Forced neighbors: how to get along in a communal apartment. How to get along with a neighbor in a rented apartment Theft in a communal apartment

1. I want to sell my share in a room in a communal apartment to my mother. My sister and I are the owners. Are neighbors required? If so, can a notification letter after a month become a confirmation of refusal?

1.1. Hello!
Yes, if they do not respond to the notification, then this is already a reason. If the neighbors do not mind, then it can be faster than a month.

1.2. Good evening.
Yes, you need to offer other owners to buy your share. The notification letter will be confirmation of your offer. Make a deal in a month.

1.3. Hope, good evening.
Transactions on the alienation of shares in the right of common ownership of real estate are subject to notarization.
When making a transaction for the sale of residential real estate, a prerequisite is a written notarization of the participants fractional ownership.
In any case, you first need to contact a notary.

2. We live in a communal apartment, a neighbor recently sold one of the shared rooms to an alcoholic. Whether its redevelopment is legal is unknown, how to clarify this? The new neighbor smokes in his room, but all the smoke goes through the crack into the hallway. But even now there was a homeless smell. We asked him to smoke on the site for good, or at least close the second door or somehow isolate it so that we would not suffer from his smells. Toldychet - I am the owner, but what smells to you is your problem .. According to the law, he is right, so we don’t know what leverage to take, he smokes in the room, and everyone suffers. At the same time, he, as it were, a builder, if desired, could isolate residents from his gases, but does not consider it necessary to reckon with others.

2.1. You can file an administrative offense under Article 7.21 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation with the housing inspectorate in order to check for the presence or absence of illegal redevelopment. Within its competence, the housing inspectorate will conduct an inspection and establish the fact of redevelopment, which can be used in court to force the return to its original state.

2.2. If the redevelopment was illegal and inconsistent, you can file a complaint with the management company, as well as with the State Housing Inspectorate. They will issue an administrative fine (7.21 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation), and will also be obliged to return it to its original state.

2.3. Regarding legality and redevelopment, you need to contact the department of architecture and urban planning. By virtue of Art. 26 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, redevelopment requires the permission of this authority.

2.4. Complain to the police about the residence of strangers in the apartment and the smell of tobacco.
During the check, they will find out whether the neighbors were offered the right of first refusal to buy a room and whether the room in which they smoke is airtight enough (with all the ensuing consequences).
See Federal Law No. 15-FZ of February 23, 2013 (as amended on July 29, 2018) "On Protecting the Health of Citizens from Exposure to Secondhand Tobacco Smoke and the Consequences of Tobacco Consumption".

2.5. --- Hello, dear site visitor! You were just unlucky, and it’s not a fact that you can influence this neighbor, it seems that he was specially moved away from his family. But still there are levers! Make a claim against the owner of the room, and go to court on the basis of Art. 304 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
Article 304
The owner may demand the elimination of any violation of his right, even if these violations were not connected with deprivation of possession.
Good luck and all the best, with respect lawyer Ligostaeva A.V.

3. Is it necessary to notify neighbors about the sale of shares in a communal apartment if the rooms are purchased by one of the neighbors (the owner)?
If yes, then only by notary public or by mail?
Thank you in advance for your response.

3.1. If the share is bought by one of the owners, then it is not required to notify other shareholders.

4. I live in a communal apartment, my neighbors already have 200,000 arrears in KV payment, 20,000 for electricity, we are threatened because of them either to turn off the light or their debt will be written off from bank cards neighbors, what should we do.

4.1. Good afternoon If the orders are divided, the counters for each room are separate, then no one can cut off anything for you or write off anything from you. Those. physically yes, but they have no such rights. This is arbitrariness or extortion. Write a statement to the prosecutor's office to check the legality of the actions of those who threaten.

5. 31. I turn to you because I am in despair and do not even know where to turn to. No one can help me with my question. The question is that my underage daughter Nika Denisovna Mukhina (born September 21, 2016) had her father and grandmother die on the same day (02/21/2017). Grandmother is in the hospital, and father is at home. They were related to each other (mother and son). I opened 2 probate cases as the legal representative of my minor daughter. She is the heir by law: 1) after the death of her father and 2) after the death of her grandmother. My daughter is registered with me at the address: St. Petersburg, Serebristy Boulevard, 34, building 1, apartment 903, although my father wanted my daughter to be registered with him at the address: St. Petersburg, Silver Boulevard, 34, building 1, kv 1002. But when we registered our daughter, the inspector of the Department of moving in and registration of citizens in St. Petersburg No. 5, which is located at the address: St. Petersburg, Bogatyrsky Prospekt, 4, misled us, saying, that there is a communal apartment and the area does not allow her to be registered in a room with her father. And since I have a separate apartment, I have to register my daughter with me. Although, in addition to me and my children, my sister and her daughter are also registered in the apartment and live.
The father and grandmother of my minor daughter lived in a room, in a communal apartment. They lived there and were registered for more than 30 years. The order for the room was received by the grandmother of our daughter Mukhina Elena Leonidovna from work (as office housing), where she worked for almost 20 years in the field of housing and communal services. Paid on time public utilities. I did a cosmetic renovation of the common areas in the apartment. I paid for electricity in full for the entire apartment, since the neighbors did not pay. My daughter's grandmother and father wanted to privatize their room, but due to the grandmother's sudden illness, all the decoration had to be postponed. We were told that the social lease agreement was the only one that had the right to reissue it. She was paralyzed, she fell into a coma, and when she got to the hospital, she died 2 days later. On the same day, her son (my daughter's father) also died suddenly. As a result, they did not have time to arrange their housing. In fact, I don’t even know, maybe an application for privatization was written, no one let me into the room when my daughter’s father and grandmother died. A neighbor in a communal apartment changed the lock on the front door. I wrote a statement to the district police officer Nametulaev Ilyas Dashdemirovich, so that he would give me access to the room, since I need to take away photographs, personal belongings, as well as jointly acquired property. The clerk did nothing. I have a copy of the application in my hands, certified by a seal (certified at the address: St. Petersburg, Generala Khrulev St., 15. I paid for the opening of inheritance cases, but the notary said that I should resolve the issue of how he describe the property if there is no access to the room. The room was sealed, even with the neighbor Nikolayeva Maria Alexandrovna (she later moved. And as far as I know, the district police officer or the police in general should be present at this. And the way I had written the statement, I should Six months later, the room went to the Administration and the property that was in the room of the deceased relatives, I still can’t pick it up, since it was not described by the notary and no one provided access to the room.Later, when a neighbor she sold her room in a communal apartment, a realtor got into the sealed room of deceased relatives, although he did not sell it, but sold the room of a neighbor in a communal apartment. Then he ended up putting a padlock on it. He told me that there was no property left. And I still don't know where it all went. I have witnesses who know that at the time of death, the room was not empty. Then I learned that the relatives' room was going to be put up for sale.
The room has now been sold.
When I applied to law firms about registration (acquisition of a room at the expense of maternity capital) I was told that if none of the neighbors is on the waiting list for housing, then this room will be given to the one who is on the waiting list as in need of housing. In fact, it was the deceased relatives who needed housing (they lived together in a 17 sq.m room, in a communal apartment). And if not for such a terrible set of circumstances (that my daughter's grandmother and father died on the same day), my daughter's father was going to stand up for better living conditions. My daughter lost her father and grandmother on the same day, on that day she was 5 months old. What should I do? I don't know where to turn to. Doesn't my daughter have any rights to the room? After all, if such grief had not happened, her father would have reissued an order for a room for himself and could have privatized it.
And why wasn't I allowed to buy the room of dead relatives?
After all the appeals to all the Higher Organs, I realized that the room cannot be returned...
How can I get my lost property back?
When I wrote to Putin VV, I was sent in writing to the Administration of St. Petersburg.
After that, from there, I was sent to the Administration of the Primorsky District, St. Petersburg. But in the end, I was not even able to take the property that belonged to My minor daughter. And even the most important photographs of her dead father.
I thank you in advance, hoping that you can somehow help me in this terribly difficult situation.
After I wrote to V.V. Zhirinovsky (01/20/2019), immediately today - 01/21/2019, finally the District Officer came, remembered the statement that was written on 07/07/07. 2017
Advise, please, where it is possible to address further in occasion of "Protection of the rights of the child".
Please help, advise what to do next? I still believe that you can help our daughter.

5.1. You can independently choose a lawyer on the site and discuss with him all the terms of cooperation in personal messages.

6. Good afternoon. I need to sell a room in a communal apartment. I am the owner
Neighbors live under a social contract. hiring in other rooms. I have a refusal from the administration about the right of the first purchase, but it is already more than a year old. Need to get it again? And what documents need to be collected for sale?

6.1. We need title documents for an apartment, an apartment card and a certificate of no debt on utility bills. The administration's consent to the sale is not outdated.

7. We rent a room from the owner in a communal apartment. Neighbors do not let me live, turn off the light in the toilet, bathroom when I am there, turn off the stove when I am cooking and the like. They say that they do not like that we live here, so that we move out, they do not allow us to use common areas. They want to buy the room from the owner, he refuses, they lost all the courts. Every time they call the police, they say that we threaten them, in fact they threaten. The police come, look at our documents, tell us to move out and leave. How to be?

7.1. Endure and resist. The owner of your room has every right to rent it to whomever he wants. And the common areas belong to him as well as to his neighbors in shares in proportion to the size of his room. Ask him to calm down the neighbors. On what grounds are the police telling you to move out? Do you have a lease agreement? If yes, then you have every right to live in a room and use common areas.

8. A neighbor in a communal apartment periodically goes out into the corridor and the kitchen completely naked. What to do with this and what punishment under the law threatens him?

8.1. Hello! Write a statement to the police, the more often the better. Nothing particularly threatens, but there is a chance sooner or later to get him a psychiatric examination.

9. Recently, new tenants have appeared in our communal apartment. The son bought a room and settled his drinking mother there. she blew her house away. This person is the owner is not just registered in the room. Unreasonably she settled in the same comrade, with whom they drank her house together. This comrade does not even have documents, registration, etc. Together, for half a year, they were sober for no more than a week, and then most of this time after being poisoned by some kind of filth. Four times they nearly started a fire. put the food to heat and fall asleep in a drunken stupor. Naturally no cleaning, the stench is terrible. Due to the fact that they drink non-stop, incontinence is observed, and not only urine. I have a minor child living with me who cannot even go to the toilet. the toilet seems to be too small for apparently drunk people and they go to the toilet just on the floor. after the offer to clean up after themselves, they both began to rush to my son with fists and threats, I had to call the neighbors from below for help. An unidentified citizen was taken away, held for a day and released, after which she again returned to our apartment. After contacting the police, a week of reaction passed, none of our district police officers is on vacation, and the person replacing him does not want to do this. Today I didn’t even want to accept a statement from the owner of the room (the son of a drinking madam) I had to go to Rovd ​​to write it. The child is afraid to go out into the corridor, I had to take a vacation. There are videos of the debauchery. To keep him from being alone. What can I do in this situation?

9.1. Hello! There is a practice of evicting such neighbors.

10. I, in April 2019, elected at the general voting meeting, the chairman of TSN. Approximately 76% of the owners voted for me. Minutes, ballots, a register of voters and a register of owners are available. But recently, we have a woman who bought 2 apartments in our house to rent by the day. She interferes with all her neighbors with her illegal business, does not pay taxes, pays utility bills at the wrong time. I defend the interests of the neighbors. This woman began to walk around apartments and collect signatures against me. Can she remove me as chairman?

10.1. First - inform the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate about the lease of property ... second - go to collect signatures on your resignation - her right ... but the TSN meeting will decide everything ...

11. I paid all the utility bills on time, now the management company decided that they had not correctly calculated the meters. Do they force a recalculation and demand payment from me? The apartment is communal and they say that the neighbors were charged more on the meters.

11.1. Recalculation can be demanded by both tenants with the Criminal Code and vice versa ... The main motives for the recalculation and their legality, as well as the statute of limitations,..

12. Grandmother issued a deed of gift to my sister ... Having asked the question where they went, she can’t answer because, due to her age, she remembers here, she doesn’t remember, my sister lives with her. The attitude towards the grandmother is, to put it mildly, disgusting .. even the neighbors hear screams and swearing .. The sister spends her grandmother's pension on her own needs and on the needs of her children and, at a minimum, on hygiene products for the pensioner ... utility payments are not made. Now the grandmother regretted that she had drawn up this document ... We also fear for her health .. Now my sister declares that the apartment is already hers ... That there is nothing to climb ... What can be done in this situation? Is it possible to revoke a donation document?

12.1. Hello!
There is a similar experience, you can write in a personal. But I’ll say right away that here we need to competently approach the situation, since we will have to prove in court that the sister is an unworthy gift. In general, there are many nuances, but since the neighbors hear conflicts, then you can help.

13. I live in a communal apartment. The door of the neighbors, who rearranged it at the entrance to open inside the corridor and block the entrance to my room, really bothers me. Given the three born children of the weather, their door does not actually close. With this question, I at one time turned to the foreman at the BTI and to firefighters and somewhere else, it turns out that this is their right of ownership. In addition, opposite my door is my storage room built according to the project, which I can get into (open) only if there are no neighbors (at night is also not an option).

13.1. The issue will have to be resolved in court.
Considering the violated right of possession, be based on the norms of Article 304 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

14. A neighbor in a communal apartment deliberately smoked the apartment. I opened the front door to ventilate, and at first she began to demand that I close the door, and then ran out onto the landing, began to run along it and scream. That I don’t let her into the apartment and took a picture of me in the alignment of the open door.
Then she suddenly ran to the door and hit me hard on the arm with the door, I screamed. That she hurt my arm, I'm in severe pain. I'm shocked, but she continued to strike quickly on the arm.
And then she began to imitate calling the police with the accusation that I did not let her into the apartment. There were no police.
My hand began to swell quickly, I went to the police, took a referral to the emergency room, where I was diagnosed with a bruise in the soft tissues of the hand and wrist. My hand is partially disabled, I can not wear it. Lift weights, make some movements. Who should give me a referral for a forensic medical examination?
Is it worth filing a complaint with the police, and under what article: beatings, art. 116 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, part 2 of Art. 115 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, part 2 of Art. 115 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation or beatings under Art. 6.1.1 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation?
What are my prospects for going to court? Neighbors do not interfere and do not testify. As evidence, I have a certificate from the emergency room and a photograph of a swollen hand on the phone.

14.1. Nadezhda Nikolaevna, a crime of this category belongs to private prosecution and is initiated in court upon application. The police don't do it. An examination can be carried out in court (determining the severity of the harm caused), for this it is necessary to submit an application to the justice of the peace.

17.6. The answers here are correct. If anything - contact us - we will help.

18. I have an apartment for a communal settlement, 1/4 of the share of each family member was bought for MSK, how to sell without spending on notes the neighbors’ refusals and how to find out how many of them, and how without letters you can somehow bypass it for the speed of sale.

18.1. You can't do without letters, otherwise the transaction will be declared illegal.

19. A neighbor in a communal apartment violates the rules of residence. The apartment is not registered. I filled the whole pantry with some boxes, so I can't get close to my things. What to do?

19.1. Determine in court the use of common areas!

20. I bought a room in a communal apartment. It turned out that the neighbor does not pay for his electricity consumption (does not work). I wanted to open a personal account, Mosenergo was refused because of the debt. They answered that when the debt is repaid, they can open a separate personal account. The neighbor does not refuse his debt. Why another consumer should be responsible for other people's debts. What to do in this case?

20.1. Unfortunately, these are the rules. If you want a separate personal account, pay the debt in full. And collect part of it from a neighbor in a recourse order in court. The only way.

21. In a communal two room apartment I have a share in the right to 1 privatized room with two children. The second room is municipal. I want to buy it from the administration, but they refuse me, because I still have a share in a residential building and we have an excess of square meters per person. The residential building is old, wooden, the percentage of wear is more than 65%. I will not recognize it as emergency, as the neighbors do not agree. Is there any reason for me to be allowed to buy the municipal room?

21.1. In accordance with parts 1-3 of Art. 59 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation establishes categories of persons who have the right to buy a free room in a communal apartment. These include the following persons: Owners and tenants who not only live in communal apartments, but also need to improve their living conditions. Such persons should be recognized as poor. Owners and tenants who live in a communal apartment and are provided with insufficient living space. Such persons may also be recognized as indigent. Citizens provided with housing are less than the norm of submission.

If you do not fit the category, then it is very doubtful to buy a room.

22. A neighbor in a communal apartment cut off pipes from a water heater and broke the toilet bowl (intentionally), leaving a family with a small child without hot water and sewerage. The installation of the entire property was handled jointly. Where and in what form to apply for compensation for material damage, and is it possible to compensate for moral damage?

22.1. The damage in this case is compensated in a judicial proceeding on the basis of Art. 1064 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, you can also ask for moral damages, but it will be a penny. Also contact the police Prepared "revisions" of the document with changes that have not entered into force
"Code Russian Federation on administrative offenses" dated December 30, 2001 N 195-FZ (as amended on May 1, 2019)
"" Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation Article 7.17. Destruction or damage to another's property

Intentional destruction or damage to someone else's property, if these actions did not cause significant damage, -
shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of three hundred to five hundred roubles.
(in ed. federal law dated 22.06.2007 N 116-FZ)
(see text in previous "edition")

23. Please! How is the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen and the corridor in a communal apartment divided? Only 3 rooms, two are mine. Each has 4 owners. Neighbors have 2 owners. The area of ​​my rooms is 41.9 sq. m and 12.4 sq. m, the neighbors-11. 7 sq. M. Kitchen-10.4 Sq. m, corridor-12.7. How many meters in the kitchen and in the corridor are mine, and how many do the neighbors have? Thank you for your help!

23.1. It is not shared, it is considered a common area, like a toilet or a bathroom.

24. A neighbor in a communal apartment makes a studio out of his room. He ran the water, the pressure dropped, brought ventilation to the common toilet. Where to complain?

24.1. In three departments to choose from ... or simultaneously in all three.
to the State Housing Inspectorate.
To the prosecutor's office.

25. I am disabled 1 gr. since childhood. Lived in 2 rooms of a 3 room communal apartment. Since June 2018, this apartment is wholly owned by me. Since the foundation of the Fund repair (fKR) I did not pay to the FKR and did not receive receipts for payment. In April of this year. wrote to the FCR asking them to cancel my former neighbor's account. The account was canceled, but they brought me a l / account with a debt of 14 thousand rubles. My pension is 16 thousand. I refuse to recognize this debt. Ready to pay current payments if required by law, but not debt. What should I do?

25.1. According to paragraph 3 of Article 158 of the LC RF, the obligation to pay the costs of overhaul common property in an apartment building applies to all owners of premises in this house from the moment the right of ownership to premises in this house arises. Upon transfer of ownership of the premises in an apartment building, the obligation of the previous owner to pay the costs of major repairs of common property in the apartment building passes to the new owner, including the obligation not fulfilled by the previous owner to pay contributions for major repairs, with the exception of such an obligation not fulfilled The Russian Federation, a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or a municipality that is the previous owner of the premises in an apartment building.

26. I live in a 3-room communal apartment with my mother and 2 more neighbors. One of them is a drug addict, leads an asocial lifestyle. He is not the owner, but only registered here. The owner is his mother. With regard to us, he has already committed: 1) Three thefts in the amount of approximately 1800 rubles. 2) Threats of murder - attacked my mother with a knife, as well as another neighbor. 3) I broke the water meter, tore the seals off the electricity meter. 4) Deliberately cuts off our electricity.
Recently, he told everyone by ear that his purpose of living in this apartment is to "enrage and harass the neighbors." They filed a complaint with the police on all of the above facts, but so far only paid attention to threats. A criminal case has already been opened on the fact of threats, but we learned from a police officer that he is already on trial for drugs, and is also registered in a psychiatric dispensary with a diagnosis of schizophrenia. This means that he cannot be prosecuted! He takes advantage of this, declaring that even if we apply anywhere, nothing will happen to him. Well, what's next? Today he stole, tomorrow he threatened, and the day after tomorrow he killed? After all, it’s easier than ever for him to do, especially since he still has nothing to lose. For all of the above facts, there are testimonies and the criminal case itself and the police protocols. Can such a person be evicted for the impossibility of cohabitation with him?

26.1. Evicting - will not work, but handing over for forced hospitalization in a psychiatric hospital - it may well work out.

27. The heir passed through a notary to a neighbor in a communal apartment an Application with a proposal to buy out the room he had inherited from him.
The neighbor agreed, took out a loan to pay for the room, a DCT was drawn up, but the heir verbally refused the sale, saying that he had a better buyer. Tell me, please, WHAT IS THE NEIGHBOR TO DO NOW?

27.1. Hello.
Prepare for court with a claim for the transfer of the buyer's rights to it.

27.2. Nothing to do. This is the seller's right to change his mind about selling his property. But if he sells it to another person, then the neighbor will have the right to go to court within three months to transfer the rights and obligations of the buyer to himself.

28. We had a conflict with our neighbors in a communal apartment. The matter went to court. On May 17, 2019, the trial took place. A fair decision was made. Neighbors were not happy with the decision of the court. Now they have gone arbitrarily and on their side of our common section have cut off our hot water in the shower and sink. How on earth can we solve this issue?

28.1. Get performance list in court and contact the FSSP.

28.2. Go to court again. According to the previous court, receive IL and let the bailiffs force the neighbors to execute the decision of the court. You do not write what dispute you solved.

29. Is it necessary to inform neighbors in a communal apartment about the intention to sell a room?

29.1. Yes, definitely. Art. 250 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, which indicates the advantage of participants in shared ownership when selling a share, in addition, establishes the procedure for exercising this right. Part 6 Art. 42 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation indicates the same right specifically for a communal apartment.

30. I live in a communal apartment, the owner of the room is my aunt, I am registered there.
The neighbors forbid me to bring anyone into the room, they say that no one can spend the night with me.
I found this on the legal site: Guests.
Homeowners have the legal right to receive guests who can use the common areas on an equal basis with the rest of the tenants of the communal apartment. Dates and number of guests are not legally limited. Neighbors do not have the right to prevent visitors from staying in the apartment. If a citizen stays in another city for more than 90 days, then it is necessary to obtain temporary registration at the address of actual residence.
Since I am registered there, it means that the owner approved that I be there, and therefore I also have the right to receive guests.
Naturally, observing silence in accordance with the law.

30.1. Neighbors cannot forbid guests to visit you, but they can live, but this is only a matter of court order.

31. The situation is this, I live in a communal apartment where a young couple lives. The young man is registered as the owner, the girl who arrives has neither a residence permit in this city nor registration. Noise is produced in the apartment at night from them, general use is not respected and they arrange complete unsanitary conditions, many and often guests come to them, who also make noise at night. My room is located at the beginning of the apartment at the entrance and his girlfriend deliberately (exactly so, because there were already conversations on this topic) slams the door with such force that cracks went along the ceiling to the room. This also happens at night, which prevents me from leading a normal life and I do not get enough sleep before a working day. There were conversations more than once about cleaning, noise and other things, the person agrees, but also appeals that I will not prove anything anywhere, continuing my actions further. The neighbors downstairs also came complaining about the stomping that the plaster was crumbling. They don't pay any utility bills, they don't take off utility bills, they just use everything and spoil my property and my moral health. Where should I go and is there a practice of evicting such people from the apartment? No more strength to endure.

32. I am the owner of one of the three rooms in a communal apartment. 2 other rooms belonged to the same family. A neighbor after a divorce from his wife received a half in each room and wants to sell these shares to me. In the remaining shares, his ex-wife and minor son are registered. The ex-wife can and wants to buy one of the shares, but her ex-husband does not want to sell it to her. Does his ex-wife have a pre-emptive right over me to purchase these shares. Thank you.

32.1. Of course his wife has the right of first refusal, and then only you.

33. The issue of a communal apartment - one of the owners intends, without the consent of the neighbors in the apartment, as well as without the permission of the relevant authorities, to carry out ventilation into his room through common areas (and before that he brought water into the room and made a sewer, also without agreement with by anyone) The question is, who can I contact about this whole situation, if the Criminal Code tells me that they do what they want in their room, then they do it.

33.1. Good afternoon, Tatyana.
Contact your Management Company with a written application for drawing up an act (revealed violations). In the event of a written refusal, you have the right to draw up this act yourself in the presence of several witnesses. It is important to document the facts of violations (photos and videos, testimonies of residents, etc.).
After collecting evidence and answer Management company, you can apply to the Inspectorate of State Housing Supervision of the Volgograd Region with an application for verification (legality) of the reconstructions carried out.
In the future, you can apply to the court with a statement of claim for an obligation to restore the premises to their previous state.
If the answer is clear, let me know. If not, ask questions.

34. Interested in whether deaf and dumb pensioners can live in unsanitary conditions (in a communal apartment)? These are neighbors who constantly take alcohol and several times drowned the neighbors from below for their reasons. Are there legal grounds to force children to pick up their elderly relatives?

34.1. Write a statement to the Criminal Code outlining your requirements, notifying the Criminal Code that if this issue is not resolved on time, you reserve the right to file a complaint with the police (district), the sanitary and epidemiological station, the prosecutor's office and the housing inspectorate, followed by going to court .

35. Is it lawful for the court to refuse such a statement of claim? And what can be done next?


On the basis of the purchase and sale agreement dated April 23, 2015, I am the owner of the KN land plot and the KN residential building, located at the address:
The previous owner of the home ownership did not give me the documents for the gas facilities, and I, in order to bring it into line with current regulations, called the representative of the defendant. The inspector of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Stavropol LLC, who arrived at my household, inspected the gas facilities, including the meter, and drew up an act dated 09/09/2015, according to which the next check of the meter should be carried out in April 2018. The readings of the meter at the time of the check were 22460.
In addition, when checking home ownership, having accidentally discovered letters of debt from the defendant in June 2017, I carried out the following activities:
- the contract was concluded on 14.06.2017;
- the Inspection Certificate was received on 14.06.2017;
- the subscriber's book was received on 06/15/2017;
- the meter was removed for verification on 06/27/2017;
- received a passport for the counter on 06/28/2017;
- the counter is installed after verification;
- seal installed.
Also, I draw your attention to the fact that the meter was verified without comment and was installed on 06/29/2017 with readings - 22468.
Since the purchase of the home ownership and to the present, no one has been registered in it, has not lived and does not live, because. It is undergoing a major overhaul, which is confirmed by the attached photographs. This fact can be confirmed by neighbors in the household.
At present, the meter readings are - 22468
In letter No. 3893 dated 10/27/2017, the defendant reports that the notice of the upcoming disconnection was sent by registered mail on 06/03/2017 and on 07/14/2017 there was a return after the expiration of the storage period.
I did not evade or hide from receiving the notification. I do not live at this address. Notification was not possible.
Personal data and a telephone number were indicated in the initial application submitted to the defendant on 08/01/2017.
On August 11, 2017, in my absence, without receiving a notice of the introduction of a regime for the complete restriction of natural gas consumption, gas was turned off in my household using heavy equipment.
The defendant violated the procedure for notifying the consumer about the upcoming disconnection of the gas supply service.
This fact is confirmed by the signatures of the neighbors in the application filed in the name of the defendant and registered by him on August 17, 2017.
Gas supply is a way of heating a house, and the above rules prohibit turning off the heating service (paragraph B in paragraph 119 of the Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 06, 2011 No. 354 "On the provision of public services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings").
December 12, 2017 checking Personal Area on the State Services website, I found Litigation debt. I contacted and received a copy. court order from the bailiff - the executor of the district of the bailiffs department to recover from me, in favor of OOO Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Stavropol, a branch in the district, a debt in the amount of 39,710.79 rubles.
I did not agree with this debt, I did not receive an invitation to the court and did not participate in the court session. On the basis of my application, the court order No. dated August 29, 2017 to recover 39,710.79 rubles from me was canceled by a justice of the peace.
Also, please pay attention:
- the defendant had the opportunity to provide my contact details to the court to be summoned to the hearing;
- The decision states that my place of work is unknown. This assertion was patently false. One of the letters was handed to me at the place of my work on a preliminary call;
- the defendant continued to correspond with me after receiving the decision, without notifying the bailiffs of the transfer of the debt.
In response to my repeated appeals to Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Stavropol LLC about resolving the situation that has arisen (recalculation for the consumed natural gas and about connecting my household to the gas supply network), the defendant did not react in any way.
In the summer of 2018, Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Stavropol LLC filed a lawsuit against me again to recover the debt.
At the court session on 08/06/2018, I stated counterclaims and disagreement with the claim against me, providing evidence of violations in the actions of the defendant.
Based on my explanations, the Justice of the Peace gave time to the representative of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Stavropol LLC to decide on their further actions.
On August 7, 2018, the original of the Inspection Report was presented at the meeting, which confirms the error of an employee of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Stavropol LLC.
On the basis of a request for a waiver claims on the recovery of the debt from me, the evidence presented, and letters No. 2845 dated 08/07/2018 handed to me in the meeting room that after 08/10/2018 the debt will be recalculated by l / c, the Justice of the Peace issued a Determination:

“Stop the proceedings in the civil case on the claim of OOO Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Stavropol against the recovery of debt for the supplied gas.”

The obligations given by the defendant were not fulfilled.
I sent 3 applications (09/19/2018; 11/20/2018; 01/15/209) with a request, on the basis of a court ruling, to recalculate the debt by l / c and restore the illegally stopped gas supply.
In December 2018, I received a call from the service of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Stavropol LLC, with a proposal from the management to recalculate the debt if I restore the gas supply at my own expense.
I refused, demanding that all my rights be restored.
To date, there has been no response from the management of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Stavropol LLC to my statements. The gas supply has not been restored, the l / c debt has not been recalculated.
Moreover, information about the suspension of gas supply, the ruling of the court was not transmitted to the subscriber department, and the debt and Penalty continue to accrue.

By virtue of part 4 of article 3 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, no one can be limited in the right to receive public services except on the grounds and in the manner prescribed by this Code and other federal laws. Thus, this norm enshrines the principle of the inadmissibility of arbitrary restrictions on the right to receive communal services, which is inextricably linked with the right to housing guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation (Article 40).
In accordance with Part 2 of Art. 548 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), the rules on an energy supply agreement (Articles 539-547 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) apply to relations related to the supply of gas through the connected network.
According to Art. 539 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, under an energy supply agreement, the energy supplying organization undertakes to supply energy to the subscriber (consumer) through the connected network, and the subscriber undertakes to pay for the received energy, as well as comply with the mode of its consumption provided for by the agreement, ensure the safety of the operation of the energy networks under his control and the serviceability of the devices used by him and equipment related to energy consumption.
The energy supply contract is concluded with the subscriber if he has a person who meets the established technical requirements power receiving device connected to the networks of the power supply organization, and other necessary equipment, as well as when accounting for energy consumption.
Relations under an energy supply agreement not regulated by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation are subject to laws and other legal acts on energy supply, as well as mandatory rules adopted in accordance with them.
By virtue of Art. 546 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a break in the supply, interruption or restriction of the supply of energy is allowed by agreement of the parties, except in cases where the unsatisfactory condition of the subscriber's power plants certified by the state energy supervision body threatens an accident or poses a threat to the life and safety of citizens. The power supply organization must warn the subscriber about a break in the supply, termination or restriction of the supply of energy. A break in the supply, interruption or restriction of the supply of energy without the consent of the subscriber and without a corresponding warning is allowed, if necessary, to take urgent measures to prevent or eliminate the accident, subject to the immediate notification of the subscriber about it.
In accordance with Art. 153 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Housing Code of the Russian Federation) and by virtue of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 307 dated May 23, 2006 “On the Procedure for Providing Public Services to Citizens”, the consumer is obliged to pay utility bills in a timely manner and in full.
By virtue of Art. 544 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, payment for energy is made for the amount of energy actually received by the subscriber in accordance with the energy metering data.
According to Art. 25 of Federal Law No. 69-FZ of March 31, 1999 “On Gas Supply in the Russian Federation”, if consumers fail to comply with the terms of contracts, the right to reduce or stop gas supplies in the manner established by a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation is granted to gas suppliers.
Within the meaning of Art. 154 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, gas supply to residential premises is a public service.
The procedure for supplying gas to meet the domestic needs of citizens, the rights and obligations of the subscriber and the gas supplier, the procedure for conducting inspections, the procedure and conditions for suspending the execution of the contract are provided for and determined by the Rules for the supply of gas to meet the domestic needs of citizens, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 549 dated July 21, 2008
According to paragraph 45 of these Rules, the gas supplier has the right to unilaterally suspend the fulfillment of gas supply obligations by prior written notification to the subscriber, including in the event of non-payment or incomplete payment for the consumed gas within two billing periods contract.
Clause 46 of the Rules (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 17, 2014 No. 112) provides that before the suspension of the execution of the contract, the gas supplier is obliged to send the subscriber a notification by registered mail (with notification of its delivery) about the upcoming suspension of gas supply and its reasons not later than 20 calendar days before the day of suspension of gas supply.
In accordance with paragraph 47 of the Rules, gas supply without prior notice to the subscriber may be suspended in the following cases: a) accidents in the gas distribution network; b) accidents in the house or apartment gas equipment or gas leaks from the house or apartment gas equipment; c) when the technical condition of the in-house or in-house gas equipment, according to the conclusion of a specialized organization with which the subscriber has concluded an agreement on the maintenance of this equipment, creates a threat of an accident.
In accordance with Art. 151 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, if a citizen has been inflicted moral harm (physical or moral suffering) by actions that violate his personal non-property rights or encroach on non-material benefits belonging to the citizen, as well as in other cases provided for by law, the court may impose on the violator the obligation of monetary compensation for the specified harm.
When determining the amount of compensation moral damage the court takes into account the degree of guilt of the offender and other circumstances worthy of attention. The court must also take into account the degree of physical and moral suffering associated with the individual characteristics of the citizen who has been harmed.
According to the explanations given in paragraph 45 of the Decree of the Plenum Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated June 28, 2012 No. 17 “On the consideration by the courts of civil cases on disputes on the protection of consumer rights”, when the court decides on compensation for moral damage to the consumer, a sufficient condition for satisfying the claim is the established fact of violation of consumer rights.
In accordance with Part 1 of Art. 15 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights" moral damage caused to the consumer as a result of a violation by the manufacturer (executor, seller, authorized organization or authorized individual entrepreneur, importer) of consumer rights provided for by the laws and legal acts of the Russian Federation governing relations in the field of consumer protection subject to compensation by the tortfeasor in the presence of his fault. The amount of compensation for moral damage is determined by the court and does not depend on the amount of compensation for property damage.
In accordance with paragraph 6 of Art. 13 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Protection of Consumer Rights", when the court satisfies the consumer's requirements established by law, the court collects from the manufacturer (executor, seller, authorized organization or authorized individual entrepreneur, importer) for non-compliance with the voluntary satisfaction of consumer requirements, a fine in the amount of fifty percent of the amount, awarded by the court in favor of the consumer.
The unlawful actions of the defendant, expressed in leaving my household without gas supply, not recalculating the debt for the consumed gas, caused me moral harm, namely physical and moral suffering, which resulted in the inability to make a major overhaul of my household, and as a result, move with my daughters , one of which is a minor from a rented apartment. In addition, due to the inaction of the respondent, due to worries about the gas shutdown, my health condition worsened, for the period from August 2017 to the present, I had to repeatedly seek medical help.
In addition, I draw attention to the fact that the gas appliances were turned off before the heating season, the gas supply has not been resumed to date. These circumstances indicate that for a sufficiently long period of time I have been experiencing moral and physical suffering due to uncomfortable conditions due to the fault of the defendant.
I believe that, taking into account the specific circumstances of the case, the degree of guilt of the defendant, the duration, as well as the requirements of reasonableness and fairness, it is necessary to recover from the defendant in my favor compensation for non-pecuniary damage for violation of consumer rights in the amount of 150,000 rubles.
On the basis of the above


1. Recognize the forced suspension of gas supply at the address: Stavropol Territory, city, to a household owned, illegal.
2. To oblige the defendant at his own expense to resume the gas supply by connecting it to residential building located at:
3. Oblige the defendant to recalculate utility bills (for consumed natural gas) based on the actual gas consumed according to the readings of the meter.
4. Collect compensation for non-pecuniary damage in the amount of 150,000 rubles from Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Stavropol LLC in my favor.


Purchase and sale agreement dated April 23, 2015
- Certificate of state registration: residential building, cad. No.
- Certificate of state registration: land plot, cad. No.
- Application No. 1426 of 08/01/2017
- Application dated August 17, 2017 No. 1489
- Letter No. 3673 dated October 06, 2017
- Application No. 1961 dated 10/17/2017
- Letter No. 3893 dated October 27, 2017
- Application No. 3840 dated 12/12/2017
- Inspection report dated 09.09.2015
- Inspection report dated 14.06.2017
- Certificate of inspection of gas equipment No. 8004/02 dated 06/28/2017
(2 l)
- Resolution on the issuance of a court order dated August 29, 2017
- Statement of initiation enforcement proceedings No. 3507 dated 09/18/2017
- Resolution on the initiation of enforcement proceedings dated 08.12.2017
- Application for the cancellation of the court order dated 12/12/2017
- Determination to cancel the court order dated 12/12/2017
- Photos of household and metering device on 7 sheets.
- Determination of the World Court dated 07.08.2018
- Letter from Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Stavropol LLC No. 2845 of 08/07/2018
- Application dated 19.09.2018
- Application dated November 20, 2018
- Application dated 01/15/2019
- Screenshot of the state of the personal account as of March 13, 2019 (2 l)

Thank you.

35.1. Hello.
Ask for a paid consultation.
In addition, a copy of the court ruling must be attached.

35.2. Hello, choose a lawyer on the site (perhaps in your region / city), and write in a personal message.

36. Neighbors in a communal apartment interfere with the kitchen, bring strangers, make scandals, offend matomi.

36.1. Contact the precinct. He must take action against offenders.

37. I live with my husband and two children (boys aged 8 and 13) in a communal apartment. The apartment has three rooms, that is, 3 families, all rooms are privatized. One neighbor died, there was no will. The neighbor had one son, the deadline for entering into the inheritance has expired. The son said that he would not inherit. Is it possible to do something and where to turn so that the room legally belongs to me? There are two of us left with a neighbor, she has no children.

37.1. If you are standing in line, contact the local administration.
And so - no. the apartment (room) will go to the state ... and to whom they will give the room - they will give it to them.
The fact that .. that you are neighbors))) ... does not give you anything!

37.2. You need to convince the son of the deceased neighbor to inherit, and then sell you a room. Otherwise, the room will pass to the state in the order of escheat inheritance.

37.3. Hello, Alexander. You are not eligible to claim this room. In the absence of heirs, the property of the deceased passes into the ownership of the state.

37.4. Let the son give you a power of attorney to enter into an inheritance and to sell and donate an apartment from the neighbor's son to your husband. Only such an option.
There are no others.

37.5. Good afternoon, here you need to look either you negotiate with your son and he inherits, and then sells you, gives you this room as you like, or you go the other way and acquire him in the order of Art. 234 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation Acquisitive prescription.
1. A person is a citizen or entity, - not being the owner of the property, but in good faith, openly and continuously owning as its own real estate for fifteen years or other property for five years, acquires the right of ownership to this property (acquisitive prescription).
The right of ownership to immovable and other property subject to state registration arises from the person who has acquired this property by virtue of acquisitive prescription from the moment of such registration.

38. In a communal apartment, I occupy one room of 20 sq.m, neighbors - two rooms of 22 sq.m. m. We are registered three people, neighbors - four. How to calculate the cost of repairs in an apartment, which part of 40,000 should I pay and which neighbors?

38.1. Calculate in proportion to the size of the rooms.
(40 000/64 sq.m.) x 20 sq.m. = 12,500 rubles.

39. The essence of the appeal to you!
Neighbors are selling 2 rooms in a 3-room communal apartment (theirs have 2 rooms, mine and my son have 1 room). Since December 2018, my son and I have been waiting for a letter from a notary - so that we refuse or purchase their 2 rooms. We check mail every day, even on weekends and holidays. Realtors have now come from the seller. They assure that the letter from the notary lay in the mail unclaimed for 1.5 months. But there were no emails! We are interested in this letter and have not received either the first or repeated notifications. We were now thrust in the face of a copy of the letter from the notary.
Question: when do we go to court regarding the transaction, will it be considered a reason that we did not receive letters (after all, it must be returned to the notary), what is the fee for statement of claim And the time frame for filing a lawsuit?
Thank you in advance!

39.1. Hello, it is likely that for some reason the mail was not delivered to you, and it is not your seller who is to blame. In any case, the letter must be returned to the sender. What prevents you from receiving an offer in person, and not waiting for the departure? Do you intend to exercise your preemptive right to purchase?

40. A neighbor in a communal apartment decided to sell his room, I received a notary notice with the right to purchase in the amount of 1600. On the site, Cyan is for sale for 1600, but also on this site it is for 1450 where the wrong address and floor are indicated. Is it legal. Can he sell it for less than what he offered me.

40.1. The owner sets the price.

40.2. Hello, if you have a shared property in an apartment, then he does not have the right to sell his share for a price lower than that offered to you by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation Article 250. Preemptive right to purchase
3. When selling a share in violation of the pre-emptive right to purchase, any other participant in shared ownership has the right, within three months, to demand in court that the rights and obligations of the buyer be transferred to him. If rooms are defined as separate objects real estate, without shares, then the neighbor has no obligation to notify the other neighbors of the sale.

41. Such a situation: I talked with a friend, he came to visit me, but my neighbor was not mumps against my friend coming.
And recently, my friend came to me, a neighbor knocked on the door and called him to the showdown “hey sat down come here” but I did not let him out and called the police. Then I went to the police station and wrote a statement to a neighbor that he was invading my personal life.
And the neighbor simultaneously wrote a statement to my friend, saying that he should be protected from me and the drunk who comes to me. Yes, he drinks. And the neighbor also drinks. But not both alcoholics.
Applications were written and went home.
I told a friend not to come to me again so as not to provoke a conflict. Even had a fight with him on the background of this. A friend threatened me that he would come anyway. I said that I was going to bed and did not intend to talk. We live in a communal apartment.
And yet a friend came, who opened the door to our apartment for him, I don’t know, I was in my room, slept with the child and worried myself that there would be no scandal. Me and the kid got scared when a friend started banging on the door and calling me. A friend screamed. I didn't open. Then a neighbor came out and began to find out what was the matter.
And there was a fight, I heard my friend hit the neighbor in the eye, the neighbor has bodily inflictions, the neighbors saw everything.
I never opened the door, because then the neighbor’s partner drummed on me and shouted, open the door, you’re sitting there like a beast!”
My child and I were scared. I didn't know what to do... my friend left, and the neighbor was left with a bruise, I think he recorded the beatings and wrote a statement. Only if he wrote to me. I have nothing to do with it?
I no longer communicate with a friend, I don’t know where he is.
How should I behave in this situation. And if a neighbor wrote a statement to me that he suffered from a person who came to me?

41.2. You have nothing to do with it. You did not cause harm and you are not responsible for it (Article 1064 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). If a beating is inflicted (Article 6.1.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation), then let him write to the police and involve a friend. You have nothing to do with it. And you are not responsible for the actions of others. You don't have to say anything: you didn't see anything, you heard some noise outside the door and that's it.

41.3. And what could write on you in this case if you didn’t even participate in the conflict and didn’t see anything. Even if the police call you, you can give an explanation that you did not see anything. A friend can be brought for beatings - 6.1.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

41.7. Hello Maria! You have absolutely nothing to worry about! A friend will answer under Art. 6.1.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation for beatings. And then, if a neighbor writes a statement on him. And, quite possibly, no one will even interrogate you in this case, since you did not see anything and are not a witness. Although, it is possible that they will be asked if the neighbor writes a statement. But only in the matter of the location of your friend. You will answer that you don’t know where he is, that you haven’t communicated since then, that’s all! A neighbor can write statements about you as much as he likes! In your actions there is neither an administrative offense, nor, moreover, a crime! So you can rest easy!

41.9. In this case, if the neighbor wrote in his explanation that a friend came to you, then there is no responsibility for this. The very fact of an indirect provocation of the ongoing conflict is not grounds for bringing to justice, because. You did not participate directly in the last conflict. Moreover, you asked a friend not to come to you anymore. If you are called to the police - say everything as it really was, without distorting the information, because. there will be no responsibility for the inappropriate behavior of a person whom you did not even invite. A friend can be brought either to administrative responsibility under Art. 6.1.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, or to criminal liability under Part 1 of Art. 115 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

42. The son of the owner of the living space moved into a communal apartment. It turns out he takes drugs, smokes weed and cigarettes in the room, which is why the smell is in the whole apartment. On our demands to stop, he threatens with murder (there is an audio recording on the phone) and this has already happened more than once. Recently, he openly, in front of the owner, pulled out all the food from our refrigerator, saying - "I do what I want!". Once he even raised his hand to a neighbor, but he twisted his battle and stopped further actions. He does not work anywhere and, accordingly, he also does not pay debts for housing and communal services in accordance with his share in a communal apartment. There is unverified information that he sometimes robs people on the street for money for a dose. In addition, he interferes with the exercise of our property rights (for example, he can stand in the corridor and forcefully not let him into the kitchen). There is simply no strength to endure him, and it is especially scary that for the sake of a dose, he will soon take out the refrigerator himself or break open the rooms and clean it. Thank you in advance.

42.1. Good day Alexander. So contact the precinct, this is in his competence.

43. After what time can children who have inherited a dwelling use it?
Good afternoon. We have a shared apartment. We have two rooms on the social. rented 66 sq.m and former neighbor (deceased) 15 sq.m. There were children, two, 5 years and 1.5 years. The mother has been deprived of parental rights. The children have been placed with a foster family. But the youngest is registered in a room in which no one lives, does not pay utility bills, the room has been closed for more than a year.
I want to temporarily register my husband in my rooms. The passport office refuses. The consent of the guardians of the children is required. More than a year has passed since the death of a neighbor. Guardians do not make contact. The motive is supposedly the secrecy of the adoption. But adoption doesn't work that way. My husband (citizen of the Russian Federation) needs registration to get a new job. We have a little daughter, 1.5 years old and I am on parental leave. There is not much money in the family.
How can I register my husband in my living space in such a situation?
When will the children-heirs be able to use the room?
What about guardians?
Is it legal for the passport office to require their consent?
What are my actions regarding these guardians? After all, they violate my rights, the rights of my daughter, and because of them, my husband will not get a job, and, accordingly, we cannot improve the prosperity of our family and the level of provision for a small child! Because of people who are completely strangers to us! Thank you in advance.

43.1. But the youngest is registered in a room in which no one lives, does not pay utility bills, the room has been closed for more than a year.

Try to recognize the lost right of residence through the court.

Decree of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of 02.07.2009 N 14 "On some issues that have arisen in judicial practice when applying the Housing Code of the Russian Federation"

32. In the temporary absence of the tenant of the residential premises and (or) members of his family, including former family members, they retain all rights and obligations under the contract of social rental of residential premises (Article 71 of the RF LC). If the absence of these persons in the residential premises is not temporary, then the persons concerned (landlord, tenant, family members of the tenant) have the right to demand in court that they be recognized as having lost their right to residential premises on the basis of part 3 of article 83 of the HC RF in connection with their departure to another place of residence and thereby terminate the contract of social employment.
When resolving disputes on recognizing the tenant, a family member of the tenant or a former family member of the tenant of the residential premises as having lost the right to use the residential premises under a social tenancy agreement due to their constant absence from the residential premises due to leaving it, the courts should find out: for what reason and for how long the defendant is absent in a residential area, whether his departure from the residential area is of a forced nature (conflict relations in the family, divorce) or voluntary, temporary (work, education, treatment, etc.) or permanent (he took his things out, moved to another locality, entered into a new marriage and lives with a new family in another residential area, etc.), whether he was prevented from using the residential premises by other persons living in it, whether the defendant acquired the right to use another residential premises in a new location residence, whether he performs obligations under the contract for payment of housing and utilities, etc.
When the court establishes circumstances that testify to the defendant's voluntary departure from the residential premises to another place of residence and the absence of obstacles to the use of residential premises, as well as his unilateral waiver of rights and obligations under a social contract of employment, a claim for recognition of him as having lost the right to the dwelling is subject to satisfaction on the basis of part 3 of article 83 of the HC RF in connection with the termination by the defendant in relation to himself of the contract of social employment.

43.2. No consent from neighbors in a communal apartment is required to register in your husband's room. Denial of registration is unlawful and illegal. Unless, of course, this is really a communal apartment.

44. A neighbor in a communal apartment does not live in his own room. He rents it out. Two years ago, he filed a false report against me with the police that I changed the lock and did not give him the keys. He did not confirm this false information. The district police officer did not take an explanation from me and did not send me a refusal order. Didn't even ask a neighbor. Two years later, a neighbor filed a lawsuit against me and a neighbor in court for obstructing him in using the room and common areas and demanding payment of 20 million rubles to him for moral damage. To him, he attached this two-year-old denunciation as evidence. A refusal decision on him and a telegram. We were not informed about the hearing. The court ruled on the basis of an unsubstantiated false denunciation, an illegal refusal decision in favor of the plaintiff, but refused to compensate for non-pecuniary damage in the amount of 20 thousand rubles. The court accused me of that. that I did not refute the information from the statement and the decision (when I did not know about them at all,
My complaint was on appeal. I got acquainted with the materials of the case already after the filing of the complaint, in them I first saw this false denunciation and the refusal decision.
Should I file a motion in the appellate court on the inadmissibility of these evidence (statements, decisions) and their exclusion from the case file?
Is it advisable to file a complaint with the prosecutor's office against the decision to refuse to initiate a criminal case in order to to cancel it and check the application in full?
Does Art. 27 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation that if the refusal decision is not canceled, it is impossible to go to court?

44.1. Hello! The issue of the inadmissibility of evidence must be raised in the appellate instance, it also makes sense to contact the prosecutor's office.

44.2. The Court of Appeal, in my opinion, will proceed to consideration according to the rules of first instance. You will not exclude the decision as inadmissible evidence, and the court will consider it in conjunction with other evidence in the case. This decision does not have the nature of a prejudice, so you should not worry about it, but you need to correctly build your position so that the court takes your side.

44.3. No, it doesn't make any sense.
There is no such thing in Article 27 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation.

45. Question: neighbors in a communal apartment do not clean common areas or just pretend that they have cleaned the dirt on the floors with a rag and that's it. So the question arose on the basis of what law can this issue be somehow resolved and oblige them to clean normally in the apartment?

45.1. Article 247 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Possession and use of property in shared ownership
1. Possession and use of property in shared ownership shall be carried out by agreement of all its participants, and in case of failure to reach an agreement - in the manner established by the court.

45.2. Unfortunately, this is one of the episodes of the so-called "communal wars".
It is extremely difficult and practically impossible to force neighbors to conscientiously fulfill their duties for the maintenance (cleaning) of the MNP in a communal apartment.
Theoretically, it is necessary to document and prove the low quality of the cleaning of the MNP, as well as to prove the need for better cleaning, for example, with the involvement of cleaning workers for a fee and require neighbors to reimburse your costs for cleaning workers, which again is very difficult to do, if not IMPOSSIBLE.
You can only appeal to the conscience of your neighbors.
The situation you indicate is inherent in communal apartments, where, along with normal citizens, all kinds of outcasts live ...

46. ​​Townhouses were purchased under DDU in 2014, moreover, in accordance with FZ-214. Construction was carried out on the land of Izhs. In 2016, the Houses were put into operation as multi-apartment buildings (on the land of izhs that has no borders, since they were changed by neighbors during the construction process and the developer did not finish the job of installing them. The land belongs to the Russian Federation and the developer has a lease for 49 years). After the commissioning of MKD for Izhs without borders, the Developer brought in an operating organization and began to charge for utilities (and people were able to get direct contracts with Mosenergosbyt, there was no gas for two years, now we pay for gas directly to Mosoblgaz), that is, utilities have no tariffs and characteristics clear in the purpose of payments. People began to sue, many lost the courts, except for those who took them away from the city to other cities. The local court referred to the fact that this is a single cottage village and everyone should pay for his service. Despite the fact that all houses are registered as separate apartment blocks. But since there is a single fence, it is supposedly a complex. I repeat - the land is owned by the Russian Federation and leased by the developer (that is, under our houses land not demarcated and not properly formatted). A year later, the operating organization left, the residents organized TSN based on the number of votes of more than 50% of the number, as they say, the owners of the village - there are 128 of them (and 20 apartments - which means the votes belong to the developer) and then it started ... this TSN entered into an agreement with the management company , which, simply on the basis of its business plan, named the Cost of its services. Everything is decided by the board of the TSN (moreover, it is registered by the owners of one house, the rest have joined their TSN by protocols) and what the rest want is not important to them. The receipts simply refer to clauses 5 and 6 of the agreement, and there is nothing clear in the agreement on these points ... water comes to the houses from a common well, which, as it turned out, does not currently have a license, two Uzbeks service the well and sewerage. The UK does not have a license. Security and entrance group are serviced on the basis of an agreement between the Criminal Code and them. That is, TSN collects money from residents, pays for the management company, and it is unknown ... in general, part of the residents agree with this. We do not sign an agreement with this TSN, not only to indicate that there is no binding of our house to their TSN, we registered our TSN in our house. But then the developer gave the balance to the first well and sewerage. As a result, their board members turned off our water. We held 5 meetings in the administration and 1 in the prefecture, where one conversation from their lips was “sign an agreement, pay your debts and there will be water.” The reason for the shutdown is that the developer has lost acts of technological connection of houses to networks. And those who do not have them cannot receive water. At the same time, those who went and paid the debts of the previous operating organization and wrote a complaint to the UFAS were connected to the water. I have a court case with the operating organization so far with the cassation court, I'm not going to sign anything with them. As a result, my family has been without water for two months! Management response: private property and it is up to them to decide who and how to use the networks on their land. Considering that the Earth under us is not framed, we have no rights. The gate doesn't open for me either. The husband bought the remote control, flashed it, but they alarmed again and said that the clear decision of the majority was to switch to manual control. At all meetings, we try to turn the conversation to a discussion of the relationship between two legal entities - two tsn, but everyone ignores this dialogue, translating to the fact that residents must sign an agreement with tsn as physicists and everything will be fine ... we requested water tariffs, received an answer that their tsn is not a water supplier. They wrote a request from their TSN “how much water costs for our members”, they seem not to see, they do not answer. And in general, no matter how much we write, the chairman does not answer. Referring to the fact that we are not members of his tsn. But actually, the developer gave us the same houses ... by the way, the developer is now in bankruptcy and transferred them to the balance of the network and the well. When we ask the administration about the form of management of our houses as MKD and that after three months they did not present us with the choice of the Criminal Code, they say “you are not a MKD, you are a block of a house, this is a mistake.” We say “ok, we are a block of the house, then where is the exit to your mind? If I had a tooth, I would make a well for myself!” in general, the situation is terrible, humiliating. This is without a description. psychological pressure on us from the residents who believe that they pay for everything for us. Although we told them last year “let the developer finish everything, arrange the land and networks as expected ...” the chairman of their TSN sets the residents against us. It's terrible, of course. But the worst thing is that there is no water, and when they try to talk about this, they just silently smile impudently and that's it!
Everything is hushed up in the police. The prosecutor's office dropped everything local level and silence too...

46.1. Hello!
That's right, the administration will not do this because you have private property.
You need to resolve the issue directly in your circle, through TSN.
(In pursuance of the Rules approved by the FPA of the Russian Federation, protocol dated September 28, 2016 No. 7 - the legal information provided above is not legal advice.

46.2. Angela, well, water and its supply costs some money. I understand that it comes down to a lot. Do you happen to think that you have to pay for everything, including water, in this life? Here the question is the validity of the fees charged, etc. You need to understand how much they put up for you, how much the debt is, what you sued them about, judging by the issue, you lost the courts of 1-2 instances, and so that’s what the court decided and established there, etc.

46.3. Good afternoon YOUR emotions are overwhelmed, and the meaning of it all comes down to the fact that you must decide everything based on the existing legal relations between, as you say, TSN and nothing else is actually given. Since you live in a private sector, you have a townhouse.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Townhouse (English townhouse from town - "small town, village" and house - "building") - a low-rise residential building or public building for several multi-level apartments, usually with isolated entrances (that is, without a common entrance), which has become widespread in European cities and suburbs in a medium-density building area. Each townhouse apartment in most cases (but not necessarily) has a separate entrance from the street, sometimes a garage and a small front garden. Despite some structural similarity, townhouses should not be confused with blockhouses, since the term "townhouse" can mean both a blockhouse and a detached residential building (for example, Campbell Townhouse in Oregon, Bute House or Queensberry House in Edinburgh, etc. .).
As a rule, people who have a certain income live in such houses, which most ordinary people cannot afford.
At the same time, I inform you that at present there is no obligation to obtain a license for gardening associations etc. for water use until January 1, 2020. So far, there is only the right to issue a license, but not an obligation.
But starting in 2020, licensing will become mandatory, and you will have to pay a state fee for obtaining a license (so far its amount is 7,500 rubles).
Further, considering that you live in the private sector and services will be provided to you by specific education, which you yourself have the right to choose. I do not like? Vote against, don't pay, prove your case!
But it would be interesting to read the decisions of the courts on this matter, what the court will eventually say, including the cassation court, which will confirm or refute your arguments.

46.4. What is the difficulty in hiring a lawyer on this issue for dissenting residents.

47. I'm selling a room in a shared apartment I needed to notify the neighbors. I went to the post office, addressed the post office worker and explained that I needed to send letters to the neighbors with a notice of sale and an inventory of the attachment. The postman gave me envelopes, I wrote the addresses, filled out the inventory and the text of the attachment about the sale. The postman put a notice and one inventory in each envelope. I have one left. After that, he stamped the number and assigned each letter a departure identifier. And the letter itself has a custom stamp. Thirty days passed, some of the letters came back to me. I need to make a deal with them, that's the question I'm interested in. Whether or not my Registered Letters will be accepted into the state register during the transaction. Or have to send again. Valuable letter with attachment and description. Thank you.

47.1. Good afternoon.
Firstly, transactions for the alienation of shares are certified by a notary. Therefore, the documents will be checked by a notary, and not Rosreestr.
Secondly, from the point of view of the law, you did everything right. Take the letters that are returned in sealed envelopes and bring them to the notary along with the rest of the documents.

48. Neighbors in a communal apartment refuse to do the cleaning. Where should I go?

48.1. Contact the local police officer first to fix your complaint. After fixing several times and not eliminating the shortcomings, go to court.

49. I was beaten by a neighbor in a communal apartment in which he rents a house

49.2. Contact an injury center. Let them record the fact of beatings, then contact the police.

49.3. Hello! To confirm the presence of beatings, contact a traumatologist and then write a statement to the police. The other neighbors must have heard it. After they collect the material and make a decision, copy it and apply to the justice of the peace with a statement on criminal liability for beatings under Art. 116 or causing minor bodily harm under Art. 115 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. If there are difficulties - contact me at the specified contacts - I will help.

49.4. You need to go to the emergency room in order to fix bodily injuries, after which you need to contact the police department with a certificate from the emergency room.

49.5. First of all, to the emergency room, then to the police with a statement right away.

49.6. What is there to advise? Everything has already been written to you - first to the emergency room, to remove the beatings, then with a certificate from there - to your police department, write a statement (either write on your own, or the on-duty operative / interrogating officer will accept an oral statement from you under the protocol). Further - depending on the evidence of the guilt of a particular person in the deed, the circumstances of the case and the personality characteristics of the perpetrator. Either administrative liability for beatings (Article 6.1.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation), or criminal liability under Articles 116 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation or 116.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (but there are already some nuances here). Or even a refusal to initiate a criminal case.

50. We sell a room in a sectional-type hostel. We were told that we were legally required to get a foreclosure waiver from our neighbors. In Art. 250 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation is written about communal apartments and not a word about the fact that this also applies to hostels. One of the neighbors does not want to sign such a refusal, says that there is no such law. How can I argue?

50.1. Hello! In dormitories, each room is an independent object and the rule of first purchase does not apply to this housing. You are not required to notify your dormmates of the sale.

Valeria Protasova

Reading time: 9 minutes


Relations with neighbors are different. For example, friendly (mutual assistance and "run in for tea"), neutral (when you say hello and quickly disappear) and hostile. The last case is the most severe and difficult to treat.

But still, peace with neighbors is real!

The main reasons for poor relations with neighbors - find out the essence of the problem

Every family, moving into a new home, dreams - now everything will be different! No alcoholics, grandmothers-spies, young "degradants", etc. And they all look very nice and friendly.

A week passes - and the family comes to understand that ideal neighbors simply do not exist. And you have to choose - the battle of the "titans" or a bad world.

Unfortunately, the first option is more "popular".

In addition to the above, there are other causes of conflicts. But you never know any reason at all - to quarrel with your neighbors, if you really want to.

Rules for coexistence with neighbors - how not to spoil relations?

In order for life in the new house to be truly peaceful and calm, you need to remember the most important:

  • All people are different! Some love dogs, others love cats. Some dream of flower beds, others dream of a large parking lot. Some work during the day, others at night. And so on. Be willing to compromise if you want to be treated like a human being.
  • Always say hello to your neighbors. Even if it's the same bastard that made you sleepless last night.
  • Instill in children a culture of communication and behavior in public places : stomping and listening to music loudly after 8 pm is not allowed (everyone wants to rest and sleep), burning tires under a neighbor's balcony is not allowed, picking flowers from a flower bed is not allowed, playing the saxophone at 3 o'clock in the morning is not allowed, etc. .
  • Walk dogs not under the windows of the house, but a little further - so as not to anger the neighbors . And, of course, do not take them to the playground (otherwise you are provided with enemies in the person of young mothers). And also wear muzzles if the dogs are large, and keep them on short leashes when going down stairs (kids can get scared). If your dog likes to “yell” at every rustle in the street in the evenings, and barks from steps on the stairs, teach him to express his emotions in a different way (this is really real). And take care of high-quality super-sound insulation.
  • Keep the entryway clean - do not leave garbage near the apartment, do not smoke on the stairs, clean up after your pets if they accidentally did not run to the street, do not take your old furniture to the stairwell (you will be surprised, but no one needs it, take it straight to the trash!), do not drink alcohol at the entrance (you can walk to the apartment and do it at home).
  • Chat with your neighbors more often. Not to make friends, but just to understand who you can communicate with more closely, and who is better to stay away from. Simple questions will help with this - “where is your mail here?”, “Can you tell me the phone number of the local emergency gang?”, “Do you have cockroaches in your apartment?” etc.
  • When undertaking repairs, be as “polite” as possible . Do not make noise on weekends, early in the morning and after 7 pm, when everyone after work goes to rest in front of the TV. If the neighbors have kids, ask what time they have a daytime sleep so that at this time they can take a break with breaking off old tiles or chasing walls. If there are only young mothers around you, and the sleep schedule for all the little ones is different, then you will not be able to please everyone. On the other hand, you can afford to buy a small toy for the kids, and a box of chocolates for the mothers, and apologize after the repair is completed. The neighbors will appreciate this gesture, forgive you and stop mentally cursing at every meeting. Naturally - no construction waste! Immediately take it out or leave it within your apartment.

9 Ways to Improve Relationships or Make Peace with Housemates or Cottages

The most important advice: always put yourself in the shoes of your neighbors! So it will be easier for you to understand them and draw conclusions.


  • Do not give in to provocations. Let them behave as they want (these are THEIR problems, not yours), and you learn to express your feelings in other ways.
  • Don't take aggression to heart , which sometimes splashes out on you from neighbors. If you are guilty, correct yourself and apologize, if you are not guilty, just ignore (the dog barks, as they say, but the caravan moves on).
  • Take your time to "beat the muzzle" , throw threats and fill neighbor's doors with construction foam. If you want to convey something to the neighbors, do it with humor, for example, through a cheerful announcement with a subtle hint that you are quite serious.
  • Starting repairs, warn your neighbors. You can go to everyone in person, or you can write an announcement with an apology and approximate deadlines for completing the work. But a warning is a must. At least to show that you care about them.

How to get to know each other and make everyone positive?

  1. There are two options: either you go to them, or they go to you. In the first case, you go to your neighbors with “cakes” and a box of tea (alcohol is strongly discouraged), in the second, they go to your housewarming party with invitations scattered in mailboxes.
  2. How to merge neighbors? Surely there are problems in your yard or at home (potholes on the roads, lack of amenities on the playground, "hangouts" of the homeless and crazy youth in the sandbox, creepy walls in the entrance, etc.). You can become the initiator of solving one of the problems by common forces - this is how you “set yourself up” in the right light and you will immediately see your neighbors in all their glory. After solving the problem (they repaired the pit on their own, which interfered with the cars, made benches or covers with locks for sandboxes, arranged a community work day, painted the walls in the entrance, etc.), you can also have a picnic together right in the yard.
  3. Get ready to help your neighbors if they ask for help, or do not ask, but clearly need it: push the car, give a stepladder or a puncher for a day, bring a chair to the apartment, borrow salt, etc.
  4. If the light bulb in the entrance burned out - do not wait until the housing office changes it. Change it yourself (it's not difficult and not expensive). Or you can chip in with your neighbors and buy energy-saving light bulbs for all staircases.
  5. Participate in household chores. In meetings, discussing issues, donating money for certain common needs, etc. Living apart is great, but if you are a "sociopath", do not expect good relations from neighbors.
  6. If you are forced to leave a large thing on the stairs (for example, you bought furniture, and your father-in-law promised to take the old one to the dacha on Saturday, and both “sets” do not fit in the apartment), then hang up a note apologizing for the temporary inconvenience . And do not forget to keep your promise "on Saturday they will pick it up."
  7. Never discuss with one neighbor another. Washing the bones does not benefit the general atmosphere of the entrance (house). If you have complaints, express them specifically to the person to whom they are addressed, and not to all your neighbors in secret through gnashing of teeth.
  8. Never open up in front of everyone at once. Some will consider it a great stupidity, others will laugh, others will use it against you. And only 1 out of 4 will love you for it to the core. Leave all the ins and outs about yourself at home.
  9. Try to be with your neighbors, if not be friends, then at least remain on good terms. You never know at what point you may need help from your neighbor (do not enter the entrance or apartment, look after housing or animals, urgently leave the child in a force majeure situation, call for help in a robbery, ask for a duplicate key if it is lost, etc.) .

Alcoholics, brawlers with an unbalanced psyche, "bulls", etc. Don't have any conversations with these people.. In case of problems, communicate through the district.

There are certain features that income tax from the sale of the apartment and every taxpayer needs to know about them. A special situation is the sale of real estate owned by several persons. How to calculate income tax if an apartment is owned, for example, by three people in equal shares with its cost of 2,150,000? As previously calculated, taking into account property deduction 1 million rubles it is necessary to pay 149,500 rubles. to the budget. If the owners are three adults, then this tax burden is distributed among them in accordance with their shares.

In other words, 149,500: 3 = 49,667 rubles.

Moreover, if the owners are minor children, then their parents must pay the tax.

If several persons who are not related by family ties have the right to own an apartment (for example, neighbors in a communal apartment), then each of them must pay tax in accordance with the share of the apartment that they own. At the same time, each of them must have a certificate confirming the right to own part of the apartment being sold.

Another feature of paying tax when selling housing is the fact that if the funds received are used to purchase other real estate, the taxpayer is not exempt from paying the corresponding tax to the budget. According to the legislation, when buying an apartment, any taxpayer has the right, justified by law, to receive the established property tax deduction- up to 260,000 rubles. If there is a sale and then a purchase of real estate, then, in agreement with tax office, income tax and deduction can be offset. In other words, the taxpayer will not need to pay tax in the prescribed amount, but he will also not be able to receive a deduction. It should be taken into account only the fact that both transactions must be carried out in the same tax period.

There are situations when unscrupulous taxpayers deliberately evade paying tax, deliberately underestimating the cost of an apartment in a sales contract. Naturally, the smaller the amount of income, the smaller the amount of tax will need to be paid to the state budget. But tax authorities, in connection with the presence of precedents of this kind, carefully analyze and evaluate the cost of housing from different angles. If it is significantly lower than the market value of similar apartments in a given region or district, the higher the chances that employees tax services will conduct a more detailed check on the fact of forgery or the provision of incorrect information in advance. In confirmation of the fact of fraud state. the authorities have the right to impose an administrative penalty on the seller, but no one will exempt him from paying the corresponding tax.

Timur, St. Petersburg

You need to apply not to the district police officer, but to the court about not obstructing the use of the apartment. If you need help in court, please contact us. I recommend that you consult with a lawyer. The consultation is free. Recording by phone.

Thefts in a communal apartment

Out of desperation, I decided to write to you. We ask for competent advice on the following issue. We live in a communal apartment. There is an unreliable neighbor among us: he does not pay utility bills and electricity (while there is only one meter), he does not clean the common areas, he does not take out the garbage, he is rude, he does not work and, in addition, he began to steal food and household appliances. We don't know what to do. They approached the district police officer, but the conversations did not help. Nothing is moving. What to do? Is it possible to radically solve this issue (eviction, prison, etc.)? And what is the sequence? Who can be called to take fingerprints from the kitchen furniture and from the neighbor as the only proof? Thank you for the detailed consultation. For us it is very important . Thanks for understanding!

Daniel, Moscow

If you think your neighbor is stealing, call the police...
But in fact, if the neighbors in a communal apartment cannot get along, there is only one way out - to disperse.

How will I formalize the waiver of the right to the advantage of buying a room in a communal apartment for a minor child?

Hello! A neighbor in a communal apartment wants to sell his room. The child is not registered in our room, but has a share in the property in the region. The neighbor asks us to waive the right to the advantage of buying a room, we do not mind. But he needs to provide a bunch of documents: Form-9, Form-7 at the place of registration of the child, a copy of the birth certificate, a copy of the parents' passport, property documents, technical passport, a request from a notary, which must be taken to the RONO. Well, RONO itself. Why does he need Form-9 and Form-7...? He says now there are new laws, that it used to be easier with this ... Tell me, please, what should we do with this?

Diana, St. Petersburg

Let him send you an offer, against signature or by mail, and you refuse. Because all he asks of you is a package of documents for sale.

Animals in a communal apartment

Neighbors in a communal apartment keep THREE DOGS (dachshunds). Dogs are untrained and aggressive. Moreover, he regularly roams freely in public places (kitchen, corridor, toilet) and, if possible, attacks me (however, bites have so far been avoided). The neighbors refuse to get rid of the dogs. Is it possible to somehow force the neighbors not to keep dogs in our shared communal apartment? Thank you in advance!

Daniel, Moscow

you should contact the police, the SS and other organizations

On The Village. We have already talked about how to buy and rent an apartment in Moscow, shared people's stories about their terrible neighbors and showed what mass development looks like in Europe and Asia. For this material, we asked psychologists to give some advice on how to live in peace with your neighbors in the landing and in the apartment. The Village has collected the most common problems that cohabitants face and picked up options for solving them.

Julia Burlakova

Anna Kryuchkova



When you live in the same apartment with other people, you need to learn to build boundaries. Each tenant should have their own space and their own rights. This is expressed, for example, in a separate shelf in the refrigerator, in the fact that another person does not have the right to enter the neighbor's room without warning.

If it is possible to choose, with whom to live, it is better to always give preference to people close to you in terms of social status, cultural level, life schedule and religious beliefs. If you are a doctor who runs to work every day at eight o'clock in the morning, and rents an apartment with young people who have constant parties, it will be difficult for you to get along.

When you are looking for a room in an apartment where someone already lives, take a look around the apartment. If you are neat, but you see scattered things, then there will definitely be problems. You don't need to rent this property. You are not re-educating another person.

Often conflicts arise because of understatement - if you voiced and discussed the rules, they will be violated less often. Neighbors should get together and decide how they will live on, so that everyone is happy. Agree that no one will make noise until ten in the morning and after eight in the evening, they will clean up after themselves and wash the dishes.

When a fighter for purity consider "beech", the problem may be that people do not speak frankly with each other. Perhaps this person himself is not very communicative.

The person who initiates making rules, assumes a certain power. A leader can have both a neurotic position and a healthy one. It is important to understand what drives your desire to bring total order around. Maybe you have a thirst for power? Or do you not want to take care of your own life, shifting responsibility to others and yelling at them when they do not clean the floor?

leader must recognize that the more he assumes power, the more responsibility he has. He will experience both the positive and negative side effects of this responsibility. Of the positive - a more comfortable existence. Of the negative - suspicion or even anger on the part of neighbors.

Understand Social Psychology. There are several tricks: for example, the request should start small. If your neighbors agree to do something small at first, then it will be easier for them to fulfill a larger request in the future.

With any target audience need to work according to her needs. We remember how our parents scolded us, screamed and forced us to clean the floor - and we remember that this does not work. It is better to hang posters with infographics throughout the house, which will show that cockroaches infest 70% of dirty rooms and only 7% of clean ones. Or posters that partners are less likely to leave those who live clean. Or you can arrange a vote for the cleanest neighbor and reward him with something every week.

IF YOUR NEIGHBOR IS INCORRECT, he needs to be reminded that there are certain administrative rules for the use of common housing, and in extreme cases you can call the police. Most often, the police do not reach, but such words sober up the neighbors, make it clear that there is a person nearby who knows how to protect himself and his territory.

IF NEIGHBORS REGULARLY VIOLATE agreements, it is easier to move out.

If your neighbor is prone to conflict and to aggression, you see that his aggression is bright and inadequate, then the surest way out in this situation is to step back, get out of the conflict. For example, leave the room and close the door behind you. Then this aggression subsides by itself, because nothing else fuels it.

Rent an apartment with friends sometimes good and sometimes bad. If you have different habits and rules of life, living together can destroy your relationship. Try to go on vacation with them first: a joint vacation will help you figure out if you get along.

Some neighbors pester with talk every evening, although you want silence. Most likely, they were not taught that everyone has their own limits. Such a neighbor should be explained: “I have my own life schedule. I can give you one evening a week, but I also need to rest. We must try to say this gently and immediately, as soon as you understand that there is such a problem. Don't accumulate aggression. Such situations rarely pass without a crisis: at first, the neighbor will not be comfortable, he will try to impose his communication. If each time you gently stop it, then gradually the neighbor will get used to it. He can express dissatisfaction, but this will not lead to conflict. You can't be good to everyone.

sometimes your neighbor just needs attention and help. This is easy to distinguish from obsession: if your neighbor does not endlessly complain, demands attention and conversations, but behaves this way during this period of life, try to pay attention to him.

Someone's passion in close proximity to you is a violation of your physical and sexual boundaries. You may be happy for your neighbors, but you don't want to be witnesses. It is difficult to talk about sex in Russian, this is a zone of intimacy and vulnerability, so you need to act in a friendly, humorous and paradoxical way. Hang a poster on their door with hints that you are happy for their libido but want your boundaries to be respected.

When you suddenly realize that the neighbors began to annoy you, try to immediately understand the reason for your irritation. Perhaps you suppress something in yourself so much that you do not accept it in other people.

In big cities people there is not enough space where you can be alone with yourself. Living in a cage is stressful. In animals in a situation of too close and long communication, “territorial behavior” begins - aggressive upholding of their personal space.

There are short, medium and long term adaptation to this stress. Long-term adaptation is when you realize that you need more space and work on it: saving money for your own home, starting a business to move to a different income level, thinking about changing the region where you can buy a house. Medium-term - conscious organization of unloading spaces: for example, three times a week to walk along the embankment alone. Short-term adaptation - ask your neighbors for silence when you are especially annoyed.


It would be nice to meet with their neighbors. If a family moved into the house, which is starting to make repairs, and you managed to establish contact with them, this will solve many problems. You can arrange for them not to make noise during the daytime if you have a child. If you need simple help, like writing a comprehensive proposal to open a garbage chute, neighbors you know will be there.

The easiest way to get to know with neighbors in the morning when you run into each other on your way to work. You can just say, “Good morning! Apparently, we are neighbors. Let's get acquainted!" Most people get acquainted with pleasure, because it is also important for them to know who lives next to them.

We can't give up the holidays and celebrations. However, if you understand that a noisy party is planned for the evening, you need to approach the neighbors and tell them about it in advance. If you tell a person: “We will try to be quiet, but we have a holiday, you know,” then in most cases he really understands this and perceives what is happening more positively. If a person is not warned, he develops resentment, rejection and even aggression.

Prove that cockroaches appeared from specific neighbors, it is difficult. Besides, hardly anyone admits it. You need to go out to your neighbors and identify the problem “We have cockroaches, we are worried about this. Perhaps you have them too. Maybe we can comprehensively deal with this? Let's call the sanitary and epidemiological station and hold events in a pool." Thus, you do not offend people and involve them in a joint struggle with this trouble.

The trash problem at the entrance solved in the same way. The exclamations of "pigs live nearby!" not productive. You need to approach your neighbors with an expression of your own concern. You can build your sentence as follows: “I, like you, would like to live in a clean house. Recently, I notice that someone is leaving cigarette butts in the stairwell. Do you know who it might be? We could talk to these people and organize a special smoking area for them, put an ashtray.” You should always offer a solution to the problem: you don’t need to scold a person, you need to make sure that he can continue to smoke, but clean up after himself.

Grouchy grandmothers and old people love knock on pipes, but you have to understand that grandmother is different for grandmother. If your neighbor is in touch with reality, then you can talk to her, find a common language. Do not miss the opportunity to establish good relations with a neighbor: perhaps she just wants your attention or needs your help.

If the neighbor is not in trouble with himself, then there is no point in looking for some kind of justice on it. Try to ignore her and ignore all her antics.

With alcoholic neighbors, there is only one way out- you need to contact law enforcement agencies. Dealing with them on your own is a waste of time. It will not work to heal the neighbors, but you can get a portion of aggression in your address. It's understandable that law enforcement doesn't like to do this, but the only way to solve this problem is the legal way. A few written statements should produce a result.

If a drunk neighbor tries to make contact with you, knocking on the door and asking for a visit, try as much as possible not to enter into this contact, step back and not react. The main thing is not to open the door.

When a lonely person has an incredible number of animals is a symptom of a mental disorder. It is difficult to cope with such neighbors on your own. If the cat lady makes the neighbors living unbearable, you need to contact the housing office and local guardianship authorities. True, there are people who just love animals very much, but you can always negotiate with them.

Behavior of an enterprising neighbor, who always walks around apartments with offers, indicates his need for communication. It is unlikely that his visits help to solve the problems of the entrance. Such a neighbor needs to be explained on which days you can come to you and which days you can’t. Usually, initiative groups in the entrances hang announcements about meetings of residents at which certain issues will be discussed - suggest the activist to resort to such methods.

Not everyone is lucky to have a separate living space for their family and half the trouble if you share your square meters with relatives who seek to negotiate with you. Things are much worse for those who have purchased a room in a communal apartment.

It is often difficult to communicate with neighbors on the floor or house, so many simply ignore them, but if your neighbor shares the same kitchen, corridor and bathroom with you, then you can’t hide from the problem. The main "stumbling block" very often becomes the difference in age and upbringing, because of which people's views on the same problem are radically different.

Experts in the field of psychology have prepared some tips that will help, if not become friends with other residents of the communal apartment, then at least establish normal adequate communication with them, which will make it easier to solve problems that arise and keep the nervous system in order.

Avoid Gossip
No matter how much you want to gossip about the next boyfriend of a new neighbor or outdated advice from the “God's dandelion”, who shares a communal apartment with you and at the same time tries to teach life, keep your mouth shut. Never take part in the discussion of some tenants by others, it is better to leave the common area altogether as soon as such conversations begin. Remember the simple rule: "Don't talk about your neighbors behind their backs if you don't want to be talked about behind yours." If something is wrong, then it is better to say it directly, and not tell everyone in a row about the problem.

Prepare the child
Children, as a rule, do not understand that they can disturb someone with their cry, and besides, they often behave somewhat unceremoniously, but even if someone offers to help you with your offspring (for example, to look after him), remember that all responsibility for his behavior lies primarily on you.

Try to initially teach him not to make noise in the evenings, when everyone is at home or during daytime hours (lunchtime sleep is necessary not only for small ones, but also for the elderly). If someone else’s child bothers you, then try to immediately set clear boundaries and observe them yourself. Inviting the baby to your room once, you may get a frequent visitor, so it's best to always stipulate the rules in advance. At the same time, do not scold someone else's child, it is much better to report the offense to his mom or dad.

Naturally, there are pets that will live exclusively in your room and will not bring trouble to any of the neighbors - fish, turtles, hamsters. If you dream of a big dog or loud parrots, then be sure to consult with your neighbors, as such pets can bring trouble to them and become a reason for constant quarrels.

Nobody likes noisy neighbors, so try not to give rise to conflicts. Family quarrels, heavy music on powerful speakers or a home theater at full volume - if you can’t imagine life without it, then at least you should take care of soundproofing your living space, or do it at a time when all the other neighbors are out of the house. Separately, I would like to say about the rhythms of the day - if they do not match for all residents of a communal apartment, then respect the people who rest when you are awake.

Race or religion
We have already written earlier that you should not discuss neighbors behind their backs, it is also better to avoid jokes and jokes about the race or religion of those with whom you share common living square meters.

Personal achievements
You should not brag too much about personal achievements (especially financial ones), the neighbors will not be happy for you, they will rather think about how to cash in on you or discuss behind your back.

Even the shadow of a desire to do a minor dirty trick to a neighbor, crush in the bud. Such a decision will be the beginning of a long and useless enmity. Do you really want your home - a place where you can relax from the hustle and bustle of work - to become a real hell? If not, then never harm those with whom you live next to. Almost every conflict can be resolved with a simple conversation.

Gather all the neighbors together and agree on a cleaning schedule for common areas. Each tenant must clearly know their duties and conscientiously fulfill them. You can also agree not to linger for a long time in the bathroom or toilet in the morning or evening hours, when a queue of those who are in a hurry to work or on business can line up outside the door.

Regardless of how old you are and what gender you are, always try to be the first to say hello to your neighbors, hold the door in front of the person walking behind if his hands are busy. A little help and simple courtesy will give you a couple of head start points when you need something from people living nearby (trust me, such moments come more often than you think, even if you consider yourself an independent person).

Alien household items and alien territory
Good neighborly relations do not give you the right to use someone else's dishes without asking in the kitchen, and you should not go into the neighbor's room without knocking and allow yourself other similar actions.

Do not forget to wash the dishes immediately after use and wipe the table in the common kitchen, if you are very tired, it is better to leave a stack of plates in your room, and not in the sink, to which all residents have access. Remember, the balcony where your linen is hanging may be needed by others at some point, so check your linen periodically and take it off on time.

In your personal living space, you can even walk in a negligee, but in the common corridor and other places where you can run into neighbors, appear only in decent shape - no dressing gowns that barely cover your ass and chest, or family shorts and a bare torso.

If you've just come from the street, wash your hands before entering the kitchen (and better yet, change your clothes). When you come after celebrating someone's birthday "drunk", try not to make noise and go to your room as soon as possible so as not to frighten others with your behavior and the smell of alcohol.

And most importantly - respect other people, then you will be treated with respect!