How much can bailiffs take from a salary card? Can bailiffs seize a credit card? What could be the reasons

The seizure of a Sberbank card by bailiffs is carried out without notifying the holder. This may apply to both a salary card and any other. Read the article about the reasons for the arrest and what to do in such a situation.

Reasons for the seizure of a Sberbank card by bailiffs

The seizure of a Sberbank salary card by bailiffs is carried out by decree or court order. There are several reasons for this procedure:

  1. Long overdue on a loan from Sberbank or another credit institution. The basis for drawing up the writ of execution is the decision of the court to which the bank applies with the application. The card holder can be both a borrower and a guarantor.
  2. Debts for utility bills, alimony, bank and other, etc.
  3. Unpaid financial damages in any legal proceeding.

Imposed by bank employees or the bailiffs themselves if they have access to Sberbank’s client base. Funds are debited automatically, provided that there is a balance on the card.

If the amount of debt is small, then the write-off may be one-time. Otherwise, the arrest will be lifted only after the entire debt has been repaid. Information about the written-off is sent to the client’s phone in the form of an SMS message. It indicates the amount of deduction and the telephone number of the bank's contact center, where the cardholder can contact for clarification.

Bailiffs seized Sberbank salary card: what to do

If a client's card is seized by bailiffs, there is no need to panic. First you need to find out why this procedure was carried out and what the overall size is. You need to know that writing off 100% of wages, pensions, benefits, etc. in some cases illegal.

To find out the reason for the seizure of the card, it is better to immediately contact the bailiff service at your place of residence. If there are compelling reasons, the seizure of the card may be temporarily lifted or delayed. The client undertakes in writing to repay the debt before a certain time.

Articles 98 and 99 of the Federal Law “On Enforcement Proceedings” regulate the procedure for seizing the debtor’s funds and the amount of write-offs. Arrest is imposed according to executive documents in the following cases:

  • to collect periodic payments;
  • to collect an amount not exceeding 10 thousand rubles;
  • if the debtor does not have sufficient amount to repay the entire debt;
  • if the debtor does not have income and other property to cover the debt.

Funds are written off from a card account without commission, with the exception of transfers to accounts in other banks or to regions where another territorial bank of Sberbank of Russia operates.

When executing one or more documents to write off a debt, the total amount of deductions cannot exceed 50% of the salary. The exceptions are:

  • deductions to pay off debts on child support until adulthood.
  • compensation for harm to health or compensation in connection with the death of the victim as a result of the criminal actions of the debtor.

In this case, write-offs cannot exceed 70% of wages.

The law applies only to the last payment of wages to the card. If the funds are in the account for more than a month, they cease to be considered salary and become ordinary money placed on the card. Therefore, in order to save at least half of the earnings, the card holder must withdraw the money immediately after it is received.

In what cases can a bank seize a salary card, and what to do if this happens?

Seizure of funds, suspension or restriction of transactions on client bank accounts, including card accounts, are permitted only in cases expressly specified by law. Typically this happens in the following situations:

  1. A court decision, including a court order, has been issued to enforce the decision in the case.
  2. A bailiff's order was issued to ensure collection.
  3. The bank independently limited transactions on the account, guided by the terms of the loan agreement, which provide for the direct debiting of funds from the account in order to repay the loan.

Features of seizure of bank accounts

Seizure of a client's salary money with simultaneous restriction of debit transactions on a card account is allowed only by a court decision or a decision of a bailiff and only within the amount to be recovered.

The seizure of a salary account should not be confused with a restriction of transactions that the bank is entitled to impose, for example, under the law on combating the laundering of illegally obtained funds and for the purpose of conducting a corresponding audit. The restriction of operations associated with the bank’s right to write off the client’s money without acceptance to pay off his credit obligations is not in the full sense of arrest. Moreover, in this case, firstly, there is no restriction as such (the funds are credited, but are immediately used by the bank to repay the loan debt), and, secondly, the borrower himself gave his consent to this by signing the loan agreement with this condition.

In addition to the above, blocking a card and blocking a card account should not be confused. A card is a means of payment and one of the options for accessing an account. Card blocking is introduced by banks as a temporary measure, usually to prevent suspicious or illegal withdrawal attempts. It does not deprive the client of the right to contact the bank and receive the required amount, including in full, in cash.

What to do if your salary card account is seized

Usually, bailiffs seize a salary account. Thus, the bank will only be an executor of the decision. The same can be said about a court decision or court order. This is possible if the bank went to court and at the same time filed a petition for interim measures. But, again, the bank will be nothing more than a executor. Therefore, it is essentially useless to address claims to him: only the one who imposed it can lift the arrest.

The procedure should be as follows:

  1. If the reason for the arrest is not precisely known, you must first contact the bank and find out on what basis this measure was taken. You can receive clarification orally, but it is better to prepare an appropriate statement and receive a written response.
  2. If the account has been blocked by bailiffs, you need to contact them. The bailiffs are obliged to explain the situation, answer your questions and provide copies of decisions to initiate proceedings and seize the account. Please note that an account can be seized not only due to the presence of arrears on the loan. Bailiffs have the right to apply this measure for any debts if there is a corresponding executive document. Thus, the reason for blocking the account may lie in non-payment of administrative fines, alimony, utility bills or other debts.


  1. Does not have the right to seize funds the amount of which is greater than the amount of the debt being collected.
  2. The right to foreclose on the entire amount of debt in the salary account, with the exception of the last periodic payment transferred for salary. The amount of this payment is subject to legal restrictions, according to which more than 50% (sometimes 70%) cannot be withheld from the salary to pay off the debt.
  3. They can foreclose on wages only if this is due to the fulfillment of the requirements for collection:
  • amounts up to 10 thousand rubles;
  • periodic payments (regular loan payments, alimony, etc.);
  • any debts, but only on the condition that the debtor does not have or does not have enough other property and funds, other than wages, to fulfill the requirements in full.

If there are violations or contradictions of the law in the actions of the bailiff in relation to your salary account and the funds on it, you must prepare an application to unblock the account and remove the seizure of the funds. The application is written to the bailiff who made the decision to arrest. If it is not there, it should be addressed to the management.

After considering the application, a decision (resolution) is made to unblock the account or refuse to satisfy the request, with specific motivation. As a general rule, the bailiff himself sends the order to lift the arrest to the bank, but in order not to wait, it is better to receive it in person and independently submit it to the financial institution. The bailiff's refusal can be appealed in court.

If the salary account was seized by the court, then such a decision cannot provide for any penalties. It only serves as a security measure and limits debit transactions on the account. The account will be “frozen” until a final decision is made on the case or the court decides to lift the seizure. Courts do not seize salary accounts as such, except in cases where there is reason to believe that more than just salary is transferred to this account. But in this situation, the limits of the account restrictions are usually clearly stated.

Whatever the court's grounds, the arrest decision can be appealed to a higher court. But initially, it is wiser to contact the judge who made the decision with a petition to remove the seizure from the salary account. You can justify and motivate your request, guided by the same rules that govern the procedure for seizing salary accounts by bailiffs.

One of the effective and popular methods of influencing a debtor is the seizure of accounts and cards. In addition to the usual current accounts and debit plastic, employees of enterprises who receive wages by non-cash also face an unpleasant event. Faced with the impossibility of receiving what he earned, the card owner is left without a livelihood and wonders whether bailiffs can seize the salary card.

Most often, arrest is used by bailiffs who have received a court order to forcefully collect an accumulated debt, but other official services also have this right. The right to use the card is restricted without notice, preventing funds from being withdrawn from the salary account until the debt is fully repaid and the seizure is lifted by the service that initiated it.

What you need to know

In connection with the increasing number of cases of blocking cards on which citizens receive salary deductions, it is necessary to understand how lawful this measure is and what actions need to be taken to resolve the problem.

To understand whether government officials have the right to seize cards, you should carefully study the legislation:

  1. The main provisions regarding the arrest and forced write-off from the card of an enterprise employee are regulated by Federal Law No. 229-FZ, according to which the bailiff has the right to write off the debt from all funds stored in bank accounts, vaults, safes, and deposits.
  2. Art. 99 of the above law limits the amount of withholding to half the amount of incoming contributions for the entire period until the debt is paid in full.
  3. The seizure of the card by bailiffs is the first measure that is resorted to before seizing the property of the defaulter and repaying debts by selling it at auction.
  4. Art. 101 limits the right of collection by introducing a ban on paying off debt at the expense of maternity capital, various child benefits, alimony payments, and social benefits for the loss of a breadwinner. The law protects from forced collection benefits received by victims of radiation and man-made disasters, and compensation for government employees who lost their ability to work while performing their duties.

If it is impossible to provide the family with a decent living during the period of debt repayment, the amount of deduction from earnings can be reduced from 50 to 30%, subject to the submission of an appropriate application from the debtor raising minor children. When the payer is a parent raising a child alone, the penalty is reduced to ¼ of the income received.

When faced with enforcement actions regarding your own expenses, it is necessary to clarify whether bailiffs can seize a salary card. In the process of fulfilling his duties, the bailiff collects the debt from funds stored in deposit and card accounts.

The reason for seizing a bank card may be an unpaid debt:

  • for an administrative fine;
  • late payments to the creditor;
  • utility bills;
  • alimony.

The following services are authorized to perform blocking:

  • customs;
  • Judicial authority;
  • employees of the financial monitoring service.

The above authorities have the right not only to block a salary card for debts, but also to write it off with a negative balance. To do this, service employees send requests to financial institutions demanding the details of the defaulter.

Despite the lack of the right to block a salary card without warning, situations arise with the seizure of accounts, including those linked to plastic for receiving salaries. Having received a request from an official body, the bank must provide all available information on the debtor’s accounts, however, the information provided to the executors does not indicate the purpose of the open account. As a result, the following may be blocked:

  • credit;
  • current;
  • salary accounts.

As a result of this discrepancy, situations arise when the account to which the salary plastic card is linked is blocked.

If a situation arises where the bailiffs have seized the employer’s deduction card, you must perform the following steps:

  1. The bank issues a certificate indicating the blocked status of the plastic card and clarifies the reason for the blocking.
  2. An application is sent to the FSSP department with a request to stop the forced write-off of funds when the balance goes into negative territory. In the future, recovery will be limited to 50% of income received until full repayment.
  3. An alternative option for receiving earnings would be to completely abandon the card if the employer is ready to give out the earnings in cash.
  4. If the debt arose from overdue loan obligations, you can try to negotiate with the bank to withdraw the claim. However, to do this, you will have to prove to the creditor your willingness to pay off the accumulated debt by contributing a significant amount towards repayment.
  5. There is another option designed for debtors who have other sources of income. You can write a complaint against the bailiffs, based on the fact that there are other channels for writing off other than salary plastic, and also challenge the claim in court.

Since the Savings Bank remains the most popular among Russian citizens, most of them have cards, deposits, and accounts in this institution. The risk of encountering a situation where bailiffs have seized a Sberbank salary card is much higher.

To remove restrictions from a salary card, it is not necessary to repay the debt in full. However, it will be necessary to organize interaction between the issuing bank and the FSSP representative.

The basis for lifting the block will be documentary evidence that the specified account is intended for transferring funds from the employer to the employee’s card.

The bank that issued the card requests information about the seizure and other penalties. You should ensure that the issued document contains the following information:

  • position, full name of the employee of the responsible executive body;
  • date of occurrence of restrictions;
  • document that was used by the bank and the foreclosure officer.

The second step is to obtain confirmation from the employer. The accounting department takes a certificate with the details of the card to which the transfer was made.

These documents will allow us to establish that the account intended for salary deductions has been seized.

Next, the prepared documents are handed over to the FSSP representative responsible for the arrest. After reviewing the documents, the bailiffs are obliged to lift the restrictions by canceling the previous decision. Personal transfer to the bank of the new resolution received from the FSSP will allow you to speed up the process of unlocking your salary plastic.

All of the above actions are only an intermediate step towards full repayment of the overdue debt, because financial obligations will have to be fulfilled in any case. The most effective way to remove the block is to remove all claims from the cardholder after the debt is eliminated. In this case, representatives of the FSSP independently notify financial institutions of the need to remove further restrictions.

Can bailiffs seize a salary card? In the life of a modern person, a bank card plays a significant role. You can use it to make any payments and purchases. Often citizens are faced with such an unpleasant phenomenon as the seizure of their salary cards by bailiffs.

The reasons for what happened should initially be sought in the actions of the person himself, which could lead to this disastrous result. Most people assume there was a system failure, which is unlikely. Most often we are talking about unfulfilled financial obligations to creditors.

The article will give the reader an understanding of whether the bailiff has the right to seize a salary card and the most likely reasons for imposing a penalty. He will help you understand the legislation and tell you how to solve the problem using legal methods.

In this article:

Reasons why an account may be blocked

The salary card has long been part of the lives of ordinary Russian citizens, making it easier for them to resolve many financial issues. It can be used to accrue advances, bonuses and other payments provided for in the employment agreement or contract.

A citizen can withdraw salary through an ATM. It is possible to obtain loans and credits. Almost all Russian banks issue them on favorable terms.

Often in life situations arise when a salary card account is frozen, and its owner does not always understand what is happening. And he doesn’t even have an idea why he could be punished like that?

The most typical reasons for this negative process may be:

  • there are no funds to repay a loan from a financial institution;
  • there is not enough money to pay off the debt;
  • there are overdue utility bills for an apartment or private home;
  • Child support has not been paid in the required amount.

The bailiffs make the decision to block based on a court decision or court order to collect the debt. For this purpose, creditors contact them and initiate enforcement proceedings.

Then, the bailiff issues a resolution on the imposition of security measures, which is sent to the appropriate banking institution.

There are cases when a person has overdue customs payments, he does not pay the accrued penalty, or does not repay the damage for illegal actions caused by him. In this situation, state bodies of the Russian Federation may apply to the FSSP for forced collection.

These include:

  • tax service;
  • customs;
  • Pension Fund of the Russian Federation;
  • financial monitoring service.

In 99% of cases, blocking occurs due to failure to fulfill any obligations. Therefore, a thorough analysis by a citizen of all his current payments will reveal the reasons that led to unpleasant consequences.

Notifications by telephone, familiarization with the terms of the loan agreement, court decision, if copies or the original are on hand, will definitely give a clear understanding of what is happening.

What to do if your salary card is seized: instructions

In any unforeseen situation, you should act according to a proven and legally developed algorithm. The first question will be how to remove the seizure from a salary card.

In this case, you should determine the reason why it is blocked. As stated above, there can be many of them.

Having established this fact, a number of measures are taken that will solve the unpleasant issue. Then you need to study the current regulatory framework and decide where to turn first.

Information about possible debt can be checked on the website of the Federal Bailiff Service of the Russian Federation, in the section “Bank for Enforcement Proceedings”. And also one of the organizations that can quickly clarify this situation is a bank. Based on the data received from this institution, it will be possible to proceed further.

Step 1. Contact the bank

As mentioned above, most often the arrest is imposed by bailiffs by a court decision, which automatically forwards it to a financial organization. It is best to visit the head office of the institution at your place of residence, where all information is accumulated. This is usually the customer service department.

It is advisable to write a statement stating the essence of your problem. The bank will be required to respond to a written request and prepare a reasoned response within the time limits established by law.

The bank, upon the client’s request, must issue the following documents:

  • a certificate on the basis of what and by what authority the arrest was imposed;
  • statement with information on the status of the personal account.

Documents must be signed by an authorized employee and stamped by the financial institution. When the reason for the blocking is clear, we move on to the second step.

Step 2. We take documents at the place of work

The next step is to visit the place of work, where you need to contact the accounting department or the human resources department.

Specialists must issue:

  1. A document indicating the position held and in which organization the person works.
  2. Details of the current account to which wages are transferred.

It is important here that the manager’s signature and “wet seal” are affixed. They must fully reflect information about the employer.

The documents must indicate:

  • name of the institution, TIN and OGRN;
  • legal address;
  • Full name of the head;
  • the position held by the person applying.

People often ask why it is necessary to take a statement of the personal account number where the salary is transferred, because the bank will provide its details.

The document received from the place of work will indicate that it is the salary that is being calculated, and not other payments, which is important when applying to the FSSP. Therefore, the bailiffs will not have any additional clarifications.

Step 3. We write a statement to the bailiff

Having collected all the necessary documents, you need to contact the bailiff service at your place of residence. It is best to come on the appointment day.

Any actions of these officials are carried out on the basis of an established enforcement case. Therefore, the first thing you need to do is write.

The document must indicate:

  • name of the department and location of the FSSP;
  • surname, name and patronymic of the bailiff conducting the court case, passport details of the applicant;
  • the day, month and year when the production was opened, as well as its registration number;
  • place of registration (residence) of the applying citizen;
  • card details and legal address of the issuing bank.

You can also submit an application to familiarize yourself with the materials of the enforcement proceedings. The debtor must be familiarized with the documents held by the bailiff for execution. After reviewing the case, he will be informed about the basis on which the arrest was imposed and by what court.

After all formalities have been completed and the applicant has provided all the necessary evidence, the FSSP management will review the situation and make a decision to unblock.

Corresponding collections will be carried out in other ways - usually through the deduction of a fixed amount from the debtor's wages.

Must know! If a court order was issued and the debtor did not know about it, it is possible to cancel it. To do this, you need to contact the magistrate court that issued it with an application to cancel the court order.

Step 4. We receive the resolution and submit the documents to the bank

After all the documents are handed over to the bailiff, he is obliged to remove the seizure from the salary card. After all, according to the law, the amount of deductions from income cannot be higher than 50%, maximum 70%. The bailiff does not have the right to withdraw the entire salary from the account.

A decision is made to lift the arrest. Having presented it at the bank, you need to write an application to unblock the account. Within three days, the financial institution must remove the restrictions.

Subsequently, the bailiff will hand over the writ of execution to the employer, who must transfer part of the salary to the FSSP account. Accordingly, the debt will be repaid.

How much money can bailiffs withhold from a salary card and is it possible to reduce the amount of collection?

How much can bailiffs withdraw from a salary card? The amount by law should not exceed 50% of the accrued salary, in exceptional cases 70% (Article 99 of the Federal Law “On Enforcement Proceedings”).

They do not have the right to retain the money received in full. Current legislation allows for a reduction in the amount withdrawn.

There are the following reasons for this:

  1. When the debtor’s child is studying at a higher educational institution under a contract. Then the amount cannot exceed 30%.
  2. If the owner of the means of payment is recognized as a single parent, no more than 25% is withheld.

To resolve the issue, you need to write an application to reduce the amount of the penalty addressed to the bailiffs. Under such circumstances, the citizen's request will be satisfied positively. The law protects the rights of children and the poor.

When the bailiff may be wrong

Some types of income cannot be seized, even if they are accumulated on a plastic card (Article 101 of the Federal Law “On Enforcement Proceedings”).

These include:

  • maternity capital funds;
  • child benefits and alimony;
  • survivor's pension;
  • payments to persons affected by man-made or radiation disasters;
  • funds paid by the state or commercial organizations for damage caused damage to health employee.

When one of the above points is present, you should immediately apply to the bailiff service to have the arrest lifted. All this is supported by evidence indicating the origin of the funds.

These can be certificates confirming the transfer of money from the state or organizations.

If the wage garnishment is still not lifted, the debtor’s actions

If the procedure for unblocking the card was successful and a resolution was issued, which was received by the bank, but the money still cannot be disposed of, a number of measures are taken.

The complaint can be sent via email or submitted in person by making an appointment with an authorized official. The second option will be more effective.

Law enforcement agencies must respond to this situation and check the actions of the bailiff. After the implementation of the measures, the citizen is notified in writing about its results. If this procedure is delayed or the review period is delayed, you need to remind yourself.

Is it the bank's responsibility to notify the client about the seizure of his account?

The answer to this question can be obtained from the text of the agreement with the financial organization.

The employer pays wages to the current account to which the card is registered. The bank writes off money if debts are incurred in accordance with the terms of the agreement.

All this is written down in the document before a legal relationship arises. Therefore, it is recommended that you read it carefully. The financial institution is not obliged to inform its client about this. Therefore, it is impossible to make a claim here.

The bailiffs who imposed it must inform the person about the blocking. This is done in writing, as a rule, before the restriction is imposed.

The resolution must indicate the reasons and amount of money withheld under the writ of execution. At the same time, there must be information about what the debtor faces in the event of failure to fulfill the obligations that served as the basis for the seizure of the card by the bank.

How to get paid if your account is frozen

This is another situation that worries any person after he thinks about why this happened. After all, people need to feed their families and make daily expenses.

And since after the arrest, it is impossible to use the card for a certain time, it is necessary to find ways to cash out the money.

Among the most effective are:

  1. Contact your employer and ask for your wages in cash. Funds from a previously transferred account can be canceled and transferred to the cash desk of an enterprise or institution, which will be transferred to the employee. Moreover, the employer cannot refuse such a request. He is obliged to transfer the required amount within five days.
  2. Urgently pay all debts for which the plastic carrier was seized.
  3. Open a new current account in another bank, to which you ask the employer to temporarily transfer wages. For example, if you have an account in Sberbank, you can open another one in Alfabank, Pochtabank, or another financial organization.

However, there is one nuance here - when enforcement proceedings are opened, bailiffs send notifications to all financial organizations to search for the debtor’s current accounts.

Most often, when a new account is opened, the bank will inform the bailiff service about this fact after some time. Accordingly, after a few days it will also be blocked.

The problem discussed in the article is not so rare among citizens. Many of them receive one or more loans from banks, and cannot repay them on time.

Often people do not want to fulfill their obligations, which leads to retaliatory measures from bailiffs and financial institutions.

In order not to find yourself in a difficult situation without a livelihood, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Pay all current debts and obligations for loans, alimony and other payments on time. This will protect you from negative consequences.
  2. If trouble occurs, immediately find out the cause of the incident.
  3. Start collecting documents to appeal the decision and lift the block.
  4. Agree with the employer to pay wages in cash due to the arrest of the carrier.
  5. Pay off the resulting debt.

The problem considered is not an unusual phenomenon and, with prompt intervention by the debtor, can be resolved quickly. If the rights of a citizen are violated by one of the authorities, they turn to law enforcement agencies to restore justice.

If the court decides to block or write off your funds to pay debts, then bailiffs can seize all your bank accounts. What happens to the account to which the credit card is linked? Do they have the right to block this account too? And what happens to the money that is there? We will talk about all this further.

How to find out about the seizure of a card and its reasons?

Credit cards have long been firmly established in our lives, because they provide their owner with many useful functions, in particular, convenient payment and the ability to make purchases on credit without accruing interest (if you meet the grace period). However, while there are advantages, there are also disadvantages that may arise in the event of force majeure situations.

If you have a credit debt that has not been repaid for a long time, the creditor bank has the right to sue you and, in court, demand that you fulfill your obligations under the agreement. In 90% of cases, the court sides with the bank, because he fulfilled his duties - he provided you with funds, but the client avoids returning it.

If there is a decree on seizure or collection from a bailiff or collector, or a court decision has been received to seize funds within the framework of criminal procedural legislation from law enforcement agencies, the bank is obliged to comply.

It is necessary to understand that lifting the arrest, terminating collection or returning funds is beyond the competence of the bank, and for all controversial issues you must contact the FSSP of Russia by calling 8-800-250-39-32. For a personal meeting, you can make an appointment on the official website

How can you be forced to repay a debt?

This is done through bailiffs, who are endowed with a fairly large list of powers. All of them are described in detail in the Federal Law “On Enforcement Proceedings”.

The first thing the bailiffs do is block all the debtor’s bank accounts. To do this, they send requests to banks. Information about accounts is a bank secret; information about them can only be obtained by court decision.

And if everything is clear with debit cards, then what about credit cards? The law does not explicitly indicate a ban on blocking them, so theoretically bailiffs can block a credit account. Banks provide information about their clients' accounts only upon request from the court. As information, bailiffs receive account numbers from which they have the right to write off money.

But in fact, the purpose of the accounts is unknown to the bailiffs, so they are not aware that they are writing off money. Since the provision of a credit account does not satisfy the interests of the bank, they may not provide this account; however, employee errors or technical defects occur, due to which information about the credit card may also end up in enforcement proceedings.

It turns out that whether the performers receive information about the account or not depends on the bank’s response. Even if the information has been used, they will not be able to write off money from there, since most often the card balance is negative or zero.

In practice, they can debit funds from a credit card only at the time of replenishment, when the client pays off the debt to the bank. After replenishing the card, the banking system does not immediately write off the funds against the debt, so the money can be seized by bailiffs.

In addition, some companies allow their clients to hold not only borrowed funds on their cards, but also their own funds. And if there is also your money in excess of the limit allotted to you from the bank, then it can definitely be seized.

Despite the fact that such cases are rare, they still happen in life. In this case, you should immediately inform the bailiff that the funds on this card are credit, then this account can be unfrozen.

What to do if the bailiffs seized a credit card?

  • First, ask the lender for a certificate that the card is not a payment card, but a credit card, as well as the terms of the loan - an agreement, documents on the existence of debt. All papers must be provided to the bailiffs.
  • Learn the rights and responsibilities of bailiffs so that during a meeting with them you can stop any violations of the law. This information is presented in the Law “On Enforcement Proceedings”.
  • Contact the bailiffs, find out the reason for the blocking and write an application to unblock the credit account. The application will be accepted for consideration if you agree on how you will repay the overdue debt, discuss the terms and amounts of payments. A credit broker can provide real help in this matter; read more about his activities.
  • After the arrest is lifted, provide the bank with a document confirming this.

If you cannot reach an agreement with the bailiffs, contact the court with a request to cancel the writ of execution. In this case, it is advisable to attach documents confirming that you are right: proving that the seizure of the account prevents the making of mandatory payments or causes other damage to the card holder.

How to pay the debt?

You need to understand that funds are not transferred to a blocked account. At the same time, if you have an existing debt, then despite the arrest, you must make monthly payments to repay the loan on the card.

Therefore, you can do the following:

  • ask the bank for an additional invoice for payment
  • make payments exclusively through the cash desk of a financial institution
  • make payment through a notary deposit.

The easiest way, of course, is to deposit money through a bank cash desk using your passport. In this case, you will receive receipts confirming the fact of payment. Be sure to save them in case of any dispute with the lender.