Alfa bank account statement. Account statement in Alpha Bank How to make a statement in Alpha Bank online

Obtaining a visa means permission to cross the border of another state. When issuing it, the consulate must be confident in the financial viability of the tourist. That is why one of the required documents is a bank account statement and - in some cases - a certificate of income. In this article we will tell you what an Alfa-Bank account statement for a visa looks like and how to order it.

What is an account statement?

At Alfa-Bank you can obtain different statements depending on the purpose for which they are needed. Typically, submission to the embassy requires either a certificate of current account status, or a document reflecting the movement of funds and account balance for a specific period in accordance with the requirements of the embassy (usually for 3 or 6 months).

The sample statement offered on the website reflects the state of the bank account for 3 months. The statement is made on bank letterhead in English.

In the structure of the extract, four semantic blocks can be distinguished:

  • A cap. At the top right are the details of the bank's structural unit, address, position and full name of the official with signature.
    Just below are the details of the account owner: address, full name, client ID, as well as the purpose of the certificate indicating the account number, currency and period for which the statement was compiled.
  • General account information containing information about:
    • initial balance;
    • total costs;
    • total payments;
    • final balance.

    In addition, the available payment limit and the total amount of debt as of the date the statement is generated are also indicated here.

  • Information about all incoming and outgoing transactions performed during the period specified in the certificate. This part is presented in the form of a table, which will reflect all operations and detailed information:
    • Date of operation;
    • authorization code;
    • Card number;
    • transaction amount and currency;
    • amount in the account currency.

    The result of this part will be the total amount of unconfirmed transactions.

  • The information presented in the table is important for embassy representatives because it indicates that the account is “live” and not created only for the purpose of obtaining a visa.

At the bottom of the certificate, you must indicate the date of its preparation, sign it with the official responsible for issuing such documents, and put the seal of the institution.

You can order a statement at any Alfa-Bank branch by presenting your passport. It will be ready within one business day or within an hour if it is an urgent order. Usually, if you order a statement from a current account linked to a credit card, you do not have to pay. In other cases, especially if it is an urgent order, you may have to pay in accordance with the bank's tariffs.

At Alfa-Bank, statements from current customer accounts are provided upon request for any period of time that interests the bank account holders. The document can reflect the status of a debit or credit current account, regardless of whether it is “linked” to a plastic card or was opened directly at the branch. At Alfa-Bank, current account owners can independently monitor their status by actively using remote account management methods.

  • Upon request made by the owner in a landline;
  • At your own ATM that fulfills the relevant requests;
  • By telephone and/or via SMS, using the Alfa-Mobile service;
  • In the personal account of Alfa-Click Internet banking.

Video instructions for receiving online account statements in Alfa-Click

Mini statement

Any of the above options will reflect the current state of the account and transactions carried out on it. Account owners should take into account that when using ATMs or SMS services, they will be provided with a mini-statement containing information about recent transactions.

Full statement

To receive an extended statement, it is better to use Internet banking, where you can not only view transactions over the past months, but also data in a format convenient for them. To issue a document certified by the seal of a financial institution, you must obtain an extract from Alfa-Bank at a stationary branch upon request.

The statement can be viewed on the main page of the Internet bank and in the “Accounts” section

Purposes of obtaining an extract

The choice of method for obtaining information about the state of the account depends on its purpose. If you are interested in money movement, balance and other information for yourself personally, then there is no need to contact the branch. Any of the remote control methods (or information received from an ATM) will be suitable for these purposes.

To provide such documents to various organizations and authorities, you will most likely need to obtain an Alfa-Bank statement from a branch, since a self-printed statement will not be officially certified by a financial institution.

Alfa-Bank certificates and statements

An account statement for any specific period of interest to the owner is called a consolidated statement.

What kind of statement can I get?

At Alfa-Bank, an account statement may contain various information. Depending on the purpose of receiving the document, its further use (where and why the owner plans to provide the received document), the financial institution issues a summary statement.

You can receive an Alfa-Bank card account statement at a bank branch, as well as online, through Internet banking

How to get a certificate

You can also get a document from a bank for certain purposes, government organizations, this document is called a certificate. Options for certificates at Alfa-Bank:

  • About turnover on the account;
  • About opening an account;
  • About the presence of an account;
  • About the absence of movement (turnover) of funds;
  • About the presence/absence of debt in various forms;
  • About the cash balance indicating a specific date;
  • About the lack of payments for salary;
  • About payment of the Criminal Code;
  • Confirming the absence of receipts of funds to the account (information about a specific amount and/or from specific payers);
  • Confirming the fact that the owner transferred a certain amount from his account in favor of a specific recipient;
  • For companies and/or individual entrepreneurs, containing information on the assessment of business reputation;
  • Other certificates in the agreed form.

Receipt time

You can receive an account statement or other document of interest to the account owner from Alfa-Bank within one day upon request. Emergency issuance of documents within an hour is also provided. Any of them is certified by the bank’s seal, that is, it will be an official document that can be provided at the place of request.

To receive a statement, you need to click on the “Accounts and statements” tab in the Internet bank and “Get statement”

Visa account status

For example, you are interested in the possibility of obtaining documentation for the embassy. In such cases, a “visa issue” is ordered from Alfa-Bank. Usually it is enough to provide a document about the current account status, but it is best to order a summary statement. It will reflect the movement of finances on the account for a certain period (preferably for six months, unless the requirements of the embassy suggest otherwise).

Online account statement

An Alfa-Bank card statement or any other account can be issued independently by a client who has Alfa-Click Internet banking connected.

Receive statement online

In the special section of the personal account “accounts and statements” there is all the necessary information about the status of the account and the flow of funds on it for the entire period of operation of the account with Alfa-Bank.


An online statement can be used both for personal control and monitoring of financial movements, and for submission to various organizations, if a document not certified by the bank’s seal meets the customer’s requirements. This option is also possible, in this case, the client needs enough information for the period of interest. To obtain an extract, you need to select the dates for which you need an extract, then click “Get an extract” and click on the “Print” link. At Alfa-Bank, online account statements are most often used for personal purposes. A client with several accounts or a financially active owner of different bank cards (credit cards and debit cards) can regularly view all accounts at his disposal for any period of time.

This makes it possible not only to control their condition, but also to adjust your actions, for example, to “transfer” finances from debit to credit card in a timely manner, or to clarify the transfer date if for some reason there is a delay.

How to extract

If necessary or in case of disputes, you can obtain an Alfa-Bank statement and compare it with the issued one.


As you can see, Alfa-Bank statements can be obtained in different ways and for different purposes. Using remote methods will help with personal control, and contacting a bank will help, if necessary, to obtain a document officially certified by a financial institution.

You can see summary information about open accounts on the main page of the Alfa-Click Internet Bank and in the “Accounts” section. In addition to the available balance for each account, the Accounts section includes total balances for all accounts in each currency used. Also from this section you can quickly go to the page for transferring money between your accounts by clicking on the link “Transfer money from account to account.” To see detailed account information, click on any of the accounts you are interested in. A page will open with detailed information about the account, including the current balance, the amount of blocked funds, the date the account was opened, a list of linked cards and the last 10 transactions on the account. By clicking on the “Account Details” link, you will see the details necessary and sufficient to transfer funds to the account by third parties from any third-party bank. You can also receive a statement for each of your accounts for any period within the last three months. To do this, go to the “Account Statement” subsection of the “Accounts” menu section. In the window that opens, select the account number from the drop-down list and indicate the period you are interested in, then click the “Show” button. You will see general information about account movements for the specified period, as well as a list of transactions. You can save the received statement in CSV (for Microsoft Excel), PDF and RTF formats.

Bank account holders can receive information about their balance in the form of a statement. If for business representatives receiving an extract is a standard daily procedure, then individuals do not need this document so often. We will tell you what a bank statement is and how it is obtained using the example of Alfa-Bank.

What is a bank statement

The bank statement reflects the transactions on the account and its current status. Simply put, this document informs about the balance of money and about incoming and outgoing transactions. The client can receive an Alfa-Bank statement on his account for any period of time: one day, a week or a month. Accordingly, the document will reflect transactions for a specific period, the initial and final balance of funds. The question may arise, why do you need an Alfa-Bank account statement? In most cases, clients use these documents to monitor account transactions. But there are other situations when you need to request an extract from a card or any other account from Alfa-Bank. For example, for obtaining a visa, opening an individual entrepreneur’s account in a bank, registering a business, obtaining a mortgage loan, etc.

Ways to obtain statements from Alfa-Bank

Many people associate the procedure for requesting bank documents with queues and paper bureaucracy. But today banks have simplified processes by transferring some operations to the Internet.

Internet banking

To receive an account statement from Alfa-Bank, you do not need to leave your home or office; it is enough to have access to your personal Internet banking section. The steps are as follows:

  • go to the accounts section and select the account you are interested in, card, deposit or credit;
  • “click” on the link to gain access to the document form;
  • enter the required period and generate the document.

This method is beneficial for regularly monitoring the movement of money and checking the correctness of debits and credits. If desired, the document can be certified with an electronic bank stamp.


A mini-statement for the card can be obtained through an Alfa-Bank ATM. It's free and easy, but the document will only contain information about the last 10 transactions. The procedure is as follows:

  • insert the card into the device, enter the access code;
  • Select the “account statement” function in the menu;
  • Click on the link "" and get a receipt.

Mobile bank

Alfa Mobile users can also receive a mini-statement. This service is similar to Internet banking; the operating principle and interfaces are similar. The user needs:

  • in the section of your accounts, select the one you need and “click” on the active link;
  • select the “account transactions” function and open it by pressing.

If for some reason you need a paper version “with a blue seal,” you need to go to a bank branch and contact a consultant. You will need to present your passport. The specialist will make a printout of the document, certify it with a stamp and signatures.

Features of Alfa-Bank credit card statements

You can receive statements for credit card transactions using any of the methods listed above. Features relate to the information contained in the document. The owner of the credit card will see in the full version information about the card limit, available balance and accrued interest. The operational part of the document indicates the transactions of incoming and outgoing money. A detailed statement always contains information about the time, place and amount of the transaction. For example, when you top up your card account with cash, this operation will be reflected in the statement indicating the date, time, location of the ATM, etc. In addition, the statement indicates the date and amount of the regular payment. If the document is generated during the period of preferential use of money (grace period), the account owner will not see data on accrued interest. But if you miss the next payment, information about penalties and fines will appear. If the limit is exceeded, the amount owed will be indicated on the statement. To regularly monitor the use of borrowed money, we recommend that Alfa-Bank credit card holders use an online statement.

Debit card statement

Debit card transactions require no less control than credit card transactions. If the card regularly receives income (for example, wages), and the owner actively uses it, it is worth periodically monitoring the account status. Such measures will allow you to avoid unauthorized overdrafts or identify technical errors in time. Unfortunately, there are frequent cases of card fraud, and if you see in the statement a debit transaction that you did not make, you need to immediately inform the bank. An Alfa-Bank card statement may also be required to obtain a visa. As a rule, it is compiled over a period of at least three months. This allows you to evaluate the payment activity of the cardholder and the size of his regular income. For the visa center, information about the current balance is sometimes important. In this case, you need to make sure that at the time of requesting the document there is the required amount on the card account. In conclusion, we note that a statement of a card or an open account with Alfa-Bank is a useful tool for managing personal finances. Internet Banking today is the easiest way to get up-to-date information for any period of time. If you need a document to present to the visa center or other recipients, you should order it at a bank branch.

The client may need account statements and bank statements for various purposes. You can prepare the document you are interested in in several convenient ways. The simplest and most reliable way is online without going to the bank.

Purposes of issuing an account statement at Alfa-Bank

Bank certificates and corresponding statements may contain various information. The type of document depends on the purpose of its receipt, the information requested and the period for which data is required.

An extract from a card or account at Alfa-Bank may be needed for the following purposes:

  • tracking transaction history;
  • monitoring account status;
  • provision of an official certificate to any organization or institution;
  • determining the client’s financial situation;
  • clarification of the account balance.

For example, when applying for a Schengen visa, an account statement from Alfa-Bank will confirm that there are sufficient funds on the tourist card to enter European countries. This document is mandatory; without it, it is impossible to obtain visa approval.

A potential borrower who wants to apply for a new loan from a financial institution may need a similar statement. Without confirmation of solvency, it is impossible to calculate interest on the loan and determine other lending conditions.

What account statements can be obtained from Alfa-Bank?

  • about opening an account;
  • summary (contains information for a specific period);
  • availability of open bank accounts;
  • about the absence/presence of turnover;
  • about the balance of funds on a certain date;
  • confirmation of the transfer of funds or their receipt to a specific account;
  • about the presence or absence of loan debt;
  • about non-receipt of money as a result of cancellation of the operation;
  • other certificates and extracts in an agreed form.

If you require information on an already closed account, you can obtain the document of interest only at a bank branch. It will not be possible to obtain a certificate in any other way.

Clients can receive not only a printed statement, but also its electronic version, sent to their personal or work e-mail. As a rule, processing a paper document takes longer. It is worth noting that both forms have the same legal force and contain appropriate degrees of protection.

How to get an account statement from Alfa-Bank?

You can order the document you need in several ways:

  • by calling the bank's call center on any hotline number;
  • through the Alfa Mobile mobile application;
  • at the nearest bank office;
  • through Internet banking “Alfa-Click”;
  • using an ATM;
  • through the use of the paid service "Alfa-Chek".

The easiest and most reliable way is to use mobile or online banking. You can find out the information you need after logging into the system and visiting the “Accounts” section. To view detailed information, you must select the account you are interested in.

You can order an account statement from Alfa-Bank online for any period within the last three months. For this purpose, you will need to go to the “Accounts” section and select the “Account Statement” item.

After this, indicate the account number you are interested in and the period for which the information is needed. The information will be displayed on the website, and the document itself can be saved in PDF, CSV and RTF formats.

Account statement– this is a paper that contains all the information about the account and the movement of funds through it. Many consumers are interested in how to get an account statement from Alfa Bank. Why do consumers need such information from reliable sources?

You are given detailed information on your account, which will help you monitor your expenses and be aware of all transactions carried out - from cash withdrawals to payments for purchases in stores.

Alfa Bank proves its reliability as a territory Russia, and the territories Ukraine. Citizens of both countries are concerned about how they will be able to check their account balances or find out the loan debt, if any.

Account statement (including credit) at Alfa Bank

Alfa Bank
provides data on the status of any account, regardless of whether it is credit or debit, linked to a card or independent. The purpose of obtaining a certificate of account status can be any.

For the convenience of consumers of banking services, several ways to obtain statements are offered. If the need arises, it will be provided to you in printed form immediately.

Obtaining a certificate from an account (including a credit account) at Alfa Bank

As we have already said, for convenience Alfa Bank offers various ways to obtain information:

  • By visiting any branch Alfa Bank and leaving a request there.
  • Using the self-service tools provided (ATM). Only those equipped with a special menu are suitable. It is better to contact the information service of the financial institution in advance and find out about this.
  • By numbers phones Alfa Bank hotline.
  • Using the service Cry from Alpha mode online.
  • By using Alfa Mobile banking.


Mini-format extract

There are 2 options for certificates - mini version and the full version of the document. Let's look at their characteristics and differences in the table below.

The general characteristic of these 2 certificates is the situation regarding the account at a given point in time.

For what reasons do citizens apply for account information?

In this case, the goals confirm the means that are used to obtain information.

To personally monitor the account situation at a given hour or monitor the accuracy of operations, you should choose remote access to receive account information.

Many financial institutions, and not only, request such account statements to understand the solvency of a potential client.

Variations of possible statements and certificates in Alfa Bank

Whether it is a document with a signature and a wet seal or a document printed by yourself, which displays all the transactions carried out for a certain period, is dubbed as a summary statement. Such a statement will immediately tell everything about the consumer and his affairs on the accounts.

What is contained in the statement from Alfa Bank?

The summary statement, like any other, will contain information about the movement of tangible assets for a certain period. If this is a credit statement, information will be provided about how much is left to pay, what is remainder, how many payments have been made, what duty accumulated, etc.

The contents of the statement depend on what the client wants to receive and see and where this paper will be sent.

Certificates from a financial institution

Alfa Bank is directly involved in issuing certificates to each willing client who requires them for various reasons.

Certificates are confirmation of:

  • opening or termination of a current account (including for a loan);
  • balance on the consumer's current account;
  • movement of material assets or lack thereof;
  • time frame for carrying out a specific account procedure;
  • receipts to the funds account (salaries, transfers from another individual);
  • sending material funds to a specific individual;
  • any other procedures regarding the account and map(if available).

Time range for issuing an account certificate

The remote access service allows the client to receive information in the same minute, immediately and by submitting it for printing.

Contacting a financial institution, Alfa Bank, for the required paper entails a time delay. It will take 24 hours minimum. Express delivery of paper is possible, but only in case of force majeure.

This needs to be discussed with the financial institution individually. This will take up to 60 minutes. The certificate issued at the Alfa Bank branch has legal force.

If you need to apply for a visa, what should you do?

Many clients require the treasured account certificate when traveling abroad. Without it, you are simply not allowed into many countries without issuing a visa document at the embassy. In this case, Alfa Bank issues a visa to the client. To do this, you must come to any branch of Alfa Bank and explain the situation to the employee.

The most valued information is on all income and expenses for the last 6 months. If the embassy wants additional information from you, Alfa Bank will be able to reflect it in the certificate. But it is better to find out in advance what exactly you need for the embassy.

Getting help online

The Alfa-Mobile resource is akin to Alfa-Click. You will only be able to log into Alfa Mobile if you use the service for cell phones.


The advice on how to find an account certificate is almost the same. The Click Internet service and Mobile Internet banking are assistants in the online issuance of account statements. The procedure can be completed in your personal account.

How to do it?

To do this, each client’s personal account has a tab – Accounts and statements. This is where all the necessary information for the required time period is stored.


How can I use a statement received online?

This option is suitable for those who want to receive an account certificate for personal use.

If the client is the holder of several accounts of different types ( debit/credit), then such an extract will help you control payments and not miss them. This means that you will transfer money on time and remain debt-free. You will be shown the exact dates of all receipts so that the exact schedule does not get lost.

This paper can be brought to an institution where there are no requirements for certification of documentation. Just print out the certificate and you're done.

Printing an account certificate

Client Alfa Bank can handle this task himself. In the tab - Accounts and statements– you should select the desired period and send it for printing by selecting the desired printer.

The certificate may be useful to you in the future upon request, and you may also need to check two options – the one you printed out yourself and the one issued by the Alpha institution.


Alfa Bank has been working hard to improve itself for a long time. Therefore, he has developed several options for obtaining account information for his clients.

In remote access, you can obtain a certificate for personal use, but you need to contact Alfa-Bank if a serious office requires a certificate with a signature and a wet seal. In the latter case, you will have to wait.

In order to obtain a Schengen visa, you must provide an extract from your personal bank account. This document confirms your solvency and the availability of the amount necessary to travel abroad. You can easily order it from the bank that serves you. To obtain an extract, a passport of a Russian citizen is sufficient. There is an established template that bank employees fill out. An example of such a document could be an Alfa-Bank account statement for a visa.

How to fill it out correctly

It should be remembered that the validity of such a certificate is limited to one week or one month. It depends on the requirements of the consulates.

The document must be filled out in English. It is necessary to pay attention that proper names are presented in accordance with the phonetic and grammatical rules of this language. The document must contain the following information:

  1. Official data of the bank (in this case, Alfa-Bank).
  2. The client's last name, first name, patronymic, and his ID are indicated.
  3. Place of his registration.
  4. The period for which the statement was made must be mentioned (usually the last three months)
  5. The movement of funds in the account is displayed: crediting, total expenses, total amount of payments, balance at the time of requesting a statement and the limit limit.

At Alfa-Bank, statements from current customer accounts are provided upon request for any period of time that interests the bank account holders. The document can reflect the status of a debit or credit current account, regardless of whether it is “linked” to a plastic card or was opened directly at the branch. At Alfa-Bank, current account owners can independently monitor their status by actively using remote account management methods.

Methods for obtaining an extract

At Alfa-Bank, account statements are obtained in various ways:

  • Upon request made by the owner in a landline;
  • At your own ATM that fulfills the relevant requests;
  • By telephone and/or via SMS, using the Alfa-Mobile service;
  • In the personal account of Alfa-Click Internet banking.

Mini statement

Any of the above options will reflect the current state of the account and transactions carried out on it. Account owners should take into account that when using ATMs or SMS services, they will be provided with a mini-statement containing information about recent transactions.

Full statement

To obtain an extended statement, it is better to use Internet banking, where you can not only view transactions over the past months, but also print out the data in a format convenient for them. To issue a document certified by the seal of a financial institution, you must obtain an extract from Alfa-Bank at a stationary branch upon request.

The statement can be viewed on the main page of the Internet bank and in the “Accounts” section

Purposes of obtaining an extract

The choice of method for obtaining information about the state of the account depends on its purpose. If you are interested in money movement, balance and other information for yourself personally, then there is no need to contact the branch. Any of the remote control methods (or information received from an ATM) will be suitable for these purposes.

To provide such documents to various organizations and authorities, you will most likely need to obtain an Alfa-Bank statement from a branch, since a self-printed statement will not be officially certified by a financial institution.

Alfa-Bank certificates and statements

An account statement for any specific period of interest to the owner is called a consolidated statement.

What kind of statement can I get?

At Alfa-Bank, an account statement may contain various information. Depending on the purpose of receiving the document, its further use (where and why the owner plans to provide the received document), the financial institution issues a summary statement.

You can receive an Alfa-Bank card account statement at a bank branch, as well as online, through Internet banking

How to get a certificate

You can also get a document from a bank for certain purposes, government organizations, this document is called a certificate. Options for certificates at Alfa-Bank:

  • About turnover on the account;
  • About opening an account;
  • About the presence of an account;
  • About the absence of movement (turnover) of funds;
  • About the presence/absence of debt in various forms;
  • About the cash balance indicating a specific date;
  • About the lack of payments for salary;
  • About payment of the Criminal Code;
  • Confirming the absence of receipts of funds to the account (information about a specific amount and/or from specific payers);
  • Confirming the fact that the owner transferred a certain amount from his account in favor of a specific recipient;
  • For companies and/or individual entrepreneurs, containing information on the assessment of business reputation;
  • Other certificates in the agreed form.

Receipt time

You can receive an account statement or other document of interest to the account owner from Alfa-Bank within one day upon request. Emergency issuance of documents within an hour is also provided. Any of them is certified by the bank’s seal, that is, it will be an official document that can be provided at the place of request.

To receive a statement, you need to click on the “Accounts and statements” tab in the Internet bank and “Get statement”

Visa account status

For example, you are interested in the possibility of obtaining documentation for the embassy. In such cases, a “visa issue” is ordered from Alfa-Bank. Usually it is enough to provide a document about the current account status, but it is best to order a summary statement. It will reflect the movement of finances on the account for a certain period (preferably for six months, unless the requirements of the embassy suggest otherwise).

Online account statement

An Alfa-Bank card statement or any other account can be issued independently by a client who has Alfa-Click Internet banking connected.

Receive statement online

In the special section of the personal account “accounts and statements” there is all the necessary information about the status of the account and the flow of funds on it for the entire period of operation of the account with Alfa-Bank.


An online statement can be used both for personal control and monitoring of financial movements, and for submission to various organizations, if a document not certified by the bank’s seal meets the customer’s requirements. This option is also possible; in this case, the client only needs to print out the necessary information for the period of interest.

To print a statement, you need to select the dates for which you need a statement, then click “Get statement” and click on the “Print” link.

At Alfa-Bank, online account statements are most often used for personal purposes. A client with several accounts or a financially active owner of different bank cards (credit cards and debit cards) can regularly view all accounts at his disposal for any period of time.

This makes it possible not only to control their condition, but also to adjust your actions, for example, to “transfer” finances from debit to credit card in a timely manner, or to clarify the transfer date if for some reason there is a delay.

How to print a statement

If necessary or in case of disputes, you can print out the Alfa-Bank statement and compare it with the issued one.

As you can see, Alfa-Bank statements can be obtained in different ways and for different purposes. Using remote methods will help with personal control, and contacting a bank will help, if necessary, to obtain a document officially certified by a financial institution.

5 comments for “Alfa-Bank account statement”

Use online customer service. The main advantage is that there is no need to visit a branch to clarify the current account. Using an automated system, you can not only receive a statement, but also simply check your account unscheduled. You can also configure the service yourself so that the statement arrives automatically on time.

I need an extract from December 14, 2016 to January 17, 2017 about the expenditure of money from my card to my email. address

I'm expecting a printout from you!

Since I lost my card, how can I get a mini statement from my account?

Good afternoon Is it possible to order a visa for the embassy only at the branch? Does the Alekseevskaya branch have the ability to issue such a document? How long does it take to prepare a document?

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