Making a dream for a child. How to get snls for a child: filling out an application via the Internet, production time

It is necessary to have not only working citizens, but all people. Therefore, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with what documents are required for registration of a newborn and which are necessary to obtain SNILS. This rule was introduced in 2011, when housewives, military personnel, and children needed to draw it up. The document confirms the registration of a citizen in pension insurance.

How to get SNILS for a child in Moscow? This can be done with proven methods. It is important to know how and where the document is drawn up. This procedure is simple, it takes only a little time. How to get SNILS for a child in Moscow through the State Services? Details of registration will be described in this article.

The need for SNILS for a child

Many parents are still not clear why they need to issue a certificate to the child. After all, he is not employed, and therefore deductions do not go for him. There are several reasons for this:

  • To use the State Services service, because through it you can process a lot of documents and save time.
  • With the receipt of benefits, SNILS will help you always have access to social registries.
  • If the child wants to earn extra money during the holidays in the summer, the employer will be able to transfer insurance premiums, and a personal account can be opened by parents in advance.
  • Often, SNILS is used as a number by which the identity of the student is established while passing through the checkpoint.
  • This number provides the right to participate in various programs for free, for example, up to 3 years a child can receive outpatient care under the Healthcare project.
  • SNILS is considered a kind of universal electronic card introduced in 2012.

Obtaining a document is not so difficult, but it allows you to use many services. It is required for all children and adults.

Registration via the Internet

SNILS is the account number of a citizen registered in pension insurance. The certificate includes the following information:

  • Account number.
  • Date and place of birth.
  • Date of registration.

There is reference information on the other side of the document. It is impossible to obtain a certificate via the Internet, since this service was prohibited by the Pension Fund. The law establishes that such data is confidential, and therefore they cannot be freely available. Therefore, there is no such portal where one could obtain a certificate.

public services

Can't get SNILS for a child through the State Services? Moscow, like any city, provides other ways of registration for this. The single portal does not include such a service, so it will not be possible to issue a document for an adult citizen either. Having such a service would save time.

How to get SNILS for a child in Moscow in another way? Required to contact Pension Fund at the place of residence of parents or a child who is 14 years old.

Design methods

Since it is impossible to issue a certificate via the Internet, where can I get SNILS for a child in Moscow? The registration procedure can be performed in 4 ways:

  • if the child is under 14 years old, then the parents or their representatives can complete the procedure on their own by visiting the Pension Fund;
  • upon reaching the age of 14, a minor draws up a certificate in the Pension Fund independently;
  • if the child is educated at an educational institution, then the procedure for issuing SNILS is the responsibility of the institution's management;
  • for newborns in 7 regions of the country, the following scheme applies: when parents register a child at the registry office, employees transfer information to the Pension Fund, which completes the registration.

SNILS is considered an important document for children as well. Its presence is as important as a passport or birth certificate.

Contacting the MFC

It is important for everyone to get SNILS for a child in Moscow. The MFC offers the execution of such documents. There are also many public services. Documents must be given to the employee of the MFC, who transfers to the Pension Fund.

You can get a certificate at the Regional Office. To facilitate access to services, it is possible to pre-register by phone.

Required documents

How to get SNILS for a child in Moscow? To obtain a certificate, you must provide documents such as:

  • parent's passport
  • birth certificate of the child;
  • questionnaire.

This list of documents is required for obtaining SNILS for children under 14 years of age. After this age, the child can go with a passport and fill out a questionnaire. You can do this with adults too. Parents or representatives receive a ready-made certificate by presenting a passport.

Registration principles for foreigners

How to get SNILS for a child in Moscow, if he is considered a foreign citizen. The registration procedure is the same as for citizens of the country, only with some nuances. The certificate is issued upon a personal visit to the FIU, only there must be a document for temporary residence. It can be replaced by a residence permit.

Adult foreigners can also issue a document. If he gets a job under an employment contract, then it will be possible to issue a certificate thanks to the employer. At the same time, a document for the implementation of labor duties is concluded for a period of more than six months, as well as indefinitely.

You will need to fill out a form in which information from the passport is entered. If the document is filled out in a foreign language, then a translation is required, as well as certification by a notary.

Lack of registration

How to get SNILS for a child in Moscow without registration? It must be borne in mind that the document indicates a personal insurance number assigned to all citizens, even if there is no registration.

You must contact the Pension Fund at the place of temporary registration or residence. procedure for obtaining and Required documents in this case are the same.

What to do in case of loss?

Documents are often lost or damaged. The number is retained by the person throughout his life. It is not transferable to another citizen. Even if the document is destroyed, the number is valid in the pension system.

You need to go through the recovery process. In this case, you should contact the Pension Fund at the place of residence, submitting the necessary documents. These include an ADV-3 form, passport, birth certificate.

A duplicate is issued after 3-4 weeks. Replacing the certificate is required when changing the name or changing the data. Then the list of documents remains the same, but you still need to submit SNILS and confirmation of a change in any information.

The Pension Fund advises to issue SNILS to all citizens who do not have a certificate. These categories of citizens include military personnel, retired employees, housewives. For registration, you can contact the MFC and the FIU. Military personnel can receive through the military unit.

So, the procedure for obtaining a certificate is not so complicated. Documentation makes it easier to perform many services. Since it is as important as a passport, the state tries to simplify the procedure as much as possible. Perhaps there will be more convenient ways receiving a document.

Every citizen of Russia, regardless of age, must be registered in the compulsory pension insurance system (OPS) in order to form a future pension. The provisions of the Federal Law of 04/01/1996 N 27-FZ (as amended on 05/01/2016) "On individual (personalized) accounting in the system of compulsory pension insurance" regulates the procedure for recording information about each insured person on his individual personal account (ILS) and issuing insurance certificates indicating - SNILS.

SNILS is assigned to a citizen once and not subject to change. issued free of charge.

SNILS is kept by the insured persons, and in case of damage, loss or change of personal data, it must be replaced.

What is SNILS and what does it look like?

Since 2002, a system of compulsory pension insurance (OPS) has been introduced in our country, with the help of which the state creates a source of financing for citizens' pensions.

  • Compulsory pension insurance covers for all citizens who work or are engaged in individual activities (individual entrepreneurs, lawyers, notaries, farmers, etc.). In the OPS system, these citizens are called insured persons.
  • The insurers are employers who pay contributions to the Pension Fund for the formation of the future pension of their employees.

To record information about insured persons, the FIU maintains individual (personalized) accounting: an individual personal account (ILS) is opened, which contains all information about the citizen's labor activity, length of service, amount of earnings and the amount of paid insurance premiums.

The insured person is issued compulsory pension insurance certificate, where the insurance number of the personal account is indicated (SNILS). This number is assigned once and cannot be changed, while the document itself, insurance certificate, can be replaced for various reasons.

The certificate looks like a small laminated light green card. It indicates personal information - last name, first name, patronymic, date and place of birth of a citizen, gender and date of registration in the OPS system. SNILS consists of eleven digits, of which the first nine are insurance number. There are no photographs on this document.

Insurance certificate of state pension insurance

Certificate of state pension insurance - a document issued by the authorities pension provision, confirms the registration of a citizen in the OPS system and contains an insurance number - SNILS. With his help, citizen identification in system FIU insurance, which is used in the information exchange of all branches of the pension fund of Russia and other departments.

A pension certificate is required to receive the following services and payments:

  • social payments, compensations and benefits;
  • obtaining a birth certificate and a certificate for maternity capital;
  • receiving public services on the Single Portal.

In addition to the above purposes, a certificate will be required when applying for a new job, to obtain a passport, TIN, registration as an individual entrepreneur.

The certificate is valid in the presence of a passport or other document proving the identity of the owner. The original document should be kept only by its owner, and transferred to other persons only for making a copy or correspondence of the SNILS number.

Refuse to issue an insurance certificate PFR authorities can only if there is already a personal account with identical personal data in the FPS system. In this case, the insured person submits an application for issuance duplicate insurance certificate.

In addition, the PFR authorities exchange insurance certificates of SNILS for new evidence in cases:

  • change of name, surname or patronymic;
  • change of date and place of birth;
  • when changing sex;
  • if there are any errors in the certificate;
  • in case of damage or loss of the document.

PFR branches issue duplicate certificates if they are lost or damaged (unsuitable for use). You can replace the green card through the employer or on your own by applying to the FIU. The certificate ceases to be valid due to the death of the owner, but the insurance number is not deleted from the database.

What do you need to get SNILS?

You can get SNILS, or rather an insurance certificate with its indication, in several ways:

  1. issued by the employer upon initial employment;
  2. independently in the PFR authorities at the place of residence.

For registration of SNILS you need fill in the questionnaire of the insured person of the established form, which is issued by employees of the pension fund or downloaded via the Internet. The form of the questionnaire - ADV-1 is approved by the PFR. It contains the citizen's data: full name, gender, date and place of birth, address of registration and permanent residence (if they do not match), passport data or other identification document, date and signature of the insured person. The questionnaire is submitted along with identity document insured person.

From the date of receipt of the application (questionnaire), the PFR authorities, within 3 weeks, open a personal account and issue an insurance certificate.

Required documents for registration

As a rule, Russian citizens only need a passport to apply for SNILS. If not available, you can submit other documents, proving the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation. These include:

  • international passport;
  • temporary identity card;
  • officer's identity card;
  • sailor's passport;
  • military ID;
  • certificate of release from places of detention;
  • other identification documents.

To apply for SNILS for a minor child, you must birth certificate. Foreign citizens and stateless persons other than the passport or document itself, in accordance with the law or international treaty identity document, as well as a document confirming the legality of stay on the territory of the Russian Federation.

How to get SNILS for a child?

Depends on their age.

  • If the child is under the age of 14, then his legal representatives act for him.
  • Adolescents who are 14 years old receive SNILS on their own.
  • An insurance certificate is also issued to children of foreign citizens and stateless persons temporarily staying on the territory of the Russian Federation.

For reference

To obtain SNILS for a young child, one of the parents or guardian must act. You need to contact the branch of the Pension Fund at the place of registration. You must have an identity document (passport) and a birth certificate with you. Guardian, a document confirming guardianship. The FIU fills out a questionnaire indicating the child's data and after 3 weeks a green card is issued.

Since the end of 2013, the registry office has been transmitting registration information newborn babies to a pension fund. After receiving this data, the PFR registers the child as an insured person without filing an application by the parent, but you need to receive SNILS from the Pension Fund. This procedure applies to children in whom at least one of the parents is a citizen of the Russian Federation.

Where can I get a pension insurance certificate?

The insurance certificate is issued exclusively by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. No other state bodies are authorized to issue it. Other organizations that issue SNILS are only intermediaries between the FIU and the recipients of certificates.

In most cases, citizens receive certificates at the territorial offices of the FIU. But, there are other ways to get it:

  • at the MFC, if an appropriate agreement has been concluded between it and the pension fund;
  • through the administration of preschool or educational (kindergartens, schools, universities) institutions, you can get an insurance certificate for a child.

Through the MFC, you can submit a questionnaire in order to register in the OPS system, and regardless of the citizen's registration address, since the extraterritorial principle of providing services is in effect. SNILS can be issued through the MFC only citizens of the Russian Federation; foreign citizens and stateless persons are not provided with such an opportunity. A citizen can receive a green card either at the MFC or directly at the PFR office within 3 weeks from the moment the pension fund receives the questionnaire of the insured person.

Also, through the MFC, you can exchange or receive a duplicate of SNILS, change information in the address part of the ILS in case the insured person changes the registration address or actual place of residence.

Get SNILS at the Pension Fund of Russia

You can get SNILS in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation two ways: by personal appeal to the territorial office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of residence (registration) or through the employer - a legal entity or an individual.

The employer is obliged, when hiring, to issue an insurance certificate to a citizen who has not previously been registered in the OPS system. This is necessary for the transfer of insurance premiums to the pension fund.

  • The employer submits the questionnaire of the insured person signed by the newly arrived employee and a document proving his identity to the PFR authorities. Within 3 weeks, an insurance certificate is prepared indicating the SNILS number. After receiving it within 1 week the employer is obliged to transfer the "green card" to the employee, and he, in confirmation of receipt, sign the statement in the form of ADI-5, which is transmitted by the employer to the FIU. If employee quit, the employer sends a notice of obtaining SNILS at his place of residence and keeps the certificate in the personal file of this employee.
  • In the event that a citizen is engaged in the design of SNILS on one's own, then he must apply with the specified documents to the FIU department personally. The questionnaire is filled in by hand in block letters or on a computer by an employee of the PFR department. The term for obtaining an insurance certificate is the same - 3 weeks.

Apply for a pension certificate via the Internet (online)

Currently, unfortunately, there is no possibility of issuing SNILS via the Internet. It cannot be issued either through the Unified Portal of Public Services or through the website of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. This is indicated in Law No. 27-FZ, since information on individual personal accounts of insured persons confidential, and the probability of its uncontrolled distribution in the global network is quite high. Therefore, you can not respond to offers to issue an insurance certificate via the Internet. Most likely, this offer comes from scammers who make money in this way.

But representatives of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation said that in the near future, apparently, it will be possible to obtain SNILS by submitting a questionnaire through the portal. And today, using the Internet, you can only download and fill out the questionnaire of the insured person in the ADV-1 form to obtain an insurance certificate.

How to get SNILS for a foreign citizen?

The issuance of insurance certificates to foreign citizens and stateless persons temporarily staying on the territory of the Russian Federation has been carried out since 2012. SNILS was issued to these citizens on the condition that an indefinite term was concluded with them. employment contract or an agreement for a period of at least 6 months in total during a calendar year.

For reference

Since 2015 conditions have changed certificates for citizens of this category. A green card is issued to all foreign citizens and stateless persons located on the territory of the Russian Federation. At the same time, it does not matter whether they are employed or not, what kind of contract (labor or civil law) and for how long it is concluded with them. Children of these citizens are also subject to registration in the OPS system.

the only exception are highly qualified specialists, which are indicated in federal law from 25.07.2002 No. 115-FZ "On the legal status of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation". Such a specialist is recognized foreign citizen who has work experience, skills or achievements in a particular field of activity and receives a salary in the Russian Federation, the amount of which is defined in Art. 13.2 of the said law. These specialists have an individual personal account does not open, OPS insurance certificate not issued.

The procedure for issuing SNILS by foreign citizens similar order for the citizens of Russia, with some exceptions.

If a foreigner or stateless person is employed, then the certificate receives them employer, who submits to the PFR authorities an ADV-1 form, an identity document of a foreign citizen and a document confirming the legality of his stay in Russia:

  • for permanent residents - passport and residence permit;
  • for temporary residents - a passport and a temporary residence permit;
  • for temporary residents - a passport, visa or migration card.

In addition to the above documents, foreign citizens will need make a notarized translation of the passport or other identity document, as it is in a foreign language.

After the opening of the ILS, a foreign citizen is the insured person in the OPS system. Consequently, upon the occurrence of insured events (disability, loss of a breadwinner, reaching retirement age), he has the right to claim appointment of a pension.

In our country, every person must have an insurance certificate of the PFR, which is issued for his entire life and contains all the necessary information on pension insurance. It is best to order it immediately after birth, so parents of babies need to know how to get SNILS for a child so that he can fully exercise his rights.

SNILS performs the function of the insurance personal account number of each person in the FIU, which is recorded on a green form issued by the relevant authority on the basis of a personal application.

In addition to the number, it also reflects the full name. person, date and place of his birth, time of registration with pension insurance authorities.

SNILS is assigned individually to each subject for his entire life. When changing personal data, the number of the insurance certificate is not subject to change.

Its significance lies in the fact that it reflects the number of the personal account where the employee or his employer makes the deduction of insurance premiums. According to SNILS, you can find out not only information about the accumulated amounts, but also the periods of labor activity taken into account in the employee's length of service for calculating a pension. It is paid upon reaching a certain age or insured event(death, disability of the insured). All information is taken on the basis of personal account data.

SNILS is valid together with a passport or other identity document.

Attention! Also, the number is needed when receiving many benefits and social guarantees of the state. Therefore, the number of a personal account in the FIU is often asked to provide when applying to medical institutions, upon admission to educational establishments or to work.

Many authorities interact with each other in relation to individuals precisely by SNILS numbers, using it as a unique identifier.

Now there is a development of a system for citizens to apply to the services of state bodies "from home" on the basis of the public services portal. People get access there by numbers recorded in SNILS.

Also, a single universal card is currently being introduced, with which it will be possible to receive a number of services in the field of social insurance and medicine, it also uses data from a pension certificate.

Why do children need a witness?

It is advisable to start obtaining a card for a child immediately after receiving a birth certificate.

This is due to the fact that:

  • Medical services will be provided to the baby in full only upon presentation together with the SNILS medical policy.
  • SNILS opens up access to receiving such social guarantees as free medicines, vouchers to sanatoriums, etc.
  • Upon admission to a kindergarten or school and further educational institutions SNILS for a child allows you to apply for benefits for free meals, a camp and a number of other social benefits.
  • SNILS is an identifier on the public services portal, where you can queue for a kindergarten without leaving your home.

Read also:

How to find out the SNILS number via the Internet or according to passport data in 2019

Why get SNILS for a newborn?

It is better not to postpone the receipt of a document for a newborn by relatives for a long time.

SNILS will allow parents to issue and receive in a simplified form:

  • Services medical institutions(polyclinics, hospitals) when servicing a newborn (according to a birth certificate for keeping a child after birth for a year)
  • Receive medicines prescribed by law free of charge (usually for children under three years of age);
  • Receive free, nutritious, age-appropriate meals;
  • Prepare the necessary certificates and documents for the baby;
  • Issue various benefits (birth, child, maternity capital, etc.).
  • Participate in the inheritance of a pension.

Where to get the document

The question: where to get SNILS for a child can only be answered directly at the FIU, or at the MFC.

The easiest way is the possibility of parents contacting the nearest branch of the MFC. They need to provide required package documents, an employee of the center will process them, draw up an application and send it to the FIU. Then he will set the time when you need to come up to get your hands on a ready-made PFR certificate.

However, this method is longer in time than a direct appeal to the PFR department. This is explained by the document flow between the MFC and the FIU upon requesting a certificate and receiving it. But the term for issuing SNILS cannot exceed 3 weeks.

Parents of the child can also go to the nearest PFR branch and apply for a personal account number there. As a rule, the application itself is filled out by an employee of the pension fund, the applicant only needs to verify his identity.

The FIU sets a time, and the completed certificate is handed over to the child's parents. The maximum period here is also three weeks, but often the issuance is carried out within 7 days from the date of application.

Attention! Recently, parents have often been interested in how to get SNILS for a child through public services. Today there is no such possibility. On the portal, you can fill out a questionnaire and print it, but you will only need to submit it in person. At the same time, the FIU claims that the personal data of an individual are confidential and cannot be transferred remotely.

How to get an insurance certificate for a child?

Making an insurance certificate for a child is a simple procedure that is not much different from the usual one.


Any parent or legal representative of a newly born baby has the right to receive this document. However, it must be borne in mind that by this time it is necessary to issue a birth certificate at the registry office, since without this document the procedure for obtaining SNILS will be impossible.

A copy of the identity card of one of the parents must be included in the package of documents. Who will act for them - mother or father, does not matter. The presence of the baby when applying for SNILS is optional.

Since since 2013 the registry office is obliged to transfer information about children born to the FIU, a certificate for a baby can be obtained in Moscow and some regions immediately upon application.

Obtaining SNILS for a child immediately after his birth has been a mandatory procedure since 2011. This document gives access to a range of services and benefits. You can get an individual pension insurance number immediately after the parents have issued a birth certificate for the child.

What is SNILS and why is it for a newborn

The insurance number of individual pension insurance (SNILS) is unique, consists of 11 digits. The number is assigned to each citizen once for life. Adults need it in order to transfer funds for retirement. Why draw it up for a newborn baby, who is very far from retirement:

  • so that parents can issue a compulsory policy on it health insurance (compulsory medical insurance policy);
  • for getting medical care;
  • to receive free medicines;
  • on it you can get a number of benefits (you need to check with the departments of social protection at the place of residence);
  • SNILS will be needed in order to queue for kindergarten.

Documents for registration of SNILS can be submitted by one of the parents. The presence of the second parent or child is not required.

What documents are needed to get SNILS for a newborn

To obtain SNILS, you will first need to fill out an insured person's questionnaire.

Questionnaire form

Parents indicate all the personal data of the baby, date and place of birth, citizenship, address of permanent residence and registration.

Please note that in the column "Phone" you can specify any contact number, and in the column "Type of document" you need to indicate the birth certificate, its number, date of issue, by whom and when issued. Fill out the form in capital letters. For clarity, here is a sample of filling out the questionnaire recommended by the MFC:

In addition to the application, what documents will the newborn still need to receive SNILS:

  • passport of one of the parents (the one who fills out the application and submits documents);
  • the child's birth certificate and a copy of the birth certificate.

If there is no residency

Parents do not always have time to register their baby immediately after birth. In this case, is it possible to get SNILS for a newborn without a residence permit: yes. An individual insurance number is assigned to a child regardless of whether he has a residence permit or not.

Where can I get SNILS for a newborn

There are several ways to apply and get SNILS for a baby. Where is SNILS issued to a newborn:

  • in the Pension Fund at the place of registration;
  • in a multifunctional center (MFC);
  • in the maternity hospital (if medical organization an agreement has been concluded with the Pension Fund for the provision of such a service), this possibility must be clarified in a particular institution;
  • some registry offices can provide such a service; when issuing a birth certificate, immediately check whether you can receive a SNILS card at the same time.

Is it possible to apply for SNILS to a newborn via the Internet

At the moment, the Pension Fund does not provide for the issuance of SNILS without the personal presence of parents. Even the electronic submission of the questionnaire of the insured person is not provided, the parents submit all documents personally.

How to get SNILS in the Pension Fund

To obtain a document from the Pension Fund, you need to contact any territorial department of the Pension Fund with a package of documents.

Necessary documents for registration of SNILS for a newborn child in the PF:

  • questionnaire of the insured person;
  • passport of one of the parents;
  • child's birth certificate.

Depending on the specific unit, SNILS can be ready both at the time of application, and within 2-3 weeks.

How to get SNILS at the MFC

To get SNILS, you need to contact any branch of the MFC convenient for you. You can make an appointment in advance or take an electronic queue ticket on the spot.

Receiving sequence:

  1. Take an electronic queue ticket or come to the appointed time if you signed up online.
  2. Fill out the questionnaire together with a sample specialist.
  3. The employee checks the correctness of filling, issues a receipt with a number by which you can track the readiness of the document. Also, you will immediately be given an estimated timeframe for the completion of the document.
  4. On the appointed day, at the specified time, you need to come to the branch of the MFC where you submitted the documents and get the finished SNILS.

Caring for minors, supporting the elderly is a constitutional duty of the state. Since 2002, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation has been registering all persons in the mandatory pension system. The purpose of accounting is the general social protection of citizens of the Russian Federation. The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation contributes to the insured person a personal personal account with a unique number.

SNILS is the insurance number of an individual personal account. It is the basis for building a record of insured persons in the social security system of Russian citizens. Accurate definition of SNILS in Russian law does not exist. By analyzing the existing laws, you can get an idea about the concept. In fact, this is a digital code consisting of 11 characters.

Each number carries strictly defined information about its holder. It is made up of three elements:

  1. General.
  2. Special.
  3. Professional.

The first one includes:

  • Name of the owner;
  • address of permanent residence;
  • series and number of the passport;
  • the presence of citizenship;
  • date of registration as an insured person;
  • official wage or other legal income on which insurance premiums are charged;
  • information about the size of the personal pension coefficient.

The second one is:

  • the amount of basic and additional insurance premiums for the funded part of the pension;
  • information on the choice by the insured person of a company managing pension savings;
  • information about the succession in the event of the death of the owner and the number of payments made by him during his life;
  • information about maternity capital;
  • payments to PF reserves.

The third contains:

  • information about the time of professional labor or other length of service;
  • the amount of investment income;
  • the amount of payments made and other financial indicators.

It is necessary to clearly distinguish SNILS from an insurance (pension) certificate (green, glossy card). An insurance certificate is a document confirming that you are a member of the compulsory pension insurance system and includes general information about the person: full name, date and place of birth, gender, date of registration and the same SNILS code.

Why does a child need SNILS?

SNILS is needed in the following life situations:

  • Included in the package of documents submitted to the authorities social protection population to receive child benefits, for example, for the birth of the first child, for child care.
  • If a second child appears in the family, then SNILS is required to receive maternity capital.
  • Also, in the event of the death of one of the parents, it is included in the list of documents for receiving a pension in the order of inheritance.
  • It may be necessary when applying for a passport for a minor child.
  • For children with disabilities, it is necessarily included in the documents submitted to the social security authorities for registration of monthly benefits.
  • Children from low-income families, to receive subsidies for meals in preschool and school educational institutions. It also entitles children to health resort services.
  • During the school holidays, the child can get a job, and the employer is required to apply to the PF for deductions in state funds(PF, CHI, social insurance).
  • The presence of SNILS guarantees a minor the right to receive state and municipal services on the State Services website.

How to get SNILS for a newborn baby? It is issued from the moment of birth of a person and is valid indefinitely. Allows the child to be included in the list of federal targeted programs in the field of healthcare, protection of childhood and motherhood, which means that in the future they have every right to receive benefits, subsidies and subsidies.

For a newborn with medical policy needed to receive free, qualified, medical care in a children's clinic. In case of illness of a child, the right to receive free medicines included in a special list for children under 3 years of age, approved by the Ministry of Health and being treated on an outpatient or inpatient basis.

How to get SNILS for a child?

An application for receipt can be sent by contacting the PF or the MFC. Children under 14 cannot receive SNILS on their own. Only their legal representatives (parents, adoptive parents, guardians) have the right to apply for and receive SNILS in accordance with family law. It is not necessary for the child to be present at check-in. After receiving a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation upon reaching the age of 14, a minor can already independently obtain it by contacting the Pension Fund or the MFC.

What documents are needed for registration?

For legal registration, you must submit the following package of documents:

  • questionnaire developed and approved by the Ministry of Labor and Social Development, form (ADV-1). It is issued in the territorial department of the Pension Fund or the MFC and is filled in by the applicant or an authorized person. It can also be copied and filled out on the PF website.
  • A copy of the birth certificate (in case of submission of documents to persons under 14 years old).
  • The original passport of the applicant.

All documents are provided in person, remotely or by proxy cannot be submitted.

How to get a pension certificate in the FIU

The procedure for submitting documents and issuing a pension certificate to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is regulated by Order No. 766n dated 12/21/16. The district branch of the pension fund, within a period not exceeding five working days, makes a decision to issue an insurance certificate with the assignment of an individual digital value.

One of the parents can receive SNILS for a child through the Pension Fund personally, or through a legal representative (adoptive parents, guardians). Registration and receipt is free of charge.

How to get SNILS for a child through the State Services?

To date, it is impossible to apply for an insurance pension certificate for a child through the website.

You can only submit documents in person by contacting the Pension Fund or the MFC.

Submission in electronic form through the website of public services is allowed by order No. 766n. According to the Minister of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation, obtaining SNILS through the public service website will be possible no earlier than the beginning of 2020, this is due to the solution of a set of technical and procedural issues.

Terms of production of the insurance certificate

The terms for issuing an insurance certificate recommended by the Ministry of Labor and Social Development are five working days. So in the case of applying to the Pension Fund personally, then the issuance of a ready-made insurance certificate may be on the day of application.

If the appeal took place through the MFC, then the receipt of the certificate in five working days. Order No. 766n allows the extension of the period for issuing an insurance certificate only if, when considering the questionnaire of the insured, any inaccuracies were identified. Employees of the PF can directly contact the person who submitted the application to make the appropriate changes, then the entire procedure for issuing a finished certificate is decided individually.

SNILS is a measure of national protection, accompanying a person from the moment of birth to his death. The list of services for it involves a wide range of cash subsidies: from receiving childbirth benefits, maternity capital, compensation in case of unemployment and up to life pensions. As well as the implementation of social services: registration of a passport, maternity capital, supply of medicines.