Insurance experience for retirement. Insurance experience: procedure and rules for calculating

Imagine you miscalculated the length of service for an employee. The employee will receive less money than he should. In order not to offend employees and not violate the law, we will learn how to calculate the insurance period correctly

Calculation insurance experience may be needed in two cases:

  1. When calculating temporary disability benefits or, as we used to call it, sick leave.
  2. For the appointment of a labor pension.

In these cases, the calculation procedure, periods and other details may differ. In the article, we will analyze only the calculation of the insurance period for the appointment of sick leave.

Sick pay depends on length of service.

The amount depends on the insurance experience of the employee:

  • if the insurance period of the employee is from 6 months to 5 years, then he should be paid 60% of the average earnings;
  • from 5 to 8 years - 80%;
  • more than 8 years - 100%.

Rules for calculating the insurance period

The insurance period is the period when the employee worked and the employer transferred for him insurance premiums to off-budget funds.

A prerequisite: it is possible to include a certain period in the calculation of the insurance period only if insurance premiums for the employee were transferred for this period.

The rules and procedure for calculating the insurance period are defined in the Rules for calculating and confirming the insurance period for determining the amount of benefits for temporary disability, for pregnancy and childbirth, approved. by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated February 6, 2007 No. 91 (hereinafter referred to as the Rules for calculating the insurance period).

Do not confuse seniority with seniority - they are different concepts

Seniority is the duration of exclusively labor activity, which is carried out on the basis of an employment contract.

For example, an employee who will be assigned temporary disability benefits was in certain years individual entrepreneur. There was no employment contract, but during this period the individual entrepreneur transferred insurance premiums for himself. Discrepancy: there is no employment contract and, as a result, there is no entry in the work book either, but there are deductions for the period. When assigning a benefit, this period can be credited to the employee's length of service, provided that he provides documents, for example, a certificate from the territorial branch of the FSS of the Russian Federation.

Documents confirming the insurance experience

The main document confirming the periods of work is a work book.

But what if the information in the labor is incorrect and inaccurate, or there are no records at all about individual periods of work? Then, in confirmation of the periods of work, the following are accepted:

  • written employment contracts drawn up in accordance with the labor legislation in force on the day the relevant legal relationship arises;
  • certificates issued by employers or relevant state (municipal) bodies;
  • extracts from orders;
  • personal accounts and statements for issuance wages.

If the work book is not maintained, the periods of work under an employment contract are confirmed by a written employment contract drawn up in accordance with labor legislation in force on the day the relevant legal relationship arose.

There are special cases - nannies, entrepreneurs, military, etc.

The list of documents on the basis of which it is possible to confirm the experience for various cases is given in Section II of the Rules for calculating and confirming the insurance experience (approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated 06.02.2007 No. 91).


Situation: the employer demanded that the newly hired employee provide documents that can confirm that previous employers paid insurance premiums from payments in favor of this employee. Is it really necessary for an employer to require such documents?

Solution: in paragraph 8 of the rules for calculating and confirming the insurance period, approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated February 6, 2007 No. 91, a list of documents is indicated that can be used to confirm the insurance period. Documents that can confirm that previous employers paid insurance premiums for the employee are not named here. Accordingly, it is not necessary to require these documents from a new employee.

Employer actions:

  1. Check the availability of documents by which it is possible to determine the periods included in the length of service (work book, employment contracts, etc.).
  2. Now you can consider the insurance experience.

How to calculate the length of service if the employee refuses a paper work book

Periods of insurance experience for sick leave

The insurance experience includes:

  • periods of work under an employment contract;
  • periods of state civil or municipal service;
  • periods of other activities during which the citizen was subject to compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with motherhood.

Calculation of insurance experience for sick leave

Periods of work (service, activity) are considered in calendar order based on full months (30 days) and a full year (12 months). Every 30 days of these periods are converted into full months, and every 12 months of these periods are converted into full years (paragraph 2 section III Rules for calculating and confirming the insurance experience).

If the periods of work (service, activity) included in the insurance period coincide in time, one of such periods is taken into account at the choice of the insured person, confirmed by an application that indicates the period chosen for inclusion in the insurance period (clause 22 of the Rules for calculating the insurance period) .

An example of calculating the insurance experience

Let's calculate the length of service for employee Igor Plyushkin to calculate temporary disability benefits. The employee brought a sick leave for the period from August 10 to August 15, 2017. Workbook details:

  • from January 1, 2012 to July 20, 2012, Plyushkin worked at Progress LLC;
  • from July 22, 2012 to August 25, 2014 - at Vector LLC;
  • from August 26, 2014 to August 29, 2014 - at Horizon LLC;
  • From September 1, 2014 to the present, he has been working at Prima LLC.
  • from 01/01/2012 to 07/20/2012 - 0 6 months 20 days;
  • from 07/22/2012 to 08/25/2014 - 2 years 1 month 4 days;
  • from 08/26/2014 to 08/29/2014 - 0 year 0 month 4 days;
  • from 09/01/2014 to 08/09/2017 - 2 years 11 months 9 days
  • Total: 5 years 7 months 7 days
    Igor Plyushkin's insurance experience is 5 years 7 months 7 days, respectively, when calculating benefits, the average daily earnings must be multiplied by 80%.

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The article will discuss the differences between work and insurance experience. What opportunities they give, how they are charged, and how they differ from each other - further.

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In order to be eligible for a pension or other benefits, a person must have experience. It is general labor and insurance.

Which one is used to calculate the pension? In order not to confuse these concepts, it is necessary to understand what is the difference between them.

Basic moments

Experience plays a major role in financial security person - both at the time of his labor activity, and at the time of his retirement.

Seniority is not accrued for absenteeism or being on vacation at the employee's own expense. The insurance experience is confirmed by the presentation of the necessary documents to the Pension Fund.

Documents can be verified a year before the expected retirement. Proof of seniority is.

If all periods of labor activity were indicated in the document, then there will be no problems when calculating a pension or other benefit.

A minimum of 5 years of work experience is required to accrue a pension. However, its size will be minimal. The insurance period is taken into account when calculating sick leave.

When the allowance is calculated for, those periods are taken into account when the citizen carried out labor or other activities, while paying insurance premiums.

The longer the experience, the higher the payout. Normally, the calculations look like this:

If the insured employee has less than 6 months of service, the benefit will be 1% of the salary.
For sick leaves, the insurance period begins from the moment insured event. Calculated in calendar days.

What it is

Insurance experience - the total duration of the periods when a person was officially employed, and the employer deducted contributions for him.

The insurance period includes the following periods:

  • military service (or equivalent to it);
  • the spouses stayed in a military camp, which made it impossible to work (less than 5 years);
  • spouses-diplomats were abroad;
  • the person had a temporary disability (with the preservation of payment);
  • the allowance was paid by the labor exchange;
  • a woman cared for a baby for 1.5 years;
  • the employee took part in paid public works;
  • a period of imprisonment if proven innocent;
  • the person cared for a disabled person or a person over 80 years of age.

Insurance experience is measured in months. A month will be credited as full, if the amount of the contribution for it is not lower than the minimum.

If the amount is lower, then the person has the right to pay extra so that the month is counted as a full month for accrual of experience.

Seniority - a period of activity of various types, necessary to receive payments - benefits from the state, pensions.

Contains quantitative and qualitative characteristics. The first is the length of service. The second is the conditions of labor activity (harmfulness, danger, etc.).

What are their functions

The main purpose of seniority is to perform correct calculations in order to establish the exact amount of the pension. It is also taken into account when calculating social benefits, state.

Citizens with seniority will be able to apply for a pension - according to length of service or upon reaching the age.

The length of time during which a person paid contributions to the Pension Fund gives him the right to receive a pension.

That is, the longer the contribution period is, the larger the pension will be. The length of service makes it clear whether a person has the right to receive an old-age pension or not.


In order for the state to start paying you a pension, it is not enough to reach a certain age. In addition, Russian pension legislation is not ideal and is constantly changing. For this reason, ordinary citizens are interested in what should be the length of service for retirement, taking into account recent changes, as well as the difference between work and insurance experience.

What is seniority for retirement

Under the length of service, it is customary to understand the total duration of labor, social, entrepreneurial and other types of activity in accordance with the law. Based on these data, vacation pay, wage supplements, pension and other payments are calculated. It is customary to distinguish three types of work experience:

  • insurance. For accounting, the time during which insurance premiums were deducted to the Pension Fund is taken. Contributions are paid by the employer from each transfer Money in favor of the employee throughout the entire working life.
  • continuous. The concept includes employment in one organization. You can save continuous experience by working in different organizations, but the break between changing jobs should not exceed one month.
  • special. Accounting for hours worked occurs within the framework of a specific labor activity.

General insurance

The insurance period is the time when a citizen made contributions to the FIU, while he could work both in Russia and abroad, if this does not contradict the law and international treaties. In addition, the total length of service, taking into account recent changes, includes the time of service in the army, temporary disability and the period of caring for a child up to one and a half years. If you received unemployment benefits, you can also count on enrolling this time in the insurance period.

Special retirement experience

In the presence of seniority, some people have the right to early exit for a well-deserved rest or for accrual pension payments. The concept of special experience means the performance of certain activities for a certain time in a certain area and in a certain profession. This type includes, for example, employment in the regions of the Far North, teaching activities, underground work and other difficult working conditions.


In view of recent changes, the length of service for retirement is considered continuous, when a person worked all the time in one place. If he moved from one place to another, the total experience can also be considered continuous, but subject to certain requirements. Firstly, the break between job shifts should not be more than a month, and in case of dismissal of one's own free will - no more than three weeks.

Only here there is one “but”: upon dismissal of one’s own free will, it is necessary to work at the next place for at least 12 months. early reason dismissal should be respectful - reduction, termination of the contract, etc., but not dismissal under the article or severance of labor relations of one's own free will. In this case, the seniority will be considered interrupted.

What length of service is taken into account when calculating a labor pension

Until 2002, pension payments were calculated depending on how many years a person worked. For women, this figure was 20 years, and for men - 25. For each additional year, an additional payment was charged. In connection with the reforms carried out and taking into account recent changes in legislation, the length of service for calculating pensions no longer plays a major role, since insurance is taken for calculation. Today, the amount of pension payments depends on the transfers that were made to the FIU and the timing of their payment.

What is included in the insurance experience

In addition to deductions to the Pension Fund, there are a number of "non-insurance periods" when time will be counted in the length of service, but only if before and after that the person was officially employed. These include:

  • maternity leave with 1, 2, 3 and 4 children until they reach one and a half years, but in total no more than six years;
  • work in the border service, internal affairs and federal service execution of punishments;
  • service in the army or equivalent to it;
  • illness, as a result of which temporary incapacity followed;
  • participation in public and social works;
  • later proved unjustified imprisonment and imprisonment;
  • receiving unemployment benefits;
  • caring for relatives over 80 years old, children, the disabled;
  • spouse (s) who is in the military or public service outside the Russian Federation or at the place of service, but who does not have the opportunity to find a job.

Experience under special working conditions

Taking into account the latest changes, in order to receive a special pension, a man must work in special working conditions for at least 10 years, and a woman for 7 years. However, this will not be enough if the total length of service is less than 20 years for the stronger sex and 15 for the weak. Special working conditions include:

  • employment in hazardous conditions;
  • employment in difficult conditions;
  • work in special professions;
  • work in the Far North or equivalent areas.

Conditions for retirement

Each person independently decides when he wants to go on a well-deserved rest, but for this it is necessary to comply with certain requirements. Taking into account the latest changes in legislation, the main indicators are:

  1. reaching a certain age. If a person worked under normal conditions, the law sets a threshold of 60 years for men and 55 years for women. When working with special conditions, this figure drops to 55 and 50 years.
  2. general work experience. The minimum figure for the representatives of the stronger sex is 25 years, and the weak - 20.
  3. Mandatory pension insurance. A person applying for a pension must be insured and pay contributions to the Pension Fund.

Early retirement regardless of age and length of service

For all categories of citizens, the requirement for a minimum insurance period is unconditional. On the other hand, there are certain persons who may qualify for early pension payments, regardless of the number of years and length of service. These include people who worked in mines and mines, rescuers of emergency services, medical workers, persons who worked on ships of the fishing industry, etc. The main criterion for retirement is the length of labor output.

Social grounds for early retirement

Taking into account recent changes, some persons who have a certain insurance experience, for social reasons, may qualify for early payment. These include:

  • mothers of many children;
  • the visually impaired and those who became them as a result of a military injury;
  • persons who worked in the regions of the Far North.

In addition, the unemployed of pre-retirement age, and citizens who are registered with the Employment Center, but not earlier than 2 years before the retirement age, can go on vacation earlier than the generally established age.

How many years do you have to work to get a pension?

Many citizens are waiting for pension payments, so they are interested in what is the minimum length of service for a pension in Russia today, taking into account recent changes. Since the legislation in the field of pension reforms is constantly undergoing changes, it is necessary to constantly monitor changes in order to ensure at least a small but stable income in old age.

To establish an old-age insurance benefit

If you turn to the law "On Insurance Pensions", you can make sure that men go on a well-deserved rest at 60 years old, and women - at 55. You can also see there that the length of service for retirement in old age depends on certain requirements. Besides, insurance pension on disability is appointed in the presence of any length of service, regardless of the time and reasons for the onset of disability. The same requirements are inherent in the calculation of payments due to the loss of a breadwinner.

To assign a state pension

From federal budget pension money is allocated:

  • for length of service: federal state civil servants, cosmonauts, military personnel and persons equated to them, employees of the flight test staff;
  • by disability: victims of man-made or radiation disasters, cosmonauts, military personnel and persons equated to them, participants in the Great Patriotic War, employees of flight test personnel;
  • in case of loss of a breadwinner: families of military personnel, employees of flight test personnel and astronauts;
  • by old age: victims of man-made or radiation disasters;
  • social pensions: for children with disabilities (including by birth), the disabled, persons not entitled to an insurance pension.

To receive pension payments under the line federal bodies requirements apply only to the total length of service:

  • for federal civil servants since 2019 it is 15.5 years (from 2019 - 16.5 years);
  • for cosmonauts and pilots - 25 years for men or 20 for women;
  • military personnel is established in accordance with the law of the Russian Federation of February 12, 1993 No. 4468-1 on pension provision for these persons;
  • liquidators - 5 years;
  • disabled people - no requirements.

The minimum length of service for the appointment of an old-age pension

Until recently, the minimum insurance period for an old-age pension was 5 years, but taking into account the latest changes since 2015, the calculation has become as follows:

  • from 01.01.2015 the minimum was 6 years;
  • from 01/01/2016 rose to 7 years;
  • from 01.01.2017 8 years are required;
  • from 01.01.2018 will be 9 years old.

In this way, until 2024, it is planned to gradually increase this indicator to 15 years. If the value at the time of entering a well-deserved rest is lower, a person will be assigned a social pension, to which an additional payment will go up to living wage the region where he lives.

The procedure for calculating the experience

In line with federal law"On labor pensions in Russian Federation» each insured person must be assessed for their pension rights, and the number of years does not affect this indicator. The evaluation of pension rights takes place in two stages, based on the worked period of employment: before January 1, 2015 and after. In the first case, the calculation takes place using the calculation rules that were in force at that time and taking into account the preferential procedure. In the second, the procedure for calculating length of service is regulated by the provisions of Law No. 400-ФЗ “On Insurance Pensions”.


When there are no special conditions, the length of service is accrued in calendar order. However, taking into account recent changes, correction factors are used for some categories:

  • 1.5. They are used for citizens who were exposed to radiation during actions to eliminate the consequences of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (with the exception of military personnel);
  • 2.0. Employment in leper colonies or other institutions to combat dangerous epidemics is taken into account. Under this coefficient are subject to military service.
  • 3.0. For combatants and those undergoing treatment and rehabilitation after military injuries.

What periods are not taken into account

Each person must understand that there are certain time periods that are not taken into account in the insurance period. These include:

  • periods taken into account when assigning a pension in accordance with the norms of the legislation of another state, however, foreigners can count on the appointment of an old-age pension if they permanently reside in Russia;
  • periods of service before the appointment of a disability pension, or labor activity taken into account when determining the amount of pension payments for length of service.

Pension in the absence of insurance experience

Taking into account the fact that a person did not work at all, he is assigned a social old-age pension (if there are no other possible grounds for receiving another type of state pension). This is a statutory minimum amount- a kind of guarantee of the state. However, the beginning of the retirement age is increased to 65 for men and 60 for women.

Representatives small peoples Siberia and the North, engaged in natural labor, also receive a social pension, but men from 55, and women from 50. In addition, in the complete absence of the fact of employment with a disabled person or a deceased breadwinner, an appropriate social pension is assigned, the amount of which is indexed in accordance with the order of the Government of Russia.

In recent years, in various media, as well as in Russian society itself, increased attention has been paid to such a phenomenon as insurance experience. There are discussions about what it is, what it influences and what, in turn, has a direct impact on its formation. Many lawyers believe that the legislation governing issues related to experience contains not entirely unambiguous interpretations. But first things first.

Why is experience needed?

The insurance experience gives the state grounds to accrue various types of social support to a citizen. The essence of the most common of them is known to all.

First, it is a well-deserved pension. Of course, there are options when the state will charge it even without experience, but in this case the amount of payments will be very small.

Secondly, it is compensation for temporary disability. insurance experience for sick leave extremely important. Especially on the fact of recent reforms in the healthcare system, when a person can count on compensation commensurate with the salary while on sick leave, only if the length of service is sufficient (we will consider this aspect separately today).

Thirdly, it is maternity. When a woman goes on parental leave, the state provides her with financial support measures, also based primarily on the length of service. Many other aspects (such as actual wages) become secondary.

Insurance experience is a phenomenon characteristic not only for Russia. Similar (although called differently) tools for calculating the labor experience of citizens in order to correctly calculate pensions and various types of benefits are used in most developed countries.

Therefore, working Russians should not neglect the importance of insurance experience - the world has not yet come up with a fundamentally better mechanism for accounting for labor merits or, at least, has not implemented it so that it becomes a global standard.

What is included in the insurance experience, based on regulatory framework Russian legislation? What influences its duration? How to confirm the length of service? What are the ways to increase it?

Experience: theoretical intricacies

The essence of the insurance period is set out in several Russian Federal Laws at once. First, it is the law "On the basics of compulsory social insurance." In it, experience is understood as the total duration of periods for paying contributions (and at the same time tax deductions). The Federal Law "On labor pensions", in turn, provides a different wording.

According to her, the length of service is the total duration of periods of employment and other time intervals that are significant in calculating a pension, during which a citizen paid contributions to the FIU. These two formulations are supplemented by some excerpts from the Federal Law "On Compulsory Pension Insurance". According to them, the contributions in question can be paid even if a person does not work, also for other reasons.

Thus, lawyers consider it lawful to state the following. On the one hand, the length of service implies labor activity. On the other hand, contributions to state funds can be paid even if the person is not employed. In addition, according to some experts, none of the Federal Laws directly denies this kind of phenomenon, when the length of service is counted even in cases where there was neither labor activity nor contributions to funds. Interesting phenomena are acceptable, such as, for example, evidence that a person worked somewhere by interviewing two or more witnesses (if there are no documents confirming employment).

Experience: practical interpretation

Many lawyers note that in their work, state bodies responsible for calculating pensions and other operations related to calculating the insurance period are guided not so much by theory (which, as we have seen above, is very confusingly set out in laws), but by certain norms that have developed in practice. . Based on the most common scheme for interpreting the federal laws governing work with experience, it is customary in Russia to be guided by the following principles:

  1. The length of service has two main characteristics: duration (calculated in years) and content (reflects the actual working conditions, features of climatic zones, etc.).
  2. Experience is divided into general and professional. The first is important from the point of view of calculating a pension, as well as determining the amount of various benefits.

Experience: general and professional

The general insurance experience may, if you follow the norms of the law, include periods in which the citizen did not work, but only in cases where the reasons for this state of affairs are recognized government bodies respectful (military service, crises that caused layoffs and unemployment, etc.).

Professional experience implies taking into account periods of work in difficult or harmful conditions, as well as at enterprises in special climatic zones (for example, in the Far North). It is important in terms of various additional payments, increasing coefficients and determining the right to early retirement.


What does a person need to do in order for his activity to be taken into account in the insurance experience? First of all, for what he will pay contributions to state funds (and with them tax deductions). The calculation of the insurance period is carried out based on the degree of usefulness of the activity that the citizen is engaged in for the state treasury, for the budget.

According to the laws of the Russian Federation, this can be either hired work (with registration in accordance with the Labor Code), or the provision of services under civil law contracts. In both cases, the amount of remuneration from the employer or customer is subject, firstly, to personal income tax (13%), and secondly, contributions to funds, amounting to about 30% of what a person received in his hands.

In addition to hired work and "freelance" under civil law contracts, other types of activities or periods of being in a certain status are counted in the insurance record. Most often it is:

  • time of service in the army;
  • periods when various kinds of state benefits are received (for disability, pregnancy and childbirth, unemployment, etc.).

There are other, less common, but perfectly legitimate reasons. For example, these may be periods of stay of citizens who are married to officers of the Russian army, in the status of unemployed for objective reasons (in practice, this may be a situation where the husband, an army general, leads the deployment of units on the Arctic islands: it is clear that his wife, most likely won't find a job there). At the same time, these types of activities and periods of being in a certain status are counted in the length of service under one condition - the person worked before or will be employed after.

The calculation of the insurance period required for acquiring the right to a labor pension is carried out in a calendar order. If several periods coincide in time, one of them is taken into account at the choice of the person who applied for the establishment of the specified pension.

How is experience counted?

The main method for calculating seniority is the calendar method. The data is taken from the personalized accounting card, which is maintained by the structures of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. If there is not enough information in the department, then documents that the citizen himself can provide are taken into account ( employment contracts, contracts or testimonies of witnesses who are ready to confirm that a person worked there for such and such an amount of time - we have already mentioned this possibility above).

How experience is confirmed

Confirmation of insurance experience - a moment, according to a number of lawyers, is ambiguous. Largely because Russia is a country where the legal field in many areas is still being formed. A significant part of the procedures, as lawyers believe, still works according to Soviet principles. Many experts believe that the methods of using seniority in calculating pensions and benefits will still be reformed, and perhaps even more than once.

How is sick leave counted?

The insurance period, as we said above, is needed by the state to calculate three main types of payments: pensions, maternity, as well as temporary disability benefits or, in other words, sick leave. Consider what formulas are used by government departments when calculating compensation for a citizen who is undergoing treatment.

The main sources of law that act as a guideline for an accountant who calculates the insurance period for a sick leave are a letter from the FSS of Russia dated October 30, 2012, as well as the Federal Law "On Compulsory Social Insurance". Both there and there it is said that the specified length of service is a key indicator for calculating the amount of benefits. According to the norms of the Federal Law and the recommendations of the FSS, the rules for calculating the insurance period, which the accounting department performs when calculating compensation for sick leave, are as follows:

  1. If a person has an experience of 8 years or more, then compensation while on sick leave will be 100% of the average monthly salary for the previous two years of work. The formula for calculating compensation is as follows: the total amount of money earned is summed up, divided by 730, and then multiplied by the number of days a person is on sick leave.
  2. If a citizen does not have 8 years of experience, but has 5 or more, then he is entitled to sick leave in the amount of 80% of the "pay". From the final figure of the formula for the first paragraph, we subtract 20%.
  3. If a person has been engaged in activities included in the length of service for less than 5 years, then the maximum that the FSS compensates is 60% of the average salary.

Also, the laws contain restrictions regarding cases when a person has an experience of less than six months. If so, then maximum size sick leave is one minimum wage per month (taking into account possible territorial coefficients).

The calculation of the length of service, as many lawyers believe, is standardized by the legislator in a fairly understandable format (in contrast to the same mechanisms for confirming employment periods that we talked about above). Despite a number of debatable nuances, everything is quite logical.

Calculation of sick leave: nuances

Lawyers highlight some of the most popular discussion points that affect how the insurance period for sick leave is calculated. There are a number of nuances that leave many citizens indifferent. Let's call the main ones.

The first question that often worries the community is: does the amount of compensation depend on the period of work in a particular organization, are periods of work with previous employers taken into account? The laws of the Russian Federation state: it does not matter who exactly hired a citizen and for how long he worked. Even if a person carried out his labor functions in a new place for at least one day, then he can go on sick leave and receive 100% compensation from the FSS, provided that his work experience is more than 8 years (or in accordance with other conditions that we told above).

The second common question is: how is it calculated average earnings if a person has been employed at the current place of work for less than two years (that is, there is no complete data for the previous 24 months in the accounting department)? How in this case is the calculation of the insurance period for sick leave? Lawyers give two answers. Firstly, in the FSS database (which actually makes payments) there is information that makes it easy to calculate the amount of a citizen's salary.

Similarly, the department has information that allows for an accurate calculation of the length of service. There are uniform formulas according to which the employer pays contributions to the funds. In the case of the FSS specifically, this is 2.9% of the salary. That is, if the department's database reflects the amount monthly payments at 1,500 rubles, it is easy to calculate that the citizen's "pay" was approximately 51,700 rubles. Secondly, if the FSS has any difficulties in calculating the average salary of a person who has gone on sick leave, then you can always provide supporting documents: extracts from the accounting department of the previous employer or, for example, a tax certificate.

The third popular question: what are the maximum and minimum sick leave amounts? Regarding the first case: everything depends on the norms established by the state. For each year, the funds set a limit. For example, in 2012, the amount of sick leave could not exceed 512 thousand (annualized). In 2013, the figure was 568 thousand rubles, in 2014 - 624 thousand rubles. Minimum size sick leave (for example, if a citizen has not worked for 2 years) is equal to the minimum wage, that is, for 2014 it is 5554 rubles. Thus, we see: the insurance period for the sick-list plays an important, but not decisive role. The state may set the conditions under which its value may be limited.

What is work experience?

The question arises: how do insurance experience and work experience relate? Are they different phenomena or are they synonyms? Neither one nor the other. And this often leads to confusion. It happens that it comes to incidents in the conceptual apparatus: there are such phrases as "work experience" and the like. The explanation, lawyers believe, lies on the surface. It's all about the peculiarities of Russian legislation, which has been actively reformed over the past 20 years.

The fact is that until 2002, labor relations and procedures for calculating pensions were regulated by federal laws based on the Soviet system of law.

And after a deep modernization of legislation in 2002, a completely new concept was introduced. Namely - "insurance experience". Why do many today call it labor? There are two sets of reasons.

Firstly, many citizens (especially those who grew up and retired under the USSR) simply got used to such a term as "work experience". And so they continue to use this particular phrase.

Second, some sources Russian law the term "work experience" is still encountered. But it is given there for the sole purpose of designating the periods until 2002, when a citizen worked (in the Russian Federation - since 1991, or in the USSR). Therefore, it cannot be said that the very concept of "work experience" has lost its meaning due to the reforms. If a person first got a job, for example, in 1985, and still continues to be in the status of an employee, then when he applies to the FIU for a pension, his experience from 1985 to 2002 will appear in all documents as labor. And only the one after 2002 is insurance.

So, if today we hear the phrase "work experience" somewhere, then we should understand this in two possible ways:

  • I mean all the same insurance experience;
  • we are talking about the designation of the period of work of a person until 2002.

Other interpretations are possible, as lawyers note, but they are, as a rule, of an explanatory nature. In most cases, two ways of interpreting the length of service mentioned above have practical significance.

2845 10/08/2019 5 min.

In the course of a person performing a labor function, it becomes necessary to calculate the time spent at work. It is necessary to calculate the amount of insurance experience in order to calculate the size pension provision, payments for disability certificates, the appointment of benefits of a social nature. For all of the above cases, the calculation process is carried out in the same way.

According to legislative acts, all citizens must engage in work of social utility in order to ensure their livelihoods. Employment, officially confirmed, gives a person a certain list of guarantees for receiving compensation for illness, the birth of a child and other circumstances that take place in life.

What is insurance experience

Under the insurance experience is understood the period during which a person performed labor activity. All types of activity are included, including service, author's, production or entrepreneurship. The employee has the right to support from the state in the following periods of life:

  • at the onset of retirement age -;
  • registration of disability, regardless of group;
  • loss of a person who is the breadwinner of the family.

According to the legislation, pension compensations are assigned to a person in the event that there is a period of time during which contributions were made to the Pension Fund and the social security service. In this case, we are talking about pensions accrued when a person reaches retirement age. It differs for men and women (60 and 55 years respectively). The presence of experience is confirmed by entries made in the work book. For women, it is available, more precisely, the inclusion in the working period of time of caring for a crumb up to 3 years.

Read how to check the correctness of calculating a pension.

How to calculate the pension order

At the federal level, in 2013, an act on insurance pensions was adopted, which fixed new rules regarding the calculation of the amount of insurance pension. At the same time, the concept of labor pension was excluded. The only indicator that has not been adjusted is the age for assigning pensions. Also, the presence of a pension coefficient is considered to be a mandatory condition for receiving a payment.

The value of this indicator is determined annually and depends on what contributions were made to the Pension Fund. Therefore, depending on the year of retirement, specific indicators are applied to the calculation.

The total amount of the pension provision is made up of a fixed amount, consisting of the funded pension, if any, and the cost of the coefficients.

For persons who have at least some insurance experience and have received serious health restrictions, registration is available -.

The legislator determines that 30 days are taken per month for the implementation of activities, a year is equal to 12 months. The calculation of periods is carried out according to the following rules: the date of commencement of work is subtracted from the date of completion of the activity and 1 day is added.

Calculation example

From January 1 to May 22, 2002, C cared for a person recognized as a disabled person of the 1st group. Then, from May 31 of the same year to June 10, 2006, he was employed at Filin CJSC. From July 24, 2006 to May 30, 2017, he worked at Nika. Equal: when caring for a disabled person 4 months and 22 days, work in CJSC "Filin" 4 years and 10 days. Work in the company "Nika" 10 years 10 months and 1 week. The total experience in this case is 15 years, 3 months and 9 days.

What periods does

The following periods are included:

The specified periods are included in the length of service if the employee made insurance contributions after the completion of one of the periods described above.

If we consider the issue of accounting for part-time work, then it is not taken into account, since it implies the presence of a main place of work, which is added to labor activity. When such work continues after the termination of employment at the main place of work, then part-time work will be taken into account.

Workbook accrual

In the laws of the country, even after the event, there are no provisions according to which it is forbidden for a person to have two or more work books. This means that theoretically a person does not have any problems, I work on two jobs. It should be borne in mind that the employer keeps only one book and cannot transfer entries from others into it. If a person works part-time, then, at his request, information about employment and dismissal at the main place of work can be entered in the document.

A person, working on two labor contracts, should keep in mind that by such actions he creates problems for himself, including those related to the calculation of seniority. Employees pension fund they will not count labor and add up the total length of service. One document will be taken into account, which means that you will have to choose one of the books for assigning a pension. For the rest of the activities, it will be necessary to collect certificates from places of employment and archives and submit to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

If the periods of service coincide in the documentation, then only one period at the choice of the employee will be taken into account when calculating it.

The FIU will take into account only one work book, the remaining periods will have to be confirmed by certificates and contracts

How many years of service is needed to receive an old-age insurance pension

To be awarded a pension, you must have a minimum insurance period. For men, this is the age of 60 years, for women it should be 55. Currently, this experience is 9 years. The specified figure will increase by one every year until it reaches the value of 15. This will happen in 2024. If there is a shortage of experience, then the appointment of pension payments is denied. In this case, a person is entitled to only a social type of pension.


  • The length of service and pension points are considered as key indicators in determining the order of the size of the pension.
  • The rules for how much should be charged are fixed in legislative acts, for example, in the Federal Law No. 400.
  • The main point for including a period in the length of service is the deduction of insurance premiums from wages.