How to close an account with Sberbank: step-by-step instructions for individuals and individual entrepreneurs. How to properly close a bank account (individual entrepreneur, legal entity) How to hide a bank account for a legal entity

Everyone who has an account with Sberbank sooner or later thinks about the question of how to close an account with Sberbank. A current account (s/c) in a bank can be opened by both individuals and legal entities, as well as individual entrepreneurs. It opens in accordance with a signed bilateral agreement, which actually stipulates the opening and closing dates and its maintenance.

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It is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to the question of how to close a current account with Sberbank. It all depends on the specific situation and prevailing circumstances. Closing can be done in two ways:

  • early;
  • upon expiration of the contract.

If you close it after the expiration date, no problems should arise at all, but how to close the account in Sberbank ahead of schedule is another question. In certain cases, you need to be prepared for different options for the outcome of the current situation, since there are quite a few nuances here.

There may be several reasons for closing bank accounts:

  • loss or theft of a plastic card (credit card or debit);
  • expiration date;
  • liquidation legal entity;
  • reorganization;
  • division of the company into several independent branches;
  • change of owner of the account;
  • transfer to another bank, etc.

Only the person who opened it or the owner’s authorized representative (friend or relative) has the right to close a deposit or account. To carry out this operation, the authorized person must have with him notarized documents giving him the right to dispose of the account belonging to a third party. But even with all the necessary official papers, Sberbank employees are not very willing to fulfill the wishes of the client (trusted person), therefore, it will be much easier if it is its owner who contacts Sberbank in order to close the account.

Close an individual's account

Individuals often open a bank account when issuing a debit note or when receiving credit card, as well as when opening deposits. How to close a personal account with Sberbank for an individual before termination of the agreement? In all three cases, the algorithm for early closure of a bank account is almost the same, with the exception of some nuances.

To close, an individual must:

  1. Withdraw money from a plastic card. There shouldn't be a penny left on it. Since the ATM does not issue funds in kopecks, this can be done through the Sberbank cash desk in the branch when applying, or you can use Mobile banking or the Sberbank Online service and transfer funds to another card or top up your phone, taking into account the commission.
  2. Have with you all the necessary documents (yourself plastic card and a passport; if we are talking about closing a deposit, then you will also need an agreement on its opening).
  3. Appear in person at any Sberbank branch (preferably the one where you entered into the agreement).
  4. Write a statement outlining the essence of your appeal to Sberbank and indicate the reasons for your actions.
  5. Give the plastic card to the manager. He must destroy it in your presence (usually it is cut). You can also do this yourself at home.

After the client’s application is accepted and the plastic is destroyed, the bank employee must give you a document confirming the closure of the account and the absence of debts to the organization. You will also have to go through a similar procedure if the client intends to close his.

Attention! If the deposit is closed early, Sberbank calculates the accrued interest at a lower interest rate than the one specified in the agreement.

Closing a credit card follows the same procedure as a debit card. The only difference is the mandatory condition that there is no debt on the loan. If there is even the slightest debt, the bank will refuse the request for early termination agreement.

Close an individual entrepreneur's account

Individual entrepreneurs (IP) also have the right to early closure of the account, so situations arise when the question of how to close an individual entrepreneur’s account with Sberbank becomes more relevant than ever. This operation consists of the following steps:

  1. Contact the Sberbank branch where the opening agreement was signed.
  2. Have everything with you required documents(certificate of registration of individual entrepreneur, plastic cards, linked to this account, an extract about its condition and the balance of funds on it, a passport or other document certifying the identity of the entrepreneur, confirming certificates of repayment of debts to Sberbank, an agreement and others if necessary).
  3. First make sure that you do not have any debts to Sberbank, and if there are any, replenishment will be required, otherwise your application will not be satisfied.
  4. Cash out the account if there are balances on it Money.
  5. Write a statement in your own hand with a request to close the account and indicate the reason, and hand it over to a bank employee.
  6. Request a certificate confirming that the account has been closed and that there are no debts.

Attention! To close a personal account account, Sberbank may require additional documents. This should be stated in more detail in the account opening agreement itself.

Close a legal entity account

To open a current account, a legal entity needs to collect and provide many different documents, which significantly complicates the opening procedure. On the opening day, the parties sign an agreement, which contains not only information about their rights and obligations, but also the procedure for terminating the agreement. The initiator of this operation can be either a company (enterprise) represented by an authorized representative or a bank. There must be certain reasons for carrying out the procedure for early closure of an account, since the process itself takes a lot of time and is quite labor-intensive.

How to close a Sberbank account for a legal entity early? This is not an easy procedure and consists of the following steps:

  1. The management (director, manager, deputy director, etc.) writes an order to close the account.
  2. Fiscal authorities are notified about this tax service.
  3. The legal entity is awaiting appropriate permission from the Federal Tax Service.
  4. The manager (or any other authorized representative of a legal entity who has the right of first signature) must appear at the branch of Sberbank where the agreement for opening and servicing the account was concluded with an order to close it and permission from the Federal Tax Service.
  5. An employee of Sberbank generates and issues to the representative of the legal entity an extract on the status of the account and the balance of funds on it.
  6. If a debt is identified, it is necessary to pay all debts (you can top up your account directly at the bank).
  7. If there are balances of funds, then they need to be cashed out or transferred to another account or card by drawing up a payment order for this operation.
  8. The authorized person of the company (enterprise) must personally write an application for early termination of the contract, in which it is necessary to indicate the reasons and list the unused pages of the checkbook.
  9. After submitting the application to a bank employee, a decision will be made within one working day.
  10. Upon making a decision, the bank is obliged to notify the client about it in writing.
  11. Having received confirmation of the termination of the account, the manager must, in turn, notify all important authorities (PF, NS, etc.) about the incident.

Is it possible to close accounts through Sberbank Online

Many people are interested in how to close a personal account through Sberbank Online and whether it is possible. A bank account can be closed early not only at a Sberbank branch, but also through the Sberbank Online system or the application of the same name on your phone. This procedure is as follows:

To confirm the closure of the card or deposit, you should receive a message from Sberbank to the phone number linked to the account.

Sberbank is one of the largest financial institutions Russia. Almost every adult citizen deals with it. This financial institution offers many services. For example, here you can open a bank account for an individual entrepreneur, organization or individual. It's not that difficult to do. But sooner or later you will have to think about how to close an account with Sberbank. Can this be done before the agreement concluded with the company expires? What features of the procedure should you remember? Having understood these issues, everyone will be able to close accounts with Sberbank without any problems.

Is there a right

The first step is to understand what rights each client of the mentioned financial organization. Is it possible to close an account with Sberbank? When does a citizen have such a right, if at all?

After opening any account with Sberbank, the client can close it at any time. To do this, it is enough to follow some rules. They will be discussed later. Accordingly, an open account can be closed whenever its owner wishes. Please note that the procedure for closing current accounts individuals and the IP will be slightly different. Nevertheless, in general this operation does not cause any particular difficulties.

Who can close accounts

How to close an account with Sberbank? Who has the right to this? After all, not every citizen can carry out transactions with one or another account.

Accounts in any banks can be closed by:

  • account holders;
  • proxies sent by the account owner.

Strangers cannot make transactions with other people's accounts. Sberbank is not too willing to work with closing deposits and cards through proxies. Therefore, as a rule, this operation has to be carried out by the person in whose name the account is opened (or the owner of the individual entrepreneur/company).

Closing a debit card

Closing an account with Sberbank is not so difficult. Let's start with transactions carried out by individuals. They occur most often in practice. The first situation related to closing an account with Sberbank is refusing to use a debit card. She has a checking account in which money is kept. This is what will be closed if banking plastic is abandoned.

To bring your idea to life, you need:

  • Withdraw all money from your bank card. For example, you can use an ATM to get cash.
  • Prepare documents for closing the account. A list of them will be presented below.
  • Contact any Sberbank branch and write a statement refusing to use a debit card.
  • Give bank plastic to employees of the financial company. The card must be destroyed before the eyes of the owner. Otherwise, you can cut the card at home yourself.

After the actions taken, Sberbank will issue the citizen a certificate confirming the closure of the account, as well as the absence of debts to the company.

To close debit card, required:

  • bank plastic, which is no longer needed;
  • owner's passport.

No other documents will be required from the individual. You can cancel your Sberbank debit card and its current account in a few minutes.

Card and theft

Sometimes it happens that debit cards steal. Then you need to think about how to close an account in Sberbank to which the bank plastic is linked. There is nothing special about this situation. Even if you do not have a bank card, you can close it and refuse to use the assigned current account.

To do this you need:

  • Block existing bank card. Sberbank allows you to do this using " Mobile banking"or Sberbank Online services. The simplest solution is to submit a written request for blocking, which indicates the reason for "loss/theft of the card."
  • If a citizen decides to personally apply for blocking, you need to contact any Sberbank with an identification document and a request to terminate the card.
  • Simultaneously with the blocking application, you must submit an application to close your bank card. There is no need to re-release the plastic.
  • Withdraw money from a bank card. As a rule, after closing an account at Sberbank, they meet halfway and issue the required funds through the organization’s cash desk.

Nothing else is needed. After the described steps, the debit (or credit) card will be closed. Her checking account will also be closed.

Credit cards

A few words about how you can close an account in Sberbank linked to credit card. In general, the operation will be similar to previously proposed algorithms. But at the same time, you will have to do one more thing before the account is closed.

Closing a Sberbank credit card comes down to the following algorithm:

  • Check the debt on your credit card. If it is missing, you can use the previously suggested steps to close the account.
  • If there is a debt on a credit card, it needs to be closed. Only after this will it be possible to implement the task.
  • Contact Sberbank with your card and passport. Write an application to close the account.
  • Receive a statement about the operation.

Technically, there will be no problems with closing the account. No proof of the absence of credit card debt is needed - Sberbank employees check the presence of debt on the spot. If it is present, the application is simply refused and asked to first pay off the debt.

savings account

How to close a savings account at Sberbank? In general, this operation is no different from operations for closing accounts linked to bank cards. In this case you need:

  • Write an application to close the account.
  • Submit a document with identification and an agreement to open an account with Sberbank.
  • Receive a certificate of successful completion of the operation.

Now it’s clear how to close a current account with Sberbank. But this scenario is relevant for those who personally contact a financial institution. Individuals can manage their accounts through Sberbank Online.

Closing via Sberbank Online

It is very comfortable. Without leaving home, a citizen can apply to close an account. What will it take?

To close an account with Sberbank through Sberbank Online, you need to:

  • Go to the service page and log in. You can use either permanent login and password or temporary ones (they can be obtained through an ATM).
  • Go to the "Deposits and Accounts" section.
  • Select the desired current account or deposit. To do this, you need to select it with the mouse cursor.
  • In the field located on the right side of the window, select "Close account".
  • Fill out an application. In the “Transfer balance to...” section, you must indicate any other account or bank card to which the funds will arrive.
  • Click on the "Next" button, then on "Close".

Once the “Completed” status appears on the screen, it will be impossible to cancel the request to close the account or deposit. This method of solving the problem is not used very often in practice. Many users complain that closing an account with Sberbank through Sberbank Online can be problematic - the request simply does not go through the processing stage. In this case, you can submit a written application to any branch of a financial institution to close the deposit or account.

Features of early account closure

Now a little about the features of early closure of deposits and accounts from Sberbank. When opening a deposit or deposit, a citizen begins to accrue certain interest for using the services of a financial company. You can close an existing account:

  • ahead of schedule;
  • at the end of the contract.

If a citizen closes the deposit on the day the agreement is terminated, there will be no special features. The applicant simply withdraws the money, writes an application to close the account and receives a statement confirming the successful completion of the operation.

Early closure of deposits requires special attention. So, if the duration of the deposit is up to 6 months, interest on payments will be accrued in the “on demand” column. This means that in fact the citizen will not receive any additional money for maintaining finances in the bank.

When the funds are in Sberbank for more than 6 months, and the agreement is concluded for a longer period, when closing the deposit you can count on additional money in the amount of 2/3 of the available interest rate. Otherwise, the procedure for closing an account/deposit will follow the previously specified algorithms.

Instructions for individual entrepreneurs

Closing an individual entrepreneur's account with Sberbank is also not very difficult. Technically, this process does not cause any difficulties.

The procedure for closing a current account for an individual entrepreneur is described as follows:

  • Collect certain documents and information necessary to complete the task.
  • Close all debts to the bank and counterparties. At the time of closing the account, the entrepreneur should not have a single debt or unpaid fine.
  • Withdraw funds remaining in the account. When closing, its balance should be 0 rubles.
  • Write an application to close the account. Take it to any Sberbank branch.
  • Obtain a certificate of account closure from the financial institution. At the same time, the entrepreneur is given a notification about the successful completion of the action.

Due to recent changes in the legislation of the Russian Federation, the last step is not required. There is no longer any need to notify the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation about the closure of accounts. This applies to companies, entrepreneurs, and individuals. From now on, it is clear how to close a current account with Sberbank.

Documents for individual entrepreneurs at closing

Entrepreneurs, unlike individuals, will have to prepare more documents in order to terminate cooperation with the bank. What papers will be required?

To close an account with Sberbank, an individual entrepreneur must submit the following documents:

  • individual entrepreneur registration certificate;
  • statement of account balance;
  • identity card of the applicant (entrepreneur);
  • account opening agreement;
  • documents indicating the repayment of all debts of the individual entrepreneur.

More detailed information must be clarified using the existing agreement with the bank. It states full list documents required to close an account. For example, an individual entrepreneur may be required to provide a certificate from Rosreestr regarding state registration.


Will Sberbank accounts be closed if a citizen or individual entrepreneur is in debt? No. As already mentioned, one of the most important points for bringing the goal into reality is the absence of debt. Until they are repaid, you can forget about closing accounts and deposits. Otherwise, it’s clear how to close a Sberbank card account. This operation will no longer cause any difficulties.

Banks are constantly offering new products. Release new map, as a rule, simple and fast. But with account closure, things are a little more complicated.

If you find better conditions at another bank, do not rush to throw away your old card. You need to end your financial relationship with the bank bilaterally; simply stopping using the card is not enough. Even if the account has a zero balance, and even more so if there is money or debts there.

I think many have encountered a situation where it seems like you haven’t used the bank’s services for a long time, but messages about new offers continue to arrive. Annoys? But this is not the worst that can happen.

If you do not officially close the account, then over time debts may arise on it: maintenance, commissions, automatic reissue - but you never know what the bank will come up with in a few months. All this, of course, will be at your expense. And if the account was also a credit account, then a commission will be charged on all this.

Plus, it’s not a fact that a bank employee will be persistent enough to notify you by phone about the status of an account that you haven’t used for a long time. And your phone number may change when you forget about linking your old account to it.

To properly close an account, follow this algorithm.

Algorithm for closing a bank account

You need to make sure that you do not owe anything to the bank, and it does not owe anything to you. After this, you should notify the bank of your desire to terminate the service agreement and receive appropriate written confirmation. Don't forget to also make sure that the bank destroys your personal data.

Step 1: Take time to visit the bank

First of all, you need to take into account that closing an account will require your personal presence at the bank. It is almost impossible to do this remotely. And you usually can’t get away with one visit. Therefore, choose a convenient branch and time, take your passport and plastic cards associated with the account, and go to the bank.

If possible, contact the branch where you opened the account. The shortest queue times can often be found at the branch or call center.

Possible catch: most banks allow you to close an account at any branch, but in order not to waste time, call support and clarify this point.

Step 2: Reset your account balance

If there are any funds left in your account, transfer them to another account in Internet banking or withdraw them from an ATM. In any case, you will be sent to the cashier to collect the balance in the bank. But by being prepared, you can save time.

Step 3: write an application to close the account

At the bank you will need to write an application to close the account. Closing an account does not happen instantly. If a card is attached to it, the period can be up to 60 days. Not very likely, but a possible pitfall: if there is an operation on the account during this time, you will have to repeat steps 1-3.

Step 4: Get official confirmation

Don’t be too lazy to go to the bank again for official confirmation that the account is closed and the bank has no claims against you. Perhaps the employees will raise their eyebrows in surprise, but they will write the paper. It will protect you in case of disputes in the future.

Don’t be lazy and don’t be embarrassed to ask the bank for all confirmation in writing, even if the employee claims that you are the first who needed it.

Step 5: take care of the destruction of personal data

Most likely, when concluding the agreement, you gave the bank the right to collect, systematize, store, clarify, update, change, use, transfer and destroy. If you do not apply to revoke this permission, then even after closing the account according to all the rules (steps 1–4), the bank may notify you of information about new products via SMS and calls. Now you will have to prohibit the bank from using your personal data.

You can easily find a sample application for revocation of personal data on the Internet. Print three copies:

  • the first will need to be sent to the bank’s legal address, attaching a copy of the passport and (if available) a copy of the agreement with the bank;
  • the second is to give it to the department where you entered into the contract;
  • the third is to keep it with all the signatures and seals for yourself.

If you do not owe the bank anything (step 4), then the bank should stop calling and sending you SMS. At this step, you will completely complete your relationship with the bank for this account.

Closing a current account for an individual entrepreneur or LLC is a standard operation performed by the bank at the client’s request, however, entrepreneurs may have some difficulties with this process.

Below we will consider in detail the procedure for closing a current account depending on various situations, the legal requirements for this process, as well as possible pitfalls.

Reasons for closing a current account

In most cases, the reasons for closing a bank account are:

  1. termination of the organization's activities (closure of individual entrepreneurs);
  2. termination of the account servicing agreement (for example, upon expiration of the term);
  3. change of bank for cash settlement services (due to high cost of services, insufficient functionality, etc.).

In some cases, the closure of a legal entity's current account may also occur at the initiative of the bank. For example, the client has not used the account for more than 2 years and has not responded to the bank’s closure notices for 2 months (only with a simultaneous combination of these factors). The bank may close or suspend a cash register due to violation of certain laws, for example, if the owner is suspected of money laundering and/or aiding terrorism. The court can also initiate suspension of account servicing (based on the results of consideration of the claim).

Many banks ask their clients to indicate the reason for refusing their services in the application form for closing a current account. It is worth noting here that the information received is not necessary to initialize the procedure. There are no legal grounds for refusing to suspend service in the absence of a designated motive. The bank is obliged to suspend servicing the account at the first request of the client, and the request may not be drawn up in the bank’s form, but in a free form indicating the necessary data.

Do I need to notify about closing a current account?

This is probably one of the most popular questions asked by entrepreneurs when changing a bank or when initiating a liquidation procedure.

Until 2014, on organizations, lawyers, notaries and individual entrepreneurs there was a responsibility to notify tax authorities about new open and closed accounts within a certain time frame. Law No. 52-FZ of 05/08/2014 abolished this obligation.

At the moment, no one needs to be notified of either the opening or closing of an account.

The procedure for closing an individual entrepreneur's current account

A special feature of IP is its ambiguous status. On the one hand, this is an individual, on the other hand, it has the characteristics of a legal entity. Same with a current account. Even after the closure of an individual entrepreneur, an individual who was an entrepreneur can continue to use a previously opened current account (of course, not for commercial gain).

The bank is obliged to close the account at the client’s initiative. To do this, the individual entrepreneur will need to take the following documents with him:

  1. passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation,
  2. agreement on opening an account (it contains all the necessary data that will be indicated in the application, your copy must remain with you),
  3. application for closing a settlement account (can be drawn up in free form indicating all the necessary data or according to the bank’s form),
  4. check books and/or stubs, as well as cash cards (if they were issued to individual entrepreneurs or authorized officials).

Sometimes the bank account agreement (BAA) may provide for other documents (for example, a current extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs) and closing conditions. Therefore, it is worth familiarizing yourself with them in advance and taking them into account when preparing documents.

The bank is obliged to return the balance of funds to the account owner within a week in a manner convenient to him. It could be:

  1. cash withdrawal,
  2. transfer to another active bank account,
  3. transfer to a card account (to a bank card).

If the owner does not withdraw his funds, in accordance with Article 859 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the bank will credit them to a special account (directive of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 3026-U dated July 15, 2013).

Therefore, before closing a bank account, you should take care of the balance of funds in advance, for example, personally transfer money to an account in another bank or to a card through your personal account.

Arrests and penalties

The bank can refuse to close a settlement account only for a number of objective reasons (or rather, not to refuse, but to suspend the closure procedure). These may include the following restrictions:

  1. seizure of funds (for example, according to the requirements of Law 115-FZ),
  2. suspension of outgoing transactions at the request of the tax service (there are debts on taxes, fines, penalties, insurance premiums, reports have not been submitted, etc., more details in Article 76 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (it is noteworthy that banks are required to refuse to open new accounts for debtors).

At the same time, the lack of money in the seized account allows it to be closed as a regular cash account.

In the above cases, the bank may close the account the next day after funds are debited from the account.

What's the output

After considering the application, the bank issues the individual account statement (it may be needed when submitting reports), although there is no obligation to issue it (it can be obtained in advance, before closing the account).

If there are no encumbrances, the bank makes an entry in the Registration Book open accounts. All transactions on the account are blocked (except for the issuance or transfer of the balance), all incoming transfers are returned to the senders, outgoing ones are returned through the bank's cash desk.

The actions of banks are described in more detail in the instructions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation - No. 153-I, Chapter 8.

Closing an LLC current account

The requirements for suspending DBS with companies are identical to the similar procedure for closing an individual entrepreneur’s account. Only the list can change necessary documents, due to the fact that a larger circle of people may have access to maintaining accounts in a company than in the case of an individual entrepreneur.

You may need:

  1. the charter of the company (it indicates the current director who has the right to sign),
  2. passport of the person having the right to sign,
  3. extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (at the request of the bank, it may not be needed),
  4. check books, stubs and cash cards (depending on what was issued when opening and maintaining a bank account),
  5. a statement indicating the account details to which the balance will be transferred.

Before closing a current account, an LLC should definitely take care of repaying all debts to the bank and clarify the procedure specified in the agreement for maintaining a bank account (different banks may require different documents and prescribe separate conditions for termination, including the payment of commissions) .

As in the case of individual entrepreneurs, there is no need to notify government agencies about the closure of the account. The bank can suspend the procedure only if there are arrests based on court decisions or notifications from the tax office.

An interesting feature of an LLC is that you can withdraw cash from a cash account only for certain needs with reporting (for example, for household needs or for issuing wages and so on.). Therefore, it is best to open a new account in another bank in advance and transfer the remaining funds from the old payment order.

LLC liquidation and bankruptcy

If the LLC is liquidated on its own initiative, then a liquidation commission must be appointed (if the LLC has only 1 founder, then he approves the liquidator or the liquidation commission in writing, if there are 2 or more founders, a written protocol of the meeting with the decision made is required), in this case, the general director is deprived of the right to close the account.

Closing a current account during the liquidation of an LLC can only be initiated by a member of the commission or the liquidator.

In the case of forced liquidation and/or bankruptcy, the court appoints a bankruptcy trustee, who is given the rights to close and maintain the accounts of the LLC being closed.

Thus, instead of the charter of the LLC and identification documents of the person with the right of first signature (general director), the following are provided:

  • or copy court decision on the appointment of a bankruptcy trustee (and documents confirming the identity of the latter),
  • or minutes of a meeting of members of the company with the appointment of a liquidator (commission), then documents of a new person vested with the authority to dispose of the settlement will be needed.

An application to close a current account being liquidated by an LLC is most often submitted after the liquidation balance sheet is drawn up, but before the final registration of the entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities on the liquidation of the company (so that there are no problems confirming the right to dispose of the current account). However, the exact moment is not legally defined.

Underwater rocks

In most cases, closing an account is a simple and quick procedure carried out by banks as usual. But sometimes emergency situations happen.

Revocation of a bank's license

According to legal requirements, a bank whose license has been revoked suspends all operations.

And if new income can be quickly redirected to an account opened in another bank, then what to do with the balance in the old one?

Individual entrepreneurs should submit an application to the Deposit Insurance Agency.

After submitting a written application to terminate the agreement with the bank, the LLC may not immediately receive its funds and become a creditor. It is worth noting that the debts of legal entities are the fourth stage, which means there is a possibility of being left without payments.

Bank fees when closing an account

Most banks offer free service closing the account. But this does not mean that the law prohibits the charging of additional fees. In addition, sometimes it may not be a direct fee for the closing service, but a simple percentage on the cash transfer/withdrawal transaction.

As an example, Tinkoff Bank closes an account absolutely free of charge, but for transfers to other banks or cash withdrawals, depending on the amount of the transaction, an additional commission may be charged. According to the “Simple” tariff:

  1. up to 150 thousand rubles. when applying for a simple cash card or up to 250 thousand rubles. When you issue a credit card linked to your account, the first 3 transfers are free, the rest are 49 rubles each. per piece
  2. up to 400 thousand rubles. plus the amount from point 1 - 1.5% + 99 rub.
  3. from 400 thousand to 2 million plus the amount from point 1 - 5% + 99 rubles.
  4. over 2 million plus the amount from clause 1 - 10% +99 rub.

Thus, when issuing or transferring to another bank a large accumulated amount, for example, over 2.3 million, the client will lose 10%, that is, 230,099 rubles.

Here we can only advise one thing - study in detail all the conditions stipulated in the agreement for opening and maintaining a relationship.

If you need to restore the history of account transactions

According to Article 23 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, taxpayers are required to keep documents that confirm the calculation and payment of taxes, as well as reporting - for at least 4 years (by the way, government organizations keep annual accounting reports constantly). And 402-FZ Law “On Accounting” requires a storage period for accounting records of at least 5 years.

And if there is a need to restore operations by closed account, where to go? Of course, the responsibility for storing reporting documentation lies with the business owner and it is necessary to take care of this in advance. But sometimes situations develop in unexpected ways.

The bank is also obliged to store documentation in accordance with legal requirements and, under certain conditions, the history of account movements can be restored.

In the case of a closed individual entrepreneur, everything is much simpler; you only need the individual’s passport and his written application (and if the bank does not give a reasoned refusal, then you can count on an extract from a closed personal account).

But with a closed LLC, everything can be much more complicated; the bank may refuse to provide information to third parties (since the company has already been dissolved and there is no way to appoint an authorized person) and will upload an extract only upon request of the court.

If the organization has been transformed, you can try to contact the bank with a copy of the decision on appointment to the position of general director.

There is an outstanding loan

A loan or overdraft is most often provided on the basis of a separate agreement, or the process of issuing, repaying and repaying a loan is stipulated in detail in the main agreement on remote banking services (DBS).

More likely with existing active credit limit(overdraft) or other loan involving a closed account, the bank will require payment of 100% of the issued loan amount with all interest specified in the agreement.

If payment is refused, the bank will stop providing services under the RBS agreement and will try to write off all available amounts to the client’s account or other accounts with the bank. For the remaining amount, a claim will be filed in court to collect the debt.

In the case of an individual entrepreneur, the entrepreneur, as mentioned above, acts more like an individual, and therefore will be responsible for debts with all his property (personal and acquired for running a business).

With an LLC - within the framework of standard bankruptcy procedures (in some cases, the founders may also be liable with their personal property).

Closing a current account cannot be called a trivial procedure, which can only be carried out by the person who has the right of first signature (appointed when opening a current account). Just like when opening an account, there are some nuances and requirements that are important to know about.

Collect all documents related to the current account:
  • passport as an identification document;
  • agreement to open a current account;
  • checkbook;
  • seal;
With the collected package of documents, contact the bank branch where the current account was opened. Tell the bank employee the purpose of your visit, he will issue a form and sample application for closing a current account. Check your account balance and fill out a check to receive the money in cash, or payment order to transfer funds to another current account, where you specify “Transfer of own funds” as the purpose of payment.

In the application you will need to indicate the agreement number, details of your current account, arrange for the return of the checkbook by writing out its number, as well as the numbers of its unused pages (checks). In addition, you will have to indicate the reason for closing the account.

Give the bank employee a completed application to close the account, a checkbook and a payment order or check for withdrawal of funds. Receive money by check from the cashier.

From May 1, 2014, there is no need to notify such authorities as the Federal Tax Service, the Social Insurance Fund, and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation about the closure of a current account, according to federal laws No. 52-FZ and No. 59-FZ dated 04/02/2014.

Now that the current account is closed, if your counterparties try to send you money by payment order, they will receive a refusal. Therefore, promptly notify your counterparties about changes bank details, if you have opened another bank account.