What after the cancellation of the court order. Canceled the court order on the loan what's next

All right. You are writing a statement. The bailiff closes the production. And within 35 days the arrest is removed from the account

1. Enforcement proceedings are subject to suspension by a bailiff in whole or in part in the following cases:

1) death of the debtor, declaration of his death or recognition unknown
absent, if established by a judicial act, an act of another body
or official requirements or duties allow
2) loss of legal capacity by the debtor;
3) participation
debtor in hostilities as part of the Armed Forces of the Russian
Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies created in
in accordance with the law Russian Federation, run
debtor tasks in a state of emergency or martial law,
armed conflict or the request of a claimant who is in the same
4) revocation from the debtor - credit institution licenses for
implementation banking operations, with the exception of the executive
production, which, in accordance with the Federal Law "On Banks and
banking» is not suspended;
5) Applications
arbitration court in respect of the debtor-organization of the bankruptcy procedure
in the manner prescribed by Article 96 of this Federal Law;

5.1) the introduction by the arbitration court in relation to the debtor - a citizen, in
including individual entrepreneur, the procedures applied in the case of
insolvency (bankruptcy), in the manner prescribed by Article 69.1
of this Federal Law;
6) acceptance by the court for consideration
the debtor's claim for deferment or installment plan for the collection of performance
collection, reduction of its size or exemption from collection
performance fee;
7) judicial referrals
bailiff in the Federal tax service or Bank of Russia
notice of seizure of the debtor's property specified in paragraph
4 parts 1 of Article 94 of this Federal Law;
8) the absence of a debtor - a foreign state of property, which may be levied.
2. Enforcement proceedings may be suspended by a bailiff in whole or in part in the following cases:
1) the debtor is undergoing treatment in an inpatient medical institution;
2) search for the debtor, his property or search for a child;

3) the request of the debtor passing military service on call to
Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military
formations and bodies established in accordance with the law
Russian Federation;
4) sending the resolution on the assignment
perform separate executive actions and (or) apply separate
measures enforcement in accordance with paragraph 6 of Article 33

3. Chief bailiff
Russian Federation, chief bailiff of the subject (chief
bailiff of the subjects) of the Russian Federation and their deputies have the right
suspend enforcement proceedings in the event of a complaint
on the decision, actions (inaction) of their subordinate officials
bailiff services. Consolidated enforcement proceedings may
be suspended by the Chief Bailiff of the Russian Federation,
chief bailiff of the subject (chief bailiff
subjects) of the Russian Federation and their deputies in full or
partially taking into account the requirements provided for in paragraph 3 of Article 39
of this federal law.

Unfortunately, this is the standard behavior of this bank. Why he has not been deprived of his license to this day is a question for the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Apparently, you filled out a certain questionnaire and an application for the provision of a supposedly card with a limit. But, as a rule, in such questionnaires and statements, there is a certain fad, which is written in very small print, about your unconditional consent and adherence to all conditions. banking service. But that's another story.

Now, you should apply to the judicial district that issued the court order with an application for familiarization with the case materials by taking a photo. Also, in parallel, apply for a copy of the court order. Submit the application in 2 copies (one for them, the other with a mark of acceptance for you). after 3 days, you can safely call the court district and ask when you can come up and get acquainted with the mat.case. If the case is not in the archive, then get acquainted in the precinct, you will receive the order there, if in the archive, ask the court to make a resolution for review in the archive, because the courts are taking a very long time to retrieve cases from the archives. If the case is already in the archive, then you need to call the archive, explain that there is a court resolution to familiarize yourself with the material case No. ... They will raise the case and set a date for familiarization, they will also issue a copy of the court order.

After that, carefully study the contents of the case materials, and no less carefully look at how you were notified of the rendered judicial act. The procedure for proper notification is determined until 2014 in

order of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Post of Russia" dated August 31, 2005 No. 343, from December 05, 2014

By order of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Post of Russia" dated December 05, 2014 No. 423-p.

If the envelope was stupidly thrown into your mailbox, you can simply tear it up and throw it away. Proper notice is considered to be the delivery of the postal item in person, or through a notice of delivery by the post office.

You can file objections within 10 days (not business days, but calendar days), if the last day falls on a weekend, then it is transferred to the first business day.

Moreover, if, for example (when reading the case materials) you do not see on the envelope: “Lowered in the mailbox”, there is no date, the signature of the postal worker, or something similar, or the index number is not correctly indicated (do not forget to fold the envelope has a printed index pasted on it, if there is one, your index may be correct under it), it means that the post office did not fulfill its obligations properly, and therefore, you could not file objections to the court order within the period prescribed by law. Keep in mind that sending from one post office to another postal items of the “Judicial” category, due to an incorrect index, is prohibited!

Always take pictures correctly, i.e. with fixing the numbers of the mat.case, because the court is not obliged to sit and look independently on which sheet of the case you have identified certain violations.

Also, you can go to the website of the Russian Post - tracking shipments, and by the number of the shipment (such as a barcode) and enter in the tracking field, there will be the entire history of the postal item. You will see, for example, that it was sent on 09/19/2017, an unsuccessful delivery attempt, sent to the sender on 09/23/2017, then open the above order and read carefully the terms and procedure for the delivery of postal items of the “Judicial” category. You can also take a screenshot of the page, and attach it as evidence to the objection, as improper notice and default by the post office.

Also, in accordance with paragraphs 33, 34 of the Resolution of the Plenum Supreme Court Russian Federation dated December 27, 2016 the debtor's objections sent outside the established period must be accompanied by documents confirming the impossibility of submitting objections within the established period.

The decision to cancel the order is formalized by the decision of the justice of the peace. The definition explains to the claimant the main consequence decision- the emergence of the right to assert their claims by filing a claim. To exercise this right or not is the decision of the claimant. If he does not use it, there will be no further movement in the recovery procedure.

Copies of the ruling are sent to the recoverer and the debtor within 3 days from the date of the decision.

From the position of the claimant, the cancellation of the court order is an undesirable decision, which entails the need to go to court with a claim. The prospect is a substantially longer litigation and high degree the likelihood that the court will not satisfy the requirements in full. Here we are talking about the risk of reducing the size of the penalty, and sometimes its complete exclusion from the amount of the claim. In addition, the courts often meet the debtors halfway and satisfy their petitions for establishing an installment plan (delay) or for determining the most beneficial procedure for the debtor to repay claims in another form. Because of this, litigation is considered to be the preferred option for debtors.

Are there any positive aspects for the claimant when canceling the order? Their presence and features depend on the nature of the requirements and the circumstances of the case. But considering judicial practice, there are two general points:

  1. Often, not all requirements can be included in an application for a court order, and sometimes the applicant himself does not do this, fearing that the court will not satisfy them in full. In this plan claim not particularly limited. Depending on the circumstances of the case, it is possible to include in them not only the principal debt, interest on loans or loans, but also collect a penalty, interest on other people's in cash, compensation moral damage, the amount of lost profits, direct losses and some other amounts based on the type and terms of the contract. Of course, the statement of requirements does not mean that they will be satisfied, but you can fight in court. Order production does not provide such opportunities.
  2. The cancellation of the order leaves a chance for an out-of-court settlement of the debt problem. Of course, this solution is a compromise. But sometimes it is more effective - at the lowest cost to return at least the main debt, than to open a long, costly process with unclear prospects. Here it is appropriate to recall that the main task is to repay the debt, and the court decision still needs to be executed, which can be problematic.

Consequences of cancellation of the order for the debtor

Filing objections to the execution of an order is a common practice. However, sometimes debtors do not really understand why this is being done, and perceive the cancellation of the order as mandatory action. This is wrong.

When preparing and filing an objection, the debtor must clearly understand what and how he will do next. After all, the debt problem is not going anywhere. Therefore, the task is not just to cancel the order, but to use this opportunity to your advantage.

What Can Cancel an Order Do?

  1. Claim proceedings involve personal and (or) through a representative participation in a full-fledged trial. The debtor has the opportunity to personally convey his position to the court, argue it and prove it.
  2. As part of the claim proceedings, you can file objections to the claim or file a counterclaim - that is, take an active position in the process and indicate your requirements for the claimant.
  3. Practice shows that when considering a claim, the courts often reduce the claims made by the claimant and (or) exclude some of them from the list of satisfied ones. The burden of proof here lies with the debtor, but the very possibility of doing so is a positive thing.
  4. In court, it is possible to achieve a softening of the procedure for the execution of a judgment in comparison with the standard one. In most cases, this is exactly what the debtor is counting on. And not without reason.

What to do to the recoverer and the debtor when the order is canceled

Given the main consequence of the cancellation of the order - the ability to re-state the requirements in the form of a claim, the claimant must determine for himself whether to exercise such a right or not. The debtor has no choice but to wait for further decisions and actions of the recoverer, and if he files a lawsuit, prepare for the trial.

  1. If it so happens that the order is canceled simultaneously with the restoration of the deadline for filing objections and enforcement proceedings are already underway by this time, the debtor must take measures to terminate it. To do this, send the bailiff a copy of the judge's decision to cancel the order along with an application to terminate the proceedings. It is necessary to refer to paragraph 5 of part 2 of Art. 43 of the Law on Enforcement Proceedings.
  2. When the order is canceled, the state duty is not returned, but its amount can be set off in the amount of the state duty paid when filing a claim. This aspect should be reflected in the calculation of the amount of the claim (state duty) and in the application specified in the claim or in a separate petition document.

There is a 3-year period for filing a claim by a claimant limitation period. This means that it is not necessary for the recoverer to go to court again immediately after the cancellation of the order. On the other hand, time is precious. And if you postpone the decision, then only in order to try again out of court to negotiate with the debtor. Perhaps the seriousness of the creditor's intentions will make him more accommodating, and it will be possible to find a mutually beneficial solution to repay the debt. If a compromise is found, it is necessary to draw up a written agreement and notarize it. If the debtor refuses to agree or does not comply with the terms of the agreement, nothing will prevent you from filing a lawsuit in court.

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Canceled the court order on the loan what's next

Good afternoon, tell me.

Have a debt. 75000 r. The bank has filed a lawsuit against you to recover the debt. The court issued a court order against me. I filed an application to cancel the order. In a court. They said. That the order will be cancelled. What to do next?

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Clarification of the client

Can they get arrested or something. For 1/3 share in the apartment

Lawyers Answers (3)

After the cancellation of the court order, the bank may apply to the court with a claim for the recovery of the debt. There will be a lawsuit.

Article 129. Cancellation of a court order

The judge cancels the court order if the debtor raises objections regarding its execution within the prescribed period. In the ruling on the cancellation of the court order, the judge explains to the exactor that the stated requirement can be presented to them in the course of action proceedings. Copies of the court ruling on the cancellation of the court order shall be sent to the parties no later than three days after the date of its issuance.

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Good afternoon, Michael. It is most reasonable to use a short break between the bank's subsequent appeal to the court with a new statement of claim or an application for a court order and apply to the bank with an application for debt restructuring and installment payments, which will indicate that you are taking necessary measures to debt repayment. Ask to reduce (cancel) fines and penalties. Provide evidence of a difficult financial situation.

Clarification of the client

Thanks for your reply.

If not funds to pay the debt. no work and a difficult financial position.

How to build a defense and convince the court of this

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After the court decision on the recovery of the debt from you, you can apply to the court that issued the decision with an application for an installment plan (postponement) of the execution of the judicial act.

In the process of considering the case, ask for a reduction in the penalty fee under Art. 333 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Say that you intend to pay off the debt as soon as you get a job. You applied for restructuring, the bank, the bastard, did not meet you, you are a consumer, you are a citizen, the weak side of the contract, the bank is a professional, he will tolerate high turnover, please provide an installment deferral.

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Blog of Alexander IZOTOV Founder of VELES service

Hi all. Is it worth canceling a loan order? In what cases is it better not to do this? What will the cancellation of the court order give you? We will talk about this in more detail in this article.

What is a court order

I have already written in many of my articles that most banks, with a total debt of dorubles, go to court with an application for a court order. For banks and MFIs, this is the fastest and cheapest way to get money from you.

Firstly, if the application is made correctly, and the banks know how to draw up these applications, the judge unequivocally issues a court order to recover this amount from you. Secondly, most of the debtors do not cancel these orders due to either fear, or ignorance, or non-receipt, and the bank remains the winner.

It's easy to cancel a court order. You can do it yourself. How to do it and what mistakes to avoid, you can read here and here.

When canceling a court order, there are some nuances that you need to know about in advance, especially if you missed 10 days from the date of receipt. That is why I created a mini course for a nominal fee, where there is the entire algorithm for canceling an order with all sample documents.

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When to cancel

  • With excessive forfeit. It is clear that the cancellation of the order itself will not relieve you of the debt itself, because almost all banks and some MFIs, after cancellation, go to court with a statement of claim. Here is the question of the final amount that the court will award you.
  • If there is a small penalty in the order or there is none at all, then of course the order can not be canceled. Although this rarely happens (no penalty). There is also always a small chance that the bank or MFI will not go with the claim at all (you should not count on this much)
  • You also need to cancel the court order if you did not have time to take care of the preservation of your property (car, second home). You will gain time and be able to put things in order in your affairs.
  • In addition to the penalty, you can, in principle, disagree with some other criteria: illegal commission, wrong calculation and so on.

In what cases should this document not be canceled?

  • if you agree with the amount requested
  • if your property is protected

P.S. Dear reader, did you cancel the court order and which of the reasons I listed did you have?

Sincerely, Alexander Izotov. VELES service.

Yes. I canceled three loans. Resubmitted two banks

Lydia. tell me please, which one did not apply?

He usually comes with a suit, keep in control

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Alexander Izotov's blog / onfinanson.ru 2017

Court order for a bank loan

Often, the loan debtor does not receive a summons to be summoned to court as a defendant, but immediately news about the issuance of a court order. It is important to distinguish these two completely different requirements. If in the first case there are still at least a few months before the court decision is received, then in the second case there is almost no time to submit an objection to the court and find that money has been debited from bank cards in repayment of this debt can be in a few weeks. Below we will tell you what to do if a court order to collect debt on a loan has already been issued.

Why is it beneficial for a bank to get a court order?

Typically, bank lawyers apply to the court for a large amount of court orders in one package - according to credit debts when the period has passed during which it is customary in this bank to expect voluntary repayment of debt from the borrower. You need to understand that a court order is already an executive document and it can be sent almost immediately to the bailiff service to foreclose on existing accounts and property. By default, the judge has no doubts about the creditor's claims against the debtor, because they are confirmed by copies of the loan agreement and other documents about the debtor's violation of its obligations. If, when filing and considering a statement of claim, the creditor must prove the existence and validity of the debt and interest, then in the case of a court order, the case is considered without questioning the parties and even their appearance in court.

In most cases, the borrower takes a passive position and does not have the ability or desire to argue about the existence of debt. Therefore, writ proceedings are so convenient for both the credit institution and the court.

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I received a court order to collect debt on a loan - what to do? Appeal and cancellation of a court order

Articles of the Code of Civil Procedure indicate necessary actions debtor. A court order can be canceled by pointing out to the court that the rights of the debtor have been violated. To do this, you need to file an application with objections to a court order at the reception of the relevant court. His address is indicated in the text of the court order. The main thing here is to act very quickly.

Partial debt repayment

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Passing the statute of limitations

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Doubt how to properly cancel a court order? Take advantage of our experts. The cost of drawing up such a document by a lawyer is rubles. For a consultation, leave your details in the form below or give us a call.

Possible time limit for cancellation of a court order

Only within ten days from the date of receipt by the debtor of a copy of the court order can objections be submitted. This period begins to run from the date indicated in the notice of registered mail. After this period, the bank turns to bailiffs. The bailiff can seize existing bank accounts and write off funds from them. If it was not possible to find such accounts, other methods of influencing the debtor are used: they arrest movable and real estate, close the exit outside the state.

If the ten-day time limit for filing a complaint against a court order has passed, you must state that you did not receive it in order to appeal. Often such applications are denied. Then it is necessary to file a complaint against the court order in the cassation instance.

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What objections to the court order will the court accept?

In general, there is no need for special grounds to challenge the court order. What’s more, no supporting documents are required. It is enough to declare one of the following circumstances, and they will have to be proved after the appointment of a hearing in the case. It can be:

Partial debt repayment

Forgery of documents - loan agreement or other

Disagreement with the amount of accrued interest

Passing the statute of limitations

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Other inconsistencies found in the text of the court order

What happens after the cancellation of the order

The judge issues an order to set aside the court order and sends copies to the parties. In this case, the creditor has the opportunity to apply to the court with a claim on the same subject and usually uses this right. In a lawsuit, the debtor has the opportunity to protect his rights - for example, to give arguments to reduce the amount of debt or to recognize the loan agreement as not concluded. Litigation in this case can take several months. With the appropriate installation, a competent lawyer will be able to delay the process up to a year or more. For this, it is necessary to seek qualified help in time.

What if you are in another city?

All the described actions can be performed by registered mail with a notification and a description of the attachment to the address of the court.

Which courts accept applications for a writ of injunction?

Cases for the issuance of court orders, regardless of the amount of the debt, are handled by the justice of the peace courts at the location of the debtor. At the same time, only cases with an amount of debt of up to rubles can be resolved by order.

Court orders are issued not only in cases of loans. You can get a court order to collect alimony, receive accrued wages or collection of arrears on utility bills or taxes.

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More on the topic

Bank loan court order: 13 comments

Please tell me what to do if the order has already been issued. But I was not notified that someone started civil proceedings against me. Can I cancel the order on this basis?

Alexander, you were not supposed to be informed. The debtor is notified only upon the issuance of a court order and, if desired, may submit objections to this matter within ten days.

The article says: “It is enough to state one of the following circumstances, and they will have to be proved after the appointment of a hearing in the case.”

If I indicate any reason from the proposed list, but in fact it does not exist (after all, documents are not required), how will my behavior be assessed in court after the circumstances of my “dishonest” statement are clarified? Wouldn't that lead to additional punishment?

Eugene, of course, should not refer to deliberately false circumstances, but objections about the amount of debt and interest can absolutely always be.

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If we talk about objections to a court order, then what objections to the court usually seem the most objective from practice and is it worth it to conduct the case yourself or is it still easier to turn to a lawyer?

Semyon, if possible, it is always better to contact a lawyer to minimize the likelihood of making a mistake. Usually, objections about disagreement with the amount of debt and / or interest are used. In the latter case, it is almost always possible to make an alternative calculation of interest or find reasons for not applying specific interest rates.

I am disabled of the second group. I have been ordered to recover my loan debt by withholding 25% of my disability benefits every month. Please let me know if this decision is correct. In general, are any deductions from disability benefits legal?

Vyacheslav, unfortunately, disability benefits do not apply to those types of income from which it is impossible to collect. See Section 101 of the Law on Enforcement Proceedings for more details. There is only a restriction in the CPC - after deduction, you must have funds in the amount of the subsistence minimum.

A court order has come, but it is not the bank that needs to be paid, but the collectors, if we pay the amount indicated in the order, will the loan agreement be considered closed?

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Victoria, if your bank assigned the right to claim under the loan agreement to collectors, then yes. But in any case, it is better to familiarize yourself with the case and file objections to the court order.

The bank assigned the right to claim under the loan agreement to collectors, to whom the debt was paid in 2014, but a court order was also issued, in November of this year the bailiffs blocked the accounts. assignment documents and full repayment were provided to the bailiff, but he requires some kind of judicial decision. Neither the bank nor the collection agency can understand what the bailiff is demanding. They say enough assignment rights. What to do in such a situation.

What to do if you receive a court order but your credit card is closed. Where to apply? An application for closing the court proceedings has been written.

Anna, it's not entirely clear what statement you mean. You need to appeal against the order.

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How to cancel a court order to collect debt on a loan

You took a consumer loan, paid it regularly, and then for some reason stopped. You get a debt collection order in the mail or through a bailiff, you start having nightmares about not being able to pay the debt and staying on the street in the literal sense of the word. You should not panic ahead of time.

Statistics say that only 10% of the inhabitants of our country know and use their rights, and we want this number to increase with you.

So what are your rights and how can you exercise them? To understand this, let's look at a few questions:

  1. What is this order?
  2. How to get a?
  3. What does it take to cancel a debt collection order?

This is a document issued by a judge in response to an application for recovery. financial resources from the debtor. It is also assumed that it can be made on the basis of a contract, which is in writing. Exclusively in this form, all lending agreements are concluded.

Getting a court order

A court order at the request of a financial institution must be submitted within five calendar days from the date of filing an application with the court.

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This paper should be submitted to the justice of the peace, or at the location of your bank's office, if the agreement provides for such jurisdiction, or at the place of residence of the borrower, if it is not defined.

Financial institutions benefit from this form of recovery. Obtaining a court order is a quick, simple and inexpensive procedure, as you can see if we describe everything point by point.

  1. Make a statement that you received a court order;
  2. Attach a photocopy of all documentation confirming the conditions;
  3. Pay the state fee, which will be half of the total amount provided for the proceedings of the lawsuit;
  4. Transfer the papers to the justice of the peace near the location of the debtor or financial company;
  5. Present the order to the service of executors, the order itself will arrive within five days.


With the procedure for obtaining court order we figured it out, but how, is it the case with its cancellation?

We can immediately reassure you: this procedure is not as scary and complicated as you might imagine it to be. All you need to do is just write the appropriate application. But let's dwell on this in more detail.

Learn about the order

How do you know you've been ordered? Two ways are possible:

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  • A. The court will mail a copy of the order to you at the address listed on loan agreement. We note right away that almost no orders are received in this way.
  • B. You can personally learn about the existence of the order from the bailiff. This option is the most common. You will be presented with a production announcement.

The reason will be indicated in the document itself. The order will be reviewed by a judge in your area or city.

In both cases, timing must be kept in mind. You have the right and opportunity to cancel this order only within 10 calendar days from the time it was received. The following nuances must be taken into account:

  1. If the order came to your mail, you have only ten days to cancel it;
  2. If you received a decision to initiate enforcement proceedings from the bailiff, then you have many times more time. In both options, your actions come down to one thing, you need to get a copy of the order by contacting the justice of the peace, on the basis of which the decision was made. You can receive a copy on the same day if the order is still fresh. If the case is already in the archive, a copy will be in your hands in 2-5 days after applying.

To get it, just write an application.


When you have received a copy of the order in your hands, we proceed to cancel it. To do this, you need to submit an application (petition) to the justice of the peace. The essence of this statement is practically reduced to a formal basis. You should only write that you have objections to the court order and describe the reason why you disagree with it.

And finally cancel

Having received such a paper, the magistrate will be forced to cancel his order. But you should not think that, having performed these actions, you will be able to feel like a master of the situation and forget about debt, like a nightmare. You will only get a reprieve. The bailiffs will take you off their sights only until the bank submits statement of claim.

Pros and cons of obtaining and canceling a court order

Benefits for the lender:

  1. The opportunity to save time, since the receipt time will be 5 days;
  2. Financial benefit. The lender pays only half of the state duty.
  3. You can draw up an application with the help of a lawyer, according to a free sample found on the net.
  4. There is no need for a dispute or a court session;
  5. Claims of the creditor will be satisfied by 100%;
  6. Absence of a writ of execution in the case;
  7. According to statistics, half of the orders are not cancelled.
  1. This way you can only judge consumer loans or credit cards, but not pledges and guarantees;
  2. the order does not cost anything to cancel even after a two-year period.

Benefits of cancellation for the borrower:

  1. It won't give you any trouble. Write an application within 10 calendar days, and you can magically turn back time.
  2. After the cancellation, this enforcement proceedings are interrupted.

Borrowers should be aware of the disadvantages of this measure:

  1. The penalty and interest continue to accrue, and as a result, the amount of debt does not decrease at all;
  2. This does not solve the problem, but only gives invaluable time to understand what to do next.
  3. Instead of going to court with claims, some not very decent banks often sell loans to collection services;
  4. It is better to resort to this measure if you are saving money for full settlement with creditors.

Video instruction

Detailed instructions for canceling a court order are in the video below.

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Collection of debts from individuals, how it is carried out, the statute of limitations

Debt collection on a loan: how can a debtor challenge a court decision and win a court case

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Hello, please tell me, I had a court order for a loan cancelled. bailiffs of the bank seized the accounts. what to do in this case? Thank you.

Within 10 days, as I will take a court order from the bailiff and wait for the verdict, do the bailiffs have the right to come to me and describe the property,

An effective method of collecting overdue debts is the judicial system. All banking and government organizations file lawsuits. A quick and easy way to do this is to go to the magistrates' court. Cases are won even if the defendant is absent.

Plaintiff, having received performance list, transfers the document to the FSSP service. There the bailiffs are engaged in the debtor. In practice, the defendants, without problems, manage to cancel the court order. This can be done within one day.

How to cancel a court order that has entered into force?

Step-by-step instruction

Do not confuse a court order with a statement of claim. The statement of claim cannot be canceled, but it can be challenged.

Find out where the hearing took place

  1. As a rule, this happens at the location of the bank or branches in the region. Full information will be provided at the bank itself, they can also acquaint them with the court order.
  2. It is recommended to re-read the loan agreement, often lenders indicate the address of the court, where, in the event of a dispute, proceedings will take place.
  3. If the bank refuses to provide information, you must go to the FSSP department at the registration address to the bailiff who conducts enforcement proceedings. He will explain everything: where the trial took place, when, the full name of the judge, the amount of the debt, the terms of payment.

Information on enforcement proceedings can be found on the FSSP website.

Fill in the data field, select the region and click "Find".

Enter the code from the image and click Submit.

Carefully study the result, because the information about the debtors may be the same.

If necessary, click the "Pay" button, select a method and follow the instructions payment system.


All claims, objections, any documentation are accepted by the court through the office department. You cannot serve papers directly to the judge. An application for the cancellation of an order is filled out and submitted to this department.

Form to vacate a judgment

A sample of the correct filling is posted on the information board. The form is issued at the office or downloaded and filled in advance via the Internet.

When filling out an objection, you must specify the reason for canceling the court order. Since the procedure is simplified, the defendant does not need to justify his actions.

It is enough to express disagreement with:

  • court decision on the amount of debt;
  • ignorance of the completed hearing;
  • impossibility of personal presence during the proceedings.

In fact, the court will accept any justification for the annulment that the plaintiff provides in the motion. Further, the completed form is transferred to the employees of the office and attached to the case.

All samples are filled in duplicate, the second document is stamped with acceptance and returned to the hands of the defendant.


If, on the basis of a court decision, enforcement proceedings have previously been initiated, it is necessary:

  • take the second application form for cancellation (where there is a stamp confirming the acceptance of the application);
  • come to the FSSP department (in person to an appointment with the bailiff in charge of the case or to the office);
  • write an application for the completion of proceedings and the return of the seized property or funds.

No need to wait for the cancellation of the judicial act, everything is decided in one day. In the morning they wrote a statement to the court, immediately go to the bailiffs.


The cancellation procedure is carried out within the period established by law - 10 working days. In practice, the period may be extended, but not more than 14 days.

Plaintiff's actions

The plaintiff has the right to re-apply to the court. If the decision is canceled earlier, the appeal will be filed in the claim form. It cannot be cancelled. The defendant will have to contact lawyers and determine a defense strategy:

  • reduce the penalty in accordance with,
  • collect the evidence base of the impossibility of payments,
  • sell property to pay off debt;
  • achieve adjournment;
  • speak to ;
  • try to negotiate a settlement.

Cancellation by mail

If the court was held in another city, then an application to cancel the order can be sent by mail. The letter is sent with a description of the attachment and an acknowledgment of receipt.

In this case, the receipt of the postal item will be a legal document confirming the fact of writing the petition. The judge will consider the claim in due course.

Cancellation times will be extended due to postal services. The minimum period for document delivery to another city is at least three days.


  1. The loan amount is fixed and cannot be increased.
  2. Easily canceled on your own without the involvement of lawyers.


  1. The court proceeds without the participation of the defendant.
  2. It is impossible to influence the final amount of the debt.
  3. There is a surprise effect at .

If the debtor was not able to cancel the court decision in time, it is necessary to restore the procedural deadlines. The basis is Article 112 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation.

It must be understood that the reason for missing the deadline must be valid, otherwise the application will not be accepted.

These situations include:

  • disease;
  • long business trip;
  • living in another city;
  • ignorance of the judgment.

Before going to court in case of a missed appeal period, it is necessary to consult with a lawyer, specifically for the situation.

Debt collection

By loan

Banks are the main plaintiffs in writ proceedings. First, it is cheaper than filing a claim. Secondly, there is a surprise effect. Debtors, having learned that they have been condemned, panic and begin to pay.

Experienced collectors are treating people suggesting that all property will be seized, . Also, the emphasis is on sending a writ of execution to the accounting department of the organization where the person works. Taken together, such actions lead to the fact that some borrowers pay.

A court order to recover a debt on a loan is easy to cancel. Don't believe everything the collection departments say. Their sole purpose is to convince the borrower to close the delinquency. Also, since 2016, it has been in effect, seriously restricting the right of collection agencies.

For utility bills

Utilities also resort to the help of an orderly procedure for repaying a debt. But if the defaulter decides to cancel such an order, it will not be for long. Soon the management companies will file a second application and this will be a lawsuit. Cancel which fails.

Then why cancel it? And in order to return the debited and arrested money to personal accounts and have time to withdraw them. After all, it will become clear that there was a court when. In the future, you will have to pay the debt.

Enforcement proceedings

If the writ of execution is with the bailiffs and proceedings have been initiated, it is necessary to write an application for cancellation. This is done on the same day with the filing of a petition to cancel the order.

If the bailiffs refuse to return the money or property, an application is written to the prosecutor's office or addressed to the head of the department. He will be punished for the actions of his employees.

Advice! Do not be afraid to communicate with the FSSP, all actions are controlled and obeyed federal law No. 229. Any deviation is considered a violation of your rights and entails legal proceedings. If you still do not want to communicate with representatives of the court, contact a lawyer. All questions will be answered for you.

Video - instructions on how to cancel a court order:


  1. All court documentation is transmitted through the office.
  2. You can cancel a court order on your own, without resorting to the help of lawyers, and without overpaying extra money.
  3. Don't forget the importance of reasons for cancelling. We advise you to write that you do not agree with the amount of the debt and consider it too high. This will be enough to reverse the decision.
  4. If the court was held in another city, you can appeal the conclusion by mail.
  5. State structures, unlike commercial ones, in case of cancellation of the order, immediately file a claim.

If you need expert advice or have questions about the topic of the article, describe the problem in the comments.

You can always contact the on-duty lawyer of the site. We will definitely help and answer your questions.

If the court order is canceled, further debt collection is possible only in the order of action proceedings. At the same time, since the order is both a court decision and an executive document, the recovery process that has begun is terminated until the claim is filed and satisfied in the case.

Consequences of canceling the order for the claimant

The decision to cancel the order is formalized by the decision of the justice of the peace. The definition explains to the recoverer the main consequence of the decision taken - the emergence of the right to file their claims by filing a lawsuit. To use this right or not is the decision of the claimant. If he does not use it, there will be no further movement in the recovery procedure.

Copies of the ruling are sent to the recoverer and the debtor within 3 days from the date of the decision.

From the perspective of the claimant, the cancellation of the court order is an undesirable decision, which entails the need to go to court with a claim. The prospect is a significantly longer trial and a high degree of probability that the court will not satisfy the claims in full. Here we are talking about the risk of reducing the size of the penalty, and sometimes its complete exclusion from the amount of the claim. In addition, the courts often meet the debtors halfway and satisfy their petitions for establishing an installment plan (delay) or for determining the most beneficial procedure for the debtor to repay claims in another form. Because of this, litigation is considered to be the preferred option for debtors.

Are there any positive aspects for the claimant when canceling the order? Their presence and features depend on the nature of the requirements and the circumstances of the case. But, given the jurisprudence, two general points can be distinguished:

  1. Often, not all requirements can be included in an application for a court order, and sometimes the applicant himself does not do this, fearing that the court will not satisfy them in full. In this regard, claims are not particularly limited. Depending on the circumstances of the case, it is possible to include in them not only the principal debt, interest on loans or borrowings, but also recover a penalty, interest for the use of other people's money, compensation for moral damage, the amount of lost profits, direct losses and some other amounts based on the type and terms of the contract. Of course, the statement of requirements does not mean that they will be satisfied, but you can fight in court. Order production does not provide such opportunities.
  2. The cancellation of the order leaves a chance for an out-of-court settlement of the debt problem. Of course, this solution is a compromise. But sometimes it is more effective - at the lowest cost to repay at least the main debt, than to open a long, costly process with unclear prospects. Here it is appropriate to recall that the main task is to repay the debt, and the court decision still needs to be executed, which can be problematic.

Consequences of cancellation of the order for the debtor

Filing objections to the execution of an order is a common practice. However, sometimes debtors do not really understand why this is being done, and perceive the cancellation of the order as a mandatory action. This is wrong.

When preparing and filing an objection, the debtor must clearly understand what and how he will do next. After all, the debt problem is not going anywhere. Therefore, the task is not just to cancel the order, but to use this opportunity to your advantage.

What Can Cancel an Order Do?

  1. Claim proceedings involve personal and (or) through a representative participation in a full-fledged trial. The debtor has the opportunity to personally convey his position to the court, argue it and prove it.
  2. As part of the claim proceedings, you can file objections to the claim or file a counterclaim - that is, take an active position in the process and indicate your requirements for the claimant.
  3. Practice shows that when considering a claim, the courts often reduce the claims made by the claimant and (or) exclude some of them from the list of satisfied ones. The burden of proof here lies with the debtor, but the very possibility of doing so is a positive thing.
  4. In court, it is possible to achieve a softening of the procedure for the execution of a judgment in comparison with the standard one. In most cases, this is exactly what the debtor is counting on. And not without reason.

What to do to the recoverer and the debtor when the order is canceled

Given the main consequence of the cancellation of the order - the ability to re-state the requirements in the form of a claim, the claimant must determine for himself whether to exercise such a right or not. The debtor has nothing left to do but wait for further decisions and actions of the recoverer, and if he files a lawsuit, prepare for the trial.

Some private details:

  1. If it so happens that the order is canceled simultaneously with the restoration of the deadline for filing objections and enforcement proceedings are already underway by this time, the debtor must take measures to terminate it. To do this, send the bailiff a copy of the judge's decision to cancel the order along with an application to terminate the proceedings. It is necessary to refer to paragraph 5 of part 2 of Art. 43 of the Law on Enforcement Proceedings.
  2. When the order is canceled, the state duty is not returned, but its amount can be set off in the amount of the state duty paid when filing a claim. This aspect should be reflected in the calculation of the amount of the claim (state duty) and in the application specified in the claim or in a separate petition document.

There is a 3-year limitation period for filing a claim by a claimant. This means that it is not necessary for the recoverer to go to court again immediately after the cancellation of the order. On the other hand, time is precious. And if you postpone the decision, then only in order to try again out of court to negotiate with the debtor. Perhaps the seriousness of the creditor's intentions will make him more accommodating, and it will be possible to find a mutually beneficial solution to repay the debt. If a compromise is found, it is necessary to draw up a written agreement and notarize it. If the debtor refuses to agree or does not comply with the terms of the agreement, nothing will prevent you from filing a lawsuit in court.