Alfa Direct is a trading platform from the Alfa group. Alfa Direct is a trading platform from the Alfa group Hardware and software requirements

Introducing the Alfa-Direct 4.0 terminal

The user manual describes how to work with the Alfa-Direct 4.0 Information and Trading System. ITS "Alfa-Direct" provides Clients and their authorized persons with the opportunity to receive stock quotes, news and other information necessary for making investment decisions and send electronic orders (electronic documents) to the Bank for transactions with financial instruments, confirmed by an electronic signature.

The volume “Introduction to the Alfa-Direct 4.0 Terminal” is intended for initial familiarization with the Alfa-Direct ITS. It does not cover a number of features or provide detailed descriptions of its interface.

To quickly master the Terminal and start working in it, it is also recommended to watch the training videos posted on the website of the Alfa-Direct Training Center.

Introduction to the Alfa-Direct ITS. 4

Main panel. 4

Create a new tab. 4

Quotation tables. 4

One line quotes. 4

Two-line quotes. 4

Charts. 4

How to open an instrument chart. 4

How to change the scale and move the graph. 4

How to change timeframe.. 4

How to link the chart window to the quote window. 4

Manipulating an instrument on a price chart.. 4

How to add technical indicators to the chart.. 4

How to add a graphic element to a chart. 4

Additional options when working with charts. 4

Trading operations. 4

How to carry out trading operations through the “Trade Order” form. 4

How to perform trading operations in the chart window. 4

Materials for further study. 4

Getting to know the Alfa-Direct ITS

Main panel

When you launch Alfa-Direct, a special service window opens - the Main panel, where the Main Menu button and a set of tabs are located. Typically this window appears at the top of the screen.

The Main Panel also displays the status of Alfa-Direct’s connection to the Bank’s servers, the current time of the Bank and a message indicator.

Closing the Main panel leads to the closure of Alpha-Direct, and minimizing it leads to the closure of temporary Alpha-Direct windows and the minimization of all other windows.

Alpha-Direct does not have a main window that limits the positions of other windows. The user can place Alpha-Direct windows anywhere on the screen, but so that the window is completely located on the monitor screen (or on monitor screens). At the same time, in the Windows taskbar, the Alpha-Direct application appears as one window.

To open a new window, click the Main menu item New window and select one of its sub-items.

Alpha-Direct windows are grouped in tabs. The list of tabs is displayed on the Main panel, the active tab is marked with a background color. Inactive tab windows do not appear on the screen. The tab content is a set of windows rather than a dialog box panel with a set of graphical user interface elements.

The user is given the opportunity to delete tabs and create new ones.

When you right-click on a window, a window menu will open in it. The window menu contains items for calling other windows, performing various operations in the window, and configuring it. Almost every window in the menu has a Configure... item. It calls up a dialog form for setting up this window. Alfa-Direct provides the user with the ability to design (display method) certain data in the window and set the parameters of the algorithms that prepare the data for display. For each type of data window there is a special dialog form for settings.

When closing, Alpha Direct automatically (without confirmation from the user) saves all settings made by the user, in particular, tabs, windows open on them, their sizes and locations. At the next launch, these settings are restored, and the user continues to work with them in Alpha-Direct.

The set of saved settings is called a configuration.

The Alfa-Direct distribution includes several configurations, which after installation become available to the user for use. One of these configurations - the default configuration - is applied when you first launch Alfa-Direct.

Create a new tab

Target : Create a new tab in the configuration. Actions : The list of tabs is completed by a surrogate tab with a + icon. Click this tab and enter the name of the tab you are creating in the title text box that appears. Press Enter. results : Alpha-Direct will create a new tab in front of the surrogate one, assign it the specified name and make it active. The newly created tab will not contain any windows.

Quote tables

One line quotes

Let's open a window with a table of one-line quotes and configure it. In this window, quotes are presented in the form of a table; each line contains current trading data for any instrument.

Click the Main Menu item New Window / Single Line Quote. Alfa-Direct will display the quote table window. The title of the window will indicate the name of the list of instruments whose quotes are displayed in the window. In Alfa-Direct, an instrument is understood as a combination of a financial instrument and a trading platform where this financial instrument is traded.

How to set a list of tools in a table

Lists of instruments are not quoted listings of the Exchange; lists of instruments are part of the configuration and are stored on the user’s computer. The default configuration already has several lists of blue chips for some sectors of the economy and types of securities.

Target : Select a list of instruments. Actions : Click the list name in the header of the quote window, select the list name in it and click it. Result : First, Alfa-Direct will display the existing list of lists of instruments and then generate a table of quotes with instruments from the selected list.

How to create a list of tools

Target : Create a new tool list.

Click the list name in the header of the quote window. In the list that appears, click the inscription<Ещё...>. Alfa-Direct will open the Lists of Tools form required for the work. At the top of this form there are already existing bookmarks with ready-made lists of tools..gif" alt="D:\CW\UserGuide\Icons\AddToolList.png" width="22 height=22" height="22">. Альфа-Директ создаст для нового списка закладку и поместит её в начало перечня списков. Двойной щелчок по этой закладке позволяет ввести наименование нового списка инструментов в появляющемся поле ввода. Чтобы зафиксировать наименование щелкните по свободной области окна.!}

Result :

The Tool Lists table is prepared for the formation of a new list. At the bottom of the form there is a list of all tools, divided by type of tool into several tabs.

Actions : To select a tool from the list presented, click the tab corresponding to its type at the bottom of the window. If necessary, sort the list in the table or set a filter using the checkboxes and drop-down lists located above it. Having selected a tool, check the box in its line in the List column. After completing the list, click on a free area of ​​the window.

Result : A new tool list has been created and is located in the list of tool lists.

When you have finished working with the lists of tools, click the OK button located at the bottom of the form.

How to edit the tool list

To remove an instrument from the list installed in the quotes window, select its line and press the Del key. To add a tool to the list, press the Ins key. Alpha-Direct will open a form for editing the tool list. This form differs from the Tool Lists form in that at the top there is a table with tools from only one list.

How to choose columns to display

The table does not display all available parameters of instruments provided by the exchange, but only the most important of them. Let's add more parameters (columns) so that they are displayed in the table.

Right-click on the table and in the window menu that appears, click Configure. Alfa-Direct will open a setup form for this quote window.

There are bookmarks on the left side of this form. Click the Columns tab.

On the right side of the form, click the button on the panel header<Все колонки>Alpha-Direct will open a form for selecting a parameter for the column to be added. To add a parameter, click on the appropriate line from the list of parameters. The adding procedure can be repeated many times.

When you've finished adding fields, click Close.

Extra columns are deleted either in the form of setting up columns by clicking the button, or directly in the quotes table by dragging the header of the deleted column to any place outside the table.

Headings in the quote table appear when the Column Headings checkbox is selected.

How to adjust column width

Adjust the width of the columns by dragging the borders of the column headers left or right. By double-clicking on the border of the header, Alpha-Direct sets the width of the column to the left of the border according to the widest inscription in the column.

When you click the width selection button" alt="D:\CW\UserGuide\Icons\ByAz.png" width="13" height="10">. При повторном щелчке по этому же заголовку порядок сортировки изменится на обратный. Значок сортировки по убыванию - .!}

Two line quotes

In the “Two-line quotes” window, in each cell of the generated table, trading data for any instrument can be arranged in two lines.

Let's open a window with a table of two-line quotes and configure it. Click the Main Menu item New window / Two-line quotes. Alfa-Direct will display the quote table window.

A column in this table is added in the same way as in a table with single rows. After adding a column, Alpha-Direct opens a panel on the Columns tab to configure it. Here you can define the type of custom column - when the Bottom cell checkbox is checked, the column will become a two-line column.

When the Font checkbox is selected, cell settings such as the color of the font used, size and style become available.

The Graph column displays a mini-graph of the closing price in a 1-minute time frame. The part of the chart where data about the current trading session is visualized is highlighted.


How to open an instrument chart

Actions when opening a chart :

To open the chart window, select the Main menu item New window / Chart. When opening a new chart window, Alpha-Direct first opens the Instrument Lists window in the instrument selection mode.

To select the required tool from the general list of tools in its line, you must click the button with the icon" width="101" height="26">

results : a) after moving, candles from previous periods will be reflected on the chart. b) the width of the candles will remain unchanged, c) the chart window will exit the online mode, exiting the online mode will be indicated by a red triangle icon that appears to the right of the last timeline signature

How to change timeframe

Timeframe duration is one of the general parameters of the chart window. This parameter is placed in the window title and can be changed there.

Target : Change the time frame of the displayed chart. Actions : click the timeframe designation in the window title and in the panel that appears with a list of all supported timeframes, select a new timeframe from the list. results : Alfa-Direct will display data in the format of the selected timeframe.

How to link the chart window to the quote window

A window can be included in a group of related windows. If in one of the group windows the user changes any parameter, or selects a line, then the changed set parameter or parameter related to the line will be automatically installed in the remaining windows of the group, where it can be applied.

In total, you can create 3 groups of related windows on the tab. Each group has a distinctive group icon: a star, triangle or square. When a window is included in a group of related windows, this icon appears in the upper left corner of the window on its title bar. When a window is not a member of any group, a circle appears in place of the group icon.

Target : Make two tables related. Actions : Click on the icon in the upper left corner of the graph window. Alpha-Direct will display a list of possible connections of this window.

Specify one of the connectivity options for the quote table and price chart. results : Now, when you click on any line in the quotes window, this line will become highlighted and Alfa-Direct will automatically replace the instrument in the chart window. The selected line is marked: it is outlined in a rectangle and highlighted with a background.

Manipulating an instrument on a price chart

The instrument, like the duration of the timeframe, is general and can also be changed directly in the window title.

Target : Change the instrument displayed on the chart. Actions : click the symbol of the tool in the window header and select a new tool from the list in the panel that appears. Result

The instrument that is currently displayed in the chart window is called the main instrument. In the chart window, you can also a) replace the main instrument, b) add areas where the prices of additional instruments will be displayed, c) create a new chart with another main instrument.

Target : Additional manipulations with the instrument on the price chart. Actions : Select an instrument from an unlinked quote window and drag its line into the chart window. Result : Alpha-Direct will display the instrument chart creation menu:

Actions : Click the Replace tool button. results : Alfa-Direct will display data related to the new instrument on the chart.

Actions : Click the Create a new area button. Results: Alpha-Direct will create an additional chart area in which a chart of an additional instrument will be plotted.

Actions : Click the Create a new chart button. Results: Alfa-Direct will create a new chart in which the chart of the instrument selected from the quote table will become the main one.

How to add technical indicators to a chart

Target : Plot an indicator on the chart ADX.

ADX– index of average directional price movement. The values ​​calculated by this indicator are calculated as price ratios in percentage terms. They are not comparable to instrument prices. Therefore, their graph is plotted in a separate area of ​​the graph window, which has a separate scale of values.

Actions when adding an indicator to a chart :

Click the icon button DIV_ADBLOCK16">

Target : Plot the Volume Profile indicator on the chart.

This indicator displays in the form of a histogram the total volumes of completed transactions on the main instrument for the entire time displayed in the chart window. Volumes are presented to them in the context of price clusters in the form of a histogram, where each bar belongs to one of the price clusters.

Actions when adding an indicator to a chart:

Option 1. Click on the button with the icon on the window title. Alpha-Direct will add an indicator to the chart area of ​​the main instrument.

Option 2. Right-click on the chart to open the chart window menu. In it we find the settings form and go to the Indicators tab. Here we select the Volume Profile indicator and press the Select button.

results : Alfa-Direct will create the Volume Profile indicator using the default settings and the current settings of the chart window, and display it in the chart area of ​​the main instrument. At the same time, the Volume Profile indicator settings panel will open , which provides the opportunity to proceed to setting up the indicator.

Steps to take when setting parameters:

Change the cluster size by specifying in the Grouping field the number of instrument price steps by which price values ​​should be divided into clusters.

Check the Price max. volume so that the average price of the largest cluster is displayed.

By moving the Width, % slider, change the length of the cluster bar with the largest volume of transactions. This length is set as a percentage of the width of the graph area.

Change the color of the bars.

Click OK to close the settings form.

How to add a graphic element to a chart

Click the button. Alfa-Direct will display a set of tools for drawing graphic objects under the title of the chart window.

Target : Let's draw a vector in the graph area.

Actions : On the panel, click the button with the icon. Move the mouse pointer to the point in the main tool area where the beginning of the vector should be. Press the left mouse button and, while holding it down, move the pointer to a point in the same area, which should become the end of the vector. During the movement, Alpha Direct will display and change the vector. Release the button. The constructed vector can be edited by dragging one of its control points.

results : Alpha-Direct will draw a vector and highlight its control points with small squares.

Target : Change the settings of the constructed vector.

Actions : Double click on the vector. Alpha-Direct will open the settings form for the chart window, go to the Graphics tab and open the settings panel for this vector. Make changes in this settings panel.

results : On the graph you can interactively see how the changes you make work. The settings of user-created graphic objects are saved by Alfa-Direct in its configurations. It is recommended to delete such objects as they lose their relevance. To delete an object, select it by clicking and press the Delete key.

Additional options when working with charts

In addition to the above-described possibilities for working with charts, using the menu of the chart window, you can also:

Target : Duplicate window. Action : Press the menu item - Duplicate. results : Alfa-Direct will create a new chart window and add to it all the instruments, technical indicators, graphical objects along with their settings that are available in the first chart window.

Target : Move the graph to another configuration tab. Action : Press menu item - Move. From the list of current configuration tabs that appears, select, for example, the “POSITION” tab. results : The graph will be moved to the specified tab.

Target : Include the customized graph in the list of templates used when creating new graphs. Actions : Similar to actions when working with files. results : You can create your own list of typical graph forms, which, when using the templates included in it, simplifies the procedure for laying out a new graph.

Trading operations

In order to carry out a trading operation in Alfa-Direct, the user creates a trade order from the Alfa-Direct Terminal and sends it to the Broker. Having received a Trade order, the Broker creates one or several (depending on the type of order) orders based on it. These orders are displayed to the user in the Terminal; for some types of unexecuted orders, the user has the opportunity to adjust the price.

Having created an order, the Broker either places it on the exchange (i.e., generates exchange orders and sends them to the exchange), or waits for the conditions specified by the user in the order to occur, and only then places the order on the exchange.

To generate a trade order and send it, the Trade Order form and trade panels, which are equipped with some data windows of the Alfa-Direct Terminal, are used.

How to carry out trading operations through the “Trade Order” form

The Trading Order form allows you to generate and send to the Broker the widest range of trading orders of various types.

Goal: open the Trade order form

Actions: go to any data window and press F2.

Result: Alfa-Direct will create a form window and install an instrument and/or subaccount in it, if these parameters can be unambiguously determined from the data window. For example, if you select a line in the quote window and press the F2 key, then Alfa-Direct will install the instrument from the selected line in the Trading Order form.

The form window opens in the so-called modal mode, i.e. while the window is open, access to other windows is blocked. To exit this mode, click the button located in the upper left corner of the window on its title bar. After this, the window can be linked to other windows.

The form has 3 tabs:

q Standard – for the formation of simple orders, according to which the Broker creates limit or market orders and immediately places them on the exchange.

q Standard+ – for generating orders of more complex types.

q Text – represents a text description of the generated order compiled by Alfa-Direct.

Purpose: send an order to buy at the market price.


Go to the Standard tab. If necessary, in the Subaccount field, set a subaccount for attributing the order that will be created by the Broker when processing the order.

Install the tool using one of the following methods

q In the Issue drop-down list, select the instrument ticker (if available), and, if necessary, change the market in the Market drop-down list (the same financial instrument can be traded on an exchange on several markets)

q If the symbol ticker is not in the drop-down list, then click the button with a magnifying glass icon located to the right of the drop-down list. Alpha Direct will open a tool search form. Find the tool in it and click the button in its row in the Select column. Alfa-Direct will install the selected instrument in the trading order form.

Click the button located to the right of the Price field, and in the price selection menu that appears, click the MKT (by market) item. After this, the Price field will become blocked from entry.

In the Quantity field, enter the quantity of the purchased tool in pieces.

Choose a direction. To create a buy order, click the Buy button; to create a sell order, click the Sell button. Please note that changing the direction changes the background of the Buy, Sell and Send buttons.

To check the order, go to the Text tab and read the description of the order.

Click the Submit button.

Result: Alfa-Direct Terminal sent the generated order to the Broker. Having received the order, the Broker will create a market order and post it on the exchange.

Purpose: Submit a limit buy order


A limit order to buy is created in the same way as a market order, with the exception of filling out the Price field. For the Broker to place a limit order on the exchange, indicate the price in the Price field..gif" alt="D:\CW\UserGuide\Icons\Enlarge.png"> (увеличить на 1 шаг) и (уменьшить на 1 шаг).!}

Click the Submit button.

Result: Alfa-Direct Terminal will send the generated order to the Broker. Having received the order, the Broker will create a market order and post it on the exchange.

More complex orders must be generated and sent on the Standard+ tab.

Let's consider the formation of a stop limit order. This order is executed by the Broker as follows. The broker creates a conditional order, but does not immediately place it on the exchange, but begins to track the current price of the instrument (i.e., the price of the last transaction). As soon as the current price turns out to be worse than the stop price specified in the order (i.e., more for a buy order and less for a sell order), the Broker places a limit order in the corresponding direction on the exchange at a price that is worse than the stop price by the amount of the breakthrough specified in the order.


Go to the Standard+ tab.

Set the subaccount, instrument, quantity and direction.

In the Type drop-down list, set the Stop Limit order type. Alfa-Direct will change the set of displayed fields so that the user can enter the stop limit order parameters.

Set the stop price value in the SL Price (stop loss) field. To do this, either enter the price value from the keyboard, or press the button and in the menu that appears, select the percentage by which the stop price will exceed the current price.

Enter the slip value in the Skip (no more) field in price steps.

To check the generated order, go to the Text tab and read its text description generated by the Terminal.

Click the Submit button.

Result: Alfa-Direct Terminal will send an order to the Broker. The broker will create a conditional order and begin tracking transaction prices on the exchange to process this order.

How to perform trading operations in the chart window

The trading panel of the chart window allows you to create orders for the main instrument of the chart window.

To display the trading panel in the chart window, click the button located in the window header.

In order to monitor the results of your trading operations, select the Transactions, Orders and Positions checkboxes on the trading panel.

Purpose: Send an order at the market price.


Replace the main tool of the chart window if necessary.

Set the subaccount in the drop-down list located at the very top of the trading panel.

Specify the number of instruments in lots.

Set the order type to Market in the Type drop-down list. Please note that when the user changes the type on the trading panel, the set of displayed input fields for creating an order, as well as the labels on the direction buttons, changes. These inscriptions were supplemented with a designation of the type of order that will be created by the Broker when executing the order. Market orders are designated MKT.

Set the direction by pressing the BUY MKT or SELL MKT button.

Click the Submit button.

Result: The terminal will send the generated order to the Broker. Having received the order, the Broker will create a market order and post it on the exchange.

When the market order placed by the Broker is executed, the number of the instrument in pieces, displayed as text next to the Position label, will change on the trading panel. If the Position checkbox is checked, and the position for this instrument on the selected sub-account has not become closed, then a position designation indicating the quantity will appear on the chart.

Purpose: Send a limit order.


Set the order type to Limit.

Set the direction by pressing the BUY MKT or SELL MKT button. Alfa-Direct will display the Price input field on the trading panel, and on the chart area of ​​the main instrument, and on the chart area - a moveable level for setting the price. This level will move following the mouse pointer, as well as when the user changes the value in the Price field.

Set the limit order price. To do this, move the mouse pointer to the chart area of ​​the main instrument, move the pointer to the price level you specified and click the left mouse button. Another way to set a price is to change the value in the Price field using the keyboard or using the change buttons that this field is equipped with.

Click the Submit button.

Result: The terminal will send the generated order to the Broker. Upon receiving the order, the Broker will create a limit order and immediately post it on the exchange.

When the Broker creates a limit order, its designation will appear on the chart at the order price level, indicating the direction and quantity in pieces.

When sending a stop limit order from the trading panel of the chart, it is not the breakout value that is set, but a fixed price for sending a limit order to the exchange.

Purpose: Send a stop limit order.


If necessary, replace the main tool of the chart window and the subaccount. Set the quantity.

Set the order type to Stop Limit. The trading panel will display 2 fields for setting the price: Stop - stop price and Limit - the price for fixing profit or loss, i.e. the price at which the Broker will place a limit order on the exchange when the current price deteriorates to the level of the stop price.

Set a stop price and a limit price. These order parameters are set in the same way as the price of a limit order.

Click the Submit button.

Result: Alfa-Direct Terminal will send an order to the Broker. The broker will create a conditional order and begin tracking transaction prices on the exchange to process this order. This order will be displayed on the chart at the stop price of the order.

To change the price of an order on the chart, drag its designation along the price scale with the mouse and click OK in the confirmation window that appears.

To delete an order on the chart, click the red crosshair on its symbol in the instrument price area.

Materials for further study

For further study of the Alfa-Direct Terminal, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the following materials:

1. Alpha-Direct user manual. Basic information and user operations.

2. Training videos posted on the Alfa-Direct website.

The installation kit for the Alfa-Direct program is located on the Alfa-Direct website on the Internet at The process of installing the program on your computer is simple and does not take much time.

Hardware and software requirements

One of the advantages of the Alfa-Direct program is its cost-effectiveness: it does not require powerful computers with large amounts of memory and free hard disk space, as well as a high-speed Internet connection.

To use the Alfa-Direct program you must have:

  • a computer with a processor of at least Pentium III 1000 with 256 MB of RAM (Pentium IV 1500 with 512 MB of RAM is recommended) with the Windows 2000/XP/Vista operating system running on it (Windows XP is recommended), as well as the MS Internet Explorer version 5.5 browser installed ( or later);

  • at least 100 MB of free hard disk space;

  • USB interface for connecting flash memory or token media (or drive for 3.5-inch disks);

  • mouse;

  • a video card that supports a screen resolution of at least 800*600 pixels (1024*768 pixels recommended) and a color palette of at least 256 colors;

  • Internet access with a data transfer speed of at least 14.4 kbit/s (56 kbit/s recommended).
Note. All orders for transactions in the Alfa-Direct program are signed with an electronic digital signature (EDS). To be able to use an electronic signature, you must have a medium (USB flash memory or token or floppy disk) with a secret digital signature key. All clients receive a secret EDS key when registering on the website in their Personal Account or at an Alfa-Bank branch when opening an investment account.

Installation from the company website

The installation kit for the Alfa-Direct program is located on the website of the Investment Company "ROST" in the "Brokerage Services" section at

To install the program you need:

  1. Go to the company’s website in the brokerage services section (Fig. 1, 1).

    Download distribution ALFA-DIRECT 3.4 terminal and install the program. To do this, click on the link (Fig. 1, 2). A file upload window will appear. To install the Alpha-Direct program, click the “Run” button (Fig. 2).

The “Installation – Alfa-Direct TM Terminal” window will appear. Click the “Next >” button (Fig. 3).

After that, click on the “Next >” button each time until the program is installed.

Finally, click on the “Close” button.

  1. Download distribution Crypto PROCSP 3.6 (Fig. 1, 3) and install the application. To do this, click on the link (Fig. 1, 3). Just like when installing a program, a file download window will appear. To install the “Crypto PRO” application, click the “Run” button (Fig. 2). The application installation window “CryptoPro CSP 3.6 with Rutoken support...” will appear. Click on the “Next >” button (Fig. 4).

After that, click on the “Install” button, and then on the “Finish” button.

Alpha-Direct program files

The installer copies the program files to the folder selected by the user during installation (by default, this is the C:\Program Files\AlfaDirect folder) on the user's computer's hard drive.
Note: in the Windows Vista operating system, the Alfa-Direct working folders configs, db, log and options are created in the C:\Users\\AlfaDirect directory

Updating the program from the Internet

Like any software product, the Alfa-Direct program is constantly being improved: errors are eliminated and new useful functions are added. However, updating the program does not become a problem, since the updated version of the program can be downloaded from the Alfa-Direct server via the Internet at any time.

Advice. You can receive a notification about the availability of a new version of the program on the Alfa-Direct server automatically if you check the box Check for a new version when connecting on the tab System dialog box Options(team Service | Options).

To update the program Alfa-Direct the following steps should be followed.

  1. Launch the Alpha-Direct program and connect to the server, as described in the “Running the program and connecting to the server” section.

  2. On the menu System select team Update version. The new version of the program will be downloaded to your computer, after which a message will appear asking you to restart the program.

  3. Click the button OK to close the message window.

  4. Select from menu System team Exit to terminate the Alpha-Direct program.

  5. Run the Alfa-Direct program again and connect to the server, as described in the “Running the program and connecting to the server” section. Now you will work with the updated version of the program.

Uninstalling the Alfa-Direct program

To remove a program Alfa-Direct from your computer, follow these steps.

  1. On the menu Start (Start) Windows select command Control Panel (Control Panel) or Setting | Control Panel (Settings | Control Panel) , a window will appear Control Panel

  2. Select an item Install/\Remove programs (Add\ Remove Programs)

  3. Follow the instructions that appear in the uninstaller window.
The uninstallation program will clean the Windows system registry and remove Alpha-Direct program files from your hard drive.

Alpha Direct– one of the most popular programs for implementing trading operations on exchanges. This terminal is not intended for distribution among brokerage companies. Alfa Direct is a program for Alfa Bank clients.

The trading system provides access to domestic and foreign markets, including the MICEX and RTS. With its help you can trade stocks, bonds, mutual fund shares, futures, options, Eurobonds and ADR. Good conditions for conducting technical analysis of price dynamics, additional options for customizing image visualization using three types of charts (candlesticks, line and histogram) and indicators.

Alpha Direct– this is effective trading, wide functionality and simplicity in one program.

Functionality of the Alpha Direct program

The main advantages of the terminal include versatility, flexible settings and open interface.
Features of the program include:

  • Execution of orders and pending orders
  • Margin lending
  • REPO transactions
  • Possibility of trading via PDA
  • Using a demo account

Among the informational features of the program is the online broadcast of world indices (in tabular or graphical form) and quotes. In addition, it contains full-fledged analytical materials from the best Russian traders (comments, reviews, news from Prime-TASS).

The terminal provides advanced capabilities for technical analysis - a built-in module and data export to Metastock and Omega Tradestation (which allow strategic market analysis). The program also allows you to export data to RSI or Simple Moving Average for operational analysis.

If desired, a trader can use automated trading using stop-loss orders or transfer orders to other trading sessions. An additional advantage of the system is margin lending. Since applications are not coordinated, this significantly speeds up the application process. At the same time, the program monitors the limits itself.
Signals in this trading platform also have their own characteristics - a trader can receive the necessary information about market changes via a terminal, mobile phone, or email. This is very convenient for mobile traders.

Alpha Direct allows you to separate the rights of a trader and an investor, and this significantly increases the security of operations.
And finally, the main feature of this terminal is the unlimited number of portfolios. It's not just convenient. This opportunity allows you to create and test your personal trading strategies.

Start of work in Alpha Direct

First you need to install the program on your PC. The program is launched through the Start menu or a shortcut on the Desktop. After this, you must enter your username and password. A username will be issued to the client upon registration.

The main program window contains the following elements: menu, toolbar (can be changed), work area and status bar.

The menu contains all functions available in the terminal. In addition to the main menu, the system allows you to work with context menus, which are called up by right-clicking the mouse.
The toolbar in the program is customizable. It is designed for the most frequently used functions. To customize the toolbar, go to Tools | Options.
Alpha Direct also allows you to customize tabs. The convenient arrangement of tabs makes the trader’s work more convenient and faster. Tabs are configured using the context menu.

Quotes in Alpha Direct

Viewing quotes is one of the main functions of any trading terminal. In Alpha Direct, the Quotes window, as a rule, displays data on the most recent quotes. To call this window, go to the Information | Quotes or click the corresponding button on the toolbar. The Quotes window contains 49 fields, but 8 are displayed by default. In this window you can buy or sell securities. Using the context menu, you can build a graph, add an instrument, or configure a filter.

An additional advantage of the program is the ability to drag and drop tools from this window to others.

Submitting applications in the terminal

The Orders window contains information on orders for the current day. To quickly open this window, use the button on the toolbar. There are 28 fields available in this window, but with basic settings only 16 are shown.

Alfa Direct is a tool for trading on financial markets from Alfa Bank.

The program has a graphical interface, which makes its use clear and simple. It is designed to obtain up-to-date information from the markets and conduct transactions with securities.

Functionality of the Alfa-Direct Personal Account

The personal account was created to provide a modern range of services to clients around the clock, expanding user capabilities. The following services are provided through it:

  • Issuing orders.
  • A change of the pin code.
  • Withdrawal of earned funds to the account, replenishment of the brokerage account.
  • Remote documentary support is provided.
  • Opening access to closed subscriptions.
  • It is possible to analyze operations and predict the outcome of future operations.
  • Providing access to the history of transactions for any time working on the exchange.
  • Receiving consultations from specialists, training on trading on the stock exchange.

Corporate clients have the opportunity to maintain a single investment account, an unlimited number of investment portfolios, take out margin loans, provide comprehensive and individual reporting, etc.

Registration in the account

Before registering in the account, the user must obtain an electronic signature. This can be done by contacting the bank with an application to conclude an agreement to open a brokerage account and deposit a minimum amount of funds into the account.

Another way is to create an electronic signature yourself. To do this, the user installs the Alpha Direct program on the computer and creates a key on a USB drive. Next, he must also sign an agreement with the bank to open a brokerage account.

The token is activated online after installing the program.

User registration occurs from the official page of the Alpha Direct website.

To register, enter the following data:

  • E-mail address.
  • Cell phone number.
  • An SMS code is sent to the phone, which is entered to confirm the number.
  • Series and passport number.

After logging into your personal account, you must go through the procedure of generating an electronic signature in the “User Profile” menu.

All documents in your personal account are certified with an electronic signature. If the electronic signature key is lost, it cannot be restored. The user will have to create a new electronic key.

To simplify the registration procedure, you can use the “Electronic Registration Wizard” service in the “Become a Client” section.

Menu System in your personal account Alfa Direct

This menu allows you to execute the following commands:

  • Connecting/disconnecting the server from offline operation.
  • Clearing the workspace to create a new configuration.
  • Opening a previously saved configuration.
  • Saving/deleting configurations.
  • Software update if a new version of Alpha Direct is available.
  • Shutdown with data output.

Menu Information

The information menu contains the following set of commands:

  • Calling the quote window.
  • Using the Options Board.
  • Queue of applications.
  • Transactions.
  • Request for quotes.
  • Schedule.

Additional services include viewing news, transaction archives, directories, and chatting.

Operations menu

This menu performs the following actions:

  • Submitting an application to buy/sell securities.
  • Cancellation of previously submitted applications.
  • Create an order to withdraw money from your account.
  • Transfer money between portfolios within an account.
  • Creating instructions for withdrawal, transfer, and deposit of securities.
  • Conducting repo transactions for processing loans and securities loans.
  • Submission of an arbitrary order.

Menu "Portfolios"

The menu has the following set of options:

  • View orders and transactions made during the trading day.
  • View account and portfolio balances.
  • View the history of payments, transfers, reports.
  • Receive an analytical report.

Service menu

The menu options are as follows:

  • Change of personal information.
  • Change password, telephone code tables.
  • Working with digital signature.

Ensuring data security and confidentiality

Information security is ensured in the program in three ways:

  1. Due to closed access to the system. Login is only possible after entering your username and password.
  2. Transmission data encryption, which is carried out using the SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol, ensuring confidentiality, data integrity and mutual authentication.
  3. Use of digital signature. It is used to identify the person signing the documents.