Confirmation letter. Confirmation letter Unconfirmed application

A confirmation letter is one of the types of business correspondence. As a variant of information messages, it is used in a variety of situations and is quite widespread.


In what cases is a confirmation letter used?

By means of a confirmation letter, one party may notify the other of the following:

  • your consent to enter into an agreement;
  • consideration of any issue;
  • making a decision;
  • receiving documents, goods, money, etc.

In other words, there are many reasons for composing such letters in the everyday practice of commercial companies.

Why write a letter

This question is quite reasonable, especially considering the variety of forms of modern communications. In principle, any issue can be resolved over the phone, using Skype or even social networks. Why write a letter?

A written message acquires evidentiary force.

In some cases, it may become an analogue of, for example, an act of receipt of goods, etc. (in no case replacing these documents, but supplementing them).

In addition, such letters help to establish business contacts, create a trusting atmosphere in relations between organizations, strengthen loyalty and emphasize a special attitude towards the addressee.

Direct compiler

In organizations, the responsibility for drawing up confirmation letters usually lies with the specialist/head of the department in charge of a particular issue being resolved, as well as with the secretary, personnel officer or lawyer.

Regardless of who exactly will be involved in drafting the document, it is important that this employee has a clear understanding of how to formulate such letters and complies with all the norms and requirements of business correspondence.

Main features of letter formation

If you need to notify your counterparty of confirmation of any fact on your part, we recommend that you carefully read the tips below and look at a sample document.

First of all, let's say that the confirmation letter does not have a unified form, so you can compose it in any form or, if your company uses some kind of its own template for this document, based on its sample.

The letter can be written by hand (but in the modern world this option is not widespread) or printed on a computer. For a letter, an ordinary sheet of paper of any convenient format (preferably A4) and company letterhead are suitable (the second option will give the document greater respectability).

When writing a letter, there are several important points to consider:

  1. all monetary amounts must be entered in it in numbers and in words;
  2. write dates in the format “day-month-year”;
  3. indicate documents with the date of their preparation and number.

If any additional papers (photos, video materials) are attached to the letter, their presence must also be noted in the text of the letter as a separate paragraph.

The letter must be signed by the sender (the person on whose behalf it is written) and the head of the company, and if the organization uses stamps in its activities to endorse papers (i.e. seals or stamps), then the letter can be certified with their help.

There is usually only one copy of the confirmation letter - the original, which is recorded in the journal of outgoing documentation.

How to write a confirmation letter

The text of the letter must contain a number of standard data:

  • information about the sender (name of the organization, its address, telephone, email);
  • information about the addressee (here it is enough to enter the name of the company, its address, position and full name of the manager or other employee to whom the message is sent);
  • letter number (in accordance with the outgoing correspondence log) and the date of its preparation.

Then, in the middle of the line, write the title of the document and an address to a specific official (start it with the word “Dear”, then the first name and patronymic).

After this comes the main part. This is where you enter information about what exactly you want to confirm:

  • if we are talking about cooperation, you need to indicate what exactly it concerns;
  • if about contracts and projects - here you need to enter their name, number, date and other identifying characteristics;
  • when confirmation concerns the receipt of any inventory items, cargo, parcels or funds, it is advisable to indicate, in addition to the date of receipt, the documents that accompanied them.

In general, the more detail this part of the letter is described, the better.

If necessary, the letter can be supported by references to laws, regulations, government regulations, if they are directly related to the issue discussed in the letter.

At the end of the letter, depending on the purpose of writing it, you can express a wish, request, question or make an interesting proposal.

How to send a letter

There are several ways to send a confirmation email:

  1. It is quite reliable and simple to send the message via regular mail by registered mail with return receipt requested. Why is this so? This route allows the sender to make sure that his message has been delivered to the addressee, but there is only one minus here - even within the same locality, a letter can take several days, or even a week.
  2. If the letter is written in printed form, then it can be sent via email (with a request for confirmation of reading) or fax.
  3. But the most effective is to use two options at the same time: for example, sending copies of the letter via email and regular mail.
  1. Based on the “Unconfirmed Request” document, generate the “Supply Request” document.
  • V Unconfirmed application, on the menu Action select item Enter based on Buyer's request;
  • in the document dialog Unconfirmed application press the button Actions Enter based on, select document type Buyer's request;
  • V Journal of documents for buyers on the menu Actions select item New Buyer's request Base indicate the document Unconfirmed application.

If there were no applications, you can generate a new document without specifying a base document.

  1. Based on the document “Buyer’s Application”, create a document “Implementation”.

This can be done in one of the following ways:

  • V Journal of documents for buyers place the mouse cursor on the base document Buyer's request, on the menu Action select item Enter based on. Select a type from the list provided Implementation;
  • in the document dialog Buyer's request press the button Actions, select from the list provided Enter based on, indicate the type of document Implementation;
  • V Journal of documents for buyers on the menu Actions select item New, select the document type from the list Implementation. In the document dialog box, click the button Base set document Buyer's request.

We reduce CPA costs at the initial stage

Sometimes they ask questions about CPA affiliates, or more precisely - how to start making money from them without having a website and without any advertising costs.

In general, it’s practically impossible to do this without expenses, especially at the beginning, because... You can spend all your advertising funds just to find out that this type of advertising was chosen incorrectly.

How for beginners to reduce the cost of making money on CPA affiliates

I will look at it using an example product offers(advertisers who sell physical goods - either from one-page sites, or in “full-fledged” online stores), because This niche in CPA is more stable, and it’s more interesting to me now.

1. Offer with payment for an application or confirmed order

Among product offers, we can highlight those that count the conversion to the webmaster, only if the order has been paid. For example, this is what the well-known online store does (it is available in almost every more or less large CPA network).

The problem here may be that the buyer you brought to the offer site placed an order, but paid for it a month later - by cash on delivery by mail. All this time your conversion will be “pending”.

Even worse, if he placed an order, the store sent him the package by mail, but he did not pick it up or pay for it. As a result, after a few weeks the conversion from the “pending” state will go into rejected. Well, the webmaster will waste his money.

Therefore, to begin with it is better to choose offers with payment per application— here you will receive payment immediately when the buyer places an order. Or, a slightly worse option - payment for a confirmed order (a conversion is counted if, after the call, the buyer agrees that he was the one who placed the order and wants to receive it).

Among the large online stores represented in CPA networks,, for example, has such conditions.

Among other offers (using the example of the Admitad network):

Applications and confirmed applications in the CPA network (clickable)

From the picture above you can see that, despite the higher payment per conversion for the first offer (420 rubles) than for the second (90 rubles), the average income per click - EPC - for the second offer more than 3 times higher than the first one.

2. Seasonality of traffic

What it is is described in detail in. Those. At different times of the year, on holidays (and in the run-up to them), people on the Internet have different shopping interests.

In summer you buy one thing, in winter you buy something else; during the summer season - the third, on New Year's Eve - the fourth. And so on.

You can find out when and what people are interested in very simply using the tool. How to use the tool: .

Compare for example:

Seasonality of the request “buy a children’s T-shirt” (clickable)

Seasonality of the request “buy a women’s T-shirt” (clickable)

So if you have chosen, for example, an offer from, and decided to direct traffic specifically to T-shirts, then it is better to direct it to children’s T-shirts in September, and to women’s T-shirts in May.

3. Trends in society

Sometimes surges in demand arise unexpectedly - due to various reasons occurring in society:

  • an interesting film or cartoon came out, which, as they say, caused public response;
  • The original video appeared on Youtube;
  • The long-awaited technical innovation has finally been released - for example, the Samsung Galaxy S5 smartphone recently began selling (with the help of CPA affiliates);
  • well and a lot of other things.

Those. a surge in traffic can be predicted if you understand this topic or track certain trends (technological innovations, popular videos, etc.).

If you predict correctly and prepare advertising materials in advance, you can become one of the first webmasters to offer the right offer to a “needy” audience.

In addition, this also includes advertising of goods, who advertise everything anyway. The point is that initially the audience has no interest in the product or service, but... If she sees the same advertisement from month to month (year after year), then some people become curious and want to buy it.

4. The right traffic source

For example, a beginner has 300-400 rubles for advertising. If you buy pay-per-click advertising + banners, then this will be enough for:

Where better to spend this money? Of course, contextual advertising will bring the most, but here you should understand 2 things:

  1. something that people can buy they don't always look;
  2. Many of the offers are very difficult to “push” into contextual advertising services.

Therefore, you should understand what type of traffic the offer you have chosen will best suit - the one that can make impulse conversions, or under the one that will commit target conversions.

Impulse conversions

I think it's clear what this is:

  • purchases based on emotions;
  • unexpected desire like “I just really wanted this thing”;
  • etc. and so on.

They are also associated with the desire to “be like everyone else.”

If, for example, promotional materials (ad, sales page...) carry the message that without this product a person’s life will be very bad, because “In the summer you can’t help but wear sunglasses, because... It's a fashion accessory", A “a successful man should have a Casio G-Shock watch”, then many will almost inevitably buy all this

Target conversions

These are conversions made as a result of a person finding the product/service he needs. Those. He’s just looking for something like “buy a refrigerator”, “where to buy such and such a smartphone cheaper”, etc.

Naturally, the most targeted conversions can be achieved using contextual advertising. And for impulse sales - suitable teaser, social and banner networks. Although, if you buy a banner on a very suitable site, then conversions can be targeted.

Target conversions also differ in that the transaction amount practically does not matter here. If a person wants to buy a house in Spain, then he probably has some million dollars.

However, for impulse sales it is important that the product is inexpensive. In general, no more than 5000 rubles. Ideally - up to 1000 rubles.

Thus, you need to carefully analyze what the profile of the audience is that is suitable for the selected offer. Often there is no need to analyze anything - many offers (especially online stores) themselves post information about their target audience - average income, gender, age, interests, regions.

As a result, for those new to making money with CPA:

  1. We are looking for offers with payment for a simple application
  2. We focus on seasonality of demand
  3. We check whether there are any trends that have caused (can cause) demand for a product, but which is not actively sold (but is about to be sold)
  4. We select the right traffic source for the offer.

I think these simple instructions will help you avoid wasting your advertising budget the first time and will make your earnings from CPA affiliates more stable. To make money, I recommend two CPA networks: Admitad and These are proven and reliable affiliate programs.

The program maintains warehouse accounting according to the register "Accounting for inventory items in warehouses", therefore, when you try to ship goods and materials from the warehouse in quantities greater than what is in the warehouse, a message is issued about their availability in the warehouse and the document is not posted. This section will consider several schemes for the implementation of inventory items that were transferred to the warehouse. Let us remind you that in setting up accounting parameters the details Control of inventory balances specifies the possibility of maintaining negative inventory balances at the stage of program implementation.

Pay special attention to the tab Settlement agreement in the directory Counterparties. Incorrect setting of group details Providing a loan at the implementation stage will make work more difficult in the future.

We will consider sales schemes with prepayment and payment after shipment, with payment of VAT on advance payment, retail sales, as well as sales of consignment goods.

Sales of goods and materials with prepayment

In this section we will look at sales schemes with prepayment by bank transfer and through a cash register. In these schemes, a document like "application" is of great importance. From an accounting perspective, there is no difference between an unconfirmed requisition (invoice), a warehouse requisition, or a delivery requisition. For warehouse accounting, the differences between them are very significant.

Document "Unconfirmed application" (invoice) generates only register movement "Customer requests". In this case, the goods in the warehouse are not reserved, inventory balances in the warehouse are not monitored, i.e. such a document does not oblige the company to anything.

Document "Request for warehouse" generates movements according to register "Customer requests" and by register "Reserves in warehouses". The peculiarity of this document is that it obliges the company to provide the declared quantity of inventory items on time, therefore, when carrying out the document, the balance of inventory items in warehouses is monitored.