How to draw up a report on the expenditure of funds by the guardian, how to write it down. How to issue funds and submit an advance report Form of a report on the expenditure of funds

Cash expenditure report
Long time spent generating expense reports
Select a period and click “Generate” - a report with all items and amounts of expenses is already ready.
No analysis of expenses by day, month or year
Set the required report type (by day, month or year) to find out which items need to reduce costs.

How to generate a report?

1. Find the “Cash Expenditure Report” tab in the “Accounting” section.

2. Specify the period for which you want to generate a report and select its construction type. Click "Generate".

You have built a report.

How to “read” a report?

Let’s first look at the tabular part: it displays the cost items that were entered into the “Cash Expense” document. If some fields are empty, as in the screenshot, it means that the articles were not listed in the document.

If you need to go to a specific movement article, double-click on it - the article will open.

The columns contain all actual costs - by day, month or year. The last column, “Total,” shows the total expenses for each item for the selected period.

Let's turn to the diagram, which is located below the tabular part: it helps to assess which expenses in the company are maximum and which are minimum.

Now you know the structure of the cash expense report.

Guardian report 2017-2018 - sample filling it has changed in comparison with the forms relevant for earlier periods. It must be submitted no later than February 1 of the year following the reporting year. When compiling it, you must adhere to the approved form and filling rules, which will be discussed in this article.

Guardian's report 2017–2018 (form, basic rules for drawing up)

The Law “On Guardianship and Trusteeship” dated April 24, 2008 No. 48-FZ provides for the annual submission of a report on the ward’s property, his income and expenditure of funds. The guardian must report for the past year by February 1 (inclusive) of the next year. The report is placed in the personal file of the ward, which is stored in the guardianship authority.

In 2014, major changes occurred in the reporting form for persons guarding minors. The authorities simplified reporting, since the need to account for even minor expenses was a serious problem for guardians. Therefore, when compiling a report for 2017-2018, guardians and trustees of children will no longer have to account for the purchase of food, shoes, clothing, hygiene products, medicines and other similar expenses.

However, when preparing a report on the property of minors, certain rules must be followed:

  • the report is not compiled arbitrarily, but according to the form approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 18, 2009 No. 423 (as amended on September 10, 2015);
  • the information reflected in the report must be confirmed by attached documents (copies of receipts, checks, etc.);
  • it is possible to fill out the form either by hand (legibly) or using a computer;
  • mandatory details - signature of the compiler with a transcript and date of submission of the report;
  • corrections and crossing-outs are unacceptable;
  • You should not leave the columns blank - if there is no information, write the words “no”, “does not have”;
  • it is necessary to take into account that monetary amounts are indicated in thousands of rubles;
  • information about income must be reflected in total for the year;
  • if the child received income in foreign currency (for example, as a gift), then the report indicates the equivalent of this amount in rubles at the Central Bank exchange rate as of December 31 (or December 30, if the 31st is a day off) of the reporting year.

Filling out a report from a guardian of a minor child

The header indicates the period for which the guardian is reporting. Sections 1–3 of the report contain information about its compiler and the ward. Section 4 reflects information about the child’s property. Table 4.1 contains information about real estate owned by a minor (type, method of acquisition, location, etc.). The following table (4.2) is intended to indicate the vehicles owned by the ward. Table 4.3 indicates the amounts of funds in bank accounts as of December 31 of the reporting year.

Subsection 4.4 of the report reflects information about the ward’s shares in the authorized capital of commercial organizations and the availability of shares or other securities in his possession. Section 5 contains information about the guardian’s withdrawal of funds from the ward’s account (including details of the act of the guardianship authority authorizing such withdrawal). In the same section, the child’s things that have become unusable are indicated.

Section 6 deals with the ward's income. For each type of income (alimony, benefits, etc.) there is a separate line indicating the amount of this income for the year. Next, the total (total) annual income is reflected. Section 6 does not indicate income from the use of property, since a separate table is provided for this - 7, which reflects the benefits from leasing or selling real estate, interest on bank deposits, income from securities, etc. It is necessary to indicate documents guardianship authorities authorizing real estate transactions.

Section 8 contains information about the child’s spending:

  • for his treatment in medical institutions;
  • purchase of durable goods (costing more than 2 subsistence minimums);
  • repair of the person's home.

There is no need to report small household expenses for 2017-2018.

Section 9 reflects information on the payment of taxes on the property of a minor.

Features of drawing up a report by a guardian of an adult incapacitated person

The form of the report prepared by the guardian of an incapacitated person is different from the report for the guardianship of children. It was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 17, 2010 No. 927 and has its own characteristics:

  1. information on the amounts of pensions, benefits and other types of income is indicated not in total for the year, but broken down by month;
  2. It is necessary to report in detail not only on large expenses of the ward’s funds, but also on the purchase of food, medicine, hygiene items, payment for household services and all other expenses.

— an invoice, if the purchased assets are subject to VAT.

Please note: to write off expenses for fuel and lubricants, travel documents are also required.

Read more about this in the articles “Business trip abroad” and “Taking into account expenses for business trips abroad” // Salary, 2010, N N 1 and 2. - Note. ed.

In addition to paying for transport services for delivery to the point of assignment, the employee has the right to pay for taxi services or local passenger transport. These expenses are taken into account if appropriate supporting documents are available. These can be cash register receipts, tickets.

— its name, six-digit number and series;

- name and legal form - for an organization or last name, first name, patronymic - for an individual entrepreneur;

— location of the hotel;

— cost of the service in monetary terms;

— date of calculation and preparation of the document;

- position, surname, name and patronymic of the person responsible for the transaction and the correctness of its execution, his personal signature, seal of the organization (individual entrepreneur);

— period of residence of the employee;

— a list of additional services included in the cost of living. After all, some of them do not reduce the taxable base for income tax, for example, service in bars and restaurants, room service, use of recreational and health facilities and other services that are not economically justified (clause 1 of Article 252 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

— date of preparation of the document;

— measuring business transactions in physical and monetary terms;

— names of positions of persons responsible for carrying out a business transaction and the correctness of its execution;

- for an official reception;

— transport support for delivery to the event venue and back;

— buffet service during negotiations;

— payment for the services of translators who are not on staff to provide translation during the event.

Order of the Federal Customs Service of December 23, 2010 N 2554 “On approval of forms for confirming the payment of customs duties, taxes and a report on the expenditure of funds made as advance payments”


See this form in MS-Word editor

Report on the expenditure of funds contributed

as advance payments,

as of _____________ 201_

The amount received for the specified

credited for the specified

Reasons for spending money

According to the Law on Customs Regulation, the customs authority must, at the request of the person who transferred the advance payments, provide a report on the expenditure of these funds. He is also obliged, at the request of designated persons (declarants and their legal successors, payers of customs duties, taxes, etc.), to issue confirmation of payment of the specified amounts. The forms of these documents have been approved.

Order of the Federal Customs Service of December 23, 2010 N 2554 “On approval of forms for confirming the payment of customs duties, taxes and a report on the expenditure of funds made as advance payments”

Registration N 19882

This order comes into force 30 days after the day of its official publication

On the entry into force of this order, see letter of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated March 22, 2011 N 15-12/12443

Issuance of funds for reporting

We talked about who accountable persons are, as well as the features of synthetic and analytical accounting of settlements with them in our consultation. In this material, we recall the procedure for documenting the issuance of funds for reporting and the changes that occurred in this procedure in 2017.

Grounds for issuing money on account

In order to issue funds on account, the organization must have one of the following documents (clause 6.3 of the Central Bank Instruction No. 3210-U dated March 11, 2014, as amended, valid from August 19, 2017):

  • administrative document of a legal entity;
  • written statement from the accountable.

Let us recall that until August 19, 2017, a written statement by the accountable person was mandatory (clause 6.3 of the Central Bank Instruction No. 3210-U dated March 11, 2014, as amended, valid until August 19, 2017). Now the organization itself decides how to justify the issuance of cash. Draw up an administrative document (for example, an order) or receive from a person an application for the release of funds to the account (we will discuss a sample of it below).

Such an application, drawn up in any form, must contain information about the amount of cash and the period for which it is issued. The application must bear the manager's signature and date. Similar information, as well as full name. accountable, the registration number must be contained in the administrative document (CBR Letter No. 29-1-1-OE/20642 dated 09/06/2017).

If an organization decides to use an application for the issuance of funds against a report, a sample of it can be viewed here.

In the event that an organization draws up an order to issue money on account, it can be drawn up as follows:

Order for the release of funds for reporting: sample

Limited Liability Company "Svetotekhnika"

109544, Moscow, Entuziastov Blvd., 11

TIN 7705217099 / KPP 770501001

On the issuance of funds for reporting

Moscow 09/13/2017

For the purpose of making expenses by employees of Svetotekhnika LLC

1. Submit for report to manager S.P. Gavrikov. cash from the cash register in the amount of 35,000 rubles for travel expenses;

2. Set the period for which funds are issued - until September 29, 2017 inclusive.

3. Control over the execution of this order is assigned to the chief accountant S.P. Maslova.

General Director V.I. Loginov

I have read the order: __________ /Gavrikov S.P./

Please note that if funds for reporting are issued in non-cash form (for example, by crediting to an employee’s salary card), the mandatory execution of an application or order for issuance is not required. In this case, the organization can justify the issuance of funds in any other way provided by it (for example, an official memo).

Reading time: 2 minutes

When placing a child under guardianship and paying financial assistance for him, the state requires the guardian to provide an annual summary that reflects all costs. A report on the expenditure of funds by the guardian is submitted by February 1 of the following reporting year. Information from the document allows you to control the costs of maintaining a minor and the intended use of funds received by the guardian in the form of benefits or dividends.

How the report is compiled

To prepare the document, you need to obtain from the guardianship and trusteeship authorities (TPA) a standard form approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 423 in May 2009 (as amended in 2015). It can also be downloaded from Internet resources.

The report can be completed by hand using dark blue or black ink, or using a computer (in Excel).

The form of the guardian's or trustee's report on the storage, use of the property of a minor ward and on the management of such property consists of 6 sheets on which the guardian provides the following information:

  • Page 1 states:
    • Full name of the person reporting, his address and date of birth;
    • ID card registration details;
    • personal data of a minor placed in guardianship: his full name, place of permanent residence.
  • In tabular form (page 2) information is provided on the availability of real estate (apartment, house), land plots and transport. Registration data of supporting documents is provided: sales and purchase agreements, leases, deeds of gift or will, and so on.
  • A separate table on page 3 contains information on the movement of funds on bank deposits opened for a minor (deposit, current and others). If these are foreign currency funds, the guardian provides information about the amount converted into rubles, taking into account the rates of the Central Bank as of the date of generation of the report. Information is provided about shares (what share in which organization, their estimated value) and other securities owned by the child.
  • On page 5, the guardian provides information about the changes he has made to the child’s property: sale, exchange, receipt of interest on deposits or payments on shares. These should be obtained permission from the PLO, so you need to indicate the registration data of the acts on the basis of which they were made. A separate table reflects other income of the minor:
    • pensions,
    • benefits,
    • alimony,
    • rent from rented housing and others.
  • On the last sheet, the report compiler provides information on the costs of maintaining the child (treatment, rehabilitation, repairs of premises). There is no need to report everyday expenses for clothing, shoes, and hygiene products. Expenses must be confirmed by receipts, which are attached additionally.

The guardian confirms the submitted information with a signature. After submitting the report to the guardianship and trusteeship authorities, the visa of the head of the department and a stamp are affixed to the first page on the right under the name of the form.

Money, as you know, loves counting. When counting money, especially general money, you need to regularly and regularly demand a detailed report from those who have been entrusted with managing it. This is the direct responsibility of the Board and the Audit Commission in horticulture. Demand a financial report on the expenditure of total funds - a guarantee against fraud! You can never trust anyone with uncontrolled money!

On this page, every 6 months it is planned to post reports on the receipt and expenditure of funds in SNT. Confirmation of expenses must be accompanied by documents and confirmed by an Act of the Audit Commission.

@It took 7 months in April to submit the annual balance sheet, and the audit commission did not start work.


To the Chairman of the Board of SNT Flora Ivanov A.N.

From members of the board Zhokhov.A.V., Kazakov.A.V., Kostin.V.V.

Secondary reminder 01/14/16, Third reminder 02/20/16.

Appeal from members of the board to the Chairman of SNT Flora, Mr. Ivanov.A.N.

We kindly ask you to do so by 25.02. 2016, submit to the members of the board a report on the expenditure of funds with documentary evidence for the period from 08/09/2015 to 01/01/2016 in electronic form. If our requirements are not met, no confidence will be expressed in you as the chairman of SNT, of which all gardeners will be notified .

Board members have plenty of examples from Avlosevich-Enulev, when reports were presented privately to their associates, and those close to them persuaded gardeners to take their word for it. We remind you that the majority of board members have no secrets from gardeners. Everything must be transparent.

Financial report of the Chairman of the Board at the beginning and end of the period:

1. Balance at Otkritie Bank -

Balance in Sberbank-

Cash balance -

Collected in cash (Taran.T.I) -

Collected in cash (Ivanov.A.N) -

Funds spent:



Garbage removal-

Other expenses (decipher).

2. Please inform us about the progress of Geokart LLC’s work and the ultimate goal of this work. Who will be the owner of public lands? And in what time frame is this work scheduled to be completed? Where are the documents for the privatization of public lands currently located?

3. It is necessary to start working with debtors through a lawyer (prepare a notification form) and start sending notices to debtors and gardeners who do not cultivate their plots about the deprivation of their rights to these plots. For violation of the charter. To apply judicial influence to individual members of the SNT who violate the charter.

4. For the site, you must send the charter in PDF, as well as all current agreements with third-party organizations. And other documents for the information of SNT members.

5. Why has the Financial Plan and Estimate for 2016 not yet been communicated to gardeners?

6. Land taxes previously paid by gardeners must be returned if they were paid twice (at the tax office and in the membership fee). The amount of land tax of 360 thousand must be urgently reduced, and then calculations must be made. In gardening, there are 300 plots of property.

7. From January 2016, it is necessary to switch to paying for electricity according to LO tariffs, according to 1 tariff meters and 2 tariffs day and night: 3.55 rubles / kW single-rate tariff, 3..71 rubles / kW - 2-rate day and 1.8 rubles /kW-night.

8.Financial plan and estimate for 2016, proposals from board members:

Clause 1.7 .1 of the estimate to put S= , Concrete mixers, gas trimer - cross out.

Clause 2.1.1 Tax on public lands. Find out from the tax office how much you need to pay?

Clause 2.4 cannot be introduced until the end of legal proceedings. Everything should remain as before. Accounting costs should also not be increased.

P.2.6 .2 Tree cutting - remove. Leave: Clearing......

P.2.6.5.Indicate on which tracks:

P.2.6.8. Exclude.

Clause 2.6.11 Arrangement of a security post with equipment for the guest site, agree on the amount and confirm all expenses.

P.2.6.12 Clarify what will be done?

P.2.7.3 50 thousand rubles.

P.2.7.4 after the bucket ext. reflective vests, suction hose for the pump.

P.2.7.5 + howler for the security post. 5 +1=6 thousand

P.2.7.6. Last paragraph Entrance to the Western Path.

P.2.7.8 100 thousand rubles.

9. Must be sent to [email protected] data in electronic form, as promised, about the payment of fees by gardeners in 2015 through Otkritie Bank, to adjust the list of debtors on the website.

10. Determine on the plan places for additional fire reservoirs where there are no site numbers, and also put on the plan the names of unnamed roads, Wind Rose, security post, guest parking, vegetable gardens, sports and children's playgrounds, wells.

11. For the site, please provide electricity meter readings for November 2015 and January 2016 (day/night), as well as payment amounts for these months. Etc. Available data.

12. When will we begin paying membership fees and electricity through Sberbank and will we stop collecting cash as was announced to gardeners? Explain the reason?

13. Why does the chairman not implement the decision of the board and the Ministry of Emergency Situations to purchase a fire siren? The issue was resolved by the board in September 2015.

14. Members of the board categorically prohibit the chairman from personally collecting funds from gardeners, and also without a general statement, where should the signatures of all those who made contributions on that day be and for what? The statement is published on the website.

15. Return the key to the electrical panel to the deputy. Chairman and provide the key to the board member responsible for energy. All gardeners should know who has the keys to the electrical panel. All data on electricity consumption should be published monthly on the website. 16. We oblige the chairman of the board to coordinate all appointments to positions in SNT with the board. This decision can be challenged at a general meeting of SNT members.

We expect a response by February 25, 2016. Board members A.V. Zhokhov, A.V. Kazakov, V.V. Kostin or 2/3 of the board members.

@This material is published due to the failure of the chairman of the board, A.N. Ivanov, to provide a report on the expenditure of money from gardeners at the request of board members.