Alexey Golubovich occupies a place in the Forbes ranking. The banker and speculator Alexei Golubovich cannot be tolerated in the Ivanovo region - Domestic Notes - LiveJournal


Thanks to Khodorkovsky’s acquaintance with Golubovich, NTTM had the opportunity to create a cooperative bank, which was done in 1989: the Frunze branch of the USSR Zhilsotsbank and NTTM established CIB NTP (Commercial Innovation Bank of Scientific and Technological Progress). In 1990, CIB NTP, having purchased NTTM from the Moscow City Council, renamed itself the Interbank Association “MENATEP” (short for “Interbank Association of Scientific and Technical Progress” or “Interindustry Scientific and Technical Programs”). Khodorkovsky became the chairman of the board of Menatep, and Golubovich became his deputy. In 1993-1996, Golubovich worked as head of the investment department of Bank Menatep.

In 1993-1995 he was professor/dean of the Higher School of Economics at Moscow International University.

During 1994-1996, the investment banking department of Menatep, founded by Alexey Golubovich, participated in more than 60 transactions related to mergers and acquisitions, as well as long-term lending to enterprises in various sectors of the economy. More than $1.5 billion was raised to finance and support projects for the development of Russian companies. To meet the needs of all market segments, a wide network of brokerage services was created.

In 1998-2001, he was director of strategic planning at the Yukos oil company. Alexey Golubovich was responsible for strategic planning and execution of mergers and acquisitions, restructuring and transformation of subsidiaries into a vertically integrated structure, projects related to increasing capital. During the crisis of 1998, in accordance with a carefully developed department plan, it became possible to consolidate the company and regain investor confidence (capitalization increased more than 10 times, the market value of shares increased from $0.5 to $12).

In 2001-2007, he was Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Russian Investors company.

In 2007, he became chairman of the board of directors of Arbat Capital Management. In this position, Golubovich is responsible for all aspects of the investment activities of companies united under the common Arbat Capital brand, from the moment of creation to the present, when the companies have taken leading positions in certain professional areas. Alexey Golubovich has successfully improved companies' business processes and made a number of changes that meet the needs associated with global shifts in market conditions. In 2009, the Arbat Capital Management company headed by Golubovich received an award from Finance magazine in the “New Name in the Russian Financial Market” category.

Alexey Golubovich is a regular participant in the largest professional conferences and forums, including the Asian Forum 2009, the V Annual Business Forum of Business Russia: “Crisis: from survival to renewal” and other events at which he acted as a speaker.

He was engaged in publishing financial literature. Has 16 years of experience in asset management.

Alexey Golubovich is actively involved in charitable activities. With his support, the opening of a personal exhibition of artist Kirill Danelia took place at the Moscow Museum of Modern Art in April 2009, where more than 70 paintings and art objects from state collections and private collections were presented.

Alexey Golubovich is a partner in the Anglo-Russian museum project “The Last Witness,” which symbolizes the unity of the allied forces in the fight against fascism. The Last Witness project involves the reconstruction of the famous English cruiser Belfast. The project is supported by the Maritime Board under the Government of the Russian Federation and the Imperial War Museum, headed by the Duke of Kent.

Together with other founders of a program to support students at creative universities, Alexey Golubovich is the founder of a scholarship that encourages young talents in the field of music, film and theater arts. The program is implemented jointly with the Theater Institute named after. Boris Shchukin, the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music, the Moscow State Conservatory. P. I. Tchaikovsky, Trinity College (UK).

Alexey Golubovich was charged with fraud with shares of Russian enterprises, but in 2007 the Prosecutor General's Office dropped all charges against him in exchange for his testimony against YUKOS shareholders Mikhail Khodorkovsky, Platon Lebedev and Leonid Nevzlin.

In January 2010, Alexey Golubovich appeared in the Khamovnichesky Court of Moscow as a prosecution witness against Mikhail Khodorkovsky and Platon Lebedev.


He is married to businesswoman Olga Mikhailovna Mirimskaya (born 02/11/1964), chairman of the board of directors of the Russian Product company. Three children. 1) Son Ilya Golubovich, entrepreneur.



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See what “Golubovich, Alexey Dmitrievich” is in other dictionaries:

    President of the FIG Consortium "Russian Textiles" since 1996; born June 11, 1964 in Moscow; graduated from the Moscow Institute of Economy. Plekhanov; since 1989 he worked at MENATEP Bank, was the head of the scientific and analytical department, head of the investment department... Large biographical encyclopedia

Golubovich Alexey Dmitrievich

Born on June 11, 1964 in Moscow.
In 1986 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of National Economy named after G.V. Plekhanov with a degree in economic cybernetics.
From 1989 to 1997 he worked at MENATEP Bank. Until September 1992, he worked as the head of the scientific and analytical department of OKFP "MENATEP". From September 1992 to February 1994 - head of the investment department of the credit and settlement operations department. He was the head of the investment department, held the positions of director of planning at the International Financial Association Menatep, deputy chairman of the Board of Menatep Bank.
Since 1996, he has been a member of the board of directors of the Rosprom company and president of its subsidiary, the Russian Textile financial and industrial group.
From 1996 to 1998. worked as Chairman of the Board of OJSC Russian Investors.
In 1998-2000 - Director for Strategic Planning and Corporate Finance of OJSC NK YUKOS.
Since 2001 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC Russian Investors.
Dean of the International University "Higher School of Finance".

The Alexey Golubovich case was separated from the so-called YUKOS case.

At the end of 2004, a preventive measure in the form of detention was chosen in absentia against Golubovich. Then he was put on the federal wanted list.
Since Golubovich had been permanently residing in the UK since 2003, the Russian Prosecutor General’s Office put him on the international wanted list. Alexey Golubovich was charged with committing crimes under Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Fraud committed by an organized group on an especially large scale”), as well as with failure to comply with a court decision (referring to episodes of theft of shares in Apatit and the Fertilizer Research Institute and insectofungicides (NIIUIFA), which were used by both Mikhail Khodorkovsky and Platon Lebedev). True, on these charges the Prosecutor General's Office has the right to dismiss the case after the expiration of the ten-year statute of limitations. According to the Russian prosecutor's office, Golubovich, who played the role of the chief strategist of YUKOS and MENATEP Bank, used shell companies to hide from taxes the income of enterprises belonging to the YUKOS group and transferred them abroad. The total damage is estimated at $283 million.

On May 10, 2006, A. Golubovich was arrested in Italy on an international Interpol warrant issued at the request of the Russian prosecutor's office. The arrest was carried out by agents of the Italian Air Transport Police Department together with the International Cooperation Service of the Italian Ministry of Internal Affairs. According to Italian media reports, Golubovich recently lived on board his yacht "Khalila", which was docked in the port of the Italian city of Viareggio.

Former director for strategic planning and corporate finance of OJSC NK YUKOS, resigned from the company in 2001. Arrested in Italy on an international Interpol warrant. After negotiations with representatives of the Prosecutor General's Office, he returned to Russia.

Alexey Dmitrievich Golubovich was born on June 11, 1964 in Moscow. In 1986 he graduated from the Plekhanov Moscow Institute of National Economy with a degree in economic cybernetics.

In 1989, Golubovich came to work at the MENATEP bank, created on the initiative of entrepreneur Mikhail Khodorkovsky (until 1990 the bank was called the Commercial Investment Bank of Scientific and Technological Progress). The president of the bank was Leonid Nevzlin. Until September 1992, Golubovich worked as the head of the scientific and analytical department of OKFP "MENATEP", subsequently held the positions of head of the investment department of the department of credit and settlement operations, head of the investment department, was director of planning at the "International Financial Association "MENATEP" and deputy chairman of the board of the bank" MENATEP".

In 1996, Golubovich was elected a member of the board of the Rosprom company and president of its subsidiary, the Russian Textile FIG. In 1996-1998, Golubovich took the post of Chairman of the Board of Russian Investors OJSC.

In 1998, Golubovich became director for strategic planning and corporate finance of OJSC NK YUKOS. In this post, he oversaw the acquisition of other companies, relations with shareholders, and the placement of YUKOS shares.

Golubovich left YUKOS at the beginning of 2001, according to him, after an assassination attempt was made on his wife, head of the Russian Product company Olga Mirimskaya, which he suspected of organizing by the YUKOS security service. By his own admission, cited by Izvestia in 2006, after leaving Golubovich, he nevertheless continued to attend meetings of the shareholders of Group MENATEP Ltd. “so as not to be suspected of disloyalty.” Golubovich claimed that the desire to leave arose among many top managers as a result of “peculiar” tax planning,” politicization and “the general deterioration of the moral climate in the team.” He reported that the company’s security service, under the leadership of Nevzlin, was collecting dossiers on YUKOS employees and partners. .

In 2003, the chairman of the board of directors of Group MENATEP, Platon Lebedev, and the head of YUKOS, Khodorkovsky, were arrested. They were subsequently found guilty of six criminal counts and sentenced to prison terms of 8 years each. In 2004, Nevzlin was put on the international wanted list by the Russian Prosecutor General's Office on charges of financial fraud and tax evasion, but was not arrested because, having an Israeli passport, he lived in the territory of this state.

Golubovich went to the UK in 2003. At the end of 2004, a preventive measure in the form of detention was chosen against him in absentia. The Prosecutor General's Office of Russia put Golubovich on the international wanted list: he was charged with committing crimes under Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Fraud committed by an organized group on an especially large scale”), as well as with failure to comply with a court decision. According to the Russian prosecutor's office, Golubovich, as the chief strategist of YUKOS and MENATEP Bank, using shell companies, hid from taxes the income of enterprises belonging to the YUKOS group and transferred them abroad, causing damage to the state in the amount of $283 million.

On May 10, 2006, Golubovich was arrested in Italy on an international Interpol warrant issued at the request of the Russian prosecutor's office. According to Italian media reports, Golubovich recently lived on board his yacht "Khalila", which was docked in the port of the Italian city of Viareggio. Izvestia wrote that he was detained while he was flying to a meeting with the host of the TV show “However” Mikhail Leontyev - Golubovich allegedly wanted to tell a lot in an interview with the TV presenter. According to the publication, Golubovich admitted that the management of YUKOS persistently recommended that he first leave the country and then give a written undertaking not to disclose the details of the Apatit deal and other details of working for Khodorkovsky. He also told Leontyev that in 2004, mercury was placed in his and his wife’s cars - his whole family suffered (later, in August 2006, in an interview with the same correspondent, Golubovich again stated that his wife was poisoned with mercury: “In general, all our cars were poisoned.” ).

Immediately after Golubovich’s arrest in Italy, the Russian Prosecutor General’s Office announced its intention to extradite the suspect to Russia, but by decision of the local court, Golubovich was released on his own recognizance.

In August 2006, Golubovich, in an interview with Leontyev published by Izvestia, said that Nevzlin was playing a game against Khodorkovsky, intensifying an information campaign around YUKOS in order to increase his ability to manage NK assets. Golubovich said: “The worse things are for Khodorkovsky, the easier it is for him, Nevzlin, to prove that he is a victim, that he is a political emigrant.” A few days later, the NTV channel showed an interview with Golubovich in the program “Frank Confession”. Observers noted that the phrases uttered by the former top manager of YUKOS in the film completely coincided with those published in Izvestia - thus, the TV channel offered viewers the same interview, only filmed.

On January 16, 2007, the Interfax agency disseminated information that Golubovich, after negotiations with employees of the Prosecutor General's Office, returned to Russia and is actively cooperating with the investigation.

Golubovich is married. As of 2006, his wife, Olga Mikhailovna Mirimskaya, served as chairman of the board of directors of Russian Product OJSC. Golubovich and his wife have three children.

Alexey Golubovich is the founder of the Arbat Capital group of companies and has been involved in investment management for more than 20 years.


Graduated from the Faculty of Economic Cybernetics of the Russian Academy of Economics named after G. V. Plekhanov, mathematician and economist.

Labor activity

In 1986-1988, Alexey Dmitrievich worked as a researcher at the institutes of the USSR Academy of Sciences and the State Committee of the USSR Council of Ministers for Science and Technology; was involved in assessing the effectiveness of capital investments. In 1989-1992 he ran his own business publishing economic literature.

In 1993-1996 - head of the investment department of Menatep Bank.

In 1997 he created the investment group “Russian Investors”. In 1998-2000 - Director for Strategic Planning and Corporate Finance at NK Yukos.

In 2001-2007 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Russian Investors group.

In 2007, he founded the management company Arbat Capital Management (now Arbat Capital).

A regular participant in some of the most significant events in the field of finance and investment under the auspices of the leading business newspaper Vedomosti - Financial Forum, conference “Macroeconomic Forecast. The best investment strategies."

Winner of SPEAR’S Russia Wealth Management Awards 2012 in the “Speaker of the Year” category.

Engaged in charitable activities. Organized several exhibitions of Buddhist and ancient Indian art in Moscow.


There are three children: Ilya, an entrepreneur, Arkady, a film producer, and Natalia, a student.

In 1986 he graduated from the Faculty of Economic Cybernetics. Specialty - economist-mathematician.

In 1987-1989 he was engaged in research work at economic institutes and the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute EPRANT of the State Committee for Science and Technology of the USSR. Studied the organization of financing science and innovation in the United States, methods for assessing the economic efficiency of innovation.

In 1988, he met and began to collaborate with entrepreneur Mikhail Khodorkovsky, the head of the NTTM Center (later referred to as MFO Menatep). In 1989-1991 was engaged in publishing financial literature; the Menatep-Inform publishing house he founded published more than 70 books on economics and finance.

In 1993-1996, Golubovich worked as the head of the investment department of Menatep Bank, which he created. He was involved in the analysis of the investment attractiveness of privatized enterprises, their lending and organization of acquisition.

In 1993-1995. At the same time he worked as a professor/dean of the Economic School of Moscow International University.

During 1994-1996, the investment banking department of Menatep, headed by Alexey Golubovich, participated in dozens of transactions related to the privatization, mergers and acquisitions of enterprises in various sectors of the economy. In 1998-2001, he was director of strategic planning at the Yukos oil company. Alexey Golubovich was responsible for strategic planning in the company, for carrying out mergers and acquisitions of assets in the fuel and energy sector, restructuring of subsidiaries into a vertically integrated structure, relations with minority shareholders. During the crisis of 1998-1999. carried out the consolidation of the YUKOS company and its subsidiaries, which helped regain investor confidence (over the next 3 years, market capitalization increased more than 20 times, the share price increased from $0.5 to $12). [ ]

In 2001-2007, he was chairman of the board of directors of the investment company OJSC Russian Investors, which he created.

In 2007, he became chairman of the board of directors of Arbat Capital Management (now Arbat Capital), which manages hedge funds of stocks and bonds in international capital markets.

Social and charitable activities

Alexey Golubovich is engaged in charitable activities. Organized several exhibitions of Buddhist and ancient Indian art in Moscow.

Alexey Golubovich is a partner in the Anglo-Russian museum project “The Last Witness,” which symbolizes the unity of the allied forces in the fight against fascism. [ ] The Last Witness project is carried out with the aim of reconstructing the historical English cruiser Belfast (built in 1936). [ ] The project is supported by the Maritime Board under the Government of the Russian Federation and the British Imperial War Museum, headed by the Duke of Kent. [ ]

Together with other founders of a program to support students of creative universities, Alexey Golubovich was the founder of a scholarship that encourages young talents in the field of music, film and theater arts. The program was conducted until 2008 in conjunction with the Theater Institute. Boris Shchukin, the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music, the Moscow State Conservatory. P. I. Tchaikovsky, Trinity College (UK).

Member of the Corporate Ethics Commission of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (since 2009). Member of the Board of the Public Organization “Business Russia” (until 2012)

"YUKOS Affair"

In 2004, Alexey Golubovich was charged with violating the terms of the privatization of Apatit OJSC acquired by Menatep Group (currently Phosagro OJSC). Violations allegedly committed in 1994 during privatization, during which Bank Menatep financed transactions for the purchase of shares of privatized enterprises, were subsequently not confirmed and the privatized enterprise remained with the same owners. This accusation forced him to go abroad for 2 years. In 2007, the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation dropped all charges against him due to the lack of corpus delicti. In 2010, he was a witness in the case of YUKOS shareholders. In January 2010, Alexey Golubovich appeared in the Khamovnichesky Court of Moscow as a witness in the case of Mikhail Khodorkovsky and Platon Lebedev.