Tourism as a component of the system of recreational services. Territorial systems of recreation and tourism

Recreation (lat. recreatio) - restoration (of physical and spiritual forces spent in the process of labor and life).

Recreational geography (RG) is a scientific direction that studies the geographical patterns of functioning and development of territorial systems for organizing people’s activities outside of working hours. The main object of study is R.g. - territorial recreational system (TRS). Studied:

1) territorial differentiation of recreational needs;

2) connection of the TRS with other territorial systems - settlement networks, natural complexes;

3) properties of the TRS, properties of its individual subsystems;

4) recreational resources;

5) recreational areas;

6) ways to control and predict TRS.

Interdisciplinary problems are also considered; the value and reliability of resources, the sustainability of natural recreational conditions, the economic and social efficiency of organizing recreation and tourism.

Recreational geography as a science is formed in b. USSR from the 60-70s. XX century The methodology is based on a systems approach.

Recreational concepts are developed within the framework of recreationology - an interdisciplinary science of recreational systems based on the scientific principles of human ecology. These principles were first formulated by the scientific team of the national school of recreational science and recreational geography under the leadership of Vladimir Sergeevich Preobrazhensky. In 1992, long-term scientific research in the field of recreation was summarized in the theoretical monograph “Theory of Recreation and Recreational Geography.” Among researchers, the definition of recreationology as a science about the processes and methods of restoring human living forces is generally accepted.

Of all the variety of signs of recreation, the main ones that determine its essence are considered to be the following:

Carried out in free time

Has an active character;

Built on a voluntary, amateur basis.

Vacation is not only about moving to a pleasant and remote place, but also about seeking variety. Thus, people who are professionally involved in constant moving dream of the opportunity to be at home, with their family. For a good rest, you don’t have to go somewhere, you need to radically change your usual way of life. In other words, a change of activity is the basis of rest.

Recreation is not only learning something new, rest, but also a reaction to stress and fatigue. The more stressful a person’s living conditions, the greater his need for recreation.

1.2 Territorial recreational systems

In domestic recreational geography, the theory of territorial recreational systems is substantiated as a subject of scientific research and one of the main forms of organizing recreation and tourism. The entire system of concepts of this scientific direction was based on the anthropocentric nature of the recreation and tourism systems, which means the closure of all system connections to the needs of the tourist. On this methodological basis, principles for assessing recreational resources were developed. Infrastructure ensuring the functioning and development of recreational areas.

The doctrine of recreational systems, developed by the prominent Russian geographer V.S. Preobrazhensky in the 1960s, was fundamental in all scientific research in the field of recreational geography and tourism geography. The main role in it was played by the concept:

The recreational system, which consists of five important interconnected subsystems: recreationists (tourists), natural complexes, technical complexes, service personnel and management bodies;

The natural complex - an interconnected and interdependent combination of natural objects and phenomena - acts not only as a resource, but also as a condition for satisfying the recreational needs of people. The specific characteristics of natural complexes are their capacity, stability, comfort, diversity, attractiveness;

A group of vacationers is characterized by behavioral parameters described using cycles of recreational activities. Relations with other subsystems are differentiated depending on the social, age, psychological, national, professional, regional and individual selectivity of certain groups of people, conditions and recreational resources;

Technical systems ensure the normal life activities of vacationers and service personnel and satisfy the specific recreational needs of tourists;

Service personnel, using technical systems, produce, collect, store and deliver a range of services to vacationers, remove and dispose of waste;

The management body compares information about the extent to which tourists' needs are met with information about the state of other subsystems and the availability of material and financial reserves, and makes business decisions.

In a recreational system, it is important to take into account such properties as integrity, dynamism, reliability, efficiency, hierarchy, etc. The effectiveness of the functioning of the recreational system can be assessed according to two criteria: external and internal.

The internal criterion can be social in content (level of satisfaction of needs, satisfaction with leisure); economic (profit maximization); socio-economic (satisfying demand).

According to the authors of the above definition of the concept of “recreational system,” a territorial recreational system includes a recreational system in which the relationships between elements are mediated by territory. One of the main types of recreational systems includes agglomerations.

Agglomeration is a type of territorial recreational system that arises on the basis of a large tourist center with a vast area of ​​urbanization zone, absorbing adjacent settlements.

Tourist agglomerations are distinguished by a high degree of concentration of tourism industry objects, as well as a high density of tourists and excursionists and a high degree of complexity and integration of the tourism industry; have a significant impact on the surrounding territory, modifying its economic structure and social aspects of life of the population.

Examples of tourist agglomerations: Sochi, Cote d'Azur, Balearic, Canary, Seychelles and other islands, Caucasian Mineral Waters, Costa Brava, Costa del Sol, Loire Valley, Ile-de-France, Miami, Acapulco, California coast, etc. .d.

Any complex recreational systems have corresponding types of structure. There are two main types of structures - hierarchical and territorial.

A hierarchical structure is characteristic of a complex recreational system, in which there is a division of many of its constituent elements into subsets of different levels - subsystems that have the property of integrity, a certain degree of self-regulation and are connected by multi-stage relationships of subordination of subsystems of some levels to others - higher ones.

The territorial structure is implemented in tourism as a set of territorial connections between the subsystems of the recreational system. The territorial structure, for example, includes: the planning structure of the resort; territorial structure of tourist flows; territorial organization of recreational activities; territorial organization of tourist services; territorial structure of tourist demand; territorial structure of the tourist market, etc.

Thus, territorial recreational systems make it possible to assess the potential of the city’s recreational resources and its infrastructure, thereby ensuring the development and functioning of recreational areas, connecting all subsystems and directing them to meet the needs of tourists.

Territorial recreational system (TRS) - a social geographical system consisting of interconnected subsystems: vacationers, natural and cultural complexes, engineering structures, service personnel, governing body and characterized by functional and territorial integrity.

Territorial recreational systems have a number of properties: diversity, dynamism, comfort, sustainability, efficiency, hierarchy and reliability. Diversity is a property that reflects the classification of TRS and the objective differences between different TRS. Dynamism is a property that reflects the change in TRS over time. Comfort indicates the degree of compliance of real or designed TRS with the requirements of vacationers. Resilience reflects the ability of TRS to withstand external and internal influences. Efficiency is a property that matches the costs of a resource with the result achieved; it reflects the degree to which a goal is achieved at a fixed resource cost. Hierarchy reflects the existing subordination of the TRS, the manifestation of new qualities in systems of both higher and lower rank. Reliability is a property indicating the trouble-free functioning of the TRS.

2.1. Properties of territorial and recreational systems

2.1.1. Hierarchy

The TRS hierarchy is determined by the distribution of responsibilities for serving vacationers and managing various TRSs. Hierarchy ensures the best performance of TRS's functions. The very hierarchy of management is necessary for the TRS to act as an integral and stable organism. Hierarchy also exists in the distribution of services. Recreational service enterprises are divided into episodic, periodic and daily. Occasional service businesses are considered characteristic of higher levels of the hierarchy. However, this is not always the case. Enterprises providing daily services to patients at resorts (mud baths, for example) may belong to a higher taxonomic rank than enterprises providing periodic services (hairdressers, laundries). The hierarchical level of enterprises is determined depending on how wide a contingent of vacationers they serve. Thus, sanatoriums, boarding houses, and tourist centers that serve only “their” contingent of vacationers belong to a lower taxonomic rank than a specialized resort clinic, theater or museum, which satisfy the needs of vacationers in many sanatoriums, tourist centers and boarding houses.

The belonging of the TRS to a certain taxonomic rank is also indicated by the degree of diversity of occupations, which characterizes the development of the cycle. For example, in Yalta the cycle of recreational activities is characterized by greater variety (visiting theaters and concerts, museums, etc.) than in the Saki group of sanatoriums.

The hierarchy of TRS is even more noticeable in connection with the hierarchy of cycles of recreational activities. Thus, a single recreational enterprise (for example, a sanatorium) ensures the implementation, as a rule, of a daily cycle. In the resort city, it is possible to implement both daily and vacation cycles. The TRS network throughout the country makes it possible to realize a variety of life cycles of recreational activities. Therefore, the diversity of cycles of recreational activities must be taken into account when constructing a taxonomic ladder of TRS.

They differ: a) TRS as a whole; b) Specialized recreational enterprises; c) TRS workshops.

Specialized enterprises provide only part of the training cycle. The behavior of vacationers in them is described in an incomplete cycle. Enterprises of this kind are a water and mud bath, a spa hall, etc. Specialized enterprises provide such types of services that have a target value for a vacationer or a person being treated, since they are the purpose of his visit to this TRS.

TRS workshops produce additional services that are also necessary. They provide the opportunity to carry out only part of the daily cycle of classes. These include repair and construction enterprises, motor transport enterprises, and kurzelenstroy (green workshop).

Hierarchy of TRS has a territorial form. Management and maintenance responsibilities are not simply distributed among different TRS taxa, but are spatially limited. Thus, high-ranking recreational enterprises (specialized airports) are much less common than lower-ranking enterprises (shops, restaurants).

Stands out five taxonomic TRS levels: enterprise, plant, connection, association, industry.

Examples recreational enterprise are sanatoriums, tourist centers, holiday homes, boarding houses, tourist ships. Although they are grassroots TRS, they represent a rather complex system. Thus, a camp site may include: a tent camp, year-round dormitories, a summer cinema, a boiler room, a laundry, residential buildings, etc.

Each of these objects is either a specialized enterprise or a workshop of an enterprise. Recreational businesses can merge.

to recreational centers

So, all the sanatoriums of Yalta are united into one unit, which is called a resort city. Thus, a recreational plant is an interconnected combination of enterprises. The plant is characterized by a clearly defined specialization in any one cycle of recreational activities: the Yalta plant, like the sanatoriums included in it, is characterized by the same cycle of recreational activities - therapeutic. Recreational factories are united into connections

: Southern coast of Crimea, Caucasian mineral waters, Big Sochi. The cities and resort towns of each such entity use common natural resources, have a common construction base, and a common road network. Such large TRS have specialized enterprises: the editorial office of a resort newspaper, a research institute, and an agricultural supply base. Recreational connections,

and this is typical for them, they provide several cycles of recreational activities - educational, health-improving, therapeutic. Objectively distinguished, but not organizationally fixed, the commonality of large TRS is recreational(in the territory of the former USSR - this is the southern European zone). It is characterized by recreational transport (not transit) lines, maritime shipping companies, large zonal research institutes, and a variety of recreational activities. In general, a recreational association is a collection of enterprises, plants and connections interconnected by a network of roads and routes.

Lecture 10. Spatial organization of tourism.

1. Territorial systems of recreation and tourism.

2. Main subsystems of territorial systems of recreation and tourism.

In domestic recreational geography, the theory of territorial recreational systems is substantiated as a subject of scientific research and one of the main forms of organizing recreation and tourism.

Recreational system- a complex socially managed (partially self-managed) system, the central subsystem of which is the subjects of tourism, and the target function is the most complete satisfaction of their recreational needs.

The recreational system consists of interconnected subsystems: vacationers, tourists, natural complexes, material resources and recreational infrastructure, service personnel and management bodies.

Natural complex- an interconnected and interdependent combination of natural objects and phenomena - acts not only as a resource, but also a condition for satisfying the recreational needs of people. The specific characteristics of natural complexes are their capacity, stability, comfort, diversity, and attractiveness.

Group of vacationers characterized by behavioral parameters described using cycles of recreational activities. Relations with other subsystems are differentiated depending on the social, age, psychological, national, professional, regional and individual selectivity of certain groups of people, conditions and tourism resources.

Technical systems provide the normal life activities of vacationers and service personnel and satisfy the specific tourism needs of tourists.

Service staff With the help of technical systems, it produces, collects, stores and delivers a range of services to vacationers, removes and utilizes waste.

Government compares information about the extent to which tourists' needs are met with information about the state of other subsystems, material and financial reserves, and makes business decisions.

L. G. Lukyanova and V. I. Tsybukh offer their views on the features of the structure of the recreational system (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Structure of the recreational system.

In a territorial recreational system, the relationships between elements are mediated by territory. One of the main types of territorial recreational systems includes agglomerations, arising on the basis of a large tourist center with a vast area of ​​urbanization zone, absorbing adjacent settlements.

Tourist agglomerations are distinguished by a high degree of concentration of tourism industry objects, as well as a high density of tourists and excursionists and a high degree of complexity and integration of the tourism industry; have a significant impact on the surrounding territory, modifying its economic structure and social aspects of life of the population. Examples of tourist agglomerations: Sochi, Cote d'Azur, Balearic, Canary, Seychelles, Caucasian Mineral Waters, Costa Brava, Costa del Sol, Loire Valley, Ile-de-France, Miami, Acapulco, California coast, etc.

The classic definition belongs to the author of the doctrine of the territorial recreational system (TRS) V. S. Preobrazhensky. He determined territorial recreational system as a social geographical system consisting of interconnected subsystems: natural and cultural complexes, engineering structures, service personnel and vacationers, characterized by functional and territorial integrity. He was the first to present a graphical expression of his ideas - a basic model of a recreational system (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Basic model of the recreational system.

A somewhat different definition is given by T.V. Nikolaenko. Territorial recreational system- a form of organizing recreational activities in a certain territory, thanks to which maximum interconnection, spatial and functional coordination of various subsystems involved in the implementation of the recreational function of a given territory is achieved. In fact, TRS as a form of organizing recreational activities is an extremely rare phenomenon, but very important for the intensive development of a certain territory. The creation of a TRS on the territory of interest guarantees maximum recreational development in the shortest possible time. In general, TRS is only an extreme form of territorial organization of recreation. In most cases, the development of territory for recreational purposes does not reach this level.

Kovalenko Maria Alexandrovna
News of Sochi State University. - 2012. - No. 3 (21). - P.36-39.

Annotation. The article analyzes the activities of a city with tourist and recreational specialization (using the example of the city of Sochi). The central place here is occupied by the tourism and recreational system, the main goal of which is quality service for recreationists and tourists. The key elements in the model of the tourist and recreational system are: country, region generating the tourist and recreational flow; transit region, city; a resort city receiving tourist and recreational flows. Particular attention is paid to the factors shaping consumer demand and supply of the city’s tourist and recreational product. Thus, among the factors determining demand, we can highlight the specialization of the region generating the tourist and recreational flow, the environmental situation, and the income of the population.

Keywords: tourist-recreational system, tourist-recreational flow, tourist-recreational cycle, tourist-recreational product, real demand, potential demand, supply of tourist-recreational product.

The tourist and recreational specialization of the city of Sochi is explained by the uniqueness of its natural resources, which determine the development of recreation and tourism as an economically profitable use of the city's potential with relatively small capital investments.

And tourism can be characterized as complex and multidimensional phenomena, the main goal of which is to satisfy the tourist and recreational needs of people, which includes many interrelated elements, organized into certain structures, representing a systemic formation. At the same time, systematicity is characterized by the integrity of its constituent elements in interaction with the environment.

The maturity of the tourist and recreational system of a resort city is determined by its ability to fulfill its function - high-quality and efficient service for recreationists and tourists. A.Yu. Shaidarov identifies the following factors influencing the development of the tourism and recreational system:

The presence of stable demand for the produced tourism product, due to the growth of real incomes of the population of municipalities, regions, as well as the country and the population of other countries;
- high degree of development of tourist resources, their technical, environmental condition and the possibility of obtaining economic benefits from their use;
- price-quality ratio of the tourist product offered for sale;
- completeness and stability of the regulatory framework in the field of recreation and tourism;
- advertising, information and personnel support for tourism activities;
- a high level of general culture of the region’s population and its moral and psychological readiness to accept mass tourist flows.

Based on the works of domestic and foreign scientists, the model of the recreational and tourist system of the resort city of Sochi can be presented as follows (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Model of the tourist and recreational system of the resort city of Sochi 1

In this model we can distinguish:

- Countries, regions, cities generating tourist and recreational flows- places of permanent residence of tourists and recreationists, where recreational and tourist trips begin and end.
- Transit countries, regions and cities, through which holidaymakers and tourists travel when traveling to their destination.
- Resort cities receiving tourist and recreational flows- cities that serve as the final destination of travel for recreationists and tourists.

The formation of a tourist and recreational flow occurs under the influence of such factors as the specialization of the city that generates the tourist and recreational flow in the division of labor, the environmental situation, the holding of large-scale sporting events, as well as the level of income of the population.

In cities that generate tourist and recreational flows, where industries occupy a dominant position, the health of the population is influenced by similar negative factors, leading to the demand for certain types of recreational services and types of treatment. In such cities, environmental problems are also noted, leading to an increase in morbidity and demand for sanatorium-resort treatment.

The income of the population determines the possibilities and effective demand for certain recreational and tourist services, and here we can already see the differentiation of demand in terms of comfort and quality of demanded services.

The holding of large-scale sporting events in the host city causes a sharp increase in demand, and, consequently, supply in the market of tourist and recreational services. For the city of Sochi, this factor currently acts as a dominant one, since in 2007 the city was chosen as the capital of the XXII Winter Olympic Games in 2014.

All of the above factors determine the number of out-of-town and foreign tourists (recreationists) wishing to visit the resort city, and this reflects the process of formation of consumer demand for its tourist and recreational product.

The determining factors in the formation of the tourist and recreational product of a resort city are, in aggregate and functional interaction, tourist and recreational resources and tourist and recreational infrastructure. The nature of the interaction of these factors in the process of forming a tourist and recreational product is ensured by enterprises operating in the field of recreation and tourism (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Tourist and recreational cycle

The design process, based on the analysis of consumer preferences and the resource base, production, sale and consumption of a tourism and recreational product, constitutes a tourism and recreational cycle.

At the stage of “analysis of consumer demand and resource provision” the preferences and needs of various types of services for both already arrived and potential recreants and tourists are identified, as well as the possibilities of their provision in a given city.

At the stage of “planning the content of a tourist and recreational product” an ideological model of individual tourist and recreational services and products is being created, as well as the necessary conditions for its implementation.

At the stage of “production of a tourist and recreational product and provision of the necessary infrastructure” the ideological model of a tourist and recreational product is being implemented with the help of tools, infrastructure and technology. It is important to note that the already provided tourist and recreational services do not fall out of the logic of the cycle - they are either modified taking into account changes in demand and implementation technology, or, remaining unchanged, they receive additional consumers, expanding the range of services provided to tourists (recreants).

At the stage of “dissemination of information about the developed tourism and recreational product” communications are carried out between subjects of the tourism and recreational sphere of the host city and potential consumers, aimed at:

1. Collection of information from consumers about potential travel destinations, interesting objects, etc.
2. Informing consumers and promoting the created tourist and recreational product.

Stages of “provision” and “consumption” of a tourism and recreational product are carried out simultaneously. At these stages, the tourist is provided with developed products both in the form of individual services and in the form of the entire range of services and goods included in the tourism product, including the transportation of tourists.

The tourism and recreational cycle is closed on the connection between the stages of “consumption” and “conception” (potential supply) through the analysis of existing and potential demand, which, first of all, characterizes the close connection between the concept, creation, reproduction and improvement of the tourism product and its demand with consumer side.

Thus, the potential and actual demand for tourist and recreational services determines and determines the nature, quality characteristics and directions for improving the range of services provided by resort city enterprises.


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Mariya A. Kovalenko. Model of Sochi Resort Travel and Recreational System

Abstract. The article analyzes the activities of the city with tourism and recreation specialization (Sochi case study). Travel and recreational system, which priority is to serve holidaymakers and tourists, is the chief branch of economy. Key elements of the model of travel and recreational system are country, region, resort, hosting the flow of tourists and holidaymakers. Special attention is attached to the factors of consumer demand shaping and supply of tourist and recreational services of the city.

Keywords: Tourism-recreational system, tourism-recreational influx, effective demand, potential demand, offering the tourism-recreational services.

“tourist rent”, which, using a price system, can be collected by enterprises selling paid services and goods.

One of the ways to satisfy recreational needs acts as a market for recreational goods and services, where the latter are goods. In this capacity, they participate in satisfying the effective demand of the population. Recreational services act as one of the active items of effective demand. The expansion of the volume of offered recreational goods and services contributes to the expansion of the scope of offers and an increase in the share of satisfied effective demand.

For many countries around the world, tourism has become an important, and sometimes the main, source of foreign currency. In this regard, it has overtaken the largest item of world trade - the sale of crude oil. However, for individual countries the significance of this function is ambiguous. The influx of currency into some countries is accompanied by its outflow from others. The USA, Germany, Japan are losing huge sums from international tourism (the main tourists in the world), while Spain, Greece, Italy have huge foreign exchange earnings due to international tourism.

1.3. The concept of the recreational system

Recreational system - it is a complex, controlled and, partially, self-governing system, consisting of interconnected subsystems: vacationing people, natural and cultural territorial complexes, technical systems, service personnel and management (Fig. 2).

Subsystem of vacationers described by cycles of recreational activities. This subsystem is considered not only as a “subject”, but also as an “object” of recreational activity. This is due to the fact that vacationers have a certain selectivity in relation to other vacationers: the desire to relax with their family or a group of people with similar interests.

Natural and cultural territorial complexes - natural combinations of natural complexes or cultural values ​​act not only as resources, but also as conditions for satisfying recreational and ordinary everyday needs. Their specific characteristics are capacity, stability, comfort, variety, and attractiveness.

Fig. 2 Scheme of the recreational system of the civil defense - a group of vacationers; PC - natural and cultural complexes;

TS - technical systems; OP - group of service personnel; OU is a governing body.

1. External connections of the system.

2. Connections between subsystems.

3. Control commands.

4. Information about the state of subsystems: I - about the satisfaction of vacationers;

II - on the degree of preservation of compliance of natural complexes with recreation requirements;

III - on the degree of preservation of useful properties and capabilities of technical systems;

IV - about the condition of the service personnel.

Technical systems designed to ensure normal life activities

activity of vacationers and service personnel, as well as meeting the specific recreational needs of vacationers. They are characterized by indicators of capacity, comfort, reliability of engineering and operational structures.

Service group people must, with the help of technical systems and natural complexes, on the one hand, produce, collect, preserve and deliver food, information, necessary industrial products, cultural values ​​to vacationers, and on the other hand, remove waste. Among the characteristics, the most important is the service budget (calculated over time), as well as the capacity of the service system as a whole and its functional individual elements, comfort, and the ratio of the number of service personnel to the number of vacationers.

Government as the needs of vacationers are met and material and financial reserves are available, if necessary, makes a decision to change the relationship between subsystems. A prerequisite for the sustainable operation of recreational systems is planning and regulation by their management. Moreover, it can be carried out both with the participation of a person (an organizationally formalized governing body) and without it. Planning is carried out with human participation; regulation - both with and without human participation. Some subsystems of recreational systems have the ability to self-regulate. For example, natural complexes can restore their properties after partial damage, change their biological and hydrological characteristics under the influence of recreational exploitation. The nature of recreational activities may change due to changes in the composition of the group and changes in interests during the recreation process. But in general, recreational systems are manageable.

Each of the subsystems has its own set of hierarchies. Thus, the subsystem of vacationers can be represented by an individual and various groups: family, roommates, all vacationers of the sanatorium. At the same time, all vacationers can be considered as a collection of groups with different predominant occupations: those receiving treatment, tourists, excursionists. Natural complexes, technical systems and governing bodies also have a hierarchy. Therefore, any of the characteristics (need, value criteria) for each of the levels of the hierarchy of subsystems have their own meaning. As a result, the value criteria of an individual may not fully correspond to the value criteria of the entire excursion group.

Despite the heterogeneity of elements, recreational systems are integral formations. As integral entities, real recreational systems form a set with significant functional diversity. This diversity is reflected in the typology of recreational systems.

Thus, recreational systems are:

- complex, consisting of heterogeneous education subsystems;

- formations with interconnected subsystems;

- holistic formations.

1.4. Systems and cycles of classes

Recreational needs are realized in certain types of recreational activities, and the structure of human activity in free time is no less complex than in working time. There are two main

free time functions:

- the function of restoring human strength absorbed by the sphere of work and other everyday activities;

- a function of spiritual (cultural, ideological, aesthetic) and physical development.

Restorative functions(psychophysiological) include:

nutrition, sleep, movement. They perform the functions of simple restoration of psychophysiological parameters.

Development function(spiritual-intellectual) include: healing, cognition, communication.

Types of recreational activities have a certain number of ways of implementation, called recreational activities. Among the totality of activities performed in the process of recreational activities, recreational activities themselves (swimming, walking, visiting monuments and museums, etc.) and everyday physiologically necessary needs (sleep, nutrition) are distinguished. In turn, in recreational activities themselves two groups stand out, combining into four main types of activities:

1. Recovery group: a) recreational and therapeutic activities; b) recreational and health activities.

2. Development group: a) recreational and sports activities; b) recreational and educational activities.

Recreational-therapeutic activities are a system of activities strictly determined by the methods of sanatorium-resort treatment: climate therapy, balneotherapy, mud therapy. The type of recreational and health activities is more diverse - walking, swimming, sun and air baths, games, passive rest, etc.

Recreational and sports activities are aimed primarily at developing a person’s physical strength. This includes sports games, sailing and motor water sports, skiing, long walks, and mountain climbing.

Recreational and educational activities are designed to spiritually develop a person. This group includes, for example, inspection of cultural monuments and familiarization with natural attractions.

Many types of recreational activities are combined in a real situation. Obviously, the more combinations there are, the more efficient the recreational activity is, since more recreational needs are satisfied per unit of time.

A stable combination of repeated recreational activities over a certain period of time is called cycle of recreational activities


One of the conditions for the existence of living systems is the rhythm of biological processes. Circadian (circadian) rhythms are the basic biological rhythm of living organisms and form the basis of their life.

The daily cycle of recreational activity is a certain combination of complexes of simultaneous activities or activities performed over short periods of time. Daily cycles can be repeated many times over a certain long period of time. There are vacation cycles, a life cycle, a cycle of a certain age gradation (childhood, adolescence).

The vacation cycle consists of daily cycles, but does not represent a repetition of identical daily cycles (sanatorium-resort treatment, for example, is divided into unequal periods: adaptation, treatment, excursion). Rigid daily cycles called daily routine have sanatorium-resort treatment, qualification tourism, less rigid - self-organized forms of recreation.

In Fig. Figure 3 shows a diagram of the vacation cycle of classes.

Rice. 3. Scheme of the vacation cycle of activities Life cycles of recreational activities appear in alternation

knowledge of types and forms of recreation, geographical areas. Cycles of recreational activity can be distinguished by their social function and technology: therapeutic, recreational, sports and educational.

The diversity, combination and cyclical nature of recreational activities are directly related to the properties of recreational areas. The diversity of activities should correspond to the diversity of recreational resources, both natural and cultural-historical. Combination and cycling are also possible if there are a variety of resources in a certain territory.

Currently There are two trends in the evolution of recreational activities, reflecting changes in the structure of recreational needs. The first trend is manifested in the increasing relative importance of recreational health, sports and educational activities. The second is the relative decrease in medical treatment with an absolute increase in all types of occupations. Particularly noticeable is the growing trend in the popularity of recreational types associated with the use of natural (not transformed or slightly transformed) landscapes. Another trend is associated with the emergence of new, previously unpractised recreational activities.