Replacing the compulsory medical insurance policy with a new one after changing your last name. How to change your compulsory medical insurance policy after changing your last name? Compulsory health insurance policy when changing your last name

Every Russian has the right to receive free medical care according to compulsory medical insurance program. Confirmation of the right to this type of service is a compulsory medical insurance policy.

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How long will the replacement take?

According to Federal Law 326, a temporary policy can be valid for no more than a month. Therefore, replacing a temporary certificate with a permanent one is allocated no more than 30 days. But in practice, insurance companies often advance ahead of the specified deadlines and issue policies faster.

What happens if a replacement is not made?

No replacement policy compulsory medical insurance citizen is deprived of the right to receive free medical care. In particular, he will not be able to go to his Polyclinic, receive emergency and outpatient medical care.

He will also not be able to inpatient care for acute diseases, poisoning, childbirth and pregnancy pathologies, injuries.

IN within the compulsory medical insurance also rely free medicines For individual categories citizens. The list of available medical care within the framework of compulsory medical insurance is determined by the federal and regional levels.

Administrative measures are not applied to a person who fails to issue an insurance policy in a timely manner.

But every citizen himself is not interested in delaying this procedure, since in an emergency he may be denied medical care.

Thus, last name change does old policy Compulsory medical insurance is invalid, and it must be replaced. You can replace your policy at any branch of an insurance company licensed to provide this type of service. You can apply for a replacement policy only after receiving a new passport and SNILS with changed names.

Replacement procedure compulsory medical insurance policy can last up to 30 days. During this time, the citizen will be issued a temporary certificate, which guarantees him a full range of services in the same volume. Without replacing a medical policy, a person will have difficulty obtaining medical care in a hospital or clinic, as well as obtaining preferential prescriptions for free medications.

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Replacing documents in Russia is a rather difficult operation. Especially if you don’t know how to act in a particular case. Below we will talk about how the compulsory medical insurance policy is replaced. When changing your last name, for example. Is it necessary to do this? What should you remember under any circumstances? The answers will be given below. In fact, everything is simpler than it seems.

Issuing authorities

Replacing a policy when changing your last name in Moscow or in any other city occurs without much difficulty. The main thing is to remember some features of the procedure.

First, let's try to understand where exactly this paper is issued. You can apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy at any insurance company. But only to the one that works according to special government programs. In some cases, it is possible to contact the MFC to achieve the goal. But it is better to contact insurance companies directly.


The time limit for changing a surname is not very long. You won't have to wait long for the document to be ready.

How long does it take to receive it? On average, the document will be produced thirty days after submitting the corresponding request to the insurance company.

About the procedure

Replacing a compulsory medical insurance policy when changing your last name is a mandatory procedure. And you need to seek help as early as possible. After all, with an invalid policy, you will not be able to use medical services for free.

How exactly to proceed? The following instructions will help here:

  1. Collect documents for policy exchange.
  2. Come to any insurance company with the appropriate request.
  3. Get a temporary policy.
  4. Wait for the document to be ready.
  5. Pick up the completed policy at the appointed time.

You will not have to pay for the production of the mentioned paper. This is a completely free procedure. Accordingly, there will be no duties.

About the temporary policy

What is needed to replace the compulsory medical insurance policy when changing your last name? The algorithm of actions offered to your attention will help you understand how to exchange the paper you are studying.

As you can see, the citizen will be issued a small paper policy. This document is temporary. It is valid from 14 to 30 days. If after the expiration of the paper the normal policy is not ready, then you can get another temporary analogue for free.

Unlike a permanent policy, a temporary one looks like a small piece of paper with information about the citizen. It is printed on standard forms. At the end of the paper is the signature of a representative of the insurance company.


Are you planning to replace your compulsory medical insurance policy if you change your last name? There are different documents for bringing an idea to life. But there is a certain list of papers that must be attached to the application.

So, among them are:

  • passport;
  • statement;
  • old policy;
  • SNILS.

Recently, an insurance certificate has become necessary for a person to participate in the state insurance program in the region medical services. Without it, registration will be denied.

Other documents

When replacing a compulsory medical insurance policy when changing your last name, you must provide evidence that the person’s personal data has changed. This is a normal requirement, it is completely legal.

In addition to the previously listed papers, to obtain a policy with new data, the following are distinguished:

  • marriage or divorce certificate;
  • judicial opinion;
  • certificate from the registry office.

It would be enough. The only feature that will have to be taken into account is that the request must be submitted after the person has a passport with a new surname. Otherwise, the policy will not be exchanged.

Children are additionally required to provide a birth certificate. And the application in this case will be filled out on behalf of the legal representative. In order for the compulsory medical insurance policy to be reissued, you must also present a document with registration. Especially when it comes to a child.

Is it necessary?

Is it really necessary to replace the compulsory medical insurance policy when changing your last name? Or can I wait a while with this idea?

By law, all documents must contain only reliable information about the citizen. Changing your last name means updating your personal information. And, accordingly, all the person’s old documents will have to be changed. Compulsory medical insurance policy is no exception.

What happens if you do not contact the insurance company with a corresponding request? When visiting medical organizations, a person will simply be denied service. You will either have to pay or wait for the policy to be ready with new data about the person.

Document Presentation

What does the paper you are studying look like? There is no consensus. After all, it all depends on what kind of document citizens need.

Today you can see a standard compulsory medical insurance policy. It looks like a small blue piece of paper packed in a special envelope. The policy will contain the citizen's details and insurance number.

But in some regions they are actively promoting policy cards. This is a document that resembles bank plastic. It serves as an analogue of a paper policy, but not all clinics work with a similar interpretation. And therefore, citizens must indicate in their application what kind of policy they need.

Is it possible to make 2 analogues at once? Yes. And no one will charge you for this service cash. The production and exchange of medical policies, as we have already said, does not require any costs.

About receipt

What to do after the citizen is notified that the document is ready?

The insurance company will issue a policy upon presentation of your passport. Or any other identification document. If the recipient is a child, then his legal representatives must collect the documents for him. Such papers are not issued to third parties.

From the first days of receiving a new policy, you can use it for its intended purpose. Replacing the compulsory medical insurance-Max policy when changing your last name will not take much time and effort.

Can they refuse?

Some people are interested in whether a person can be denied a document. Or will he be exchanged if he changes his name?

The answer is simple: if there are grounds and a complete package of documents, they cannot refuse to issue or reissue policies. It's simply illegal.

However, the service is not provided if the citizen has presented forged documents or if there is no legal basis for the provision of the service. But, as practice shows, in all other cases, exchanging a policy is not at all difficult. The main thing is to go to the insurance company whose services the citizen uses.


Now it’s clear how the compulsory medical insurance policy is replaced when you change your last name. This is a very simple procedure that does not require any special knowledge, skills or actions from a person.

In reality, everything is much simpler than it seems. The production and renewal of a compulsory medical insurance policy is included in the list of mandatory procedures when updating personal data. However, by law there is no deadline for replacing paper. And there will be no late fees either. This means that everyone decides for themselves when to apply for a policy exchange.

All of the listed algorithms and replacement principles are also relevant for VHI policies. In fact, exchanging the mentioned paper is the simplest procedure. And everyone can cope with it. The main thing is to remember all these rules.

The surname is a personal attribute of each person. From a legal point of view, if there is no information about the surname, the person is unidentified. According to the laws of our country, citizens perform all legally significant actions only under their first and last name. The law allows you to change your first and last name when:

  1. Marriage registration or divorce occurs;
  2. The right to change a surname at the request of a citizen is exercised;
  3. The child's surname is changed to the surname of the other parent (adoptive parent).

Do I need to change documents when changing my last name?

If a change of surname occurs, a citizen must be prepared for the fact that he will have to replace almost all personal documents: passport, international passport, driver’s license, SNILS, compulsory medical insurance policy and others.

How to replace the compulsory medical insurance policy when changing your last name?

If a person has changed his last name, then after replacing his passport, he must contact the insurance company medical company with an application to replace the compulsory medical insurance policy.

When visiting an insurance company, you need to have a passport, marriage certificate, and old compulsory medical insurance policy with you. Replacement of the compulsory medical insurance policy is free of charge.

The legal basis for replacing a compulsory medical insurance policy is a mandatory contract health insurance, which defines the procedure for issuing and exchanging medical insurance policies.

Employees can contact the HR department of the enterprise or organization at the place of their work regarding the issue of replacing the compulsory medical insurance policy. Those who are not officially working must change their compulsory medical insurance policy with their insurance company. medical organization at the place of residence. Students studying full-time at a university can replace the compulsory medical insurance policy at the place of study.

Why do you need to replace your compulsory medical insurance policy when changing your last name?

The insured person has the right to use the compulsory medical insurance policy as long as it is valid. The policy may terminate if the citizen changes his place of work or changes his last name. And then the provision of free medical care within the framework of compulsory health insurance will cease.

That is why, when changing your last name, you need to spend time replacing your compulsory medical insurance policy.

When else do you need to renew your compulsory health insurance policy?

In addition to the case of changing the surname, the compulsory medical insurance policy changes if the name, patronymic, place of residence of the insured person is changed, the date of birth, place of birth of the insured person is changed, or if inaccuracy or error in the information contained in the medical policy is identified.

What is the procedure for replacing a compulsory medical insurance policy when changing your last name?

The procedure for replacing the compulsory medical insurance policy when changing the surname is carried out upon the application of the insured person to the medical insurance organization.

To replace the policy, you need to take with you a passport containing a new surname, a marriage certificate containing a record of the change of surname and the old compulsory medical insurance policy.

At the insurance organization, you need to fill out an application form for re-issuance of a compulsory medical insurance policy. Such an application can be completed at home in advance by downloading a sample from the insurance company’s website. An application for the issuance of a new compulsory medical insurance policy must be signed by the insured person or his representative and an employee of the medical insurance organization.

Replacing a compulsory medical insurance policy when changing your last name through the public services portal

In addition, an application for a replacement compulsory medical insurance policy can now be submitted online by going to the official website territorial fund compulsory health insurance or a single portal “Public Services”.

How to do this correctly?

To work on the State Services portal, you must first register and then obtain the required account level.

To apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy you need:

  • go to the company’s official website and open the registration tab;
  • enter data (full name, contact number telephone and email";
  • confirmation code that comes to the last two methods;
  • then registration is completed and you will have to go through authorization;
  • then you need to go to the service catalog tab - my health, all services, what is medical insurance and how to get it.
  • In this tab, all information of interest to the applicant becomes available. To receive a new policy, you need to fill out a form and send it.

Within a month, a new policy can be obtained from the branch of the insurance organization.

In the meantime, while the new policy is being prepared, the insurance company will issue you a temporary policy while you wait. A temporary policy will replace your rights as an insured person to receive medical care while you wait for a permanent one to be issued. insurance policy.

What documents are needed to replace a child’s compulsory medical insurance policy?

When the compulsory medical insurance policy is replaced when the child’s surname is changed, the following is attached to the established application: the child’s birth certificate containing it new surname, passport of the parent (adoptive parent), passport of the child, if he is over 14 years old, Child's SNILS, the child’s old compulsory medical insurance policy.

Replacing a compulsory medical insurance policy when changing your last name for another person

There are situations when a person who needs to change his compulsory medical insurance policy cannot do it on his own (for example, he is on a long business trip, lives and works in another area). In such cases, at the place of registration of the insured person, a new compulsory medical insurance document can be received by an authorized person for him, and also accordingly submit documents to the insurance company for its registration. To do this, you will need to collect the following package of documents:

  • Power of attorney from the insured person in whose name the new compulsory medical insurance policy will be issued.
  • Passport of the citizen of the Russian Federation in whose name the new policy is issued;
  • SNILS of the person in whose name the policy is issued;
  • Passport of an authorized person submitting documents for another person.

Thus, changing your compulsory medical insurance policy when changing your last name is actually a fairly quick and free process, requiring not much time and effort to collect documents and submit them to insurance organization. If you have changed your last name, do not delay in getting a replacement compulsory medical insurance policy, because from the moment you change your last name, your old policy is considered invalid, and you may need free medical care and services at any time.

Replacing a compulsory medical insurance policy when changing your last nameis the same mandatory measure as replacing a passport or driver’s license. However, how it is carried outchange of medical policy when changing surname, is not said as often as it happens with other documents. In this article we will discuss how the policy is replaced in situations of this kind.

Do I need to change my medical insurance policy when changing my last name? Is it necessary to replace it?

Let's start with the fact that since May 2011 this species insurance document has a single form, and from the beginning of 2014, widespread replacement of policies with paper media on plastic cards. But in any case, without it, one cannot count on the provision of free medical care since 2010.

The document is personal, because it indicates the full name and other personal data of the insured person. However, it often happens that a person changes his last name - for example, as a result of:

  • marriage;
  • divorce;
  • changes in information on children’s birth certificates, etc.

Is it possible to change the policy when changing your last name? The answer is clear: it is just as necessary to do this as it is to replace all other registered documents. However, it should be taken into account that when applying for a new policy, you will need to present “new versions” of some of them (for example, a passport). The only exception is SNILS: although its replacement is provided, when receiving the policy it is allowed to present the old one, because the number in the new version will remain the same.

Where can I change my compulsory medical insurance policy when changing my last name?

So, we found out that when changing your last name, changing the policy is mandatory. Where should I go to get this document replaced?

It all depends on the specific situation. If no changes (besides the last name) are planned, you will contact your insurance company with a corresponding application. If replacing a policy when changing your last name is accompanied by a move or change of place of residence, then there may be several options for further actions.

For example, if the insurance company is satisfied with the insured person and the services it provides extend to the territories where the citizen will subsequently live, then its actions will be similar to the previous case. That is, he applies to the insurer’s office with an application to replace the policy due to a change in personal data and a change in the service territory (of course, presenting the necessary documents).

Don't know your rights?

If you intend to change the insurance company (for example, due to the banal absence of its branches at the new place of residence), you should choose the insurer of your choice, and then also contact him with an application and a set of necessary documents.

How to change your compulsory medical insurance policy when changing your last name?

So, we figured out where to replace the document, it’s time to figure out how to change the compulsory medical insurance policy when changing your last name.

When visiting the insurance company, fill out an application in the prescribed form and present it required package documents. In addition to the passport, you will need to provide documents in accordance with which the personal data has changed (this could be, for example, a certificate of marriage/divorce). After which all personal information about the citizen is entered into the existing insurance database.

In case of replacement of the insurance policy when changing the surname with a simultaneous change of company, the citizen is issued a temporary document, the validity of which is limited to 30 days. Then, at the appointed time, all that remains is to visit the insurer’s office again to obtain a permanent policy.

If a citizen has a uniform medical insurance policy, there is no need to change it - it is enough to conclude an agreement with a new company that provides the necessary services in a particular Russian region. After concluding the contract for back side The document will contain the name of the new insurer and its telephone number.

Important! Persons wishing to change their insurer should remember that they can immediately switch to another insurance company only if you submitted an application before November 1 of the current year. If this is done after the specified date, then the rights and obligations of the insurer will transfer to the new insurance company only from January 1 of the year following the year of application. This rule does not apply only to cases where a change of insurer is associated with a move to another location or the liquidation of an insurance company.

What else do you need to know when replacing honey? policy when changing your last name?

After we told you how to change your insurance policy when changing your last name, there are a few more points to pay attention to.

At the legislative level, it is established that if you change your last name, you must change your policy within a month from the date of the changes (Federal Law No. 326 of November 29, 2010).

If we are talking about changing the medical policies of children, then this should be done by their parents/guardians. The algorithm of actions remains similar to that mentioned earlier; The following documents must be presented to the insurer for re-registration:

  • passport of the legal representative (parent/guardian);
  • child’s passport (if the minor has reached the age of 14) or birth certificate;
  • SNILS number of the child (if available).

Replacing a medical policy with a legal representative is possible not only in relation to children, but also in the case of any other citizens. In this case, the representative must have a power of attorney and a certain package of documents. In this case, the power of attorney does not require notarization—one executed in one’s own hand will do just fine.

A last name change can be for various reasons. But in any case, every person who has changed their data in the proper manner must submit an application to change each document.

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And the very first thing to change should be an identity document - a passport. And then, based on this document, they are subject to change.

What it is?

All citizens Russian Federation Those who decide to change their last name should be prepared for the fact that they will have to change all documents. And this will require a fairly large amount of time and money.

Each procedure requires payment of a state fee for reissue of the document.

A surname is an integral part in the life of every citizen. It is given to him from birth, usually from his father. This information accompanies him throughout his life. To change it there must be a reason and a sufficiently weighty one. For example, marriage or adoption. In some cases, a person’s personal desire is allowed.

The basis can only be the personal desire of an adult. In this case, the action is accompanied by writing a statement of the established form addressed to the city administration. There you will need to indicate the desire that entailed.

The legislation stipulates that a change of surname can only be on significant grounds.

This concept is abstract. For each person, all this is individual. Not only marriage and adoption will be significant, but also the change of a foreign surname to Russian or, for example, cacophony.

Many citizens come to the passport office based on astrological indicators. This is not considered an illegal act. However, representatives of the Registry Office conduct a preventive conversation with the person and, based on this, determine further actions.

It is impossible to take the idol's surname. This new trend has made young people think government agency. This is of course possible. But if a person only proves that this surname belongs to a relative. Otherwise, he will be denied.

A person can take the surname of both a close and distant relative. If the applicant has doubts about the choice of surname or the validity of the action, then he has the right to consult with representatives of the registry office.

After registration of new amendments in the registry office, the person is issued a confirming document. Together with him, he must go to the passport office and change the data in the passport.

It must be remembered that, based on the law, a person who has changed his last name must amend his passport within a month. Otherwise, there will be a fine of up to 5 thousand rubles, depending on the region of residence.

In addition to your passport, you need to change your SNILS, driver's license and medical insurance.

The legislative framework

This act is regulated several times regulatory documents. Mainly the federal law No. 326 of November 29, 2010 “On compulsory health insurance in Russia.”

It is worth reviewing such subsections in the act as:

  • Article 16 where it is described full list the rights and obligations of citizens who have changed their surname;
  • Article 17, which stipulates the list of rights and obligations of insurance companies;
  • Article 18, which stipulates liability for violation of requirements;
  • Article 19, which stipulates the list of rights and obligations of medical companies;
  • Article 20, which stipulates the rights of medical organizations;
  • Article 43, which sets out the rules for personalized accounting of insured persons;
  • Article 44, which stipulates exactly how registration is carried out and how medical care is provided;
  • Article 45, which stipulates what the concept of “insurance policy” is;
  • Article 46 – an algorithm for issuing a policy is established;
  • Article 47 – work between all medical and insurance organizations;
  • Article 48 – joint accounting by the insurance company and the medical company;
  • Article 49 – informational nature of the process;
  • Article 40 – quality of service provision and volumes;
  • Article 40 – grounds and procedure for granting sanctions to a medical company.

Replacing a compulsory medical insurance policy when changing your last name

Many citizens want to know how to change their medical policy to a new one when changing their last name. Since May 2011, this document has a unified form. And already in 2020, the replacement of poles with plastic ones began, which significantly reduced loss and wastage.

Without a document, you cannot count on free provision of services.

The policy is provided by insurance companies that have a license for this. Now almost all companies provide such services. If this is an unemployed person, then he has the right to independently go to the insurance company.

If a person works, then the situation becomes somewhat simpler. He doesn't need to formalize anything. It is enough to inform the HR department about the change of name. The employer will do everything himself necessary actions. The person will already receive the completed document.

The document is a personalized card. Somewhat similar to a bank card, it has a similar chip for reading information.

It contains the person’s personal data – date of birth, city and last name, first name, patronymic. Therefore, any change in information requires amendments.


Grounds for changing the medical policy compulsory insurance become:

  • marriage;
  • its termination;
  • changing information on children's birth certificates;
  • other reasons why the surname has been changed.

Is it necessary?

To understand the question of how to change the compulsory medical insurance policy when changing your last name, every person wants to know whether this must be done without fail?

Making changes to a medical policy is a mandatory procedure.

After receiving your passport, you need to come to the insurance company and submit the appropriate application. Otherwise, when issuing sick leave or providing medical care, difficulties may arise.

This must be done, as well as changing other personal documents.

To obtain a new plastic card, you will need to provide a passport and a changed SNILS.


There are several ways to make changes. In this case, the submission of new data is mandatory.

You need to contact depending on the situation. If changes other than the last name are no longer planned, then you should contact the insurance company directly. Write a statement there in the prescribed form.

If a change of surname is accompanied by a new place of residence (this often happens when getting married), then there may be several options for submitting an application.

If the insured person is completely satisfied with everything in the insurance company, then he can act by analogy with the previous option.

If not, then you need to contact the new policyholder with a full package of documents.

Public services

If you submit an application through the State Services portal, the process is somewhat simplified. But before you go to the portal, you need to know a few features.

Replacing your policy in this way has several advantages, such as:

  • minimum time;
  • minimum financial costs;
  • registration remotely.

You also need to remember that to work on the portal you must first register and then obtain the required account level.

To complete the document you need:

  • go to the company’s official website and open the registration tab;
  • enter data (full name, contact phone number and email";
  • confirmation code that comes to the last two methods;
  • then registration is completed and you will have to go through authorization;
  • then you need to go to the service catalog tab - my health, all services, what is a medical policy and how to get it.

In this tab, all information of interest to the applicant becomes available. To obtain a new policy, you need to fill out a form.

After just 30 days, it will be possible to pick up a new policy at the branch of the insurance company.

You can also submit applications for replacement and, through the State Services portal.

Insurance Company

To obtain an insurance policy from a company, you need to collect full package documents and contact your place of residence. The policy will be issued within the same period.

Registration procedure

As mentioned earlier, registration will not require much time. And if you know the order of registration, it will not take more than five minutes.

Required documents

To complete the application, in addition to the application, you will need to provide certified copies of the following documents:

  • passport of a Russian citizen;
  • marriage certificate;
  • insurance SNILS;
  • birth certificate (when applying for a policy for a child).


Amendments are made based on the submitted application. It states:

  • old and new data of the applicant;
  • reason for replacing the policy;
  • Contact Information.

When changing a minor's surname, an application must be submitted to a parent or guardian.

How much to wait?

The current law stipulates the period for provision.

A temporary policy is issued for the waiting period. It is this document that confirms the applicant’s right to receive medical care while waiting for the issuance of a permanent insurance policy. A person has the right to contact a medical organization during this period of time.


From release temporary policy no more than 30 days should pass before receiving the re-registered document.

After this time, a company representative must notify the applicant that the plastic is ready. After this, the client comes to the office and receives the finished document.

A temporary policy expires upon receipt of a permanent one.


Renewal of a medical policy is free of charge.

It is possible that when applying for an additional policy on behalf of the company, the organization itself pays extra for this procedure.

Possible difficulties

Replacing a compulsory medical insurance policy when changing your last name in 2020 is a mandatory procedure. Therefore, immediately after marriage, a woman should visit the branch of the insurance company.

If you do not issue a medical insurance policy in a timely manner, the person will not receive free medical care.