Write an essay on social studies exam examples. Social Studies Essays Online

To begin with, you always need to refer to the criteria for evaluating the task that we are analyzing. Download it and keep reading:

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Highlighting a problem

So, let's take a look at the very last pages of the document that you have uploaded and take a look at points K1-K3, trying to extract from this the formula for a good essay that will be judged by experts

First, you need to directly understand the statement: highlight the problem, reveal its meaning and highlight aspects of the problem. A number of cliches will help you here, because the exam is traditionally built on templates and this helps in preparing

What are the problems in the exam? From my own experience, I can identify 6 main “flanks” on which you need to try on your aphorism:

  • Essence problem...
  • The problem of inconsistency...
  • Role problem...
  • Relationship problem...
  • Relationship problem...
  • Unity problem...

What does it mean to reveal meaning? In general, I tell my students that essays should be translated “from Russian into Russian”, in fact, from literary to scientific language, based on the block in which you write your work. You can end everything with a “reason for increasing the score”: look at the problem from different angles. This will be the structure of the first part of the essay.

Theoretical reasoning

Now let's move on to the second criterion, which involves argumentation based on theory. What does this mean and what parts should your essay include?
Naturally, these are terms. Hence, if you are an applicant who is preparing on his own, ALWAYS study this or that topic in the context of any concepts from the field that you are studying

Also, you must clearly, clearly and consistently formulate your statements and conclusions from what you stated in the thesis of your essay - this is a very important element, pay attention to it. In addition, it is necessary to cite various principles and approaches as an example, prove your position and reveal the causes and consequences of the events referred to in the formulation of the assignment.

Factual Argumentation

As a fact, you must prove the theoretical material mentioned above with the help of media reports, materials of educational subjects (usually humanities), facts from social experience and your own reasoning. The most interesting thing is that you need to give 2 ARGUMENTS of a factual nature, and both of them cannot be from media reports, or stories, political life… It is important to understand this, otherwise the expert will lower your score

Well, in the end, you make a qualitative conclusion based on the thesis, simply writing it down in other words, with a “tinge” of completeness. That's all you need to know from theory on how to write social studies task 29

Speech by T. Liskova - Features of the solution of the second part at the Unified State Exam-2017

The video of her performance is attached below.

Finished essays

Now let's look at the structure. Below I attach 4 very first works of my students on politics. I suggest you review them, highlight the constituent elements, find errors, if any, and unsubscribe about them in the comments.

First essay

“Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely” (J. Acton)

In his statement, the American historian and politician J. Acton raises the question of the influence of power on the behavior of a person who possesses it. This statement can be interpreted as follows: the more a person is given power, the more often he begins to go beyond the boundaries of what is permitted and act only in his own interests. This problem has not lost its relevance for many centuries and history knows many cases when the unlimited power of the ruler led the country to ruin.

Disclosure of the theoretical part

So what is power and why does it exist? Power is the ability and ability to influence the behavior of people regardless of their desire to do so. In any state, power is primarily aimed at maintaining order and monitoring compliance with laws, but often the more unlimited power becomes, the more it corrupts a person and ceases to be a guarantor of justice, which is why I fully support the opinion of J. Acton.

Examples for disclosure K3

The ruler, endowed with great power, ceases to care about the welfare of the entire people and tries even more to strengthen his position. Let's take, for example, the first Russian Tsar Ivan IV the Terrible: striving for unlimited autocracy, he introduced the oprichnina in the camp, which consisted in mass terror, violence, and the elimination of not only the discontented boyars, but also any opposition. So, on suspicion of treason, many innocent people were executed, which ultimately led the country to a crisis, the ruin of cities and the death of a huge number of people.

My family also faced the consequences of unlimited power during the reign of I.V. Stalin. During dispossession, my grandmother's family was repressed, her father was sent to the Gulag, and six children were forced to live in a barracks with the same repressed families. Stalin's policy was aimed at equalizing the strata of the population, but the number of dispossessed kulaks during the years of his rule significantly exceeded the number of real kulaks, which is a clear violation of human rights and freedoms.

Thus, one can come to the conclusion that unlimited power corrupts people and brings not so much good as ruin and a fall in the standard of living of the population. IN modern society absolute power no longer dominates in most countries, which makes their inhabitants more free and independent.

Second essay

“When a tyrant rules, the people are silent and the laws do not work” (Saadi)

I see the meaning of Saadi's statement in the fact that the rule of law is the basis for building a democratic state, while tyranny opposes the public good and is aimed only at achieving one's own interests. This statement expresses two aspects: the participation of citizens in the life of the state under different political regimes and the attitude of the government to generally accepted laws.

Disclosure of the theoretical part

Tyranny is often inherent in states with the unlimited power of one ruler; for the most part, these are countries with a totalitarian regime. Its main difference from democracy - a political regime, which is characterized by the equality of all people before the law and the belonging of power to the people, is the concentration of all power in the hands of one ruler (party) and control over all spheres of society. With unlimited power, the ruler can interpret the laws in his own favor, or even rewrite them, and the people do not have the right to express their own opinion, which absolutely does not meet the principle of legality. It is impossible not to agree with the opinion of Saadi, and history knows many confirmations of this.

Examples for disclosure K3

Italy during the reign of B. Mussolini can serve as an example of tyranny. Having suppressed rights and freedoms in the country, Mussolini established a totalitarian regime and applied political repressions. As head of seven ministries and as prime minister at the same time, he eliminated virtually all restrictions on his power, thus building a police state.

A. Solzhenitsyn speaks about the lawlessness of the totalitarian regime in the story “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich”. The work shows the life of a former soldier who, like many others, ended up in prison after the front. Solzhenitsyn described the situation of people during the reign of I.V. Stalin, when soldiers who managed to escape from German captivity were declared enemies of the people and, instead of getting to their relatives, were forced to work in a colony for decades.

Having considered these examples, we can conclude that under the rule of a tyrant, human rights do not have any weight, and the people do not have the right to openly express their opinion, as they are constantly in fear for their lives.

Third essay

In his statement, P. Sir expressed his attitude to the problem characteristic features and characteristics of power. The author argues that any decisions that a person in power will ever have to make must be carefully thought out and analyzed from all sides. These words can be considered from two points of view: the positive and negative influence of power on society.

Disclosure of the theoretical part

P. Syr's statement does not lose its relevance to this day, because all the time rash actions led to bad consequences both for the leaders themselves and for those who obey them. That is why I fully share the author's point of view regarding this problem. In order to confirm the relevance of this, it is first worth considering it from the point of view of theory.

It’s worth starting with the simplest: what is power? As we know, power is the ability to influence the actions and decisions of people against their will. Usually this happens both through persuasion and propaganda, and through the use of violence. Power is an essential attribute of any organization and human group, because without it, order and organization simply cannot form. As the main sources of power, one can single out both the personal attitude of each subordinate to the leader, and the level of his authority, material condition, level of education and strength.

Examples for disclosure K3

To confirm the relevance of P. Syr's statement, we can give an example from history. As an ill-considered action, the conduct of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich monetary reform which replaced silver money with copper money. Due to the lack of coins from the latter material in the treasury, it was the silversmiths who collected taxes, which soon led to the almost complete depreciation of the coppers. The reform, which did not suggest such a scenario, did not allow to correct the situation, which led to the Copper Riot of 1662. The result of the uprising was the withdrawal of copper coins from circulation. This example clearly illustrates the lack of thoughtfulness and logic in the actions of a politician who had to cancel the transformation he had carried out in order to calm the angry people.

As a second example, this time of successful and planned transformations, one can cite events from recent history. It's about politics Russian Federation carried out since the beginning of its existence. Thoughtful, systematic reforms were able to strengthen the disintegrated country. Also, the effect of these transformations was the strengthening of the state and its positions in the international economic and political arena. This example shows us that a policy that involves not sudden and thoughtless changes, but structured and consistent reforms can lead to an improvement in the situation in the state.

Summing up, we can say that the problem of the peculiarities of power and its characteristic features will never cease to be one of the most important issues, on the solution of which the destinies of states depend and will continue to depend. Especially now, in the post-industrial age, which is characterized by globalization, incorrectly implemented reforms can affect not individual countries, but all powers together.

Fourth essay

“The state is something without which it is impossible to achieve either order, or justice, or external security.” (M. Debre)

In his statement, M. Debre expressed his attitude to the main functions of the state and their importance. According to the author, it is the state apparatus that plays a decisive role in the life of society, controlling the norms and rules of its behavior, regulating the basic laws, and also being responsible for protecting the country's borders and maintaining the safety of its population. This issue can be considered from two sides: the importance of the role of the state in the life of society and the ways in which the first influences the second.

The words of M. Debre do not lose their relevance to this day, because regardless of the chronological period, the state has always played a key role in people's lives. That is why I fully share the author's point of view. In order to confirm these words, it is first worth considering them from the point of view of theory.

Disclosure of the theoretical part

What is the state itself? As we know from the course of political science, the state can be called any organization of political power, which has a mechanism for managing society, ensuring the normal activity of the latter. The functions of the state are not limited to any one sphere of life, but affect their entirety. In addition to internal functions, there are also external ones, the most important of which is the process of ensuring the defense of the territory of the state and the establishment of international cooperation.

Examples for disclosure K3

In order to give the first example, let us turn to ancient history. The states of all peoples began to form for similar reasons, but in this case, we will consider this process and its consequences using the example of the East Slavic tribes. One of the main prerequisites for the formation of the Old Russian state was the need for protection from an external enemy - the Khazar Khaganate. The scattered and warring tribes could not cope with the enemy alone, but after the formation of the state, victory over the nomads became only a matter of time. This clearly illustrates the operation of one of the most important functions of the state - defensive.

The following example, illustrating the impact of the state on society, can be taken from new history. As you know, in 1861 Alexander II carried out a peasant reform, the result of which was the abolition of serfdom. This phenomenon had a great impact on the life of the Russian people, because most of the population of the Russian Empire at that time were none other than serfs. By granting them freedom, the state greatly expanded the rights and obligations of the liberated peasants. The abolition of serfdom resulted in the formation of a new social stratum, a change in the foundations and customs that had developed over several centuries. This example shows us the consequences of the reform carried out by the state, which affected the entire population of the country.

Summing up, we can say that the importance of the role of the state and the need for the functions it performs have been tested by time. Without an impact, exerting any influence on the citizens of the country, the state apparatus simply cannot exist, and the changes it carries out can be perceived differently by citizens

I hope the article helped you deal with a rather problematic exam question. Help spread the word about this article: click on the social media buttons and subscribe to blog updates to receive new articles in your email in a timely manner. Bye everyone

Do you want to understand all the topics of the social studies course? Sign up to study at the school of Ivan Nekrasov with a legal guarantee of passing the exam for 80+ points!

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In this post, you will get acquainted with 2 cool social studies essays written for the maximum score. In the last post, we talked about how to write an essay on social studies and gave examples of works on philosophy, politics and economics.

Essay topic: "Nature never became":

By the way, the other day our website launched a bank of USE arguments in social studies, which will help you write any essay to the maximum! Read more

Essay topic: The word crisis, written in Chinese, consists of two characters, one means "danger", the other "opportunity"

American President John F. Kennedy very accurately noticed the peculiarity of the crisis as a phenomenon reflected in the Chinese language. On the one hand, it can threaten with collapse, on the other hand, it opens up new opportunities, expands horizons.

Consider the various manifestations of the crisis. First of all, it can be political, associated with serious excesses in the sphere of state administration and social activities. Economic crisis associated, of course, with the decline in the level of production of goods in industry and agriculture, falling incomes of the population, etc. In the field of culture, crisis phenomena usually occur due to a “decline in morals”, the ideological press from the ruling elite, the influence of neighbors. All these essentially different social processes have two things in common - they expose problematic moments in people's lives, over time they offer options for them As a result, society can literally outgrow, albeit with some losses, the problem, leave it behind, or stop in development, begin to backtrack, degrade.

In this regard, it is very difficult to disagree with the dictum of J. Kennedy. Indeed, because of the crisis, society can either make a leap forward or be thrown back. We can find examples and justifications both in philosophical teachings and in history.

The choice that a crisis offers society almost always consists of two evils, two opposite development options that have one source of appearance. The relationship and mutual denial of sides and tendencies Hegel, an authoritative German philosopher-theorist, defined as a contradiction. It is this that "is the root of all movement." The resolution of any contradictions is a leap, a qualitative change in a given object, turning it into a qualitatively different object that denies the old one.

Let us now turn to national history. At the end of the 18th - beginning of the 19th century, in the highest circles of power, among the privileged nobility, they began to talk about the negative impact of serfdom on the development of Russia, both politically and economically and scientifically. After the unsuccessful Crimean War, the crisis of the feudal system ceased to be a secret, it literally demanded a solution, which, fortunately, finally came “from above” under the threat of a solution “from below”. In 1861 serfdom was abolished. It is worth recognizing that in the first years after this event there was no stormy the economic growth and evolution of all aspects of life. But later, when society finally got used to the new situation, the industrial turn began with all its force, which transformed the hitherto completely agrarian country.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the emergence of crises is a rather cyclical process, society is constantly evolving, this is especially noticeable in the last few centuries. Contradictions between the old and the new cannot but arise, and this is the essence of all crisis phenomena.

Here are the essays, dear friends! Once again we express our gratitude to Timur for the provided works. And finally, I give you essay topics for self-writing. After completing the work, you can send me your work for verification using the "Feedback" item.


“Nature creates man, but society develops and shapes him.” V. Belinsky.

“Those doubts that theory does not resolve, practice will resolve for you.” L. Feuerbach.

"All knowledge originates from the mind and proceeds from the senses." F. Patrici.

In this article, you will learn how to write an essay on social studies. Examples are attached.

First of all, it is necessary to understand that in order to learn how to write an essay on social studies, it takes quite a long time. It is impossible to write an essay without preliminary preparation, which would be rated by experts for a high score. Sustainable skills, good results appear after 2-3 months of work (about 15-20 written essays). It is systematic studies, purposefulness that bring high performance. You need to hone your skills in practice with the direct help and careful supervision of a teacher.

Video - how to write an essay on social studies

If you have not yet encountered writing an essay, watch the video.

Unlike an essay on literature or the Russian language, where the minimum amount of work is clearly stipulated and general reflection (“philosophizing” without specification is allowed), in an essay on social science the volume is not limited, but its structure and content are fundamentally different. An essay on social science is actually the answer to the question: “Do I agree with this statement and why?”. That is why a strict argumentation, scientific character and concretization must be present in an essay on social science. At the same time, it should be noted that very paradoxical, unusual statements are often used as the topic of an essay, requiring figurative thinking, a non-standard approach to revealing the problem. This inevitably leaves its mark on the style of the essay, requires maximum concentration of effort and attention.

I would also like to add that the exam essays are evaluated by specific people. In order for an expert who checks from 50 to 80 works a day to mark an essay as worthy of attention, this essay must not only meet all the requirements below, but also be distinguished by a certain originality, originality and originality - this is implied by the essay genre itself. Therefore, it is necessary not only to present scientific and factual material on the topic, but also to pleasantly surprise with the originality and flexibility of one's thinking.

Algorithm for writing an essay during the exam

  1. First of all, during the exam it is necessary to correctly allocate time. Practice shows that to write an essay, it is necessary to allocate at least 1-1.5 hours out of 3.5 hours allotted for the exam in social studies. It is best to start writing an essay after all the other tasks of KIM have been solved, because. this type of work requires maximum concentration of the graduate's efforts.
  2. Carefully read all the proposed topics to choose from.
  3. Choose those topics that are understandable, i.e. - the student must clearly understand what this statement is about, what the author wanted to say with this phrase. In order to remove doubts about whether he understands the topic correctly, the graduate must reformulate the phrase in his own words, defining the main idea. The student can do this orally or on a draft.
  4. From the selected understandable statements, it is necessary to choose one topic - the one that the student knows best. It should be noted that often examinees choose topics that are easy, in their opinion, but which turn out to be difficult when revealing the topic due to the limited scientific and factual material on this issue (in other words, everything is said in the phrase itself, nothing can be added). In such cases, the essay is reduced to a simple statement of the meaning of the statement in different versions and is assessed by experts because of the poor evidence base low. Therefore, you need to choose the topic of the essay so that the student, when writing it, can fully show the completeness of his knowledge and the depth of his thoughts (i.e., the topic should be winning).
  5. When choosing an essay topic, it is necessary to pay attention to which social science this statement is related to. Practice shows that a number of phrases can refer to several sciences at once. For example, I. Goethe's statement "Man is determined not only by natural qualities, but also by acquired ones" can belong to philosophy, social psychology, and sociology. Accordingly, the content of the essay should differ depending on this, i.e. must be in accordance with the specified basic science.
  6. The essay does not need to be completely written on a draft. Firstly, because of the limited time, and secondly, because at the time of writing an essay, some thoughts come, and at the time of rewriting, others, and it is much more difficult to remake a finished text than to create a new one. On the draft, the graduate makes only the plan of his essay, approximate brief outlines of the meaning of the phrase, his argumentation, points of view of scientists, concepts and theoretical positions that he is going to cite in his work, as well as the approximate order of their arrangement one after another, taking into account the semantic logic of the essay.
  7. Without fail, the student must express his personal attitude to the chosen topic in a clearly expressed formulation (“I agree”, “I do not agree”, “I do not completely agree”, “I agree, but partially” or similar in meaning and meaning of the phrase) . The presence of a personal relationship is one of the criteria on the basis of which the essay is evaluated by experts.
  8. Without fail, the graduate must state his understanding of the meaning of the statement. Those. the high school student explains in his own words what the author wanted to say with this phrase. It is more expedient to do this at the very beginning of the essay. And if we combine the requirements of this paragraph with the provisions of the previous one, then, for example, this is how the beginning of an essay on philosophy will look like “Before talking about the good of satisfying needs, you need to decide which needs constitute good”: “I fully agree with the statement of the great Russian writer of the second halfXIX- earlyXXcenturies L.N. Tolstoy, in which he speaks of real and imaginary needs.
  9. You need to be very careful when choosing arguments to support your point of view. Arguments must be convincing and substantiated. As arguments, data from relevant sciences, historical facts, and facts from public life are used. Arguments of a personal nature (examples from personal life) are rated the lowest, so their use as an evidence base is undesirable. It should be remembered that any personal example can be easily “turned” into an example from public life, from social practice, if you write about it in a third person (for example, not “The saleswoman in the store got nasty to me, thereby violating my consumer rights”, A “Let's assume that the saleswoman was rude to citizen S.. Thus, she violated his rights as a consumer.” The number of arguments in an essay is not limited, but 3-5 arguments are the most optimal for revealing the topic. It should also be remembered that examples from history are most appropriate in political science, partly in legal and sociological topics, as well as in philosophical topics related to the theory of social progress. Examples from social practice (public life) - in sociological, economic, legal topics. The data of the relevant sciences must be necessarily used when choosing any of the topics.
  10. The use of terms, concepts, definitions in the essay must be competent, appropriate, in relation to the chosen topic and science. The essay should not be overloaded with terminology, especially if these concepts are not related to the chosen problem. Unfortunately, some graduates try to insert as many terms as possible into their work, violating the principle of expediency and reasonable sufficiency. Thus, they show that they have not learned how to correctly use scientific terminology. The term should be mentioned to the place, such a mention should indicate its correct understanding.
  11. It is very welcome if the graduate in his essay indicates the points of view of other researchers on the issues under consideration, gives a link to different interpretations of the problem and different ways to solve it (if possible). Indication of other points of view can be direct (for example: "Lenin thought so: ..., and Trotsky - otherwise: ..., and Stalin - did not agree with both of them: ... "), but can be indirect, non-specified, non-personalized: "A number of researchers think this way: ..., others - differently: ..., and some - offer a completely different: ... ".
  12. It is very welcome if the essay indicates who the author of this statement was. The indication should be short but precise (see the example in paragraph 8). If it is appropriate to mention the views of the author of the phrase when arguing one's position on this issue, this must be done.
  13. Arguments must be presented in strict sequence, the internal logic of the presentation in the essay must be clearly traced. The student should not jump from one to another and again return to the first without explanation and internal connection, docking of individual provisions of his work.
  14. It is necessary to complete the essay with a conclusion, which briefly summarizes the reflections and reasoning: "Thus, on the basis of all of the above, it can be argued that the author was right in his statement."

Essay examples on the topic of:

Philosophy "Revolution is a barbaric way of progress" (J. Jaurès)

For the highest score

I fully agree with the statement of the famous French socialist, historian and politician of the first half of the 20th century, Jean Jaurès, in which he speaks about the peculiarities of the revolutionary path of social progress, about the distinctive features of the revolution. Indeed, revolution is one of the ways of progress, moving forward towards better and more complex forms of social organization. But since a revolution is a radical breakdown of the entire existing system, a transformation of all or most aspects of social life that takes place in a short period of time, this form of progress is always accompanied by a large number of victims and violence.

If we recall the revolutionary year of 1917 in Russia, we will see that both revolutions led to the most severe confrontation in society and the country, which resulted in a terrible Civil War, accompanied by unprecedented bitterness, millions of dead and injured, unprecedented devastation in the national economy until then.

If we remember the Great French Revolution, we will also see the rampant Jacobin terror, the guillotine "working" seven days a week and a series of incessant revolutionary wars.

If we remember the English bourgeois revolution, we will also see a civil war, repressions against dissidents.

And when we look at the history of the United States, we will see that both bourgeois revolutions that took place in this country took the form of war: first - the war for independence, and then - the Civil War.

The list of examples from history can go on and on, but wherever there is a revolution - in China, in Iran, in the Netherlands, etc. - everywhere it was accompanied by violence, i.e. barbarism from the standpoint of a civilized person.

And even if other thinkers exalted the revolution (as, for example, Karl Marx, who argued that revolutions are the locomotives of history), even if reactionaries and conservatives denied the role of revolutions in social progress, the point of view of J. Jaurès is closer to me: yes, revolution is a way of progress, a movement for the better, but carried out by barbaric methods, that is, with the use of cruelty, blood and violence. Violence cannot create happiness!

For a small score

In his quote, the author speaks of revolution and progress. Revolution is a way of transforming reality in a short time, and progress is a movement forward. Revolution is not progress. After all, progress is reform. It cannot be said that the revolution does not give positive results - for example, the Russian revolution allowed the workers and peasants to get rid of a difficult situation. But by definition, revolution is not progress, because progress is all good, and revolution is all bad. I do not agree with the author who classifies revolution as progress.

Essay plan

1) A clear indication of the problem of utterance:
“The statement I have chosen concerns the problem….”
“The problem with this statement is….”
2) Explanation of the choice of topic (what is the significance or relevance of this topic)
“Everyone is concerned about…”
3) Reveal the meaning of the statement from the point of view of social science, 1-2 sentences
4) Introduction of the author and his point of view
“The author argued (spoke, thought) from this point of view ...”
5) Your interpretation of this phrase, YOUR POINT OF VIEW (DO YOU AGREE OR NOT)
“I think…” “I agree with the author of the statement…”
6) Statement of one's position, transition to the main part of the essay

P.S. it will be a plus if in the introduction you give information about the author of the statement and insert a definition of the chosen field of the essay (philosophy, politics, economics, jurisprudence, etc.)

1) Theoretical argumentation of the problem. At least 3 aspects of the theoretical disclosure of the topic should be presented.
For example: to reveal the concept itself, give examples, analyze features, functions, classifications, properties.
2) Practical argumentation or an example from public life

Mini-essay on the exam in social studies - an alternative task. This means that the exam participant can choose from several proposed options the one that is closer and more interesting to him.

Essay topics are short quotes - aphorisms related to the five blocks of the curriculum, one for each. The thematic directions of statements are as follows:

  • Philosophy,
  • Economy,
  • Sociology, social psychology,
  • Political science,
  • Jurisprudence.

Of the five statements, you need to choose only one (the closest or most understandable) and write a mini-essay that reveals the meaning of the chosen aphorism and contains illustration examples.

The “weight” of an essay on social studies in the final scores is quite small: about 8% of the total scores. A perfectly written paper can bring only 5 primary points out of 62 possible, about 8%. Therefore, you should not approach the work as fundamentally as when writing an essay on the Russian language or essays on literature.

The compilers of the exam themselves suggest taking 36-45 minutes to write an essay on social studies (this is the time period indicated in the specification). For comparison: 110 minutes are “laid” for an essay on the Russian language, 115 minutes for a full-length essay on literature.

All this suggests that the approach to social science should be different: there is no need to create a “masterpiece”, there are no mandatory requirements for the style of presentation (and even literacy), and even the amount of work is not regulated. It is not necessary to write 150-350 words of text here: after all, the task is positioned as a “mini-essay” and if you manage to describe the idea briefly and succinctly, this will only be welcome.

It is enough to simply demonstrate knowledge of the subject and the ability to find suitable examples that support your point of view - and coherently and convincingly state your thoughts on the examination form.

Criteria for evaluating an essay in social science at the Unified State Examination

The essay is evaluated by only three according to three criteria. To earn the maximum five points, the following "required minimum" must be met:

Reveal the meaning of the original statement, or at least demonstrate that you correctly understood what its author meant (1 point). This is a key point: if you did not understand the quote and received 0 points for the first criterion, the work will not be evaluated further.

Demonstrate knowledge of theory(2 points). Here, in order to get a high mark, it is necessary to analyze the meaning of the statement, using the knowledge gained during the study of the school course of social science, remember the main points of the theory, and use the terminology correctly. Incomplete compliance with the requirements, deviation from the original topic or semantic errors will lead to the loss of one point.

Ability to find appropriate examples(2 points). To obtain the highest mark on this criterion, it is necessary to illustrate the problem with two (at least) examples - facts that confirm the main idea of ​​the essay. Moreover, they must be from sources of different types. Sources can be

  • examples from fiction, feature films and documentaries;
  • examples from popular science literature, history of different branches of science;
  • historical facts;
  • facts learned while studying other school subjects;
  • personal experience and observations;
  • media messages.

If only personal experience is used as examples or examples of the same type are given (for example, both are from fiction), the score is reduced by a point. Zero for this criterion is set if the examples do not correspond to the topic or if there is no information at all.

Plan for writing an essay on social studies

There are no strict requirements for the structure of the essay - the main thing is to reveal the meaning of the statement, demonstrate knowledge of the theory and back it up with facts. However, despite the fact that there is not much time for reflection, you can stick to a standard essay plan that includes all the necessary elements.

1. The optional part is the introduction. General statement of the problem (one or two sentences). In an essay on social science, this point of the plan can be omitted and immediately proceed to the interpretation of the proposed aphorism, however, it is often difficult for schoolchildren to deviate from the usual compositional scheme when the “core of the matter” is preceded by general reasoning. Therefore, if you are used to starting with an introduction - write it, if this is not important for you - you can omit this item, points for this do not decrease.

2. Revealing the meaning of the original statement- 2-3 sentences. It is not necessary to quote in full, it is enough to refer to its author and state the meaning of the phrase in your own words. It must be remembered that, unlike an essay in Russian, where it is necessary to isolate the problem, an essay on social science can be devoted to a phenomenon, a process, or simply a statement of fact. To reveal the meaning of the statement, you can use templates like “In the proposed statement N.N (a famous philosopher, economist, famous writer) considers (describes, talks about ...) such a phenomenon (process, problem) as ..., interpreting it as ...” or “The meaning of the statement ( expressions, aphorisms) N. N is that ... "

3. Theoretical part(3-4 sentences). Here it is necessary to confirm or refute the author's point of view, based on the knowledge gained in the lessons and using special terminology. If you agree with the author’s point of view, then by and large this part is a detailed translation of the original phrase into the “textbook language”. For example, if the author called children's games in the yard a "school of life" - you will write about what socialization institutions are and the role they play in the process of assimilation of social norms by an individual. Here you can also quote other philosophers, economists, etc., confirming the main idea of ​​the text - however, this is not a mandatory requirement.

4. Actual part(4-6 sentences). Here it is necessary to give at least two examples confirming the theses put forward in the previous paragraph. In this part, it is better to avoid "general words" and talk about specifics. And do not forget to indicate the sources of information. For example, “experiments devoted to” have been repeatedly described in the popular science literature; “as we know from the school physics course…”, “writer N,N. in his novel “Untitled” describes the situation…”, “on the supermarket shelves in front of my school you can see…”.

5. Conclusion (1-2 sentences). Since an essay on social science at the Unified State Examination, by and large, is proof of a certain theoretical position, you can complete the essay by summing up what has been said. For example: “Thus, both real-life examples and reader experience allow us to assert that ...”, followed by a reformulated main thesis.

remember, that the main thing is to correctly reveal the meaning of the statement. Therefore, choosing from the proposed options, take a quote, the interpretation of which does not cause you any doubts.

Before you start writing, remember the terminology on this topic. Write them down on a draft form so that you can use them later in your work.

Choose the most suitable examples on this topic. Remember that examples from literature may not be limited to the works of the school curriculum - in the social studies exam, you can use any literary works as arguments. Do not forget that relying on the reader's experience in the case of social science is not a priority: remember cases from life; news heard on the radio; topics discussed in society and so on. Selected examples also write down on the draft form.

Since literacy, style and composition of the text are not evaluated - if you are confident enough to express your thoughts in writing, it is better not to waste time writing a full draft text. Limit yourself to drawing up a thesis plan and write straight away- this will save time.

Proceed to the essay after you have answered all the other questions– otherwise, you may “not fit in” in time and lose more points than you gain. For example, the first four tasks with detailed answers (based on the text read) can give a total of 10 primary points (twice as much as an essay), and formulating answers to them usually takes much less time than writing a mini-essay.

If you "swim" in the subject and you feel that you can’t write an essay for the maximum points - do this task anyway. Every score is important - and even if you only manage to correctly formulate the topic and give at least one example “from life” - you will receive two primary points for an essay on social science at the Unified State Examination, which is much better than zero.

Every year, FIPI reforms the demo version of the Unified State Examination in social studies. This time, the requirements and the essay evaluation system have changed somewhat (tasks 29). I propose to understand the innovations!

Changes in social science essay 2018

Here's what the assignment looked like in 2017.

What has changed in the text of the task?

Let's figure it out.

  1. The form is a mini-essay, unchanged.
  2. The word problem (which the author of the quote raises) has been replaced with an idea. It is fundamentally? I don't think so in any case it those thoughts that arise when comprehending the author's quote!
  3. The requirement to write several ideas is more clearly formulated (in 2017 - if necessary ...).
  4. They are also asked to rely on facts and examples from public life and personal social experience, examples from other academic subjects.
  5. Also rated two examples from various sources.
  6. The requirement is more rigidly formulated expanded example and its explicit connection with the idea.

That is, in essence, volume requirement changes (examples need to be expanded, ideas need to be seen a few!) and let's just say that the essay is really moving away from the genre of a light and transparent essay, when it is not necessary to meticulously write out an example, it is enough to voice the idea. To a cumbersome essay, where all thoughts are heavy, extremely understandable and voiced. Probably, next year we will come to the regulations for the number of words, as in other subjects, unfortunately

How are essays reviewed?

First of all, the number of criteria has changed. They became 4 instead of the previous three.

Criteria for checking assignment 29 essays at the Unified State Examination 2017

Recall that in general, for a mini-essay, one could get 5 points (1-2-2). now this 6 the value of the essay continues to increase, learning how to write it is a must to get the most important USE scores!

Let's look at the new changed criteria!

Essentially, he has not changed, this is also the disclosure of the meaning of the author's quote. And also, for non-disclosure, you will receive 0 not only for this criterion, but for the entire essay.

So, you need to find in the quote an idea (? problem?) related to the course and highlight the thesis (your complete thought on this statement), which you will further substantiate with information from the course and examples from social practice.

I don't see anything new, to be honest. Instead of the meaning of the author's quote, you write ...

The same in essence, criterion 2. Theoretical substantiation of the idea (problem) from the standpoint of scientific social science. terms, concepts, theories, conclusions of science on a given idea

So, let's break it down new criteria...

"The defense of law is the defense of the greatest social value."

(P.A. Sorokin)

Criterion 1. Here plays on its disclosure:

The author addresses the issue protection of the law, especially relevant in modern society.
In his opinion protection of the law is very important for society.
I cannot but agree with the opinion of the author, because law plays an important role in the life of any state, society and every person.

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