How to legally not pay a loan to sb-bank? How to get a loan with a bad history or no history at all at SKB Bank? Collectors that work from the SCB bank to.

loan debt from SKB bank and got the best answer

Answer from Nadezhda Kochergina[guru]
Who, finally, will forbid the poor to take predatory loans if they have no brains. . Under 100% per annum took ..

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: SKB bank loan debt

Answer from RED DIRECTOR[guru]
Judging by your question, you have not yet specifically talked with the bank on such an issue as debt restructuring (if the clerk-boy-girl does not agree, this does not mean that the bank does not agree). Submit an appropriate written request to the MANAGEMENT of the BANK, explain the reasons for the delay, attach, if any, copies of documents (dismissal from work, illness, non-payment of wages and other reasons). Banks, as a rule, do not leave such issues without consideration, and therefore they can offer you various options - deferral ("payment holidays"), interest reduction, installment plan with a decrease in the payment amount, cancellation of penalties, etc. All "talks" with the bank should only in writing, do not accept any verbal promises or assurances. And if the bank still becomes stubborn, then you can file a lawsuit using Art. 451 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation on a significant change in the circumstances of the party to the contract. Sometimes the mere fact of going to court will make the bank flinch and make concessions to you (banks really don’t like to mess with the courts). If not, feel free to go to court. Provide all possible and impossible facts, say whatever you like in your defense. And the courts in most cases (about 98 out of 100) take the side of the "poor borrower" and not the "rich banker." The court will cancel all penalties, fines and penalties, obliging to repay only the "body of the loan", that is, the principal and interest on it. Moreover, this will be expressed in solid sum of money, after which the bank will not dare to charge you a penny extra. So go ahead. And don't listen to any skeptics.

Answer from Anna Anna[guru]
you have nothing to sue ... unfortunately ... just try to AGREE ....

SKB Bank is a company in Yekaterinburg and offers a wide range of loan products for its customers. However, the credit history for this bank is a weighty argument, and the borrower will not be able to get a loan with a bad credit history at SKB Bank.

Depending on his rating, he can apply for a maximum card with a small limit or a target loan for the purchase of a particular product. Therefore, for many potential borrowers and those who took a loan from a company, information about the work of the collection service and the lender's collectors is important.

Is it possible to count on a loan with a bad CI?

For most lenders, CI is a weighty argument and one of the important indicators of solvency. at SKB Bank difficult to get a loan with a bad credit history. However, if the client has no debt, but there are delays in payments, the company goes to meet its borrowers.

The absence of CI also remains a significant indicator, since the bank is unable to obtain objective information about the applicant. And a number of companies equate the absence of CI to negative. To remedy the situation, you can take advantage of offers for small loans. Having fulfilled all the conditions, the borrower will establish himself as trustworthy and get a chance to use the loan program.

What is needed to get a loan with a bad CI at SKB Bank?

If the CI is damaged due to the fault of the client and the probability of a technical failure is excluded, then after submitting the application, it is worth supplementing it with written explanations on the fact of the existing rating. The Bank will assess the integrity of the applicant and take into account the arguments when considering his application.

Among the documents required for obtaining a loan with bad story in SKB Bank or availability, you should provide:

  1. Passport.
  2. Income statement. Please note that the bank has a specially designed certificate form.
  3. Confirmation of seniority (work book).
  • If the client claims a large amount, documents confirming the ownership of the collateral are required.
  • If the client applies to a specific branch of the bank, he must confirm the registration of residence in this region.

Bank loyalty

At SKB Bank high level loyalty to its customers, and even provides loans without history. That's why, chances of getting the right amount, there is always. The lender, in this regard, has its advantages:

  • Transparent lending conditions. After applying, the borrower immediately has an idea about the interest, terms and amounts of overpayments.
  • Rates are much lower mortgage loans.
  • Extending a long term loan for small stakes - a suitable offer for those who benefit from receiving money for a long time.

CKB can provide a loan without collateral and guarantors, but you must be prepared for high rates that cover the risks of the lender.

Opinions of SCB borrowers

Those who have debt to the bank face almost the same problems. Among the most common opinions, it is worth highlighting:

  • When there is a debt, bank employees call regularly, not complying with the requirements of the current legislation, which limits calls to 1 time during 24 hours. The time of calls is also provided by law and is from 8.00 to 22.00.
  • As a result of the work of the collection service, people face different attitudes. There were cases of threats and boorish attitude. Visiting debtors takes place in violation of the requirements, which involves one visit per week. HVS collectors with whom SKB Bank works, in most cases exceed their authority.

Given all the current nuances in the work of the company, we can draw the following conclusions:

  • By loyalty to potential borrowers, the bank occupies the first positions in comparison with competitors. Despite the risks, the company is ready to provide a loan, even to clients with a negative history,
  • According to the terms of the loan with poor CI, he is in the same ranking with his competitors. But it is worth noting that during approval, the bank takes into account a number of points and approaches the approval individually.
  • Working with debtors, a lot of negative reviews, which indicates a low rating of the lender in comparison with other banks.

How to check the debt in SKB Bank?

Before submitting an application, you can independently obtain a certificate of your credit rating (download an example). For this you should:

  • Leave a request to organizations that provide such services.
  • Order an extract from the BCI on a specialized website.
  • Make a request to the CCCI.

If the client is facing problems with payments, it is better not to hide, but try to notify the lender about this. SKB Bank is distinguished by its loyalty and often meets its borrowers halfway, looking for alternatives debt repayment.

When choosing SKB Bank, it is important to carefully study the reviews, familiarize yourself with the conditions of the specific product that you want to receive and independently weigh your financial capabilities. Only after carefully analyzing the information, it is worth making an informed decision.

Take a short survey and get a list of credit bureaus where you can apply for a statement on the state of your credit history.

1. 09/19/2019 in the process of registration consumer credit in PJSC "SKB-Bank" I purchased a certificate for comprehensive subscription services from the company.
Drive Assistance LLC. On September 19, 2019, I was debited from my bank account at SKB-BANK PJSC cash at the rate of
70 000 rub. to an account with Drive Assistance LLC as a payment for a subscription fee under an agreement concluded with Drive Assistance LLC. I hereby declare that when applying for a loan, a bank employee informed about the need to purchase such a certificate as one of the conditions for issuing a loan. In addition, I was not familiar with the offer for the specified certificate. I was not warned that in reality I am not purchasing individual insurance, but joining a collective insurance contract. In addition, according to the offer, the range of services under the Financial Protection program, which implies this connection, does not cover the entire term of the loan, which is not reflected in the certificate issued to me. I state that this service was imposed on me when receiving a loan, in connection with which I applied to Drive Assistance LLC and directly to the insured, LLC
"AlfaStrakhovanie" "Money for Health +" with a statement about the refusal of complex subscription services, connection to the collective insurance program and the return of the insurance premium. In case of refusal, I will be forced to contact the controlling authorities.
Since the specified certificate was issued in my name by an employee of SKB-BANK PJSC, at the office of the specified bank, using the information resources of the bank and at the conclusion loan agreement with the specified bank, I believe that PJSC
"SKB-BANK" is an interested party in these legal relations. Due to this:
I officially announce the initiation of actions to refuse comprehensive subscription services, join the collective insurance program and return the insurance premium. I ask PJSC "SKB-BANK" to assist in making a positive decision on this issue in a pre-trial order.

1.1. Oksana, in order to return its value, it is necessary to submit a written claim based on the norms of the Civil Code and this must be done urgently.

Lawyer Kiseleva M. V., 75 responses, 46 reviews, online since 23.09.2019
1.2. You need to apply for a refusal of services not to the bank, but directly to the organization with which you have entered into an agreement. If this Insurance Company, then you can cancel the insurance within 14 days from the date of conclusion of the contract. If another organization, then you must refuse on the basis of Article 32 of the Consumer Protection Act.

2. There is a long-standing loan, the amount of which has long been fixed in court (that is, the debt is already with the bailiffs).

I got a call from a representative of Alfa-Bank (as he called himself) and offers a repayment discount (minus 70% of the loan), saying that the Agreement is potentially being sold to another collection agency and now there is an opportunity to repay it with a 70% discount in a limited time (a week).

An employee invited me to a meeting at the office at 1/7 Altufevskoye Highway. In this building, either Sentinel (SKB), or Alfa Bank. There they explained to me that Alpha swallowed Sentinel back now. Alpha is on the sign everywhere, but you can only go up to the office if you are met by an office employee downstairs.

I went to the meeting. The representative of the Alfa-Bank collection department is Natalya Dzhirgalovna Nominkhanova. He speaks correctly, does not force anything. The whole conversation was recorded on a dictaphone with my consent. She said that everything is in force, but she will not be able to document it.

Also, the bank employee confirmed that it was possible to drive to the Alfa-Bank branch and, by her preliminary call, the branch manager would confirm that there was such a discount for me

When asked why they can’t give an official piece of paper, he replies that then all debtors will run to ask for repayment with a 70% discount. I was offered this, because the bank understands that it is impossible to write off the debt from me.

Question 1 - where is the catch? For Alpha, judging by the reviews on the Internet, such generosity has not been noticed. There are a lot of negative reviews. Positive - literally a few. There are fears that the bank so wants to draw at least 30%, and then forget about the Bank about the discount, referring to the fact that there was no agreement on paper or its conditions were different (at the discretion of the bank).

Question 2 - if I record and record on video all the promises of Alpha employees, I ask them to say out loud all the numbers of the discount and the contract. Can this be documented for me? Or, in the best case, will they fire employees and hush up the case?

How, in general, to act in this situation, if no one wants to give papers?

Lawyer Kalashnikov V.V., 188671 responses, 61686 reviews, online since 09/20/2013
2.1. 1. The catch is that no one signs anything. Promises are just words. Without any guarantees. And you can't sew words into action. An additional agreement must be signed (Art. 450, 452 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation)
2. The video will not confirm anything. Written form must be followed.
How to proceed: Pay nothing without papers.

Lawyer Sadykov I. F., 49435 responses, 26528 reviews, online since 10/11/2017
2.2. 1) The catch may be that the additional will not be signed. agreements (Article 452-453 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) on changing the original obligation. You will pay part of the amount, and the rest will still be required.
2) Words cannot be sewn into action. And even if the court has already been filed, these words will not change the amount of the obligation and will not cancel the court decision that has entered into legal force (Article 13 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation).
Require extra. agreements to change the amount of the obligation.

Lawyer Karavaytseva E.A., 57763 responses, 27411 reviews, online since 03/01/2012
2.4. The discount is essentially the forgiveness of part of the debt. A debt forgiveness deal must be in writing and signed by both parties.
According to Art. 162 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, non-observance of the simple written form of the transaction deprives the parties of the right, in the event of a dispute, to refer to evidence of the transaction and its conditions, but does not deprive them of the right to provide written and other evidence.

Lawyer Cherednichenko V.A., 193263 responses, 73802 reviews, online since 05/12/2015
2.5. There is no trick here. You just have to read carefully. settlement agreement which you will sign. If everything is properly framed, then there will be no deception. And further, in accordance with Article 439 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, the amicable agreement is the basis for the termination enforcement proceedings.

Lawyer Derevyanko S.Yu., 155781 responses, 56963 responses, online since 08/15/2012
2.6. 1-No one will repay anything most likely. This is a standard scheme, and an employee of Alfa-Bank, apparently, is in the subject. Moreover, no official paper will be issued. I advise you to refrain from this proposal. The catch is that this is how you restore the deadline limitation period(196 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), or at least some part will be withheld from you, and then they will begin to demand a new one.
2-It is not a fact that later this evidence will be attached by the court (55 Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation). I advise you not to give anything.

Lawyer Urvantsev V. L., 1783 responses, 1231 reviews, online since 10/17/2018
2.7. Hello. Moneylenders, in pursuit of profit and return of funds, are ready for all sorts of schemes that outwardly seem to be quite reasonable.
In accordance with Article 153 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation
Transactions are actions of citizens and legal entities aimed at establishing, changing or terminating civil rights and responsibilities.
A transaction that can be made orally is considered to be completed even if the person’s behavior indicates his will to make a transaction, but since the loan agreement was drawn up in writing, any agreements, additions, changes in it require a similar form of agreement.
Due to this:
1. Without written registration, there is no reason to believe that there are any discount offers.
2.Video-audio without a properly executed written agreement will not be evidence.
Good luck to you.

Lawyer Shabanov N. Yu., 20164 responses, 9651 reviews, online since 03/23/2017
2.8. The catch is that this is simply an ordinary divorce, many banks do this, if they write off part of the loan to you, they must conclude an additional agreement to the loan agreement to change its terms of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation Article 452. Procedure for changing and terminating the agreement
1. An agreement to amend or terminate a contract is made in the same form as the contract, unless otherwise follows from the law, other legal acts, contract or customs. Those. your terms of the contract will not change and the creditor will still have the right to demand from you full amount debt, especially since you already have enforcement proceedings, or let them refuse their claims by submitting an application to the FSSP, only they will not do this, do not sign anything, this is an ordinary trick of bankers.

Lawyer Mingazov Yu.S., 47110 responses, 14033 reviews, online since 12/24/2009
2.9. We used a similar scheme, the bank sells bad debts, for which there is nothing more to collect, therefore it sells for about 13% of the debt (as you write), it is more profitable for it than selling to collectors for 3-5%. You have to be careful with papers. We had a scheme for the assignment of the right to claim, that is, the bank sold the debt (with all documents) to the debtor's acquaintance, that is, the acquaintance became the creditor, well, it is clear that the debtor himself contributed these 13%, there were several such transactions, everything is clean. We paid 15% of the debt.

Civil Code of the Russian Federation Article 388. Conditions for the assignment of a claim
(in ed. federal law dated December 21, 2013 N 367-FZ)

1. Assignment of a claim by a creditor (assignor) to another person (assignee) is allowed if it does not contradict the law.
2. It is not allowed, without the consent of the debtor, to assign a claim under an obligation in which the identity of the creditor is essential for the debtor.
3. An agreement between the debtor and the creditor on limiting or prohibiting the assignment of a claim under monetary obligation does not invalidate such an assignment and cannot serve as a basis for terminating the contract from which this claim arose, but the creditor (assignor) is not released from liability to the debtor for this violation of the agreement.
(as amended by Federal Law No. 42-FZ of March 8, 2015)
(see text in previous edition)
4. The right to receive non-monetary performance may be assigned without the consent of the debtor, if the assignment does not make the performance of his obligation significantly more burdensome for him.
An agreement between the debtor and the assignor may prohibit or restrict the assignment of the right to receive non-monetary performance.
If the contract provided for the prohibition of the assignment of the right to receive non-monetary performance,

3. I am writing to you with a request for legal assistance: in relation to me (62 years old, a working pensioner), SKB Bank filed a lawsuit to recover 463,500 rubles as a non-payment of a loan (for the entire time I contributed about 700 rubles) in addition to the lawsuit and the appointment of a court hearing for On August 13, 2019, the court issued a ruling on securing the claim as early as July 23, 2019 and sent performance list before the entry into force of the court decision bailiffs, to seize money accounts in banks and other property. Based on the above, I ask you to help me in clarifying the situation: 1) since I am a working pensioner and according to my calculations judgment will enter into force no earlier than September 13, 2019, and until that time I will receive wage and pension, it turns out that all my accounts will be arrested and I won’t be able to use a penny of money? Or will 50% be arrested and withheld by law? Or will nothing be withheld until the court enters into force? 2) how can I dispute this claim and what grounds can I take in my case? 3) now the question is about real estate: I had two apartments, which I reassigned in advance at the end of 2018 to a close relative (by donation agreements), now I don’t own anything, can there be any negative consequences for me in this regard? Thanks in advance.

Lawyer Frolov S. V., 6139 responses, 3327 reviews, online since 02/15/2018
3.1. Money will not be collected until the court decision and its entry into force..,. but you will also be given 50% of all income. cancel them ... most likely it will be so ... one of the apartments will leave the auction ...

4. I took a loan from SKB-bank in 2011. While I had a job, I paid it until 2013. When I lost my job, the loan stopped paying. The bank did not call me and did not send letters. Now, in June 2019, I got a call from the NSV (national collection service) and was told that the bank was demanding the return of the debt. And if I return 17,500 rubles, then the bank forgives me the rest of the amount. I agreed to deposit this money through the cashier Bank SKB. I deposited money, but calls from NSW continue and they say that the bank does not see the money. And of course the bank does not close the contract. How can I be in this situation and what should I do?

Lawyer Astsatryan N. V., 41725 responses, 23573 reviews, online since 11/24/2016
4.1. You can just ignore them.

Also, keep in mind that today there are many ways by which you can legally get rid of credit obligations or at least make it impossible to collect debt under a loan agreement. These include termination of the loan agreement, recognition of the transaction as invalid, challenging the terms of the agreement as contrary to the law (Article 168 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), recognition of the transaction as bonded (Clause 3 of Article 179 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), bankruptcy of individuals and the termination of enforcement proceedings on the grounds Art. 46 LF "On Enforcement Proceedings". To understand directly your situation, you need to see documents that can be sent electronically.

27. My name is Gulnara. A month ago I received remittance by Western Union at the branch of SKB Bank. Today I got a call from this bank and they said that a letter had come to my name from the head office of Western Union. Please write if the head office of Western Union sends letters to its customers and why did it come to the bank and not to the address? And what is the content of such letters? Just before receiving transfers, I never received any letters. Isn't this a scam? And can I refuse to receive this letter? The fact is that I live in a small town and it is problematic for me to get to this bank branch.

Lawyer Stepanov V.I., 36189 responses, 15922 reviews, online since 10/15/2011
27.1. You may not receive, proper notification is considered only by sending a letter to the registration address.

Yours faithfully, the lawyer - Stepanov Vadim Igorevich.

28. Closed the loan ahead of schedule, the bank does not return the insurance. He says that I paid for it immediately and she was not credited. I contacted the computer. Alfa insurance with which sb bank works. I was told that the insurance is not refundable according to the contract. But I have fear in my contract. There is no such item. They even agree that they are violating Article 958. What to do.

Lawyer Kuzminykh S.V., 34959 responses, 13803 reviews, online since 09/24/2013
28.1. Is it possible to demand a part of the insurance in proportion to the time of its use, does this require a written claim based on the norms of the Civil Code, individual or collective insurance?

Lawyer Teterin A. V., 1345 responses, 692 reviews, online since 11/27/2016
28.2. Good afternoon.

In some cases, when early repayment loan, it is possible to return part of the insurance for the unused period. But not in all cases. Depends on the terms of the insurance. You need to look at the documents.

29. I have such a situation 4 years ago I had a loan from SKB Bank due to an employee’s mistake, 30,000 were formed, now they threaten me, but there is no way how to be paid monthly for 2000 or 3000

Sincerely, Financial Attorney - Stepanov Vadim Igorevich.

30. In October 2013, she took a five-year loan from SKB Bank. Now the finish line is approaching to close the loan. Can I get credit insurance back? I contacted the bank, but they are not very willing to talk about this topic. They answered briefly: "Contact the insurance company!" And that's it. What should I really do? And how do I get my insurance back? Thank you.

Lawyer Kriukhin N.V., 157614 responses, 69086 reviews, online since 07/14/2011
30.2. Hello.
I'm sorry, but you have no chance of returning the insurance, and only a scammer can offer to return it.
This is the trick of the banks - in the imposition of unnecessary insurance.

    Bank Complaint

    On June 17, 2019, PJSC "SKB-Bank" Polevskoy DO "Sevvrsky" applied to close the account and cancel the card, while there was a debt on the card, although I did not connect any services to it, I paid the debt on the spot. Senior specialist L.N.V. accepted my application on 06/17/2019 at 13.24. At the same time, the card was cut in front of me and thrown away. In August, I received a call that there was a debt on the card, through the Internet bank I repaid the debt again, since it was not possible to get to the bank. On September 23, 2019, when I came to the bank, I found out that I again had a debt and the card was not closed, besides, some expensive package was connected to the card. I paid the debt for the third time and wrote a statement. This time the application was accepted by the specialist H.R.R. In the yard on 09/25/2019, and the card is still not closed, on hotline they answer that I contacted the bank, but I was there 2 times. How is the card closed, until when will I pay for it??

    25.09.2019 17:33

    Bank representative's response

    Dear Dmitry, hello!
    We are very sorry that this incident happened. Your agreement for the issuance and servicing of international banking debit cards No. 12*******69 closed on 10/01/2019, the bank returned the overpaid commission to your account.
    We apologize for the carelessness of our staff. Explanatory work carried out in the office

    Sincerely, SKB-bank

    Response from the editorial board of the ARB website

    Dear Dmitry, Your complaint has been sent to the bank.

    Revealed debt after 7 years

    7 years ago, I connected a salary overdraft to a salary card at SKB Bank, I don’t remember the exact amount. According to the loan agreement, the money had to be debited from my account by bank employees, that is, I did not pay in cash. During these 7 years, money was received on my card every month, it was my only card, all my salaries, vacation pay and other payments were received only on this card. I was sure that the bank writes off my debt every month. I did not evade payment, all my data is in the bank, but during this time, for 7 years, no one has ever called me, written to me, and I have not received letters with a notification about any debt. And yesterday I received a message that my card was blocked. I went to the bank and found out the reason for the blocking. But they don’t explain to me the court order, on the basis of which the card was blocked for me, for any period of time it was blocked. I was left without a livelihood with a two-year-old child in my arms. I can’t pay for a kindergarten, a communal apartment, and in general there’s nothing to live on. I called the hotline of the bank, I did not receive a concrete answer. What's the deal with people??? I have never been in debt to banks, and now my credit history is ruined. Forced to go to court and recover all material and moral costs. And immediately after the end of this issue, I will leave this bank, I do not want to deal with illiterate employees and bank managers. I will no longer entrust my funds to this bank, the rating of SKB Bank is falling sharply, many of our employees are leaving this bank.

    17.05.2019 11:15

    Bank representative's response

    Dear Galina Viktorovna, hello!
    We inform you that you can get a response to your appeal by contacting the office of SKB-bank at the address: Volzhsky, st. 7th Avtodoroha, 6, and presenting for identification a document proving your identity in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    Sincerely, SKB-bank

    Response from the editorial board of the ARB website

    Dear Galina Viktorovna, Your complaint has been sent to the bank.

    Complaint / Sender not identified / Checking

    Refused to close account

    Today I applied to SKB Bank in Smolensk to close my card and account. I was denied. In accordance with Art. 859 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, my right was violated. I will take action and contact Rospotrebnadzor and the Central Bank.

    11.05.2019 12:28 / Sergey

    Bank representative's response

    Dear Sergey, hello!
    First of all, we want to note that you were not denied the closure of the card and card account. Since May 11 is one of the days off of the May holidays, the office staff did not have the technical ability to perform this operation on that particular day. Employees informed you about this, and also expressed their readiness to close the card and account on the first working day after the holidays - which was done on May 13: based on your application, the card was canceled.
    In addition, we draw your attention to the fact that the termination of the agreement for the issue and maintenance of international bank debit cards is carried out within 45 days from the date of application.
    If you have any additional questions, please call us at 8 800 1000 600, we will be happy to help you.

    Sincerely, SKB-bank

    Response from the editorial board of the ARB website

    Dear Sergey, Your complaint has been sent to the bank.

    Bank feedback / Sender identified / Checking

    New "conditions" for obtaining a consumer loan

    When drawing up a loan agreement for a consumer loan dated 02/08/2019. the bank violated clause 15 of the loan agreement: "services provided by the lender to the borrower for a fee and necessary for the conclusion of the agreement, their price or the procedure for determining it, as well as the borrower's consent to the provision of such services - is not applicable." However, for my signing to the loan agreement, a Subscriber Service Agreement was signed with Integrator LLC legal systems"and transferred from my loan account payment for these services imposed by the bank in the amount of 20 thousand rubles. Integrator of legal systems" were presented to me by the bank's loan officer as services for insuring the borrower from which you can refuse and return the insurance premium in accordance with Article 958 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and Instructions of the Bank of the Russian Federation No. does not have a request to terminate the Subscription Agreement with a refund of 20,000 rubles, she refused.To my appeal to PJSC SKB-Bank, a response was received for nr.220.1-52231c dated 03.20. concluded without the participation of the Bank." I did not expect such a "trick" from PJSC SKB-Bank, because last summer I applied for a consumer loan in this bank and the conditions for obtaining a loan were transparent and did not infringe on the rights and interests of the borrower in order to obtain additional benefits . Now I am preparing documents for submission to the court.

    04/08/2019 16:51 / Valentine

    Bank representative's response

    Dear Valentina Yurievna, hello!
    We would like to draw your attention to the fact that the loan agreement concluded between SKB-bank and you on 02/08/2019 does not contain any conditions on imposing on you the obligation to conclude a subscription agreement with Integrator of Legal Systems LLC. We also want to note that registration of subscription agreements is carried out on a voluntary basis and is not a prerequisite for obtaining a loan. The client independently decides whether or not to use additional services that can be offered to him at the bank branch, and the client always has the opportunity to carefully study all the documents before signing the contract.

    Sincerely, SKB-bank

    Response from the editorial board of the ARB website

    Dear Valentina Yurievna, Your complaint has been sent to the bank.

    Complaint / Sender not identified / Checking

    Terrible bank - you can be pulled to the police

    They invited me to the bank to apply for a consumer loan, and they themselves told me what documents to bring. I work by oral agreement, so I came with a certificate in the form of a bank, a passport and a driving license. Filled out. They called everyone. At the end of the working day, an employee called and said that the loan was approved, but first they want to talk to me with the bank's security service and ask a couple of questions, to which I answered well and that I would wait for a call. In the morning the girl did not call back. A day later, an SMS with a refusal comes. Well, everything. I forgot about it, like a call from the police two weeks later. The police officer said that the bank allegedly conducted its own investigation and revealed that I lied about the work and I generally came to take possession of their money and not return them. Although I have credit history and there are no delays and non-payments. And now I have a small loan, which I also pay on time. But they called back to the store where I work in the village and they didn’t recognize me by my last name, since I got married and everyone in the village knows me by my maiden name. But without understanding, they immediately hang a stigma ... a fraudster and a person who cannot pay. They started calling my manager and threatening that if she didn’t confess what she didn’t understand, then she would go under the article. And this is not done by police officers, but by the security service of this bank in Omsk. The security team of this bank are evil people. They take on too much. Apparently they wanted an award. They think they can make money on me. Do not use this bank. SKB-Bank is just awful. And after reading the reviews, I'm horrified. You can not do it this way. They row people under the brush of those who really throw ... and people who are capable, guys. He is. And health to all of you who participated in this. And everyone who wants to complain, write to the mail of sb-bank.

    The security service that did this should be punished.

    03/08/2019 17:30 / Irada Comments: 1

    Bank representative's response

    Dear Irada, hello!
    We inform you that your request has been reviewed by the bank. If you have any questions and to obtain the necessary information, the bank will contact you additionally.

    Sincerely, SKB-bank

    Response from the editorial board of the ARB website

    Dear Irada, Your complaint has been sent to the bank.

    Complaint / Sender identified / Checking

    Account blocking complaint

    LLC (hereinafter also referred to as the Company) has been a client of Saint Petersburg Public Association of the Delo Branch of SKB-Bank PJSC (hereinafter also referred to as the Bank) since January 2019 under a bank account agreement. The opening of an account with the Bank was preceded by negotiations with the Manager of the NGO "Sankt-Peterburgsky", which guaranteed all kinds of assistance on all issues related to servicing and maintaining the Company's account. On January 31, 2019, the Company faced a situation of blocking the current account. Negotiations with the Manager of the NGO "Sankt-Peterburgsky" did not lead to any result at all - no information was received about the reasons and necessary measures to unlock the account. On 02/06/2019, the Bank's Customer Care Service by phone 8-800-5000-700 did not receive information about the reasons for the blocking. In connection with this blocking, the Company was unable to fulfill its obligations to counterparties in full and is obliged to return the funds to them. In a telephone conversation, an employee of the Customer Care Service explained that it was necessary to contact the Bank branch with the provision of a payment order to hard copy, which was done by the Company on February 6, 2019 ( payment order No. 8 dated 02/06/2019) On 02/07/2019, a notice was received in the Internet client system about the refusal to carry out the operation with reference to clause 11 of Art. 7 of Federal Law No. 115-FZ and information on the right to provide the Bank with documents on the absence of grounds for making a decision to refuse to execute an order to complete a transaction. In order to find out the specific list of documents that must be submitted to the Bank, the Company re-applied to the Bank's Customer Care Service and received a response that it was not possible to unblock the account due to failure to provide the Bank with information on the request for activities that was sent on 01/30/2019 and “was closed” on January 31, 2019. Thus, the Bank gave the Company only 1 (one) day to provide information. At the moment, with all the desire, the Society does not have the physical ability to even get acquainted with this request, because he was "closed". Additionally, it should be noted that the Company did not receive any request from the Bank, including in an SMS message. The only SMS message that the Company received contained the following information: “Internet banking capabilities are limited. For more information, call 8-800-5000-700.” At the moment, the Bank's employees recommend opening a current account with another bank, and closing the account with Delo Bank. However, apparently due to the current situation, the Company cannot do this, because. receives refusals to requests to open accounts in other banks. Thus, a situation has been artificially created, on the basis of which the LLC must close the account with the transfer of funds with a Bank commission of 10%. LLC regards these actions of the Bank as unfriendly and sees this as an abuse of the right by the Bank (Article 10 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), as well as an attempt to obtain additional profit in the form of a commission of 10%, including taking into account the actually provided 1 (one) day for providing documents at the request, which the Company was not able to get acquainted with during the period 01/30-31/2019, and the actual impossibility to get acquainted and respond to this request at the present time. The foregoing also applies to the actions of the Manager of the NGO "St. Petersburg", who promised assistance in resolving emerging issues, and in fact - a complete inability to fulfill these promises and redirecting the Company, as a client of the Bank, to the Customer Care Service. In accordance with Art. 309 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation "Obligations must be performed properly in accordance with the terms of the obligation and the requirements of the law, other legal acts, and in the absence of such conditions and requirements - in accordance with customs or other usually imposed requirements." By virtue of Art. 310 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation "Unilateral refusal to fulfill an obligation and unilateral change in its conditions are not allowed." According to Art. 858 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation "restriction on the disposal of funds on the account is not allowed, with the exception of the seizure of funds on the account, or the suspension of operations on the account, including the blocking (freezing) of funds in cases provided for by law" - without a court decision and in the absence of enforcement proceedings. Violated the provision of paragraph 2 of Art. 845 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, which guarantees the client's right to freely dispose of funds. In violation of paragraph 2 of Art. 6 of Federal Law No. 115-FZ of August 7, 2001 (as amended and supplemented), transactions with funds are subject to mandatory control if at least one of the parties is a person in respect of whom there are received in the manner prescribed by law about their involvement to extremist activity or terrorism. With respect to the LLC and its counterparties, this information is not available, and therefore the Bank is not entitled to restrict access to either money or account management.

    Based on the foregoing, I ask: 1. To understand the current situation and the legality of actions on the part of the Delo Branch of SKB-Bank PJSC. 2. Assist in the unblocking of the account of the LLC and the further normal activities of the Company related to it. 3. Oblige Delo Branch of PJSC SKB-Bank to provide customers with more time to familiarize themselves and respond to requests. 4. Eliminate the possibility of the Delo Branch of SKB-Bank PJSC to put customers in a situation where they need to pay increased commissions when conducting customer transactions (including when the Bank recommends closing an account). Please send your response by e-mail. Sincerely, General Director Valery Alexandrovich.

    02/11/2019 14:11 / Valery

    Bank representative's response

    Dear Valery Alexandrovich, hello!
    We inform you that the bank has considered your appeals, as well as the appeal addressed to the Office of the Consumer Rights Protection and Accessibility Service financial services Bank of Russia.
    Official responses on the merits of your appeals are sent to the postal address of TECHNOPARK LLC.

    Sincerely, SKB-bank

    Response from the editorial board of the ARB website

    Dear Valery Alexandrovich, Your appeal has been sent to the bank.

    Complaint / Sender identified / Checking


    Good afternoon. I received an offer from the bank that I was pre-approved for a certain amount of money from SKB Bank. I decided to take advantage of this offer and turned to the branch of the bank, which is located in the Tyumen region in the city of Tobolsk. Provided a package of documents required by the bank. Received a response of approval for a certain amount. I was invited to sign and receive this loan. Arriving at the branch, the manager of this branch called me and asked me to provide an account statement from the bank, since I am individual entrepreneur. Having gone to his bank, he took an extract and brought it to the manager of the SKB Bank, to which he answered me that he sent this extract to his manager for consideration and said to wait for an answer. After waiting for more than one hour, the answer did not come and I was told to contact me on January 5, 2019. I just can't understand why a loan was approved for me and not issued on that day when I was invited to receive and sign the documents for a loan?

    I ask you to understand why they mislead people and waste the personal time of the client. I believe that if the loan was approved, then it should be issued on the day when I was invited to receive a loan, and not fool people. I spent two days on this bank.

    29.12.2018 19:30 / Akiv

    Bank representative's response

    Dear Akiv Latif oglu, good afternoon!
    We would like to clarify that the decision to grant a loan in each case is made on the basis of a detailed analysis financial position of the borrower, taking into account all the circumstances that may affect the servicing of the loan, since we are interested both in ensuring that there are no overdue debts on loans, and that our customers are satisfied with the bank's products.
    We also draw your attention to the fact that the bank may refuse to conclude a loan agreement with a client without giving reasons.
    We are sorry that you were denied a loan.

    Sincerely, SKB-bank

    Response from the editorial board of the ARB website

    Dear Akiv Latif oglu, Your appeal has been sent to the bank.

    Complaint / Sender identified / Checking


    Stop calling. Repeatedly there is an automatic call that I allegedly left a loan application with a request to go to the bank. I have never left an application on your site. Please look into this and stop calling.

    02.11.2018 15:46

    Bank representative's response

    Dear Natalya Anatolyevna, hello!
    As the audit showed, on October 30, 2018, on behalf of a person with the same full name as you, an application for a loan was registered on the partner site of SKB-Bank, while the client indicated your phone number.
    Calls to your number have been terminated. We apologize for the misleading you and we apologize for the inconvenience caused.

    Sincerely, SKB-bank
    [email protected]
    Tel. 8-800-1000-600

    Response from the editorial board of the ARB website

    Dear Natalya Anatolyevna, Your complaint has been sent to the bank.

    Complaint / Sender not identified / Checking



    15.10.2018 05:07

    Bank representative's response

    Dear Tatyana, hello!
    We are sorry about this situation. Based on your feedback, the office conducted an inspection and explanatory conversations, your comments will be taken into account in further work. We apologize for any inconvenience caused. In addition, we want to clarify that an unnamed instant card is issued within 5 minutes, it takes more time to issue a personalized card. When your card is ready, we will immediately inform you about it and invite you to the office.

    Sincerely, SKB-bank
    [email protected]
    Tel. 8-800-1000-600

    Response from the editorial board of the ARB website

    Dear Tatyana, Your complaint has been sent to the bank.

    Complaint / Sender identified / Checking


    I have a current account in SKB Bank legal entity since 2016, and I don’t understand the picture that emerged at the end of the third quarter. The bank, without notifying me, blocked the Internet bank and the funds on the current account, verbally explaining to me that I did not respond in time to the letter that the bank sent to me, and the letter says that I need to provide a loan agreement within three days, which I am on the third day I sent it, but the operator told me that I supposedly had to send it before 12.00 on the third day, but this was not indicated in the letter. To which the bank blocked the Internet bank, without notifying it. After that, I contacted the branch of the bank where I was served and asked to explain the reason, after which the head of the customer service department of the D / O "Malyshevsky" Yekaterinburg, calling somewhere, told me that the account should be closed without explanation any reason! I wrote an application to close the account on 09/26/2018, and the funds on the account wrote an application to which account to send, but the funds were never sent! Also without explanation, and I don’t understand how to submit reports to the tax office and what to tell my clients that the bank is behaving this way playing cat and mouse with me! And one more feature is that the bank closes the account within 7 working days and does not send money, it did not even allow statements to be made for the quarter! That is, it illegally uses other people's money and makes a profit in its pocket at the expense of other people's funds and does not pay any penalties!

    09/27/2018 15:18 / Oksana

    Bank representative's response

    Dear Oksana Yurievna, hello!
    First of all, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that, according to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, banks are required to request information and documents from customers confirming the activities of the enterprise, and the customer must provide the requested documents to the bank within the prescribed period.
    The bank informed you about the results of submitting the requested documents to the bank in response 41283с dated 09/26/2018.
    We also want to clarify that, in accordance with Art. 859 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the balance of funds from the account is issued to the client or transferred at his direction to another account no later than 7 days after receiving a written application from the client.
    On 10/02/2018, the bank, according to your application, transferred the balance of funds to the details you specified. On 10/02/2018 the account was closed.
    You can receive an account statement at any branch of the bank by paying a commission in advance, according to the Tariffs of the bank.

    Sincerely, SKB-bank
    [email protected]
    Tel. 8-800-1000-600

    Response from the editorial board of the ARB website

    Dear Oksana Yurievna, Your complaint has been sent to the bank.

    Complaint / Sender identified / Checking

    Salary card

    Good day to all! Previously, I worked at SKB-Bank in Yekaterinburg, I had a salary card, which I did not close later (I confess, my mistake). As a result, a debt was formed due to charges for servicing the card. Although she previously worked in other banks and none of them charged for services after dismissal (including Sberbank). I found out about the fact that there are overdue debts on my own initiative after almost two years. The bank did not make any attempts to notify. For two years! Question - why? Why didn't anyone call? Didn't send SMS? Or a written notice to the address? When even mobile operators are 15 rubles in debt, they send a notice to the post office. And then the bank financial institution no matter how. Maybe because the bank is not interested in wasting time on such small debts? After all, if the overdue debt is large, they will call and notify everyone, up to the neighbors of their client, because the bank needs it, the bank is interested! And he doesn't care how it will affect the client? And as a result, I have problems with employment for a new job (the security service does not let me through) and, as I understand it, it will also be difficult to get some kind of loan, given that the delay has been dragging on for the second year. The hotline can't even say the amount to pay off. Disgusting service! Just from-vra-ti-tel-but-e !!!

    08/22/2018 15:22 / Natalia

    Bank representative's response

    Dear Natalia, hello!
    We would like to clarify that according to the Bank's Tariff Guide, a commission of 150 rubles is charged monthly for servicing your card, and a commission of 90 rubles is charged for the "SMS-informing" service. After your card has ceased to be salary card, the rate has changed automatically. The list of standard operations that the bank provides on a general basis for all customers, as well as the amount of commissions for services, is determined by the Tariff Guide, which can be found at any SKB-bank office or on the website:
    In addition, we inform you that the client receives an SMS message in the following cases:
    - cash withdrawal by card at an ATM or at the cash desk;
    - card payments for purchases and services;
    - payment for a cell or home phone, utilities, loan repayment and other payments;
    - receiving services through an ATM;
    - inquiry of the balance;
    - receipt of an extract through an ATM;
    - carrying out transactions via the Internet;
    - refusal to carry out the operation.
    The service "SMS-notification" of commissions accrued to customers by the bank is not provided.
    We also inform you that the amount of debt under your agreement is 3,073.58 rubles.
    To terminate the agreement or refuse services within its framework, you need to contact the Bank's Head Office at: Ekaterinburg, st. Kuibysheva, 75, with a document proving your identity in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, having previously paid the debt.

    Sincerely, SKB-bank
    [email protected]
    Tel. 8-800-1000-600

    Response from the editorial board of the ARB website

    Dear Natalia, Your complaint has been sent to the bank.

    Complaint / Sender identified / Checking

    Incorrect communication of an employee of the collection department

    On August 21, 2018, I received a response to my complaint of August 13 about your employee's inappropriate calls to me at work. I note that this answer can be safely called a formal reply. On August 20, 2018, a bank employee called me again and began to ask questions in an absolutely incorrect and insulting manner. All conversations, as far as I understand, are recorded by you and you can verify this. As for the answer to my previous complaint, maybe you and I exist in two parallel realities, but I exist in that reality in which, in addition to duties, I also have rights enshrined in the constitution Russian Federation. Once again I want to draw your attention to the fact that I am fully aware of the fact of my violation of the terms of the loan agreement and in no case refuse to pay. I am depositing funds and trying to get on a payment schedule and I am fully aware of the repercussions I may incur from this situation. But the fact that I violated the terms of the loan agreement does not make me a powerless being who must humbly endure the egregious antics of your employees. Once again, I draw your attention to the fact that a bank employee does not have the right to call phones that were not indicated by me when signing the contract and find out the cell phone of my immediate supervisor and use this fact as psychological pressure in conversation with me. I also ask you to listen to the recordings of my conversations with a bank employee in order to identify the fact of incorrect and offensive treatment. I send a copy of this appeal to all regulatory authorities.

    21.08.2018 12:54

    Bank representative's response

    We inform you that in the course of the re-check conducted on your requests, the facts of incorrect communication during phone calls have not been confirmed.
    In addition, we would like to once again draw your attention to the fact that, in accordance with the terms of the loan agreement, the bank is obliged to notify borrowers by any phone numbers indicated in the application form about upcoming payment deadlines, as well as about the presence of overdue debt from the moment it arises to the moment its repayment. Calls are made at intervals established by law, using any means of available communication, the use of which is provided for by the loan agreement.

    Sincerely, SKB-bank
    [email protected]
    Tel. 8-800-1000-600

    Response from the editorial board of the ARB website

    Complaint / Sender identified / Checking

    Complaint about inappropriate calls to work

    Good afternoon. Today, August 13, 2018, I received a call from an employee of the Arrears Department. During the conversation, I outlined to the employee the circumstances and terms of repayment of my debt. In response, in a rude form, a bank employee informed me that if the debt was not repaid today, then calls would be made to my immediate supervisor at work. A phone number that I didn't provide. The full names of my mother and deceased father were also named, whom the bank employee also promised to call and ask to pay off my debt. After the conversation, this employee called me at work and asked my colleague for the phone number of my supervisor.

    I ask you to consider this and the complaint and take measures to stop the violation of the law on non-disclosure of data to third parties. This complaint, as well as a printout of phone calls, was sent to the Central Bank of Russia.

    13.08.2018 14:00

    Bank representative's response

    Dear Andrei Valerievich, hello!
    We would like to draw your attention to the fact that the bank, in accordance with the terms of the loan agreement, is obliged to notify borrowers of upcoming payment terms, as well as the presence of overdue debts from the moment of its occurrence to the moment of its repayment - by any telephone numbers indicated by the client in the application - an application for a loan. We remind you that the method of information exchange between the bank and the borrower is defined in clause 16 individual conditions the loan agreement entered into with you. Calls are made at regular intervals established by law, using the contact numbers specified in your loan agreement
    At present, the overdue debt under the loan agreement has not been repaid by you. We kindly ask you to comply commitments made in strict accordance with the terms of the contract, without delay.

    Sincerely, SKB-bank
    [email protected]
    Tel. 8-800-1000-600

    Response from the editorial board of the ARB website

    Dear Andrey Valeryevich, Your complaint has been sent to the bank.

    Complaint / Sender identified / Checking

    On the protection of personal data, and violation of banking secrecy

    I, Elena Vitalievna, through my friends (to the numbers of my acquaintances) receive calls, SMS - notifications from various numbers of the SKB bank, asking me - Elena Vitalievna. They call with threats and demands to return the money, while naming my personal data, while trying to get information about Konstantin, with threats of joint liability, as well as insulting me as a person. It turned out that the bank knows all my personal data, and this is not only my contact phone number, but also my age, my property status. In SKB Bank, as well as in any other, I did not conclude loan agreements, and I am also not a client. In the social network "Contacts" there are mailings about the search for Konstantin Alekseevich, not only to me, but also to my relatives, colleagues, acquaintances, in violation of Art. 23 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation: everyone has the right to privacy, personal and family secrets, protection of their honor and good name. The law provides for criminal liability for: 1. Illegal collection or dissemination of information about the private life of a person, constituting his personal and family secrets, without his consent. 2. The same acts committed by a person using his official position (Article 137 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) In addition, I, Elena Vitalievna, never gave my consent to the processing of my personal bank SKB. In accordance with the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 N 152-FZ "On Personal Data", personal data is any information relating to a directly or indirectly identified or identifiable natural person (subject of personal data). The processing of personal data is carried out with the consent of the subject of personal data to the processing of his personal data. At the same time, the processing of personal data is any action (operation) or a set of actions (operations) performed using automation tools or without using such tools with personal data, including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing) , extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data. In addition, I also do not know when the bank executed a loan agreement with Konstantin Belov, I learned about this from phone calls from bank employees, which I also consider to be a violation of bank secrecy on the part of SKB bank employees. In accordance with Article 3 of the Federal Law "On Personal Data", personal data is any information relating directly or indirectly to a specific or identifiable individual (subject of personal data), including information constituting bank secrecy. At the same time, according to Article 7 of this law, operators and other persons who have gained access to personal data are obliged not to disclose to third parties and not to distribute personal data without the consent of the subject of personal data, unless otherwise provided by federal law. Thus, the transfer of information constituting bank secrecy individual, third parties (with the exception of persons referred to in Article 26 of the Federal Law "On Banks and Banking Activities", who have the right to access the specified information in the cases and in the manner provided for by this article) is allowed only with the written consent of the individual. This position is also confirmed by judicial practice (Decision of the Sixth Arbitration Court of Appeal of February 14, 2013 N 06AP-41/2013 in case N A73-12065/2012).

    In connection with the foregoing, I ask: 1. To protect against the above illegal influences on the part of SKB bank employees, 2. To bring bank employees to account for the illegal impact provided by law, 3. To oblige bank employees to act within the framework of the law of the Russian Federation.

    09.08.2018 17:21

    Bank representative's response

    Dear Elena Vitalievna, hello!
    As the check showed, the phone number that you sent was left by the bank's client during the execution of the loan agreement, as his contact number. The facts of incorrect communication during the audit were not confirmed.
    Your number has been removed from the call base. We apologize for the inconvenience caused to you.

    Sincerely, SKB-bank
    [email protected]
    Tel. 8-800-1000-600

    Response from the editorial board of the ARB website

    Dear Elena Vitalievna, Your complaint has been sent to the bank.

    Complaint / Sender not identified / Checking


    Hello. I have taken the requirements. loans in SKB-bank SO "Yuzhny", st. Military-1a, I refinanced them almost 2 months ago. And just yesterday, collectors call my mom and say that I have a debt on my loans in the amount of 12,750.76. I went to the branch to sort it out and it turned out that they made certificates to me on June 4, for which they also ripped off money from me, and another bank credited funds on June 13, and during this period of time interest from SKB accrued for the use of their funds !!! But no one bothered to tell me about it! Really if I knew that this could be, I didn’t foresee how to do it right. I have been paying a loan at another bank for two months already, I live calmly and do not suspect that I have some interest dripping there, they didn’t even call me, didn’t write to me. I paid this interest so as not to spoil my credit history. Moreover, I repaid the loan ahead of schedule and they refused to return the imposed insurance premium to me, referring to the fact that they are only intermediaries, and when they said that we would not give a loan without insurance, who they were !!! Very dissatisfied with such an attitude and work! !!

    I demand that the employees of this DO be fined for an unprofessional attitude to work and negligent attitude towards bank customers, they returned my money, which I have not at all superfluous !!!

    At present, most of the population in Russia receives loans. People who live without loans are less common than those who have debt obligations. SKB-bank can also act as a creditor.

    Often, these are loans for various needs of the population and the amount of the loan taken varies from the desire and needs of the borrower. The main thing for the borrower is to get a loan, and what methods and means he will repay it later, the borrower thinks about this last.

    After all, it always seems that “now I can give a certain amount from my salary, and then, when the time comes, I’ll think about it”

    There are so-called conscientious borrowers who are responsible for their loan obligations.

    And there are unscrupulous ones who first repaid the loan on time and in the required amount, and then stopped fulfilling their obligations due to various unforeseen circumstances and understand all the consequences of non-payment.

    Or those who were not going to repay the loan, believing that in this way they are punishing the sb-bank or they don’t think at all in principle, because they don’t care about the loan they once took and they don’t consider themselves responsible to anyone about the consequences don't think.

    So, let's look at several legal ways on how not to pay a loan to sb-bank.

    Repayment of an existing debt under a loan agreement issued by a credit organization sb-bank or several loans taken from one or more banks by issuing a new loan from a bank with a loan rate lower than the rate for one or more existing loans.

    Free legal advice on CREDIT DEBT!

    Legislation is rapidly becoming obsolete, and each situation is individual. Save your time and money - call the numbers below, or contact the online consultant in the lower right corner.↘️

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    IMPORTANT! Free consultation does not oblige you to anything!

    These conditions are suitable for those borrowers who repay the loan on time and in the amount required according to the schedule, and obtaining a new loan will allow the borrower to reduce the debt burden both while maintaining the loan repayment period and extending the loan repayment period.

    It all depends on the desire and ability of the borrower.

    This method is very convenient for borrowers and allows you to reduce the debt burden, as well as pay off unfavorable loans for the borrower. Recently, in light of the reduction of interest rates on loans by credit organizations, this option is most relevant for borrowers.

    Insured event on a loan sb-bank

    Almost all credit organizations, when issuing a loan and concluding a loan agreement, draw up an insurance policy for borrowers, and SKB-Bank is no exception.

    The main insured events for borrowers, as a rule, are:

    • job loss due to downsizing or liquidation of the organization,
    • loss of health (disability), accident.

    On the onset insured event the borrower has the right to apply to the insurance company for obtaining insurance compensation. At the same time, the borrower provides the insurance company with a set of documents so that the insurance company can make a decision on the payment of insurance compensation.

    Insurance compensation is paid either to the borrower himself or directly to the credit institution, depending on the beneficiary appointed by the borrower under the loan agreement.

    Free legal advice on CREDIT DEBT!

    Legislation is rapidly becoming obsolete, and each situation is individual. Save your time and money - call the numbers below, or contact the online consultant in the lower right corner.↘️

    That's fast and efficient! 👇👇👇 Around the clock and for free!

    IMPORTANT! Free consultation does not oblige you to anything!

    Of course, at first glance, many are trying to “shrug off” insurance and may even agree to an increased interest rate on a loan, just not to draw up an insurance policy (because of this, the amount of the loan received by the borrower in hand may decrease).

    But, unfortunately, none of the borrowers think about possible consequences that can occur regardless of the behavior of the borrower. because in the event of financial difficulties and the absence of insurance policy, for the borrower, no one will solve his problems with paying off the loan.

    Thus, it is beneficial for the borrower to take out an insurance policy when issuing a loan from the SKB-Bank organization, and in the event of an insured event, the borrower does not face financial difficulties.

    Restructuring the debt of the borrower (deferred payment)

    This is an opportunity to reduce the debt burden on a loan issued by sb-bank for a certain period of time.

    Exist different ways restructuring:

    • reducing the amount of the loan payment by extending the term of the loan,
    • reducing the amount of the loan payment by repaying only the interest on the loan and postponing their payment on the last day of the term of the loan agreement,
    • deferral (installment plan) of repayment of the loan payment for a later term of the loan agreement,
    • deferral (installment plan) of repayment of overdue loans,
    • suspension of the accrual of fines on the loan,
    • otherwise.

    Restructuring of debt on a loan is possible only if the borrower encounters material difficulties in repaying the loan

    At the same time, in order for the credit institution to be able to restructure the loan, the borrower needs to prepare full package documents confirming his difficult financial situation, as well as the borrower must meet certain requirements (conditions) that are established credit institution for possible loan restructuring. The borrower's application for loan restructuring alone is not enough.

    "Credit holidays" skb-bank

    some credit organizations, including skb-bank, provide borrowers with so-called " credit holidays". The borrower, upon the occurrence of certain circumstances, or simply if desired, may not make the next payment on the loan.

    To receive such a service, the borrower needs to deposit a certain amount (as a rule, the amount is insignificant) to the account of the credit institution before the date of the next payment and not make the next payment on the loan.

    At the same time, this loan payment can be made either on the last day of the term of the loan agreement, or the term of the loan agreement can be extended by this particular payment (depending on the lending conditions established by the credit institution).

    Bankruptcy of an individual

    Free legal advice on CREDIT DEBT!

    Legislation is rapidly becoming obsolete, and each situation is individual. Save your time and money - call the numbers below, or contact the online consultant in the lower right corner.↘️

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    IMPORTANT! Free consultation does not oblige you to anything!

    If the borrower has a very difficult financial situation, the latter may initiate bankruptcy proceedings.

    Bankruptcy is possible under the following circumstances:

    • the debt of the borrower is over 500,000 rubles,
    • overdue loans for more than 3 months.

    When initiating bankruptcy proceedings, a citizen must assess all the circumstances and consequences that this may lead to. So:

    • the procedure is quite expensive, since it will be necessary to pay for the services of a financial manager, and the debtor will also have to provide a security deposit on a certain account for procedural expenses;
    • property is assessed by a financial manager, and all debts are repaid through the sale of valuable things;
    • the financial manager within 3 years has the right to invalidate any transaction involving money, carried out by a citizen declared bankrupt;
      – all expenses of the debtor are under the control of the financial manager;
      - other.
      After the completion of the bankruptcy procedure, all debts that the borrower had to creditors are considered repaid.

    Limitation period for a loan sb-bank