PDA central savings bank. Problems of depositors (shareholders) - CPC "Central Savings Bank"

To Zhirinovsky Vladimir Volfovich from Kochetova Nadezhda Viktorovna 298312, Republic of Crimea, Kerch lane. Gvardeysky, 28 +79780134867 Dear Vladimir Volfovich!

I decided to write you an open letter. I really hope that you will pay attention to the tragedy that has befallen us (pensioners). We believe that we suffered because of the Bank of Russia. All the actions of the Bank of Russia towards us led to the fact that we were simply destroyed, the last “funeral” money was taken away.

Such pain, resentment from powerlessness to change anything! What happened to us led to the idea that we live in a country where lawlessness reigns and laws do not work. We are the affected shareholders of the CCP "Central Savings Bank", registered in Kazan. Branches operated throughout Russia (about 50 branches in total), there were especially many in Crimea.

KPC" Central Savings Bank, a taxpayer, a member of the SRO, has been on the register of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation since 2015. The deposits were insured by Investstrakh. The CCP worked perfectly, interest was paid, deposits were returned within the period specified in the contracts. What happened next came as a complete surprise to us.

08/31/2017 National Bank in the Republic of Tatarstan of the Volgo-Vyatka main branch of the Bank of Russia, having found violations in the activities of the CPC, in order to PRESERVE THE FUNDS OF SHAREHOLDERS, the order prohibits the further operation of the CPC, as well as attracting new clients and deposits. We were not notified about this, according to Law No. 190 “On the CCP.”

However, the director of the KPK did not cease his activities. The offices continue to accept deposits using other details, UNDER THE CONTROL of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation! The management of the CPC "Central Savings Bank" opened the CPC "Central Savings Bank 1" in Krasnodar, according to the details of which since September 2017.

New agreements were concluded under the pretext of introducing new program. As an example: my contract No. KCH000000014 was concluded on September 18. 2017 For three months, deposit 210,000 rubles.

At the end of the contract, the money is not returned. The Bank of Russia was OBLIGED to check the FULFILLMENT of its instructions, but our money was criminally withdrawn, and the Central Bank of Russia calmly “controlled” this. It was not difficult to check; collection was carried out under an agreement with Sberbank. Deposits and interest from October 2017

Not issued. SAVING our funds was not ensured. The Central Bank of Russia is responsible for this; the National Bank of Tatarstan was obliged to MONITOR the implementation of its instructions. 5.

10. 2017 The Central Bank of the Russian Federation introduces a temporary administration headed by I. G. Sytdykov. In response to all our requests from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, they reported that they acted in accordance with Law No. 86 “On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation”, “in order to ensure the preservation of shareholders’ funds.” We lost money, and they write to us that this is in our interests!

We consider this a mockery of the people! We are all pensioners and disabled people, how could this be allowed to happen! Law No. 86 clearly states that the Bank of Russia controls the activities of the CPC. Law No. 86 states that if the identified violations are not eliminated, the Bank of Russia is obliged to transfer the materials to the investigative authorities within three days.” Why did the Central Bank of the Russian Federation NOT comply with the article of the law?

And no one can STOP LAWELESS?! Dear Vladimir Volfovich!

Please take the time to understand SUPER LAW, because you are an Honored Lawyer of Russia! If you are not indifferent to the fate of Russian citizens in trouble (most of them are pensioners), please show interest in how the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation acts to consider the application. Incoming number ID1576212. We have a tragedy, and they laugh at us, older people, and say it’s a Pyramid!

Since when are financial Pyramids included in the register of the Central Bank, registered by the state and laws written for them?! And they talk to us like this: “I talked to Sytdykov in his personal phone(+79662609860) about a refund. In short, the answer is this: “Are you asking beggars for your money back?

For the previous administration of the Central Savings Bank, it was their business: to beg more money from suckers and leave. Everything is according to the law! Now democracy and no government has the right to destroy business. Today the cooperative's cash register is empty and there is nowhere to replenish it, much less return voluntary contributions.

This will soon confirm bankruptcy.” Arbitration manager Sytdykov suggested not to tear your nerves and heart, give up on everything and PERCEIVE THIS AS A COST OF DEMOCRACY.” Head of the temporary administration Sytdykov I. G.

Refuses to acknowledge the existence of the CCP "Central Savings Bank-1". As part of the activities of the CPC “Central Savings Bank” under his supervision, I. G. Sytdykov, being in fact the head of the CPC “CS”, cannot help but know that the powers of attorney to carry out the activities of the CPC “CS” and the CPC “CS-1” were signed by D. Rusanov.

V. Sytdykov I. G. It is known that according to the details of the city.

Krasnodar, new contracts were concluded and Money in the OFFICES of the CPC "CS". Actually a Prescription National Bank Republic of Tatarstan dated August 31, 2017 on restricting the activities of the CPC “CS” was not implemented; the change of legal address was explained to Shareholders by the introduction of a new program.

Sytdykov I.G., as an SRO arbitration manager, could not have been unaware of this information. On the official website of the Cooperative, the temporary administration reports that criminal case No. 11701920041000236 dated 27 has been opened regarding the illegal activities of the Central Savings Bank CPC.

11. 2017. Injured shareholders of the CPC "Central Savings Bank" and the CPC "Central Savings Bank 1" can contact the Main Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tatarstan at the address: 420088, Kazan, st.

Academician Gubkina, 50. We believe that Sytdykov I.G.

Deliberately provides false information. It is possible that knowingly providing false information was carried out with the aim of seizing the funds of shareholders. There may have been a conspiracy with interested parties. The goals of the SRO are aimed at strengthening the responsibility of the CPC to shareholders in the safety of their funds.

The Arbitration Manager MUST do everything to ensure that shareholders do not lose their money. Mr. Sytdykov I.G. Treats us like inanimate objects, does not want to talk on the phone, does not want to listen, says something incomprehensible.

He acts in anyone's interests, BUT NOT IN THE INTERESTS OF SHAREHOLDERS! All his actions contradict the purpose of the SRO. For whom was the law “On the CCP” written? For scammers?

Maybe it’s designed this way so that we can quickly go to our “forefathers” from shocks?!” So, what kind of society is our country building? Previously it was clear: socialist system, communist system.

And now? When we were young, it was clear: “Young people are treasured everywhere, old people are respected everywhere.” Today we are simply being killed in our country! I'm sorry.

The letter turned out to be long. I wish you health and wisdom. I believe in you. Good luck to you in the most important elections in our country.

With deep respect. Kochetova Nadezhda Viktorovna.

02/07/2018 at 18:04

Help me return the illegally seized license from the central savings bank. We have suffered in 50 cities, many shareholders from the Crimea, 20 years have passed since the default, then it was not so offensive to lose your money, the whole working Russia lost, and now it’s doubly offensive for me this million is a lot of money, I earned it until I was 60 years old in the far north, building the Nord Stream. That’s how they took it from me and took it away. Ts.Bank says wait for bankruptcy, and before that I wrote that out of 1400 shareholders, not one is looking for a shareholder except 6 bankruptcy trustees did not receive their money. Why is your newspaper defending the Central Bank of Russia. But after the revocation of licenses from the bank, all the money ended up in the bank, this is our labor money, if the bank does not return to us this chaos, theft of retired shareholders, the bank does not comply with the laws, they need to be sued and tried for fraud. Legal address: Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, St. Boinichnaya, 5, room 47 FROM ________________________________ STATEMENT OF CPC "Central Savings Bank" taxpayer, member of SRO, is in the register of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation since 10.10.2015, deposits are insured by JSC JSC "Investstrakh", collection was carried out on the basis of an agreement with Sberbank of Russia , TIN 1658148311, OGRN 1131690045552. Legal address: Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, st. Boinichnaya, building 5, room. 47. In 2016, the activities of the KPK were checked by the Russian Prosecutor's Office, and no violations were found. From the responses to our appeals to the authorities, the following was revealed: 1. According to Article 76.1 of the Federal Law of July 10, 2002, the Bank of Russia is obliged to exercise control, regulation, and supervision over the activities of the CPC. THE GOALS OF SUPERVISION IS TO PROTECT THE RIGHTS OF SHAREHOLDERS. In order to ensure the PRESERVATION of shareholders' funds, the National Bank for the Republic of Tatarstan of the Volga-Vyatka main branch of the Bank of Russia on August 31, 2017. issued an order to prohibit the attraction of new clients and deposits of the CPC "Central Savings Bank" and to suspend the activities of the CPC. We were not notified about this, according to Law No. 190 “On the CCP”. Having violated the order of the National Bank of Tatarstan dated August 31, 2017, the management of the CPC "Central Savings Bank", being under the CONTROL of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, opened the CPC "Central Savings Bank1" in Krasnodar, according to the details of which, from September 2017. At the office of the Central Savings Bank in Kaluga, NEW Agreements for the transfer of personal savings were concluded under the pretext of introducing a new program. Powers of attorney for execution of agreements in the CPC "Central Sberkassa" and CPC "Central Sberkassa-1" were signed by the Chairman of the Board of the CPC "Central Sberkassa" Rusanov D. Q. More than 100 new shareholders were accepted in Kaluga alone. Thus, the SAFETY of our funds was not ensured, which suggests a criminal conspiracy to seize our money. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation is responsible for this. The Bank of Russia was OBLIGED to monitor the implementation of its instructions. I would like to draw special attention to the fact that in violation of the instructions of the Bank of Russia dated August 31, 2017, CPC “CS” did not cease operations for a single day, the office was not closed, and deposits were accepted. I am attaching copies of the agreements; pay special attention to the date the agreement was drawn up and the name of the credit manager. In violation of Law No. 86 “On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation,” the Bank of Russia did not control the implementation of its own instructions, which led to the fact that shareholders’ money was withdrawn to other accounts. 2. According to Article 1, paragraph 2 189.2 of the Federal Law of October 26, 2002. No. 127 Federal Law – the basis for taking measures to PREVENT bankruptcy is issued by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on October 5, 2017. order No. OD-2889 signed by I.O. Chairman of the Bank of Russia D.V. Tulin on the introduction of the temporary administration of the CCP "Central Savings Bank". I.G. Sytdykov was appointed head of the temporary administration. Once again, WE are NOT informed, which is a violation of the terms of the contracts and Law No. 190. In addition, Sytdykov I.G. refuses to recognize the existence of the CPC "Central Savings Bank-1" within the framework of the activities of the CPC "Central Savings Bank" supervised by him, which contradicts the task of preserving the funds of shareholders. 3. In response to our complaint, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in Kaluga reported that supervision of the activities of the CPC “Central Savings Bank” branch in Kaluga, st. Lunacharsky 10/15 WAS NOT IMPLEMENTED, because KPC "Central Savings Bank" is registered in Kazan, st. Boinichnaya house 5, room 47. In Federal Law No. 86 “On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation” there is no such clause that supervision is carried out only AT THE PLACE OF REGISTRATION. I am attaching copies of the answers. 4. In its responses, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation reports: “In order to preserve the funds of investors (shareholders), an order was issued by the National Bank of the Republic of Tatarstan.” However, this instruction only aggravated the situation - shareholders lost their money. The Bank of Russia could not fail to foresee such disastrous consequences of its actions. According to Federal Law No. 86 “On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation”, Article 76.8, “if identified... This is an appeal to the President

Mr. President, dear Vladimir Vladimirovich. We contacted the Office of the President of the Russian Federation 6 times. We decided to write an open letter. I really don’t want to believe that you don’t care that the Bank of Russia is undermining the state’s economy, which should work to improve the well-being of citizens. All the actions of the Bank of Russia in relation to us, shareholders of the Central Savings Bank CPC, led to the fact that the last money was taken away from us. Is Russia really a country of DISRIGHT and LAWELESS! We, the affected shareholders of the CPC “Central Savings Bank”, registration of the CPC in Kazan, we are from Kaluga. About 50 branches operated throughout Russia, with especially many in Crimea. KPK taxpayer, member of the SRO, has been on the register of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation since 2015, deposits are insured by Investstrakh JSC. KPK worked perfectly, paid compensation, returned deposits within the period specified in the contracts. However, since October 2017 payments have been stopped and branches are closed. It took 2 months of correspondence with various authorities to restore the chain of events. On August 31, 2017, the Bank of Russia, having found violations in the activities of the CPC, limited the work of the CPC by order, prohibiting the acceptance of new shareholders and issuing loans. BUT, at the direction of the Chairman of the Board of the KPK Rusanov, the activities were carried out in full, only using other details. Due to the fact that the Bank of Russia did not fulfill its obligations to control the EXECUTION of its instructions, the scammers received complete freedom of action to steal our money, while collection was carried out under an agreement with Sberbank. On October 5, 2017, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation introduced a temporary administration headed by Sytdykov I.G., who, without explanation, announced the imminent bankruptcy of the CCP "CS". To all our requests, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation writes that they acted in accordance with Law No. 86 “On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation,” “in order to ensure the preservation of shareholders’ funds.” We lost money, but they write to us that this is in our interests! We consider this a mockery of the people! We are all pensioners and disabled people, how could this be allowed to happen? Law No. 86 clearly states that the Bank of Russia controls the activities of the CCP. At the Kaluga branch of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation they explained to us that THEY ARE NOT OBLIGATED to control the CPC, because KPK is registered in Kazan! According to the logic of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, if you register a CPC in Chukotka, you can rob the rest of Russia! Let's call all the scammers in the world, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation will ALLOW them to rob people! Is this a rule of law state? Law No. 86 states that if the identified violations are not eliminated, the Bank of Russia is obliged to transfer the materials to the investigative authorities within three days.” Why did the Central Bank of the Russian Federation NOT comply with the article of the law? In response to our application to the Kaluga City Prosecutor's Office, the prosecutor on duty stated that WE ARE GUILTY OURSELVES! And the prosecutor is AFRAID to send a request to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation! He says: “Where are we and where is the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.” The Central Bank of the Russian Federation does not government agency? He is not in Russia, does not obey Russian laws? He can break the law, and no one can STOP the lawlessness? Mr. President! Please take the time to understand this SUPER LAW! You are the Guarantor of the Constitution! By taking the Oath, you promised to DEFEND THE LAW AND CITIZENS!!!

From June to October 2017 The Central Bank of the Russian Federation, according to the same scenario, will bankrupt the CPC, our Central Savings Bank, the St. Petersburg Family Capital, the Saratov Savings CPC, the Baltic Savings CPC, the Vostochny Savings CPC. CCP " Family capital" and "Eastern Savings" - are fighting with the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. The scenario is like this - It seems that some violations are identified in the activities of the CPC, an order is issued to cease activities, then, with an order, a temporary administration is introduced with a completely worthless leader, who is gradually leading to bankruptcy. In our case, on August 31, 2017, the Bank of the Republic of Tajikistan issued an order to suspend the activities of the CCP. The Bank of Russia MUST CONTROL the activities of the CPC. If an order is issued, then they should have monitored its implementation! There was no control. Accounts were not blocked so that our money did not go to waste. They write to us from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation the same thing, IT IS THEIR OWN BLAME! And the Bank of Russia acted “in accordance with the law, for the PURPOSE OF PRESERVING THE FUNDS OF SHAREHOLDERS.” This is for us, who lost all their savings. Also, the Bank of Russia ordered that 50% of the reserve fund be placed in government bonds, of course, this is KILLER for the CCP. We are told that CCPs are scammers, why then are they included in the register of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation? No “pyramid” can exist for 5-6 years. Yes, one more important detail, the time for entering the temporary administration is chosen specifically when the insurance policy ends, so that Insurance Company was not injured. Mr. President, we draw your attention to the fact that LAW ENFORCEMENT agencies are INACTIVE! The Kaluga police have already unsubscribed from us twice, without even interviewing any of us regarding our statements. In the refusal to initiate a criminal case, the MAIN REASON is written - the head of the KPK Rusanov D.V. “gave an explanation that he CLOSED the branch in Kaluga on September 11, 2017.” BUT, gentlemen, the police officers DID NOT NOTICE that in the contracts attached to the applications there were execution dates of September 12, 21 and OCTOBER 10, 2017. HOW to deal with this? Why are the explanations of Rusanov, who was detained on suspicion of fraud, accepted, while documents with seals are ignored? Mr. President, we ask you to intervene immediately to protect our rights! http://www.sovross.ru/articles/1648/37536