What is maternity capital equal to?

Question: On January 1, the law comes into force that maternity capital will be issued for 3 children in the amount of 1.5 million rubles from 2018. I have already received a certificate for my second, but in a couple of years we are planning a third child. What should I do with my certificate now? We want to buy an apartment with a mortgage; the capital will be used as a down payment. If we spend the certificate now, will they give us 1.5 million for the third one or not? Or if a new certificate will no longer be issued for 3 children, then maybe it’s better to submit not all 453 thousand, but a part of it for the initial payment? So that with the birth of my third, the amount will be increased according to the new law to 1,500,000 rubles.

The myth that from 2018 the state will issue maternity capital in the amount of 1.5 million rubles for 3 children, has been living on the Internet for more than three years and has firmly settled in the minds of a certain part of Russian society. Moreover, the desire of our citizens to wishful thinking has already given rise to so many misunderstandings in this matter that it is time for the employees of the Pension Fund to publish official refutations on this matter!

Unfortunately, all these rumors about the payment of one and a half million rubles have long had nothing to do with reality! It all started with that atmosphere of uncertainty regarding the future of the math program. capital, in which Russian families have been living for the last few years. Let us recall that initially, by federal law No. 256-FZ of December 29, 2006, the new demographic program was designed for only 10 years - until December 31, 2016.

However, long before this date, families were interested in the prospects extension of the program after 2016. In 2013, the president himself answered this question rather evasively during the traditional “straight line” Vladimir Putin: he noted that in one form or another the program will continue after the 16th year - only for sure on modified terms.

Time passed, but no specific proposals in this regard arose in the Government itself. Then in July 2014, Belgorod deputies developed and submitted to the State Duma their own bill No. 571638-6, which proposed extending the program for another 10 years until 2026 inclusive under the following conditions:

  • issue from January 1, 2017 a certificate for maternity capital only at birth or adoption third child;
  • continue for families who received it up to December 31, 2016 inclusive;
  • do not index certificate size, issued to large families after 2016, but increase its size immediately to 1.5 million rubles with the need to use the specified amount as a priority to improve living conditions.

Has the law been passed?

For a very long time, there was no movement at all on the introduced draft federal law - its preparation for consideration by the State Duma in the first reading was completed only by April 2015. Government proposed bill didn't support, noting in his conclusion the following shortcomings:

  • the document conflicts with the current terms of the program, providing for significant restrictions on the direction of use of the certificate;
  • established uniform size of the certificate within the framework of the program, renewable for 10 years, will put families at a disadvantage depending on the moment of acquiring the right to maternal capital against the background of annual inflation (the sooner, the more you can buy with this money);
  • extension of the program in this version will require an increase in its funding, the source of which is not offered by the authors of the law.

As a result, the bill was rejected by the majority of deputies based on the results of its consideration in the first reading on April 21, 2015, and the discussion of the new law itself took only a few minutes! Below is a transcript of the meeting.

Since then, the proposal to pay maternity capital in 2018 for 3 children is 1.5 million rubles. became a fable, but for some reason over the past time this story has not sunk into oblivion, like many other good legislative initiatives regarding the mat program. capital. Moreover, as can be seen from the question above, many parents have already believed in this story as an established fact and see new opportunities opening up in this.

Meanwhile, on behalf of President V. Putin, by law of December 30, 2015 No. 433-FZ, the maternity capital program extended under the same conditions for two years. After this, by law dated December 28, 2017 No. 432-FZ, the program was extended for another three years. Now the established period of validity expires.

Over the 10 years of the maternity capital program, more than 7.3 million families in which a second or subsequent child was born or adopted during this period have already received state MSC certificates. During this time, the size of the certificate increased from the initial amount of 250,000 rubles. almost 2 times thanks to annual indexation and now amounts to 453,026 rubles. However, in 2017, maternity capital was not indexed again - this was announced by the Minister of Labor and Social Protection Maxim Topilin on September 30, 2016, calling this the final decision of the Government.

Maternity capital in 2017: changes, latest news

The terms of the program, established by Law No. 256-FZ of December 29, 2006, were adopted by the Government and the State Duma at a prosperous time for the country (the so-called “well-fed noughties”), and their implementation in the conditions of the economic crisis has already become difficult, which is why the country’s leadership was forced to take unpopular measures:

do not index the mat. capital in 2016, leaving the size of the certificate at the 2015 level - 453 thousand 026 rubles;

Later, the option was also adopted not to carry out the legally required indexation of the certificate for 3 years in a row until 2020.

However, these are trifles compared to the fact that the program could have ended on December 31, 2016, since initially, in accordance with the adopted law, it was designed for a period of 10 years!

Maternity capital in 2017: changes, latest news. Will there be maternity capital in 2017 for 2 children?

By Law of December 30, 2015 No. 433-FZ, the maternity capital program was extended for another 2 years under the same conditions. It means that:

in 2017, maternity capital certificates, as before, will be issued for the second child (third or subsequent) born or adopted starting from January 1, 2007;

If a family has already received a state certificate before 2017, then maternity capital will not be issued again at the birth of a third (or any subsequent) child (regardless of whether the first MSK certificate has already been spent or not)!

As before, the certificate will be relied upon by the following categories of citizens of the Russian Federation:

mother or adoptive mother of a second or subsequent child who is a citizen of Russia;

the man who is the sole adoptive parent of such a child;

in the event of the death of the mother or deprivation of her parental rights in the order of succession:

the child's father;

to the child himself (or children in equal shares).

There are no longer any additional opportunities for obtaining a certificate for maternal capital in 2017! It is due for the third child only if it was not received for the second.

For previously issued certificates, payments will be made in the usual manner when you contact the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund (PFR) with an application for disposal. The right to maternity capital, in accordance with the law, terminates only if the funds under the certificate are completely spent (that is, while the balance is equal to zero). This may happen after 2017.

Maternity capital in 2017: changes, latest news. Indexation of maternity capital.

Now, as part of the next budget planning, the Government is deciding whether maternity capital will be indexed in 2017. Provision of Art. 6 of Law No. 256-FZ of December 29, 2006 on the annual increase in the size of the certificate and the available balance of funds in accordance with inflation indicators has previously been revised.

This is particularly evidenced by the following changes and recent news:

On January 1, 2015, the last indexation of maternity capital to date was carried out - then its size increased by only 5.5% (with actual annual inflation of 12.9%) and amounted to 453,026 rubles;

On June 26, 2015, the Ministry of Finance proposed to completely abandon the increase in maternity capital for 3 years at once (2016-2018) to reduce the budget deficit;

On December 14, 2015, Vladimir Putin signed Federal Law No. 371-FZ, according to which the amount of maternity capital was not increased in 2016;

On September 13, 2016, Olga Golodets (Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev for Social Affairs) announced the preparation of proposals in the Government to resume the indexation of maternity capital in 2017 (however, she found it difficult to name the exact amount of the certificate in 2017);

On September 14, the Minister of Labor and Social Protection Maxim Topilin announced that, as part of the preparation of the draft budget, a bill has been proposed that provides for the transition on an ongoing basis to the indexation of maternity capital from February 1, 2017 according to actual inflation for the past year (in 2016 it is planned at the level of 5.8 -5.9%).

Maternity capital in 2017: changes, latest news. Will maternity capital be indexed in 2017?

On September 20, Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets confirmed that the Government had not yet finalized the indexation of mat. capital in 2017, this issue will still be discussed until October, when the budget law will need to be submitted to the State Duma.

On September 30, in an interview with RIA Novosti, the head of the Ministry of Labor, Maxim Topilin, said that maternity capital will not be indexed in 2017, and this decision is final.

On October 20, the Government approved a new proposal from the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection not to index the size of maternity capital not only in 2017, but also for at least 3 years in a row until 2020 due to financial and economic difficulties in the country.

Be that as it may, the decision to index maternity capital is not as costly as most other budget items - it will only require about 20 billion rubles. in one year.

For comparison

The Government's decision to replace the second indexation of pensions in 2016 with a one-time payment of 5,000 rubles to pensioners will cost the budget in January 2017 a total of 221.7 billion rubles - that is, 10 times more than is required for the legally required increase in maternity capital for the whole year.

Maternity capital in 2017: changes, latest news. How much will the certificate size be in 2017?

The exact amount of maternity capital will be determined in the final version of the law on the federal budget, which will be adopted by the new State Duma in December 2016. In fact, two possible options are currently being discussed, according to which maternity capital in 2017 will be for 2 children:

If the Government agrees with the opinion of the Ministry of Finance and again decides not to index maternity capital, then its size for 2017 will be 453,026 rubles for the third time. from January 1, 2017.

if the Government agrees with the position of the Ministry of Labor and indexes maternity capital from February 1, 2017 according to actual inflation by at least 5.8%, then the size of the certificate will increase to 479,302 rubles.

It should be noted that for carrying out indexation according to the second option, there is already a prepared legislative framework - in Art. 4.2 of the law dated 04/06/2015 No. 68-FZ (as amended on December 14, 2015 No. 371-FZ) provides that the amount of maternity capital from February 1, 2017 will be indexed to the amount established by Government Decree.

All other possible options will require the adoption of additional laws changing the current rules, and this will require additional time and effort for our officials.

Maternity capital in 2017: changes, latest news. What can maternity capital be spent on?

January 1, 2016 was marked by historical changes: for the first time in many years, a new, fourth direction for using maternity capital was opened - for the social adaptation of disabled children.

However, in fact, this direction began to work only in mid-2016, and the first reports of applications from citizens to the Pension Fund began to arrive only in the fall.

In 2017, there are no plans to change the list of areas for using the certificate. As before, maternity capital can be spent:

without waiting 3 years:

to repay obligations on housing loans or borrowings, including those secured by a mortgage;

for compensation for the purchase of goods and services for disabled children in accordance with the Government list;

after 3 years from the date of receipt of the right to maternal capital:

for all options for improving housing conditions not related to mortgage repayment - purchase of an apartment or house under a sales contract, equity participation in the construction of a new building, construction or reconstruction of a private house (independently or with the involvement of a construction organization under a contract), etc.

for the education of children - payment for the maintenance of a child in kindergarten, education of an older child at a college or university, accommodation in a dormitory for the period of study;

for my mother's funded pension.

It remains unclear whether there will be a lump sum payment from maternity capital in 2017. In previous years, such payments were provided no more than two times in a row:

in 2009 and 2010 - twice 12 thousand rubles;

in 2015 and 2016 - 20 and 25 thousand, respectively.

In this regard, the issue of providing such a payment for the fifth time can be considered by the Government only in the event of another significant deterioration in the economic situation, requiring the adoption of a new anti-crisis plan.

Due to significant additional expenses in the 2017 budget to ensure a one-time payment of 5,000 to pensioners, another one-time payment from the MSC is unlikely.

Maternity capital in 2017: changes, latest news. Maternity capital in 2017 for 3 children 1.5 million rubles.

Recently, users on the Internet have been actively discussing the possibility of obtaining a second certificate for maternity capital at the birth of a third child, starting from January 1, 2017. The size of the certificate under discussion is 1.5 million rubles, which is more than 3 times the amount of payment for 2 children!

This option for extending the MSK program was indeed considered in the State Duma in 2014-2015, but was rejected by deputies in the first reading due to a number of objective shortcomings:

the new law placed program participants who entered it before and after 2017 in a severely unequal position;

increasing the size of the certificate would require a significant increase in costs from the federal budget, the source of which has not been determined (moreover, this is in principle impossible in the conditions of the economic crisis);

the document limited the list of options for using the certificate - in priority order only for improving living conditions.

Now there is no need for such a law at all, since, on instructions from Vladimir Putin, the maternity capital program was extended under the same conditions until December 31, 2018, without the right to re-receive a certificate for a third child (if it was already received at the birth of the second).

453,026 rubles - this will be the amount of maternity capital, starting from January 1, 2017. Olga Golodets stated this after a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers last Thursday. The increase by the planned 5.5% or 22 thousand rubles, as previously predicted, did not happen; the question, as always, comes down to the budget, which has already become a little impoverished for the coming year. The proposal regarding re-indexation by the beginning of 2017 according to real inflation indicators was also rejected due to insufficient budget funds, which, as we remember, was formed even before the sharp fall in oil prices and the depreciation of the ruble.

Maternity capital 2017. Size, exact amount

1. For the first child in 2017 The current legislation does not provide for the payment of maternity capital,
2. For the second child in 2017 the amount of maternity capital will be 453,000 rubles,
3. For the third child in 2017 maternity capital is paid only if at birth or adoption second the child’s family for some reason did not receive accruals,

Is it possible to buy a car with maternity capital in 2017?

This issue has been considered since the beginning of May 2015 and quite seriously. Tatyana Golikova, during one of the meetings with journalists, said that this issue had been raised more than once and the following arguments were offered in favor of making a positive decision: maternal capital is still used to improve the living conditions of citizens, why not those of them who already have an apartment? and the repairs are done, why don’t you spend your capital on buying a car? They even named conditions for the purchase that could be accepted from January 1, 2017: it must be a car manufactured in Russia (not necessarily Russian-made) and must be an economy class car. However, as of today, there are no bills regarding the purchase of a car using maternity capital.

Is it possible to buy a plot of land with maternity capital in 2017?

If we are talking specifically about a plot of land, you can buy it for maternity capital current legislation will not allow. And trying to cash out the amount by clicking on advertisements on the Internet like “I’ll buy maternity capital” is not worth it. Frauds will definitely be revealed and you will be held accountable to the Law to its fullest extent. There is no other way. There are many examples on the Internet of suppressing illegal fraud with maternity capital and its misuse. The end result is always families who decide to deceive government agencies, and then government assistance turns into litigation with government agencies.

What can you do if your plans include building a private house on a plot of land and you have maternity capital? From January 1, 2017, as already mentioned, the amount of funds for the second child will be 453,026 rubles. The amount is quite impressive, especially for the regions of Russia, where land in the region is much cheaper than in megacities. Since in 2017, improving housing conditions using maternity capital means building a private house, you can take advantage of this opportunity. The conditions are such that you will need to attract a construction organization and work with it through the conclusion of an official contract, notifying the social security authorities and the Pension Fund about your decision.

Further, within 2 months from the moment of accepting the application and receiving its approval (building a house, not buying land, we remind you), funds in the amount of 50% of the total amount (453,026 rubles) will be transferred to you, the second transfer will be made later and only after you provide evidence of the pace of construction (purchase of building materials and construction of foundations and walls), which will be given to you by the organization carrying out the construction work. The Pension Fund must receive confirmation that funds are spent for their intended purpose. Naturally, you will also need your own funds, since the foundation and walls of an average-sized house will cost more than the estimated 140,000 rubles (the first part of maternity capital).

Video on the topic of building a house using maternal capital

What can maternity capital be spent on from January 1, 2017?

Just the other day it became known that a bill concerning payment for services for disabled children and the purchase of goods that would help them “quickly undergo the procedure of adaptation to the environment” received government approval. The interpretation of this law is quite interesting and ambiguous. For example, funds from maternity capital cannot be spent on medical treatment of disabled children, but it will be possible to use the allocated funds to:

Purchase of ramps and handrails to equip the apartment,
- purchase of massage tables,
- purchase of exercise bikes for children with cerebral palsy,
- purchase of lifting devices for children with limited mobility,
- purchase of special equipment for equipping computers (specialized monitors for the visually impaired and keyboards equipped with Braille),

At the same time, the text of the bill provides for permission to use maternity capital until the child reaches the age of three.

Otherwise, maternity capital from January 1, 2017, as before, can be spent on:
- improvement of living conditions (purchase of an apartment, renovation of an existing apartment),
- formation of the funded part of the mother’s pension,
- payment for children's education,

Every married couple planning to have a baby in the near future is interested in changes in the program regarding maternity capital (MC). Let's consider how the certificate is issued, for what purposes the assistance can be used, how much the amount is now, will there be indexation of maternity capital in 2018? and what are the prospects for next year.

Maternity capital program

The program for the development of the demographic situation has been in effect since 2007.

Its rules establish the issuance of monetary assistance in the event of the birth of a second child or subsequent child in the family after this year.

Thus, the state stimulated an increase in the birth rate over the entire period of the program by 30%. And the number of families with two children has doubled compared to similar previous periods.

Amount of state support payments

The amount offered by the state is significant. In 2007, it amounted to 250 thousand rubles, after which there was an increase in proportion to inflationary growth, until it reached 453 thousand rubles in 2015.


Money is not handed out to citizens. The procedure involves issuing a personalized certificate for the mother (in some cases for the father).

This can be done within a year after the baby is born. After three years, money can be requested from the Pension Fund upon application. Issuance is carried out in a strictly regulated manner and for specific purposes:

  • Purchasing a home;
  • Registration of a mortgage for the purchase of real estate;
  • Payment of the first installment, part of the debt, early repayment of the mortgage;
  • Payment for the child's education;
  • Depositing funds into the funded part of the mother's pension.

Maternity capital and mortgage

In the case of a mortgage, there are several caveats. In particular, there is no need to wait three years, you can request capital immediately. At the same time, how long ago it was registered does not matter, even if at that time the family had no children at all.

The money cannot be used to pay fines or penalties arising due to delay. In the ownership of purchased housing, a share must be allocated for children without fail.

In case of delay in completing the documentation, for example, when purchasing an apartment in a new building, parents must write an obligation to transfer the share for the children. This moment is controlled by a special commission.

Will MK be indexed in 2018?

Considering When will maternity capital be indexed in 2018?, it is worth turning to the draft budget adopted for next year. In particular, here we can note the mandatory indexation of all social payments, benefits, and pensions by 4%.

What payments are predicted for families?

It was planned that in 2018 maternity capital would amount to more than 470 thousand rubles. This value was chosen based on the projected increase in inflation in 2018.

At the moment, the state does not have the funds to carry out indexation next year.

Thus, the amount of maternity capital will remain at the 2018 level

This, of course, is very pleasing, but let’s not forget that in 2018 all indexations were canceled, although inflation increased by more than 12%. Therefore, in 2018, maternity capital remained at the level of the previous year: 450 thousand rubles. This is the first time the annual increase in this type of assistance has been suspended.

Will maternity capital be indexed in 2018 and what support can families expecting a new addition count on?

Exceptions in the indexing procedure

If the money under MK was partially used, then only 4% is applied to the balance, by which it increases. Let us remind you that the mother or the child himself has the right to request funds under the certificate after any time has passed. The program is valid until at least 2026, which allows you to apply for assistance during this period.

The issuance of the certificate has been extended for only two years. Mothers who gave birth before the end of 2018 have the right to receive the paper throughout 2019.

The future of maternity capital

Possible changes to program conditions

It is impossible to deny the positive dynamics in the demographic situation, but more and more projects are being promoted regarding, if not closure, but changes in a number of program conditions. In particular:

  • Since about 90% of those who used the certificate indicated their goal was to improve their living conditions (purchase, loan), only this item should be left for issuing money.
  • Provide assistance only to families with the birth of a third or more child.
  • Take into account the amount of income, and therefore direct assistance only to low-income families.

Today we can say that the program will remain in effect in its unchanged form until the end of 2018. At the same time, indexation on MK has also already been planned for 2018. The expected figure is just over 500 thousand rubles.

Special program participants

Of course, it is considered wrong to limit goals, despite the wishes of a clear majority. We must not forget about situations when the child himself receives a certificate and uses it, for example, for education.

There are disabled children as a separate subgroup, for which money under the MK can also be used to provide conditions for them. For them, the list of possibilities is wider: refurbishment of the home, acquisition of special devices or equipment, etc.

In any case, according to statistics, in the period 2015-2016 the number of women of reproductive age is an order of magnitude lower than in the previous period. Therefore, if stimulation measures are cancelled, we can expect a new decline in the birth rate.

When the next time the amount of maternity capital will be indexed and whether this will be done in principle is still unknown. In 2017 it will remain at the same level

Regional payments in 2018

A number of regions also operate similar programs financed from local budgets. Their conditions and procedure may differ greatly from the national one and from each other.

Thus, in some areas you can request a certificate only at the birth of your third child, in others only to improve living conditions, and in others they provide assistance only to low-income families or families with disabled children.

The values ​​of regional benefits are much lower. Only in a number of regions can they reach 100 thousand rubles, while in others the amounts are much more modest.

You can find out more about the possibility of receiving assistance in your region by contacting your local Social Security Fund. Here you can find out its value. Whether indexation will affect regional payments depends on the size of the local budget and the decision made by local authorities.


Thus, the predicted indexation of maternity capital in 2017-18. by 4%, which could lead to an increase in the amount to 470 thousand rubles, will not happen. The program has currently been extended until the end of 2018. The final amounts will be announced at the end of 2017. For future periods, it is possible to change the rules for issuing or intended use of the certificate.