How to close a bank account. How to close a bank account How to close an online bank account

Banks constantly offer new products. Issuing a new card is usually quick and easy. But with the closing of the account, things are a little more complicated.

If you find better terms at another bank, don't rush to throw away your old card. You need to end financial relations with the bank bilaterally, just stopping using the card is not enough. Even if there is a zero balance on the account, and even more so if there is money or debts there.

I think many people have come across a situation where you seem to have not used the services of a bank for a long time, and messages about new offers continue to come. Annoys? But that's not the worst thing that could happen.

If you do not officially close the account, then over time debts may arise on it: maintenance, commissions, automatic reissue - but you never know what the bank will come up with in a few months. All this, of course, will be at your expense. And if the account was also a credit, then a commission will be charged for all this.

Plus, it’s not a fact that a bank employee will be stubborn enough to notify you by phone about the status of an account that you haven’t used for a long time. Yes, and the phone can change when you already forget about linking the old account to it.

To properly close an account, follow this algorithm.

Bank account closing algorithm

You need to make sure that you do not owe the bank anything, and he does not owe you. After that, you should notify the bank of your desire to terminate the service agreement and receive the appropriate written confirmation. Do not forget to also make sure that the bank destroys your personal data.

Step 1: Set aside time to visit the bank

First of all, you need to consider that closing an account will require your personal presence at the bank. It is almost impossible to do this remotely. And one visit is usually not enough. Therefore, choose a convenient office and time, take your passport and plastic cards associated with the account and go to the bank.

If possible, contact the branch where you opened the account. The time of the smallest queues can often be found in the branch or in the call center.

Possible catch: most banks allow you to close an account at any branch, but in order not to waste time, call support and clarify this point.

Step 2: reset your account balance

If there are any funds left on the account, transfer them to another account in the Internet Bank or withdraw them from an ATM. In any case, for the balance in the bank, you will be sent to the cashier. But by being prepared, you can save time.

Step 3: write an application for closing an account

At the bank, you will need to write an application to close the account. Closing an account is not instantaneous. If a card is attached to it, then the period can be up to 60 days. Not too likely, but a possible pitfall: if there is an operation on the account during this time, you will have to repeat steps 1-3.

Step 4: Get Official Confirmation

Do not be too lazy to go to the bank again for official confirmation that the account is closed and the bank has no claims against you. Perhaps the employees will raise their eyebrows in surprise, but they will write the paper. It will protect you in case of disputes in the future.

Do not be lazy and do not hesitate to ask the bank for all confirmations in writing, even if the employee claims that you are the first to need it.

Step 5: Take care of the destruction of personal data

Most likely, at the conclusion of the contract, you gave the bank the right to collect, organize, store, clarify, update, modify, use, transfer and destroy. If you do not apply for withdrawal of this authorization, then even after closing the account in accordance with all the rules (steps 1-4), the bank can inform you about new products via SMS and calls. Now you will have to prevent the bank from using your personal data.

You can easily find a sample application for the withdrawal of personal data on the Web. Print three copies:

  • the first one will need to be sent to the legal address of the bank, attaching a copy of the passport and (if any) a copy of the agreement with the bank;
  • the second - to give to the department where you concluded the contract;
  • the third - to leave with all signatures and seals to yourself.

If you do not owe anything to the bank (step 4), then the bank should stop calling and sending you SMS. At this step, you will completely complete the relationship with the bank on this account.

The legislation requires organizations to have their own current account for financial transactions. This allows you to track the activities of the company as much as possible by tax and other government agencies. The procedure for opening an account is quite lengthy and complicated. It requires the submission of a large number of documents and a long review process. After a certain time, it becomes necessary to close the current account. The initiative can come both from its owner and from the side banking institution. Depending on this, the order of closing and the actions of the participants will change.

Reasons for closing an account.

Due to different life situations p \\ account should be closed. The closing process is slightly less complicated than the opening process, but has a number of nuances. Reasons for closing an account may include:

  • The decision of the organization to change the servicing bank. This can happen due to unsatisfactory service, the remoteness of the department, the high cost of services, and so on.
  • Processes of reorganization of a legal entity, for example, transfer to another form of ownership, disintegration, etc.
  • Transfer of the company to another owner.
  • Liquidation of a company.
  • The decision of the bank to terminate the service.
  • The court's decision.

With the personal desire of the organization to close the account, it assumes responsibility for this procedure and the preparation of documents. If the account is closed due to the liquidation of the company or by a court decision, then the case is transferred to the arbitration manager.

How to close a current account?

This will require the presence in the bank of the account holder or an authorized person with such a right, who must provide a package of documents:

  • Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. It is ordered in tax service, is prepared within 3-5 business days and is valid for 30 days.
  • Statutory documents indicating the person entitled to close the account. If this CEO, then it must be valid, and the period of its authority must not end before the account is closed.
  • Documents on constituent changes, if the bank has not been notified about this before. If the changes were communicated to the bank in a timely manner, then such documents will not be required.
  • Passport of a person who has the authority to close a r\account.

The representative of the organization must apply with these documents to the servicing bank, where he will be issued an application to close the account. If you have checkbooks, they must be returned to credit organization, indicating in the application the numbers of unused sheets. This is done so that no one else can use them.

In the presence of Money on the account, they can be withdrawn at the cash desk or indicate in the application the details of the account where the balance should be transferred. It is important that if funds remain on the account, the account may not be closed. If the details are specified incorrectly, then the funds will be accounted for on account 47422, and upon expiration limitation period and lack of demand by the client will be written off in favor of the bank

It is no longer required to report to the tax office about closing an account - this is done by the bank. Previously, organizations were given seven days to notify government agencies. Often, companies did not meet this deadline, for which they received fines. For some reason, the account may not be closed, so it is worth taking one copy of the application for closing the account with a mark on its acceptance by the bank. The reasons may be the presence judgments, suspension of operations on the account, the presence of unpaid payments (especially to government agencies), frozen funds until clarified (for example, suspected of laundering), and so on.

Closing an account at the initiative of the bank.

The Bank may unilaterally decide to suspend the service if:

  • During 1-2 years no operations were carried out on the account.
  • The cases specified in Federal Law No. 115 were identified, and the client did not provide, at the request of the bank, documents confirming the legality of the funds.
  • The organization does not pay for bank services.

Closing a suspended account.

Accounts of legal entities can be arrested or restrictions are imposed on them by the court. Until these restrictions are lifted, the account cannot be closed. As soon as the arrest is removed, the issued payments are returned to the senders, and the account is closed. All current account documentation is placed in the client's legal file and continues to be kept in the bank.

The balance of the account can be:

  • Paid to the client from the bank's cash desk.
  • Transferred to the specified details within 7 days from the date of receipt by the bank of an application for closing an account.

To avoid trouble with partners, it is worth notifying them of the closure of the current account. All incoming payments will be returned to the sender with a note that this account is invalid.

In the article, we will consider how to close a current account with Sberbank LLC and IP. We will learn the features of this process and figure out how to draw up an application for closing an account. We have prepared for you a list of documents for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, as well as step by step instructions on account closure.

Circumstances develop in different ways, and in some cases jur. a person may need (r / s). We will take a closer look at how an entrepreneur running his own business closes.

The most common reasons for this are:

  • liquidation of the organization;
  • bankruptcy of a legal entity;
  • implementation of the transition to cash settlement in another banking organization;
  • change in the form of ownership of the company;
  • reorganizations of various types.

R\s can be closed:

  • ahead of schedule;
  • after the expiration of your contract with a banking organization.

In the second situation, there are usually no difficulties, but early closure may have its own nuances, so first of all, carefully read the contract.

What is needed to close an account with Sberbank, we will understand further.

Application form for closing a current account in Sberbank

In order for the account of your company to be successfully closed, you need to contact Sberbank with an application. Features of filling out the application form for closing the account are as follows:

The application for closing is drawn up in one copy, you submit it to the branch of the bank where you opened the account. Moreover, it can only be submitted by the person who was involved in the opening or his representative.

A sample application to the bank includes the number of the previously concluded agreement, the details of the current account, the reason why you are closing the account.

After the bank account agreement is terminated, the application for closed account will be kept in your legal file.

As for the sample filling, you can familiarize yourself with it at the bank branch or download it below:

Application download file:

How an individual entrepreneur can close a current account with Sberbank

You can terminate the contract with a banking organization at any time. Most often this happens by mutual agreement of both parties. We note right away that it is much easier for an individual entrepreneur to do this than a legal entity. face.

At the same time, it is worth remembering that you need to notify not only the financial institution, but also partners about your desire in time. This will avoid difficulties with transferring money to details that do not exist. And it is also important to perform all actions promptly, as this can significantly save money.

To close an account, you need to collect and submit the following documentation to Sberbank:

  • an application filled out by you manually;
  • statement of the availability of funds remaining in the account;
  • a certificate from the USRIP, certified by a notary.

The last document is not requested by all banking organizations, some are limited to an extract on the balance of money and an application.

Step-by-step instruction

To close the account, follow a few steps:

  1. Gather all necessary documentation.
  2. Pay accounts payable(if any).
  3. Engage in cashing out the funds remaining on the balance sheet.
  4. Submit a closing request to the bank.
  5. Receive a notification that the account has been closed.

Sberbank may check the documentation you provided for some time. To find out how long this takes, read the information in your service contract.

How to close the current account of an LLC in Sberbank

Closing a current account usually does not cause great difficulties. But there are certain nuances in this procedure. Let's consider them in more detail.

A legal entity can close an account only if such a decision is made by the owner of the company. At the same time, an order is issued or a meeting protocol is issued to close the account.

Then you need to pay off debts to the bank, only then an application is submitted indicating the reason for terminating the contract. If the account is closed due to the liquidation of the company, then the so-called reorganization is carried out first: all debts to the Federal Tax Service and creditors are paid.

Closing time directly depends on whether the money remained on the balance sheet. If not, then the next day after the application is made, the account will be closed. If there are funds, then they must be transferred to another account.

What documents are needed to close

The documentation package includes:

  • statement;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • Your passport;
  • meeting minutes with decision on account closure.

With these papers, you need to contact a legal specialist. persons.

Step-by-step instruction

Let's take a closer look at all the stages of closing an account:

  1. A person with the right of first signature submits an application to Sberbank. At the same time, an internal firm order to close is provided.
  2. An employee of Sberbank issues a certificate of the state of the account.
  3. You pay off debt (if any).
  4. Within one day, the application will be reviewed and signed by representatives of the financial institution.
  5. You will be given a special notice.
  6. During the working week banking organization notifies the FIU and the Federal Tax Service that you no longer have an account.

The account will be terminated the next day after the funds are debited. If you have not received the balance on your account, after 60 days they will be transferred to a special account. account with the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Note that now it is possible to close an account through Sberbank Online or mobile app. For this:

  1. Log in with your username and password.
  2. Select the "Deposits and Accounts" tab.
  3. Select "Close account".
  4. Enter the required information in the form.
  5. Specify account to transfer the balance of funds.
  6. Click the Next and Close buttons.
  7. Wait for an SMS from Sberbank to your phone number.

Closing a current account cannot be called a trivial procedure, which can only be carried out by someone who has the right of first signature (appointed when opening a current account). Just like when opening an account, there are some nuances and requirements here, which are important to be aware of.

Collect all documents related to the current account:
  • passport as an identity document;
  • agreement on opening a current account;
  • checkbook;
  • seal;
With the collected package of documents, contact the branch of the bank in which the current account was opened. Tell the bank employee the purpose of your visit, he will issue a form and a sample application for closing a current account. Verify your account balance and fill out a check to receive this money in cash, or payment order to transfer funds to another current account, where as the purpose of payment, specify “Transfer of own funds”.

In the application, you will need to indicate the contract number, details of your current account, issue a checkbook return by writing out its number, as well as the numbers of its unused pages (checks). In addition, you will have to indicate the reason for closing the account.

Give the bank employee a completed application for closing an account, a checkbook and a payment order or a check for withdrawal of funds. Receive money at the cashier by check.

From May 1, 2014, it is not necessary to notify such authorities as the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate, FSS, PFR about closing a current account, according to federal laws No. 52-FZ and No. 59-FZ of 04/02/2014.

Now that the current account is closed, if your counterparties try to send you money by payment order, they will be refused. Therefore, promptly notify your counterparties of changes bank details if you have opened another bank account.

Everyone who has an account opened with Sberbank sooner or later thinks about the question of how to close an account with Sberbank. Current account (r / s) in the bank can be opened by both individuals and legal entities, as well as individual entrepreneurs. It opens according to a signed bilateral agreement, which actually stipulates the terms of opening and closing and its maintenance.

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It is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to the question of how to close a current account with Sberbank. It all depends on the specific situation and circumstances. Closing can be done in two ways:

  • early;
  • upon expiration of the contract.

When closing after the expiration date, no problems should arise at all, but how to close the account in Sberbank ahead of schedule is another question. In certain cases, you need to be prepared for different options for the outcome of the current situation, since there are enough nuances here.

There are several reasons for closing bank accounts:

  • loss or theft of a plastic card (credit card or debit card);
  • expiration date;
  • liquidation of a legal entity;
  • reorganization;
  • division of the company into several independent branches;
  • change of account owner;
  • switching to another bank, etc.

Only the person who opened it or an authorized representative of the owner (friend or relative) has the right to close a deposit or account. To carry out this operation, the authorized person must have with him notarized documents that give him the right to dispose of the account owned by a third party. But even if all the necessary official papers are available, Sberbank employees are not very willing to undertake to fulfill the wishes of the client (trustee), therefore, it will be much easier if it is the owner who applies to Sberbank to close the account.

Close an individual account

Individuals often open a bank account when issuing a debit or receiving credit card, as well as when opening deposits. How to close a personal account in Sberbank to an individual before the termination of the contract? In all three cases, the algorithm for early closing of a bank account in a bank is almost the same, with the exception of some nuances.

To close, an individual must:

  1. Withdraw money from a plastic card. Not a single penny should be left on it. Since the ATM does not dispense funds in kopecks, this can be done through the Sberbank cash desk at the branch when applying, or you can use the Mobile Bank or the Sberbank Online service and transfer funds to another card or top up the phone, taking into account the commission.
  2. Have everything with you Required documents(itself plastic card and a passport, if we are talking about closing a deposit, then you will also need an agreement on opening it).
  3. Personally appear at any branch of Sberbank (preferably at the place where you concluded the contract).
  4. Write a statement in which you state the essence of your appeal to Sberbank and indicate the reasons for your actions.
  5. Give the plastic card to the manager. He must destroy it in your presence (usually they cut it). You can also do this yourself at home.

After the client's application is accepted and the plastic is destroyed, the bank employee must issue you a document confirming the closure of the account and the absence of debts to the organization. You will also have to go through a similar procedure if the client intends to close his .

Attention! In case of early closing of a deposit, Sberbank calculates accrued interest at least interest rate than the one specified in the contract.

Closing a credit card occurs in the same order as a debit card. The only difference is the mandatory condition for the absence of debt on the loan. If there is even the slightest debt, the bank will refuse a request for early termination contracts.

Close sole trader account

Individual entrepreneurs (IP) also have the right to early closure of the account, so situations arise when the question of how to close an IP account with Sberbank becomes more relevant than ever. This operation consists of the following steps:

  1. Contact the Sberbank branch where the opening agreement was signed.
  2. Have everything with you mandatory documents(certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur, plastic cards linked to this account, an extract on its condition and balances on it, a passport or other document proving the identity of the entrepreneur, confirming certificates of repayment of debts to Sberbank, an agreement and others if necessary).
  3. First make sure that you do not have any debts to Sberbank, and if there are any, replenishment will be required, otherwise your appeal will not be satisfied.
  4. Cash out the account if there are balances on it.
  5. Personally write a statement with a request to close the account and indicate the reason, and transfer it to a bank employee.
  6. Request a certificate confirming the fact of closing the account and the absence of debts.

Attention! Additional documents may be required to close a personal account of an individual entrepreneur at Sberbank. This should be spelled out in more detail in the account opening agreement itself.

Close a legal entity account

To open a current account, legal entity it is necessary to collect and provide many different documents, which significantly complicates the opening procedure. On the opening day of the account, the parties sign an agreement, which contains not only information about their rights and obligations, but also the procedure for terminating the agreement. The initiator of this operation can be either a company (enterprise) represented by an authorized representative or a bank. There must be certain reasons for carrying out the procedure for early closing of an account, since the process itself is time-consuming and rather laborious.

How to close an account with Sberbank ahead of schedule for a legal entity? This is not an easy procedure and it consists of the following steps:

  1. The management (director, manager, deputy director, etc.) writes an order to close the account.
  2. The authorities of the fiscal and tax service are notified about this.
  3. The legal entity is awaiting the appropriate permission from the IFTS.
  4. The head (or any other authorized representative of a legal entity who has the right of first signature) must appear at the branch of Sberbank where the contract for opening and servicing a settlement account was concluded with an order to close it and permission from the Federal Tax Service.
  5. An employee of Sberbank generates and issues to the representative of the legal entity an extract on the status of the account and the balance of funds on it.
  6. If a debt is identified, it is necessary to pay all debts (you can replenish the account directly at the bank).
  7. If there are balances of funds, then they need to be cashed out or transferred to another account or card by drawing up a payment order for this operation.
  8. The authorized person of the company (enterprise) must personally write an application for early termination of the contract, in which it is necessary to indicate the reasons and list the unused pages of the checkbook.
  9. After submitting the application to the bank employee, a decision will be made within one working day.
  10. Upon making a decision, the bank is obliged to notify the client in writing about it.
  11. Having received confirmation of the termination of the r / s, the head must, in turn, notify all important authorities (PF, NS, etc.) about what happened.

Is it possible to close accounts through Sberbank Online

Many are interested in how to close a personal account through Sberbank Online and whether this is possible. An account can be closed ahead of schedule not only at a Sberbank branch, but also through the Sberbank Online system or the application of the same name on the phone. This procedure is as follows:

In confirmation of closing the card or deposit, a message should be sent from Sberbank to the phone number linked to the account.