Group for the collection of mortgage debts vtb address. Banking review

Later, once I decided to look at the card, inserting the card into an ATM, I found a negative balance on it, which, in principle, should not have been. I deposited the missing amount of about 1000 rubles through an ATM. A month later, the story repeated itself, and I again deposited money on the card. Then I didn’t check the card anymore, the card expired. As it turned out later, when withdrawing the last salary, I withdrew the bank's money (overdraft), which I basically had no idea about, because the ATM gave me money. In addition, I didn’t even have a clue what an overdraft was and what was even possible in principle ... Subsequently, I began to receive calls from bank employees, many times a day, sometimes their number even exceeded 20, or even probably over 30, oh that allegedly I have a debt to the bank. At the same time, all previously taken loans were closed by me in the bank.

Vtb24 asks to pay off overdue debts

To pay off the debt, there are options for depositing funds through:

  • bank cash desks;
  • ATMs and self-service devices;
  • Internet;
  • post offices;
  • network Golden Crown.

What to do in case of refusal to restructure the loan If the bank refused to restructure the debt, you can re-write the application by collecting the missing documents. It is also recommended to receive a written response, which will set out the position of the institution and the reasons for the refusal.
With this copy it will be possible in the future to go to court for a decision controversial issue. For the judge, this will be direct evidence that the client was trying to solve the problem.
In addition, you can use the services of other banks and refinance an existing loan on favorable terms there.

Banking Review

Upon acceptance credit decisions The bank used the score-based limit and score-based pricing functions before, but the accumulated statistics on borrower defaults made it possible to significantly improve the process. In addition, VTB24 is considering introducing elements of comfortable restructuring into new loan products - so that, for example, a client with a ten-year mortgage has the opportunity to transfer any two payments to the end of the term in a declarative manner.


This is also the lesson of the crisis. When designing a product, one must allow for the possibility of short-term difficulties for a conscientious borrower. This approach will make life easier for both the client and the bank. This is one of the innovations that we are going to introduce,” says Anatoly Pechatnikov.

What to do if VTB 24 Bank sued

The fundamental question is: how to work with debtors - on your own or to attract collectors? When looking for a solution, you need to consider the scale of the business. VTB24 is the country's second largest retail bank. According to the results of 2009, it declared 4.7 million active clients in 69 regions of the country.


The number of NPLs exceeds 100 thousand, and debts at the early stage of "delay" - about half a million. There is not one in the country collection agency with an equally extensive branch network.

Thus, the decision to outsource debt collection would lead to the need to build relationships with many (perhaps several dozen) companies, each of which is present in a limited number of regions. The effectiveness of such a process is problematic.

How to find out the debt on a loan at VTB 24 Bank

The issue of debt load of the population today is extremely topical. It is difficult to find a person who at least once did not apply for a loan for any needs.
Due to the huge number of loans issued, the number of those for which there were delays in payments is also considerable. People may change circumstances, jobs, or even serious family and health problems. However, banks, one way or another, will try to get a debt. VTB 24 Bank is no exception, and in our article we will tell you what to do if it sued you due to overdue debt.


The system has been improved and continues to be improved, which is facilitated by the flexibility of the Siebel platform itself. The launch of competing strategies was nevertheless implemented, new modules appeared related to small business debts (in 2009 the system worked only with individuals), bankruptcy, sale of debts to collectors, etc.


According to Anatoly Pechatnikov, when the system was implemented, it used the experience of only two banks, and now the VTB24 business process is incorporated there: “And it is one of the best in the country, in my opinion. That is, by purchasing the system, the consumer actually buys the delivered efficient business process.

However, the bank does not see anything wrong with replicating their practices. The more useful the system is for customers, the more popular it is, which means that developers have more incentives and resources to refine and update the product.

VTB Group settled bad debt of the Bank of Moscow

Our task is to submit it to the FSSP in a timely manner or to regularly resume enforcement proceedings if acts were previously drawn up on the impossibility of collecting debts, ”even in an interview with an industry publication, Anatoly Pechatnikov does not forget to repeat the key message of the bank to debtors. Lessons from the crisis PR of a tough stance towards defaulters can help both increase the repayment of current debts and prevent "delays" on new loans - borrowers will become more responsible in assessing their ability to fulfill obligations to the bank in a timely manner. True, if this approach is not supported by all credit institutions, as well as the state, there is a risk that VTB24 will face reputational risks, earning the reputation of a “bouncer bank”.
Very old and unsecured debts are planned to be sold. The bank has already "packaged" 20,000 NPLs into a portfolio worth 6.8 billion rubles and is preparing to sell it.

The debts are three years, so half of the amount is interest and fines. It is assumed that the first transactions for the sale of the portfolio or part of it will be concluded in August.

Work with debtors is carried out truly on an industrial scale. If in the spring of 2010 VTB24 filed 2,500 cases in court every month. statements of claim, then by autumn the bank should reach the level of 4 thousand calls per month.

This pipeline is already producing good results. Up to 60 days "overdue" the recovery rate is around 95%, although this figure varies somewhat by product. That is, only 5% of early delay goes to "60+"; at this stage, the collection service of the bank must collect 85% of the debt on secured loans - this is its task.

VTB bank debt settlement

And that when you do not fulfill these obligations, the amount increases due to penalties and very soon you can become a persistent defaulter and then the bankers will come to your home and work. In addition, your credit history deteriorates and you can become an unwanted client for both VTB24 and other banks.

And VTB24 carefully offers to consider your difficult financial situation and offer an overdue debt settlement program. If you are of course ready to cooperate. Well, at the end there are contacts where you can contact on these issues. Everything is very decorous and perhaps this is the most adequate letter from the bank, do you agree? Write in the comments.

wtb 24 debt settlement telephone

The system had drawbacks - in particular, at that moment it did not allow comparing competing strategies for different samples of borrowers of the same category. This is extremely important to improve the efficiency of early collection, but, as mentioned above, the pace of implementation was more important, so the bank decided to simplify its business processes by adjusting them to the limitations of the IT system.

Automation ranks second in importance among the factors after personnel, especially since effective incentives for personnel also depend on it. September, that is, less than three months later, the Sputnik Labs Collection system was launched on an industrial circuit: auto-dialing systems, mailing letters, SMS, etc. started working.

Wtb 24 debt settlement

Application for loan restructuring When choosing the services "Deferred payment" and " Credit holidays» You don’t have to write any application – the service is activated individuals when making loans. If loans were issued earlier, then you need to call the call center operators, although no one forbids you to visit a bank branch and resolve this issue with the help of a VTB 24 specialist.

When refinancing, you can take advantage of an additional opportunity and fill out an application on the website. Online application On the bank's website, you can apply only for refinancing with the consolidation of all loans into one. You will need to provide personal data, gender, date of birth. You will be asked to fill in your email address and phone number. In addition, you must confirm your consent to the processing of personal data.

We continue the column of credit letters of happiness and today we have another newcomer - one of the largest banks - VTB24. It is also one of the most loyal banks that do not scare, do not intimidate, treat the borrower as kindly as possible in case of delay, and maybe it will even become the kindest - there will soon be a video review of the 10 kindest banks. In the meantime, we are looking at what VTB24 sends to borrowers. Go!

And this notice about the need to repay overdue debts - VTB24, as it were, reminds you that you, dear, may have forgotten, but you need to pay a loan. The phrase “please pay it off immediately” is especially touching. Bankers are very humane.

Well, then VTB24 indicates the amount of debt according to loan agreement and reminds you that you have accepted these payment obligations. And that when you do not fulfill these obligations, the amount increases due to penalties and very soon you can become a persistent defaulter and then the bankers will come to your home and work.

In addition, your credit history deteriorates and you can become an unwanted client for both VTB24 and other banks. And VTB24 carefully offers to consider your difficult financial situation and offer an overdue debt settlement program. If you are of course ready to cooperate.

Well, at the end there are contacts where you can contact on these issues. Everything is very decorous and perhaps this is the most adequate letter from the bank, do you agree? Write in the comments.

Well, let's break it down point by point:

The loan amount really increases due to penalties, but you can write off the penalty in court and there is step-by-step instruction at the School of Revival
bankers can really come home and to work, but they are not scary and it is always up to you to decide whether to talk to them or not. If there is a phone 02.

Credit history certainly does not get better, but it is quite possible to live without credit history- this is your immunity from subsequent loans VTB24 indeed sometimes offers loyal restructuring programs and you can negotiate with them. But you need to understand that before depositing money under any program, first sign an additional agreement, plus if this does not suit you, you can not sign or deposit anything.

I consider it necessary to express my personal gratitude and respect to other borrowers for such adequacy in resolving issues with delays to VTB24 bank, and if you agree, put a like, and if this letter seemed terrible to you, then dislike. Write in a comment about your experience of interacting with VTB24 bank and share the article with friends on social networks so that they can see that against the background of other banks - this one seems quite adequate.

I have been a Client of CJSC VTB-24 since 12/12/2012 - I have issued a loan in the amount of 700,000 rubles. More than a year served the loan regularly, incl. spent partly early repayment. Now monthly payment is 18 tr, the balance of the debt is less than 500 tr.

Since March 2014 I have had financial difficulties due to a decrease in the level of income - almost two times (a change in the motivation system, 4 months during the transition period received a minimum bonus, now the situation is gradually leveling off).
I repeatedly informed the Bank-employees of my financial difficulties by telephone and in writing. At the same time, I always emphasized that I did not refuse to pay, and in support of my words I held partial repayments trying to keep arrears from growing too much.

Now in order:
Starting from the 12th day of delay, Soft collection employees began to call me. As a standard, once every two or three days, a new employee called each time and in a boorish form (the vast majority of employees, one had to be complained about by phone “hot line” demanded repayment of overdue debt within 3 days, otherwise the Bank would terminate the loan agreement (already from the 12th day of delay). The Bank's employees were absolutely not worried that I receive a salary at fixed numbers, that I do not refuse to pay and at the first opportunity I will pay off the overdue debt, but in the meantime I will make partial repayments. One of the employees even threatened to terminate the contract and By credit card, which I have registered with the Bank, even despite the fact that there are no overdue debts on it. Almost all the employees, hearing that I would pay, but not after 3 days, but later, put me a comment “refusal of payment”, which I was immediately informed about. When asked about the possibility of restructuring, the staff informed me that the Bank does not restructure loans. When asked to report what the amount of overdue debt was, the employees replied that they did not have such information.

06/17/2014 I wrote a statement to DO No. 23 Moskovsky, 220 with a request to restructure my debt, as well as revoke permission to process my personal data, indicating that a response should be sent to me within standard 10 days. For a long time, my branch office refused to accept my applications under the pretext that they were written “not in the form of the Bank”, after a half-hour conversation with the office staff, Deputy Director R-nov nevertheless accepted my applications, put a mark on the copies (without the seal of the Bank , without an incoming number - “The Bank does not do this.” Office staff reported that the Bank does not have debt restructuring programs.

Only 07/18/2014 (ref. No. 20/28562), i.e. one month from the date of receipt of my application! - The Bank answered me that "today the Bank has no restructuring programs on the terms proposed by you in your appeal." However, no alternative conditions were offered to me.

The Bank responded to the withdrawal of the permission to process personal data only on July 29, 2014 (ref. No. 23-03-8/38497), i.e. one and a half months after applying!
08/12/2014 on the day of the next payment I deposited 38 tr. in repayment of overdue debt, hoping to close the overdue debt at least without part of the fines (the amount was enough) and reset the days of overdue debt. However, the Bank debited these funds from my card only on August 14, 2014, which left me with more than 60 days of overdue debt (the Bank employees did not fail to inform me about this).

In July, my case was transferred to the Troubled Assets Department, i.e. already hard collection. The situation, however, has not changed - every time I called, they demanded from me to pay off the overdue debt in full within up to 3 days, they put the comment “refusal to pay” if the objective payment terms I called went beyond the specified limits. But now there have been more threats against me personally, as well as against my relatives.

So, in the tenth of September 2014, an employee this Office, who introduced himself as Sergey Ivanovich (called from the number 8-921-18 * -** -71), threatened me with filing an application with law enforcement agencies on the fact of fraud, Art. 159 part 1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, allegedly taking place on my part, and also threatened my parents - that FSSP employees would come to them by a court decision, which neither the Bank nor the court would notify me of, and arrest all THEIR property. Based on the actions of this employee, I wrote a statement on September 12, 2014, which was submitted to the DO No. 7 Kolomyazhsky, 15 (again, not under the incoming number, but only against the signature of the deputy director of the DO D-lyan without stamping). I have not yet received a response to this application.

Then I got a call from an employee of the Office, who introduced himself as Anton Alekseevich. In one of the letters I received from the Bank, it was indeed indicated that my case was handled by Chief Specialist Department for work with distressed assets Anton Alekseevich, without surname. Anton Alekseevich, when calling (approximately September 17-19), said that it was possible to restructure my debt, but for this I need to pay 2 monthly payments at a time - 36,600 rubles, no less. At the same time, we agreed on a deadline of 03.10.2014 (on this day I should have an issue wages), and call ahead on 24.09.2014. Anton Alekseevich called back on 09/22/2014 and explained that I misunderstood him and the restructuring proposal is only valid until 09/24/2014. In case of non-payment of the debt, Anton Alekseevich assured me that the loan agreement would be terminated and the Bank would sue me.

On the same day, an employee of the Department called (I don’t remember how she introduced herself) and confirmed the need for full payment of the overdue debt, otherwise the Bank would terminate the loan agreement. Reported that by banking system I'm 46 days past due.

On September 26, 2014, the same Anton Alekseevich called again and set another “last” deadline for paying overdue debts - until September 29, 2014. Such a term, according to Anton Alekseevich himself, is connected with the fact that “the Bank closes the quarter”, and I spoil their indicators. At the same time, he threatened me with filing an application with law enforcement agencies on the fact of malicious evasion of repayment accounts payable, Art. 177 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Anton Alekseevich was not embarrassed by the fact that this article indicated a “large amount” of debt, i.e. more than 1,500,000 rubles, nor that the evasion should be only the entry into force of the relevant judicial act. He also lost sight of the fact that I repeatedly informed the Bank's employees orally and in writing that I did not refuse to pay, and in support of my words I made partial repayments. Anton Alekseevich also referred to the provisions federal law No. 353-ФЗ “On consumer credit (loan)”, he ignored the discrepancy indicated by me - the loan agreement was concluded on 12/12/2012, and according to Art. 17 of this law, it enters into force on 01.07.2014 and “applies to contracts consumer credit(loan), concluded after the day of its entry into force. According to him, I already had more than 120 days overdue.

On September 27, 2014, I had the opportunity to pay 30 tr, which I did by closing the overdue debt, only accrued fines in the amount of about 26 tr remained.
On the same day, the chief specialist of the K-eva M.E. Department called me. (tel. 8-903-16*-**-04). She sees the payment, but it's not enough. Regarding my promise to pay, even in October, she said that it was “already too late”, the Bank would terminate the loan agreement, and an application would be filed against me to law enforcement agencies on the fact of causing property damage by deceit or breach of trust, art. 165 part 1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Marina Evgenievna probably does not know the definitions of "fraud" and "abuse of trust" - when contacting the Bank, I provided reliable information that was verified by the Bank's Security Service, provided the originals of the requested documents. But Marina Evgenievna does not care. I was told in plain text that my financial situation is “my problem and it does not concern the Bank”, but according to her, I am obliged to “pay the Bank” no matter what, which, by the way, I do not refuse.

On top of that, all the employees ignored my request to call me back later when they called. in those moments I was busy. Also, Anton Alekseevich “forgot” that I informed him about the fact of my absence from the city from 18.07 to 01.08 in connection with my departure. During this period, this employee called my work colleagues in an attempt to find me.

I still do not know in which branch of the Bank in St. Petersburg I can submit an application under the Bank's mark with an incoming number - not a single employee could answer this question for me.
Also, the Bank on its website does not have information about the electronic mailbox where you can send applications in electronic form.

All of the above is evidence of:
- absolutely disregard for the vast majority of the Bank's employees towards their Clients;
- lack of interest of the Bank in the matter financial condition Client AFTER issue loan funds- The Bank is categorically not interested in the bilateral settlement of emerging problems, and also does not provide appropriate tools for solving these problems;
- inability (or unwillingness?) of employees to bring correct information, incl. on overdue debts;
- inability to communicate with Clients, expressed in allowing oneself to use boorish and offensive expressions;
- the applied practice of "intimidation" of Clients by articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation inapplicable to them, as well as other ways of misinforming Clients, and forcing psychological pressure;
- the appalling incompetence of employees of the Office for Work with Problem Assets in matters of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

VTB borrowers allow a large number of delays, as evidenced even by financial statements state bank. As of August 2018, the share of non-performing loans (otherwise, non-performing or "non-performing") in the organization's asset portfolio was 7%. For comparison, the share of non-performing loans in Sberbank is 2.9%. At the same time, Sberbank's loan portfolio is several times larger than VTB's.

How does one of the largest state-owned banks deal with so many debtors? We will tell in this article.

Troubled Assets Department: calls, letters, threats

Against the backdrop of such high level debts, you might think that VTB simply does not have a service for working with non-payers. But that's not the case at all. The state bank has a department for working with problem assets, and quite quickly. According to ex-borrowers of VTB, the specialists of this department begin to call relatives, friends and colleagues of the debtor on the very first day of delay. The borrower himself is called 10-15 times a day using the “good cop, bad cop” tactics: first, one specialist calls and politely asks when the client will be able to repay the debt, and then another employee worries demanding to pay everything at once and periodically threatens with prison term.

At the same time, the bank does not forget to send SMS notifications to the debtor with the following standard text: “Contact VTB Bank urgently to pay off the debt in full. *phone number*". How the debtor was told credit institution, on the other side of the number indicated in the message, they insistently demanded to repay most of the loan and return to the payment schedule. Such SMS can come up to 70 per day.

You may also receive e-mails and even paper letters with threats of criminal liability in the following format:

“Ivan Dolzhnikov, the credit file under your agreement has been formed for transfer to law enforcement agencies in order to initiate a criminal case under Article 177 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which provides for imprisonment for up to two years.”

However, in fact, VTB does not transfer the borrower's case anywhere, but only motivates him to pay the debt.

In such ways, the bank's troubled assets of the bank can influence the debtor from 3 months to a year. If the debt is less than half a million rubles, VTB can transfer or sell the debt to collectors. If the client's debt exceeds 500 thousand rubles, then the creditor conducts the case on his own and, a year after the start of the delay, files a lawsuit.

Collectors can't, but debtors don't want to

We could only find out about three collection companies to which the bank transfers or sells debts of borrowers: Active Business Collection, FASP and SCM. But usually defaulters of VTB do not care whether their case was left with the bank or was transferred to collectors. The fact is that the actions of professional collectors are limited by law No. 230-FZ, popularly nicknamed the “Law on Collectors”. Therefore, in fact, companies continue the bank's methodology, only more persistently: more calls, more SMS, more letters.

According to the former debtors of VTB, collectors almost never visit their new "clients" at home. The toughest thing they can do is to paint the walls of the entrance with the name of the defaulter or throw leaflets with the debtor's photo and the inscription "A debtor lives in apartment N, be vigilant!".

When the collectors "play enough" enough (and this can last from several months to two years), they take the borrower's case to court. If the debt was only transferred to the agency, then the bank does it.

Court? No, cession!

VTB first applies for court order which the debtor can cancel within 10 days. Then the bank sends a claim to the court. In 100 and 100 cases, the judge issues a verdict in favor of the creditor. The defendant can only try to file an application under Article 333 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation to reduce the payment of the penalty and restructuring. But it's not that important. After the start enforcement proceedings in some cases, the inexplicable happens - a VTB employee calls the debtor or sends a letter offering to buy the debt under an assignment agreement to a third party (except relatives) for 10% or 20% of the debt amount. The offer is valid for amounts over 500 thousand rubles. If the debt is up to 1 million rubles - a ransom for 20%, over 1 million - for 10%. Thus, the defaulter can negotiate with a friend or acquaintance, give him the necessary amount and go with him to the bank to redeem the debt.

If at the time of the offer the debtor does not have the required amount, he can ask for an extension of the offer period. Not infrequently, VTB employees extended the buyback period up to 9-10 months, until the borrower accumulated the right amount. When the debtor is ready to pay 10% or 20%, the bank appoints him a personal manager, with whom the citizen agrees on the date and time of the redemption.

On the appointed date, the defaulter and the buyer of the debt come to the bank, where they sign the prepared documents. After that, the buyer is informed that now it is he who is the new creditor of the debtor and is free to even sue him. The buyer is then given a contract and an unnamed debit card, to which he must deposit the amount of the cession in cash through the VTB terminal. The check on the made contribution must be taken to the problem asset manager, who will say that within a day the credited money will go to the cession account, and after two days the FSSP will indicate that the overdue loan has been repaid ahead of schedule.

All that remains is to receive certificates from the bank on the termination of the loan agreement and zero debt. Based on these documents, the ex-borrower can apply to the FSSP and the MFC to remove arrests from their assets: real estate, cars, accounts in other banks and debit cards.

In order to avoid unexpected troubles in the future, it is better to draw up a debt forgiveness agreement with a formal debt buyer, whether it is a best friend or just a good acquaintance.

It was this policy that caused the accumulation of such a large number of debts in loan portfolio VTB.

“Why pay off the debt, if you can stop paying, suffer assaults for six months and a year in two, you may receive an offer to buy. Unless the policy of the bank changes, of course. Moreover, ransom is usually offered to those whose debts exceed half a million rubles., - explained a participant in one well-known forum of debtors.

However, it is worth noting that recently not many borrowers receive such offers. Now the bank more carefully assesses the financial and property condition of the debtor and decides whether it will gain more from the assignment or from the sale of the defaulter's property. If the creditor chooses the latter, an inventory of property, blocking of all cards and accounts, an auction and payment of an enforcement fee to bailiffs at the end - 7% of the amount of the debt.

The sale of debt under an assignment agreement is a very profitable way for the borrower to get rid of the impending debt. However, sometimes even 10% or 20% of the debt turns out to be an unbearable amount for a citizen (for example, 250-300 thousand rubles). In this case, we recommend trying to file for bankruptcy, the average cost of which is 90-100 thousand rubles (and it does not need to be paid at once). But for starters, you can seek a free consultation from qualified lawyers in our or by leaving

Well, we’ll take it apart point by point: The loan amount really increases due to penalties, but you can write off the penalty in court and there is a step-by-step instruction on this in the School of Revival bankers can really come home and to work, but they are not scary and it’s always up to you to talk with them or not. If there is a phone number 02. Credit history, of course, does not get better, but it is quite possible to live without a credit history - this is your immunity from subsequent loans. VTB24 does sometimes offer loyal restructuring programs and you can negotiate with them. But you need to understand that before depositing money under any program, first sign an additional agreement, plus if this does not suit you, you can not sign or deposit anything.

Banking Review

We continue the column of credit letters of happiness and today we have another newcomer - one of the largest banks - VTB24. It is also one of the most loyal banks that do not scare, do not intimidate, treat the borrower as kindly as possible in case of delay, and maybe it will even become the kindest - there will soon be a video review of the 10 kindest banks.

In the meantime, we are looking at what VTB24 sends to borrowers. Go! And this notice about the need to repay overdue debts - VTB24, as it were, reminds you that you, dear, may have forgotten, but you need to pay a loan.


The phrase “please pay it off immediately” is especially touching. Bankers are very humane. Well, then VTB24 indicates the amount of debt in accordance with the loan agreement and reminds you that you have accepted these obligations to make payments.


The final consideration in favor of forming your own collection service is the need to introduce a new IT system. VTB Bank 24 Troubled Assets Department For buyers who do not need a loan, there are also a number of preferences: a free cell for real estate transactions, free currency translation, etc.

Official website of the Savings Bank of Russia Hello, I have been reading the forum for a couple of weeks, but I have not found an answer to my question, so I will ask here. The situation is like many others, the debt to VTB is 1.28 million rubles. I think that in a month I will lose my job (illness) and there will be nothing to pay. There is no work in my city for payment (37 tyr.)
difficult to find). We have not lived with my wife for about a year, but we are officially married. I understand everything that will happen next (thanks to the forum). My wife has an IP (catering).

Vtb24 asks to pay off overdue debts

When making credit decisions in the bank, the score-based limit and score-based pricing functions were used before, but the accumulated statistics on borrower defaults made it possible to significantly improve the process. In addition, VTB24 is considering introducing elements of comfortable restructuring into new loan products - so that, for example, a client with a ten-year mortgage has the opportunity to transfer any two payments to the end of the term in a declarative manner. "


This is also the lesson of the crisis. When designing a product, one must allow for the possibility of short-term difficulties for a conscientious borrower. This approach will make life easier for both the client and the bank. This is one of the innovations that we are going to introduce,” says Anatoly Pechatnikov.

Official website of Sberbank of Russia

The fundamental question is: how to work with debtors - on your own or to attract collectors? When looking for a solution, you need to consider the scale of the business. VTB24 is the country's second largest retail bank. According to the results of 2009, it declared 4.7 million active clients in 69 regions of the country. The number of NPLs exceeds 100 thousand, and debts at the early stage of "delay" - about half a million. There is not a single collection agency in the country with such an extensive branch network. Thus, the decision to outsource debt collection would lead to the need to build relationships with many (perhaps several dozen) companies, each of which is present in a limited number of regions. The effectiveness of such a process is problematic.

VTB Bank 24 Troubled Assets Department

Very old and unsecured debts are planned to be sold. The bank has already "packaged" 20,000 NPLs into a portfolio worth 6.8 billion rubles and is preparing to sell it.

The debts are three years, so half of the amount is interest and fines. It is assumed that the first transactions for the sale of the portfolio or part of it will be concluded in August.

Work with debtors is carried out truly on an industrial scale. If in the spring of 2010 VTB24 filed 2.5 thousand statements of claim with the court every month, then by autumn the bank should reach the level of 4 thousand appeals per month. This pipeline is already producing good results. Up to 60 days "overdue" the recovery rate is around 95%, although this figure varies somewhat by product. That is, only 5% of early delay goes to "60+"; at this stage, the collection service of the bank must collect 85% of the debt on secured loans - this is its task.

Bad debt management at VTB24

As for the total amount of "bad" debts, according to him, this volume will still grow until the end of 2010: "There are no illusions about this, but we will cope within the framework of the already created infrastructure. Its expansion is not required. But in the fall, we plan to expand the circle of collector partners - if only for the sake of stimulating competition and being able to minimize costs.” Speaking about the growth of "arrears" until the end of the year, VTB24 Deputy Chairman means absolute value, since its share will either remain at the same level or decrease, the growth of bad debts is slowing down, while lending, on the contrary, is accelerating. In 2011, it is planned to reduce the "arrears" in absolute terms. The current distressed portfolio contains many secured loans that are currently being litigated.

When working with debtors, it makes sense to focus on the legal collection, also because performance list in relation to an individual, it is valid for life. In addition, in working with debtors, it makes sense to focus on the legal collection - including because the writ of execution in relation to an individual is valid for life. With the right PR, the active use of this tool will work to create an understanding among borrowers of the inevitability of retribution, which will contribute to both the return of early “delays” and the discipline of new customers.

It is more efficient to work with the courts with the help of full-time employees. The final consideration in favor of forming your own collection service is the need to introduce a new IT system.

Theoretically, the bank could do without outside help, but such a task is not worth it. As of August 2010, the number of members of the Troubled Assets Department is as follows.

The total number of full-time collectors, whose tasks include personal contact with debtors, exceeds 600 people. They are distributed across all regions of the bank's presence. 150 employees work in a single call center that implements soft collection. There are 40 other people in the head office providing general management. In terms of size, management is comparable to other key "businesses". For example, the number of employees of the small business division is about the same, and even fewer people work in the mortgage department. With the help of its employees, VTB24 completely "closes" the work with an early "delay" and secured NPLs.

Troubled Debt Department VTB 24 St. Petersburg

Automation ranks second in importance among factors after personnel, especially since effective staff incentives also depend on it, ”he says, specifying that similar principles can be applied to any retail business. Recruitment and the motivation system at VTB24 deserve a separate description . As for automation, the IT system that existed at the time of the formation of the debt collection service did not suit the bank in terms of performance and functionality. During the competitive selection, a large number of solutions were reviewed, including those from foreign vendors, but the bank needed a system that had already been tested on Russian market and which can be implemented as quickly as possible. As a result, preference was given to a solution from Sputnik Labs based on the Oracle Siebel CRM platform.
Without this, it is impossible to assess the cost of NPL collection, reasonably offer restructuring programs to “early” debtors, adjust scoring, tariff policy and product line for new customers, etc. A powerful automated system forms the basis of the collection business. Transition period The decision to create a department for working with distressed assets in VTB24 was taken in April 2009, systemic organizational and personnel actions began in May. It should be noted that in 2007 VTB24 had subsidiary Debt Center. She was assigned the role of her own collection service, legally separate from the bank.