Industrial production potential of the region. Theoretical aspects of production potential and its assessment

When characterizing regional reproduction, the production potential of the region is of great importance. According to its economic purpose, production potential is designed to solve such problems of regional development as:

  • meeting the needs of industrial consumption;
  • compensation of fixed production assets worn out during the production process;
  • expanded reproduction of fixed and working capital and the creation of the necessary reserves of tools and objects of labor, as well as consumer goods;
  • formation of consumption funds.

Indicators of the state and development of the regional economy Analysis of various aspects of the regional economy is carried out with

the purpose of identifying objective development trends, making a diagnosis, on the basis of which the strategy and tactics of regional development can be built.

Macroeconomic indicators of regional development The focus is on such indicators of economic performance as GDP, the unemployment rate, the price level and inflation rate, the state of the state budget and the country's balance of payments, the share of GDP produced by state-owned enterprises, the savings rate, and the discount rate of bank loans.

Indicators of the social status of the region Indicators reflecting the social status of the economy include, first of all, the population indicator and the volume of labor resources, taking into account the number of people employed in the country’s economy (employed in the sphere of public and personal labor and education) and the number of unemployed.

At the regional level, the number of unemployed is the most important indicator of the level of socio-economic security of the population. An additional indicator is tension in the regional labor market, characterized by the number of unemployed per vacancy exceeding the average level.

There are quite strict relationships between individual indicators. Thus, observations show that a 1% decrease in inflation causes an increase in unemployment above the natural level by 1%. In turn, every percent decrease in employment leads to a loss of 2.5% of GDP. It is no coincidence that unemployment and inflation are considered the main objects of government regulation as instability increases. Industry structure of production in the region It is given in the context of the most important interconnected complexes and industries:

Fuel and energy complex includes energy and the development of electrical networks. For these purposes, an energy balance of the region is compiled. The latter reflects the production and demand for energy resources by type.

Machine-building and defense complexes. To characterize them, a balance of production and import and export of products from the engineering complex is used. In addition, a list of the largest military-industrial complex enterprises is given, indicating the type of products produced.

Complex of construction materials includes the metallurgical, chemical and woodworking industries.

The range of products, the largest enterprises in the industry, and the balance of import and export of finished products are also indicated here.

Agro-industrial complex. It is characterized by the following indicators: volume of agricultural production (by type: crop farming, livestock farming); volume of industrial production that processes agricultural products (by type); balance of import-export of agricultural products. The production of agricultural products per capita of the region is indicated.

Complex for the production of consumer goods (other than food)

Light industry. This complex includes the forestry, wood processing and pulp and paper industries. According to it, a balance of import and export of finished products, materials, and raw materials is compiled.

Transport and road infrastructure of the region; connection. The purpose of the system of indicators of this complex is to determine the region’s place in the country’s transport complex. For this purpose, indicators are used that characterize the level of provision with transport means, as well as pipeline transport, railways and roads. Density of railways and roads (km per 1000 sq. km of territory). In addition, the average annual volume of cargo transportation is reflected in a breakdown by mode of transport, and the main transport flows of the region are given (transport diagrams).

Construction complex. To characterize it, a description of the largest construction companies in the region is given, the annual volume of construction and installation work is reflected, characterizing the capabilities of the complex, the percentage of dilapidated housing stock, as well as the volume of construction orders from businesses and households.

Trade. When analyzing trade as a complex, much attention should be paid to considering the mechanisms of state regulation of processes occurring in the consumer market, reflecting the state of the material and technical base of trade (number of retail outlets, their area, equipment with refrigerators, freezers, water supply, sewerage, etc.).



Key words: industry, potential, production, development.

The industrial production potential has been studied in connection with the relevance of the problem of regional positioning of industrial production within the framework of economic state legal regulation. The main goal is to determine interregional relationships, the consequence of which is the formation of optimal production proportions of the industrial complex and the state as a whole, and this is an expression of state industrial policy.


This article is about the industrial potential as the main factor of forming the economic and political status of the region. The industrial potential of the region is the base of forming the regional competitiveness. The industrial potential is examined from two principal positions. Such a twofold rating of the industrial potential is necessary for the identification of the position of the region among the others, its competitiveness, and also for rating of its possibilities from the point of view of its development, structure and economical content.

The relevance of studying the industrial potential of the region follows from the specifics of any administrative and economic entity as an element of a holistic, integrated system of the national economy.

“Potential” (derived from the Latin proletaria - strength, opportunity, power) in the broad sense of the word is defined as means, reserves, sources that can be used, mobilized to achieve any goal and determine the capabilities of society, the state, an individual according to its achievement . The term “potential” is applicable to various branches of science and human activity, depending on what means, reserves, sources, and power we are talking about.

According to academician L.P. Kurakov, the production potential of an economic system is a set of resources placed at its disposal for creative activity.

At the end of the 60s, potential problems were studied by G.M. Dobrov, who defined potential as follows: “... as a set of parameters characterizing the system’s ability to solve current and future development problems.”

In the economic dictionary, potential is interpreted as “the totality of available funds and capabilities in specific areas.”

A unique interpretation of the term potential was given by K.M. Misko. The scientist believes that the concept of “potential” is more consistent with such properties as opportunity, ability, since they characterize various hidden, unrealizable reserves of the object under study, which can be used when conditions change.

In turn, the specificity of the region’s potential is made up of historically established factors that determine the composition and structure of resources, means of production, labor and have their own differences in both the composition and structure of quantitative and qualitative parameters. Based on this, production potential is an important classification characteristic of the region, which is extremely necessary to take into account when determining the economic and political status of the region.

In our opinion, industrial production potential is a set of resources provided for creative activity. The quantitative and qualitative parameters of these resources, as well as their integration, determine the production capacity of the economic unit. However, production potential, given the possibility of producing material goods and services, cannot serve as a measure of the beneficial effect.

At the same time, the industrial potential of the region is the basis for the formation of the region’s competitiveness as a comparative characteristic, reflecting the market potential and capabilities of the regional industry to meet market needs and especially the most current needs. Industrial production potential is a consequence of historically established trends in the formation of the region, reflects its evolution and determines its existing conditions as a set of specifically isolated branches of industrial production, directly or indirectly connected with each other.

The need to study industrial production potential is emphasized by the relevance of the problem of regional positioning of industrial production within the framework of economic state legal regulation. The main goal is to determine interregional relationships, the consequence of which is the formation of optimal production proportions of the industrial complex and the state as a whole, and this is an expression of state industrial policy.

Based on this, the characteristics of the industrial and production potential of the region are formed, determined, on the one hand, by state policy and proportions for the balanced development of industrial potential, on the other hand, by the need to use the region’s resources, such as natural, human, large-scale geographical, geopolitical, industrial and intellectual.

The industrial and production potential of the region is formed and assessed from two fundamental positions:

Assessment of the region from the point of view of a higher order organization, i.e. the economic potential of a particular region is assessed at the interregional or state level, where the region is presented as a basic element that makes up the industrial complex of the country as a whole;

The assessment of the region's potential is presented as an integral assessment of the potential of regional industrial production entities, which together constitute the potential of the region as a whole.

Such a two-pronged assessment of the region’s industrial and production potential is necessary to determine the region’s position among others, its competitiveness, as well as to assess its potential in terms of the possibility of its growth, structure and economic content.

Thus, we can conclude that two levels of assessing the potential of a region are formed: the first is a qualitative assessment of the region at the interregional level, based on integral assessments of the region relative to other regions, determining its state at a particular point in time and expressed in relative scores; the second is a quantitative assessment that determines the dynamics of the state of the main estimated parameters of the industrial production potential of the region, characterizing its capabilities, weaknesses and strengths.

The approach to the essence of industrial production potential and its assessment discussed above makes it necessary to analyze its structure. By the structure of industrial production potential we understand the location and subordination of the elements of industrial production

potential in space. Hierarchy as a form of expression of industrial production potential is necessary, since the essence of potential is focused on achieving a specific goal, reflected by its external assessment, in which different elements of potential have a different relationship to the goal, which is characteristic of different social production systems.

Thus, the essence of industrial production potential when determining its structure comes down to presenting the potential under study as a subsystem of the production and economic system of the region, which makes it possible to represent it as a system object and use the rules and principles of the system approach.

Thus, the structure of industrial production potential will be formed by such elements as industrial production, labor resources, intellectual resources, economic resources of the region and natural spatial resources.

The concepts of potential and resource are very close in essence and content. In our opinion, not all resources that the region possesses can be used as part of the region’s potential. The region's resources have many properties, both positive and negative. And increments to industrial potential are possible only if they carry potential sensitivity and applicability to the historically established features of industrial production in the region. This applicability is considered based on a set of goals and an external assessment of the region’s potential in terms of its competitiveness.

Thus, all resources of the region can be divided into three groups:

a) directly induced - used in industrial production and contributed directly to the assessment of industrial production potential;

b) indirectly induced - resources that are not in demand in the current period, but they can be used in existing production processes. They relate to the assessment of production potential taking into account the coefficient of susceptibility or applicability;

c) resources that are not in demand in the process of industrial production and are not used in the calculation or assessment of industrial production potential.

As for the methods for assessing industrial potential, it is proposed to use a scoring method for external assessment based on comparison of some parameters and coefficients with others, and internal assessment to be carried out on the basis of natural and cost indicators.

The integral assessment of industrial potential expresses the essence of the internal assessment. It is determined based on parameters that evaluate the internal structure of production potential. These parameters are defined as dependent on external and internal factors and assess the level and condition of a particular element of production potential.

In order to obtain an assessment of production potential objects, it is proposed to take into account the effect of mutual influence and interpenetration of elements of the structure of industrial production potential. For example, directly in assessing one of the components of potential as an intellectual resource, it is necessary to take into account the influence on it of such a parameter as labor resources. It is proposed to take this aspect into account by determining weight coefficients using the substitution method, which will ultimately provide an objective assessment of the industrial production potential and its integral characteristics.

An important problem in assessing potential is the choice of an integral link in the form of a main group of indicators around which the main factors are integrated.

tal indicators assessing industrial potential. When determining the main group of indicators, one should take into account the fact that under the influence of factors influencing both the structure and the development of industrial production potential, the integrating group of indicators can change its essence and move from one indicator to another. Thus, the features are obvious for resource-scarce regions, where the dominant group will be the region’s intellectual potential, which will dominate over the production potential. In other regions not deprived of natural resources (for example, oil-bearing regions), the potential is assessed through a group of indicators for assessing mining enterprises. As a result, at the level of external assessment, the potential of the region, which is built on a scoring basis, will have a result expressed in comparable indicators, but in its own way assessing this or that essence of the region’s competitiveness.

Thus, the deeper and more actively we use the characteristics of the region, local conditions, specific resources and other regional factors, the higher the internal integral assessment of the region’s potential and the external assessment of the region can be compared to others.

The need for an adequate assessment of the region’s production potential is determined by the dynamics of market development, the external environment and other factors influencing production processes.

By reliably determining the parameters of industrial potential and comparing them with the parameters of the resource potential of the region, it is possible to determine not only their state relative to production potential and the level of their use, but also the paths and trends in the development of the region’s economy as a whole. With the help of the identified and assessed structure of industrial potential, it is possible to analyze individual industries.

Determining the main trends and directions of development serves as the main guideline for the strategic direction of the region, which cannot be determined without clear quantitative and qualitative assessments of industrial production potential. In addition, the assessment of industrial and production potential provides grounds for forming forecasts for the development of related areas of socio-economic life in the region. Focusing on the state of industrial potential, it is possible to very selectively formulate the investment policy of the region and determine the investment strategy implemented by both the state and commercial investment structures in the industrial production sector of the region.

Assessing industrial production potential allows you to objectively evaluate and implement innovative programs, forming them on a realistic basis obtained from assessments of production potential. Industrial production potential also evaluates the need for one or another area in personnel training, development of production infrastructure, including the expansion of commercial relationships, procurement logistics, etc. The importance and relevance of forming an assessment of the region’s production potential is undeniable for the formation of national industrial policy.


1. Current problems of scientific studies / ed. G.M. Dobrov. M.: Mysl, 1969. 196 p.

2. Large economic dictionary: 25,000 terms / A.N. Azriliyan, O.M. Azriliyan, E.V. Kalashnikova and others; edited by A.N. Azriliyana. 6th ed., add. M.: Institute of New Economics, 2004. 1373 p.

3. Large economic dictionary: approx. 17000 econ. terms and terminology. combinations / I.A. Maksimtsev, A.V. Rozhdestvensky, L.S. Tarasevich, A.L. Kurakov; edited by L.P. Kurakova. Cheboksary: ​​Chuvash Publishing House. Univ., 2007. 1027 p.

4. Kurakov L.P. Russian economy: state and prospects / L.P. Kurakov. M.: Logos, 1998. 575 p.

5. Resource potential of the region (theoretical and methodological aspects of research) / ed. K.M. Misko. M.: Nauka, 1991. 94 p.

6. State and prospects for the development of the economy of the Chuvash Republic / Kurakov L.P., Fedorov N.V. M.: Press service, 1997. 360 p.

OSIPOV DENIS GENNADIEVICH was born in 1983. Graduated from the Russian University of Cooperation. Assistant at the Department of Industrial Economics, Chuvash State University. Area of ​​scientific interests - research of the industrial and production potential of the region. Author of 3 scientific papers.

Methodology for monitoring production potential

Methodology of monitoring of the region industrial potential

Gonyukova Elena Vladimirovna teacher

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "South-Western State University"

e-mail: [email protected]


The article explores the concept of monitoring in various subject areas, and based on a review of scientific literature, the essence of monitoring the production potential of the region is determined. Optimizing the system for monitoring the economic development of a territory, based on studying the production potential of the regional economy, is an urgent scientific task of theoretical and practical importance. The article proposes a methodology for monitoring the production potential of the region.

In the article the concept of monitoring is investigated in various subject domains and the essence of monitoring of the region industrial potential is defined on the basis of scientific literature review. Optimization of the monitoring system of territory economic development, based on a study of the industrial potential of the regional economy, is an actual scientific problem which is both theoretical and practical importance. In the article the method of the monitoring of the industrial potential of the region is offered.

Key words: monitoring, production potential, region

Key words: monitoring, industrial potential, region

At the present stage of development of the Russian economy, the intensification of the production potential of enterprises, industries and territorial complexes, its quantitative definition and practical use in regulating industrial relations is being updated. The need for an accelerated solution to this problem follows from the requirements of objective economic laws. But until now there is not even a single terminology reflecting the content of this problem, its direction.

Currently, there is a strengthening of the role of regions in ensuring social development. Successful implementation of the economic development strategy requires improvement of regional management tools. In this regard, there is a need to form an effective system for managing regional economic development.

The development of the regional economy is influenced by many factors, among which the production potential of the region is of decisive importance. Achieving the necessary growth in production and increasing the well-being of the population of the territories depends on its condition and possible qualitative and quantitative changes. Therefore, the steady improvement of production potential is the main factor in solving socio-economic problems and the most important condition for the development of regions. At the same time, to ensure continuity and sustainability of management, monitoring of the economic activities of the region is required.

The need to form an effective management system for the regional economic complex, based on monitoring of production potential, is due to the following circumstances:

Firstly, traditionally monitoring the economic development of a region is considered as a process of periodic observation of the state

the object under study, without taking into account its dynamics;

Secondly, at the moment there is no unified system of indicators that would allow a comprehensive and comprehensive assessment of the state of the region’s production potential;

Thirdly, existing monitoring systems only include an assessment of the currently achieved level of production potential, without studying the effectiveness of its use in the regional economic system.

A study of economic literature has shown that two approaches to defining the concept of “potential” can be distinguished. The first - potential is associated with the totality of resources, funds, reserves, that is, with the objective parameters of economic activity, the second - potential is associated with existing capabilities, the abilities of the productive forces of society.

In existing economic science, production potential is defined as the potential capabilities of the sphere of material production, including labor and material resources involved in production activities.

By the production potential of a region, the author proposes to understand the total ability of production systems located within the boundaries of a given region to produce material goods and satisfy social needs, determined by the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of production factors involved in economic turnover.

By analyzing different interpretations of the concept of “monitoring” within specific areas of its application, we can get closer to a more accurate and complete understanding of its essence in economics. The author presents some interpretations of this concept in Table 1.

1. Yu.A. Israel Ecological Only such an observation system that allows us to identify changes in the state of the biosphere under the influence of anthropogenic activities

2. I.P. Gerasimov System of observation, control and management of the state of the environment, carried out on various scales, including global

3. N.F. Reimers The meaning of monitoring is to perform two interrelated functions - observation (tracking) and warning

4. I. V. Bestuzhev-Lada Sociological Systematic observation, assessment and forecast of the state of the environment caused by human economic activities

5. B.V. Dubinin, A.B. Tolstykh The main purpose of monitoring is not to take into account changes or the actual state of the object (process), but scientific and information support of organizations in the implementation of social programs that correspond to the socio-cultural characteristics and characteristics of the mass consciousness of different generations of the population, which implies a mandatory focus on the sphere of management

6. A.N. Maiorov Pedagogical System for collecting, processing, storing and distributing information about the educational system or its individual elements, focused on information support for management, allowing one to judge the state of an object at any time and giving a forecast of its development

7. T.V. Uskova, E.O. Prokofieva Socio-economic A specially organized and constantly operating system of monitoring, collecting, assessing and disseminating information, diagnosing the economic and social situation developing in the city, analyzing development trends and the severity of urban problems, as well as preparing recommendations for making rational management decisions

By monitoring the production potential of a region, the author proposes to understand a specially oriented system of preventive measures to identify and eliminate problems, based on continuous

observation, diagnostics of the region’s production potential, control over the progress and nature of its changes, assessment of deviations.

The main task of economic regional monitoring is to stabilize regional production potential and make adaptive and correct management decisions (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1 Location for monitoring production potential

in the regional economic development management system

The efficiency of business activities directly depends on a real and objective assessment of economic processes in the region. The formation of a management information base contributes to the construction of realistic forecasts of the main directions of development of the regional economic system.

The possibilities for economic development of the region as a whole depend on the availability of economic resources, their combination and ratio, as well as on their condition and degree of use. That is why resolving issues

The economic development of the region should be based on determining the production potential, analyzing its structural elements and their mutual influence, and forming a system for its effective use.

Monitoring production potential is a continuous process that includes assessment of:

1) potential value;

2) the effectiveness of its use.

A study of the magnitude of the region's production potential and the main elements of its structure is required to develop a reasonable forecast of its development, development and implementation of regional economic policy. Studying the effectiveness of using the production potential of the subject will allow a more reasonable approach to managing regional development.

Studying the magnitude of a territory's production potential is possible only if all its components are studied from the standpoint of a unified methodology, and criteria and indicators for their comparable assessment are determined.

The region's production potential has a complex structure. The author proposes to consider the structure of production potential from the perspective of sectoral and functional division.

A sectoral structural analysis of the region's production potential allows us to highlight the potential for mining, the potential of manufacturing industries, the potential for the production and distribution of electricity, gas and hot water, the potential for agriculture, hunting and forestry, and construction potential. Based on the foregoing, questions of the structure, characteristics and assessment of the region’s production potential come down to the study of production potential by type of economic activity in the field of material production within a single territory.

level. The first - quantitative - level should include the stock, labor and natural potentials of the types of economic activity of a given region, which are the fundamental structure-forming elements of the production potential of the territory. The second - qualitative - level includes innovation potential, as a source of qualitative transformations in the quantitative characteristics of the production potential of the RCC. The main content of innovation is expressed in the release of labor, production and natural resources, which leads to intensive growth of production potential (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2 Structure of RHC’s production potential

When assessing production potential, researchers do not include innovation potential. This is due to the fact that innovation potential cannot be accurately quantified. However, innovation potential plays a special role in determining the value of production potential. Production potential cannot be studied without taking into account the development and implementation of innovations and intellectual development of the region.

Innovation potential influences all other elements of production potential: stock, labor, and natural potential, i.e. interacts with all quantitative

structural elements of production potential.

Improving the tools for managing the production potential of the region in order to achieve sustainable development of economic systems necessitates the development of a methodology for its assessment. The author proposed the following methodology, compiled on the basis of an analysis of existing methods for assessing the structural elements of production potential.

The first stage is an analysis of the structure and composition of production potential.

The second stage is determining the magnitude of the quantitative components of the region's production potential. The most appropriate assessment is in monetary terms.

The third stage is the analysis of the qualitative components of the region's production potential. An assessment of the functional structural elements of production potential is proposed using the following formulas (table

table 2

Assessment of elements of RHC production potential

Fund potential Labor potential

P fp = f1) ’ (1) ¡=1 Fi - stock resources of the 1st type of economic activity in the region; K1 - capacity utilization factor for the 1st type of economic activity; n is the number of types of economic activity. P TP = ^(Fatg Ch^P1, (2) ¡=1 Fat1 - stock analogue of a unit of living labor of the 1st type of economic activity in the region; N1 - number of employees in the 1st type of economic activity of the region; P1 - profitability index; p - number of types of economic activity.

Production potential

p p IP = P ^ k; , (3) L 1=1 k1 - private indicators characterizing individual components (lines 27-31 of Table 3) of the region’s innovative potential; n - the number of private indicators used to calculate PrP = (Phase Z) Kg + DRsr K2, (4) Phase - a stock analogue of a unit of reserves for the type of economic activity “Mining”; 3 - discovered reserves by type of economic activity “Mining”; K1 - sales coefficient, characterizing the ratio of annual production to the amount of available discovered reserves; DRsr -

average annual differential rent arising from the use of land; K2 - coefficient of use of agricultural land.

Innovation potential Natural potential

The fourth stage is determining the value of the region's production potential. The formula for calculating the region's production potential (PP) takes the following form:

PP = (1 + IP) (FP + TP + PrP) . (5)

The fifth stage is the analysis of the results obtained.

Stage six - development and implementation of measures to increase production potential

Monitoring the economic development of a region is impossible without defining a system of indicators. The author proposes the following system of indicators for monitoring the production potential of the region (Table 3).

Table 3

System of indicators for monitoring

production potential of the region

No. Structural element Indicator name

1. Stock potential Cost of fixed production assets

2. Input (update) rate

3. Attrition rate

4. OPF replacement intensity factor

5. Wear rate

6. Usability factor

7. Capacity utilization rate

8. Return on assets

9. Capital-labor ratio

10. Capital intensity

11. Labor potential Number of labor resources

12. Number of economically active population

13. Population employment rate

14. Labor force employment rate

15. Unemployment rate

16. Labor productivity

17. Stock analogue of a unit of living labor

18. Natural potential Explored and recorded reserves that can be used as natural productive forces, mineral resources

19. fuel and energy resources

20. land resources

21. forest resources

22. water resources

23. Average annual differential rent arising from the use of land

24. Stock analogue of a unit of reserves

25. Sales ratio, characterizing the ratio of annual production to the amount of available discovered reserves

26. Agricultural land use rate

27. Innovative potential Share of organizations carrying out scientific research and development in the total number of organizations in the region

28. Share of costs for technological innovation in total costs

29. Volume of innovative products in the total volume of shipped products in the region

30. Share of enterprises with ready-made innovations in the total number of organizations in the region

31. Share of personnel engaged in innovative developments in the total number of employees in the regional economy

Assessment of the effectiveness of using the region's production potential (EPP) is based on a comparison of the achieved results (the total volume of products in value terms for the year, produced using the existing production potential of the region, TP) and the estimated value of the potential:

EPP = PP. (6)

Thus, the organization of advanced monitoring will make it possible to timely diagnose emerging trends in the economic development of the region, which will ultimately contribute to increasing the validity and effectiveness of regional economic policy pursued by authorities and management in order to increase the competitiveness of the region.


1. Vertakova, Yu.V. Study of spatial differences between territorial entities of the region (based on materials from the Kursk region) [Text]: / Yu.V. Vertakova, M.G. Klevtsova, E.V. Kharchenko // News of the Southwestern State University. Series: Economics. Sociology. Management. 2012. No. 2. pp. 26-34.

2. Sukhorukova, O.A. Production potential of the industry [Text]: textbook / O.A. Sukhorukova, N.S. Shevchenko; edited by Doctor of Economics sciences, prof.

3.N. Kuzbozheva. - Kursk: Kursk. state tech. univ., 2005. - 248 p.

1. Vertakova Yu.V., Klevtsova M.G., Kharchenko E.V. Convergence and divergentsiya of territorial structures on the basis of economic and technical indicators of the fragmentariness. Izvestiya Yugo-Zapadnogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya: Ekonomika. Sotsiologiya. management. 2012. No.2

2. Sukhorukova O.A., Shevchenko N.S. Production potential of branch. Kursk, 2005.



§1.1. Production potential as a basic part of economic potential.

§1.2. Structure of production potential: problems of classification.

§1.3. Comparative analysis of approaches to assessing production potential.

§1.4. Model of production potential.


§ 2.1. Indicators of the state and use of production potential.

§ 2.2. Decomposition of factors for increasing the efficiency of using production potential.!.

§ 2.3. Methodology for analyzing production potential.

§ 2.4. Analysis of the development of the material base of production potential

Ivanovo region.

§ 2.5. Analysis of trends in production potential

Ivanovo region.

§ 2.6. Justification of a set of measures to improve the formation and development of the region's production potential.



§ 3.1. Criteria for the development of a region's competitive production potential.

§ 3.2. Assessment of factors determining the state and development of the production potential of the Ivanovo region.

§ 3.3. Structural and logical scheme for managing the development of production potential.

Recommended list of dissertations

  • Integration processes of the formation of a territorial production complex using the example of the textile and clothing industry of the Ivanovo region 2013, Candidate of Economic Sciences Nekrasova, Irina Vadimovna

  • Methodology for human resource management of sectoral economic systems 2012, Doctor of Economics Stepanova, Svetlana Mikhailovna

  • Managing the efficiency of investment activities of enterprises in market conditions: Using the example of the Ivanovo region 2000, Candidate of Economic Sciences Strelbitskaya, Irina Nikolaevna

  • Regional industrial complex of a cluster type: organizational and managerial problems of functioning and development in a depressed region 2004, Candidate of Economic Sciences Timofeeva, Elena Evgenievna

  • Assessment of the energy efficiency potential of the textile industry in the formation of the fuel and energy balance of the region: methodological and applied aspects 2013, Candidate of Economic Sciences Kutumova, Ekaterina Olegovna

Introduction of the dissertation (part of the abstract) on the topic “Production potential of the region: problems of assessment and development”

The globalization of economic development gives rise to increased competition between individual administrative entities. It is competition in all areas of activity that is a well-known factor in the activation and mobilization of additional internal forces, resources, will, and intelligence in achieving the intended goals. High standards of sustainable regional development can be achieved in two ways: based on external support and redistribution of funds from centralized sources between territories and based on the mobilization of internal resources.

The basic concept of resource capabilities is production potential. Despite all its certainty, in scientific research there are ambiguous interpretations of the terms. There is also no unified approach to organizing the management of the production potential of the region's industrial complex. There are disagreements between the authors in the interpretation of basic concepts related to the composition, purpose and use of production potential. Research aimed at solving the problems of using production potential is numerous, however, the lack of a common point of view on the interpretation of the concept of production potential and its structure creates certain obstacles to the formation and development of the effective production potential of the economic system.

In the USSR, for several decades, the main method was centralized regulation of regional development. Independent structural policy and promotion of strategies were not expected.

For a long time, a regional development management system was formed on the basis of directive methods. Its foundations have been preserved to this day. The manifestation of this fact can be noted in the subsidies and lack of incentives and initiatives for carrying out economic transformations at the regional level. This situation slows down structural processes. It should be noted, however, that in recent years, with the high dynamics of the movement of people and capital, changes have been taking place in regional development strategies.

With the move away from central planning, the role of local economic development programs has increased. At the same time, the need to assess economic and production potentials returns, but at the ISM level. If under the conditions of a planned economic system it was important to coordinate the capabilities of individual regions of the country in order to ensure the systematic development of the national economy within the framework of the state plan, then in the new economic conditions the emphasis is shifting to the regional level. The last decade has been characterized by an increase in the number of targeted regional development programs. Each program is based on an analysis of the existing production and economic capabilities of the economic system.

Currently, there is no clear strategy for the development of the region, or the country as a whole. As a result, unviable development programs are created. In the absence of regional economic development programs, the structure of industrial production develops spontaneously under the influence of market mechanisms, when the most profitable industries come to the fore. This does not take into account the impact of these changes on the social, cultural and general economic situation of the region. The development of individual industries leads to contradictions. Economic potential develops according to the laws of competition for resources, therefore the task of development management is to ensure the least losses of the entire economic system as a result of the distribution of available resources.

The economic behavior of any economic entity today focuses on increasing competitiveness by maintaining and using existing ones, as well as creating and implementing new competitive advantages. The qualitative condition and development of the region’s production potential is the most important condition for increasing its competitiveness. It is the problems of developing the region’s production potential that determined the relevance of this study.

There are certain patterns in the development of the production potential of the economic system, both at the micro- and macro- and meso levels. These patterns must be taken into account in the process of managing economic development, the most important task of which is to ensure the least losses of the entire economic system as a result of the distribution and use of available and attracted resources.

It should be noted that there is insufficient development of methodological support for management decisions on the formation and development of the competitive production potential of economic systems based on innovative development.

The problems of effective development of the potential of economic systems have been the subject of research by many scientists. The works of N.I. Ivanov, E.V. Levina and V.A. Mikhalskaya, B.M. Mochalov, V.M. Arkhipov, L.I. Abalkin, E. are devoted to the development of economic and production potential in a planned economy. Figurnova, V.N. Avdeenko and V.A. Kotlov, V.K. Faltsman, A.I. Gladyshevsky, E. Gorbunov, S. Belova. The authors created a coherent theory of centralized management of production potential, based on which a developed conceptual apparatus was created. But in the new economic conditions, different patterns began to appear. Many of the authors' provisions become inadequate to reality.

Solving problems of the efficiency of functioning of the economic potential of economic systems at various levels and their individual elements in the post-Soviet period is reflected in the works of A.I. Samukina, A.I. Anchishkina, N.I. Dorogova, L.S. Sosnenko and I.N. Kivelius, F.F. Bezdudny, N.N. Korsikova, S.A. Kostromin and L.A. Semko. They have created tools for solving problems of effective use of existing economic, including production, potential. However, in these works the problems of forming the production potential of an economic entity were not reflected.

Methodological approaches to assessing the production potential of a modern enterprise and its individual elements are proposed in the works of M.K. Starovoitova and P.A. Fomina, M.A. Yushina, V.I. Lapenkova and E.V. Luther. These works highlight a variety of techniques and approaches to assessing production potential. Because of this diversity, there is no unity of concepts in assessment methods; it does not take into account that the main goal in the development of production potential is the competitiveness of the economic system. A unifying approach to assessing production potential can be the resource approach, on the basis of which potential is considered as a basic system that allows for the best transformation of resource flows into goods and services necessary for society at a given stage.

The purpose of this dissertation research is to develop management procedures for the formation and effective use of the competitive production potential of the region as a complex system.

To achieve the intended goal, the following tasks are set in the work:

To clarify the conceptual apparatus, systematize theoretical approaches to managing production potential and develop a model of the production potential of the economic system in order to increase the effectiveness of its use;

Identify factors influencing the state and efficiency of using the production potential of the region’s industrial complex, assess the strength of their influence; adapt existing methods for assessing the production potential of economic systems for their use in solving the problems of formation and development of competitive production potential;

Assess the state of the production potential of economic systems at the regional and enterprise level; develop methodological foundations for managing the development of the production potential of the economic system;

To propose priority criteria for the development of the sectoral structure of the production potential of the industrial complex of the region in order to increase its competitiveness.

The object of the study is the economic system of the region, namely its production potential.

The subject of the study is tools and methods for implementing management relations in the process of developing competitive production potential.

The theoretical and methodological basis of the study was the work of domestic authors in the field of managing the development of economic and production potential, legislative and regulatory acts, as well as special literature on the problems of sectoral development, economic policy, and structural adjustment. The work used general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, systemic and structural approaches, economic and statistical methods of data processing (grouping, comparison, ranking).

The information base of the study consisted of materials from the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation, the Ivanovo Regional Committee of State Statistics for the period from 1990 to 2004, empirical material contained in the publications of domestic specialists, the results of expert assessments, and original developments on the problems under study.

The scientific novelty of the research results lies in the development of theoretical and methodological provisions for managing production potential, aimed at ensuring the competitiveness of economic systems. The following provisions submitted for defense have signs of scientific novelty in the field of research into economics, organization and management of enterprises, industries, and industrial complexes:

1. Theoretical provisions are formulated and substantiated, revealing the essence of the content of production potential at the regional and enterprise level:

The concept of production potential as an important element of economic potential, characterizing the scale and state of the material and technical base of the economic system, has been clarified;

The structure of production potential has been determined, reflecting the flow nature of its functioning processes, which has made it possible to identify and structure the factors that determine the competitiveness of economic systems. The proposed decomposition of factors contributes to a more systematic approach to managing the production potential of the industrial complex of the region; the mechanism of functioning of the production potential of the economic system is formalized in the form of a “lattice” with a certain throughput of interconnected elements.

2. Methodological foundations for managing the production potential of the economic system have been developed, based on a process approach:

An algorithm for managing the development of the production potential of the economic system, focused on competitive strategies, is proposed;

Management procedures have been developed for the development of production potential, grouped into fifteen stages, starting from the formation of development goals up to assessing the impact results and adjusting the implemented measures. Provisions submitted for defense in the field of regional economics research:

1. An original methodology for analyzing the production potential of a region is proposed using a multi-criteria approach to assessing the state and trends of its development.

2. Trends and patterns of development of the industrial complex of the Ivanovo region have been identified:

Slow growth of industrial production in comparison with the national level;

Structural restructuring of industry in the direction of reducing the “monoculture” of production;

An uneven increase in the wear and tear of industrial production assets in the industrial sectors of the region due to the low level of their renewal.

3. A method of criterion-based selection of priorities in the development of the sectoral structure of industrial production in the region is proposed, which makes it possible to identify the most promising industries from the point of view of development of production potential.

The practical significance of the results of the dissertation research lies in the creation of methodological support for management systems for the development of the production potential of economic systems at various levels. Improving management processes will make it possible to avoid erroneous decisions regarding the development of the regional economy and achieve the designated strategic goals that will improve the main economic indicators of the region's development. The development of Russian regions is the most important national economic task.

The proposed method of criterion-based selection of the priority development of the sectoral structure of industrial production received a positive assessment in the department of economics and forecasting of the main department of economic development and trade of the Ivanovo region (Appendix A). The proposed scheme for managing production potential was tested at JSC NIM (Appendix B). Individual developments of the dissertation research are used in the educational process in the preparation of specialist economists-managers. 06.08.00 “Economics and management at the enterprise” (Appendix B). The results of the study received approval from the scientific community during discussions at international and regional conferences in Ivanovo and Yaroslavl.

The logic of the study reflects the sequence of the stages listed below. At the initial stages of the study, based on a logical-didactic approach, it is clarified what production potential is and what its role is in the economic potential of the economic system, an overview of existing methods for assessing the production potential of economic systems is given, a spatial model of the functioning of production potential is proposed, which is based on the patterns of its responding to changes in external and internal factors. Next, the state is analyzed and patterns of development of the production potential of the industrial complex of the Ivanovo region are identified, and criteria for the priority development of industrial sectors in the region are proposed. All this, ultimately, allows us to determine how to manage the development of the production potential of economic systems.

The work was completed on 177 pages of typewritten text, contains 30 figures, 32 tables, 10 appendices, the bibliographic list contains 115 titles.

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Conclusion of the dissertation on the topic “Economics and management of the national economy: theory of management of economic systems; macroeconomics; economics, organization and management of enterprises, industries, complexes; innovation management; regional economy; logistics; labor economics”, Golysheva, Elena Evgenievna


The dissertation research, carried out in accordance with the stated goal and identified tasks, allows us to formulate the following conclusions:

1. Production potential is one of the most important elements of economic potential. Its main purpose is to create a socially necessary product. The concept of “production potential” has a long history, however, at the moment, domestic scientists do not have a consensus on its essence and structure, which creates certain obstacles to the formation of effective production potential. Analysis of existing points of view made it possible to give the following definition of production potential: the maximum possible ability of an economic system to carry out creative activities aimed at meeting the needs of society for products and services, through the integration of labor, material, financial, and information resource flows. This definition of production potential allows us to see its general economic role, its role in the development of economic entities, as well as to better form potential at all levels and prescribe measures to optimize it.

The main elements of production potential are the available non-current assets and the corresponding set of vacancies (jobs and positions) of industrial production potential, since it is these elements that predetermine the system’s ability to carry out creative activities.

In order to study the features and problems of using production potential, on the basis of the proposed definition, its formal model was developed, which is a multidimensional “lattice” of possibilities, the implementation of which is carried out when resource flows pass through it and are transformed into the necessary product. The magnitude of the production potential of an economic system is assessed by the throughput of the “grid”. Each of its cells has a certain maximum section, which is determined by the potential capabilities of the enterprise to participate in social production. The actual nature of the production process affects the cross-section of the cells, reducing them in accordance with the chosen economic activity option. Effective management of production potential will be possible only in the case of free regulation of the throughput of the “lattice”, by influencing the factors affecting the cross-sectional size of the cells.

The proposed spatial model of the production potential of an economic system allows us to consider it as a controllable object and study the patterns of its response to changes in external and internal factors.

2. The efficiency of using existing production potential is formed under the influence of a large number of factors and production conditions. The nature and degree of influence of each of them differs significantly from each other. Among the variety of factors directly or indirectly influencing the state and development of production potential, we identified five groups of factors: technical and technological, natural and geographical, sociocultural, political, economic and infrastructural. The proposed decomposition of factors for the development of production potential is characterized by a clear correspondence of the classification characteristics of the economic essence of production potential and is recommended for use in the construction of management processes in the formation of improvement of the production potential of the economic system.

To effectively manage the development of the production potential of an economic system, it is necessary to take into account the difference in the strength of influence of certain factors on it, therefore, as part of the dissertation research, an expert assessment of the strength of influence of the proposed factors was carried out. The most significant, according to most experts, are technical and technological factors. Knowledge of the power of influence of various factors on the state and development of the production potential of the economic system allows us to more effectively manage production potential, developing strategies adapted to existing conditions.

3. Existing methods for assessing production potential are very diverse due to the lack of a unified approach to the very definition of production potential, however, each of the considered methods has rational provisions that can be used to increase the efficiency of production potential.

To streamline actions to assess production potential, an analysis methodology was developed, which is based on the target purpose of management actions in relation to the formation and development of production potential.

The proposed methodology for analyzing the production potential of the region was tested on the example of the Ivanovo region, which made it possible to assess the state of its production potential as unsatisfactory. The throughput of the “grid” of production potential is significantly limited by the wear and tear of fixed production assets, as a result of which the industry processes resource flows of less fullness.

A retrospective review and analysis of the current state of industrial production fixed assets, which are the material base of production potential, showed that in most industries of the Ivanovo region, since 2000, there has been an increase in the size of fixed production assets. The problem of depreciation of production assets is quite acute in the region, the process of updating their active part is not going intensively enough, and asset profitability is decreasing.

A relatively favorable situation for the further development of production potential, in terms of the state of its material base, has developed in the electric power industry, food and light industries, and the construction materials industry.

Sectoral structure of the industrial complex of the Ivanovo region, and the period from 1992 to 2004. has undergone significant changes, mainly due to a significant reduction in the share of light industry and an increase in the share of electric power. As a result of the structural changes that have occurred, the region's industry is acquiring a diversified nature, aimed more at the self-sufficiency of the region, which is generally assessed positively.

4. Achieving a positive structural effect is impossible without targeted regulation of the development of production potential. A multi-criteria approach to the development and improvement of the sectoral structure of production potential is required. At the same time, the question rightfully arises about the need to determine priorities in the development of the sectoral structure of the region’s industry. The author proposed the following basic conditions (criteria) for determining the priorities of industry development: availability of necessary resources; availability and condition of fixed production assets; extensive communications; presence of business traditions and infrastructure; return on capital; capital turnover; capital intensity; influence on the social development of the region.

The expert assessment showed that currently in the Ivanovo region the most promising in terms of development of production potential are the food and light industries, the building materials industry, as well as the forestry and woodworking industries.

5. The success of management influence is largely determined by the effectiveness of the procedures used. Currently, there is a lack of methodological support for the development of production potential, both at the enterprise level and at the regional level. The proposed scheme for managing the development of production potential includes a sequence of management procedures that contribute to achieving the desired state of production potential of the economic system and can be used both at the enterprise level and at the regional level.

Effective management of the region's production potential will improve its competitiveness through more intensive attraction of investments and the influx of qualified labor resources into the system.

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The resource potential of a region is an unstable quantity: new types of mineral resources are discovered, their quantity changes (depletion or replenishment), and the structure is transformed. As indicators of resource provision for any region, the indicator of resource availability (the ratio of a given type of resource to the population and its dynamics) can be used.

When assessing the economic potential of a region, restrictions on the use of resource potential associated with environmental factors should be taken into account. To take them into account, a special parameter is introduced - the ecological capacity of the territory, i.e. the ability of the natural environment to perform its functions without fail (to provide opportunities for the development of human life, maintaining the function of reproduction of resources and the necessary conditions of existence).

In relation to resource potential, cost and physical assessments are used. The valuation is highly conventional, but also more consistent with the meaning of assessing the economic potential of the region. To determine the resource potential of thickets, natural indicators are used: volumes of reserves of various categories of mineral raw materials and fuel, their qualitative characteristics (content of useful components, energy equivalent, absence of harmful impurities, etc.). When developing methodological provisions for assessing the magnitude of natural resource potential, the need arises to aggregate all elements (factors) that take into account the quantitative and qualitative parameters of the natural resource base.

Natural resource potential ( PRP) depends on the amount of relevant resources, their productivity, and qualitative impact on the environment:

Where Q- the amount of one or another type of resource; R- productivity of a particular resource; WITH- content of a useful component, reflecting the quality state of the resource.

Production potential, along with physical indicators (the amount of production capacity or the amount of capital equipment) can be assessed in monetary terms, for which various methods are used. However, from the point of view of characterizing the capabilities of industry and other sectors of the economy, a qualitative assessment of the elements of this potential is necessary, i.e. their market value as business objects. The position of the region in terms of the scale of production potential can be represented by indicators of the cost of fixed assets and capital productivity.

Assessing the production potential of a region is a complex and multifaceted process. Therefore, analysis and assessment of the achieved level of its use should be carried out using a system of indicators. The central place should be occupied by a general indicator that makes it possible to compare the actual output of products by enterprises located in the region with the potential output that enterprises are able to provide with the most efficient use of production capacities, intellectual, labor, material, energy, natural and other resources. As a general indicator, you can calculate the coefficient of utilization of production potential K pp:

where B p is the volume of output in the region (or regional subsystem) for the time period Г; N p - production potential of a region (or regional subsystem), assessed over a period of time T.

The system of indicators for assessing the production potential of the region is presented in Table. 7.1.

Calculation of indicators of the first group. All group coefficients can be determined by the formula

where K(? p - coefficients representing the regional average level of use of production capacity, the standard value of this capacity, the average level of development of design capacity; B; is the annual volume of production of the g enterprise; M, is the average annual production, design or standard production capacity of the enterprise (respectively for the use of production, design or standard production capacity).

Table 7.1

Indicators for assessing the production potential of the region

The first group - indicators for assessing the level of use of power resources

The second group - indicators assessing the level of use of material resources

The third group - indicators for assessing the efficiency of use of labor resources

  • 1. Coefficients representing the regional average level of use of production capacity of the standard value of this capacity; average level of development of design capacity.
  • 2. Coefficients characterizing the regional average level of equipment use: equipment shift coefficient; B equipment load factor.
  • 3. Cost indicators expressing the average output of the production apparatus for enterprises in the region: the average return on capital for the region; the average return on machinery for the region
  • 1. Summarizing the material consumption indicator.
  • 2. Particular indicators of material intensity of individual types of products.
  • 3. Indicator of average reduction in consumption rates of the main types of material resources
  • 1. Indicators characterizing the level of labor productivity.
  • 2. Average output for the region.
  • 3. Indicators characterizing the regional level of labor intensity of products

Indicators characterizing the level of equipment utilization include equipment shift rates and equipment load rates.

Equipment shift coefficient is the ratio of the planned, calculated or actual machine capacity of manufactured products to the actual annual time of all installed equipment when working in one shift. Formula for calculating the value of the equipment shift coefficient at the ith enterprise in the region to shLV has the following form:

  • - total planned, calculated or actual machine capacity

products, machine hours; From the mouth - the number of units of installed equipment; FD - actual (calculated) one-shift equipment operating time fund, hours.

Equipment load factor (& 3), showing the ratio of the total machine capacity required to produce the planned or actual quantity of products to the actual operating time of the installed equipment at a given operating mode:

Where ъъ - total planned or actual machine capacity of product; = 1

tions, machine-hours; P - plant operating mode (number of shifts).

These indicators characterize the use of technological equipment, on which the value of production capacity depends. The dynamics of indicators reflect the level of extensive use of equipment.

Indicators characterizing the regional average productivity of the production apparatus include the regional average capital productivity and the average machine productivity.

The regional average capital productivity of the federal district is determined by the formula

where FO; - capital productivity of scientific enterprises in the region; C 0 f; - - average annual cost of fixed production assets of the enterprise; T -

The regional average capital productivity has a direct functional connection with indicators reflecting the level of equipment utilization. The number of equipment at the plant increases, its cost and productivity increase. However, equipment utilization increases slowly, which negatively affects the value of capital productivity.

An indicator characterizing the efficiency of using the active part of fixed production assets - the average machine output of the Moscow Region? R:

where MO is the machine output of the regional scientific enterprise for the reporting period; C 0/ - the average cost of technological equipment at the enterprise for the period.

The first group of indicators makes it possible to study the use of capacity resources at the regional level, supplementing it with a comprehensive analysis at the level of individual enterprises. The analysis identifies reserves for increasing and improving the use of existing production capacity in the region. These reserves directly relate to reserves for increasing and improving the use of the region's production potential.

Calculation of indicators of the second group. The main indicators are the material consumption of products.

A general indicator of the material intensity of products in value terms is the ratio of the cost of all material resources spent over a period of time T, for production needs to the volume of production for the same period. The cost estimate of the volume of marketable products can be given in wholesale prices of enterprises or in standard net products.

where C and C 2, C 3 are, respectively, the cost of raw materials, supplies, purchased semi-finished products; C is the cost of consumed means of production (C = B = C! + C 2 + C 3 + depreciation); V- necessary product (salary and deductions); T - surplus product (profit).

Material intensity can be defined as the ratio of material costs to newly created value or to the volume of standard pure products (V + T):

A general indicator of the material intensity of all products in the MS Shch region can be determined using the formula

where Mtot ^ is the level of total material intensity of all products of the scientific enterprise of the region (per 1 ruble of standard net production); IN) - the total volume of production of the enterprise for the reporting period.

Calculation of indicators of the third group. The main indicators are those characterizing the level of labor productivity.

Average production indicator for the region PT|? p is determined by the formula

where in; - volume of production by the enterprise for the reporting period; T z; - labor costs of the enterprise for the reporting period for production; tp - number of enterprises in the region.

Depending on the labor costs taken into account, output indicators are distinguished per worker (per employee of industrial production personnel (PPP)), per worker, as well as average daily or average hourly output per worker. I distinguish the following methods for determining production indicators: cost-natural, conditionally-natural and labor.

The leading role in assessing the use of production capabilities of labor resources belongs to the cost method. It allows you to measure the level of labor productivity in a multi-product production environment; take into account the production volume of finished products and semi-finished products, completed work, and work in progress.

The increase in production in the region due to an increase in labor productivity АВ^Т is determined by the following formula:

where LV 11T is the coefficient of increase in production volume in the reporting period at the nau-th enterprise in the region due to an increase in labor productivity; In DV y - the total increase in production volume in the reporting period at the n-th enterprise in the region, thousand rubles.

Saving (releasing) the number of workers due to increased labor productivity is determined by the formula

where E h - savings in the number of employees in the reporting period compared to the base period, people; B b c - the average number of employees, calculated for the production volume of the reporting period based on the basic output per employee, people; H 0 - actual average number of employees in the reporting period.

Labor shift coefficient, showing how many shifts the enterprise could work at maximum shift load:

where K c is the labor shift coefficient; CHDF - the number of man-days actually worked by workers in all shifts in a given period; PD ZS - the number of man-days worked in the busiest shift.

Thus, the basis for determining the effectiveness of using the production potential of a region is the assessment of the use of production capabilities of all elements of the production process: living labor, means and objects of labor. This is explained by the fact that based on taking into account the production capabilities of the named elements, the value of the region’s production potential is determined.