How to change an old-style oms policy to a new one. Replacing the OMS policy with a new model policy is not required for everyone and not urgently Reissuing a medical insurance policy

A multifunctional center is an organization whose main task is to provide citizens with high-quality, fast communications with government services. The institution acts as an intermediary and allows you to receive the necessary service in a simplified manner. With the help of the organization, you can perform many operations - from obtaining certificates, processing documents to providing financial assistance, connecting services. Many are wondering if it is possible to get compulsory medical insurance policy at the MFC? How to do it right, and what is needed for this?

This service is provided by multifunctional centers. Applicants need to send an appeal with the corresponding request.

Who can get a policy

A certificate that a person is insured and has the right to receive free medical care is issued in such cases:

  • when changing the personal data of applicants or when there are inaccuracies in previously issued documents:
  • if there is a need to restore a lost, damaged policy (a duplicate is issued);
  • at initial registration(including newborns).

CHI certificates are issued to citizens of the Russian Federation, and do not have deadlines for limiting actions. If the forms are paper, then there is no need to change them to electronic ones. In many government bodies Russia does not yet have the opportunity to receive in the form of plastic cards, due to the lack of technical capabilities for their design.

Important information. If citizens need assistance of a reference nature (in the multifunctional center they unreasonably demanded additional certificates, a refusal was received to issue, difficult cases and so on), on the official website of the MFC it is proposed to use the services of lawyers. The consultation is free.

All citizens have the right to receive certificates. Regardless of gender, social status, income levels, age. The procedure is simple:

  1. The first step is to get on the waiting list at the local government office. This can be done through the official website of the organization, by filling out an online questionnaire, or by calling.
  2. Civil service employees will appoint the day and time of the reception.
  3. On the appointed day, you need to check with the specialists which window to contact.
  4. Fill out the application form and submit the documentation package.
  5. Employee public service issued temporary policy with receipt.
  6. On specified number phone receives an SMS notification that the document has been issued.
  7. The final step is getting insurance policy at the multifunctional center on the appointed date.

It is important to know! In some MFCs, it is not possible to issue a certificate. Since they do not cooperate with insurance organizations, which means they cannot send requests to them. It is recommended to clarify in advance whether such services are provided in the selected institution or not. It is also recommended to clarify in advance whether it is possible to change the policy at the MFC to which the applicant applies.

Who can apply

The following categories of citizens of Russia have the right to receive:

  • a person who has reached the age of majority;
  • child - from birth to 18 years of age;
  • a refugee who has received official status under an article of the law.

Information. For refugees, the validity of certificates is limited - from the date of issue until the end of the calendar year. Policies on the basis of a multifunctional center are not issued to stateless persons and foreigners.

Terms of registration and how much you have to pay

According to the law Russian Federation, no state institution has the right to take state duties. Therefore, you will not have to pay for anything, neither during the initial receipt, nor during the second one. At the request of a citizen, you can pay for some additional services that facilitate the registration process.

There are no exact deadlines for issuing a certificate. Each center is different. But no more than 30 working days from the moment the applicant applied. Sometimes the terms increase if certificates are redirected to other departments. There is no need to file a complaint, a citizen has a temporary document for this period.

To obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy, you will need to present the following papers:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or an identity card (certificate of release, military ID, driver's license);
  • an application drawn up in accordance with the established sample form;
  • SNILS (certificate of pension insurance).

If the certificate is issued for a child under the age of 14, a birth document is presented. Refugees must submit a certificate of status.

Reference. Sometimes the issuance of a certificate of insurance may be denied. Reasons: fake certificates, incorrectly specified information in the questionnaire, the deadlines for documents have expired, an incomplete package of documents has been submitted.

Replacing the CHI policy at the MFC - features of the procedure

The need to replace a document with a new one arises quite often. The reasons for this are various:

  1. Loss of a document.
  2. Citizens are dissatisfied with the work of insurance agents.
  3. Information in the passport has changed (for example, a change of surname).
  4. When moving to a new place of residence.

Any resident of the Russian Federation who officially has citizenship falls under the program compulsory insurance health and can get medical services with an OMS policy. Today, both old and new documents are considered valid, however, replacing the CHI policy with a new document is a necessary procedure that should be carried out so that there are no problems with obtaining medical assistance in the future. What is the procedure and procedure for replacing the CHI policy with a new one? How and where can a document be replaced? What complete list required documents for this procedure? We will answer these questions in this article.

Types of insurance documents

In 2017, Russian citizens use several types of insurance medical policy Compulsory medical insurance, namely a paper form of the established form of A5 size, a plastic card that contains basic information on the front side (the card is issued together with a paper policy), as well as an electronic universal card that contains all the data about the owner and is read using electronic magnetic scanners . Such a card is more convenient to store and keep with you, it is accepted in several states.

Compared to a paper document, a policy issued in the form of a standard plastic card or UEC, has a number of advantages: it is more durable, strong, has a compact size, so you can take it with you and always keep it in your wallet or passport. A paper document is more relevant in regions of the country where there is no equipment for reading data from a plastic card, and employees of a medical institution are forced to transfer information to the database manually.

How long is the policy valid?

Compulsory medical insurance policies in the hands of citizens of the Russian Federation have different validity periods. Paper forms are issued for 1-5 years, and the exact date of expiration of relevance can be found on the sheet itself. Modern electronic cards and UEC do not have an expiration date and are issued for an unlimited period of time. Replacement of such a document will be required only in case of a change in passport data, loss or severe damage to the card. Issued old-style policies are considered valid even after the expiration date, however, in order to avoid problems, it is better to get a new one.

Replacement procedure

If the insured person does not plan to change insurance company, the replacement procedure is extremely simple. To do this, contact the insurance organization, which issued an old-style policy, providing the policy itself, an identity card and a pension certificate. According to the law, the change of the document is free of charge. If the need to replace the document coincided with a change in any data, you must also take with you papers confirming this fact (for example, a certificate of change of name / surname). The insurance company will need to fill out an application and submit it together with the old policy, instead receiving a temporary certificate, the validity of which varies from 1 to 1.5 months. When the new card is ready, you will need to visit the company again and obtain a permanent type compulsory medical insurance policy.

If you intend to change the insurance company, you should choose a suitable organization and apply there with the same set of documents. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the change of the insurance company is possible once a year and is carried out until November 1. Therefore, you must apply for a replacement no later than this date. To obtain a new sample document, you will need to perform the following steps:

  1. Choose the right insurance company. At the same time, you can focus on both personal factors (proximity to the office of the organization, opening hours, etc.), and preferences in choosing a clinic where the service will be carried out - you can find out about this at the information stand or the official website of the institution.
  2. Prepare a package of documents: if the policy needs to be changed for an adult, you will need to take an old document, passport, SNILS; when replacing a policy by a person under the age of 14, you will need to take a birth certificate instead of a passport.
  3. Visit the insurance company and fill out an application for a replacement document.
  4. Get a temporary certificate. You can find out about the readiness of a permanent policy by calling or using the online service of the insurance company.

It is worth noting that, although clinics and hospitals may have preferences in choosing an insurance company, they are obliged to provide assistance to the holder of any policy, regardless of which organization issued the documents to him. Denial of service based on the wrong choice of insurance company will be illegal.

Do I need to change the new policy?

The insurance policy of the new model is termless, but in some cases (replacement of full name, place of permanent residence, correction of incorrectly specified data, etc., as well as damage or loss), it will need to be replaced. To do this, you must contact the old or new insurance company and fill out a questionnaire indicating the reason for issuing a new policy (certificates or other legal documents confirming this reason must be attached to the application). If the insurance policy has been lost, the account number in the company is attached to the application, but if the document is in hand, it is handed over along with the questionnaire. At the end of the verification period and after the issuance of the policy, the client must personally come to the insurance company and, having made sure that the specified data is correct, receive a ready-made card.

Initially, a new type of policy is issued to children and adolescents under the age of 14, as well as to persons who have arrived in the Russian Federation from another state for permanent residence. In the first case, the relatives of the insured person submit documents to the company - they need to provide a birth certificate, SNILS, a passport or other identification of the parent who submits the documents. The passport of the person who applies for a minor (guardian, parent) must contain information about this person. In the second case, you will need to present a refugee document and an identity card. If an official pension program is supported in the country where the citizen came from, it is also necessary to present SNILS or its equivalent.

Replacing the CHI policy with a new policy: urgently or not urgently, is it possible to use the old document, in what cases is re-issuance required and what needs to be done

All Russians are entitled to free medical services subject to a special insurance contract. This right is guaranteed by health insurance, but to use the help of doctors for free, the patient must have a policy.

Some time ago, the program changed, and now the CHI policy is being replaced with a new model policy. Next, we will clarify the most important issues regarding this process, and tell you what is required of each of us.

Is it necessary to replace the MHI policy with a new model policy?

The news that appeared in October that the service of issuing and replacing the CHI policy with a new policy will be suspended until 2019 caused a great stir among ordinary citizens.

People were afraid of problems with getting medical help and rushed to urgently change outdated papers and cards.

However, the MHIF explained that the policies are valid without time limits and with old cards you can easily use the free services of polyclinics and other medical institutions.

The replacement of old samples is carried out in a planned manner, but so far it is voluntary. A person can continue to be treated under the old contract, or he can renew it and receive a new type of medical insurance, but from January 2019 it will not be available.

As it became known from the explanation of the MHIF, only those who are dissatisfied with the work of their insurance company and would like to change it were offered to replace the compulsory medical insurance policy until November 1. This can be done annually, but not more than once.

Anyone wishing to use the services of another company is invited to study the list of insurers, which can be found on specialized websites, and choose a more reliable option with a good reputation among insurers.

Clarification of the MHIF on replacing the old compulsory health insurance policy with a new one

Change of registration

Since many are interested in whether it is necessary to change the MHI policy to a new type policy after changing the place of registration, we will clarify this issue as well. According to the current legislation, issued before 2011 insurance documents will be valid for an unlimited period of time - until the immediate replacement.

However, if personal information is changed, they will be considered invalid. If you have changed your last name, first name, place of residence, you will also have to reissue the insurance contract, otherwise you may be denied medical services.

As a rule, doctors do not refuse help, especially when it comes to emergency situations. However, the law must be respected, and the insurance must be amended.

This does not apply to cases when a person temporarily changes his place of residence, leaving for a long vacation, business trip. Mandatory re-registration is required only when moving to another house and changing the permanent residence permit.

Types of documents confirming insurance

Currently, any insured citizen may have one of the following insurance documents:

  1. paper policy - a blue A5 form;
  2. plastic card - contains a chip with information about the owner;
  3. UEC - information about insurance is included in the universal card.

Until 2017, the UEC was considered mandatory and made it possible to receive various public services. It could be used as bank card, travel ticket, medical policy. Those who have received such a card may continue to use it as proof of compulsory medical insurance.

Since 2017, universal cards are no longer issued, so there are only 2 options for a medical policy that Russians can get. Of these, preference is given to the traditional paper version, since some clinics have not yet developed a special technique for scanning electronic cards.

Although many note that the plastic version is much more convenient and durable.

What changed

The replacement of the MHI policy with a new model policy is understood as only one innovation. The form used since 2011 will be updated. Most insurers issued them for a period up to 2014. Now the validity period has already ended, so it's time to change them, which is planned by the MHIF.

As for plastic cards, they have been issued for 4 years already, starting from 2014. They are unlimited and cannot be changed. If the owners have not changed their personal data, then it is not necessary to change the card.

Validity periods

Since there are different types of insurance documents, many again may have questions about whether it is necessary to change the CHI policy to a new model policy and whether it should be done immediately. We have already answered these questions But still, we will clarify the periods of validity of insurance:

  • Old insurance contracts were drawn up with a specific period. The form shows the end date of the contract. After finishing insurance period it is necessary to draw up another policy, although medical services will still be provided in the same volume and without reissuance.
  • Contracts of the new sample do not have an expiration date. An exception can only be the situation when it is necessary to replace personal data in the contract (moving, marriage, and others).

It is in the interests of every citizen to choose a suitable insurer and sign a new contract with him if the previous one has ended or any information about the identity of the insured has changed. Replacement of the MHI insurance policy with a new model policy is free of charge.

Replacement process

If your medical insurance still valid, there is no point in rushing to exchange it. However, if it is necessary to re-register, for example, if there is a desire to change the provider insurance services company, you need to know how to do it.

Follow our instructions and the whole process will not take you much time:

  • Choose an insurer. Read reviews and learn more about the company's reputation. If the previous experience suits you, you can contact the company that concluded the first contract with you.
  • Write an application, indicate the reason for the re-registration.
  • Present your passport.
  • For the first 30 days, you can receive services on a temporary certificate, which you will receive from your insurer. It is equivalent to a policy, accepted by all medical institutions.
  • Get ready-made insurance in a month, check on the spot all the information indicated there.

In the near future, it is planned to provide Russians with the opportunity to issue CHI on the portal of public services. While this feature is being tested in St. Petersburg, it will soon be available to residents of other cities.

Documents for registration

To replace the policy, you will need:

  • your national passport,
  • statement,
  • SNILS,
  • old form or card, if they have survived,
  • birth certificate, if the insurance is for a child, and the passport of an adult applicant.

When applying for compulsory medical insurance for a child under 14 years old, SNILS is not required. If this is not a close relative, then a power of attorney in his name from the legal representative of the child is required.

Processing time

The finished policy can be received within 10-15 days. If you take out insurance at the MFC, be prepared for an increase in the period of receipt, since it will be sent by mail.

But even with a high workload of the insurer and mail, this period will not exceed 30 days - the period when a person can use a temporary certificate to receive medical services.

Need for replacement

Renewal of medical insurance will be necessary for those who:

  • lost, spoiled a valid document;
  • changed the name, patronymic, surname;
  • changed the place of permanent residence;
  • changed passport;
  • decided to change the insurer;
  • Found a typo in the documentation.

You must notify the insurer of these changes within 1 month. You will be issued a free CHI policy of a new sample, the replacement period is 10 days.

Let's summarize all of the above. So, you can still use your old health insurance until it runs out. If it has an expiration date on it, then it is in your best interest to update it to avoid misunderstandings with medical professionals.

In case of any change in your data, you are obliged to notify the insurer and issue new policy. This is done free of charge within 10-30 days. For the period while the document is being prepared, you will be issued a temporary certificate.

It has the same validity and is unconditionally accepted by any institution as medical insurance for receiving free services.

From August 1 in Moscow, the exchange of CHI policies for new ones began plastic cards. Vladimir Zelensky, director of the Moscow City Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund (MGFOMS), told Evgeny Saltykov in an exclusive interview with Vestei.Ru columnist Evgeny Saltykov about why this was required, how long the old policies will be valid and where to get new ones.

- Tell me, why did you need to change policies at all? What is wrong with the existing ones?

There are several reasons why this should have been done and why now. The first is not a very convenient format for the current paper policy. It cannot be folded, because the barcode is located at the folds and cannot be laminated, because the data on the insurance company is entered on the back. In this regard, we have accumulated a fairly large request from society. People change their surnames, passports, but do not report this to the insurance company, because, in such a case, they would have to change the old convenient policy in the form of a green plastic card for a new paper one.

- And why, then, did they initially change comfortable plastic for uncomfortable paper?

The green plastic policy was a purely Moscow-based product that had existed since 1998. After that, in 2011, throughout Russia they began to issue a paper policy of a single federal sample. But out of the 12 million insured under compulsory medical insurance in Moscow, more than 7 million still have old green plastic cards in their hands. During this time, many data has changed, but, as I said, not everyone began to report these changes. Meanwhile, the law on compulsory medical insurance stipulates the obligation of citizens to notify their insurance company within 30 days of changes in their data, such as a change in surname, place of residence or passport. But the citizens of this duty, for the above reasons, neglected. Because of this, we began to face a large number of problems - it became difficult to find people in the registers of insurance companies, and feedback with the insured was difficult. And this, perhaps, was the main reason for the need to replace policies.

- What are the main differences between the old and new CHI policies?

The new policy has a chip that stores all the necessary information about the insured - full name, date of birth, insurance region, insurance company. This information can be read using readers, which will be equipped with all medical institutions. The back of the policy contains additional information, including a photograph and a personal signature. Thus, when presenting a new policy, it will not be necessary to provide additional documents to identify a citizen, which is necessary when applying for medical care outside the home region. The presence of a photograph will also be useful in conditions of loss of consciousness - if a person has a policy with him, it will be easy to establish his identity.

- Is the replacement of a new policy a mandatory procedure? How long will the old MHI policies be valid?

The replacement is not mandatory. The law states that old policies are valid as long as they are on hand. Accordingly, both paper policies and green plastic cards continue to be valid, provided that their owners have not changed personal data.

What do you need to change old policy OMS for a new one?

Go to the insurance company and write a statement. Within 30 working days, you will be issued a new policy.

- Only Muscovites will be able to get it, or will nonresident citizens living in the capital have such an opportunity?

- If a person lives and works in Moscow, but does not have a residence permit or registration here, then he, like the rest, can insure himself in Moscow. Accordingly, attach to the clinic and have access to a doctor's appointment via the Internet or in infomats.

In two years, they plan to issue a Universal Electronic Card (UEC) throughout the country, which will immediately replace both the role of an identifier and a payment card. Maybe it was worth waiting for the launch of this all-Russian project and "sewn up" in the UEC also the CHI policy? Or has the need for a new policy really become urgent?

The current version of the law on CHI provides for two types of policies: paper and electronic. Moreover, the electronic one can be either the one that we are now starting to issue, or in the form of an application on the Universal electronic map. For several years of its existence, the UEC has not become a mass product. The problems that we talked about cannot be solved with its help. That is why we decided to launch a new product now.

What do you need to apply for a policy for a newborn?

To apply for a policy for a newborn, you must provide:

Birth certificate;

Identification document of the legal representative of the child;

SNILS (if available).

If the child is a foreign citizen, then the above list of documents will also require a temporary residence permit (TRP) or a residence permit for the child.

Can I replace my grandmother's CHI policy without her presence? What is needed for this?

Yes, you can order CHI policies for your loved ones. It is necessary to apply to MEDSTRAKH with a passport and SNILS grandmother. In addition, you need to provide a power of attorney from her in a simple written form or and your passport.

Lost insurance policy of a new sample. How many days will it take to recover? Is a temporary policy issued before a new one is issued?

When contacting MEDSTRAH regarding the loss of a compulsory health insurance policy, you will receive a temporary certificate that completely replaces the policy at the time of its production. The duplicate policy will be ready in 45 business days. The policy number is saved. When applying, you must have your passport and SNILS with you.

Do I need to change my policy when changing jobs? Previously worked in Moscow, now I work in the Moscow region, is it registered in the Moscow region? I received the policy in 2013.

If you have changed jobs, but have not changed your address of actual residence and clinic, then you do not need to re-register the policy. If you change your place of residence, you must contact the insurance company that operates in this region. Since you have a policy of a single sample, you do not need to change it. On the back of the policy, the seal of the insurance organization on re-registration will be affixed, and the information about the owner of the policy will be entered into the compulsory medical insurance database.

Do I have to change my old MEDINSURANCE policy? For how long is it valid?

Since May 01, 2011, new single-form CHI policies have been introduced federal law dated November 29, 2010 N 326-FZ. Policies of the old model are valid until they are replaced by policies of the new model. For citizens of the Russian Federation, the validity period of the policy is not limited.

In the clinic where I applied, the barcode of my policy is not readable in the infomat. I can't make an appointment with the doctor. What to do?

If your policy of a single sample is not readable by the terminal, and you cannot make an appointment with a doctor, then you need to contact the reception or the clinic staff. Also, you need to check the validity of your policy by contacting the contact center number of your insurance company.

My mother, a citizen of Ukraine, who is 76 years old, has a temporary residence permit. The issue of issuing a residence permit is being resolved. She is registered in Moscow. Can she receive free medical care at the clinic at the place of registration?

Federal Law No. 326-FZ of November 29, 2010 establishes that foreign citizens temporarily residing in the Russian Federation (having a temporary residence permit) are entitled to compulsory medical insurance. To apply for a policy, you must provide a passport to MEDSTRAH foreign citizen or another document proving the identity of a foreign citizen, with a mark on a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation. According to the CHI Rules, a paper policy is issued with a validity period until the end of the calendar year, but not more than the validity period of the temporary residence permit.

To issue a policy by the representative of the insured person, it is necessary to provide the insurance company with the original documents, the representative's passport and a power of attorney.

I have a 1995 policy. Is it still valid?

CHI policies are valid until they are replaced by policies of a single sample.

I live in Golyanovo, I have an old policy issued by MEDSTRAKH. Can I change the policy only in your company? How are insurance companies different?

You can change your CHI policy at any insurance company. Contact the selected company with a passport and SNILS card. The tasks of insurance companies are to protect the rights and interests of the insured upon receipt medical care. We recommend paying attention to the experience of the company and the availability of qualified experts in the company's staff.

Can I apply for a policy for my husband if I have a photocopy of his passport?

You can apply to MEDSTRAKH to apply for a CHI policy in the name of your husband. When applying, you must have your passport, a simple written power of attorney from your husband, a passport or a certified copy of your husband's passport, a SNILS card.

Do I need to exchange the MGFOMS card issued before May 1, 2011? If so, what is the exchange procedure?

Compulsory medical insurance policies issued before May 1, 2011 should preferably be replaced with uniform policies. To replace the policy, you must contact MEDSTRAH with a passport and SNILS.

What documents are needed to obtain a Moscow compulsory medical insurance policy, if the permanent residence permit is in the Nizhny Novgorod region, but I live and work in Moscow?

From May 1, 2011, any citizen of the Russian Federation once a year can choose an insurance company himself. To obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy at the place of actual residence, you need to choose an insurance company and apply personally to one of its offices. You must have a passport and SNILS with you.

I have your CHI policy. I got married and changed my last name, do I need to order a new policy?

When changing the surname, you need to get a new CHI policy. If before that you had a policy of a single sample, then its number will not change.

To replace the policy, contact MEDSTRAH in person. Indicate the reason for "change of full name" and the policy number that you have on hand.

I lost my insurance policy, how can I restore it?

You need to contact the insurance company. You need to have a passport and SNILS with you.

My mother lives with me, who is not registered in Moscow, can I get a policy for her and what documents I need to take with me.

The absence of registration at the place of permanent residence cannot serve as an obstacle to obtaining a compulsory medical insurance policy. You can apply for a CHI policy in the name of your mother in our insurance company. To apply for a CHI policy, you need to have your passport, mother's passport, power of attorney and SNILS with you.

Can I get a policy for a relative who now lives in the country and cannot pick it up?

You can get a policy for a relative. You need to have passports, a power of attorney and a temporary certificate with you.