How to reapply for a loan at Sberbank. What to do if Sberbank refused a loan

It is important to know that the reason for the refusal is never stated in any form. This applies not only to Sberbank, but also to any other credit organization. In addition, banks never provide a list possible reasons to refuse on their official resources.

This is not necessary, since most applicants initially understand why they may be denied a mortgage. In relation to Sberbank, the list of circumstances looks like this:

  • non-compliance with the requirements for the specified age / employment / current and total length of service;
  • lack of required documents;
  • impossibility of confirming income received;
  • discrepancy between the income received and the requested loan amount;
  • the presence of similar existing obligations to the bank (if there is already an unpaid mortgage or loan for a significant amount, including from third-party banks);
  • lack of official registration / citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • indication in the application of erroneous or unreliable data (this also includes documentary forgery).

These are the main reasons why Sberbank is more likely to refuse to conclude an agreement. Do not forget about your credit history, which at the time of consideration of the application should not indicate serious violations of the payment procedure.

Sberbank may turn a blind eye to minor delays under third-party agreements, but if the applicant is (was) a current client and has repeatedly violated the terms of the agreement, his application will be rejected.

Even if they have supporting documents and the required work experience, some applicants make the main mistake - it lies in the discrepancy between the income received and the amount requested.

Eg, if a subject has a monthly income of 30 thousand rubles according to a 2-NDFL receipt, and he requests 5 million rubles, then such an application will most likely be refused. In this case monthly payment would be approximately 20 thousand rubles (5,000,000 / 20 years / 250,000 per year) - more than 60% of the income received.

How often do they disapprove?

The fact that it is quite difficult to get a mortgage at Sberbank is a confirmed fact. The slightest non-compliance with the basic requirements will be cause for outright refusal. Unlike other credit institutions, Sberbank can afford to refuse even for circumstances that most banks will not pay attention to. In any case, Sberbank is always provided with a sufficient client base.

According to one reputable banking portal, out of 10 applications received by Sberbank, a positive decision is made on only 4 of them. The average ratio for most Russian credit institutions is 6 (7) out of 10. Exact figures for the year are not published anywhere, so even such data should be considered as very approximate. Based on this, we can conclude that about 60% of clients are not given a mortgage.

Why is it recalled after confirmation of receipt?

Some applicants make the mistake of thinking that approval for an online application is final. Most contracts today are concluded precisely by filing online applications, the decision on which is preliminary. This information is listed on the Sberbank website, but not everyone pays attention to it.

After receiving preliminary approval, the applicant will need to confirm all previously specified data in documentary form. If there is the slightest discrepancy or if it is impossible to confirm the information on the part of the borrower, the application will be refused.

If the bank’s final decision is listed as positive, then it will be valid for 30 working days. During this time, the citizen must fulfill all mandatory conditions. IN otherwise, after the expiration of the specified period, the positive decision will be canceled. By general rule,refusal after approval may occur for the following reasons:

The most common reason is refusal of insurance services. For most borrowers, such a requirement from Sberbank comes as an unpleasant surprise, involving additional costs.

Even after the application is approved, by refusing to take out insurance, the applicant will force the bank to change its decision to the opposite.

Sending documents

  1. Firstly, the package of papers must be fully completed. In the description of any mortgage product, the list of documents is given in its original form, and there are no unnecessary or optional documents.
  2. Secondly, the documents should not be forged - such facts are more likely to be detected by the internal security service. In this case, the borrower may still face fraud charges.
  3. And finally, by the time you submit your application, everything Required documents must already be available - during the application review process there may not be enough time to collect them.

How soon can I reapply?

If the bank first approved and then refused, then It will be possible to apply for the product only after 60 working days. The starting point is the day when the bank announced the final decision. This rule also applies to online applications, but only within the framework of a separate mortgage product.

For example, if a refusal was received for the purchase of housing in a new building, then it will not apply to the purchase secondary housing. Deadlines will be calculated separately.

Having received a refusal from Sberbank, applicants should not stop searching for available offers. In practice, after receiving a refusal, many borrowers enter into an agreement with third party banks, often, no less favorable conditions. In small credit institutions getting a mortgage is much easier - all applicants should remember this.

When can you apply again if you have already been denied a loan from Sberbank once? This question interests many borrowers. It should immediately be noted that a refusal of an application can occur due to many factors, and they are not always of a personal nature. Therefore, it is possible and even necessary to re-declare yourself, using your credit history.

Why can they refuse?

Our readers often ask us why they were denied a loan? In fact, the bank has the right to refuse applications from potential borrowers for many reasons, without naming them. That is why it is useless to ask employees at the department why the refusal came.

If you want to understand the situation, you can study the list of the most specific reasons for a negative response to a loan application:

  1. You do not have official employment, i.e. you can't bring,
  2. You have a low official income, and Sberbank only takes into account “white” wages,
  3. You're spoiled credit history, i.e. there were delays, fines, courts, etc. on your past loans. Even if the debts have been closed for a long time, such history is stored in the BKI for 10 years. And all this time the banks will refuse you. How to improve your reputation - read,
  4. You do not meet the bank's requirements directly as a borrower: you can take out a loan from the age of 21 until you are 65 years old, if you have real estate for collateral - up to 75 years old. It is necessary to have a total work experience of at least 1 year, and at the last place of work - from 6 months (for salary clients- from 3 months),
  5. You have a high credit load. Those. if you already have loans, even issued from other banks, then new loan you won't be approved anymore.

When can I reapply?

Official review deadline loan application in Sberbank is no more than 30 days. However, in reality the process may drag on significantly, and this does not mean that the bank is at a loss to make a decision.

The period may increase due to a credit history check potential borrower, authenticity of the documents provided and other mandatory operations. How do banks check income certificates?

Upon expiration of the review period, all applications are deleted from banking base, and if the borrower received a refusal before the operation takes place, then there will be no point in submitting a second request for credit. The client must wait until the previous application is canceled before submitting a new one.

According to Sberbank specialists, a new application can be submitted no earlier than 2 months from the date of submission of the first application form. If you apply earlier, you will receive a refusal automatically, even if you changed something in your application form.

Under what conditions can I expect approval?

You can submit a second application by changing the terms of the loan (for example, introducing a guarantor or collateral into the lending process). Applications with different conditions are considered differently. How to quickly get loans - read on this page.

What increases bank loyalty:

  • availability of collateral (real estate),
  • attracting a guarantor,
  • increase wages borrower,
  • preparation of a large number of documents confirming your solvency,
  • consent to obtain insurance.

If the lending conditions have not changed Sberbank’s decision, then it makes sense to re-apply only if some information changes. That is: if the client’s monthly income has increased or an additional financial source has appeared.

In the event that you have small income, then you need to either ask for a maximum loan period (up to 3-5 years) or attract a co-borrower. If your credit history is damaged, you will definitely be rejected. If there is no official employment, a refusal will also come in any case.

Of course, receiving notification of a negative decision is always unpleasant, especially if it concerns the issue of lending. Faced with such a decision banking organization once does not mean completely losing the opportunity to get a loan from this institution. There is always a chance to reapply.

Sberbank can refuse a loan only if there are compelling reasons, which include:

  • The borrower does not meet the basic conditions (age limit, presence of official employment, duration of total work experience for 5 years).
  • The loan will not be approved if the applicant is under 21 years of age or over 65 years of age. In the absence of official employment and continuous work experience of less than six months, a negative decision may also be made to open a credit line.
  • Low income. Since it is in the direct interests of the bank to maximize the expansion of its customer base, Sberbank has developed programs suitable for different levels of net income. But the possibility of failure for this reason still exists. To avoid such a situation, before submitting a request, you can calculate the amount of the intended loan using an online calculator.
  • Unreliability of the borrower (bad credit history, facts of late payments, debt obligations to other banks).

Analysis of information about the borrower occurs through single base data to which all banking organizations have access. Therefore, it makes no sense to hide the facts of late payments. And providing false information again increases the risk of refusal.

When can you reapply for a loan?

The maximum time for forming a conclusion on issuing a loan at Sberbank is 2 months. Similar time frames apply to loan refusal. If a banking organization makes a negative decision, it will remain unchanged for 2 months. If you re-submit an application earlier than this deadline, it will be rejected by the system without even reaching the department specialist.

If the reasons for refusal become irrelevant before 60 days, it makes sense to submit a request for another loan product. For example, if a bank refuses to issue a consumer loan without collateral, you can open line of credit secured in the form of a pledge or surety, and this request will already be considered new.

If the reason for the refusal was a technical failure of the program (if the data was entered by a bank employee) or the server (when sending the application form online), and also if the initiator of the withdrawal of the request was the applicant himself, you can send a new application immediately.

How to reapply

You can submit a loan application an unlimited number of times. Provided that the client receives wages through payment card, one of the submission options can be registration using Internet banking.

It is acceptable to re-apply online. To do this you need:

  • On the official portal of the banking organization, go to the “Take a loan” tab.
  • From the provided programs, select the most suitable one according to the conditions. By clicking on the icon with the name, you will find yourself on a page with a detailed description of the loan product. Under the description, you must click on the “Fill out the form” button.
  • On the page with the personal data form, you must provide all the requested information.

Important! If the client has changed his last name, the previous data must be indicated in the questionnaire (there is a special field for this).

  • The completed form can be sent to a bank specialist for review either through the website or in printed form.

If the application was resubmitted via the Internet, the status electronic document you can always check using Internet banking. In the program interface, next to the “Take a loan” button, the total number of all submitted loan requests (both considered and rejected), as well as the date when they were submitted, is displayed.

In conclusion, it should be noted that reapplying for a loan is standard practice. If you don’t want to adhere to the 60-day time limit, you can always find a way out by sending a new application to a different address than the first one. credit product to avoid data duplication.

Many have encountered this situation: having applied for a loan, the applicant is refused for reasons unknown to him. But there is no need to despair, and it is permissible to do it again.

Today, bank clients have two options for submitting a loan application

Let's look at how to re-apply for a Sberbank loan and when it makes sense to do this. It is necessary to soberly assess the situation, since numerous negative answers can negatively affect the borrower’s credit history.

Re-application A loan from Sberbank is applied for in the following cases:

  1. the applicant did not have time to take advantage of the offer (did not provide documents on time, etc.) and the deadline expired;
  2. upon first contact, the client received a negative response.

You can reapply at any time. According to the unspoken rule, if the application contains similar data and an amount that has already been refused is requested, an automatic refusal is issued for it. If you wait 60 days, the application will be considered again.

It is best, of course, to find out what caused the negative response, so as not to provoke it again. The bank does not disclose this information, but knowing their basic conditions, you can determine the reason yourself. Most often this is:

  • There is a clear discrepancy between the requested loan size and the level of income;
  • Non-compliance with requirements that banking institution advances to borrowers;
  • Lack of adequate wages;
  • Lack of permanent employment;
  • Availability of unfinished loans, incl. in other institutions;
  • Lending history contains data on late or late repayment of previous loans;
  • The applicant did not undergo personal verification (he had a criminal record or was registered);
  • Due to technical problems (incorrect completion of documents or they were not provided in full).

You can contact the bank to submit an application within 2 months

Elimination of reasons for refusal to issue a loan and a possible alternative

If the reason is one of the above, you need to apply for a loan from Sberbank a second time after the situation has been corrected. For example, paying off balances on current debts. If the situation cannot be corrected, for example, bad story lending, it is worth improving your other characteristics in order to influence the decision. This could be the presence additional income or attracting a reliable guarantor.

It is also permissible to try using another program. It is worth knowing that the system sees refusal only for one type of loan. If the first application is written for a non-targeted loan, then the second can be filled out for a secured loan. In this case, it is necessary to attract a guarantor or provide real estate as collateral. The latter can also be a plot or a garage if there is no housing in the property. By the way, such program options have more attractive conditions: they allow you to request larger loan sizes and receive lower rates.

A request for a different product makes sense if the causes of the previous unpleasant situation are corrected.

How the loan is processed and the timing of consideration of citizens’ appeals

How to reapply?

If the negative answer is caused by an inappropriate level of income, then applying a second time will not bring results. It will be important to apply for a loan if there is a significant change in wages. The design will be a plus salary card. If this is not possible, you should choose another option:

  1. Reduce the size of the requested loan;
  2. Increase the duration of repayment.

Select another program (for example, with security).

One way out in this situation is to choose another credit program

Features of re-application

You need to realistically assess your chances and first check them on an online calculator. If the loan amount is disproportionate, the calculator will offer an amount that is more appropriate to the applicant’s characteristics. Then in your application it is better to indicate a size close to this in order to increase your chances.

You need to understand that if the client’s conditions have not changed after the first application, then the answer is unlikely to be different. That’s why some people resort to cunning and slightly change at least the requested conditions if their personal characteristics have not undergone any changes.

Having decided to submit a second application, there is no time limit for re-applying for a loan from Sberbank. On average, it is advisable to wait 60 days, and also change your characteristics or choose a different program.

Why does the bank refuse a loan (video)?

An expert opinion on the specific reasons why a lending institution does not approve loan applications.


Having received a negative response to a loan without explanation, applicants usually experience a lot of negative emotions. Especially if the client is confident in his solvency. But the bank reserves the right not to give explanations on this matter. The potential borrower has the right to submit the application form again, but for a positive result, he should contact the bank only after 60 days. If a repeated attempt is made earlier, the refusal will be automatic.

If your loan is refused, you can reapply. But writing an application again, seeking a positive decision on a loan from Sberbank, is not possible in all cases. Even if the cause of the refusal can be eliminated, there are additional parameters that may prevent a positive decision. Therefore, it is very important to know how to reapply for a loan from Sberbank in order to achieve a positive response.

Reasons for refusal to issue a loan

If a loan is denied, you should not immediately resubmit an application that is an exact copy of the previous one.

If the application contains similar information and the same amount is needed, the application will be rejected automatically, that is, without even consideration.
How to reapply for a loan at Sberbank so that it is considered? It must be submitted after at least one month. Better yet, try to find out the reasons for the failure and try to correct them by improving your performance. According to Sberbank rules, it is not customary to disclose the reason for a negative loan decision. You should obtain the information yourself.
The most common reasons for refusal:

  • a large amount that does not correspond to the income level;
  • low salary;
  • unstable earnings or unofficial place of work;
  • previously issued and outstanding loans (it does not matter in which credit institutions they have been received);
  • previous loans were repaid in arrears, which is reflected in the credit history.

Eliminating causes of failure and searching for alternative solutions

Depending on the reason, you need to take some action: find official work, repay previous loans. If the situation cannot be corrected, for example, improving your credit history, then you need to change other parameters that affect a positive outcome. You can provide collateral or attract a guarantor, provide information about additional earnings.

You can try to get a new loan under a different program.

There are reasons for refusal for which it is useless to seek a positive decision. For example, if the income does not match, it is better not to re-apply until there are significant changes. If there is no way to increase your income level, you need to request another loan:
  • with a smaller amount;
  • with a longer payment period;
  • or under another program (with a pledge or guarantee).

Features of calculating a loan when applying again

Before you re-apply for a loan at Sberbank, you need to use. It’s easy to use: indicate your characteristics, loan amount, duration. If the requested amount is not comparable with the entered characteristics, the calculator will change it to increase the likelihood of receiving a loan from Sberbank.
It makes no sense to submit an application with similar requirements and characteristics. The answer will be no. If the characteristics (credit history, income, etc.) remain unchanged, it is better to indicate a new amount, repayment terms, select new program. And it's best to wait a few weeks before applying.