Rosbank car loans. Car loan

If you really want to buy a car, the lack of enough money should not stop you. In order to help solve this problem, many Russian banks are actively developing special car loan programs. They allow you to buy a car outright using borrowed funds, albeit under different conditions. Choosing the most suitable offer for yourself is the goal of the future car owner.

What is attractive about car loan programs from Rosbank?

As numerous reviews show, a Rosbank car loan is a very convenient loan product. It allows you to choose not only a loan program, but also certain conditions that are most suitable for yourself. With its help, you can purchase a domestic or imported car, new or used. At the same time, Rosbank is an active participant in programs for recycling old Russian-made cars and state subsidies for car loans.

The most attractive conditions for a car loan from Rosbank are considered to be the possibility of obtaining it without a down payment, taking into account the income of family members to increase the loan amount, waiver of CASCO and quick consideration of the loan application. Not all banking institutions are ready to provide all this, so Rosbank’s client base is constantly growing.

Moreover, the requirements for the future borrower for most car loan programs are very simple. This is Russian citizenship, age 22-65 (for women - 60) years on the day of loan repayment, permanent registration at the place of residence and work experience at the last job of 3 months (1 year for persons with temporary registration).

Individuals can use one of two car loan programs operating at Rosbank: “Autoexpress” or “Autostatus”. Moreover, the first can be issued both with and without insurance, and the second - not only in rubles, but also in US dollars. Each of the programs offers the possibility of purchasing a new or used car. For used cars there are restrictions on age (5 years for domestic and 12 for foreign cars), as well as mileage (100 thousand km for Russian cars and 200 for foreign ones).

The interest rate of each program depends on the size of the down payment and the loan term. If it exceeds 3 years, the rate will be increased by 1%. Its size is also influenced by the conclusion of insurance contracts. If you refuse only life and health insurance, it will increase by 1%, and if you also refuse CASCO, then its increase will be 5-9% compared to the full insurance package.

You can find out the interest rate according to the given conditions by using Rosbank’s car loan calculator, which allows you to calculate the amount of monthly payments and draw up a schedule for their payment for the entire loan term. You just need to fill out the appropriate fields of the calculator to get acquainted with the full calculations of loan terms.

What documents will be needed?

In order to apply for a loan under the Autoexpress program, you only need a passport with a driver’s license. The loan product "Autostatus", which involves a loan of up to 5 million rubles, is distinguished by a large set of documents provided and rather high requirements for the loan applicant. Copies of his work record book and documents confirming his marital status (marriage and birth certificates) allow him to better assess his financial situation.

Their provision is necessary for a loan amount exceeding 600 thousand rubles. Men of military age may be required to present a military ID or other document confirming that they have no problems with military service. If the loan amount exceeds 1.5 million rubles or the down payment is less than 10%, the loan applicant will need to confirm his official income with the appropriate certificate.

The most accessible way to apply for such a loan is to use an online application for a car loan on the Rosbank website. You can also submit an application in person at any bank branch or hand it over to a representative directly at a car dealership. Rosbank cooperates with many car dealerships in more than 300 cities, information about which can be found on its website.

Tempting offers...

For many clients, turning to this bank is due to its special car loan programs. For example, the “Change Car” loan product offers the opportunity to buy a new car, even if the loan for the old one has not yet been paid off. If its acquisition was completed with the help of borrowed funds from Rosbank, then contacting its employee at a car dealership will allow you to exchange it for a more attractive one. The existing car will be appraised and put up for sale, the proceeds will be used to repay the previously taken out loan, and taking out a new loan will allow you to purchase the car you want on favorable terms.

For conscientious payers, there is another convenient opportunity - refinancing by Rosbank of a car loan, even issued at any other banking institution. If the interest rate on a previously taken out loan is too high, then contacting Rosbank will help solve this problem. The terms of this type of lending involve issuing borrowed funds to repay an old car loan, but with more favorable conditions. Typically, the refinancing interest rate is significantly lower than the rate on a conventional loan.

Rosbank is one of the leaders in the domestic car lending market. Here you will be offered a wide range of different programs, so you will not have any difficulties choosing the most favorable conditions. Let's consider the opportunities that cooperation with this financial structure opens up for you.

Car loans with Rosbank. What does the client get?

By taking out a car loan from this bank, you can:

  • Buy any car you like.
  • There are many ways to pay it off.
  • Apply for a loan with a small down payment – ​​20% (for category “C” cars – 40%).
  • Choose standard or special conditions for CASCO, and also not insure the car at all.

In addition, Rosbank has government support programs - subsidies. With their help, his private and corporate clients can significantly reduce their interest rates. However, in order to benefit from such preferential schemes, certain additional conditions must be strictly adhered to. For example, if with a standard car loan system you can take out a loan for up to 5 years, then with state support the maximum repayment term is reduced to 36 months.

You will not need guarantors, since the vehicle you purchase will be pledged to the bank. This nuance allows you to speed up and simplify the process of applying for a car loan. Loan amounts vary from 300 thousand to 5 million rubles. Interest rates, depending on the loan terms you choose, start at 8.33% (the lowest interest is charged when connecting to a government subsidy program).

Consult with Rosbank managers (this can be done both in the branch and online) and choose a car loan for yourself.

Many people in the modern world suffer from the desire or need to buy a car. But our desires are not always supported by financial opportunities, especially when it comes to the idea of ​​buying a fairly expensive vehicle.

To neutralize such negative situations and provide a person with a real opportunity to buy a car, Rosbank specialists have developed a unique lending scheme. The purpose of the loan is to purchase a car. The lending conditions are the most optimal: repayment period, nominal interest rate, simplicity and speed of registration - all the features of car loans are offered solely with the idea of ​​making the purchase of a car easily accessible to any citizen of the Russian Federation.

Without any significant difference where a person lives (urban settlement, village or metropolis in the vast expanses of the Russian Federation), without taking into account his level of income, without collateral or guarantee! Only with a car loan from Rosbank can your dream of becoming a car owner quickly come true.

More detailed information about the procedure for obtaining a car loan from Rosbank has been prepared for you by banking experts specializing in lending to interested parties. You can easily and absolutely correctly independently draw an analytical conclusion about the feasibility and profitability of this loan after reading the information presented. With 100% probability, your next step will be a visit to a Rosbank branch to apply for a car loan.

General conditions for car loans at Rosbank

OJSC Rosbank is a credit and financial institution that has all the rights to provide the maximum possible range of banking services. The number of Rosbank clients as of 2016 totals more than 3.5 million Russian citizens and more than 100 thousand - these are client companies, organizations and institutions of all forms of ownership. Rosbank has been active for almost 25 years. During this entire time interval, the key ideas of the work of Rosbank, as a leading financial institution in Russia, are proclaimed:

  • High quality of customer service according to international standards;
  • Creating extremely favorable conditions for the growth and development of all types of business activities;
  • Ensuring the comfort of life of ordinary citizens of the Russian Federation.

The bank boldly solves these problems through the tireless implementation of innovative solutions in its work, relying on the experience and practice of the world's leading representatives of the banking industry.

OJSC Rosbank has a list of general conditions for lending to potential clients. Such generally binding banking rules include:

  • Citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • Official place of employment.

These are mandatory conditions for obtaining any type of loan. In parallel with these basic conditions, special software products are being developed aimed at transforming loans from Rosbank into even more attractive forms for applicants. For example, new forms of car loans will easily allow people with special requirements or living/working conditions to purchase a car. More information about each such lending program will be provided below.

It is worth emphasizing that Rosbank OJSC operates on the principles of mutually beneficial trust of the bank in its clients and clients in the bank. This position is confirmed by the fact that even the general lending conditions do not contain a number of requirements with which many other banks “insure” their loans:

  • Requirements for minimum temporary periods of employment and residence;
  • A strictly defined mandatory minimum wage;
  • The need to back up the loan with property collateral or the signature of a guarantor.

OJSC Rosbank is not afraid to issue significant financial sums in rubles and other currencies to its clients, and sets a sufficient repayment period for the issued loan.

Rosbank program “Purchase of a car + state support”

Actually, the very fact that Rosbank OJSC is included in the list of those few banking institutions in the Russian Federation that can take advantage of state support for lending already instills confidence in the reliability of this bank.

The conditions of the government-supported lending program are as follows:

  • A car loan is issued for up to 3 years in the amount of 60 thousand rubles. up to more than 500 thousand rubles.
  • The interest rate does not exceed 12.9%;
  • The age of the person being credited is from 22 to 65 years;
  • Official employment experience - from 3 months.

Such car loan items (mandatory for a number of other banks in Russia), such as car insurance and personal life/health insurance, a certificate in form 2NDFL about income received for a certain period of time, registration at the place of residence of the borrower who applied - these rules are not essential for obtaining a car loan in Rosbank. In other words, if you provide, for example, a certificate of income in form 2NDFL with earnings figures for the last six months, then this document will be attached to the loan application and they will consider reducing the interest rate specifically for you based on the provided certificate. But, if there is no such income certificate, then no one will refuse you a car loan anyway.

The presence of life and health insurance for the borrower is considered in a similar way: if there is insurance, then the total interest rate on the car loan automatically drops by 1%.

There is another program that provides the opportunity, using just two documents, to purchase a car on credit from Rosbank, taking into account government support:

  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • Work record with at least 3 months of work experience.

The conditions for car loans under such a program line are similar to those described above, but:

  • The interest rate on the loan was increased to 14.4%;
  • Having your own funds in the amount of at least 15% of the cost of the car.

The speed of consideration of your application to the bank for the purchase of a car is extremely prompt: in just a few hours, Rosbank will give an answer about its consent (or reasonable disagreement) to finance the purchase of your car.

When a person sets out to buy a car, he looks through many offers, namely:

  • Buying a new car with a warranty at a car dealership;
  • Buying a used car at a car dealership;
  • Buying a used car second hand.

Is it possible to guarantee that Rosbank will provide a loan for any of these options for purchasing a car? And what conditions may change in obtaining a loan?

Let's consider all the possibilities of buying a car in order:

You can buy a new or used car in the showroom. The price for them, of course, varies, but all documents for the purchase of this car will be issued to the buyer at the dealership and such cars are perfectly suitable for lending. In other words, Rosbank can transfer the money for the purchase of your car (new or used) to the car dealership’s account immediately and in full, and you, as a buyer, now become a borrower of these funds from the bank and pay this amount under the terms of the loan agreement.

Buying a car second-hand means slightly different conditions. Documentary re-registration of the car is carried out in a notary office, but before going to the notary, the parties (buyer and seller) can simply draw up a purchase and sale agreement, certified by their signatures (+ signatures of 2 witnesses), stating that “ the seller received his full name from buyer's full name amount in the amount of ..... rub. for buying a car." Such an agreement in fact has no legal force, but if the parties trust each other (for example, close relatives), then the transfer of money is possible precisely on the basis of this document. Often, the parties do not agree that the amount can be divided into several parts, i.e. All money is paid by the buyer immediately in full. But, as the intended purpose when filling out an application for a cash loan at Rosbank, the reason “buying a car” can be indicated. Such a loan will no longer be considered a car loan, but will simply be called a non-targeted financial loan.

The repayment terms here are slightly different, because... The bank does not have a guarantee that you will spend the issued funds on the purchase of a car, and not on unexpected occasions:

  • The loan term is up to 5 years, and the amount is up to 3 million rubles.
  • Interest rate - 16.4 - 17.9%;
  • The minimum amount of own funds is 20% of the declared cost of the car;
  • Personal life insurance reduces your loan rate by 1%.

It is necessary to pay an additional monthly special commission (up to 600 rubles) to the amount of the monthly loan payment.

A used car must also meet a special gradation:

  • For domestic cars - up to 5 years old, and mileage - no more than 100 thousand km;
  • For foreign-made cars - up to 12 years old, and mileage - no more than 200 thousand km.

Classification of potential clients of Rosbank

It should be noted that when requesting a car loan from Rosbank, you can take advantage of preferential lending conditions if you are:

  • A Rosbank client with a good credit history. The more time you are considered a client of Rosbank, the more favorable conditions they can provide you.
  • You receive your salary on a Rosbank card, i.e. The organization (enterprise) where you officially work pays wages through Rosbank accounts.
  • You are an employee of Rosbank's partner bank.

In the event that you do not belong to any of these categories, but have applied to Rosbank for a car loan for the first time, standard lending conditions apply to you.

If you are a representative of one of the three categories described above, then you can get a car loan according to the following preferential rules:

  • A minimum of documents to obtain a loan (often only with a Russian passport). This is justified by the fact that all the necessary information about you, as a client of Rosbank, is already in this bank, i.e. All that remains is to confirm the identity of the applicant.
  • A large amount for a car loan, since Rosbank’s employer-partner is now the guarantor of your solvency.
  • Credit overdraft available, i.e. A credit line is opened with the requested amount for the purchase of a car, but without clearly specified repayment terms. You can use this cash indefinitely by making monthly payments to your credit card and then withdrawing the available amount as needed.

You can buy a new car in a showroom (domestic or foreign assembly) using Rosbank’s special “Classic” loan program. The features of this type of car loan are as follows:

  • Loan repayment period - up to 5 years;
  • The amount of car loans has been increased to 5 million rubles. upon payment of a down payment of 10% of the cost of the car, and the insurance amount is included in the amount of the final loan without increasing it. If the buyer cannot pay such a contribution, then the amount of the available car loan is still increased to 3.5 million rubles. + insurance added to the cost of the car;
  • The interest rate is not higher than 18.9%, but additional registration by the buyer of personal life/health insurance reduces the rate by 1.5%.

The classic car loan program is possible when purchasing a car of category B or C, and the buyer must provide a driver’s license to drive the car being purchased. Those. You will not be allowed to buy a car and take out a car loan for yourself, and immediately transfer ownership of the car to another person. How you will dispose of the loaned car later (after paying off the loan) is your question, but at the time of applying for the loan, it is you who must act as the full owner and user of this car.

Other car loan programs from Rosbank

Since the main strategy of Rosbank is an innovative approach to servicing clients in order to create for them better and more profitable conditions for using the bank’s services, it is not surprising that the arsenal of car loan programs is quite extensive.

So, only in Rosbank there is a call: “Buy a car with two documents in your pocket”! All you need is a Russian passport and one more document (confirming the applicant’s identity). You can easily submit an application for a car loan under this program via the Internet by filling out a special application form, and receive a response within 1 hour.

The differences in the terms of car loans under this program are as follows:

  • The loan amount cannot exceed 1 million rubles.
  • The interest rate is within the range of 17.4 - 21.9%.

The loan term, the ability to reduce the interest rate by additionally obtaining personal insurance and the amount of additional commission payments have not been changed. But no one will even ask you about the availability of your own funds when taking out a car loan under this program.

One cannot help but recall Rosbank’s special program “Refinancing”. The main idea of ​​this banking offer is to help a person who bought a car on a loan from another bank, but now, for various reasons, cannot repay this car loan on the original terms. Rosbank determines the cost of the car at the time of this person’s application + the amount of outstanding debt on a loan from another bank for the purchase of this car and develops special, most favorable conditions that will allow you to fully (as quickly and easily as possible) pay for the purchase of the car. Thus, the buyer becomes a client of Rosbank and quickly solves all his financial problems.

The expert assessment of the above information on Rosbank’s advantageous offers for car loans to individuals and legal entities is as follows:

  • The conditions for car loans at Rosbank take into account many factors of a person’s socio-economic status and offer the optimal solution to buy a car without financial difficulties;
  • There are a sufficient number of different car loan programs at Rosbank, which means anyone who applies will be able to choose the most profitable option for themselves;
  • Interest rates are not high, and car loan repayment periods are long;
  • State assistance in applying for car loan programs is designed for people who especially need a car, but who, due to special financial reasons, could not afford to buy a car.

The conclusion is clear: it is difficult to find a more profitable loan for the purchase of a car than a line of credit from Rosbank!

We invite you to listen to expert advice about car loans at Rosbank in this video:

Nowadays, few people are willing to buy cars for cash; most cars are purchased with borrowed funds. Although many banks have reduced their car loan programs, some financial institutions still offer such services. The terms of a Rosbank car loan: interest rates, CASCO insurance, down payment and other parameters will be discussed in the current article.

Car loans in Rosbank for individuals

It is worth noting that Rosbank is engaged in car loans through Rusfinance, of which it is the main owner.

Terms and interest rates

You can choose one of four programs, depending on whether you are purchasing a used car or a new one, foreign or domestic.

It must be said that interest rates for purchasing a car on credit in 2018 are not the lowest and are at a level that, if you apply for it, you will relieve yourself of most of the headaches (for example, the need to apply for CASCO insurance and make a down payment).

Interest rates on applications depend on the following indicators:

  • Down payment amount. The percentage depends on how much you are willing to pay from your own funds. The contribution has three ranges - from 20 to 30%, up to 50% and over half.
  • Insurance - the more you are willing to put into the bank, the lower your rate will be. It is also important whether you agree to include insurance (for example, life and health) in the overall loan, or pay from your own funds.
  • In some options, the interest rate on the application may be affected by the cost of the car; the higher it is, the lower the overpayment on a Rosbank car loan.
  • Proof of income is an important indicator. If you are able to provide 2 personal income taxes, the lender is ready to consider lower interest rates than those indicated in the complaints.

For example, in the Forsazh car loan program - for new foreign cars, on standard conditions (deposit, CASCO, deposit), minimum interest rates are set from 15.5 to 17%:

If you add life and health insurance to this, the range drops to 13.5 - 15%:

If you add car value protection (in pro language - GAP) to the service package, then the rates will drop completely - from 9.9 to 13.5%:

Please note that regardless of the terms of the car loan, the borrower will be required to sign an agreement to open any bank deposit with Rosbank.

In other programs, the minimum interest rate ranges in 2018 are as follows:

  • Buying a used foreign car - from 15.5 - 21.5%;
  • Applying for a car loan for a new responsible car - from 9.9 - 18%;
  • Lending for domestic used cars - from 15.9 - 21.5%.

In addition to the results of preliminary calculation of your expenses using the Rosbank autoredit calculator, it is strongly recommended that you personally visit any of the lender’s branches or contact the hotline specialists. This way you will receive the most reliable information about the conditions of a specific program, taking into account your circumstances and characteristics.

Before making your final decision, also check out.

Among the other conditions for car loans in Rosbank:

  • A car loan cannot be issued without a down payment. The entry threshold is 20% of your own funds.
  • Duration - from 2 years to 5 (in annual increments). With state support - only up to 3 years.
  • Credit limit - from 50 thousand rubles. up to 6.5 million. Specific programs have their own limitations. For example, the maximum amount for paying for a domestic used car with a down payment of up to 30% is 350 rubles.
  • The penalty for not paying a car loan is not small - daily 0.1% of the total debt amount, including accrued interest.
  • There are no restrictions on early repayment of a car loan at Rosbank, and no commission is charged.

Interestingly, the client retains the right to prohibit the lender from transferring the rights of claim under the loan agreement to third parties:

Requirements for the borrower

To apply for a Rosbank car loan, an individual must meet the following requirements:

  • Citizenship;
  • Registration in the region of the bank's representative office;
  • Age: 21-65 years.

Loan programs for car purchases are designed for reliable clients, and therefore special attention is paid to the borrower’s lending history.

Please note that it is not necessary to have a valid driver’s license to apply for an autocredit card at Rosbank.

Applying for a Rosbank car loan and online application

To apply for a loan, you do not have to contact the bank or fill out an online application. You can immediately select a suitable partner dealer, select a car and request conditions through a dealership representative.

Review of the application takes half an hour. The approved conditions are valid for 100 days for new cars and one month for used ones.

Please note - if your income and down payment are not enough to receive the required amount, Rosbank will take into account your spouse’s income. In addition, the consideration takes into account your actual financial situation, i.e. and unconfirmed income too.

The bank is ready to lend according to two documents - a passport is required and a second one is optional (for example, SNILS or INN), but there are a number of cases where an income certificate is required:

The website has an online application for a Rosbank car loan - but this is nothing more than a form of remote application. You will not be able to get approval or personal conditions for it, only a call from the operator to set a time and place for consultation.

After your application is reviewed and approved, the money is transferred to your credit account, and from it to the dealer through which the car is purchased.

Life and health insurance and CASCO

Refusal to pay CASCO when applying for a car loan at Rosbank is possible, but not always.

For new foreign cars, this is only permitted if replaced with another insurance, for example, the Financial Protection Package - it involves the highest minimum interest - from 16.5 to 18%.

For used foreign cars, refusal to pay for CASCO insurance under Rosbank's auto credit without replacing it with another insurance increases your minimum overpayment by 1-1.5 points.

For example, the standard offer is 18.9 to 20.5%, and without car protection with additional insurance - 20.9 to 21.5%.

Life and health insurance for a car loan at Rosbank is voluntary, but can reduce your overpayment.

For example, for a used domestic car the standard conditions are from 18.9 to 20.5%, and if you have life and health insurance - from 15.9 to 17.5%.

If you decide to take advantage of government support, registration and payment of CASCO insurance for a car loan are required.

Calculator for Rosbank car loan

Before submitting an online application, you should first evaluate the benefits of the chosen program and select the appropriate parameters and conditions for car loans - an online loan calculator will be useful to you.

This is available on the official website of the credit institution and contains all the necessary conditions: the make of the car, its condition, term, minimum payment, full cost:

After using the online calculator, you will understand the circumstances that will make the interest rate on a Rosbank car loan lower, the amount of monthly payments, and the overpayment for insurance.

Remember that this is only preliminary data and the credit institution does not guarantee you individual conditions that coincide with the calculations on the calculator, so feel free to add 1-2% on the interest rate to estimate your real costs, and the same amount on life and health insurance and CASCO .

Car loan payment and early repayment

The peculiarity of paying for a car loan is that the money must go to Rusfinance - this is where the credit account is opened and the monthly payment is debited from there.

There are several ways to pay for a Rosbank car loan without commission and:

  • Through the Internet services of Rosbank or its ATMs, by setting up the Automatic repayment service (a service package will be required):

  • Through Rusfinance terminals.
Other methods of paying for a Rosbank car loan involve commissions, on average 1-1.5%, these are:
  • Transfer from a card on the bank’s website;
  • Services of communication shops (Euroset, Svyaznoy, etc.);
  • Golden Crown and Cyberplat system.

Early repayment of a Rosbank car loan, if it is not carried out within the first 30 days, is possible only upon application, which is submitted no later than one day before the date of regular write-off.

The peculiarity is that any early repayment is possible only on the date of the monthly payment.

Car loan refinancing

Any kind, issuing in return - consumer. In this case, the borrower has the right to request a larger amount than the existing debt in order to receive additional funds for personal use.

The conditions for refinancing a car loan at Rosbank look like this:

  • Amount: 50 thousand – 3 million rubles;
  • Duration: 12-60 months;
  • Interest rate: 13.5% for a loan amount of 600 thousand rubles, 17% for less.

It’s nice that when refinancing there are no such tedious parameters as CASCO insurance, down payment and deposit. But the requirements for consideration of applications are stricter - a salary certificate is required.


Rosbank's car loans are carried out by its subsidiary - Rusfinance Bank, while the former accepts through itself the repayment and payment of issued car loans (both regular and early full or partial) without interest. The procedure for applying for a loan is simplified - the application is submitted at the dealer, two documents are enough (but a certificate of income will increase your chances). The most favorable interest rates are assigned to borrowers who have taken out not only CASCO insurance, but also life and health insurance.

In order not to save money for a long period of time to buy a new car or used vehicle, it is worth taking out a loan on favorable terms.

You can get a loan as quickly as possible at a reduced rate from Rosbank and its subsidiary, Rusfinance Bank LLC.

Is it possible to get a car loan at Rosbank?

At the moment, the bank does not provide targeted loans for the purchase of vehicles.

In this case, the client can take out a consumer loan at a rate of 13% per annum and use the money received to buy a car. The maximum loan amount is 3 million rubles.

Previously, a car loan without a down payment from Rosbank was provided for a period of up to 5 years. It was also possible to purchase new vehicles through a government lending program.

At the moment, the issuance of targeted loans has been temporarily stopped, but you can also get a loan through a partner - Rusfinance Bank.

Cash loan from Rosbank

Are you a corporate or payroll client of the bank? In this case, it is possible to obtain a loan for any purpose on more favorable terms.

Thus, an agreement can be concluded with the applicant for a period of up to 84 months, and the rate can be reduced under certain circumstances.

The loan is issued under standard conditions:

  • for up to 60 months;
  • at a rate of up to 20.5% per annum;
  • with a maximum loan size of up to 3 million rubles.

The terms of the loan depend on the level of solvency of the potential borrower and the state of his credit history. The minimum rate is 13% per annum. The contract can be concluded with the client for a period of 13 months or more.

Applications are accepted from adult citizens of Russia who have permanent registration in one of the regions where a Rosbank branch is present.

The client must provide the manager with his passport, income certificate and document confirming employment.

Car loans from Rusfinance Bank

This bank provides targeted loans for the profitable purchase of new vehicles or used vehicles. The financial organization successfully cooperates with more than 2 thousand specialized showrooms and car dealers.

Are you interested in purchasing a new foreign vehicle? Pay attention to the “Forsazh” program with a loan term from 2 to 5 years and a rate of 15.5% per annum.

Are you ready to buy a used car? The “Dvizh’OK” tariff allows you to rent a vehicle under similar conditions.

Below are the conditions provided by Rosbank's partner for a car loan when purchasing a domestic vehicle.