What is the validity period of the MHI policy of the old and new sample? CHI old-style: what it is and whether it needs to be changed How much is a medical policy issued.

Get a policy Replace [restore]

Reasons for replacing, restoring the CHI policy:

  • when changing the last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, place of birth, insured person;
  • establishing inaccuracies or erroneous information;
  • dilapidation and unsuitability of the policy for further use;
  • loss of the policy.

draw your attention to that in the event of a change of residence (another region) or the choice of another insurance company, the policy cannot be replaced, and the insurance company is stamped on the back of the paper form or changes are made to electronic policy CHI, with PIN and PUK codes.

To replace (restore) a compulsory health insurance policy:

To get a compulsory health insurance policy:

To whom will the compulsory policy be issued? health insurance?

To myself To another person

Documents for registration compulsory medical insurance policy. Select your population category:

Adult citizens of the Russian Federation (except for military personnel and those equivalent to them)

    1. Birth certificate

    3. SNILS - certificate of compulsory pension insurance for a child (if any).

    1. Identity document (passport of a citizen Russian Federation, a temporary identity card of a citizen of the Russian Federation, issued for the period of issuing a passport)

    2. Identity document of the legal representative of the child

    3. SNILS - certificate of compulsory pension insurance for a child

    1. A certificate of a refugee or a certificate of consideration of an application for recognition as a refugee on the merits, or a certificate from the Federal Migration Service on the acceptance of a complaint against a decision to deprive refugee status or a certificate of temporary asylum in the territory of the Russian Federation

    2. Residence permit

    1. Passport of a foreign citizen or other document established by federal law or recognized in accordance with international treaty of the Russian Federation as an identity document of a foreign citizen with a mark on a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation

    1. A document recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as a document proving the identity of a stateless person

    2. Residence permit

    3. SNILS - certificate of compulsory pension insurance (if any)

    1. A document recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as an identity document of a stateless person, with a mark on a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation

    2. SNILS - certificate of compulsory pension insurance (if any)

    1. Passport of a foreign citizen or other document established by federal law or recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as a document proving the identity of a foreign citizen

    2. SNILS - certificate of compulsory pension insurance

    3. Employment contract of a working state - a member of the EAEU

    4. A tear-off part of the form of notification of the arrival of a foreign citizen or stateless person at the place of stay or a copy of it indicating the place and duration of stay

    1. Passport of a foreign citizen or other document established by federal law or recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as a document proving the identity of a foreign citizen

    2. SNILS - certificate of compulsory pension insurance

    3. A document confirming the relationship of a person to the category of officials, employees of the EAEU bodies

    Power of attorney and identity document of the representative. To issue a CHI policy for minors, a power of attorney from a legal representative is required.

Where to get an OMS policy

To issue or reissue (replace) the CHI policy, you must personally or through a representative contact. RESO-Med has a large number of points for issuing policies, which makes it possible to choose a convenient location and reduce the time to receive a document. You can choose an office by or by calling the company's Contact Center at 8 800 200-92-04.

CHI policy of a single sample

CHI policy is a document confirming the right of a citizen to receive free medical care(services) in the scope of the basic program of compulsory medical insurance throughout the Russian Federation and the territorial program of compulsory medical insurance in the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation in which the CHI policy was issued.

According to 326-FZ, the production of CHI policies of a single sample is organized by the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, and their issuance to insured persons is carried out by insurance medical organizations (CMOs) in the manner established by the Rules of Compulsory Medical Insurance.

CHI policy or, as it is often called, " medical policy is needed for more than just medical care. Often, a medical policy or a copy of it is asked to be provided when placing a child in kindergarten or school, when applying for a job, as a rule, organizers of various sports competitions are asked to present the CHI policy.

As for cases of applying for medical assistance, the presentation of a compulsory medical insurance policy is the obligation of the insured person, established by federal law (except in cases of emergency assistance).

Replacing a policy of a new sample or reissuing it is required only when changing the last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, place of birth, the insured person, establishing the inaccuracy or erroneousness of the information contained in the policy, dilapidation and unsuitability of the policy for further use, loss of the policy. The insured is obliged to notify his insurance company on changing the last name, first name, patronymic, place of residence, data of an identity document.

With an application for the surrender (loss) of the policy, the following documents are presented to military personnel:

1) identity document (passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, temporary identity card of a citizen of the Russian Federation, issued for the period of issuing a passport);

3) policy (submitted only upon delivery of the policy).

With compulsory health insurance, each citizen can be insured with only one insurance medical organization and have only one CHI policy.

Compulsory health insurance (abbreviated as CHI) is a document or, more globally, a system that provides for the possibility for a patient to receive free medical care. At the same time, both citizens of the Russian Federation and persons residing in the country without Russian citizenship have the right to own the document: stateless persons, refugees, temporary migrants (for example, workers), as well as employees of the Eurasian Economic Union. Consider what the CHI of the new sample is, its differences from the old one and how to get it.

What is a CHI insurance card of a new sample

The release of the amended insurance policy became known back in the spring of 2011, but the updated certificate continues to raise questions even now.

A plastic CHI policy of a single sample is an improved version of the paper version with a number of advantages.

It is important to stipulate that the owners of the new policy can count on the same services as before, so there should be no cause for concern. In order to avoid difficulties, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the rules for obtaining and operating the policy.

This is what a standard CHI policy of a new type looks like - it resembles a bank card.

What has changed in the CHI of the new sample

  1. The first thing that catches your eye is the shape and appearance. The blue A5 paper document was replaced by a bright miniature double-sided card.
  2. The material for making the certificate has become radically different.
  3. There was a chip with personal information about the patient.
  4. You can choose your own insurance company.

What are the benefits for the user of the new version of insurance

There are several obvious benefits new form CHI:

  1. Cards are in many ways superior to paper documents in terms of security. A chip with data, a photo and information about the owner of the CHI of a new type make it impossible for unauthorized persons to use the document.
  2. A durable card, unlike a paper counterpart, will not suffer from water ingress and will not wrinkle in a bag.
  3. The compact size makes it possible to carry the card in a purse or pocket.
  4. The ability to choose an insurer also saves the client from many problems.

Replacement is free, so you don't have to worry about finances either.

What does the current OMS look like?

As already mentioned, the card is double-sided. It is three-colored: one side is made in different shades of blue, the other is “decorated” in the colors of the Russian flag - white, blue and red.

In the center of the upper part of the front side, it is indicated that this card is a "compulsory health insurance policy". The red-and-yellow national emblem is depicted on the left, below it is a golden chip with encrypted data. The compulsory health insurance logo and company name are on the right. Many are interested in: where is the policy number of the new CHI. So, 16 digits from the bottom are the document number.

In the upper left part on the opposite side is indicated contact number federal fund for mandatory medical insurance. Immediately below it is the owner's electronic signature, his image, last name, first name and patronymic, as well as a hologram serving as proof of the insurance certificate's authenticity. On the right (from bottom to top) are the date of birth of the owner, his gender, as well as the validity period of the certificate.

Why get a new document

A certificate of a new type is worth getting in order to keep up with the times: to be the owner of a compact card instead of a paper, easily wrinkled and water-resistant document with erasable information.

A new CHI policy made of plastic: it is comfortable to wear, it does not wrinkle, does not get dirty, does not get wet.

Are you required to change your certificate?

In the fall of 2018, rumors began to appear that after November the old document would be invalid. It is not true. If you do not want to change the policy to a single sample, or for some reason have not done so yet, then you have the right to use a paper certificate. This is stated in the Federal Law of the Russian Federation. In 2018, a warning was received that until January 2019 it would be impossible to change the insurance company.

Despite the fact that the information is no longer relevant, it is important to understand that you can, but are not required to change the form of compulsory medical insurance.

What you need to do to get new insurance

When applying for insurance for a citizen of the Russian Federation under the age of 18, you must have:

  • the child's birth certificate or passport if they reach the age of 14;
  • insurance number of an individual personal account (SNILS);
  • passport of one parent or guardian.

Important! Newborn children are required to provide services under the policy of the mother.

Adults need to carry only 2 documents:

  • own passport;
  • SNILS.

If you are going to issue CHI for another adult or someone else's child, you will also need a power of attorney.

It is important for refugees to provide evidence confirming this fact.

Stateless persons or citizens of another state will need an identity card, a residence permit or a certificate allowing them to live in the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as, if available, SNILS.

EAEU employees will need a passport, SNILS and an employment contract.

It is advisable to have with you not only originals, but also copies of documents.

It is very easy to get a new type of OMS.

Steps to get a card

  1. Providing documents, photographs and signatures.
  2. Writing an application.
  3. Obtaining a temporary certificate (calculated for a month and 15 days).
  4. Getting a permanent document.

Usually, a permanent policy card is ready after a month.

Where can I get a CHI of a new sample

To replace or issue a document, you need to contact the insurance company or government agency that provides this service. The choice is large, but "Rosno MS" (Now " LLC VTB MS") is clearly a leader.

It is impossible to obtain a new type of CHI policy through the State Services, however, on the portal you can find information about the institutions that deal with this.

If you are interested in registration of CHI online, you will need to choose an insurance company and act in accordance with the requirements specified on the site.

In January, the media reported that the compulsory health insurance policies from January 1, 2014 are no longer valid and they need to be changed. AiF.ru found out if this is so.

Are CHI policies really no longer valid?

In fact, the old samples of CHI policies are valid in 2014, there is no need to urgently replace them. Replacement of policies CHI of the old sample to new-style policies takes place in stages, there are no restrictions on the timing of their replacement. hurry to get new policy needed if:

The old policy has a mark - valid until January 1, 2011;
- you changed your last name, for example, when you got married;
- wish to be served by another insurance company (you can change the insurer once a year).

According to Federal Law 326-FZ "On Compulsory Medical Insurance in the Russian Federation", CHI policies issued before January 1, 2011 are valid throughout the Russian Federation. “All old-style policies continue to operate in 2014, and the policies will provide exactly the same medical care as in 2013,” said the head Federal Fund compulsory health insurance (FOMS) Natalia Stadchenko.

Why do you need a replacement policy?

A new policy was introduced in order to exclude citizens from being denied medical care outside the subject of the Russian Federation where they are insured. The new policy allows the insured to receive free medical care in any region of the country, regardless of registration, as well as independently choose the institution and the attending physician.

The new CHI policy is the same for all insurance companies in the regions and contains an identification number for each insured. Previously, each insurance company had its own policy form, which had a certain size and color. It was not easy for a citizen who moved to another region to receive services in a medical facility in another city.

What does the new CHI policy look like?

A new CHI policy of a single sample can be obtained in one of three forms: in paper form, in the form plastic card or as part of a universal electronic card(UEC). When applying for a CHI policy, you must indicate in what form you wish to receive the policy.

What documents are required to obtain a CHI policy?

To obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy, you need to submit an application to a medical insurance organization, as well as the following documents or their certified copies:

Identification document of a citizen;
- insurance certificate of state pension insurance - SNILS (if any).

Upon receipt of a policy for children:

Birth certificate of the child;
- an identity document of the legal representative of the child;
- SNILS (if available).

On the day of filing the application, the insurance company issues a temporary certificate confirming the execution of the CHI policy. It is valid for 30 business days from the date of issue. Then a policy of a single sample is issued.

Where can I exchange an old-style CHI policy?

You can exchange an old-style CHI policy for a single-style document at any insurance company that deals with health insurance, as well as at the MFC.

Where to apply in case of refusal to receive medical care under the old CHI policy?

When applying for medical assistance, the insured persons are required to present a compulsory medical insurance policy, except in cases of emergency medical care. If you were denied medical assistance due to the expiration of the old policy, contact the administration of the medical institution (head doctor, deputy head doctor), as well as the medical insurance organization, the phone number of which is indicated on the CHI policy, or Territorial Fund compulsory health insurance.

In fact, the validity of old-style policies is not limited, medical care this policy should be provided.

From the beginning of this year, you can get help from doctors under a compulsory medical insurance policy (OMI) in any region, regardless of the place of permanent registration and receipt of the document.

This is provided for by the Law "On Compulsory Medical Insurance in the Russian Federation", which came into force on January 1. Recall that the document contains a number of innovations.

The first of them is the introduction of new type of insurance medical policies. No, right now you should not run to change old policies for new ones - they will be valid for several more years. The replacement will be made only if the person has chosen another insurance organization. And under the old policy, as well as under the new one, it will be possible to safely receive medical assistance in any region of the country if, for example, a person falls ill on a business trip or on vacation. By the way, changes in the work of insurance organizations (for example, the procedure for keeping records of the insured, the form standard contract and financial calculations of insurers and medical institutions, etc.) require adjustment regulatory framework. The corresponding government decree is published today " Russian newspaper"(See p. 17). Previously, the treatment of non-residents was complicated by the fact that mutual settlements between the territories where the patient was insured and where he suddenly needed a doctor occurred with great delays. And sometimes they were not made at all. The new law provides for clear rules and terms for mutual settlements - within 25 days and there should be no delay.

The second innovation is the human right to choose an insurance company, hospital and doctor. Now the insurance company is chosen by the employer or the head of the region. And patients are assigned to medical institutions, mainly on a territorial basis. Now everyone must decide on their own where to get a policy and who to treat. Experts argue that this will improve the quality of service. Insurers will have to open free hotlines, more carefully monitor that the medical examination and treatment of a person is of high quality. Services such as home delivery of a medical policy may appear. Doctors will also have to try, because now the funds will be transferred to the medical institution directly for the services rendered - the money will go for the patient.

True, it is still impossible to change the clinic or insurer more often than once a year, otherwise confusion may arise, including financial. And there is another nuance - the clinic or the doctor has the right to refuse to attach the patient due to the high workload.

But now you can choose not only a state, regional or municipal medical institution, but also a departmental or private one - if it enters CHI system. At the same time, there is no question of any additional payments from the patient for servicing them under the standard medical policy. A person can pay extra for an increased level of comfort in the ward, for transportation (if this is not necessary for medical reasons, but the person wanted to be taken home by car or vice versa to a medical facility), for individual care that is not related to medical indicators. Everything else should be free. This became possible thanks to the introduction of single-channel financing - previously, medical institutions were funded from several sources - through the compulsory health insurance system and budgets at all levels. According to the new rules, the tariff for the provision of medical care will be uniform and will take into account all costs - from the doctor's salary to the cost of heating in the office.

Citizens of Russia have the right to receive free medical care throughout the country, regardless of the place of registration and residence. This right is granted federal law"On Compulsory Medical Insurance in the Russian Federation", and guarantees his compulsory medical insurance policy. How to apply for a policy, what documents will be required and where it can be done in the Moscow region, read the material on the site.

Why do you need an OMS policy

Source: , press service of "RESO-MED"

If you have a policy, a citizen can seek help from a polyclinic, hospital, city treatment centers and a number of other medical organizations participating in the compulsory health insurance program. If a resident of the Moscow region received a policy in the region, then he will also be able to receive additional medical services who are not included in the state basic program - seek medical assistance for the treatment of tuberculosis, sexually transmitted diseases, mental and behavioral disorders, including those associated with the use of psychoactive substances.

A complete list of services to which an insured citizen is entitled can be found in the Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region “On the Moscow Regional Program state guarantees free provision of medical care to citizens. Such resolutions are published annually. You can see the documents.

How to get an OMS policy

Source: Photobank of the Moscow Region, Boris Chubatyuk

Obtaining an OMS policy is quite simple. To do this, you need to collect documents, choose an insurance company and submit an application. The policy is made 1 month, for this time the applicant is issued temporary policy where you can get all guaranteed services.

Required documents

To obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy, an adult resident of the Moscow Region will need to present a passport, an insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance (SNILS). To apply for a policy for a child under 14 years of age, you must submit a child's birth certificate, a passport of one of the parents (or legal representative, guardian) and SNILS. Foreign citizens must present an identity document with a mark on a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation.

Choosing an insurance company

After collecting all required documents you need to decide on the insurance medical organization (CMO). It is better to choose it at the place of residence, since in this case the policy makes it possible to receive services not only on the basic federal, but also on territorial program OMS.

Every year, several HMOs participate in the implementation of the Moscow Regional Compulsory Medical Insurance Program. Detailed information about insurance companies can be found on the website of the MHIF in the register of insurance companies section.

Where to Apply

You can apply for an OMF policy directly at the insurance company itself, the clinic to which the citizen is attached, and at the office of the MFC. In the latter, the service is provided only for children under 1.5 years old.

The procedure for applying for a compulsory medical insurance policy at an insurance company and a polyclinic can be clarified on the websites of institutions or by calling the numbers indicated in the register. As a rule, an application form will be provided on the spot. The employee will make a copy of the passport (main page and registration page) and SNILS.

Issuance of the policy

After submitting the application, a temporary medical policy is issued. It guarantees the right to free medical care in the event of an insured event.

The policy itself is prepared within 30 working days from the date of application and issuance of a temporary document.

Policy replacement