How to get an insurance policy for a newborn baby. Documents for issuing a policy for a newborn

The child was born... And now the baby needs not only parental care, joy and tenderness of those around him, a cozy bed and other baby things - he needs to become a legal citizen of his country, no matter how grandiloquent it sounds. And this requires not deeds and deeds - they are ahead, as they grow older, but only documents that will determine the rights of the child and provide him with the opportunity to use certain benefits provided by the state.

So, what documents are needed for the child and what should be the procedure for parents to receive them?

Stage one: documents from the hospital

Happy parents must take two documents from the maternity hospital:

  1. The rest of the exchange card is its 2nd and 3rd sheets. 2nd sheet - "Information of the maternity hospital, maternity ward of the hospital about the puerperal" - is filled in by the doctor of the maternity hospital who delivered the child, and contains information about the condition of the woman after childbirth, possible complications in childbirth and the therapy performed; he goes to the antenatal clinic. 3rd sheet - "Information of the maternity hospital, maternity ward of the hospital about the newborn" - is filled in at the maternity hospital by a pediatrician or neonatologist and contains information about the newborn: features of the course of childbirth and their consequences for the child, physiological parameters (height, weight) in their dynamics, data about the method of feeding, vaccinations made in the maternity hospital - i.e. the necessary set of information that analyzes and takes into account the district pediatrician during patronage. This part of the exchange card is transferred to the children's clinic, where the child will be observed; it is attached to the children's card. Without this information, the picture of your child's development and health will be incomplete.
  2. A certificate from the maternity hospital, written by the midwife taking delivery, and certified by her signature and the seal of the maternity hospital. It indicates the time and date of birth of the child, his gender, who delivered the birth - with this certificate, parents receive a birth certificate in the registry office and a lump sum in the social security.

If a woman gave birth at home, then a document of the established form of birth is issued to that medical organization, whose doctor provided medical care during childbirth or who was contacted by the mother after childbirth. These are the first documents of your child, on the basis of which parents will be able to obtain subsequent ones.

Stage two: registration with the registry office

The purpose of registering a newborn in the registry office is to document the fact of the birth of a child and record his name, surname and patronymic, as well as identify the parents - father and mother. The document that is issued in the registry office and contains information about the child and his parents is a birth certificate. Forms of such certificates are printed on stamped paper; each has a series, its own number and is a document of strict accountability, it is filled in by an employee of the registry office and certified with a seal. In addition, an appropriate birth record is entered in the civil status register.

How soon should parents go to the registry office? Deadline for applying for the birth of a child established by law - no later than one month from the date of his birth.

Which registry office should I contact? This can be a registry office at the place of birth of the child, and at the place of residence of one of the parents - whichever is more convenient. If the child was born outside the Russian Federation, the registration of the birth is carried out by the consular offices of the Russian Federation. By the way, if none of the parents can apply to the registry office for one reason or another, this can be done by a person authorized by the parents, who must have a document confirming his authority - a notarized power of attorney.

When applying to the registry office, you need to have:

  • birth certificate from a medical institution,
  • application for registration of the birth of a child (filled in the registry office in the prescribed form),
  • parents' identity documents (passports),
  • marriage certificate (if any).

By the time the application is submitted, the parents must decide on the name and surname of the child, which can be recorded both by the father and the mother. In the absence of an agreement between the parents regarding the name of the child and (or) his surname (with different surnames of the parents), an appropriate entry is made in the act book at the direction of the guardianship and guardianship authority, to which the parents should have applied in advance.

If the mother is not married to the father of the child and the paternity of the child has not been established, the child's name is recorded at the request of the mother, the patronymic - by the name of the person indicated in the birth certificate as the child's father, the child's surname - by the mother's surname. Also in this situation, at the request of the mother, information about the father of the child may not be entered in the record of the birth certificate.

The visit of parents to the registry office has one more purpose: to take a child's birth certificate there - form No. 25. This certificate will be required when receiving child benefits.

In addition, the registry office will enter information about children in the parents' passports.

Stage three: receiving a lump sum

After receiving the first documents, you will need to receive a lump sum allowance for the child.

In accordance with the Federal Law of January 29, 2005 No. 206-FZ "On Amendments to Article 12 of the Federal Law "On State Benefits to Citizens with Children", from January 1, 2005, the amount of a lump-sum allowance for the birth of a child is 6,000 rubles; to this amount regional payments may be added.Their size can be clarified in the district Department of Social Welfare of Citizens (former social security).

One of the parents receives such allowance at the place of work, service or study, and if the parents do not work, do not serve or study, in the bodies social protection population at the place of residence. In the event of the birth or adoption of two (or more) children, a one-time allowance is assigned and paid for each child.

To receive the grant, you need to prepare the following documents:

  • application for this grant,
  • birth certificate issued by the registry office (form No. 25),
  • in the event that both parents work (serve, study), an additional certificate from the place of work (service, study) of the other parent stating that such an allowance was not assigned.

There are a few other things to consider for single or divorced parents.

If the marriage between the parents of the child is not registered, and the information about the father in the birth certificate of the child is entered according to the mother (this is recorded in the birth certificate issued by the registry office), then the mother's allowance is issued at the place of work or, if she does not work (does not study, does not serve), - in the bodies of social protection, without submitting a certificate from the place of work of the father of the child stating that he did not receive a lump-sum allowance at the birth of a child.

If the parents are divorced at the time of applying for benefits, the mother of the child must submit, along with other documents, a copy of the divorce certificate. In this case, a certificate from the place of work of the father of the child may not be submitted.

Parents planning to receive this allowance should remember that the allowance is granted if the application for it was followed no later than 6 months from the date of birth of the child.

We list the main legislative acts regulating the procedure for the appointment and payment of benefits:

  • the federal law"On State Benefits to Citizens with Children" dated May 19, 1995, No. 81-FZ (as amended on July 25, 2002).
  • Regulation "On the procedure for assigning and paying state benefits to citizens with children", approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 4, 1995 No. 883 (as amended on August 8, 2003).
  • Federal Law "On the provision of benefits for compulsory social insurance of citizens working in organizations and individual entrepreneurs using special tax regimes, and some other categories of citizens" No. 190-FZ of December 31, 2002
  • "Rules for voluntary payment to the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation by certain categories of insurers of insurance premiums for compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with motherhood", approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 05.03.03 No. 144.

The Russian government is going to give every citizen a personal identification number for life. According to the Ministry of Taxation of the Russian Federation, every citizen, on average, during his life is forced to receive 10,000 certificates, most of which are necessary to confirm his identity, and they have to be obtained in different instances, which is often accompanied by all sorts of problems. In the information age, this looks like an obvious anachronism: now each of us is marked with many numbers - this is a PIN (personal taxpayer identifier), a card number pension fund, CHI card, driver's license number, passport number, etc. Each department produces an independent numbering of citizens, but their databases are incompatible with each other.

The new system provides for the introduction for each citizen of the country of a personal universal identification number, which will combine information about a person and allow you to quickly get the information you need. Perhaps it will look like a barcode and be recognized only by a machine. It is assumed that this will begin with the modernization of the registration of newborns in the registry offices, and data on the rest of the citizens will be entered upon their application to the state authorities.

Stage four: registration of the child at the place of residence

Now that the child has his first document in life - a birth certificate, parents can deal with the issue of registering it. We remind you that the propiska institution has already been abolished; there is registration - at the place of stay (temporary) or place of residence (permanent). Despite the vicissitudes of the parents' housing situation, the rights of the child in any difficult situation are put in the first place.

What documents are required for registration?

  • Documents proving the identity of parents (passports).
  • Child's birth certificate.

With these documents, the parents go to the REO (former ZhEK) - at the place of residence of one of the parents - and on their basis, information is entered into the registration cards in the form No. 9 of one of the parents and in the apartment cards in the form No. 10 or house (apartment) books according to the form No. 11. This is stated in the "Rules for registration and removal of citizens of the Russian Federation from registration at the place of stay and at the place of residence within the Russian Federation", approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 17, 1995 No. 713.

Where can a child be registered? Place of residence of mother or father. Provided that the father of the child is officially recorded on the birth certificate, then, if he has such a right under housing law, he can register the child, even if he is not one of the owners of the apartment in which he is registered. The same provision applies to the mother of the child.

Depending on the property rights of the parents, registration in the child's apartment can lead to various kinds of family conflicts, so it is worth discussing this issue separately: registration does not affect the property right in any way. You need to know the following: family members of the owner of the apartment (or one of the owners) living in the residential premises belonging to him, according to Article 292 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, have the right to use this premises.

Another important point: to move in with the parents of their children who have not reached the age of majority, the consent of the rest of the family members is not required, according to the same "Instructions on the application of the rules for registering and deregistering citizens of the Russian Federation at the place of stay and at the place of residence."

In a situation where parents have temporary registration at the place of residence, for example, in rented apartment, the same rules remain: children living with their parents at the place of stay must be registered at the place of stay of the parents. Registration at the place of residence does not give them the right to apply for an apartment in the future. At the same time, a child can be registered at the place of residence of the parents by entrusting the registration activities to a certain person on the basis of a power of attorney, in case the parents personally cannot do this due to territorial remoteness.

If the child is not registered, a warning or an administrative fine of up to 1 minimum size minimum wage wages). If registration is not carried out due to the fault of the owners of the apartment rented by the parents of the newborn, a fine of 1 to 3 minimum wages is possible.

Thus, if the child is a citizen of the Russian Federation, then the refusal to register the child at the place of residence of the parents is not justified, and it can be appealed in court with the involvement of guardianship and guardianship authorities.

Stage five: obtaining a compulsory medical insurance policy

Now that the newborn has not only documents, but also an official place of residence, it's time for parents to think about a compulsory medical insurance policy (CHI). The CHI medical insurance policy is issued to each insured medical insurance organization and provides for the obligations of the medical insurance organization (insurer) to organize and finance medical care to the insured. The types and volume of medical care, for the organization and financing of which the insurer is responsible, are determined territorial program compulsory health insurance. The compulsory medical insurance policy is valid throughout the Russian Federation, as well as other states with which Russian Federation has health insurance agreements. Parents can insure their child at any commercial insurance company, but a compulsory medical insurance policy must also be obtained - according to this document, the child has the right to receive the vast majority of types of medical care in public medical institutions for free.

Where can I get a policy for a child? The CHI policy for children is issued at the place of permanent residence at the points of issue of CHI policies; most often they are located at district clinics.

Why is it possible to obtain a policy for a child only after registration at the place of residence or stay? Because it is issued by a medical insurance organization if there is one of the types of registration: if the child has a registration at the place of stay, then the policy will be issued temporarily, it will be automatically renewed with the renewal of registration at the place of stay. If the child is registered at the place of residence, then he will receive a permanent policy. To obtain a policy, you need:

  • child's birth certificate,
  • the parent's passport, which is registered at the address that is territorially related to this point of issuance of CHI.

It should be borne in mind that a permanent policy is plastic card so it takes some time to make. Parents will be notified when it will be ready and will be told how to find out. Before receiving plastic policy give a temporary - paper.

Now your newborn baby has acquired official status, having received the rights and responsibilities that he will use as he grows up. In the meantime, his parents will help him in this.

Svetlana Kuzmina

Congratulations, you have become parents! Now you are waiting not only for taking care of the baby, but also for the hassle associated with the design of all required documents for a new citizen of the country. Among them is a compulsory medical insurance policy, which will give the right to the little one to receive free medical care. How to issue a policy for a newborn 2018-2019? What documents, where and in what time frame should be submitted to receive it? And is it possible to do without this important piece of paper? Let's break it all down.

Medpolis and a newborn: does a baby need it?

Free medicine in Russia is impossible without medical insurance. Even a number of private clinics can provide some services free of charge upon presentation of a medical policy by the patient. This small piece of paper with the number of the insurance account and information about its owner is actually a guide to free treatment.
The baby is the same member of society, which is subject to all rules of use medical services. Accordingly, without this piece of paper, count on free help do not have to.
A child also needs a compulsory medical insurance policy to monitor him in a children's clinic. Without insurance, he will not even be attached to the observing doctor, and this is fraught with the fact that if the baby falls ill, the doctor will not come to his house.

The policy is not the only document the baby needs. You can find out what other pieces of paper your newborn needs in the article:

Which children are eligible for general health insurance?

According to the law, the right to a common health insurance have (regardless of age)

  • Citizens of the Russian Federation
  • Non-citizens of the Russian Federation temporarily or permanently residing in Russia (persons who have received a residence permit or temporary registration)
  • Refugees

Accordingly, for any newborn legally located in Russia, the policy is issued without problems.

When do I need to apply for a policy for an infant?

There is no time frame for obtaining insurance. Parents can delay the receipt of a medical policy for a newborn for any time period: no fines or other administrative penalties are provided.
However, it is worth remembering that free medical care for an uninsured infant is provided under the mother's policy for 30 days from the moment of birth (before the baby receives a birth certificate), and then for another 30 days from the date of receipt of the certificate (these additional 30 days are allotted just for the parents to have time to issue their own policy to the baby). After that, the baby needs its own policy.
The right piece of paper may be needed at the most unexpected moment. And it is better not to joke with the health of the child. Therefore, it is recommended to start compulsory medical insurance policy newborn immediately after receiving a birth certificate. So parents can easily visit the children's polyclinic on schedule and count on unscheduled doctor's help.

List of documents for a policy for a newborn

So we found out that medical insurance baby still needs it.
What documents are needed for its registration?
In addition to the application (a form for which you will be given when submitting documents), we will need to prepare:

  1. Birth certificate
    This is the basis of the basics: only after that you can move on.
  2. Passport of one of the parents
    To issue a policy for a newborn, the presence of one of the parents is sufficient. The consent of the other spouse is not required.
  3. SNILS (if available)
    The state recommends before applying for a medical policy. It entered the list of papers for the policy relatively recently and is not yet mandatory: the policy can be obtained without it. Issued by the Pension Fund.

What about registration? Of course, you need to register the baby, but there is no need to rush to get insurance with a residence permit. It is possible to issue a policy for a newborn without a residence permit. It is enough to verbally indicate the future address of registration of the little one.

Where to apply for a policy for a newborn

The next important question that should be paid attention to within the framework of the topic is where to get a policy for a newborn? In fact, there are several options:

  • Insurance Company
    This is the most common option. You just need to contact a specialist who will solve the problem in no time.
    Important! First you need to opt for one of the many insurance companies. We recommend to stay on the one with which the contract with the children's clinic is concluded.
    And the list of the most proven companies included: Rosgosstrakh, SOGAZ, AlfaStrakhovanie - this trio is known throughout Russia. A complete list of all accredited organizations can be found on the registry website. It should be noted that your policy will operate in exactly the same way, regardless of which insurance company you issue it with.
  • MFC
    Today, with the advent of multifunctional centers, the procedure for obtaining any documentary base has been greatly simplified. At the MFC, you will not only receive documents and prepare a medical policy, but also advise an insurance company.
  • Specialized points of issue of policies
    Rare, but a possible option for those who do not have time at all. Such points can be found in schools or other institutions in the vicinity of the hospital. There are also points for issuing medical policies in the clinic itself.

Can I apply for a policy online or do I have to go to the point of issue in person?

To apply, you can:

  • visit insurance agent personally;
  • use the services of mail (in this case, in addition to the application, you will have to send copies of documents certified by a notary);
  • go to the official website of the insurer and leave an application there online with the attachment of scanned documents.

Need to know! If you can send an application electronically, then you need to receive insurance personally: the document is issued only for the “autograph” of a person in the registration journal.
The rules for obtaining a policy for different cities are identical: there is no difference where the future insured person lives.

What about deadlines? Is it possible to get temporary insurance?

It will take at least a month before the parent is invited for the finished document. For this period, the peanut will be issued temporary policy through which he can receive the necessary free medical care.
You cannot use temporary insurance all the time: it expires in thirty days.
As for the validity of the medical policy itself, it is spelled out in the form itself. This applies to an old-style document, the validity of which differed from company to company. Since 2011, a new unified type of insurance has been in use, which is not limited in time.

Summing up

Medical policy is an important document for the baby, so you should not delay its execution. No one is immune from disease, especially the little members of society. And health insurance guarantees free medical care.

Children's VHI is a voluntary health insurance for children that provides the child with quality medical care. Children's VMI policies in Russia are popular, help parents reduce the cost of medical services, allow the child to receive comprehensive assistance in the event of insured event- Illness or injury.

Insurance companies offer various VHI programs for children and adolescents and are responsible for the quality of medical services and the timing of their provision.

VHI for children are developed taking into account age characteristics. There are insurances for children:

  • up to a year;
  • from 1 year to 3 years;
  • from 3 years to 7 years;
  • from 7 years old to 17 years old.

Health insurance for children makes the services of the best clinics available. All expenses for the provision of medical services are paid by the insurance company.

  • Benefits of VHI

    VHI has many advantages over CHI. Paid insurance policies for children in the event of a child’s illness, they guarantee the prompt provision of qualified medical care to him. Parents do not have to call and make an appointment at a free clinic for a certain date, and then take the sick baby to the doctor in a day or two. VHI policies for children guarantee assistance on the day of treatment: if the necessary specialist or equipment is not available in one clinic, the child will be sent to another. Features of voluntary medical insurance are:

    • individual approach to each child;
    • full treatment in accordance with the condition of the child;
    • unchanged price of the VMI policy for children during the entire period of its validity;
    • choice private clinic VHI, in which the child will be treated;
    • availability of round-the-clock dispatch service in insurance companies;
    • professional consultations of doctors;
    • seeking help at any time;
    • no queues.

    Parents have the opportunity to choose and issue a medical insurance policy for their child on the most favorable terms for themselves and the baby. Many companies provide discounts on VHI for children.

  • What is included in the insurance?

    VHI insurance for children may include various types of services, both individually and in combination. TO basic services include consultations of a personal doctor and outpatient care, additional diagnostic programs and an emergency hospital.

    Standard medical insurance for a child includes:

    • scheduled vaccinations;
    • examination by a pediatrician, detection of hidden diseases;
    • consultations of narrow specialists, including speech therapist, audiologist and psychologist;
    • lab tests;
    • instrumental examinations;
    • provision of emergency medical care at home;
    • call an ambulance;
    • hospitalization;
    • dental services.

    VHI for children also provides for regular preventive examinations in order to detect health problems in a timely manner. You can calculate the cost of VHI programs for children for 12 months on your own. For this purpose, a calculator is used to calculate the VHI policy.

  • The cost of children's health insurance

    The cost of insurance for a child is small compared to the costs that may be required for treatment, and depends on several main factors:

    • chosen insurance company;
    • the age of the child;
    • his state of health.

    Comparison of VMI programs in leading companies is available on our website. Using the information provided, you can familiarize yourself with the tariffs of different companies and user reviews about them, and choose the cheapest VHI policy for a child in kindergarten or school. In case of financial difficulties, you can buy a VHI policy for a child in Moscow in installments.

CHI for a newborn: list of documents, choice of insurer, procedure for obtaining, important points regarding infant health insurance

The appearance of a baby in the family is the joy of the long-awaited event and at the same time a lot of trouble. First of all, a new citizen must be registered, get the necessary papers for him. One of the important points is compulsory medical insurance for a newborn.

It will secure for the child the right to use medical services, starting from the first days of his life. Moreover, these services will be provided free of charge.

From our article, you will learn all the details of obtaining insurance for a recently appeared family member and you can quickly and seamlessly apply for health insurance in his name.

Documents required when applying for compulsory medical insurance for a newborn

Before going for medical insurance, you must first contact the registry office and register your child there. A birth certificate will make it possible to register a son or daughter in your apartment. The third stage will be health insurance.

The insurer will not ask you to bring any special documents for CHI to a newborn.

You only need:

  1. the original of the mother's/father's civil passport with registration in the city where the contract will be concluded,
  2. original birth certificate of a boy/girl.

Provisional Certificate

While the MHI policy for the newborn is being issued, your son or your daughter will be able to receive all the necessary medical services under a temporary certificate. It has the same force and guarantees the provision of free medical care in clinics and other institutions.

The certificate is only valid for 30 days. However, in a month you will already be able to receive a compulsory compulsory medical insurance policy for a newborn, start using it and receive due attention from doctors.

Choosing an insurer

Many people do not know where you can get a compulsory medical insurance policy for a newborn. Russians are given the opportunity to independently choose a company that will provide their children with insurance support within the framework of compulsory medical insurance.

You can conclude an agreement with the same company that previously issued the policy to you, or you can choose one that is located near your home. The finished document will be issued at the same office where you applied.

Getting a ready policy

The person who submitted the application must come for the MHI policy for a newborn. Another person can also take the insurance, but subject to the availability of a power of attorney from the applicant. Upon receipt of insurance, you will again have to present your passport and metric.

Most Frequently Asked Questions

In life, there are different situations related to the need to move, lack of registration and other unstable factors that complicate the insurance of an infant and obtaining documents in his name.

Answering the most common questions will help you understand more clearly how to act in a given situation.

Where can I get a compulsory medical insurance policy for a child born in another city during a long trip of parents?

Obtaining compulsory medical insurance for a newborn is possible not only where the parents are permanently registered, but also in the city where they temporarily reside. The mother or father of a newborn can apply to any local insurer in the city where they currently work.

Is it possible to get medical insurance for a child born in Russia if the mother and father of the baby are citizens of Ukraine?

It is possible to issue compulsory medical insurance for a baby born in Russia. Parents will only need to add to the above documents a permit for permanent residence in the Russian Federation.

What documents should be submitted if the child has a Russian mother, and the father is a citizen of another state?

The documents are the same. The contract can be concluded by the mother by presenting her Russian passport.

Is it possible to use free medical services if the insurance is received in another city?

Medical assistance and all necessary services will be provided to the infant in any locality RF. It is recommended that you inform your pediatrician about your move and indicate the address of your stay.

Then he organizes an examination of the baby in a new place. During the first month of life, this is done by a doctor, until the age of one year the child is examined by a nurse from the nearest polyclinic to the place of new residence.

If you have not reported the temporary move at your clinic, simply contact your local health center for proper care for your baby.

Does CHI coverage cover children with anomalies?

Yes, the MHIF provides polyclinics with the means to provide the necessary assistance to such children. You need to contact your local pediatrician to register your child.


As you can see, obtaining compulsory medical insurance is a very simple procedure. Special documents for obtaining CHI for a newborn are not required, only those that confirm the identity of the infant, his mother or father are needed.

It is important to get a metric at the registry office in advance and find some time to choose an insurer and go to his office.

Since every newborn needs compulsory medical insurance so that he receives qualified medical assistance in a timely manner, it is better not to delay the paperwork and do it in the very first month of his life.

You will immediately be issued a temporary certificate, with which you can go to the doctor with your child and use all the services of medical institutions absolutely free of charge.