Sberbank of Russia car loan calculator. Car loan in Sberbank - conditions and design features Calculator to calculate a car loan in Sberbank

The presented calculator is a universal tool for independently calculating a car loan online. It doesn’t matter which bank you will receive a loan from, be it Sberbank, VTB, Alfa Bank, Raiffeisen Bank, Gazprombank, Rusfinance Bank, Uralsib or any other, you can independently carry out any calculations using this calculator. Unlike calculators on bank websites, our calculator has the function of calculating a car loan with early repayment, which is very important for many borrowers.

How to calculate a car loan yourself

Calculating a car loan without the help of a bank specialist is very simple. Enter the price of the car and the amount you are willing to make as a down payment. Then select the loan term and enter the interest rate. You can find out the interest rate on a car loan on the websites of car dealerships or banks. These are all the necessary parameters for calculating a car loan. As a result, you will receive the amount of monthly payments, the amount of overpayment, and a detailed repayment schedule.

If you plan to repay the loan early, add early payments to the calculator. You can add both one-time and regular payments. In case of partial early repayment, the bank will offer to choose a method for recalculating the remaining debt. You can reduce the amount of payments or the loan term. Select the desired option in the calculator.

Car loan and CASCO

When you buy a new car on credit, the bank takes it as collateral until the loan is fully repaid. If you fail to repay the loan, the bank will repossess your car. That is why the bank needs guarantees of its safety. It is precisely these guarantees that are provided by full CASCO insurance. In almost all cases, the bank will oblige you to take out CASCO insurance for a car purchased on credit.

Buying a vehicle using funds raised through a loan has today become one of the most convenient and easiest options. All you have to do is express in writing your desire to receive a car loan from a bank or car dealership. But to choose a more profitable loan program, it is not at all necessary to visit all credit organizations and car dealerships. It is enough to read the information on the websites of banks and car dealerships on the Internet and, having studied all the offers, choose the one that is more attractive for you. On our website we will look at a car loan from Sberbank.

Car loans Sberbank

Sberbank has a fairly competent marketing policy. By and large, he has two car loan programs:

  1. car loan for both new and used cars;
  2. auto loan for a car with government support.

The first type of car loan is issued for the purchase of both domestic cars and foreign cars. The maximum amount is 5,000,000 rubles. Of course, it decreases based on the client’s solvency. This car loan can be provided for a period of up to five years. Interest rates for car loans at Sberbank start at 14.5% per annum. In this case, CASCO registration is mandatory. You must also contribute at least 15% of the cost of the insured car. For clients receiving their income through Sberbank, the loan interest will be reduced by another 1%.

Car loan Sberbank conditions

To obtain a loan, a citizen is subject to the following requirements:

  • The age of the person borrowed must be at least 21 years old, but not exceed 75 years when the loan expires;
  • the citizen must be registered in Russia either permanently or temporarily;
  • a citizen must have worked at his last place of work for at least six months, and a total of at least a year within five years. For clients transferring their cash rewards to a Sberbank plastic card, this condition is halved.

To obtain a car loan, you must provide at least two documents. One of them must be a passport with a registration mark.

For those who pay at least 30% of the cost of the loan object, there is no need to provide documents to confirm income. Otherwise, it is necessary to prepare additional necessary documents.

To confirm income and employment, 2-NDFL certificates are most often provided. Business owners and individual entrepreneurs provide copies of their returns for the most recent tax year.

There are partnership programs with various car dealerships; they can provide additional preferences and discounts for purchasing a car from them.

The government support program consists of compensating for 2/3 of the loan rate when purchasing a new car and paying with your own funds at least 15% of the cost of the car on credit. This program is the most profitable for buying a car.

One of Sberbank’s exclusive offers when applying for a car loan is the provision of a credit card with a limit of 200,000 rubles. Other banks do not have such a bonus.

Calculate car loan Sberbank

Most credit institutions make it possible to calculate all the parameters of a car loan: determine the total amount, the interest rate, the loan repayment period and the minimum monthly payment. This function is implemented in the form of a loan calculator on the Sberbank website. If you wish, you can receive online consultation from bank employees, and also at the same time apply for a loan under the program you like, or use the online car loan calculator from Sberbank.

Sberbank car loan calculator

Applications for car loans can be found on websites in various forms. Some ask you to enter the minimum parameters, and then contact the institution by phone. Not the most convenient option, since after all this you will still need to go to the bank, fill out the application again, provide all the necessary documents and wait for the final verdict.

It is most convenient to work with Sberbank, which offers to enter as complete information as possible in the application on the website. In such questionnaires, you will need to fill out not only all the items that are present in the standard application, but also provide a list of documents and certificates that the client will provide as proof of his creditworthiness. The application will be reviewed and the client will receive a preliminary decision on the provision of a car loan. After this, it is enough to bring the original documents to the bank and confirm the accuracy of all the data specified in the application form.

Sberbank online car loan

Things to consider when applying:

  • The form can be filled out not only directly on the Sberbank website, but also on the car dealership website. Most official dealers provide a similar opportunity, both in Moscow and in many regions. The convenience of this method is that you can choose a convenient car loan rate from several car dealership partners.
  • if your priority is to choose Sberbank, and then a car dealership, then you need to fill out an application on the official website of the selected credit institution. It is worth remembering that online applications are available to citizens of the Russian Federation who have permanent registration in the region where Sberbank is located.
  • Do not provide incorrect or deliberately false information in your application. The information provided by the client in the online questionnaire is verified in the same way as information submitted directly to Sberbank. False information will ruin any opportunity to get a car loan and ruin your credit history forever.

Conditions for car loans at Sberbank

Let's look at the application procedure and the basic information that needs to be provided.

In the form filled out on the website of a car dealership or Sberbank, you must answer a number of questions and indicate personal data. It contains mandatory fields, without which the application simply will not be completed, as well as optional ones, also called optional. In the absence of information in optional items, the bank may place the client in a “risk group,” which will significantly increase the interest rate even in the case of a generally positive decision.

In the required fields you will need to indicate:

  • borrower details;
  • monthly income and documents confirming it;
  • the amount of the down payment on the loan;
  • the full cost of the car, make and year of manufacture;
  • indicate a new or used car, confirm the availability of insurance.

Do not forget that the shorter the questionnaire and the smaller the number of questions asked, the higher the rate on the loan provided. Therefore, it is better to spend more time filling out a detailed application and get a loan on better terms. It usually takes 15-30 minutes to fill out the questionnaire.

We remind you of the requirements for borrowers applying for a car loan at Sberbank:

  • age from 21 to 75 years;
  • citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • more than 6 months of experience at your place of work.

When applying for a car loan to Sberbank, you need to provide the following documents:

  • Passport;
  • Application form;
  • Documents confirming the borrower’s work activity and the income he receives, or another identity document of his choice;
  • In the absence of permanent registration - a document confirming the temporary registration of the borrower;
  • Documents for the purchased car.

When planning to obtain a car loan from Sberbank, a calculator is needed to pre-calculate future payments. This service will help you determine monthly how much will be spent on interest and the loan principal. It is needed in order to calculate the amount of the monthly payment and the total overpayment. When applying for a car loan at Sberbank, interest rates and other conditions have changed with the onset of 2020.

There are a number of mandatory requirements for applicants for car loans from Sberbank. The age of the applicant matters. Minors cannot qualify for the loan in any case. They do not have signatory authority on legal documents. Lending under a car loan at Sberbank in 2019 is available to citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached the age of 21. You will also need to calculate the maximum possible age.

This does not mean calculating a car loan, but calculating at what age you can apply online or in person. According to Sberbank rules, the interest rate for a car loan has been reduced in 2020, while the age limit has remained the same - 65 years. But the bank’s management meant that at the time of the 65th anniversary, the car loan would be repaid in full. For the calculation, the following is taken into account: if the loan term is up to 5 years, then the age of the applicant cannot exceed 60 years.

Innovations in the program

Two government programs have emerged. With the support of Sberbank, the interest rate on car loans has been reduced since 2020 for citizens who are buying a car for the first time, as well as for family people. “First Car” is a program that involves reducing the price by 10%. To calculate the exact cost of a car using a calculator, multiply the original figure by 0.9.

In addition to young people purchasing a vehicle, couples who are married and planning to buy a car for their family can get a car loan without a down payment, and it is also 10% cheaper. These amounts are subsidized by the state. You can use the calculator to calculate the amount of contributions and interest by also multiplying the total amount by 0.9. The only thing that is necessary is to bring evidence to the bank that the applicant falls under the preferential category of borrowers.

Interest rates in 2020

This car loan parameter depends on the type of loan. Sberbank sets limits from 13.9 to 16.7% for the purchase of new models under conditions that can be studied in detail online on the websites www sberbank and sberbank ru. It also provides the opportunity to calculate payments using a car loan calculator.

If you purchase a used car, the percentage varies from 13 to 15.8% per annum. At the same time, the loan term for a car loan is up to 60 months. The minimum refund period is 12 months. The amount limit is from 300 thousand to 10 million rubles, the rate is from 13% in the presence of special conditions: salary card, life and health insurance.

The application process begins with an online application. To do this, go to the official website. When the borrower is a client of Sberbank, you can calculate a car loan in your personal account (there is also a calculator). A questionnaire is also filled out there and sent for consideration to employees of the banking structure. The Sberbank loan calculator allows you not only to calculate, but also to choose the best option.

By changing the initial data in the calculator, we get different conditions. We look and compare the results and choose one so that the loan is affordable for the budget and the rest of your earnings is enough to live on and maintain the car. It is enough to compare the payment amount and the salary of all family members. The loan calculator will calculate what part will go towards repaying the loan body and what part will go towards interest.

In 2019, Sberbank retained the right of borrowers to repay car loans ahead of schedule. To calculate the last payment using the calculator, it is enough to subtract the amount of money paid minus interest from the total amount. The car will immediately become your property, and it can be sold, donated, or exchanged. And if a loan has already been received from another bank, they allow you to refinance and take out a loan on more favorable terms.

Requirements put forward by the bank to applicants

The car loan calculator from Sberbank allows you to calculate contributions, but does not indicate by what basic parameters the applicant is selected. Apart from calculation, the calculator does not have any information function. The borrower must be a citizen of the Russian Federation. Work experience is at least one year, and at the last place of work you must work for at least six months. In 2019, loans are issued even to unemployed people if there are relatives who are ready to vouch for the applicant.

Required documents

Filling out the application form is not enough. For individuals, there is a list of papers required for calculations and execution of the terms of the loan agreement. At the time of signing documents at the Sberbank office, a calculator is not needed. The loan will be calculated by a bank employee, and the final figures are indicated in the text and annex to the agreement.

You will need an identity card, i.e. a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. When applying for a car loan with state support, you should not count on the bank automatically including the applicant in the program. You must confirm that you belong to a preferential category of citizens. You must provide a marriage certificate, driver's license, etc.

You will also need a contract from the car dealership indicating the price of the car. The availability of funds for the down payment (20%, also indicated in the calculator) is confirmed by a bank statement, earnings - by a 2-NDFL certificate in the form of Sberbank or established by law. If you have a salary card, this requirement does not apply. If a used car is purchased, a purchase and sale agreement with a price is required. This will allow you to calculate the loan amount and interest rate.

Terms for consideration of an application at Sberbank

After submitting an application for a car loan, Sberbank employees will need from 2 to 7 days to check the provided data, obtain information from the Credit History Bureau, calculate solvency, and report approval or refusal. The reasons for the latter are insufficient earnings, unreliability, errors made during registration, and inconsistency of information.

Online car loan calculator 2020

The service calculates the basic parameters needed by the debtor in order to repay the loan on time. Approval is possible only if the monthly contribution does not exceed income. The difference should be enough for life, food, things, obligatory payments, refueling and car maintenance. When you already have a car and another bank has issued a loan in foreign currency, contact Sberbank for refinancing.

Refinanced interest will be lower, all mutual settlements will be made in rubles.

Input parameters

Let's look at an example of how to calculate a car loan. For example, there is a desire to buy a Gili car. We look at the price at the car dealership. If the car is your first or is being taken for a family, we remove 10% (state subsidy) from the initial data needed to calculate the car loan using the calculator.

All details can be found at the address 117997, Moscow, Vavilova Street or on the websites docdoc marketplace take beru ru The service calculates values ​​based on available data. Among them:

  1. Sum.
  2. Primary payment (special column in the calculator).
  3. Term. You can vary it to calculate the feasibility of a car loan.
  4. Interest rate (determined by Sberbank individually).

The result of the calculator is both monthly payments and the length of service during which you will have to use the encumbered car. At the time of receiving a car loan, you must confirm the presence of a salary card or debit card opened with Sberbank. This will allow you to take into account a 10% discount when calculating.

Pros and cons of calculations

The final decision on the provision of benefits is made by employees of the financial institution. They will also calculate the final conditions. The calculator has many advantages:

  1. The ability to use Internet banking, online banking, and the Sberbank system for business.
  2. Repay a loan remotely using your personal account.
  3. Calculate the terms of other available loans using the service.
  4. Registration on favorable terms (interest rates, terms).

In the online business system from Sberbank, individual entrepreneurs can repay debt. At the same time, it is possible to conduct commercial activities using the expanded functionality of the service. But the main thing is that Sberbank meets customers halfway and a car loan does not impose restrictions on the ability to take out additional loans in cash, with a transfer to a card, or take out a mortgage.

Car loan pros and cons

Sberbank car loan, car loan, in 2019-2020 in Sberbank is provided by the partner bank “Setelem autocredit”, which is part of the Sberbank group of companies. A car loan, and in fact, a loan secured by a car in Sberbank, can be calculated in your Sberbank Online personal account. There you can also submit an online application for a Sberbank car loan. The Sberbank car loan credit calculator 2019-2020, or car loan calculator, is a universal car loan calculator designed for online calculation of a car loan in Sberbank, and also calculates car loans from other banks in 2019-2020.

Conditions and interest rates for Car Loan 2019-2020

Currently, Sberbank of Russia offers two car loan programs; below are the car loan conditions and interest rates for 2019-2020.



* At Sberbank you can get a car loan without a down payment, without a certificate of income and employment using two documents, subject to making a down payment of 50%.

Car loan with state support 2019-2020 - list of cars

A car loan with state support, under the preferential lending program, can be issued at Sberbank only for a new domestic car or a foreign car, provided that the car is assembled on the territory of the Russian Federation. Preferential car loans and car loans with state support for used cars are not provided at Sberbank.

List of cars on car loans with government support

  • LADA;
  • UAZ;
  • Brilliance;
  • Chery Tiggo;
  • Chevrolet;
  • Citroen;
  • Datsun;
  • Ford;
  • Geely;
  • GreatWalI;
  • Hyundai;
  • JAC;
  • Kia;
  • Lifan;
  • Luxgen;
  • Nissan;
  • Opel;
  • Peugeot;
  • Renault;
  • Volkswagen;
  • Skoda;
  • SsangYong;
  • Volkswagen.


* To obtain a car loan with government support, you must have a driver’s license and no contracts concluded within a year for the purchase of other cars on credit.

The preferential car loan program (car loan with state support), by decision of the Russian government, has been extended until 2020. Residents of the Far East will receive an increased discount - up to 25% of the cost of the purchased car. The total amount of funding for the program is 15 billion rubles.

Sberbank car loan interest rate 2018 calculator

Is it inconvenient for you to travel every day by public transport to work, study or on business? Or maybe you need to transport heavy bags, a stroller with a child or a carrier with pets? Do you want to avoid the crush on the subway and bus?

If you do not have enough personal savings, then a car loan will help you. After you have chosen an iron horse for yourself at a car dealership or one sold by a private individual with low mileage, then it’s time to choose the optimal lending program for yourself.

Everything about a car loan at Sberbank in 2018

It is possible to issue a car loan only to an individual, and the purchased vehicle will be collateral that cannot be sold, donated, or exchanged until the loan is closed.

Sberbank issues car loans on different conditions:

Regular – A down payment of at least 10% of the cost of the car is made, the remaining amount is distributed over the loan period;
Express - you will be asked for only two supporting documents, the amount of the down payment must be at least 40%, and the consideration of the application and the decision to issue funds occurs on the same day;
No down payment - Interest on such a program will be very high, since the financial institution includes all possible risks in this cost;
For a used car - The purchase takes place in a showroom or from a private person, you can choose a domestic car industry or a foreign car, but with the conditions that the car is not older than a certain age, mileage, etc.;
For a new car – Issued at a car dealership after selecting a car and the bank’s approval of the borrower’s candidacy; CASCO in this case can be paid from one’s own funds or included in the loan.

Car loan is issued:

Car dealership when purchasing a new or used car;
Any bank that has this type of lending.

In this article, as an example, we will look at car loans in a bank whose name is on everyone’s lips – Sberbank.

Car loan from Sberbank in 2018

Sberbank today is one of the leaders in lending to individuals and legal entities on the Russian market. Car loans are a very common and popular service at Sberbank. Today, the bank offers three loan programs: classic, partnership and government subsidies. A classic loan can be issued both in rubles and in foreign currency, and the rate on such a loan will be lower – from 11.5%. The loan with state support applies to new cars manufactured in our country, released in 2018. The essence of the program is to reduce the interest rate by closing part of the government loan. subsidies. The partnership car loan program at Sberbank provides for a reduction in the price of loans for cars from manufacturing plants that are partners of the bank. In 2018, this is more than 10 automakers.

Lending from Sberbank in 2018 has the following conditions:

Citizen's age is from 21 to 75 years;
Mandatory registration on the territory of the Russian Federation;
Experience of at least 6 months. at the last place of work;
The maximum loan amount is 5 million rubles;
Down payment of at least 15%;
The loan term is not less than 3 months and not more than 5 years;
Interest rate from 14.5% to 16% per annum;
Mandatory supporting documents (passport, work book and 2-NDFL certificate, or if the down payment is increased to 30%, it is allowed to present a pension insurance certificate, driver’s license, international passport, military ID instead of financial documentation);
Mandatory registration of CASCO;
No commission for early repayment;
Repayment during the lending period in equal payments;
Possibility of receiving government subsidies when purchasing a new car;
Possibility of receiving a discount from a car dealership when purchasing a new car or a used car of certain brands.

Sberbank also offers accelerated car loan processing for its clients who have an open salary project. For pensioners, the bank offers the following conditions for obtaining a loan: age up to 75 years, receiving a pension at a Sberbank branch, interest rate - 16%. In the case of pensioners, Sberbank also takes an individual approach in assessing borrowers - they take into account the borrower’s additional income, which can increase the size of the loan; the presence of guarantors can increase the loan term by 5 years.

Car loan calculator at Sberbank for 2018

If the above conditions suit you, then do not rush to run to the nearest Sberbank branch. You just need to have at hand any electronic device that has access to the Internet. By using any search engine or going to the official website of Sberbank, you can easily find a calculator for calculating a car loan. The online car loan calculator at Sberbank for 2018 will help you instantly calculate the terms of payment and repayment of any loan program, trace the dependence of the payment amount on interest or the term of the loan. Its graphical interface is convenient and intuitive for all categories of users. It is necessary to enter the following in the special columns important information :

Amount of credit;
Credit term;
Interest rate;
Other advanced options.

After carrying out the online calculation, you will be able to clearly see both in numerical terms and in the form of a pie chart following data :

Amount of monthly payments;
The full loan amount with interest;
The total number of overpayments on interest for the entire loan period.

The data obtained will help you plan your budget wisely, understand whether it’s worth saving up a little more savings or whether you can safely apply to Sberbank for a loan.

It is important to understand that any information obtained through online calculation is for reference only. The final offer for the car loan program will be specified in the contract upon its conclusion.