Didn't take a home loan. Reviews of consumer loans home credit bank

In Home Credit, in addition to loan insurance, they impose another insurance without warning, which is included in the loan amount. If the loan insurance can be returned within 2 weeks, then the second insurance is not returned at all.

Galina Consumer loans Score: 2

In addition to taking insurance on a loan, they impose another insurance without warning about it. The amount of the second insurance is included in the loan amount. If the loan insurance can be returned within two weeks, then the second insurance is not returned at all.

Bank division
Additional office 34/06 Kamyshin, st. Lenina, 19

Sergey Consumer loans Score: 5

Good bank! As they write below that insurance is not returned, I personally refused it the next day without any problems and transferred the amount to early repayment. On the day the funds were debited under the contract, I received a notification and a new payment schedule. I paid only 3 more payments, so far everything is fair !!!

Now I am waiting for the promised rate cut to 11 percent in 6 months. If this happens, then it will be just magic.

Igor Consumer loans Rating: No

Deception! The insurance was not refunded. The girl agent sits and says until you pay we will not give up insurance. I paid now you are not entitled to insurance. They are deceiving people!

When applying for a loan, the possibility of early partial repayment was discussed. The application "My credit" has such a function. They write that the application is accepted, but the repayment does not occur.

Anonymously Consumer loans Rating: No

When applying for a loan, the possibility of early partial repayment was discussed. The application "My credit" has such a function. They write that the application for partial early repayment is accepted, but repayment does not occur.

I'm thinking of stopping paying. As they are to me, so am I to them.

Anonymously Consumer loans Rating: No

Pah-pah-pah, the 3rd time I pay a loan - this is the most adequate bank. Everything is fast, just no problem - how much you have to pay - I pay this, everything is written off on time and clearly. Nothing extra. The interest is really high + insurance, but when you urgently need money, you don’t have to choose.

From other banks, I want to hang myself at the stage of applying for a loan.

I took a loan twice, not one joint in payment! Here in Maykop I had to apply and they approved 800 thousand. I say I don’t need so much, I asked for 200, they refused. Strange!

Andrey Consumer loans Rating: 1

Weird bank! I took a loan twice, not one joint in payment! Here in Maikop I had to apply and approved 800 thousand! I say I don’t need so much, 200 asked were refused! Strange!

Hello Andrei!
The offer from the bank was preliminary, the exact decision will be known only after the application is submitted. Don't worry, you can reapply.
We will be glad to cooperate.

Ludmila Consumer loans Rating: 1

I will not advise given bank nobody. High interest rates, although in SMS, when they offer to take a loan, they indicate a different interest rate, which is more optimal. Then, as the bank employee explains, each has an individual loan rate.

Cunning in the imposition of additional services, SMS alerts are connected. But the most important thing is that they do not have insurance. And then it turns out that she is present and not small.

The insurance is designed in such a way that you do not sign it, it comes as an insert, an addition to the contract. Overall a disappointment with this bank. Think twice before applying for a loan from this bank.

Hello Lyudmila!

An exact decision on the application can be obtained only after sending it to the bank, a preliminary one is sent to you by SMS. Any services are connected only at your request and you can disable them.

SMS is turned off at any time by calling the bank or you can write, for example, in a chat. And the insurance service within 14 days from the date of execution of the contract.

We really hope that your opinion will change and we will continue cooperation.
Sincerely, Home Credit Bank.

They gave it at 11%, but it turned out at 19%. They imposed insurance, an SMS package, withheld 15,000 from the loan amount without explaining why. And where did they get so many evil employees from!

Vasilyeva Zoya Consumer loans Rating: No

They took a loan in Cheboksary at the main office. They gave it at 11%, but it turned out at 19%. They imposed insurance, an SMS package, withheld 15,000 from the loan amount without explaining why. And where did they get so many evil employees from! Dragee administrator is not competent. All in all, don't waste your time and money there.

We are very sorry that your opinion about the bank has become so (
Most likely, you had an offer from a bank with a rate of 11% per annum, and you can find out the exact solution after submitting an application.
All services can be turned off, insurance at the bank office or partner store upon application, and SMS can be called by calling the hotline or writing to us in a chat, or in the bank's offline groups in social networks.
Sincerely, Home Credit Bank.

Karina Consumer loans Rating: 1

Just disgusting customer service! I was approved for a cash loan and I had to sign an agreement in my personal account. Since I don't need the option " financial protection", I called the hotline, they told me that during the signing of the contract I could refuse this service. But if suddenly it doesn’t work out for you, Vyacheslav told me very politely, then you will call us back and we will turn it off for you.

I sign the contract, of course, there were no opportunities to refuse, and I call the hotline back. There, the no less polite Victoria tells me that I can only do this in the bank's office, and she also assures me...
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Hello! When signing loan documentation through your personal account, you just need to uncheck the box next to this service.
If you missed it, then you can refuse at the bank office or partner store upon application.

All conversations in the bank are recorded and, if necessary, we can listen to them.

Sincerely, Home Credit Bank.

Svetlana Consumer loans Rating: 1

I filed an application for a cash loan at this bank, as a result, a refusal and incessant calls from companies like Fast Money and so on. It turns out that the bank brazenly sent out my personal data to all these institutions, I did not give consent to this. In response, I didn’t hear anything sensible from the bank - each operator speaks in his own way, as if they work in different companies.

One said partners, the other laughed and said that they were not partners at all, the third said “They will call and stop”, it is useless to write in the chat, each operator gives a couple of slurred answers and closes the dialogue.

I will never use this lousy bank again and do not advise you, do not ...
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Good afternoon, Svetlana.

Please check if you applied online. When submitting an application in this way, you put a tick in the appropriate box and in case of refusal, your data is sent to other credit organizations.
We apologize for any inconvenience.

Home Credit Bank.

Anastasia Consumer loans Rating: 1

I don't think this is 1000% fair. I am your client, as I was told on the phone "loyal". I am telling you my situation so that people who decide to take any loan from you know about the work of your operators.

I decided to borrow the n-th amount of money from your bank, for which I was even approved. Everything is nothing. But according to the bank's response, I had to call / write myself, since your bank does not provide feedback on the response to customers. Also, no one informed me that in order to receive money (in cash), a 2-NDFL certificate is needed. Okay, I called the hotline to clarify for what period ...
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Good afternoon, Anastasia.

To verify the information, please specify your data and a detailed description of the situation in our official Vkontakte group.
Note that the approval of the application is influenced by many factors, but not the presence / absence of 2NDFL certificates. Applications do not affect credit history in any way.

Home Credit Bank.

Anton Consumer loans Rating: 1

The application offers a loan at a rate of 10.9%, and in fact 23.8%. After the application, a call center employee calls - I say: thank you, the rate is high - not interesting. What they ask the question: how do you understand the rate of 23.8%. How am I supposed to understand it? What should I answer to this question?

I wanted to ask the quality control department, but they don’t give this number in the application - they just evade the answer. The employee does not appear until you write 3 messages to the automatic bot, and when the employee arrives (which happens through Nth quantity time), contacts do not give.

Good afternoon.

The application displays the minimum rate from which registration is possible. After submitting the documents, the bank, the bank informs what conditions it offers.
The next decision is yours!

Best regards, Bank
Home Credit.

Andrianov Andrey Viktorovich Consumer loans Score: 2

Olga Consumer loans Rating: No

On October 17, 2018, I became the owner of a bank installment card. How it all started: I decided to buy furniture. I made my choice, and since it was not possible to immediately buy out the furniture I had chosen, I turned to a bank specialist for clarification - to calculate an approximate monthly payment to the bank, subject to the conclusion loan agreement for 6 months.

The bank specialist made a preliminary calculation and announced to me the approximate amount of the monthly payment. Monthly payment subject to the conclusion of a loan agreement for 6 months, he arranged for me and I asked a bank specialist to start drawing up a loan agreement.

But the girl, a bank specialist, suggested that I take an installment card, convincing me that I would pay ...
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Hello Olga!
We are also extremely upset that you have found yourself in such a situation, there may have been a misunderstanding (It is possible to make a purchase from partners up to 12 months with the "Installment" card. Also, we have a 10-month promotion for the first purchase.
If possible, write to us in any official group of the bank in social networks, we will figure out why this happened.

Home Credit Bank.

Fraudulently imposed a second insurance. They said if you now receive 60 thousand, then in 10 days you will receive another 16 thousand. I received 76 thousand, and I will pay 86 thousand.

Vladimir Consumer loans Rating: No

I was fraudulently forced into a second insurance policy. They said if you now receive 60 thousand, then in 10 days you will receive another 16 thousand. I received 76 thousand, and I will pay 86 thousand. When I could get 70 thousand and return another 16 thousand insurance, in total I get 86 thousand, not 76 thousand.

Bank division
Additional office 55/04 Omsk, Prospekt Mira, 48

Hello Vladimir!
We apologize to you for the situation, we do not understand a little what happened in the end. Write us a more detailed situation and your data in the bank's official group on social networks (Vkontakte, Twitter, Facebook, Odnoklassniki), we will definitely figure it out.

Home Credit Bank.

Natalia Consumer loans Rating: No

Very high interest on the loan and deception in case of early repayment. They ripped off the interest for the next month, although they closed the loan 4 days before the end of the month. To the question "for what?" they didn’t answer anything good. Only, the program thinks so.

For a year of loan payments, it turned out that she paid only interest, and the loan decreased by a meager amount. Insurance is not refundable. In general, there can be no talk of this.

Fraud and swindle. The assessment of the bank is big, big MINUS.

I received a loan for 3 years at 28.8%, I pay off the entire pension every month. Ugliness. Stop deceiving people.

Elena Consumer loans Rating: 1

REVIEW BAD. I received a loan for 3 years at 28.8%, I pay off the entire pension every month. UGLINESS. STOP FUCKING PEOPLE!

Daria Consumer loans Rating: No

In December 2017, I took a rather large amount of money from the Homecredit bank for two years, the lending specialist said that if I pay it off earlier, I will pay interest for the time of using the loan. I paid for 8 months, they ripped off the interest in full, as for two years. I made a full payment, took an invoice from a specialist, paid. I came for a certificate of full repayment of the loan, I owe another 500 rubles. Horror.

This is not a bank, this is an organization that deceives and the specialists are the same. I advise everyone after the full payment of the debt to the “bank”, withdraw your personal data with a statement.

Take the second copy signed by a bank employee and keep this document. Good luck to you!

Marina Consumer loans Rating: 1

Hello. The bank deceived me and charges interest for the delay, although the payment was made two weeks before the recommended payment. I'll start with the fact that in July I took 2 goods in installments in Eldorado, issued different contracts, one account. I immediately downloaded my loan application to pay online with a Sberbank card.

I went into the application for the first time, checked all the functions, there was an early repayment of the loan, partial repayment of the loan, I clicked, I received a notification that your application will be considered, that's all. Then about two weeks passed, I received a salary and immediately paid for two loans, I’ll tell you right away that the payment was for different contracts.

Home Credit does not return credit insurance and the bank does not notify of the return of insurance. Do not trust the bank, be careful.

Ludmila Consumer loans Score: 2

Attention! Home Credit does not return credit insurance and the bank does not notify of the return of insurance. Do not trust the bank, be careful.

Bank division
Additional office 34/05 Volzhsky, avenue named after Lenin, 71

Ramin Consumer loans Rating: No

When filling out an online application for a loan, an application form error appears. You at least figure out how we should fill it.

Yuri Consumer loans Rating: No

I am a resident of the city of Tolyatti and I am writing an extremely negative review about a bank employee, an authorized employee in the Eldorado store Alexander Sergeevich Repin. 673619.

This person, for the sake of obtaining a loan for the phone I bought, tricked me into getting a loan from this bank at 19.53% per annum, assuring me that in case of early repayment, the amount would be less than the store by 2000 rubles.

If this deception is not the general policy of the bank, then this authorized Repin A.S. undermines the authority of the bank and should not work in it. For my part, I will never contact the services of Home Credit Bank again in the future, and I will not recommend it to my friends.

Shubakin Yu.A.

Natalia Consumer loans Rating: 1

A terrible bank, their amount of payments does not decrease, but for some reason it increases every month. 37,000 was calculated with something there, I paid the payment, made 3960 and that for the next month I have the amount for full repayment turned out to be even more than before.

This is how they know how to rob people, we work, ruin our health, and they live so calmly, at the expense of us they treat customers very dishonestly, deceive and incredibly how.

They put us on meager salaries, they force us to take these loans of theirs, and they also deceive us. NEVER CONTACT WITH THIS BANK, THESE CRAKHOBORS ARE FUCKER THAN Tinkoff.

Potential customers will be able to find out the decision on the Home Credit Bank loan different ways: by phone hotline, in a branch, through an online call or online chat with an employee, etc. To receive information, the client needs to give his full name, date of birth, passport data. If the bank does not call for a long time, then most likely you have been refused.

How long does it take for the bank to make a decision?

For POS-credits of the bank, which are issued in partner stores, the decision is made by the scoring program within 5-10 minutes. The maximum time here is 20-30 minutes, no more.

You can independently pass a scoring assessment on our website and understand what score you have.

Home Credit is loyal and may well approve the application of a client who had minor loan delays of up to 15-30 days. If the potential borrower has outstanding loans with a current delay of more than 30 days, or judgments about recovery, enforcement proceedings at bailiffs etc., then such a client will be 100% refused as unreliable.

If a borrower with a salary of 30,000 rubles has 5 loans with total payments of 20,000 rubles, then Home Credit Bank is unlikely to approve the application.

Third, the reason for refusal may be an incorrectly completed application form for a loan. Many borrowers often make mistakes when filling out the questionnaire. For example, they specifically abbreviate words or, on the contrary, paint abbreviations that are written in a completely different way in the passport.

Under no circumstances should this be done. When filling out the application form for a loan, the client must rewrite the data from the passport exactly as in the original. There should be no dots and commas, no abbreviations and abbreviations if they are not in the document.

Fourth, will refuse those who are on the Black List. Bank emergencies include customers who tried to get a loan fraudulently (by providing fake job certificates, providing false information, etc.) Banks often share blacklists with each other, so do not underestimate them. If you are in an emergency of Sberbank or Tinkoff, be sure that third-party credit organizations are also aware of this.

The Black List also includes clients who have a lot of outstanding loans in different banks, who hide from paying debts and representatives of creditors who do not make contact.

Fifth, clients may receive a negative decision of the bank due to a combination of other factors indicating the unreliability of the client, his low solvency, etc.

Sixth a common reason for denial of a loan is a criminal record, especially if the borrower has been charged under articles for fraud. Despite the fact that there are no conditions for the absence of a criminal record in the official requirements for the borrower, banks practically do not lend to clients who have broken the law.

A similar situation develops with the applications of disabled people who do not work and receive a disability pension.

What should I do if I received a rejection?

If you have been denied your application at Home Credit Bank, do not despair. Try to apply for another loan credit institution more loyal to its customers. For example, an excellent option would be to contact Renaissance Credit, Russian Standard, Let's go bank, Tinkoff bank and others.

Application for a loan at Sovcombank

Cash loan at Tinkoff bank

Application for a loan in Rosbank

Application for a cash loan at RenCredit

If the bank refused a loan, but you have a positive CI and you do not understand the reason, then you should make a request to the Credit Bureau to provide an extract from your CI. Home Credit Bank cooperates with BKI Equifax, so you can apply for credit history there, or to another large organization, for example, the NBKI.

On the CCCH website, every citizen of the Russian Federation can check his credit history once a year for free. You can make a request on the official website, but you will have to wait for a letter with an extract for a rather long time, since it is sent by Russian Post by registered mail.

You can make a request for the provision of CI through various online services on the Internet. Here the cost of the extract varies from 200 to 1500-2000 rubles. The statement is provided in electronic format by e-mail within 1 hour after the request. It's fast and convenient.

Having received such an extract, the client will be able to see all the records of his credit history, find out the credit rating, and understand what is the reason for the refusal. If everything is really clean and smooth in CI, then the bank did not like the client's solvency, or you simply do not meet the internal conditions for granting a loan.

If your credit history has gray and black spots in the form of delinquencies on payments, but all delinquencies are closed, and a loan is not given, then you should think about it.

If there is a refusal everywhere, what to do

If Home Credit Bank gave you a loan refusal or does not call, you have tried other banks and the situation is the same, then it's time to think about the reasons for the refusal. Everything needs to be carefully weighed and analyzed. For analysis you need

  1. Credit history report from the largest bureaus of the country
  2. Negative check. You can try to find it yourself or contact the telegram channel @verka_negative. Here you will receive a report on what factors hinder the issuance of a loan and recommendations for correcting negative factors that affect the likelihood of refusal. Such a report costs 1,500 rubles, but it is necessary for analysis.
It is an understanding of the reasons why banks fail that is necessary in order to eliminate these reasons. Without eliminating the causes, no one will give a loan anywhere, even MFIs

About the organization

Bank Home Credit (HomeCredit) - one of the largest retail financial institutions on Russian market, It is a child of Home Credit Group of businessman Peter Kellner (part of the international PPF Group). Since 2008, the bank has been providing services to the population. Main services - consumer lending, loans for household appliances and electronics in large networks (Eldorado), as well as deposits and credit cards The bank has a large network of branches and ATMs throughout the country

The organization is included in the register of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

Updated 08/22/2019

Lending allows you to solve current financial difficulties, while in recent years the position of banks in relation to borrowers has become much more loyal, which allows you to take consumer loans quickly and without unnecessary problems. When deciding how to get a loan and how to get money in the most convenient way, many potential borrowers are increasingly choosing the opportunity to work online, without visiting the offices of banking organizations. Home Credit Bank is a reliable and time-tested company, where you can get a loan quickly and with a minimum package of documents. Let's consider how to get a loan from Home Credit Bank, what documents are needed for this, and what a personal offer for regular customers affects.

How to get loans from Home Credit Bank for those who are already a client of this organization? The first thing to do for cash at Home Credit is to check if you have a personal offer from the company. You can see its presence or make sure that it is not available using the My Credit service or using Internet banking.

If there is such an offer from Homecredit Bank, you can get it without visiting the office (by submitting an online application via the Internet)!

To do this, in your personal account, you must agree to the service, after which the specified number a bank employee will call you to clarify the details. To get a cash loan, you will need passport data, while registration will take place remotely, using personal account. You can get a loan using an instant transfer to debit card Home Credit Bank, bank debit or current account of another financial institution.

For new clients

A loan from Home Credit Bank can also be obtained by those people who were not previously its clients. At the same time, the loan can also be approved via the Internet at the first stage, however, it will be possible to receive a cash loan only after visiting the office with necessary package papers. In addition, Home Credit Bank can also issue a loan in the old fashioned way: at the moment the client directly contacts the company's office with the necessary package of papers.

To make an initial application for a consumer loan, you need to fill out a short electronic form, in which the person taking the loan must indicate personal data, passport data, information about work and parameters of the proposed loan. After sending the application, a preliminary decision will be made on it, after which a representative of the financial institution will contact the potential client.

Conditions for lending money

A cash loan at Hom Credit Bank can be issued on the basis of several loan programs, which will differ in the offered interest rates required to obtain documents and maximum limits.

If we talk about the maximum and minimum possible parameters, then existing customers can borrow from 10,000 to 1,000,000 rubles (1 million rubles), while most favorable rate will be only 7.9%(updated information as of August 2019). Having taken the money, it is necessary to return them within a period of one to 5 years. As for new customers, amounts from 30,000 to 500,000 rubles are available to them, while the rate will be slightly higher (the highest is 24.8%. For customers with a bad credit history, low salary, existing loans, etc.). Because the maximum amount lower than for regular customers, then the return period is somewhat different, ranging from one to five years.

What is important, the service is available for all categories of borrowers early repayment loans, either full or partial. This allows you to count on the initial connection of the most comfortable monthly payment, which will make it possible to always pay the debt without delay. At the same time, if there are free Money, the borrower will be able to repay part of the principal debt or fully pay off the bank without any penalties and restrictions.

Required documents

This question can also be answered differently for new and regular customers. The latter, in order to receive money under the proposal, will need a passport and SNILS, pensioners must additionally prepare a personal pension certificate.

You can get a cash loan WITHOUT income certificates! At the moment, Home Credit Bank offers one of the most advantageous offers on the consumer lending market and operates in all major cities of Russia.

New customers to receive minimum amount you will also need a passport and one of binding documents to choose from, among which may be the same SNILS, as well as a passport, driver's or pension certificate. To obtain a loan for larger amounts, new customers and existing borrowers who do not have an offer from the bank will have to additionally provide documents confirming solvency - this set is discussed on an individual basis.

Requirements for the borrower

It should be said that, in comparison with other banks, "Home" is quite loyal to potential borrowers, without imposing too strict requirements on them. So, a citizen of the Russian Federation who has a residence permit in any of the regions where there are representative offices of the bank or at least lives in the locality where he receives a loan can count on receiving financial assistance. Age also matters: only persons aged 22 to 70 years.

Another mandatory requirement is the presence of a permanent source of income. In most cases, it will not be necessary to officially confirm it, however, clients with a stable income and, moreover, officially employed, have a much better chance of approval of the application.

The main thing is not to try to deceive the bank regarding your financial position. Despite the fact that certificates of employment are not required here, it is easy to check the availability of income - just check the data with the PFR database, which will be available to the credit institution due to the consent to the processing of personal data and the provided SNILS number.

Flexible and loyal attitude towards borrowers are the main advantages of Home Credit Bank. The process of obtaining money on credit is also attractive, as it is simplified as much as possible for existing customers: the presence of a personal offer allows you to get a loan without leaving your home.

Is it possible to get cash in Home Credit without refusal even with bad story? Banking organization Home Credit is one of the largest companies providing credit products to the population. The bank offers various forms of lending, such as cash loans, credit card, consumer lending when purchasing a product.

Today, getting a loan from a bank is quite simple. The credit market is expanded and there is an opportunity to pick up individual conditions on credit.

What requirements does the bank make when applying for a loan?

To apply for a loan at Home Credit Bank, you must meet the following requirements:

  • The age of the client taking the loan should not be between 22 and 64 years;
  • The client must be registered with Russian Federation;
  • In some cases, the bank requests a certificate of income stability;
  • positive story lending is an obligatory item in obtaining a loan.

Important! To purchase goods on credit from Home Credit Bank, the age limits are reduced, so the borrower must be at least 18 years old and not older than 75 years.

Documents required for applying

Home Credit Bank does not always require proof of income to obtain a loan. A loan for consumer needs can be issued with a minimum package of documents, providing only a passport and a second document in the form of SNILS or a military ID. For pensioners, you must provide a pension certificate.

Possible reasons for refusal

Quite often, potential customers of Home Credit Bank are denied a loan. This can be done using certain indicators.

  1. Bad credit history is the most important criterion for rejection. The client must have a good credit history, this is a passing ticket for obtaining a loan. It is impossible to remove a bad credit history, so for a positive response from the bank, you must follow
  2. Lack of credit history. This factor also has a significant impact on the approval of the application. The fact is that banking organizations have access to information about all loans that were or are present with the client. According to how monthly payments are made in other banking organizations, the overall ability of the client to pay other credit loans. Without these statistics, banks cannot objectively assess the solvency of the client.
  3. Loan congestion. If a client has a large number of active loans and payments on them amount to more than 40% of income, then the bank considers him as an insolvent client. This opinion does not depend on an ideal credit history.
  4. Invalid personal details. For loan approval, you must provide only truthful information. This also applies to wages. When considering the application, the bank makes a deep analysis of the salary in your region, and if the data is exceeded, then most likely the bank will perceive this as a lie on the part of the client.
  5. Problems with the law. Banks do not approve loans to those individuals who have frequent criminal records and offenses.
  6. Large debts for utility bills. For banking organizations, this item is important, because utility bills are a mandatory monthly payment of money for the use of amenities. Based on these data, banks evaluate the client's ability to make payments for the loan on time.

What should a client do in order not to be refused by Home Credit Bank?

There are several rules, compliance with which will help you get a loan without refusal.

  1. When placing an application, you must provide complete and truthful information about yourself.
  2. If you have a non-activated credit card, before applying for new loan you need to close it. This is necessary so that the bank does not consider it as a debt, because the client can withdraw money from it at any time without contacting a banking organization.
  3. When applying, communicate with the employee and ask what other documents you need to provide for the highest possible approval. Even if the conditions indicate the presence of one document, it is best to provide several so that the bank receives more information about you.
  4. If you previously had loan repayment arrears, and now they are fully repaid, you should not be silent about it. Tell this to the bank employee, as a rule, they can go to meet you. Any information that is hidden will still be available to them, especially the one related to bad credit history, debts and delinquencies.
  5. An underestimated or overestimated level of income may affect the approval of the application. Real income should be indicated, and if there are side jobs, then this is already a separate item.
  6. If you decide to apply for a large loan, then you need to take into account such items as the term and overpayment. Contact an employee to help you adjust the term so that the monthly allocation of money for a loan is not a burden.
  7. If the loan amount is large, then for a greater likelihood of approval, it is best to invite a guarantor. The main thing is that he had, like you, a good credit history.
  • Before going to the bank, weigh the pros and cons. Awareness in making a decision will not force you to make ends meet by paying off a loan every month.
  • If you are not given a loan due to a bad credit history due to the fault of a bank employee, then you can contact the credit bureau to change the status of the debtor.
  • To save personal time on trips to the bank, you can try to apply online. This service is available at any bank, including Home Credit. To do this, go to the official website of the bank and find the tab " Online application for a loan"

Always comply with the terms of the loan, then you can not worry about the subsequent approval of applications. In case of a positive decision from the bank, it is necessary to carefully study all the clauses of the conditions under the contract. This will help to avoid further misunderstandings and large overpayments. Home Credit Bank always meets the needs of its customers and offers the most favorable conditions.

Home Credit Bank conducts solvency assessment both using a scoring model using a computer and an expert model, when . In the latter case, not only statistical data from the bank's database, but also socio-demographic indicators are taken into account.

They evaluate the presence / absence of delays in payments, the age of the borrower, his regular income, the presence of registration at the place of application and other similar data.

What does the credit limit depend on?

Size credit limit determined for each borrower individually. What matters here is the loan period, the expenses / incomes of the client and his family, the size of the desired loan. It is also important whether the borrower cooperated with Home Credit Bank before, and how this cooperation took place. Regular trustworthy customers and owners of bank payroll cards receive a larger limit.

Home Credit has the following rule. The size of the credit burden on all members of the client's family should not be more than 40% of total income. The salary and other sources of income of family members are taken into account as an additional source for repayment. And that means they are on the plus side. The credit card limit initially, as a rule, is two wages. If the client is verified, then he can receive a large amount. Subsequently, in the absence of delays, the limits are increased.

What are the possible reasons for refusal to issue a loan?

You can get a refusal from Home Credit Bank for various reasons. The most common of these are delinquencies on past and current loans. A damaged credit history in other banking organizations is also negatively reflected. If you do not have a work or landline phone, then this is also a minus. If you get an express loan and a specialist evaluates your appearance, problems may arise. You may seem to a bank employee as an unreliable and not financially capable borrower.

If you haven't received a loan, the issue may be due to improper processing. Or that you provided false documents, false information about yourself. Even if you conscientiously repay loans in other banks, but there are many such loans, you may be refused. Among the negative factors are the presence of a criminal record, difficulties with the employer or the company itself, a high credit burden, and a discrepancy between income and expenses. These are just the most popular reasons for rejection. In fact, there are many more.

What can a borrower do to avoid being denied a Home Credit?

In order not to be rejected by Home Credit Bank, provide as much truthful information as possible. Keep your credit history clean, including credit cards. If you have a credit card and don't use it, close it. If there are delays, you can try to explain the reason for their occurrence.

No need to claim too much income. For example, you want to get a loan of 20 thousand rubles for three to four months, but at the same time indicate that your income level is at least 150 thousand - a refusal awaits you in most cases.

Before contacting Home Credit, use its online loan calculator, and only then choose the best loan product. You can also consult with bank specialists. Providing collateral, a guarantor is an opportunity to increase the chances of obtaining a loan. In order not to waste time in vain, you can apply virtually. If you receive a refusal online, then in the institution itself you will receive the same answer.

Keep track of how you visit the bank. In the case of assessing borrowers using an expert model, this moment is important. Don't try to insist on your creditworthiness. If you were refused, then the employees of the organization will not make another decision.