Requirements for obtaining medical insurance. What insurance is needed for a Schengen visa? Why you need visa insurance

CMOs operating in CHI system, are responsible for organizing and paying for medical services provided by medical institutions to insured persons. In addition, insurance medical organizations should control the quality medical care and apply penalties to medical institutions that have found violations in record keeping and medical services provided at an unacceptably low level. HMOs operating in the MHI system must comply with the requirements imposed on them by regulatory documents. What are the requirements for insurance medical organizations(CMO) in the system of compulsory health insurance(OMS)? What legislative acts Are the requirements for QS defined?

Basic requirements for QS

Requirements for insurance medical organizations are set out in Law No. 326-FZ of November 29, 2010 and in a number of government regulations. Acquainted with complete list such requirements can be referenced. The main requirements and their content will be discussed in more detail below.

Availability of a license

A HMO that claims to carry out activities in the field of CHI, first of all, must have an appropriate license. Such a license is issued by the executive authorities responsible for control and supervision in the field of social insurance. The document must indicate the subject of the Russian Federation on the territory of which the HMO has the right to operate in the MHI system. The package of documents confirming compliance with this requirement includes:

  • license;
  • Documentary confirmation of the availability of appropriate powers, if its representative acts on behalf of the CMO;
  • Documentary confirmation of the qualifications of the CMO and the readiness of this organization to properly perform its functions (if necessary).

In other words, the HMO must confirm the availability of a sufficient number of employees with the required qualifications, with sufficient work experience and capable of providing high-quality medical examinations, medical and economic control. In addition, the duties of HMO employees include the analysis of requests and complaints from patients and the protection of their rights and interests.

The composition of the founders of the CMO

The list of founders (as well as participants, shareholders) of an insurance medical organization should not include representatives federal bodies executive authorities in the field of healthcare, representatives of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation responsible for healthcare in the regions, municipal employees in charge of protecting the health of citizens, employees of the FFOMS ( federal fund MHI) and TFOMS (territorial CHI fund), employees of medical institutions operating in the CHI system.

Willingness to fulfill contractual obligations

A HMO applying for participation in the MHI structure must confirm that it has the ability to fulfill the obligations prescribed in the contract, that is, the organization has a sufficient number of personnel with the required qualifications, the material and technical base of the HMO meets modern requirements, the insured persons are guaranteed the provision of medical care in the volumes, stipulated by the agreement. An insurance medical organization that has submitted a request for participation in CHI must post on its own website on the Internet information about its activities, founders, financial indicators, the number of insured citizens, as well as about medical organizations operating in a given territory and about the right of policyholders to choose one or another insurance medical organization . In addition, the organization must confirm that it has a consulting and reference department, a legal service, bodies that control the volume, quality, timing and conditions of medical care provided to patients.

Other requirements

If the insurance medical organization is one of the components CHI structures, such an organization does not have the right to engage in insurance activities in other areas. One of the mandatory requirements for CMOs in the CHI system is documentary evidence of the right to access the personal data of insured persons, as well as technical equipment that allows guaranteeing the protection of personal data of policyholders. Authorized capital A HMO that intends to work in the MHI should be 60 million rubles or more.

If you are planning to visit countries that are part of the Schengen area on vacation, you will need, among other documents, medical insurance arrangement.

Medical insurance is included binding documents. If you don't have it, it could be reason for visa refusal.

The Schengen Agreement entered into force on March 26, 1995, after which it became much easier to travel around Europe. Under the terms of the agreement, the participating countries canceled passport control when crossing borders within the Schengen area.

A Schengen visa allows you to move freely between countries where the Schengen Agreement is in force and enjoy traveling around the world.

The issued insurance will help tourists entering the Schengen countries, reduce the risk associated with large financial expenses in the event of an unexpected illness or accident (exacerbation of chronic diseases, emergency dental care, medical transportation services).

Requirements for an insurance policy for a Schengen visa

These are the basic requirements imposed by embassies for a medical insurance policy for a Schengen visa; failure to comply with them often leads to a refusal to issue a visa. First of all you insure your own health rather than demonstrating insurance for the sake of obtaining a visa.

Before concluding an insurance contract, you need to clarify all the requirements for the policy at the consulate.

For example, the Baltic States, France, Switzerland, the Czech Republic and Finland require the presentation of a policy only in print, and some allow hand-filling. When obtaining a visa to Denmark, it is necessary that the insurance policy valid for 15 more days from the date of expiration of the visa.

Where to apply for an insurance policy?

Clearance service insurance policy provided practically any of the major insurance companies which are accredited in the respective country. You can make a request on the official website of the desired consulate and choose an insurer.

Most best option- issue a policy directly at the consulate. Almost all insurance companies providing their services there are accredited.

Insurance cost

The cost of insurance for a Schengen visa is affected by a number of factors:

  • age and the state of health of the insured;
  • reimbursement amount upon the onset insured event;
  • selected region of stay;
  • for how long a policy is issued;
  • choice of a specific insurance program.

The amount of coverage of all expenses minimum 30,000 euros, at the rate of 1 euro per day.

Thus, if your stay in the country is 10 days, then the cost of the insurance policy for obtaining a visa will be 10 euros.

If your travel abroad is frequent, it makes sense to make insurance for a Schengen visa immediately for six months (its cost will be 65 euros) or for a year (cost 115 euros).

Calculate the cost of travel insurance:

The insurance process

In order to issue and receive your insurance policy, it is enough to come to any insurance company or travel company, who are engaged in issuing such insurance, present your passport, select the necessary insurance package and indicate the exact dates of your stay in the Schengen country (or countries).

It's easier if you take out insurance directly at the travel agency when buying a ticket- the company's employees will tell you in detail about all insurance programs and select the best option for you.

The very registration of insurance for a Schengen visa will take no more than 10 minutes. All you need to complete it is carry a passport- Based on this document, an insurance policy is issued.

If for some reason you are unable to take out insurance on your own, this someone else can do it for you who you trust and who has your passport details in hand.

Data required for issuing an insurance policy:

  • Full name and date of birth the insured;
  • start and end dates of the trip. If you only know the approximate travel dates, you can apply for a policy with extended term of insurance. The calculation of the cost of the policy may depend on the number of days of stay in the territory of insurance;
  • territory of insurance, and only the first country of entry of the Schengen Agreement is indicated (the territory - Schengen is indicated in the insurance policy);
  • purpose of the trip(treatment, training, permanent residence, work, sports competitions, etc.).

Buy insurance for a Schengen visa possible via the Internet. You just need to fill in all the required information about your trip, choose an acceptable insurance program and pay for the purchase directly on the site using a bank card or through payment services "Yandex.Money", WebMoney and others.

For many, this is the most convenient option: you don’t need to travel anywhere, and you can get a policy directly by email or order delivery to the specified address. Registration of insurance on the site takes no more than 10 minutes. After receiving the policy by e-mail to you you just need to print it.

Such an electronic insurance policy accepted by all embassies and consulates, it has the same legal effect as the visa insurance on the original form.

Health insurance programs

There are several options for insurance programs for which you can get an insurance policy.

  • Program A- This program provides for emergency medical care in case of an accident or a sudden exacerbation of a chronic disease.
  • Program B- complements the services of program A, provides for the arrival of a third party in the event of an emergency to help the victim and, if necessary, transport him to his homeland.
  • Program C- combines services under programs A and B and includes legal assistance under certain circumstances.

The importance of health insurance lies in the fact that it is insurance covers all expenses that are associated with receiving medical care abroad, if an insured event occurs. Medical assistance abroad can be quite costly, and health insurance is the guarantor of these costs.

Among the mandatory documents that are issued to a person from the moment of his birth, a special place is occupied by a policy of compulsory medical insurance. It gives the right to every citizen of the Russian Federation to receive free medical care when the need arises. The CHI policy is issued to working citizens by an employer who signs an agreement for the transfer of funds to the insurer. Those individuals who, for one reason or another, do not work, have the right to receive a health insurance policy from the insurance organization itself.

The compulsory medical insurance policy is valid without limitation throughout the territory of the Russian Federation for the period for which the contract is concluded.

If the holder of the CHI policy seeks medical assistance in another locality, and not where he lives, this does not change the essence of the matter. Gotta know what Russian Federation has relevant agreements with other foreign states on the right of Russians to receive free medical care during their stay on their territory. They are obliged to receive him and provide him with medical assistance, of course, subject to the presentation of a document proving his identity. The lost policy is restored.

Upon dismissal or change of residence, the policy is surrendered and an agreement is re-executed for its receipt already at a new place of stay.

Obtaining a health insurance policy is a simple matter and is possible both for Russian citizens themselves and for foreigners. You just need to follow some formalities and wait until the document is ready for issuance at the TFMS - the territorial fund for compulsory medical insurance. In order to obtain a compulsory health insurance policy, you need to contact a medical institution, usually a polyclinic, at the place of residence. To do this, you need to present a passport certifying the fact of actual residence in this territory.

Children under 14 receive compulsory medical insurance policy on the basis of a birth certificate and proof of residence, one of the parents or guardians. If a person lives in this territory temporarily, then a certificate of temporary registration will be required. A citizen of another country must have a residence permit. You can get a compulsory health insurance policy by filling out a special contract, which exists, as mentioned above, in two versions: for working and for non-working. Document issued territorial funds medical insurance.

The terms should be minimal and not exceed 5 days from the date of application. If, when contacting the clinic, the patient, for one reason or another, cannot show a medical policy, then medical assistance is provided upon confirmation by the insurer of the validity of the fact of insurance. A compulsory health insurance policy is attached to a specific clinic at the place of residence of a citizen. At the same time, the MHI policy itself and a passport are presented.

Pregnant women are attached to the antenatal clinic or to the maternity hospital. In addition to the above documents, in this case, you must also have medical document indicating pregnancy. Children are attached to a children's clinic if they have a birth certificate of the child and a passport of one of the parents, where there is a seal of a valid residence permit. The registry of the medical institution affixes a stamp on the CHI policy, with the date of actual attachment. When moving to a new place of residence, the compulsory health insurance policy is detached and the stamping procedure is repeated.

A compulsory medical insurance policy is necessary for everyone who permanently or temporarily lives in Russia. It is needed not only for medical care. Presentation of this document may be required when applying for a job, participating in sports events, kindergarten or school when the child enters. Who needs a compulsory health insurance policy The law clearly indicates who is required to have a compulsory health insurance policy. First of all, these are citizens of the Russian Federation.

Insurance is also mandatory for persons who will use medical services. These are those who permanently or temporarily live in our country - foreigners, stateless persons, and those who have been granted asylum, that is, refugees. How long is the insurance policy of compulsory medical insurance valid? Whereas persons staying in the country temporarily receive a certificate with a validity period. The policy is valid until the expiration date of the temporary residence permit or other document provided.

At the moment, 58 insurance companies are registered in the MHI system. These can be both large organizations operating throughout the country, and small firms serving only a specific region. Insurance companies can attract clients in various ways, but it should be understood that the program and insurance rules are the same for everyone, and the choice of the insurer does not affect the receipt of medical care.

Submit Required documents and you can pick up a ready-made compulsory health insurance policy at the points of issue indicated by the selected insurance organization. Any person who has reached the age of majority can choose a CMO from the official list (persons under the age of 18 can only do this if they are recognized as capable). Maintenance of young children is carried out by the insurer of the mother or other legal representatives.

After state registration a child can be chosen by the CMO by the parents or legal representatives of the minor. How to make your life better? 10 Ways to Deal with a Capricious Boss How to Achieve Your Goal, Even if It Failed Before What Documents You Need to Submit What set of documents is needed to get a compulsory health insurance policy? Before answering this question, we note that in the absence of a passport, you must provide a document that replaces it.

Representatives of children under 14 must provide: a child's birth certificate; passport of the mother, father or representative of the child; SNILS. Citizens of the Russian Federation over 14 years of age are required to: passport: SNILS. Refugees must bring a refugee certificate in order to obtain a policy. Foreign citizens, stateless persons who live in Russia permanently provide: passport; resident card; SNILS. Foreign citizens, stateless persons who live in Russia temporarily bring: passport; SNILS. Representatives of the insured person must have: a passport; power of attorney.

Prior to the issuance of the policy, the insured person receives a temporary certificate:

1. Interim certificate: confirms the registration of insurance; valid for 30 working days only; issued when applying for a policy; can be presented in medical institutions.

2. Compulsory medical insurance policy - sample on hard copy: A5 document; issued at the point of issue instead of a temporary certificate; can not be laminated and bent; on the front side are the data of the insured person, policy number and barcode; the name and contacts of the insurance organization are indicated on the reverse side; in many cases, it is sufficient to present a two-sided copy of the document.

3. Compulsory medical insurance policy - a sample in the form plastic card: the policy number is indicated on the front side, and there is a chip that stores the necessary information, including the name of the insurance company; the back contains the data of the insured person, his photo and a sample signature; can be issued to persons over 14 years of age (to obtain it, you will need to take a picture and give a sample signature, which is possible only by contacting the issuing center in person).

4. The CHI policy can be included in the Universal electronic card. How to use the policy It is advisable to always carry the compulsory health insurance policy with you. If for some reason this is inconvenient, then it is better to make a photocopy of it, or at least write down the name of the insurance company and the certificate number, consisting of 16 digits.

When applying for medical care, you must present a policy. If this is not done, then medical institution are not entitled to provide any medical assistance except for emergency (life saving).

Emergency care in case of acute conditions that do not threaten the life of the patient is not provided without a compulsory medical insurance policy.

Replacing the compulsory medical insurance policy When replacing a passport, changing the full name, it is necessary to enter updated data in the compulsory medical insurance policy. In this case, a new document with a different number is issued. To do this, you need to contact the point of issue of OMS.

The procedure for issuing an insurance policy is the same as for the initial receipt, with the issuance of a temporary certificate. If you change your place of residence, you must notify your insurance company within a month and make changes to the policy. If there is no representative office of your company at the new place of residence, you need to change it. When applying to the point of issue of compulsory medical insurance, you need: a passport; SNILS; OMS policy. If used old pattern policy, it must be replaced. The insured person receives a temporary certificate, and later - a new document.

Medical insurance for travel to the Schengen countries is a mandatory document. Medical insurance enables the tourist to receive the necessary medical care in a timely manner and at minimal cost.

An insurance policy is issued for everyone who travels, and children are no exception. You can buy insurance for a Schengen visa for each family member or arrange a common one for everyone - the price will not change from this.

What types of Schengen visas are there?

There are several types of Schengen visas:

Airport transit is issued by citizens of the Russian Federation when traveling abroad from Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Egypt, Moldova, Turkey, Ukraine through an airport in France. For other trips, a category A visa is not required.

What are the requirements for health insurance for a Schengen visa?

There are uniform insurance rules:

  • The territory of validity of the insurance must cover the countries of the Schengen area;
  • insurance must start from the moment of entry and last for the entire period of stay;
  • the period of validity of the policy must not be less than the period of stay in the Schengen area;
  • insurance should not contain a deductible;
  • Schengen visa insurance must cover the cost of emergency medical care, transportation to a medical institution, the cost of returning a sick traveler or repatriating the body.

According to the rules, insurance for a Schengen visa must be valid 15 days longer the duration of the trip.
Thus, the tourist will be able to change the dates of the trip, provided that the total period of stay in the country does not exceed the period specified in the insurance.

The cost calculation system on our website is programmed so that when you take out insurance, the period of validity of the policy is automatically extended, the price is calculated based on how many days you will stay on the trip.

Making an insurance policy, how should the policy look like

A number of rules have been established that are valid for all Schengen countries(in many consular services, special attention is paid to how the insurance policy looks like):

  • the policy must be printed on a printer;
  • the form must indicate the full name of the insured person, the period and validity of the document, the territory of validity (Schengen countries), the sum insured;
  • when submitting documents, the policies of Russian insurance companies are submitted in the form of an original with a blue seal and the signature of the insurer or in the form of a printout (for electronic insurance); foreign insurance policies in the form of a copy;
  • the document must contain all the necessary signatures (for electronic insurance, an EDS is used).

An electronic insurance policy, like an electronic ticket, is legally valid.

When submitting documents for obtaining a Schengen visa, you must follow the conditions for issuing insurance policies indicated on the website of the consulate of the country chosen for travel.

When entering the country, you must have an insurance policy printed out with you, because. the immigration officer can check its availability.

Long term visas include:

  • educational;
  • workers;
  • migratory.

The conditions for issuing insurance policies for long-term visas are the same as for short-term ones, but there are nuances - for multiple visas it is allowed to make a medical policy that covers only the first visit to the Schengen territory.

When traveling abroad for a long period, please note that coverage of 30 thousand euros, which is enough for a trip for 1-2 months, may not be enough for a long trip.

When submitting documents, be sure to find out the rules of the educational institution established by the country for issuing insurance policies.

It is worth including sports and outdoor activities in the insurance for the entire period of study, because. educational establishments can replace physical education, for example, tennis, which is not included in the insurance.

The price of medical insurance depends not only on the time spent abroad and the age of the traveler, but also on what kind of activity is expected. Depending on the upcoming risks, insurance applies a multiplying coefficient from 1.2 to 4.

  • guest;
  • tourist;
  • business work activities;
  • transit;
  • for property owners and their families.

The amount of coverage that is sufficient to obtain a Schengen visa is 30 thousand euros.
This amount should include medical assistance in case of a sudden illness, injury, burn, poisoning, consequences of an accident, transportation to a medical facility, telephone conversations with an insurance company, repatriation of the body.

If you wish, you can buy a policy with an increased amount of coverage (50,000 or 100,000 euros), such insurance will not be cheap, but if necessary, it will be able to cover expensive treatment.

The insurance company will not cover the cost of medical expenses if the injury while traveling abroad was due to sports or outdoor activities. To do this, you need extended insurance for a Schengen visa (check the box for sports and outdoor activities in the calculator and then indicate the types of recreation / sports you need).

If you indicate in the visa application the purpose of “rest in a ski resort” and at the same time buy the cheapest insurance without covering additional risks, the consulate may refuse to accept documents.

Types of travel insurance for Schengen countries

What additional insurance options can be added to the policy at the request of the client?

  • baggage insurance in case of loss Insurance Company compensates for the cost of luggage, but not more than the amount specified in the policy (for what amount to draw up a contract - the insured can determine independently);
  • life and health insurance against accidents, when adding this option, the insurer will pay not only the cost of treatment, but also additional compensation (upon returning from abroad);
  • civil liability insurance (it is advisable to add to athletes - it is inexpensive, but can avoid significant expenses);
  • flight delay insurance;
  • document loss insurance;
  • legal assistance.

Calculation of the cost of health insurance for Schengen online

Enter the country of insurance and departure dates in the online form.

Medical insurance is included in the list of mandatory documents that should be prepared for obtaining a Schengen visa. The demand is quite justified: the services of doctors in Europe are expensive, and a foreigner in an emergency may not have the money to cover the necessary expenses. Health and even life in this case are at risk.

An insurance policy issued before traveling abroad saves a foreign guest from a number of unforeseen expenses for their own health. If a citizen decides to choose an extended insurance program, depending on the terms of the insurance contract, he has the right to hope for compensation not only for treatment, but also for a number of other expenses - travel of relatives to the hospital, legal assistance and even organization of a rescue operation. Let us consider in more detail the rules for issuing a policy, the cost, and also where you can get insurance for a Schengen visa.

Requirements for medical insurance for a visa to the Schengen countries

Medical insurance for those traveling abroad is necessary in case a foreign citizen needs medical assistance during an unscheduled trip. The reason may be an injury, illness or a sharp deterioration in well-being. If the reason for which health has suffered falls under the category of an insured event, the insurance company, depending on the conditions of insurance, will cover the costs of providing medical care. The task of the policy holder in this situation is to promptly inform the insured about the incident. Then they will tell him which clinic to contact, answer questions, and, if necessary, provide an interpreter (if it is provided for by the insurance program). If it's an emergency, it's best to call immediately. ambulance, and contact the service center of the insurance company (assistance) already from the hospital.

To visit the Schengen countries, health insurance is a prerequisite - if you do not have it, you will be denied a visa. Moreover, each applicant, including children, must issue an insurance policy. The only exceptions are spouses of EU citizens and their children.

Consular officials take health insurance very seriously. The visa applicant does not have insurance medical policy usually leads to rejection.

The key requirements for the policy are as follows:

  1. The insurance period must begin no later than the citizen crosses the border of the Schengen area, and cover all days of the trip. In other words, fully cover the period of validity of a short-term visa (does not apply to multivisas issued for long periods). At the same time, it is important that a 15-day corridor is automatically included in the policy.
  2. The coverage area of ​​the policy is the territory of all countries participating in the Schengen agreement.
  3. The minimum insurance limit is 30,000 euros.
  4. The policy must cover the costs not only for treatment, but also for posthumous repatriation in the event of the death of the insured.

Despite the unity of the Schengen area, each country puts forward its own requirements for documents, including travel insurance for a visa. In order not to be mistaken, you should carefully study the information on the official website of the embassy, ​​consulate or visa center of the country whose visa is planned to be requested.

How to get an insurance policy

Insurance for a Schengen visa can be obtained in two ways: online on the website of the insurance company (or intermediary) or during a personal visit to the office. In the second case, you must present a Russian and foreign passport and answer a few questions regarding the trip:

  • exact dates;
  • territory of insurance;
  • purpose of the trip;
  • type of travel (beach vacation, sports, and so on);
  • Date of Birth.

Then it remains to choose a tariff and pay the insurance fee. The policy will be issued within a few minutes. Another option is to do it without leaving your home. The client will be offered to fill out a questionnaire, indicate the data of the passport and pay a fee from a bank card or virtual wallet. Ready-made policy in electronic form (usually in PDF format) The company will send an email immediately after payment. It will need to be printed and attached to the package of documents for the consulate. Electronic variant policy has the same force as printed on official letterhead.

For your information
Experienced travelers advise not only to print electronic policy and take it with you, but also take a picture with your phone so that you always have it at hand. An accident can happen suddenly, away from the hotel and all documents, and in most cases, you need to contact the insurance company before contacting the clinic, that is, immediately. Carefully read the requirements of the insurance company: according to the conditions of some insurers, a call to a service center is not mandatory.

Thus, the algorithm of actions and the list of documents when buying a policy remotely or in person are the same. Nevertheless, most travelers prefer to take out medical insurance for a Schengen visa online: there is no need to waste time driving to the office and waiting in line. The client has the opportunity to pre-calculate the cost of the policy using a virtual calculator.

The cost of insurance for a Schengen visa

The cost of medical insurance for a Schengen visa depends on a combination of factors, namely:

  • selected insurance program: economy option, standard or advanced;
  • the duration of the policy;
  • coverage amount - maximum amount payments upon the occurrence of an insured event;
  • the age of the insured and the state of health.

When applying for a Schengen visa, the amount of coverage must be at least 30,000 euros. This is an economical package that includes treatment costs foreign citizen who has been injured or suddenly ill. Here are some examples of expenses that an insured client of a number of insurance companies is entitled to receive indemnification at an economical rate:

  • transportation to a medical facility;
  • stay and treatment in a hospital or on an outpatient basis;
  • necessary medical advice;
  • surgical operations;
  • purchase of medicines prescribed by a doctor;
  • emergency dental care, excluding planned treatment (tooth trauma or acute inflammatory process);
  • repatriation in case of death.

Following the economy tariff is the standard one, which may additionally include a few more items. For example, payment for travel to the place of residence after the hospital, accommodation before departure after inpatient treatment, and so on. Travelers seeking to protect themselves from possible expenses as much as possible can apply for an extended program, which, among other things, may include legal and administrative assistance, travel expenses ground transport, if the flight after treatment is contraindicated, the return to their homeland of children who were with the victim, and so on.

When applying for insurance for a Schengen visa, the client can include items that are not related to medicine. For example, loss of luggage, flight delay, loss of documents, and so on. Obviously, with the growth of the list of services, the price of insurance for a visa also increases. For comparison: an insurance policy for the minimum required 30,000 euros for a ten-day stay in the Schengen area for one person will cost about 500 to 1,000 rubles, depending on the chosen company. If you expand the amount of coverage to 100,000 euros, the lower limit of the cost will increase to about 740 rubles, the upper one can reach up to 2,000 rubles. And if you additionally insure luggage, the cost of the policy will be approximately 3,000 rubles per person. However, since different companies offer different offers, it is possible to find an insurance program that takes into account various wishes and has a very reasonable price tag.

Most insurance companies (but not all!) refuse to reimburse treatment costs if the client was under the influence of alcohol or drugs at the time of the insured event. The rule applies to all cases, regardless of whether alcohol caused the emergency or not. For example, if a coconut accidentally falls on a drunk traveler during a walk and injures him, the case will not be recognized as insurance, although alcohol has nothing to do with the fall of the coconut.

The question often arises: how to buy the best insurance for a visa so as not to overpay, but also not to be left without support in case of force majeure? Experienced insurers advise assessing risks objectively. If you are waiting for a relaxing holiday on the territory of the hotel, you can get by with the minimum required amount. If your plans include conquering a wave on a surfboard or deep diving, it is better to enable the option that adds active sports to insurance cases and increase sum insured. Additionally, it is worth taking care of luggage during flights with transfers. The most important thing is the understanding that insurance is not just a formality for obtaining a visa, but a real opportunity to protect yourself from big problems and outrageous costs.

What kind of insurance to take out for a Schengen visa?

With this question, we turned to a representative of the well-known insurance company ERV Travel Insurance (ERV), who gave the following comment:

“An important point when buying an insurance policy is understanding the purposes for which it is needed. If you buy a policy “for show” and are sure that nothing will happen to you during the trip, you can take out insurance that is suitable in terms of coverage and cost, offered by the trip organizer. It will be enough to get a visa.

But for people who care about their safety, who know how to count money and are aware of the importance of insurance, I would recommend paying attention to the offers of our company ERV. We have developed advanced insurance programs, which cover the greatest number of risks at a reasonable cost of the policy. These are "Standard Plus" and OPTIMA, each of which is suitable for a Schengen visa. ERV also provides insurance against such trouble as forced cancellation of a trip - in the "Trip Cancellation" or "Trip Cancellation Plus" programs.

When "you just need insurance", we offer the "Standard Plus" policy. It is suitable for beach holidays and short sightseeing tours, but it includes a much larger list of insured events than the standard policy, which is included in the tour package by default. Additional services include payment for the treatment of chronic diseases exacerbated on vacation (including allergies), sunburn, primary detection of oncology and sudden complications of pregnancy for up to 24 weeks inclusive. This also includes insurance for scheduled flight delays, loss or theft of documents. Paid for search and rescue activities, the visit of a relative during the hospitalization of the insured person, first legal assistance in the event of a lawsuit, towing a damaged car in which the client travels. So, with an insured amount of 40,000 euros, the cost of one day of insurance under the Standard Plus program for a person under 65 years of age slightly exceeds 100 rubles.

The OPTIMA policy is chosen by experienced travelers who may have already encountered insured events abroad. This program can be called optimal for both entertainment and business trips abroad. One of the reasons is that in the medical section we have additionally included compensation for treatment for diseases or injuries resulting from alcohol, drug or toxic intoxication.

Under the OPTIMA program, the same insurance risks are compensated as in the Standard Plus package, but in a wider range. For example, the treatment of a sudden pregnancy complication that threatens the life and health of an insured citizen is compensated at a later date - up to 31 weeks inclusive (taking into account premature birth and medical care for the newborn). Additionally included insurance against accidents, loss or delay of luggage and civil liability insurance in case of unintentional damage to someone's property. At the same time, the cost of insurance does not increase too significantly.

For parents with small children, we offer travel insurance that fully reimburses travel expenses in case the family is unable to go on vacation for an objective reason. This is the Trip Cancellation Plus program, which is paid in addition to the main policy. For example, with a ticket price of 500 euros, the cost of such insurance per person will be 25 euros (5% of the tour cost). The Trip Cancellation Plus policy takes into account the maximum possible number of insured events, including outpatient treatment.

P.S. To learn more about various insurance programs, there is no need to visit the company's office - all information is on the website. In the same place, at any convenient time, you can fill out an online calculator and pay for the policy. bank card. The document is certified by a facsimile, confirmed by a signature and sent to the email address specified by the client in PDF format. Data enters the system, where it is securely stored and from where it is retrieved if necessary - their loss is excluded.

* Joint-Stock Company"ERV Travel Insurance" (ERV) operates on the basis of the license of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation SL No. 4009 and SI No. 4009.

** Price information is for informational purposes and is not a public offer.