If your medical insurance policy is lost. The procedure for restoring a compulsory medical insurance policy

If you have lost your mandatory policy health insurance(OMS) or accidentally damaged it, don’t worry too much. A document certifying a citizen’s right to receive free medical care can always be restored.

Moreover, you can always get new policy Compulsory medical insurance, while changing the insurance company. How to do it? Now we'll tell you.

How to restore your compulsory medical insurance policy?

In accordance with the Federal Law “On Compulsory Medical Insurance in the Russian Federation”, since 2011, every citizen has the right to independently choose an insurance company and receive a compulsory medical insurance policy.

A new compulsory medical insurance policy to replace the lost one can be obtained from your own (which issued the lost policy) or any other insurance company. medical organization(SMO), operating in the Compulsory Health Insurance system.

A uniform compulsory medical insurance policy is issued FREE OF CHARGE based on an application for selection (replacement) of a medical insurance company. You need to have your passport and SNILS with you.

After submitting the application, the insurance company employee will cancel the previously issued document and issue a temporary certificate. The validity period of the temporary policy is 30 working days. When your permanent compulsory medical insurance policy is ready, the insurer will notify you by phone specified in the application.

Citizens of the Russian Federation, as well as citizens of other states and stateless persons permanently residing in Russia, are issued a compulsory medical insurance policy without limitation of validity period. It means that The policy period is not limited.

What documents are needed to restore the compulsory medical insurance policy?

The application for a new policy must be accompanied by the originals of the following documents (or their certified copies):

  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or a temporary identity card issued for the period of registration of the passport (if that is also lost);
  • SNILS (if available);

Foreign citizens living in the Russian Federation will need to present a passport or other document identifying the foreigner; resident card; insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance SNILS (if available).

Highly recommend deal with the issue of restoring lost insurance policy immediately after discovery of the loss. This document gives the right to receive free medical care in public medical institutions! Without a policy, all services will be paid!

The compulsory medical insurance policy is one of the important personal documents that you should always have with you. It is necessary in order to use free medical services throughout the Russian Federation. Its new format is a compact and convenient plastic card, but dropping it is easy. You will find out further how to restore your compulsory medical insurance policy if it is lost and whether it is possible.

Is it possible and how to quickly restore a compulsory medical insurance policy if you have lost it?

Of course, the compulsory health insurance policy is subject to restoration if it is lost. This is regulated by clause 55 of section IV of the Rules of Compulsory Health Insurance. The procedure for obtaining it is similar to receiving a new one. compulsory medical insurance. If you lose your policy, you must collect a package of documents and apply for a replacement. Reinstatement of health insurance is carried out free of charge.

It is worth noting that obtaining a new document is not only possible, but necessary as soon as possible. The fact is that without a compulsory medical insurance policy, medical care may be denied, and you will have to pay for visiting a doctor out of your own pocket. If the document cannot be presented to a health care worker, in some situations the patient can only count on emergency assistance.

How long will this procedure take?

Documents for reinstatement of compulsory medical insurance are reviewed and accepted on the day of application. Thus, in order to sort out all the issues, you will have to spend 2 days submitting an application and receiving ready-made insurance.

The production time for a new policy is 30 working days. During this time, the document must be prepared and handed over to the owner, since the temporary insurance certificate expires. When 30 days have passed, the insurer undertakes to either issue a new temporary policy and justify this, or issue a ready-made permanent document. According to reviews, re-registration takes no more than 14 days.

Where to contact

Restoring your insurance certificate will not take much time and effort. To obtain a new compulsory medical insurance policy, you must contact the following authorities:

  • to your insurance company. If there is no information about who the insurer is, you can contact the district clinic and find out this issue there. As a result of contacting your insurer’s office, a duplicate of the lost policy is issued;
  • to any insurance company. According to the law, it is allowed to change the insurer no more than once a year until November 1 of the current year. So, if it was planned in advance to change the insurance company or the thought suddenly came to you, this can be done right after the loss. The only difference is that in the office of the new insurer you will need to write an application for a new health insurance, and not for issuing a duplicate;
  • in any branch of the MFC. Multifunctional centers provide intermediary services in paperwork. We can say that this is an additional link connecting the applicant and the authority. The operator accepts the documents and application, transfers them to the insurer, and the latter prepares and sends the policy back to the MFC;
  • At work. Many organizations practice corporate health insurance, so they themselves send documents for policy renewal and monitor its readiness. The loss must be reported to the HR department, and appropriate measures will be taken there;
  • online. Quite recently, a service for issuing a compulsory health insurance policy was working on the government services portal, but in this moment It is being finalized and is temporarily unavailable. Residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg can apply for insurance restoration through the portal of the mayor of Moscow and on the public services portal of St. Petersburg.

On a note! Policy in the form plastic card is not issued at all branches of the insurance company, so you need to inquire in advance about where the issuance takes place, by telephone or during a personal visit.

How to restore a compulsory medical insurance policy if lost

Reinstatement of an insurance policy after loss occurs in the following scheme:

  1. Collection of documents. At this stage, there is no need to obtain any additional papers - it is enough to collect a minimum package of personal documents. The only thing is that if another person is acting on behalf of the insured, a written power of attorney will be required.
  2. Visit the relevant authority or submit an application on the Internet portal. If the policy is not issued through the employer, you will have to independently take the package of documents to the insurance company or to the MFC branch.
  3. Obtaining a temporary certificate of insurance - it has the same force as a lost contract. With him you can receive medical services within the framework of the basic program throughout the Russian Federation while a permanent contract is being prepared.
  4. Obtaining a policy. You must come for the finished document at the appointed time, no later than 30 working days.

Important! If the insurance policy is stolen, it will have to be restored using a slightly different procedure. In this case, the insured must write a statement to the police and, if the case is allowed to proceed, wait for its outcome. All this time you will have to carry a temporary certificate, renewing it monthly.

It makes sense to contact the regional police department only if other valuables and documents have disappeared along with the compulsory medical insurance agreement. Therefore, if insurance is the only thing that the criminals got, you should not contact law enforcement agencies. It will only take time and energy.

Fears that stolen insurance may be used are unfounded, because when a new document is issued, data on the lost will be deleted from unified system. Accordingly, it will become unusable. However, you need to apply for a new document as soon as possible.

List of documents

The list of documents that must be collected to restore the policy includes:

  • identification document (in the vast majority of cases, a civil passport is provided, and for minors, a birth certificate);
  • SNILS;
  • application for restoration of lost insurance.

The compulsory medical insurance policy is issued immediately after birth, therefore, when re-issuing a loss document for a child, the documents are submitted by a parent, guardian or other representative by law. The representative is required to present a civil passport. Anyone can be an accompanying person, but subject to a written power of attorney. If SNILS has not yet been issued for the child, then it may not be provided.

Good to know! If a foreigner has lost the policy, he provides the insurer with temporary registration, a document confirming his right to stay in the territory of the Russian Federation, and his national passport.

After reviewing the documents, the manager of the insurance company or the operator of the MFC removes information about the lost insurance from the database. Then he opens a new application, fills in the data and issues a temporary certificate. If the date of issue is not agreed upon in advance, the insured will receive an SMS notification indicating the date and time of receipt of the permanent insurance contract.

Compulsory medical insurance policy and how to fill it out

To restore a lost compulsory medical insurance policy, you need to fill out the appropriate application. The following information is entered into it:

  • format for issuing the policy - paper or electronic, new or duplicate, as well as the reason for its renewal;
  • information about the insured person - full name, category, place of birth, citizenship, address, SNILS data, etc.;
  • information about the representative of the insured: full name, passport;
  • signatures of the applicant and those who accepted the documents and the date of submission of the application.


Losing your compulsory medical insurance policy is not a reason to panic, since restoring your insurance will not be difficult. Firstly, this will require a minimum package of documents, which everyone has. Secondly, this can be done at any insurance company - you don’t have to contact your insurer specifically. The maximum registration period takes 30 days, and during this time the lost person will be issued a temporary insurance certificate.

You will learn more about what it provides and the features of its use in the following article.

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The first thing that any patient will be asked when visiting any medical institution is the presence of an insurance certificate. This is not a simple whim of a particular health worker. Registrars are required to enter data from this document into the database each time the patient contacts.

Why is this being done? For subsequent payment for medical services provided to the client.

The Insurance Law, in particular Article 16, gives insured citizens certain rights:

  • The ability to choose (change) a doctor by writing a corresponding application addressed to the head of the medical organization.
  • Obtaining information about the types and quality of medical services.
  • Compensation for damage in case of failure to fulfill obligations to provide medical care.
  • Compulsory medical insurance is valid throughout Russia; the place of issue does not affect the ability to access medical services in any region.

Previously (before the introduction of a uniform policy), many patients faced serious problems while being outside their region of residence. Many were denied free medical care; they had to look for the head physician and achieve results through endless disputes. Now, having insurance in hand, a citizen of the Russian Federation becomes the owner of the right to receive assistance from medical workers in any subject, regardless of where he is registered.

If your compulsory medical insurance policy is lost, it’s better to find out as soon as possible how to restore this document. After all, without its presentation, they may refuse to provide gratuitous medical services on absolutely legitimate grounds. This does not apply only to emergency medical care. In emergency cases, doctors are obliged to help free of charge.

Those wishing to receive medical services must present this document upon request at the registry office, promptly report its loss, and ask for a replacement in the event of a change of surname, move, change of registration, etc. situations. If the insurer who issued the previous policy is not found in your new location, you can renew the document at any other insurance organization.

As Article 43 of the Federal Law on Insurance states, a personalized register is maintained for any person who has undergone the insurance procedure. The specified information contains the most important data about the person: full name, gender, place of residence, SNILS number and others. They help ensure interaction between the Pension Fund and the insurer. Not everyone knows this (as well as a number of their own rights), because a large amount of legal documentation is not popularized and often passes by the attention of the average person.

Worry about loss health insurance not necessary, despite its high importance. It is possible to restore a document; you just need to put in some effort, and the procedure itself will not cost anything.

You can contact both the MFC and the insurance company. To contact the insurance company, you will first need to find out which organization was indicated in the lost document. However, today the most in a convenient way is precisely the Multifunctional Center. It offers citizens an extremely wide range of services, flexible work hours and good system client service. You can apply either at your place of registration or at any other center that is more convenient for you in location.

After submitting all the required documents, you will be issued a temporary compulsory medical insurance policy. It will be valid for a relatively short time - only for the period of production of the main document. The maximum validity period of such a policy is on average thirty days. As soon as a permanent compulsory medical insurance policy has been issued, employees of the MFC or insurance company will contact you and invite you to pick it up.

List of required documents

In order to restore your compulsory medical insurance policy, you will need to have with you:

  • Russian passport or other identification document;
  • Documents confirming the place of permanent registration. If you provide a passport, this document is not required;
  • SNILS.

An application form for reinstatement of the compulsory medical insurance policy will be provided to you at the place of application.

Anti-insurance – standard block

For foreign citizens who have lost their medical insurance, the difference will be in the list necessary documents. Otherwise, they can contact the insurance company or MFC in the same way.

When contacting to a foreign citizen you will need to provide:

  • Passport of a foreign citizen;
  • A document that confirms the right to stay on the territory of Russia;
  • Papers confirming registration;
  • SNILS, if available.

A compulsory medical insurance policy is a document confirming the conclusion of an agreement on compulsory health insurance of citizens. It gives its owner the right to receive free medical care in a specified amount in medical institutions participating in the compulsory medical insurance program.

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Moreover, you are required to provide the necessary assistance in clinics, dispensaries, treatment and diagnostic centers and hospitals throughout Russia, regardless of which city you received the policy in (see the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Health Insurance of Citizens in the Russian Federation”).

The document indicates: last name, first name, patronymic, gender, age, place of work, social status, address of the insured, as well as the validity period of the health insurance contract.

How to get a policy?

If you are registered in Moscow, you can obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy at the policy issuing point located in the clinic at the place of registration, or at the office of the insurance company. To do this, you need to present a passport or other document confirming registration at this address.

To obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy for a child registered in Moscow, you must present a birth certificate and parents’ passports.

Immediately after you apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy, you are given an application registration sheet for the production of a compulsory medical insurance policy. You can use this document instead of a policy until you receive plastic card Compulsory medical insurance.

All medical institutions operating in compulsory medical insurance system, are obliged to provide the bearer of the registration sheet with the same services as the bearer of the policy. When receiving a compulsory medical insurance policy, the registration sheet must be handed over to an employee of the insurance company.

When issuing you a policy, insurance company employees must tell you in detail about the compulsory medical insurance program, your rights and the responsibilities of medical institutions towards you. You will also be provided with the address and telephone numbers of the insurance organization's information service.

The policy must be presented each time you seek medical care. If it so happens that you need health care, but you don’t have the policy with you, you can simply indicate your insurance organization or contact the Moscow City Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, where they are required to confirm the fact of insurance to the medical institution.

At the same time, emergency medical care on the territory of the Russian Federation is provided to citizens free of charge, regardless of whether they have a compulsory medical insurance policy.

What is included in the compulsory medical insurance program?

Scroll free services, in accordance with the rules of compulsory medical insurance for Moscow residents, provided in the compulsory medical insurance system, is established at both the federal and regional levels.

In Russia, a minimum has been established that must be provided free of charge to all citizens under the compulsory medical insurance policy. This:

  1. emergency;
  2. outpatient care, including measures for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases in clinics, day hospitals of all types, educational and preschool institutions and at home;

Acquainted with full list medical services provided within the Moscow City compulsory medical insurance programs, you can go to the clinic at your place of residence. You can also contact the Moscow Health Department or the company that insures you. Her address and reference telephone number are listed on your policy.

If the rights of the insured citizen have been violated, the company that issued the policy protects their interests, including providing free legal advice during the legal process.

What to do if you have lost your policy?

In this case, you must personally or through a representative of the policyholder (employer) notify the insurance company about this in writing or orally, indicating the circumstances of the loss of the document. Lost policy is considered invalid and excluded from the unified information base of the compulsory medical insurance system.

I lost my compulsory medical insurance policy (card), which I received ten years ago at my place of residence in Moscow

  • passport;
  • resident card;
  • statement of loss of policy;
  • SNILS.
  • How to restore a lost compulsory medical insurance policy?
  • Head of the Foms: ambulance will continue to treat Russians without insurance
  • home
  • Insurance companies
  • Questions and answers
  1. First, we contact the insurance company (the one that issued the lost document, or any other of the insured person’s choice). Note that if the latter decides to change it, then this can be done no more than once a year.
  2. We submit a corresponding application in which we set out a request for the issuance of a duplicate of the medical policy due to its loss.

A policy is a document that allows the population to receive medical service. Both on a paid and free basis. The duration of the temporary document usually does not exceed a month (30 calendar days) - this period is allocated for the production of a permanent compulsory medical insurance policy.

Obtaining a compulsory medical insurance policy in case of loss

Please note that the number of the new compulsory medical insurance policy will remain the same.

If you urgently need a document confirming the issuance of a compulsory medical insurance policy, then insurance company specialists can print out information about the status of the application for the production of a policy (unfortunately, this may not be done at all points of issue of compulsory medical insurance policies).

source: http://polisoms.rf/utrata.htm

What to do if you have lost your medical insurance policy

First of all, you should contact the insurance company; the compulsory medical insurance dispensing point at the clinic will do. You will need to bring your passport and SNILS. You can get more details by phone hotline company serving you.

Now there is Alternative option– entering data and writing an application in a special form online on the website of the territorial fund. After you have submitted your online application, check your email for an email with information about the status of your application. When compulsory medical insurance is restored, you will receive a message where you can pick it up.

MORE: What to do after an accident for a victim with insurance

How to restore compulsory medical insurance if lost? You just need to write an application, after which the insurers will cancel the lost document and provide you with a certificate with a limited validity period. Further restoration of the compulsory medical insurance policy in case of loss proceeds in the same way as purchasing a new one. You will again need an application, copies and originals of the documentation required by the rules. Preparation of a new compulsory medical insurance can last up to 30 days.

This list of actions is suitable if you are not going to change insurance organization. If this is included in the plans, the application contains a request for the issuance of a new compulsory medical insurance and the relevant documents are attached (read about them below).

Medical insurance is issued in the first days after the birth of the child. What is it for? So that there are no unnecessary delays when receiving the entire list of medical services that are so necessary for a small creature (especially in the first year of life). Just at this time, the baby invariably undergoes medical commissions, he has to travel from one specialist to another, take tests, etc.

In the latter case, a temporary document is issued that works until the child is registered at the place of residence.

What to do if a person has lost his compulsory medical insurance policy, how to restore the document? First of all, as with adult insurance, submit a claim to the insurance company. When registering, you will need documentation confirming the child’s registration.

A smooth transition to updated policies is now underway. This process has no time limit. But if the compulsory medical insurance is lost, they will certainly issue a new document, even if you previously used an outdated one.

In all the described documentation of the new sample there is an identification number(16 digits). It helps to correctly register those seeking medical help. Until relatively recently, numerous problems arose due to the fact that insurance companies from different regions had policies of different colors, sizes or shapes. A single insurance document removes barriers to receiving medical services in a region other than one’s own.

It's time to take stock.

Having figured out what to do if the compulsory medical insurance policy is lost, you will understand that the list necessary measures quite simple. It is not at all difficult to restore compulsory medical insurance if desired. It is enough to appear at the selected insurance company with the appropriate set of documents. Employees of the organization are required to tell you about the possibilities of changing and restoring the document and provide a new one within a month.

It is better not to delay with this simple operation. If you need medical help and don’t have insurance, much more problems may arise.

At the moment there are two models in Russia medical policy. They differ greatly from each other, and one of them may not yet be accepted in all medical institutions.

Old sample

Almost everyone is familiar with it. Old sample is a small size paper, standard blue. It contains information about the insurance company that serves this policy, and about the owner himself. The document has a number, as well as various identification marks indicating its authenticity.

This document is issued once, since its validity is unlimited. It needs to be replaced only in case of a change in personal data (for example, last name, which also applies to other documents of a citizen) or simple wear and tear.

New sample

This document is already a plastic chip card. Front side The policy contains its number and a special chip, which contains all the necessary information in electronic form. The back side of the policy contains the owner’s signature, his photograph, as well as his full name, gender and date of birth.

A distinctive feature of such a document is its wear resistance. Plus, on the back of the compulsory medical insurance policy, its validity period is indicated. However new sample The policy is not yet accepted in all medical institutions due to the fact that the necessary reading devices are not available everywhere.

How to get a policy?

You also need to contact the insurance company to replace the policy if you change your last name, first name or patronymic, as well as place of residence.

You can make an appointment online with the following doctors: therapist, ENT specialist, surgeon, ophthalmologist, dentist, psychotherapist, gynecologist, urologist. There are no appointments with other specialists; if necessary, a general practitioner or family doctor will refer you to them. If the clinic refuses to make an appointment with a doctor even if you have a compulsory medical insurance policy, then you can file a complaint with the Department of Health. Popular questions on this topic Is it possible to call a doctor to your home for a fee outside of your place of registration? When it comes to doctors state clinics, then no. A person can receive such a service only in a private hospital. To do this, he needs to call the selected hospital and make an appointment with the registrar. After this, the employee will transfer the call to the doctor and he will come to the patient’s home. You can pay for the service both before and after your appointment.

Free legal advice

To do this, you need to bring with you the following documents: passport and its copy with the registration page, original and copy of the compulsory medical insurance policy, SNILS (pension insurance certificate). On the spot, you need to write an application and provide a medical card (or get a new one). However, you can get an appointment with a doctor without being assigned to a clinic.


This can be done through EMIAS - Unified Medical Information and Analytical System. If a person received a compulsory medical insurance policy outside of Moscow, then he needs to contact an insurance company in the capital and change the service region. Insurance organization, with whom the person signed the contract, must transfer data on the policy from the Territorial compulsory medical insurance fund to the capital's compulsory medical insurance fund.

Urgently! I’m going to see a doctor, I can’t find an insurance policy………

The company will do it within a month, but this is the maximum period, which is usually greatly reduced. For this reason, after a phone call or message, you need to go to the office again and pick up the completed papers. No difficulties arise at this moment. If medical assistance is required during re-registration, you will be able to use a temporary policy.

It is provided instantly, which remains an additional condition. It is because of this that you should immediately go to the company to restore the papers. The validity period of temporary insurance is long, so there will be no difficulties.

Will there be penalties? If a policy is lost, people often worry about paying a fine. This condition is not specified in the legislation, and companies do not specify it without permission. Managers freely accept documents and do not require even minimum amounts.

Is it possible without a policy? What rights does a patient have when seeking medical care?


Having visited the institution once, you will be able to use the necessary papers for a long time in the future. If you lose your medical policy, you can quickly restore it without penalties. At first, the population was worried about possible troubles, but they quickly disappeared, so now people visit offices without hindrance.

They manage to use the required services to prepare the papers. Ask a question to an insurance lawyer and solve your problem! What to do if lost? Medical policy is mandatory document, so it won’t take much time to receive it. If you lose it, you will have to go through several stages to ensure a quick recovery.
What should be done:
  • Visit the office of the insurance company;
  • Notify the representative of the loss;
  • Receipt of documents.

Currently, insurance does not impose any special conditions.

Is it possible to make an appointment with a doctor or make a call to a home other than your place of registration?

How can I call a doctor at home for free if I am registered at a different address? If a person has a compulsory medical insurance policy, but is registered at a different address, then he has the right to call a doctor. How to call a doctor at home if you do not live according to your registration? To do this, you should call the clinic and give the address of your actual residence. When the doctor comes to call, you need to prepare your passport and compulsory medical insurance policy.

If a person plans to live in a city other than his own, then it is better for him to detach himself from his clinic and enroll for medical care at the clinic at his residence address. The attachment is valid for 1 year only. The attachment must be renewed every year. A person can choose a clinic for service no more than once a year.

What to do if you lost your health insurance policy?

Russia. Therefore, when seeking help from a doctor not at the place of permanent registration, the patient needs to have a passport and a compulsory medical insurance policy. What to do if you have a compulsory medical insurance policy in hand, but the registry refuses to accept a patient from another region? Is it always possible to get an appointment with a family doctor or therapist with a compulsory medical insurance policy in hand? Unfortunately, not always. In some clinics, patients who are not at their place of registration are offered to make an appointment with a doctor for money, or they can go to their own clinic according to their registration.
The reception staff justify their refusal by saying that the person does not even have temporary registration, so he does not belong to this clinic, he needs to write a refusal in his clinic and register with this medical organization.

Appointment at a clinic without insurance

What documents to provide For any of these options, you will need an application written to the head of your insurance company, in which you should indicate your personal data and the reason for replacing the document. In addition to the application, you will be required to provide your pension insurance certificate number (SNILS), a photocopy of it, as well as your civil passport and a photocopy; it must contain a note about your permanent place of registration at your residence address. That is, the procedure for obtaining a duplicate is practically no different from drawing up a new medical insurance contract, the same documents and the same application.

When the new policy is ready, first you will receive a paper temporary version, but it has the same functionality as real insurance, and after about 30 days you will be invited to receive a plastic policy.

Also, you will be given your medical card, which, along with your passport, you will need to present at the office of the insurance organization. When contacting the insurance company, file a statement about the loss of your medical policy. Based on this application, as well as the above documents, your lost policy will be canceled and you will be issued a new one.

Please note that when drawing up a statement about the loss of the policy, you will need to indicate in it the circumstances under which this happened. If you have any other questions of a legal nature, then you can ask them to our lawyers using a simple and convenient form that is difficult to miss on home page this site.

Is it possible to get an appointment with a doctor if I have lost my insurance policy?

The absence of a medical insurance policy when trying to make an appointment with a doctor is fraught with refusal - this is due to payment for medical services from the insurance fund of a particular company. But you can get emergency medical care during an exacerbation of the disease absolutely free of charge - this is what the Social Insurance Law and the ethics of a health worker say. But what if the policy is lost and you need to see a doctor urgently? Let's talk about this in more detail.

  • 1 Is it possible to restore lost PMS
  • 2 Where to contact
    • 2.1 What documents to provide
    • 2.2 When will the new policy be ready?

Is it possible to restore lost PMS? Those who desperately need to receive medical help must present an insurance certificate when registering for an appointment. He must also inform the registrar about the loss of a document, change of surname or place of permanent residence.
The last method is the most obvious, but the process will be lengthy, since the consultant will need to send electronic requests and receive responses to them, and this takes some time. If you have registered an account with the unified all-Russian portal of State Services, then through it you can directly submit an application for the restoration of a medical policy document to your insurer, you just have to go through the user identification procedure. This can be done either by SNILS or by the attached phone number, then go to the section “Compulsory Medical Insurance Policy → Document Restoration → Submitting an Application.”
In the form you should enter the name of the company, your personal data, select a convenient division and set a date for registration. When visiting, you should take the necessary documents; information about them is located below the application form.

Unfortunately, some citizens of our country face the problem of losing their insurance policy quite often. If this happens to you, there is no need to panic. Please remember that any insurance company must provide you with a duplicate of any lost document upon request.

Naturally, the question arises of where to go if the policy has been lost. You may need some insurance policies quite urgently. For example, you cannot drive a car without a policy. Any meeting with the traffic police in this case may result in a fine. So don't delay in solving the problem.

Is it possible to restore an insurance policy?

If you have lost any type of insurance policy, do not hesitate to contact the company that issued the policy to you. Most voluntary insurance contracts are drawn up at the insurance company - the people working there know with whom they collaborated. For example, a compulsory health insurance policy is often issued at the place of employment, where it is necessary to clarify which company you were insured with.

Once you know exactly the address of the insurance company you need, collect required package documents. You will definitely need a passport. In case of loss of the MTPL policy - a driver's license. If you are not registered in the city where you live - temporary registration. If you are a citizen of another country, you will also need a residence permit.

How to restore an insurance policy if lost

If you lose your insurance policy, you will need to write an application to the insurance company to issue a duplicate of your policy. The application form can be “seen” on the insurer’s website or written directly to the insurance company. To restore your medical insurance policy, the application form can be found on the official website of the Social Insurance Fund of your city. A duplicate of the insurance policy, if you have all the necessary documents to obtain it, will be issued to you directly on the day of your application. To restore the policy there is no need to seek legal assistance. Unless in a situation where the insurance company, citing unimportant reasons, refuses to issue a duplicate.

Reinstate your MTPL insurance policy

You cannot drive a car without an MTPL policy. Any meeting with the traffic police in this case may result in a fine. So don't delay in solving the problem.

It is necessary to restore a lost MTPL insurance policy as soon as possible. To obtain a duplicate policy, contact your insurance company immediately. Be sure to take with you not only your passport, but also your registration certificate vehicle. Information about your policy is stored in the general database of the insurance company - the insurer will be able to find it using your passport data. Please note that you can get the first duplicate for free. However, if you lose your insurance policy for the second time, you will have to pay for issuing a duplicate.

Advice from Sravni.ru: The procedure for restoring your MTPL insurance policy will also need to be completed if you have changed your last name (in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, in case of marriage, etc.). To obtain a duplicate, you will need to take a marriage certificate to the insurance company.