Buying out the insurance company's debt benefits the buyer. How does the purchase of accident insurance work? Insurance Purchase Law

By purchasing the debt or refusal of the insurer, “Soyuz Expert” formalizes the collection of funds from the insurer or any other debtor. Our organization will buy from you not only the debt of your insurer, but also all other debts that are revealed after checking the documentation.

"Soyuz Expert" will purchase the debt of insurance companies and other persons under various agreements (loans, supplies, purchase and sale). If you need to quickly repair a car for which the insurance company does not want to give money, then we can immediately provide you with funds by buying out the insurance debt.

Why is it profitable for you to sell insurance debt?

Of course, you can follow the usual scenario and sue the debtor. Experience shows that the entire process can last from 3 to 6 months, and sometimes even a year. Material costs should also be added to the time spent. Today, paying for a lawyer’s services will cost from 25 to 50 thousand rubles, some of which will be reimbursed by the court. However, a person does not always have such money at his disposal.

Just in such a situation, our company will immediately pay you for the redemption of debt or refusal - from 30 to 80% of the total debt. We draw up an agreement with you, after which we independently collect the debt from the insurer.

Answers to common questions regarding the repayment of debts to insurance companies

Our clients are usually interested in similar questions, so we want to answer them right away.

1. How do we determine the amount of the debt redemption fee?

To decide what percentage of the total debt to pay, we evaluate how promising the business is. A thorough examination of the documents in this case helps us with this. We don't want to do like some companies and show the customer the best prices.

In fact, the cost does not always reach 70% of the debt amount. “Soyuz Expert” tries to find a middle ground between the wishes of clients and its costs of running a business. After all, it will not surprise anyone that in order to collect the debt from the insurer, we will have to spend our money, effort and time.

2. Can an association purchase a practically bad debt, such as the debt of a company that is bankrupt or the debt of an individual who has no income from property?

We approach each case individually, after carefully weighing everything. If we determine that the case is truly hopeless, then the debt is not repaid.

3. Can our association, together with the refusal of the insurer under CASCO, also buy a car?

This option is possible. To do this, we will evaluate the car and determine the final price, which is paid with the amount for repayment of the debt. Thus, instead of going to court for a long time and thinking about where to put the broken car, you will get money.

So, our services are of particular interest to people who do not want to waste time and nerves on disputes with insurers, various examinations, litigation, etc. If you would like to consult on issues related to debt redemption, we are ready to answer your phone numbers.

Payments of compensation for damage in case of an accident under compulsory motor liability insurance must be made by the insurance company. As practice shows, the amount that the insurance company is willing to pay is often not enough. Almost always, the expert assessment of the insurance company is significantly lower than the amount quoted by independent experts. The difference can be two or more times.

We are ready to offer redemption of debt under compulsory motor liability insurance in the event that the company generally refuses to recognize the case as insured, refusing, despite the contract concluded with you, to pay compensation.

Your benefits when working with us

Payment today after application

The insurance company didn't pay extra?
We'll pay extra!

Free car inspection

Our specialist will come to inspect your car free of charge.

All company experts are included in the state register of experts

technicians number 2418

Result guarantee

You receive the money immediately, and we deal with the insurance!

Required documents

  • Copy of driver's license;
  • Resolution or Protocol, which indicates the culprit of the collision;
  • A copy of the vehicle registration certificate;
  • Compulsory motor liability insurance policy valid at the time of the accident;
  • Certificates about road accidents from the traffic police;
  • Confirmation of the insurance payment, provided that it was made (letter from the insurance company, account statement, payment order)

Order of interaction

  1. Vehicle damage assessment (takes 1-3 days)
    The company's experienced experts examine the vehicle and establish a reliable amount of damage.
  2. We buy from the car owner the right to claim the debt from the insurance company
    An agreement is concluded, we buy out the insurance debt and take over all proceedings with this company.
  3. Payment is made up to 80% of the actual amount of damage
    We are ready to immediately pay the money within three days, and the amount we offer is usually two or even three times higher than the insurance company's offer.

We work transparently and within the legal framework. The redemption of the debt is carried out under an agreement on the assignment of the right of claim, which is called an assignment. Your right to claim the debt in the same amount and on the same terms as at the time of signing is transferred to us (Article 384 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). After signing the agreement, we also receive rights that ensure the fulfillment of obligations, this implies the possibility of receiving a penalty, etc. In addition to the rights under the contract, we also receive all the risks determined by the likelihood of failure to fulfill insurance obligations, as well as its bankruptcy. In enforcement proceedings, the assignment of the right of claim is formalized by a resolution of the bailiff, who acts on the basis of a court decision, a resolution of another official or an act. The assignment agreement is the basis for the court to make a decision in accordance with current regulations and provisions. It is also necessary to have documents confirming the debt, as well as a payment order for payment under this agreement. It is unlawful for the bailiff to independently make a decision and replace the party who has left as a legal successor (Article 52 of the Federal Law “On Enforcement Proceedings”).

Profitable purchase of insurance cases for road accidents from the company “Independent Appraisal Company VEGA”

Our company’s specialists are ready to help anyone who has been in an accident and needs the support of experienced professionals. Our employees will help you resolve any complex disputes in court or with an insurance company in your favor.

Profitable purchase of insurance cases for road accidents– This is our service, which is very popular. Our clients receive monetary compensation, protecting themselves from wasting money and stress on disputes with the insurance company.

How we are working?

Car inspection by an expert technician

Drawing up a conclusion

Determining the amount of underpayment

Payment of money

Why do insurance companies underestimate payments?

Insurance companies for the most part still live by the concepts and principles of the 90s and 2000s, when their main goal was not to pay at all, or at least not to pay extra, receiving a premium for saving money. Not many people today are willing to pay in full for insurance claims. The crisis in the insurance system is largely man-made, but it is not yet in a hurry to get out of it by completely changing its operating principles.

The time frame for receiving money through the insurance company on your own can take anywhere from a month to a year – if you’re lucky!

Our deadline for payment of monetary compensation is up to three hours. Contacting us is a guarantee of receiving money, saving nerves and time!

Do you want to sue?

If your case is non-standard, you decide to punish unscrupulous insurers with a long trial, to receive from them not only the amount due, but also a penalty with a fine, our specialists will not buy out your contract, but will offer the following in-demand services:

  • drawing up a statement of claim in court,
  • representation of your interests during court hearings,
  • recovery of money from the insurance company in accordance with a court decision.

You will only need to pay for our services upon receipt of money from unscrupulous insurers. We do not take advance payments! If we are unable to collect the funds, you will not owe anything! We work for results and have significant experience in successfully resolved cases. Legal costs, expert work and other expenses will be paid by the party who is found guilty in court.

By contacting us, you can count on:

  • receipt of the amount due under CASCO or OSAGO in full;
  • penalty;
  • compensation for loss of vehicle market value;
  • reimbursement of expenses for conducting an independent examination, drawing up a power of attorney with a notary, and representative services;
  • fine under the Consumer Protection Law.

After an accident, the car owner usually turns to the insurance company, hoping to reimburse at least part of his losses. But hopes are not always justified: insurers may pay only part of the amount or refuse compensation altogether.

In this case, you can spend a long time in litigation with the insurance company. But there is another solution - to sell the insurance business to special companies that buy out insurance claims.

Insurance business is the documentary base necessary to obtain material compensation in the event of an insured situation. After an accident, this is documentary evidence of the accident that occurred and its circumstances, drawn up in accordance with the law.

Buying out accident insurance is a relatively new service, which in some cases makes life easier for car owners.

Today, many collection companies have appeared that buy out the insurance company’s debt from drivers awaiting compensation. These companies operate in a similar way to the banking system, where debts of individuals or legal entities are transferred to the firm for collection.

When making such transactions, it is necessary to rely on the law. The redemption of insurance cases is regulated by Art. 382 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

The practice of selling insurance cases is becoming increasingly common among car owners, since, judging by reviews, it allows drivers involved in an accident to quickly receive money to restore a damaged car.

Insurance cases are purchased by firms that specialize in collecting debts from insurers. The company buys out the insurer's debt and immediately pays compensation to the driver from its own assets. They then resolve all other issues with the insurance company independently.

As a rule, such organizations offer related expert and legal services.

Such services are needed when insurers deliberately underestimate the amount of damage in order to save on payments to the client, and an independent examination will reveal the real state of affairs.

The procedure for buying out an insurance business for an accident does not contradict the law and is prescribed in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (“Law on the Organization of Insurance Business”) as a procedure of assignment (assignment) - transferring the right to third parties to claim insurance compensation.

A written assignment agreement is concluded between the car owner and the collection agency, which spells out all the nuances of cooperation.

The law allows the parties to a transaction to enter into an agreement without the prior consent of the insurance company.

When is it profitable for a driver to sell insurance debt?

Drivers usually resell debts if the insurance company:

  • deliberately reduces the amount of payments;
  • refuses to issue compensation at all;
  • delays the process of resolving the issue;
  • declared bankrupt.

Redemption of insurance claims for road accidents can be carried out in two legal ways:

  • conclusion of an assignment agreement (full sale);
  • execution of a power of attorney for the organization (representation of interests).

Most often, a complete purchase is carried out through an assignment agreement. This method makes it possible to receive up to 30% of the insurance payment due to the car owner.

The transaction is formalized by drawing up a purchase and sale agreement between the assignor and the assignee. The assignment agreement is beneficial for the driver in that it exempts him from paying taxes.

Selling an insurance business happens quickly: sometimes one visit to the company’s office and a notary is enough to draw up the documents.

Executing a power of attorney does not transfer rights to the buyer, but only allows the company to make decisions on behalf of the client. This method is also called a fictitious ransom.

Buying out a debt by proxy is good for the car owner in that he has the right to claim 90% of the insurance compensation. The buyer is interested in collecting more money, so he independently negotiates with the experts.

Such “cooperation” leads to the fact that the amount of compensation is sometimes doubled.

The power of attorney does not exempt the car owner from paying tax (13%). In addition, all actions of an authorized employee of the company are carried out on his behalf, so insurance problems that arise in the future may affect him again.

A car owner selling his accident case should know that the insurance company is obliged to pay a fine of 20%, as well as other penalties that usually do not reach the client. In this situation, the car lawyer will receive much more than what he invested in the ransom.

Here is a standard list of documents that are usually necessary to complete a transaction to buy out an insurance claim for an accident.

The package includes:

  • certificate of accident;
  • administrative offense protocol;
  • independent expert report;
  • passport details of the culprit and the victim in the accident;
  • driver's license who was driving the car at the time of the accident;
  • vehicle registration certificate;
  • OSAGO (or CASCO) policy.

If you decide to assign your debt to a car lawyer, the driver contacts the company’s office with the above documents. Next, an assignment agreement is concluded between the parties.

This document represents an agreement between the parties to the transaction on the assignment of the claim for insurance compensation. The procedure for its conclusion is regulated by Article 389 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

The first step after entering into an assignment agreement should be to notify the insurance company in respect of which the assignment is taking place.

Article 382, ​​Part 3 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation states that the debtor must be officially notified in writing about the transfer of rights to receive debt to a new creditor.

The assignment of the right of claim does not require the permission of the debtor, unless this is determined by the terms of the agreement between the insurer and the insured person.

Before signing an agreement, you should carefully study all the points, since scammers very often operate in this area.

When concluding a contract, the car owner should also find out about the tax discipline of the debtor. If an insurance company has a debt to the state for taxes and other fees paid to budgetary and extra-budgetary funds, then difficulties may arise with the transfer of rights of claim, as evidenced by the modern practice of arbitration proceedings in Russia.

After the transaction is completed, the car owner receives compensation, and the firm’s lawyers will then collect compensation from the debtor themselves.

In conclusion, it is only worth adding that the algorithm for selling debt under OSAGO or CASCO is almost the same.

However, car owners who enter into a CASCO agreement should be careful, since insurers sometimes include a clause in it prohibiting the sale of an insured event.

Video: Buying out insurance cases for road accidents