can be opened as individuals- citizens of Russia and people who are not citizens of the Russian Federation, but live on its territory for more than six months a year.

The maximum amount that can be initially deposited into an IIS is 400,000 rubles. During the year, the account can be replenished with an amount not exceeding 1 million rubles.

The big advantage of IIS is the possibility of obtaining a tax deduction.

It is paid in the amount of 13% of the amount invested for the year, but not more than 52,000 rubles. That is, with both 400,000 rubles and 1 million rubles, you can return no more than this amount. This option is suitable for you if you have a permanent job and your employer pays taxes for you. There is another option - to choose tax exemption.

The main disadvantage of IIS is that, unlike a deposit, it is not insured by anyone. However, if you open it in reliable bank(has been operating in the market for a long time, is in the top 20 rating of Russian banks, there is no reorganization against it) and choose the right investment strategy, you can earn significantly more. In addition, to take advantage of tax deductions, an investment account must be opened for at least three years, during which you cannot withdraw funds.

How much can you earn on a deposit and IIS?

Let’s compare how much you can earn if you make a deposit of 100,000 rubles and open an individual investment account for the same amount.

Return on investment

The weighted average interest rate on deposits for a period of one to three years in Russia as of September 2017 was 6.83% per annum. If you calculate income based on this interest rate, then after a year it will be 106,830 rubles. By reinvesting this amount, after two years you will receive 114,126.5 rubles, and after three years - 121,921.3 rubles. Net income - 21,921.3 rubles.

Profitability of IIS

Strategy 1: investing in government bonds

By opening an IIS, you can invest in such a reliable instrument as bonds federal loan(OFZ), the issuer of which is Russian Federation represented by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. The yield to maturity of OFZ-26205 at the end of November 2017 was about 7.3%. Taking into account a tax deduction of 13%, the return on investment will be 20.3% in the first year. And over three years (the account is opened for a period of at least three years), the average return will be about 11.6%. As a result, in three years you can get 138,504 rubles. Net income - 38,504 rubles.

Strategy 2: investing in corporate bonds

Another reliable and quite profitable strategy is investing in corporate bonds, the yield on which is slightly higher than on OFZ bonds.

For example, these could be bonds of Gazprom Capital and Rosneft. The average yield on the bond portfolio of these companies at the time of writing is 7.97%. If you deposit 100,000 rubles into an IIS and, as a result, receive tax deduction for one year, then after three years we will get an average figure of 12.3% per annum. By the end of the third year, the account will already have 141,020 rubles. Net income - 41,020 rubles.

By the way, for individual bond issues of these issuers, coupon income will not be taxed starting from 2018.

Strategy 3: Investing in stocks

The biggest income can come from investing in stocks. However, this is also the most risky instrument for investment, because even if the shares of a company have shown growth over the past periods, this does not mean that this trend will continue in the future. Experienced investors are advised to invest money in several types of shares at once, so that the fall in the shares of one company can be compensated by the growth in the shares of another company. This is called portfolio diversification.

The most proven investment is blue chip stocks - securities the largest, most liquid and reliable corporations. Among Russian companies, these include shares of Gazprom, Sberbank, Alrosa and others.

If at the beginning of 2016 you had invested 100,000 rubles in equal shares in ordinary shares three largest Russian corporations - Gazprom, Sberbank and Lukoil, the average return on shares of which at the end of 2016 was 43.93%, then in just one year you would earn 43,930 rubles. To this amount add a tax deduction of 13,000 rubles. It turns out that in just a year you would earn 56,930 rubles. However, growth over three years is much more difficult to predict.

Bottom line

The deposit is suitable for more conservative and cautious people, probably of the older generation. Opening investment accounts is for riskier people. This is not just a fashion trend, but a good opportunity to make money.