Where can I change the medical pole. The procedure for obtaining a policy

Document confirming the presence medical insurance the patient, allows him to timely use the package of medical services provided by the state, which will be paid for by the insurance company. Not every person today knows that all the variations of the policy of the new sample existing in the country are equivalent. And the presence of a document of one form or the absence of another cannot cause a denial of service in the selected institution. How do they differ from each other and which of the varieties has more advantages? We will answer these questions in this article.

When and why did the issue of a new model CHI policy begin?

Until 2011, there were several formats of CHI policies on the territory of the Russian Federation. The most common variety was the green plastic card, which appeared back in 1998. In connection with the current situation, the question arose of streamlining relations in the field of medical insurance. Entered into force in early 2011 new law RF "On Compulsory Medical Insurance in Russian Federation”, adopted on November 29, 2010. He provided all citizens, without exception, with the opportunity to choose an insurance medical organization of their choice for further permanent service. Also normative act laid the foundation for the issuance of insurance policies of a single state standard, which would be valid throughout the country, regardless of the residence of their owners.

As a result of legislative changes, on May 1, 2011, the issuance of policies of a new format began: an alternative to a green plastic card was a blue paper document printed on an A5 form. He received the status of indefinite (issued to the owner for life). Old versions received by citizens before May 1, 2011, which have not yet expired, were also recognized as valid.

Over the next four years, the paper format managed to demonstrate its impracticality. It turned out to be inconvenient during transportation due to its large parameters - it was forbidden to bend the document in half, since in the very center there was a barcode that could be erased. There were problems with the preservation of forms - mashing, wrinkling, contamination, since their lamination is also unacceptable. In order to eliminate these shortcomings, from August 1, 2015, it became possible for Russian citizens to receive plastic policy OMS with an electronic chip. Compact dimensions and durable material allow a person to have electronic policy always with you.

Along with the above option, a universal electronic card(UEC), which, in addition to the function of insurance, performs the role bank card, pension certificate, etc. Its development is connected with attempts to integrate maximum information about the owner in one device and simplify a person's access to various electronic services. A card is issued to all citizens of Russia who have reached the age of 14, upon personal application.

What does the CHI policy of the new sample look like?

All the options discussed above, the release of which began after May 1, 2011 - paper, electronic policy and UEC - are valid and equivalent today. They guarantee the same set of free medical services provided by law, and will be maintained until the complete transition of the population to a single sample.

New paper policy

The A5 blue paper document is a watermarked blank that is half the size of a standard album sheet. It is two-sided - each of them contains a list of the necessary data about the owner. On the front side of the paper policy of the new sample are presented:

  • State Emblem of the Russian Federation;
  • Surname, name, patronymic of the insured, his gender and date of birth;
  • Document number, consisting of 16 digits;
  • Unique barcode;
  • Hologram;
  • Validity of the form.

From August 1, 2012, forms began to be issued, the barcode on which was moved from the center closer to the top in order to avoid erasing the image as a result of sheet kinks. Both options look like this:

  • Data on the insurance medical institution to which the owner is attached (name, address, telephone number);
  • Signature of the responsible employee of the medical organization;
  • Seal of a medical institution.

On the back, it is possible for a citizen to change the medical organization to which he can attach - up to 10 times. To do this, you must submit a form to the clinic and record the changes. When you change your place of residence, it is on the reverse side that new data about the insurance company and its contact details are recorded.

The paper version of the policy cannot be laminated and preferably not bent. For such a document, a photo of the owner is not required.

The electronic compulsory medical insurance policy is made in the form of a three-color plastic card standard size (reminiscent of a regular bank), easily fits in a wallet, purse. It contains a chip that stores information about the owner. On the front side of the electronic policy of the new sample are presented:

  • Document number of 16 digits;
  • Image of the state emblem of the Russian Federation;
  • The name of the insurance company that issued the electronic policy;
  • CHI system logo;

The back of the policy provides the following information:

  • Telephone CHI fund that issued the electronic policy;
  • Photo of the insured person (except for children under 14 years of age);
  • Owner's signature;
  • Personal data (last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, gender);
  • Month and year when the card expires (issued for five years);
  • A hologram indicating that the electronic policy is genuine.

When changing any personal data, a person needs to contact the employees of his insurance organization to order a new electronic compulsory medical insurance policy. The information contained on the chip is not subject to correction.

The UEC is a multifunctional plastic card, the structure of which integrates the CHI policy. Using it, you can open a bank account, provide it as a ticket to public transport or like SNILS. It contains maximum information about the owner and frees him from the need to carry a lot of cards in his wallet. Its receipt is not mandatory and is carried out at the request of the person. On the front side of the UEC card are presented:

  • Electronic chip with personal information;
  • Logo of the organization that issued the card;
  • Logo banking institution selected for service;
  • Card number;
  • Image of the state emblem;
  • Name payment system;
  • Security numbers.

The back of the policy provides the following information:

  • Phone number of the organization that issued the card;
  • Photo;
  • Owner's signature;
  • Personal data (last name, first name, patronymic, gender, date of birth);
  • Month and year when the card expires;
  • CHI policy number;
  • SNILS number;
  • Bank card number.

On the back of the UEC is a magnetic stripe. This allows you to use it in terminals and ATMs for cash withdrawals, cashless payments, money transfers, etc.

Advantages and disadvantages of new-style policies

Each of the forms of insurance policy that operate today in the country is distinguished by its positive and negative features. Based on the ratio of "pluses" and "minuses" of documents, a citizen decides whether to rush to change the paper version to one of the electronic ones and which one to give preference to. The main disadvantage of the paper version is its impracticality in use. But it is compensated by the convenient opportunity to make changes to the form in writing if a person is attached to another medical institution.

The electronic MHI policy is distinguished by its main advantages - compactness, mobility, strength and durability of a plastic card. He is peculiar high level protection - the presence of a chip, photo and signature prevents the document from being used by another person. Its significant drawback is that not all medical organizations are equipped with special equipment to read information from the chip. Therefore, holders of such documents may be faced with a request from doctors to present an additional passport. In addition, not all branches of insurance companies are able to issue an electronic policy. Additional inconvenience may arise for the owners in the event of a change in personal data - this will entail the need to replace the card itself.

UEC is generally characterized by a similar set of "pluses" and "minuses" as the previous one. electronic variant. In the arsenal of advantages, it is favorably distinguished by its multifunctionality against the background of other forms of insurance documents. But the current level of infrastructure development indicates the presence of a small number of institutions equipped with equipment capable of working with applications embedded in it.


The transition of the population of the Russian Federation to a single electronic medical policy new sample will be phased. Therefore, citizens do not need to strive immediately, as soon as possible to exchange their document. The issuance of plastic cards is already mandatory for newborns, as well as in case of a necessary replacement of a damaged, damaged, lost policy. All varieties provide absolutely equal guarantees today.

Health is the most important thing for a person. But healthcare services are expensive and therefore not accessible to everyone. CHI policy allows you to use medical care free of charge. It is only necessary to issue it, and if lost, immediately restore it. What documents are needed to obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy is described in the article.

What is a policy?

The health insurance system was developed by the state in order to maintain the health of citizens and treat them with diseases. CHI insurance is provided to all residents of the Russian Federation, and this is not affected by status, income, or age.

Compulsory insurance considered a form social protection, which guarantees free services in insurance situations. The policy is an official document that confirms the right to receive medical care.

The main CHI program consists of:

  • diagnostics;
  • outpatient treatment;
  • inpatient treatment;
  • prevention;
  • vaccinations;
  • purchases of medicines on benefits;
  • dispensary observation of children under 18 years of age.

In addition to the above, the document provides the right to compensate for damage that was caused to sick medical institutions during therapy or diagnosis. If a person does not have health insurance, the clinic may refuse to help. Exceptions are emergency situations, such as injuries or cases that threaten life. These are the rules of compulsory health insurance.

To whom is the document provided?

A medical insurance document of a single sample is provided free of charge. If a person in any organization takes money for his registration, then this is considered fraud.

The following are eligible for insurance:

  • citizens of the Russian Federation - children, adults, pensioners;
  • refugees from other countries who live in the Russian Federation;
  • stateless persons;
  • foreign subjects.

The policy is provided by insurance institutions that have a license for this type of activity. The insurance has no expiration date. The document does not need to be changed by adults, as well as upon reaching retirement age. The policy is subject to replacement only in case of uselessness, loss.

Receipt rules

This procedure does not take much time. But you need to carefully approach the choice of insurance institution and the registration procedure. You can get a policy online. But the service is provided on the websites of some organizations.

Each policyholder has the right to receive an electronic (plastic) insurance policy. It is presented in the form bank card with a microchip that contains all the data about the owner. Such a document is much more convenient. Policies are issued in each region of the Russian Federation where there are branches of institutions from the list of the CHI fund.


Citizens do not think about where to turn. The insurance company is selected on a territorial basis. Usually applied to the place of residence. You should also familiarize yourself with the list of documents for OMS. Indeed, for all categories of citizens there are some differences.

What documents are needed to obtain an OMS policy? Citizens of the Russian Federation should prepare a passport, as well as SNILS. If you take out a policy Compulsory medical insurance for a newborn what documents are needed? You need to prepare a birth certificate, a parent's passport.

Writing an application

Together with the documents, an application is submitted for obtaining a compulsory medical insurance policy. According to paragraph 6 of the Order on health insurance, it is required that the document include:

  2. Date and place of birth.
  3. Citizenship.
  4. SNILS number.
  5. Passport data.
  6. Place of residence.
  7. Place and date of registration.
  8. Contact details.
  9. Citizen category.
  10. Policy information.

The law allows one parent to receive policies for the entire family. But this requires a written power of attorney from adults. What documents do foreigners need to obtain a CHI policy? In addition to a passport, they need to have a certificate of registration in the country (specifically, on the territory of the Russian Federation). What documents are needed to obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy for refugees: a document confirming their status is required, or a certificate from the migration service.

Obtaining a provisional certificate

On the date of submission of the application, the insurer issues a temporary document. It serves as confirmation that the policy is issued. According to the certificate, you can receive the same medical services that are required with full insurance.

But the temporary document is valid only 30 days from the date of receipt. When it is ready, the employees of the company must notify about it. This is usually done by phone or email.

Obtaining a document of a single sample

A ready-made policy is provided in the same company where the application was submitted. The client only needs to sign the journal. Then a paper is issued, according to which you can get a full-fledged document granting the right to free medical and preventive services in each state institution.

Citizens of the Russian Federation are provided with a policy once. It has no expiration date. Refugees, foreign nationals, stateless persons are issued insurance for the period of stay in the country or the duration of the permit.

Where to apply?

Favorable insurance conditions are provided in the following companies:

  1. "RESO-MED". The organization has been operating in the field of medical insurance since 1992. A network of branches operates in the regions. To date, over 6 million citizens use the services of the organization.
  2. "Rosgosstrakh-Medicine". The company is a subsidiary of Rosgosstrakh. The total number of insured people is 21 million.
  3. "SOGAZ-Med". The insurance organization has high ratings. Branches are located in every city of Russia. Conventional and electronic insurance policies are provided. The company can insure online and order the provision of a policy to the workplace.
  4. "VTB Health insurance". The company has been operating for over 20 years. The number of insured people is about 6 million. There is a wide network of representative offices in Russia. The company provides legal assistance to insured persons.
  5. "Ingosstrakh-M". Branches operate in 19 regions of the Russian Federation. The company resolves various conflicts between policyholders and medical institutions. Clients are offered free consultations on services.


It happens that people who follow the news in the field of health insurance fall for scammers and buy fake or write-off policies. But there is also such a situation that the document is genuine. There is no insurance company. They are invalid, so you won't be able to get help on them.

Checking the CHI policy is carried out in several ways:

  1. Visual. Genuine documents have a uniform appearance. They contain the following information: full name, personal number, name of the insurance company, seal, barcode. The policy has a special paper texture and several levels of protection.
  2. By number. The personal number is present in a single database: the authenticity can be verified online. It must be entered in a special section on the website of the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund and click "check". Checking the CHI policy can be carried out by the number, series of the passport.

If the document turned out to be false, then it must be issued again. You should only contact trusted insurers. Such companies are listed in the official register of the health insurance fund.


Documents can be lost or damaged. To restore, you must contact the institution where you received the insurance. You need to take a passport, SNILS with you, and if a policy is required for children, then a birth certificate. After writing the application, a temporary document is issued.

If the policy is lost, then its number is blocked. The procedure for issuing the document is the same as with receiving the document. A new policy is provided after about a month.

A person has the right to replace the document in the following cases:

  • full name replacement and other passport data;
  • errors or incorrect information;
  • replacement of the insurance company.

You can change the insurer only after a year from the date of receipt of the policy. The document must be drawn up by everyone, even if there are no serious health problems. After all, unforeseen situations arise suddenly. And the CHI policy provides guaranteed medical care.

To exercise the right to free medical services, citizens of the Russian Federation are required to have a CHI policy, previously issued in one of the insurance companies. The insured has the right to change the CHI policy to a new policy if the previous version is damaged or other circumstances arise to invalidate it. Information about the procedure, how to change the CHI to new sample, is especially important for Russians who have changed their region of residence or personal data in their passport.

In October 2018, the message of the MHIF with a proposal to hurry with the replacement made the Russians worried, but later the representatives of the fund clarified that the right to medical care under the medical insurance of previous generations remains for an unlimited period of time. Medical service is guaranteed to every citizen of the Russian Federation and can be lost only in the event of termination of citizenship. Renewal of medical insurance was offered to those who have lost confidence in the insurer or were dissatisfied with the service provided. Since the change of the insurer is possible once a year, the issue of switching to a new insurance company should be taken responsibly by choosing organizations that have successful experience of interacting with the MHIF.

In 2020, there are no changes in whether it is necessary to change the old insurance for a new form, which means that the rules for servicing in polyclinics through compulsory medical insurance have remained the same.

If the policy contains up-to-date information about a person, there is no need to change the old forms issued before 2011.

Another thing is if the insured has changed his surname, and when applying to a medical institution, he presents a new passport and an old policy. In such a situation, a citizen new surname is obliged to change the passport within 30 days and then all personal papers used constantly (rights, SNILS, medical insurance). According to current regulations, replacement is required in the following circumstances:

    Changing the address of permanent residence. Making changes to personal data that led to the need to replace the passport. Damage or loss of the document.

Even if the form turns out to be invalid, this fact will not be a reason for refusing emergency assistance to the patient.

What is needed for this

The process of getting a new insurance document requires the presentation of a minimum package of papers:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • a personal statement with a request for a replacement (you must indicate the reason for the request); information about the SNILS number; the previous form, if it has been preserved.

The list is supplemented by a birth certificate, if insurance services the child needed. When applying for a replacement for another person who is not the legal representative of a minor, according to the CHI Rules, you will need to additionally issue a power of attorney. To reissue the form, it is not necessary to spend time visiting a branch or branch of the insurer company. Many organizations work through electronic services and accept applications online.

Where to change

There are several ways to apply and receive an updated form:

    Insurance company office. On the website of the organization, they can find points that work with CHI in the region of residence. Applying to the territorial office of the MFC with a package of personal documents. Through the personal account of the insurer's client. On the mos.ru website, the insurance replacement service has been operating since 2018.

A convenient format of interaction is offered by large Russian insurers. In Rosgosstrakh or Alfastrakhovanie, a single visit is required to obtain a new document - for issuance. The application is submitted online, personal account registered user. Offices where the insured can change the old CHI policy to a new one can be found on the official websites of insurers and coordinate receipt at the branch closest to the house.

It is necessary to take into account the production time when planning to apply to a medical facility for free help through the FOMS.

Production time

Most insurers wait 10-15 days from the date of application. However, the issuance may be delayed due to the overload of insurers or the lack of forms. According to the CHI Rules (paragraph 50), no more than 30 days pass from the moment the application is submitted to the date of issue. In case of violation of the deadlines, it is worth contacting the territorial division of the MHIF and reporting delays in obtaining hotline insurer.

If you change the previous CHI policy at the MFC, 2 days are added to the waiting period required to transfer the application and send the finished insurance.

Expiry date of the new policy

The right to free medical services implies the perpetuity of the supporting document, even if 10-20 years have passed since the registration. Faced with the refusal of doctors to accept under the old compulsory medical insurance policy, one should recall the current provisions OMS rules, approved by order of the Ministry of Social Health Development No. 158. They talk about the indefinite validity of the document.

Conditions for mandatory replacement

Paragraph 55 of the Rules of Compulsory Medical Insurance refers to the need to replace insurance if the previous form is damaged. The following are the circumstances when it is necessary to replace the document:

    Loss or damage to the document. Change of the surname or other personal data of the insured. Change of the region of registration. Exchange of the main document proving the identity of the insured. Switching to another company for service. Identification of errors and inaccuracies in the data of the current form.

Upgrade insurance form there is a 30-day period during which the citizen must notify the company of the need for replacement. Issuance of a new medical insurance is free of charge.

It is important to know

Children, teenagers (under 14 years of age), refugees, foreigners who arrived in the Russian Federation for permanent residence are in the first line of obtaining a new type of policy. For children and adolescents, parents or legal representatives draw up the UEC. The insurer must provide the following documents:

  • birth certificate of the child;
  • your passport (or other identity document);
  • SNILS.

Foreigners who arrived in the Russian Federation for permanent residence present an identity card or a refugee document. Also, a citizen must present SNILS or an analogue of this document if pension reform is supported in the state from which he arrived.


If you have the old version of insurance on hand and there are no grounds for changing the insurer, you should not rush to renew the termless policy, since the right to free medicine does not depend on the date of issue.

What do you need to apply for a policy for a newborn?

To apply for a policy for a newborn, you must provide:

Birth certificate;

Identification document of the legal representative of the child;

SNILS (if available).

If the child is a foreign citizen, then the above list of documents will also require a temporary residence permit (TRP) or a residence permit for the child.

Can I replace my grandmother's CHI policy without her presence? What is needed for this?

Yes, you can order CHI policies for your loved ones. It is necessary to apply to MEDSTRAKH with a passport and SNILS grandmother. In addition, you need to provide a power of attorney from her in a simple written form or and your passport.

Lost insurance policy of a new sample. How many days will it take to recover? Is a temporary policy issued before a new one is issued?

When contacting MEDSTRAH regarding the loss of a compulsory medical insurance policy, you will receive a temporary certificate that completely replaces the policy at the time of its production. The duplicate policy will be ready in 45 business days. The policy number is saved. When applying, you must have your passport and SNILS with you.

Do I need to change my policy when changing jobs? Previously worked in Moscow, now I work in the Moscow region, is it registered in the Moscow region? I received the policy in 2013.

If you have changed jobs, but have not changed your address of actual residence and clinic, then you do not need to re-register the policy. If you change your place of residence, you must contact the insurance company that operates in this region. Since you have a policy of a single sample, you do not need to change it. On the back of the policy, the seal of the insurance organization on re-registration will be affixed, and the information about the owner of the policy will be entered into the compulsory medical insurance database.

Do I have to change my old MEDINSURANCE policy? For how long is it valid?

Since May 01, 2011, new single-form CHI policies have been introduced federal law dated November 29, 2010 N 326-FZ. Policies of the old model are valid until they are replaced by policies of the new model. For citizens of the Russian Federation, the validity period of the policy is not limited.

In the clinic where I applied, the barcode of my policy is not readable in the infomat. I can't make an appointment with the doctor. What to do?

If your policy of a single sample is not readable by the terminal, and you cannot make an appointment with a doctor, then you need to contact the reception or the clinic staff. Also, you need to check the validity of your policy by contacting the contact center number of your insurance company.

My mother, a citizen of Ukraine, who is 76 years old, has a temporary residence permit. The issue of issuing a residence permit is being resolved. She is registered in Moscow. Can she receive free medical care at the clinic at the place of registration?

Federal Law No. 326-FZ of November 29, 2010 establishes that foreign citizens temporarily residing in the Russian Federation (having a temporary residence permit) are entitled to compulsory medical insurance. To apply for a policy, you must provide MEDSTRAH with a passport of a foreign citizen or another document proving the identity of a foreign citizen, with a mark on a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation. According to the Rules of compulsory health insurance is issued paper policy with a validity period until the end of the calendar year, but not more than the validity period of the temporary residence permit.

To issue a policy by the representative of the insured person, it is necessary to provide the insurance company with the original documents, the representative's passport and a power of attorney.

I have a 1995 policy. Is it still valid?

CHI policies are valid until they are replaced by policies of a single sample.

I live in Golyanovo, I have an old policy issued by MEDSTRAKH. Can I change the policy only in your company? How are insurance companies different?

You can change your CHI policy at any insurance company. Contact the selected company with a passport and SNILS card. The tasks of insurance companies are to protect the rights and interests of the insured when receiving medical care. We recommend paying attention to the experience of the company and the availability of qualified experts in the company's staff.

Can I apply for a policy for my husband if I have a photocopy of his passport?

You can apply to MEDSTRAKH to apply for a CHI policy in the name of your husband. When applying, you must have your passport, a simple written power of attorney from your husband, a passport or a certified copy of your husband's passport, a SNILS card.

Do I need to exchange the MGFOMS card issued before May 1, 2011? If so, what is the exchange procedure?

Compulsory medical insurance policies issued before May 1, 2011 should preferably be replaced with uniform policies. To replace the policy, you must contact MEDSTRAH with a passport and SNILS.

What documents are needed to obtain a Moscow compulsory medical insurance policy, if the permanent residence permit is in the Nizhny Novgorod region, but I live and work in Moscow?

From May 1, 2011, any citizen of the Russian Federation once a year can choose an insurance company himself. To obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy at the place of actual residence, you need to choose an insurance company and apply personally to one of its offices. You must have a passport and SNILS with you.

I have your CHI policy. I got married and changed my last name, I need to order new policy?

When changing the surname, you need to get a new CHI policy. If before that you had a policy of a single sample, then its number will not change.

To replace the policy, contact MEDSTRAH in person. Indicate the reason for "change of full name" and the policy number that you have on hand.

I lost my insurance policy, how can I restore it?

You need to contact the insurance company. You need to have a passport and SNILS with you.

My mother lives with me, who is not registered in Moscow, can I get a policy for her and what documents I need to take with me.

The absence of registration at the place of permanent residence cannot serve as an obstacle to obtaining a compulsory medical insurance policy. You can apply for a CHI policy in the name of your mother in our insurance company. To apply for a CHI policy, you need to have your passport, mother's passport, power of attorney and SNILS with you.

Can I get a policy for a relative who now lives in the country and cannot pick it up?

You can get a policy for a relative. You need to have passports, a power of attorney and a temporary certificate with you.

In accordance with the norms of the modern concept of compulsory medical insurance (CMI), all citizens of the Russian Federation must have an insurance policy. However, this document is not issued in one day, therefore, for the period of its production, the insured person is issued a temporary certificate. How to get a temporary CHI policy and what does it give?

When do we need a temporary policy and its features

A temporary certificate is required in order to use free medical services under the current insurance program during the period when the permanent policy is in the process of being issued. To become a member CHI programs, it is necessary to provide a package of documents in insurance organization, after which a temporary CHI policy will be issued immediately.

An interim certificate will be required:

  • newborn citizen of the Russian Federation. Registration of medical insurance for minor children is carried out by their representatives according to the law: parents, guardians, trustees, etc. Having waited for the birth certificate to be issued, the representative submits papers for obtaining a compulsory medical insurance contract for the child, and while it is being prepared, he is issued a temporary insurance certificate;
  • to all citizens of the Russian Federation, if it is necessary to replace a permanent policy in connection with its reissuance to a new document, in case of loss or damage, if it is necessary to enter new data (full name), address, etc., if desired, change the insurer;
  • visiting foreigners temporarily or permanently residing on the territory of the Russian Federation. They also have the right to receive medical care under a temporary and permanent compulsory medical insurance policy.

A temporary certificate is issued for 30 days. After thirty working days, a person must receive a permanent CHI insurance and use it. The main thing is not to forget to provide a temporary policy - upon receipt of a permanent one, it becomes unusable, it must be returned.

What does he look like

A temporary compulsory medical insurance policy is issued on paper. It is filled out in the presence of the applicant by an employee of the insurance company or the CHI operator. The document contains the following information:

  • name of the insurance medical organization, her address and phone number;
  • date and number of the certificate;
  • information about the insured: full name, date of birth, series and number of the passport and date of issue, place of birth, gender;
  • the date until which the certificate is valid;
  • signature of the insured, signature and seal of the insurer.

This document confirms that its bearer has the right to receive medical care in accordance with the law "On Compulsory Medical Insurance in the Russian Federation" until its validity period expires.

Form of temporary certificate:

On a note! The temporary certificate can be checked by the number on the website territorial fund compulsory health insurance.

The procedure for obtaining a temporary policy

The procedure for issuing a temporary certificate is an integral part of obtaining a permanent CHI policy. Therefore, the package of documents for issuing a certificate must be complete.

If you need to apply for medical insurance for a newborn, you need to collect the following papers:

  • civil passport of the parent or other legal representative of the child;
  • baby's birth certificate;
  • SNILS (certificate of pension insurance) - if available.

If the interests of a newborn or a minor citizen are represented not by a legal representative, but by another person, he will need a written power of attorney provided by the representative of the child.

An adult citizen will need the following documents:

  • civil passport and other identity card (original and copy);
  • SNILS;
  • old insurance contract (if any).

Foreign citizens must have with them:

  • your national passport and its translation certified by a notary and the seal of the RVP;
  • temporary registration of a foreigner on the territory of the Russian Federation (original and copy);
  • SNILS (if available);
  • old policy (if any).

Where to get a temporary CHI policy

You can apply for insurance at the following authorities:

  • to your own or any other insurance company;
  • to a local clinic. This is especially true if the permanent contract is lost, and the application for a new one is left online;
  • to any branch of the MFC. The operator of the center will accept the documents and immediately issue a temporary document, just like an insurance employee;
  • to the HR department of your company. As a rule, employers monitor the availability of compulsory medical insurance for their employees and the need to re-register it.

On a note! A policy in the form of a plastic card is not issued in all branches of the insurance company. Therefore, the addresses of the points of its issuance must be known in advance in order to complete your application and receive a temporary document there.

How to get a permanent policy

The compulsory medical insurance policy is issued on the basis of a person's appeal to the insurance company with the appropriate package of documents. Here, after an appropriate check, he is given temporary insurance, since the production of a permanent one takes some time. As a result, the insured will receive a document without an expiration date, however, within 30 days from the date of application, he will have to use a temporary certificate.

The policy is valid for 30 days. On the form of the certificate there is a date until which it can be used. Up to this point, the insured person must be issued a permanent compulsory medical insurance contract. As a rule, insurance is issued earlier than 30 working days after the acceptance of the application. The insurer notifies the client of readiness by sending a message to his number mobile phone or agrees in advance with the insured the date of issue of the document. Upon receipt, you must have your passport with you.

Features of using a temporary policy

As mentioned earlier, a temporary certificate gives a citizen the same rights as a permanent policy, and this is fixed in the legislation. Nevertheless, the insured person often faces some difficulties in using it. It happens that the holder of a temporary certificate expects the following problems:

  • the process of attaching to the clinic is delayed for a long time. To undergo this procedure with temporary insurance, you must submit an application, then it is considered by the head of the clinic, and only after that the patient can get to the doctor;
  • due to the lack of a barcode on the temporary certificate, it is impossible to make a remote appointment with a doctor through a terminal or an Internet portal. You can get a barcode separately, but for this you have to visit the insurance company.

Some endure these inconveniences or stand up for their rights, while others turn to private clinics while waiting for permanent health insurance.

As practice shows, from an unfair and biased attitude on the part of the medical staff state polyclinics and hospitals suffer patients with a temporary policy and temporary registration. From time to time they are bluntly denied medical services, despite the fact that this is a direct violation of the law.

Important! Modern economic conditions in Russia and current legislation allow owners temporary policy CHI to receive medical care in all clinics of the country participating in the program. You need to defend your rights by referring to. If the arguments do not take effect, there is only one way out - filing a lawsuit with law enforcement agencies and further resolving the issue in court.


Summing up the above, we can conclude that there is no difference between a temporary and a permanent CHI policy, except for the validity period. These documents are drawn up according to the same procedure and give the same and equal rights to their holders.

Typically, a temporary certificate confirming the execution of the policy is issued for newborns, in case of loss or damage to permanent insurance, when changing the personal data or address of the insured person, when reissuing an old contract for a new document, when changing the insurer. The certificate is issued for 30 working days, after which the applicant receives a permanent indefinite medical insurance.

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If you are being violated in your rights or you need legal advice, please sign up for a free online consultation with our lawyer. We will definitely help.

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