What to do with OSAGO when selling a car? The procedure for reissuing an OMS policy Is it possible to reissue insurance.

The sale of a non-new car is not uncommon now, but at the same time, vehicle owners often have questions related to auto insurance. This material tells how to re-register OSAGO for a new owner, and also highlights all other related points.

In what cases is insurance renewed for another driver?

To answer the question of whether it is necessary to change insurance when changing ownership, first of all, it must be taken into account that car insurance is a prerequisite for any driver, in accordance with the requirements of clause 1, article 4 of Federal Law No. 40.

Thus, the civil liability of the owner of the vehicle is insured, i.e. registration is not made on the car, but on the person who manages it.

If it is assumed that not only its owner, but also other citizens may be driving a car, then they must be entered into the OSAGO without fail, or an unlimited policy can be purchased. In this case, any person with a driver's license can be allowed to drive.

When selling a car, if the former owner of the OSAGO was issued for a year, he needs to come to the representative office of the insurance company in order to note the change of ownership in the OSAGO.

In this situation, the buyer is required to purchase a new policy or reissue an old one due to a change in the owner of the vehicle.

Insurance policy renewal methods

The transfer of ownership of the car can occur through a document of sale, or by general power of attorney. Related to this are the differences in the methods of reissuing the policy. They may be as follows:

  • the previous owner includes the buyer in auto insurance and transfers this document to him;
  • the seller terminates the contract with the insurance company, and compensation for the unused period is returned to him;
  • the current policy is reissued to another citizen or car.

Thus, the answer to the question: "Is it possible to drive on the old owner's insurance?". This is allowed if the policy is transferred to a new owner who is inscribed in this auto insurance.

Often a situation arises when a car seller plans to subsequently purchase a new car, so it makes no sense for him to terminate the existing insurance, but only need to change it.

It is the same with the buyer: if you have an auto citizen, you only need to enter the changed information into the unified register of the PCA.

The procedure for registration should take into account all the available nuances and be accepted by mutual agreement of the parties.

When issuing a general power of attorney and the seller agrees to use the current insurance by the buyer, the new driver can simply be entered into it. This requires visiting insurance company. In this situation, do not forget about the need to conclude an additional agreement on compensation from the new owner for the unused period of insurance.

  • the cost of one day is determined by dividing the annual amount by the number of days in a year;
  • the result is multiplied by the number of days remaining.

It is worth considering that this option is possible only if there is no change in the region of registration of the car, because there may be differences in the cost of OSAGO.

Important! Re-issuance by including another driver in auto insurance with the return of compensation from him for the unused time of the insurance contract is possible only when selling a car within the same region.

As for the termination of the autocitizen. If the new owner refuses to pay compensation, it can be reimbursed by the insurance company after the auto insurance contract is terminated. In accordance with paragraph 4 of Art. 10 of the Federal Law No. 40, the insurer is obliged.

In this case, it is required to submit an agreement on the sale of a car to the UK before the end of the day of its conclusion in order to fix this event.

But keep in mind that the insurer in such a situation will withhold a twenty percent penalty. In this regard, if you plan to continue driving a different car, drawing up a new contract or reissuing an old one is much more preferable from an economic point of view.

Attention! When returning compensation for the unused time of the autocitizen insurance organization can withhold a twenty percent penalty.

Documents required for renewal of OSAGO

To change the autocitizenship, the new owner will need to visit the representative office of the insurer. This insurance can be renewed without the previous owner of the car. You will need the presence of documents that are needed in case initial clearance policies:

  • statements of the established form;
  • passport or other identity document;
  • For legal entity– registration documents of the organization;
  • certificates of registration of the car, technical passport of the car;
  • a document confirming the technical inspection;
  • driver's license of the owner and citizens allowed to drive, the new owner;
  • of the previous policy, if the MTPL of the previous owner is being reissued, it must also be presented.

With the above documentation, you must contact the UK, sign and pay for a new motor vehicle citizen. The insurer that has passed such registration issues the following documents:

  1. auto insurance contract in the original, certified by the signatures of the parties;
  2. insurance rules;
  3. memos on behavior in the event of a traffic accident;
  4. receipt confirming payment.

As follows from the material presented, reissuing a car citizen when changing the owner of a car is a relatively simple procedure that does not require large time and material costs, but bureaucratic delays are possible, especially if you are dealing with a large insurance company.

But do not forget that auto insurance must be reissued by any of the listed methods, depending on the form of car sale.

From one individual On the other hand, there is a question concerning insurance. What to do with an insurance policy that passes to a new owner?

Dear readers! The article talks about typical ways to solve legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to know how solve exactly your problem- contact a consultant:


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After all, I bought and paid insurance services the seller, and now he has to part with the policy so easily?

Re-registration of the vehicle is carried out in two ways. This is either a donation of a car or the transfer of vehicles to new hands free of charge.

Another option is a sale and purchase agreement or transfer of a car by proxy.

In all of the above methods, a separate role is assigned to re-registration compulsory insurance civil liability from the previous owner to the new one.


OSAGO - insurance policy, which is binding document available to all car owners.

When selling a vehicle, insurance can either be transferred to the future owner by entering it into the policy, or terminate the agreement with the insurance company and receive compensation for the unused period of the policy.

Any method of transfer of insurance rights from the owner to the acquirer is negotiated individually.

Having come to an agreement and agreed, both parties go to the insurance company and report their decision. Based on their consent, the transfer of insurance is carried out.

As a result of selling the car and reissuing the OSAGO, there are several ways to save your money spent on insurers:

  • reissue the policy by agreement of both parties, enter the new owner;
  • early termination of the contract;
  • re-insurance for another vehicle.

By adding a new owner to the policy

If you agree that the new owner of the car would use your rights, then you need to contact the insurance company with your decision.

You should first conclude a notarized contract with the buyer, which states that the citizen of the purchased car is obliged to reimburse compensation for the time when you will not use the policy, and the car, respectively.

This process regulates, which states that in the event of the transfer of rights and possessions to vehicles to another person in whose name the insurance is issued, then all obligations under the agreement are transferred to the buyer.

In the procedure for entering an individual into the document, the main point is to miss the period and inform the legal organization of information about the real owner of the car and reissue the policy for it.

However, it is not necessary to conclude a new deal to transfer insurance rights, it can be entered into a separate clause in the sales contract and certified by lawyers accordingly.

Such a procedure can be carried out only if the buyer agrees, hoping for his understanding.

Through the termination of OSAGO

When the buyer is not going to pay compensation and does not make contact, then the next way out in matters of auto insurance and saving your money will be early termination of the agreement with the insurance company.

According to the procedure, the insurance institution undertakes to pay monetary compensation to the car seller for the period of unused insurance.

When concluding an insurance deal, it contains clauses where the question of the transition is raised insurance policy, in case of sale of vehicles from 00:00 the next day after the transfer of the car.

In order to receive compensation on the basis of termination of the insurance contract from the company, it is necessary to provide a contract for the sale of the vehicle in advance, or rather on the day of conclusion.

Then you can count on payments from insurers for the specified period.

You need to contact the organization that issued the insurance. This option compensation for damage is more reliable than the first one, the terms of which are a notarized agreement between the parties.

But in case of termination of the agreement, about 20% of the cost of insurance will be taken from you.

With alteration of documents to another car

The option of reissuing insurance for another car is very rare. Indeed, to complete the procedure, you need to have 2 cars simultaneously insured in the same organization.

Then, as a result of your purchase of a new car, all the rights of the policy from the old car that you sold will be transferred to it.

That is, you will have to pay much less money for OSAGO and the unused time of insurance from the sold vehicle will not go anywhere, it will be transferred to a new vehicle.

Which companies can be contacted

As a result of reissuing insurance, it is necessary to choose an insurer, an institution that will deal with legal issues.

The choice of an insurance company is a responsible step, because your possible chances of receiving OSAGO compensation depend on the organization.

There are two options. The first is to give preference to the renewal of the very insurance company that issued you OSAGO. She will be more loyal to you and your problems.

In another case, it is necessary to look for a new institution that will resolve the dispute between the buyer and the seller.

Below is a list of institutions that are engaged in the renewal of insurance policies as a result of buying and selling a car, as well as issuing OSAGO:

Services include not the cost of OSAGO, but specifically the payment for the work of employees and the re-registration of documentation and ownership of OSAGO.

The rest of the amount the buyer will need to pay the owner for using the time of his insurance.

When choosing insurers, pay attention to the reliability of the company, evaluating the work of the institution according to your criteria.

Do not lose sight of the cost of services of legal institutions. After all, companies charge different amounts of money for similar work.

Pay attention to bonus offers and discounts offered by the insurer. Try to use advantageous offer. This will enable you to save money.

To assess the reliability and performance of institutions, you can contact independent experts and brokers, view the rating of organizations in independent agencies and, based on the information received, draw a conclusion about the company.

What documents need to be collected for the seller and the buyer

As a result of the re-registration of the vehicle to a new owner and the transfer of insurance rights to the buyer, in order to receive the money spent on insurance, the seller must provide documents that confirm the ownership of the car and the availability of OSAGO:

List of documents:

  • the first document is a statement that is written in the insurance company about the return of the cost of unused insurance;
  • a photocopy of the document on the sale of the vehicle;
  • a photocopy of the vehicle passport;
  • direct insurance;
  • receipts for payment of OSAGO.

It is not necessary to certify the above documents. Insurers do not particularly look at the registration certificate and the document of sale.

Their main goal is the insurance itself and the fact of its payment. However, it is worth attaching copies of the documents to the car to justify the requirements and prevent the employees of the institution from stretching the procedure for a long time.

The package of documents for the transfer of insurance as a result of mutual agreement will differ only in a notarized agreement on reimbursement of the cost of insurance by the buyer.

But this clause can also be written in the contract of sale. The right to manage your insurance remains with you.

As for the buyer, he needs to have the following documents:

  • civil passport of Russia;
  • a copy of the document of sale.

The process of reissuing OSAGO

There are two ways to renew insurance for a new car owner: by terminating the transaction and by mutual agreement of the persons with the purchaser being included in the list.

As a result of termination of the contract, the following steps must be completed:

  1. It is necessary to write an application for termination of the transaction with the insurer.
  2. Provide the company with a document of sale.
  3. Based on the documents, the employees cancel the agreement.
  4. You are compensated for the unused time of the policy, and a commission of 20 -23% is charged.

If the buyer is included in the policy, it is necessary:

  1. Negotiate with the buyer in advance and conclude an agreement on the future reimbursement of the cost of the policy to the seller
  2. Notarize the agreement
  3. The insured must write an application with a request to include it in the policy
  4. Both come to the insurance company and add the buyer to the insurance and replace the insured

How to act in a particular situation is up to you.

Are there any changes in 2020

Reissuing an OSAGO policy when selling a car is a procedure for transferring rights to insurance from the seller to the buyer. The rights to OSAGO can be transferred both by mutual agreement and as a result of termination of the contract.

In 2020, under the age of three, canceled.

However, if you purchase a vehicle and want to renew your insurance, you will have to undergo an MOT as a result of the previous owner's insurance contract being terminated and the unwillingness to rewrite your current policy on you.

Accordingly, the insurer will change, with which the purchaser concludes a new contract and buys a policy in accordance with all relevant rules.

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The OSAGO policy upon change of ownership, if it is still valid, can be reissued. When selling a car, the seller can transfer his insurance rights to the buyer for reimbursement (renew the OSAGO for a new insured), cancel the agreement with the company, returning part of the costs, or extend the insurance by reissuing it for another car. There are many opportunities, the main thing is not to leave everything as it is, but to act.

Policy renewal methods

All of the above actions follow from the essence of compulsory motor third party liability insurance. Which of the three methods you use will depend on your specific circumstances.

It is possible to act according to any scenario both to the owner himself and to his representative with a power of attorney.

Enter the future owner in the insurance

If the alienation of the vehicle has occurred, the new driver can simply be entered in the column “approved for driving”. To do this, the owner of the OSAGO policy should contact his insurance company and inform about his decision to enter another driver. This method is appropriate if the owner re-registers the vehicle for a relative (“sells” it to a child, spouse). If you enter an outsider, then in the event of an accident, the previous owner of the vehicle will be involved in the investigation of the circumstances of the traffic accident.

OSAGO when selling a car can simply be issued to a new owner. The fact is that there are two columns in the policy - the insured and the owner of the vehicle. The first is not responsible for any claims in the event of an accident, he simply issued a policy. Accordingly, your data in the "owner of the vehicle" field must be changed to the buyer's data.

It is desirable for both parties to visit the UK office. To issue OSAGO for a new owner, the current policyholder must report the changes, and the other party to the sales contract confirm this information. When changing the owner of the car, the following are provided:

  • passports,
  • a copy of the DCT,
  • buyer's driver's license.

The IC agent will enter the necessary information into the database: enter the data of the new owner, leaving the information about the insured unchanged. The policy will be changed because essential information has changed in it. Upon completion of the procedure, the remaining period of the insurance will be protected from civil liability by both the new owner of the car and the previous one (remaining in the status of the insured, but not actually using their insurance rights).

This method is suitable if the seller does not plan to terminate the contract with the insurer in order to receive a refund of part of the costs or transfer the difference to pay for insurance on another vehicle.

How to reissue OSAGO insurance for a new owner if the parties have entered into a DCT? The current owner of the vehicle, who bought insurance, needs to enter the new driver into the policy (as allowed to drive), drawing up a DCT with an open date, so that the buyer can enjoy insurance rights indefinitely until he issues auto citizenship for himself. For this service, the seller may request some compensation. In the future, the seller may act in one of the following ways.

Termination of the insurance contract

What to do if it was not possible to reissue the OSAGO policy for a new owner due to the fact that the buyer does not want to pay compensation? The client can return the difference by receiving a refund from the insurer. The basis for the payment of compensation is the provisions of the law "On Compulsory Third Party Liability Insurance".
The amount of compensation is calculated minus the penalty (about 20-23% of the amount of contributions, of which 3% are deductions to the Russian Union of Motor Insurers, about 20 to the insurance fund), but this deduction is not prescribed at the legislative level.

Do I need to terminate the insurance contract? This method is appropriate if the seller does not want to renew insurance for another car (does not plan to change to another vehicle).

To terminate the contract with the company, you should write an application, apply with it on the day of the conclusion of the sale and purchase transaction, presenting a copy of the sales contract and the TCP.

Renew the policy for another car

If you are an insurer and plan to transfer to another car (you bought a car to replace the old one), there is no point in terminating, changing the insurance contract and paying a penalty or transferring insurance to the buyer. In this situation the best option- re-registration to another vehicle.

Can I renew my policy for another car? It is possible to reissue OSAGO without terminating the contract. There are no obstacles to this, on the contrary, there is a basis for the procedure, and it lies in the Insurance Rules: protection against insured event granted to the owner of the vehicle, not the car (insurance rights can be "transferred" to another facility while retaining the right to receive an insurance payment). But, oddly enough, this method is rarely used in practice.

To re-register, the insured only needs to inform about changes in the information about the vehicle and present documents for it, as well as a copy of the DCT. There will be a difference in contributions only if the purchased car exceeds the previous one in terms of engine power, and also if the new car is planned to be operated in another region.

How to renew insurance

How to reissue an OSAGO policy when changing ownership? In each of the three ways, the re-registration procedure comes down to visiting the company's office and providing the necessary documents:

  1. Application for termination of the insurance contract and payment of compensation for the unused period, or for a change in the policyholder or other information. A form can be obtained from the insurer, as well as a sample from which most of the standard wording can be rewritten.
  2. DKP (copy).
  3. Documents for the car (copy of title, registration certificate). Insurers also require a diagnostic card if the previous one has expired.
  4. Valid OSAGO and a receipt for its payment.
  5. Driving licenses of all possible drivers. The change of ownership is subject to the driver's license of the buyer.
  6. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

After presenting a package of documents, an agreement is signed with the insurance company and, if necessary, a fee is paid (for example, when re-registering for a new vehicle, if its engine is more powerful).

If auto insurance is carried out by entering a new driver in valid insurance(in the column “approved for management”), then the office of the company can be visited by both the insured himself and the future owner of the vehicle.

The entire responsibility for the way of using their insurance rights lies with the policyholder. Choose the best option for your situation.

Policy Mandatory health insurance is a system that allows you to receive most medical services for free in any region. It works as follows: every month, everyone who works in the Russian Federation makes contributions to the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund. These funds go to insurance medical organizations operating in CHI system. And already they pay for the work of employees of polyclinics, hospitals, dispensaries and other medical organizations - according to the number of patients served and the services provided to them.

In order to receive medical services free of charge, you must confirm that you are in the CHI system. This can be done by presenting the CHI policy.

"> compulsory health insurance (CHI) - a document confirming your right to free medical care in public medical institutions throughout Russia.

2. How to apply for an OMS policy?

To apply for an OMS policy, you will need:

  • passport or temporary identity card if you are changing it;
  • insurance number of an individual personal account (SNILS).

If you are taking out a policy for a child, you will need:

  • application (to be completed at the reception);
  • birth certificate of the child;
  • a document confirming that you can represent the interests of the child: your passport, an act of the guardianship and guardianship authority on the appointment of a guardian or trustee, a court decision, and so on;
  • SNILS of the child (for children under 14 years old - if available, for children over 14 years old - mandatory).

If the documents will be submitted by your representative, for registration you will additionally need:

  • representative's passport or temporary identity card, if he changes it;
  • power of attorney for insurance in the selected organization.

MHI policy can also be issued To apply for a CHI policy, a foreigner will need:

  • application (to be completed at the reception);
  • passport foreign citizen or other document recognized in Russian Federation identity card of a foreign citizen in accordance with international treaty;
  • a residence permit for permanent residents of Russia or a mark on a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation in a foreign citizen's passport or other identification document for temporary residents of Russia;
  • SNILS (if available).
">foreign citizens, To apply for a CHI policy, a stateless person will need:
  • application (to be completed at the reception);
  • a document recognized in the Russian Federation as identification of a stateless person in accordance with an international treaty, or a document issued in the Russian Federation to a stateless person who does not have identification documents;
  • a residence permit for permanent residents of Russia or a mark on a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation in an identity document for temporary residents of Russia;
  • SNILS (if available).
">stateless persons
And To apply for a CHI policy, a refugee will need:
  • application (to be completed at the reception);
  • one of the following documents: a refugee certificate, a certificate of consideration of an application for recognition as a refugee, a copy of the complaint against the decision to deprive the refugee status to the Federal Migration Service with a note of acceptance for consideration, a certificate of temporary asylum on the territory of the Russian Federation.

You can submit documents to an insurance medical organization from the register of the Moscow City Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund. Citizens of the Russian Federation registered in Moscow (both adults and children) who have never previously received a CHI policy can apply for a policy both at an insurance company and at any center of public services, regardless of the area of ​​registration.

Please note: Before the child's birth is registered and for 30 days thereafter, the child's health insurance is provided by the same insurance company that insured the child's mother or other legal representative. After this period, one of the parents or other legal representative may choose another insurance company for the child.

The compulsory medical insurance policy will be ready within 30 working days after the registration of the application and the documents submitted by you. At this time, on the day of the application, you will be given temporary policy, which you can use as usual.

3. How to change or restore the CHI policy?

If you are satisfied with your insurance company, you need to change the CHI policy or issue a duplicate of it in cases where:

  • you changed your place of residence, full name or other data in your identity document - within a month;
  • you have discovered an inaccuracy in the personal data specified in the document;
  • you have a policy CHI of the old sample (green A4 sheet or plastic card), and you want a new type of document (a blue A5 sheet or a three-color plastic card);
  • you have damaged or lost the CHI policy.

To replace or obtain a duplicate policy, you will need the same documents as for initial clearance. If your personal data, place of residence has changed, or inaccuracies have been found in the issued CHI policy, you will also need documents confirming this.

You need to contact your insurance company. IN

  • when a duplicate policy is needed - provided that the previous policy was a new model and issued in Moscow;
  • when you need to replace the old-style MHI policy with a new-style policy - provided that old policy was issued in Moscow and after that your personal data did not change;
  • when you need to replace the CHI policy due to a change in personal data: last name, first name, address of residence - provided that you have a new policy and it was issued in Moscow.
  • ">some cases you can also apply to any center in the city, regardless of the place of registration.

    If you want to change the insurer, you need to apply for a new policy in the organization you like. But pay attention to general rule You can change the insurance company no more than once a year. If you have changed your place of residence or your insurance company has ceased operations - as often as possible. At the same time, from November 1 to December 31, applications for changing the insurance company are not accepted.

    Within 30 days after the registration of the application and documents submitted by you, you will be issued a CHI policy of a new sample (old-style policies are no longer issued). During this time, you will be given a temporary policy, which you can use as usual.

    4. Can I apply for an OMS policy online?

    Documents for issuing (replacing, restoring) a CHI policy online can be submitted by adult users of the Official website of the Mayor of Moscow website, who have a full (confirmed) account, who have personal account specified by SNILS.

    To apply for (replace, restore) an MHI policy online, you will need:

    • scanned copy of an identity document;
    • Black and white photo 320x400 pixels, up to 5 MB in format: JPG, JPEG, JPE.">photo(when ordering a CHI policy in the form plastic card with electronic media)
    • Scanned copy of the signature in black and white, size 160x736 pixels, up to 5 MB in size: JPG, JPEG, JPE. The size of a handwritten signature should not exceed 10x46 mm.">Scanned copy of the signature(when ordering a CHI policy in the form of a plastic card with an electronic carrier);
    • CHI policy number (if any).

    After you submit the documents, a temporary certificate will be available for you to download in your personal account. The CHI policy itself will be ready within 30 days after registration of the submitted documents. You can get it at your chosen point of issuing policies of an insurance medical organization or at the center of public services (depending on which method of receipt you indicate when submitting documents).

    5. How can I check if my CHI policy is valid?

    6. What medical services can be obtained free of charge under the CHI policy?

    Under the CHI policy throughout Russia (regardless of where it is issued), you can receive free Medical services find themselves in medical organizations involved in the implementation territorial programs Compulsory medical insurance, in the amount established by the basic program of compulsory medical insurance.

    Any car owner who purchases a vehicle must issue an OSAGO policy. This is a compulsory civil liability insurance policy for vehicle owners. As follows from the definition, this document is one of the required ones. And to the fact that the driver is involved in the movement without the appropriate documents for the car. On average, it is issued for a period of about a year.

    But what should the driver do if he bought another car? Or sold yours to someone else? Is it possible to re-register OSAGO for another car, and how can this be done? In our article, we will tell you what can be done with the OSAGO policy after selling a car or buying another car.

    Renewal of insurance when buying and selling a car

    During the sale or purchase of a car, paper issues often arise, which are not always pleasant to solve. Recently, however, the process of re-registration of a car or initial registration has become quite simple. Only if you have one, then the question immediately arises of how to return the money for the remaining validity period and how best to deal with the policy.

    Of course, you can get a refund for the unused period of the insurance policy. There are several options. Below we will consider the most popular of them.

    Re-registration to the new owner of the car

    When the rights to the insured property are transferred to another person, in accordance with Art. 950 Civil Code The Russian Federation can draw up a contract for the transfer and obligations under the insurance contract. That is, an agreement is drawn up between the seller and the buyer, and the issue of compensation is resolved using a written compensation agreement.

    Moreover, it is advisable to notarize the compensation agreement, and after that contact the insurance company. Based on the above documents, the insurer will process the transfer of insurance obligations. At the same stage, you can check with the insurer the amount of compensation for the unused term of the OSAGO policy.

    When calculating the cost of OSAGO When reissuing, this also plays a role, because the insurance company will recalculate. If the new owner of the car has a higher MCV (more emergency driving), then he may need to give additional amount directly to the insurance company.

    Early termination of the insurance contract

    This method is resorted to quite often for the reason that many motorists themselves want. Therefore, it will be much easier and more pleasant for them to issue a new OSAGO policy in the desired company. There is no need to worry about compensation, because you have the right to receive it when early termination, If:

    • The owner of the car has changed by sale or donation;
    • The owner of the car has died;
    • The vehicle was stolen;
    • A complete recycling of the machine was made;
    • Entity, for which the policy is issued , has been eliminated.

    By submitting a valid reason document to your insurance company, you will receive compensation. It will be calculated according to the remaining unused term and the amount of insurance payments. Returns must be made within two weeks. Do not forget that insurance companies deduct a percentage for the provision of services from the amount of compensation (on average, about 20%).

    Transferring insurance to another vehicle

    Exactly It is almost impossible to renew an existing insurance contract for a new car. The fact is that the OSAGO policy is closely related to the technical characteristics of the car, starting from the power of the transport and ending with sending information to the PCA about VIN codes. The vast majority of insurance companies refuse to completely redo the current insurance policy, because it is almost impossible and much easier to issue a new one.

    What to do when selling by general power of attorney

    This way of selling a car cannot be called popular. In fact, the car will still be registered with the seller, and transport tax will be credited to him. Far from all buyers are ready to put up with this fact, because the car will still be owned by the previous owner.

    However, such sales are still being made. Most often they are directly related to the certified agreements of the parties. Since the car itself remains the property of the previous owner, it is not required to re-register it. The new owner must be included in the list of people who are allowed to drive the car.

    The transfer of performance of obligations under the insurance contract does not take place here, because you continue to own vehicle. However, entering a new driver who has the right to use the car is paid service. After contacting the insurance company, they will already be able to tell you what kind of additional payment for such an operation will be.