"Lightning" from OTP Bank. Lightning Map lightning connected online application

Thunderstorms and lightning are a very fascinating sight if you watch them from afar, for example, via the Internet. Here are a few online services that will help you assess the scale of the elements and not get wet.

Lightning Maps

The same data as in the previous service, combined with Google maps. You can, for example, watch lightning strike on your street or approach your dacha.


Animation with wind speed and direction - you can see in real time where it is windiest. The warmer the shade, the stronger the wind.


How the clouds have been moving for the past two hours is clearly visible in the animation made from satellite images.


The Yandex service can show where it is raining right now, how strong it is, and what will happen in the next two hours. True, this map does not work for the whole of Belarus - you can watch precipitation online only in Mogilev, Vitebsk and part of the Gomel regions.


This map shows the radar reflectivity of the atmosphere - essentially the amount of precipitation. Minimum (blue) - clear weather, maximum (red or burgundy) - heavy hail and snow. New data arrives every 10 minutes, you can watch the accelerated animation for a period of half an hour to six hours.

    Good advice

    Almost every bank offers its customers an impressive range of credit cards. A large selection plays into the hands of the buyer of a "credit card", but with such a significant variety, it is not surprising to get confused. What to look for in order to choose the best product?


    Distinctive credit card conditions without proof of income

    Credit card without a certificate of income makes it easier for the borrower to collect documents. However, the conditions of such a product are sometimes unfavorable. At the same time, banks in any case study financial condition client.


    How to choose a card for traveling abroad?

    Banks develop special card products for traveling customers. They have the characteristics that are most relevant when traveling and flying. By what criteria to evaluate such cards?

    Good advice

    VIP-card: who will benefit from its features?

    VIP cards are sometimes perceived solely as a fashion tool. Meanwhile, the advantages of such "plastic" are often practical. The cost of the product may well be justified.

  • Card blocking. Causes, occasions, situations

    Blocking the card for many becomes an unpleasant surprise. Meanwhile, the main possible reasons such situations are known. At the same time, banks are not always right in their decisions.

  • Is it possible to return the money withdrawn by scammers?

    More and more people are facing scams bank cards. However, in many cases, stolen funds can be returned. The correct algorithm of actions increases the chances of compensating for losses.

  • Topical

    Making a payment by credit card. Options for dealing with a lack of funds

    Credit cards give more possibilities avoid delay than consumer loans. Appropriate decisions help to prevent bank sanctions and maintain a positive reputation of the borrower.


    Why banks refuse loans and what to do

    It is unpleasant to receive a refusal in the necessary loan, especially when the motive for such a decision remains a mystery to the client. In the article, we will reveal the main reasons for the rejection of loan applications. This will help avoid annoying mistakes and increase the likelihood of approval.

  • How to choose a credit card

    Credit cards differ in many ways: category, grace period conditions, service cost, availability of bonuses, and others. How to choose a credit card that will best suit the preferences and lifestyle of the owner?

  • Good advice

    How to put money on a credit card

    Active use of a credit card implies regular replenishment of the account. You can put money on a credit card in many ways - in cash or non-cash. In some cases, replenishing a credit card can bring additional benefits.

  • How does a credit card work

    All credit cards work in the same way. Once having understood the nuances, each client will be able to use this banking product as efficiently as possible. Consider in detail the rules for using a credit card and the types of grace period.

  • How is a credit card payment calculated?

    It is better to study the rules for calculating the monthly payment on a credit card even before concluding an agreement. This will save you from the occurrence of overdue debts, subsequent fines, problems with the bank and a damaged credit history.

  • Credit history

    Credit history is information about commitments made on loans, as well as the quality of their performance. Let's take a closer look at how to find out your credit history what a credit report consists of and whether a bad history can be corrected.

  • Same day credit cards

    A credit card with same-day issuance is a real lifesaver for those who urgently need money. However, the speed and simplified procedure of registration entail high interest and other restrictions.

  • Credit cards for shopping

    Modern credit cards are not only a convenient means of payment, but also access to all kinds of loyalty programs. Consider 10 credit cards with the most attractive bonuses, using which you can get even more benefits from your purchases.

  • Credit cards with an interest-free period

    credit card with grace period- one of the most popular banking products. Let's consider the main conditions for providing and methods for calculating the interest-free period, as well as credit cards with a maximum grace period.

  • Credit cards with bonuses

    Bonus program - effective method stimulation of activity and encouragement of bank clients. Modern financial institutions have a variety of loyalty programs in their arsenal. Let us dwell only on some of the most profitable and popular.

  • Instant Decision Credit Cards

    Instant Decision Credit Card - the best option for those who want to apply without leaving home and immediately find out the result of the consideration. Let's dwell on the registration procedure and the best offers in the segment of express credit cards.

  • Good advice

    Free money. Cash out a credit card without commission

    Most often cash withdrawals borrowed money with credit cards comes with a high commission. But not always.

    Good advice

    We change the salary card to a more profitable one: which “plastic” is better and how to overcome accounting

    Opportunities offered by the employer salary card often very limited. When is it worth "look around" and how to transfer salary receipts to another "plastic"?


    Theft of money from the card. If you have a bank card, you should know this

    Fraudsters invent new ways to steal money from bank cards. Which of them are common today?

  • Hilarious cases from bank employees. It's only funny in real life

    Banks are serious, but not always. Sometimes clients become the protagonists of funny stories and cases that can amuse and laugh.

  • Topical

    Banks will store not only money, but also your voice

  • Good advice

    Payment order - what is it?

    Money transfers are carried out in different forms: by letters of credit, collection orders, checks. And the first place in the volume of documents on the basis of which these operations are carried out is occupied by money orders(payments).


    How debt collectors work

    Development banking system in Russia led to the emergence of structures, the existence of which no one had previously guessed, except for a narrow circle of initiates. Collectors (collection agencies) specializing in out-of-court debt collection became one of these structures.

  • golden card

    Plastic cards have firmly entered our lives and continue to expand their scope of application. Tens of millions of people in Russia use them in everyday life: they pay for goods and services at retail and service outlets, carry out Money transfers withdrawing cash. The banking services market offers thousands of card products with a variety of opportunities. However, with such a wealth of choice, plastic cards are clearly divided by belonging to a particular class.

  • Topical

    Dispelling myths about contactless payment cards

    With contactless payment cards, you must follow all the same security measures as for the rest. But do not forget to "filter" "adult horror stories" and draw your own conclusions, weighing the incoming information.

    Good advice

    Will the bank pay for everything? What to do if money is stolen from the card

    Unfortunately, theft of money from bank cards is not uncommon today. However, in certain situations, the debited amount can be returned.

  • Installment cards

    Installment cards demonstrate a fundamentally different approach to lending. The product is interesting not only for users, but also for banks.

  • Good advice

    How to impress bankers or 7 steps to a perfect credit history

    “Why don’t they give me a loan in banks?” - this question torments many failed borrowers. Let's look at the situation through the eyes credit institutions and find out how they evaluate customers. Having this information, you will not conquer the world, but you can get a loan on favorable terms.

    Good advice

    Loan delays. A guide to surviving financial hardship.

    The unexpected can happen in anyone's life. Job loss, injury, illness, loss of loved ones. In such cases, hands fall, and the fulfillment of debt obligations is relegated to the background. This article will be useful to those who have outstanding loans. We wish you never need this information, but if problems arise, you know where to find it.


    Fashion for refinancing. What % rates are trending now.

    Good advice

    Tired of faceless plastic and monotonous programs with the accrual of air miles or cashback? Then this is the selection for you. Here are collected 6 proposals from Russian banks, which are definitely not trivial. Choose to your taste.

    Good advice

    The bank saves the safe: how to insure a debit card

    More than 1 billion rubles. per year - according to the Central Bank, this amount has been stolen from the bank cards of Russians for several years. In order not to get into disappointing statistics, it is worth taking care of plastic insurance. We tell you what offers banks have.


    “Sign here where there is a tick,” the bank employee says, handing over sheets of paper. There is no time to read the contract, and I don’t want to strain my eyes. Obediently display the signature, take a copy for yourself. Familiar? And now let's figure out what you definitely need to pay attention to before signing the contract.

  • To the world - "Mir": the pros and cons of the national payment system

    Mir cards are currently used by 35 million people, most of whom are state employees. For people who do not work in government organizations, such plastic is still unpopular: there are less than 4 million such holders. Indeed, Mir still has drawbacks. But the benefits seem to be more.

  • Investment life insurance: benefits and risks

    Investment life insurance is becoming more and more popular in the insurance market. People are attracted by the opportunity to earn on investments and at the same time secure the future of loved ones. But this tool has both pros and cons. Let's see who is suitable for ISZH.

  • Good advice

    Bank in your pocket. Advanced gadgets for banking clients

    The digital revolution has not bypassed the banking sector: today we can replenish an account or make contactless payments using small, but functional devices. We talk about the most useful of them and how the process of introducing such innovations in Russia is going on.

    Good advice

    Bought on AliExpress - return the money back

    Everything is sold on AliExpress: from smartphones to dog muzzles in the form of a duck's beak. The popularity of the trading platform led banks to the idea of ​​creating special cards. With them, you can not only conveniently pay for purchases, but also return part of the money spent. What kind of plastic will you be able to buy again and again? We understand the conditions and choose.

  • In the name of good: how charity bank cards work

    Charitable cards have been issued in the US since the 1980s. In Russia, they are not yet so popular, but they definitely have potential: according to statistics, every second resident of the country spends up to 3 thousand rubles on charity. in year. Banks offer cards to help save rare animals, give children a home, or support lonely old people.

  • Good advice

    distrust index. Are Russian banks ready to lend to foreigners?

    At least 8 years will be required for a foreigner to obtain Russian citizenship in the general manner. Is it possible to get a loan at this time or is it better to wait for the coveted passport, read in our article.

    Good advice

    White or black. The truth about mortgage brokers

    Received an advance and didn't pick up the phone again - this is a typical response from the victim of a black loan broker. About how not to get into a similar situation and choose an honest and competent financial advisor read this article.

  • Plastic in the appendage: why do we need additional bank cards

    Three-quarters of Russians use bank cards, but not every plastic owner has their own separate bank account. What are additional cards, how, why and under what conditions to issue them - everything in order.

  • Topical

    My bank is being sanitized. What does it mean and what to do

    Experts from the DIA say that the situation with the resolution of banks in Russia is improving: today there are only 5 projects launched (for comparison, there were 18 in 2015). But after last year's high-profile stories with Binbank and Otkritie Bank, customers are worried. We tell you why reorganization is not so scary for depositors and what to do if the bank is “recovered”.


    I am a freelancer. Can my card be blocked?

    Recently, there has been a lot of talk about blocking bank cards. This issue is especially relevant for freelancers, monetary transactions which often look "suspicious". Let's figure out what can lead to blocking the card and what to do if it does happen.


    My bank license was revoked. What to do?

    The “cleansing” of the banking sector has subsided, but, as experience shows, the revocation of a license can affect any bank. For customers, this news is unpleasant and unexpected. Questions immediately arise: is it necessary to repay the loan, will the money be lost, and where to run at all? We answer FAQ faced by bank customers in such a situation.

  • Individual loan rate: which borrower, such interest

    “Is it possible to lend at least a penny to a man who has debts of three hundred thousand francs, and not a centime for his soul?” - exclaims the usurer Gobsek from the story of Balzac and refuses a loan to the count. Banks, like Gobsek, want to make money, not go bankrupt. We tell how the individual rate helps them in this and what the personal percentage depends on.

  • Good advice

    WORLD cashback: which bank to choose to get the most out of the card

    Cashback is a long and effectively working "bait", with the help of which payment systems and issuing banks attract customers. The MIR cards, which are issued by Russian banks, are no exception. Moreover, for some "MIR" products you can get a double bonus - from the bank and from the payment system.

    Underwater rocks

    Which bank to choose - public or private

    Got extra money that makes sense to put on deposit. Or vice versa, there was a desire to buy something on credit. Then you will probably have to think about which bank to contact - public or private. In this article, we will tell you what is the difference between them and what to be guided by when choosing.

    Good advice

    Impersonal metal accounts: how easy it is to invest in precious metals

    Against the backdrop of economic instability, gold and other precious metals seem like a safe haven. But storing gold bars at home is not very safe. For such cases, banks offer depersonalized metal accounts. We tell you how to become an investor in precious metals without even touching them.

  • Union Pay cards: yuan in your pocket

    For most Russians, a bank card is Visa, MasterCard or Mir. If someone heard about Union Pay cards, then most likely out of the corner of their ear. In this article, we will talk about the Union Pay payment system and its cards, whether it is worth buying them and where you can do it.

  • Good advice

    How to save money on online shopping: cashback cards and online services

    Buying online is convenient and fast. Money in virtual stores is spent more discreetly than in conventional ones. Thanks to special offers from banks and online services, online shopping can be profitable. We tell you how to buy equipment, clothes, air tickets and anything else, and get paid for it.

    Good advice

    Is it possible to earn on a savings account

    Imagine that you have free 30 thousand rubles set aside for a vacation. The trip is scheduled in 2 months and the idea arises to “attach” your hard-earned money. The first thought is a deposit, but you will have to say goodbye to savings for at least a quarter. A savings account will help make money work without restrictions on its use.

  • IYTC Cards: Empowering Young Travelers

    Youth is the best time in life, full of hopes and desires. If love, then forever, if travel - then to the ends of the world! Discovering the beauties of the world is especially nice if you can save on purchases. This opportunity for young travelers is provided by IYTC cards.

  • ITIC Teacher Cards: Saving Money on Travel

    Teachers and teachers are representatives of one of the most respected and noble professions. These are people with a broad outlook, opening the world for their wards - pupils and students. We are talking about the ITIC card, which helps to save money on travel and provides access to additional opportunities in the educational field.

  • Good advice

    How to increase your salary with an individual salary project

    Slavery in Russia was abolished in 1861, and "wage slavery" in 2015. What has changed since then and how do banks attract payroll clients who have gone free-floating? We talk about the most interesting offers: interest on the balance, cashback, soft loans and VIP privileges.


    Mobile banking vs internet banking: which is safer

    Digitalization banking sector is in full swing: more and more people are mastering mobile and Internet banking. We find out which of these services is still more reliable, and tell you how to secure data.

  • “Dear you are our person”, or what is Private Banking

    Just a few years ago Russian market financial VIP services was a pale imitation of a European one. But now our banks have moved from simple service in a separate room with expensive furniture to really interesting offers. First of all, it is a guarantee of anonymity, asset protection and personal conditions for the client.

  • Underwater rocks

    Account in a foreign bank. What reporting to submit

    More and more Russians open accounts abroad. This is convenient for those who permanently or for a long time live abroad, and for those who travel frequently. But the account foreign bank These are not only new opportunities, but also new responsibilities. Let's talk about them.

    Underwater rocks

    Marketing ploys of bankers

    If you are going to place free money in a deposit or take a mortgage, then first of all you are looking for the most profitable programs. Financial institutions, of course, respond to these signals and throw tempting offers on the market. In this article, we will talk about the tricks banks resort to in order to retain and expand the circle of customers.

    Good advice

    From point A to point B: how to transfer money within the Russian Federation

    Probably, every person at least once faced with the need to send money to another city. Previously, for this it was necessary to come to the post office or bank and huddle in line. Now there are many more ways available: through terminals, ATMs or mobile phone. We talk about all the options in terms of benefits and speed.

  • Far Eastern hectare: to develop and build

    More than 100 thousand people have applied for a "Far Eastern hectare", and 40 thousand plots have already been provided for free use. Their owners plan to build houses, conduct agricultural and other activities. What kind of support they can count on, we will tell in this article.

  • Good advice

    Save and Grow: Where to Invest Dollars

    For those who have a reserve of US dollars, the question is whether it is possible to “attach” them in our country and make money on it. Let's talk about several ways to invest American currency that can bring income.

  • What is SMS credit

    Today, to apply for a loan, process it and receive money, you do not need to visit a bank or MFI branch. This can be done remotely - by phone, through the online form on the website of the financial institution, in personal account and even by SMS. In this article, we will talk about how and where you can get an SMS loan and what are its advantages and disadvantages.

  • Topical

    Features of national crowdfunding or how to chip in for a startup

    If you had bought $1 worth of Apple stock twenty years ago, you would have made about $22,300 today. Read about whether there is a chance in 2018 to successfully invest your hard-earned money in this article.

  • Golden Deals for the Golden Age. The best cards for pensioners

    Before leaving for a well-deserved rest, a person should decide how he would like to receive a pension: through the Russian Post or at a bank. About which of the Russian financial institutions is better for older people and where it is worth opening an account, read this article.

  • Topical

    Plastic for superheroes. What cards would comic book characters use in Russia

    Heroes and villains of the DC and Marvel universes often behave like ordinary people: they go shopping, eat at restaurants, travel. We decided to dream up and pick up profitable bank cards for popular comic book characters. Will they be able Russian banks satisfy superhero needs, read our article.

  • Multicurrency card: why you need it and where to apply

    A multi-currency card will help free up space from excess plastic in your wallet, save money on purchases abroad and exchange currency in a couple of clicks on your smartphone. We tell you where to order and how much you have to pay for convenience.

  • Topical

    5 ways to get out of the financial crisis

    I would like to think that financial crisis- what happens to others. In reality, anyone can find themselves in a debt hole due to difficult life circumstances or a banal inability to use credit products. We have compiled 5 practical ways to help you get out of the financial crisis.

    Good advice

    Where to get money for a student

    The minimum scholarship for bachelor's, specialist's and master's programs in Russia is 1340 rubles. With a good study, you can count on 5-7 thousand rubles, but in any case it is impossible to live on that kind of money. We tell you where students are given loans on favorable terms and what to look for so as not to create problems for yourself and your parents.

    Good advice

    Summer tickets: travel cards


    The bank demands to repay a loan that I did not take. What to do?

    A letter from an unknown sender or a call from an unknown number usually does not bode well. At best, they will be loaded with advertising, or even an unpleasant surprise will be presented. Such a surprise may be the requirement of the bank to repay a loan that a person did not take. How to behave in such situations, we will tell in this article.


    Taxable income from debt relief

    Imagine the situation: a bank client took a loan, but could not pay it off. Neither the bank nor the collectors could collect the debt, and after some time the borrower receives a notification that his debt has been written off. But it’s too early to rejoice: you will have to pay tax on the income received.

  • Priority Pass or how to feel like a VIP

    Airport VIP lounges are designed for travelers who prefer comfort while waiting for a flight. There are several ways to get into this zone, which is inaccessible to most passengers: buy a business class ticket, pay money for entry, participate in the airline's loyalty program. But the most versatile is the map Priority Pass.

  • Underwater rocks

    What to choose - Priority Pass or Lounge Key

    For those who fly frequently and prefer to travel in comfort, spending many hours in the noisy and crowded halls of the airport terminal is a real torture. Salvation can be participation in one of the international programs for access to airport lounge areas. In this article, we will talk about two of them - Priority Pass and Lounge Key.


    Chargeback: how to return money to a card and not get into a puddle

    Paying for goods or services with a bank card is modern, fast and convenient. True, sometimes misunderstandings arise during such operations. But even if the item paid for by the card is not received, the problem can be resolved without going to court with the help of a chargeback.


    Do anti-collectors help debtors?

    The lending market gave rise to collectors, and then the opposite force to them - anti-collectors. The latter are approached by borrowers who have fallen into a debt hole. In desperation, a person cannot correctly assess the situation and clutches at straws. Benefit or harm will bring "defenders of the debtor" depends on the situation.

    Underwater rocks

    Increasing the interest rate on a loan: legal or not

    Interest on a loan is a sore subject, but even more borrowers are concerned about changing them. Anxiety is most often groundless and the bank will not increase the interest on the loan unilaterally. But there are exceptions to every rule.


    Term limitation period- a period, the completion of which releases the borrower from obligations to the bank. The theory is based on legislation, namely, on Civil Code RF. In practice, questions arise about the method of calculating the term. Often the loan has to be repaid after the cherished 3 years.

    Good advice

    What to do with the debt to the bank if they are taken to serve in the army

    Defending the Motherland is a sacred thing, but not always grateful. Men liable for military service risk getting into a situation where they owe not only to the country, but also to the bank. Taking a loan up to 27 years old is not a problem, but how to give it back if you have to march past a bank branch for a whole year.

  • What's in my name to you: hit parade of bank names

    According to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, as of June 26, 2018, there are 898 credit institutions in Russia. Of these, 62 are non-banking. Not each of the remaining 836 banks distinguished themselves by their imagination when choosing a name. With which banks everything is clear from the first word, and which names make you think - we will tell in the article.

  • Good advice

    What to do if you are scammed when buying online

    The average check of a person deceived when shopping on the Internet is 15 thousand rubles. rub. It is difficult to calculate how many people were left without goods and without money. Not all victims report incidents, because they believe that it is impossible to return the money. This is wrong. We tell you where to look for justice and how to protect yourself from scammers.

    Good advice

    How to lend money the right way

    Situations when someone asks for a loan of money are not rare. If there is an opportunity to help, people help. But when it comes to a large amount, it is worth borrowing wisely, without neglecting the norms of the law. This approach will help guarantee a refund.

    Good advice

    How to deal with collectors

    The practice of obtaining loans in Russia has been actively developing since the early 2000s. At the same time, the number of collection agencies who collect debts from unfortunate borrowers. For the current year, collectors plan to return 14 billion rubles, which means that the risk of becoming their “client”, even without having a debt, is rapidly increasing.

  • Numismatics: how to make money on coins

    Numismatics is an interesting hobby and a way to earn money. If you have a ten-rouble note “Chechen Republic” from the series “ Russian Federation”, consider that the budget was replenished by 10 thousand rubles. Of course, about 95% of the coins are already concentrated in enterprising collectors, but there is a chance that your profit is hidden among the remaining 5%.

  • Good advice

    Cards with free TCD policy

    Many people know that banks offer cards with bonuses for travelers. But not everyone knows about an additional service - free insurance for those traveling abroad. Next, we will tell you why a TZR policy is needed abroad, what it protects against, and what bank offers you should pay attention to.


    6 mistakes when using credit cards

    Credit card - profitable way borrow money from the bank. If the borrower uses the instrument correctly, then he does not pay interest. However, not everyone understands how this scheme works. Many people make mistakes that cause debt to snowball. Next, consider the most common ones.

    Good advice

    Taxi Savings Cards

    Bank card holders can save on taxis in several ways: receive cashback for trips, exchange points for taxi certificates, and also receive discounts when ordering cars. Such privileges are available to owners of both credit and debit plastic. Let's talk about the offers of banks in more detail.

    Underwater rocks

    Currency transfers abroad

    When transferring money abroad, pay attention to the commission, the term for crediting funds and security guarantees. There are three main ways: through a bank, using electronic payment systems or international systems fast transfers. Let's talk about the pros and cons of these options.

  • Not like everyone else: bank cards with creative design

    The desire to stand out, to possess something non-standard is typical for many people. Bank cards are no exception. Financial institutions, capturing the needs of customers, produce plastic with an exotic design. We will talk about such cards in this article.

  • Concierge service: as a personal assistant

    The life of business and just active people is filled with interesting and important events. And sometimes they have neither the desire nor the opportunity to engage in routine or spend time searching for the necessary information. In such cases, assistants, secretaries and concierge service come to the rescue. We will talk about it in this article.

  • How to pay for a purchase in a store without money and a card

    Apple, Google and Samsung Pay have already ceased to be perceived as a curse. Most people who have a smartphone and a superficial understanding of banking products have heard of these contactless payment systems for purchases. We will tell you how to get access to technologies in this article.

  • Good advice

    Aeroflot Bonus: savings and comfort

    “Fly with Aeroflot planes!” - called advertising from the times of the USSR, as if people had a choice. Now there really is a choice, and airlines, operating in a competitive environment, use various marketing techniques to retain and expand their customer audience. One of them is Aeroflot Bonus, which we will discuss in this article.

  • RZD Bonus: travel with benefits for the wallet

    The railway, despite the growing competition from road and air carriers, is used by many. But not everyone knows that traveling by train can be made not only pleasant, but also profitable. Russian railways(Russian Railways) encourage passengers, and we will tell you how to use this in the article.

  • What is an individual pension plan

    Medium insurance pension for a non-working pensioner as of January 1, 2018 is 14,329 rubles. Agree - the money is more than modest. One of the ways to increase the level of income for a future pensioner is to issue an individual pension plan(IPP).

  • MCC: "kitchen" of rewards on plastic cards

    In the context of many plastic cards banks include cashback and participation in discount (bonus) programs. Holders are rewarded for certain transactions, usually for paying for purchases. You can find out which trade and service enterprises (TSP) participate in programs and promotions using the MCC, which we will discuss in this article.

  • 5 ways to transfer money without commission

    Money transfers are one of the most popular financial services. A fee is charged for such operations. However, this is not general rule. There are several ways to transfer money without commission, we will talk about them in this article.

  • Underwater rocks

    7 mistakes that cardholders make over and over again

    Plastic cards in Russia are used by tens of millions of people, and, at first glance, this does not require special talents and is available to anyone. But holders with enviable regularity step on the same rake, for which they pay out of their own pocket. We talk about these errors and how to avoid them in the article.

Modern man cash you may need to pay for purchases or services at any time, and asking for a loan from friends and acquaintances is not always possible. A credit card can help you quickly get out of a temporary financial difficulty, but in most cases it can take a long time to process it. However, do not be upset - the Molniya credit card from OTP Bank will help you quickly solve the problem. You can get it instantly and even without visiting the bank service office.

Map Features

When it becomes necessary to issue a credit card, borrowers usually contact a bank branch or send an application through the website of a credit institution. In the case of the Lightning credit card, you do not need to go to the bank to apply. This is a joint project of OTP Bank and Svyaznoy-Club, plastic is distributed through the Svyaznoy retail chain. The possibility of obtaining a credit card directly in the store significantly increases its availability.


Credit card "Lightning" from OTP Bank is a full-fledged payment instrument that can be used all over the world. The credit terms are as follows:

  • free issue;
  • free annual service;
  • credit limit - up to 300,000 rubles;
  • rate - from 19.9%;
  • monthly payment - 6% of the debt amount;
  • interest-free period - up to 55 days;
  • Cash Back from all purchases - 1.5%;
  • contactless payments Pay Pass;
  • interest on the balance - up to 7 per annum;
  • discounts and Special offers from MasterCard partners;
  • free transfer of money to another card;
  • cost control through

How to get

In order to get a credit card "Lightning" of OTP Bank, it is enough to visit one of the "Svyaznoy" communication salons in your city. An employee of the store will accept the application, he will also issue plastic, which will be in an inactive state. To activate and receive a PIN code, have a pen and paper ready, call free number 8-800-700-56-59 and follow the prompts of the autoinformer. Then you can start paying for goods and services.

Bank requirements for the borrower

OTP Bank does not impose any special requirements on its borrowers:

  • age - 21-69 years;
  • citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • permanent registration and actual residence in the region where there is departments of the OTP Jar;
  • permanent employment and work experience at the last place of work from 3 months;
  • availability of a pension (for clients of retirement age).

What documents are needed

the only necessary document to receive a credit card "Lightning" is. It is very important that it is not expired, does not have torn, soiled or wrinkled pages and extra entries. If your passport is in poor condition, the bank will refuse to issue a loan (but, of course, you will not be told the reason for the refusal).

How to use Lightning

In order not only to use borrowed funds on a credit card, but also to get the maximum benefit from it, it is important to take into account some nuances. Let's take a closer look.

Interest free period

It is very important to correctly understand the essence of the interest-free period in order not to violate its terms and not overpay on the loan. It consists of two parts:

  • billing period (1st - 30th day of each month) - time for making purchases with a credit card;
  • repayment period (1-25th day of the month following the settlement month) - term full repayment debt incurred during the billing period.

The term of 55 days is the maximum value of the interest-free period. For example, if you have one purchase on credit on the 1st and another on the 30th, then in any case, in order to avoid overpayment, both amounts must be returned by the 25th of the next month. When withdrawing cash, the interest-free period does not apply.

Cash Back

Cash Back in the amount of 1.5% of the amount of purchases is credited to the bonus card account once a month on the 10th day of the previous month. Maximum amount bonuses is 2000 rubles per month. When this amount is reached, the accrual of bonuses stops until the next month. Then the Cash Back accrual starts anew and only from purchases of the current month.

Cash Back is not credited when:

  • money transfers and cash withdrawals;
  • replenishment of electronic wallets;
  • payment of insurance and financial services;
  • purchases of lottery tickets, bets in casinos and sweepstakes;
  • payment for communication services.

Loan repayment

To pay the amount of the monthly payment or the entire amount of the debt, you just need to top up your credit card in one of the following ways:

  1. Use the online card-to-card transfer service on the OTP Bank website. No commission is charged for internal transfers. When using payment instruments of other financial institutions, the card issuer may charge a fee for the service.
  2. Make a transfer between your cards through the Internet bank "OTPdirect".
  3. Top up the card account through branches and OTP ATMs Jar.
  4. Top up the account through self-service terminals or at the outlets of the bank's partners. When making a payment through partners, you must provide your passport, card or contract number. When using the terminal, select the "Repayment of loans" section and click the "Top up card" item.

About the pros and cons

An important feature of the "Lightning" is its availability with an attractive interest rate from 19.9%. When applying, the bank sets the rate on an individual basis, but is ready to reduce it if monthly payments are made on time within 6 months. Thus, long-term lending is needed to lower the rate. To make the best use of your card, try to make large purchases in the first days of the month in order to have time to pay off the debt without paying interest during the interest-free period.

Credit cards - my experience and rules of use: Video