Application for loan restructuring in Sberbank. Questionnaire for loan restructuring in Sberbank

Making a loan restructuring at Sberbank will allow an individual to reduce the monthly payment on a consumer loan in the event of a decrease in income. The procedure consists of 3 simple steps.

What you can get as a result: types of restructuring in Sberbank

Loan restructuring is a change in the conditions of a loan in order to reduce the credit burden on the borrower. Depending on its type, you can change: the loan term, the amount of payments, the payment schedule, the currency, and also receive additional benefits.

Restructuring options for Sberbank clients:

  1. Payment deferment. This procedure enables the client to find funds to pay off the debt. The delay limit is 12 months.
  2. Extension of the term of the loan agreement. A consumer loan, which is issued for up to 7 years, can be extended for another 3 years. This will reduce your monthly payment. The client must be prepared for the fact that the final overpayment will be more than the initial one.
  3. Changing the loan repayment schedule. A different payment date may be offered, a change in the repayment amount in different months. If the work is seasonal, the credit burden is redistributed to a “profitable” period.
  4. Changing the loan currency. The debt will be recalculated in rubles.

Several options can be used together. Additionally, you can get the cancellation or reduction of fines for late payment of the debt.

OptionWhat does it give the borrowerIn what case is it suitable
Payment deferment"Credit holidays" will allow you to temporarily not pay the loan (or pay less) to solve other problemsWith a temporary decrease in income: job loss, long sick leave, maternity leave, etc.
Loan term extensionThe payment will be reduced for the entire term of the loanWith a constant decrease in income or an increase in family expenses: divorce, the birth of a child, a decrease in wages
Change scheduleThe date and amount of payments will correspond to the time of receipt of incomeWhen changing the date of payment of salary, when changing jobs to seasonal
Currency changeThe debt will be fixed in rubles and will not depend on the exchange rateIf the loan currency is dollars or euros, and the salary is in rubles

In banking, there is a concept repeated restructuring. If the borrower has not improved his financial situation in the allotted time, he can apply for a second revision of the loan terms. A positive decision is more difficult to obtain, but also possible.

To whom and in what case the bank will agree on the restructuring

To successfully solve problems, the bank puts forward additional requirements:

  • justification of the reasons and provision of documents for revising the parameters of the loan;
  • the total debt burden should not be very large;
  • it is possible to attract a guarantor (desirable).

An approximate list of reasons that Sberbank considers valid:

  • job loss, temporary inability to find a job;
  • reduction in salary or loss of additional earnings;
  • maternity leave;
  • military service;
  • loss of ability to work due to serious illness, disability;
  • death of the borrower or a member of the borrower's family;
  • overdue payments for more than 30 days due to unforeseen circumstances.

The Bank is not obliged to restructure consumer loans at the request of the client. But this transaction is usually beneficial to both parties, so the lender often meets halfway.

The main criterion for a positive decision of the bank: the borrower cannot fulfill the terms of the contract for reasons beyond his control, but the restructuring will solve the problem, and the loan will be repaid without delay in the future.

The client must assure the financial institution of the advisability of revising the contract and the possibility of repaying the debt in the future. According to the borrowers, if the change in the structure of payments only delays the time and leads to a delay in the future, the restructuring will be denied.

How to do a restructuring: step by step instructions

To restructure the debt, you must contact the Sberbank branch where the consumer loan agreement was drawn up.

The process of registration and provision of services includes the following steps:

  • Step 1. Consultation.

Familiarization with existing programs and additional tools as part of the restructuring. Selecting the best offer.

  • Step 2. Submission of documents.

Filling out and submitting a questionnaire and an application to the bank, collecting and providing the necessary documentation (a form and a sample, as well as a list of documents are given below).

  • Step 3. Obtaining a decision from the bank and signing amendments to the contract.

The decision on restructuring is usually made within 5-10 days. However, if the amount is large, it may take up to 30 days to process the issue.

Upon receipt of a decision on restructuring, be sure to carefully review the new payment schedule and, before signing it, make sure that the new conditions are suitable.

The bank can cancel the fines unilaterally. Any other changes will require the signing of additional agreements.

Application for loan restructuring at Sberbank: form and sample filling

The restructuring application form contains the necessary information about the agreement, the desired method of changing the terms of the loan repayment, the reasons for contacting the bank and the prospects for repaying the debt.

If the client attracts a co-borrower or provides collateral, he must indicate this in the document.

A sample of filling out an application for restructuring a loan can be viewed at the specified link.

Sberbank loan restructuring questionnaire: form and example of filling out

The loan restructuring questionnaire can be obtained from Sberbank employees or downloaded from the link.

The document must provide basic data and information:

  • personal and passport data, education, place of residence, marital status;
  • place of work, income;
  • other credit obligations;
  • possession of property;
  • participation in a salary or pension program.

An example of filling out a loan restructuring form:

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What documents are required

The package of documents is approved by the bank and must be agreed with a specialist depending on the specific situation.

Standard package includes:

  • application and questionnaire;
  • passport of the borrower, co-borrower, guarantor (if any);
  • document on financial condition for 6 months;
  • a copy of the work book or employment contract;
  • documents - grounds for restructuring.

To confirm the reasons for the restructuring, the client must bring to the bank: a work book with a mark of dismissal, a certificate from the labor exchange, an extract from the salary account, a medical certificate, an extract from the hospital.

In addition, the client may additionally require documents on the pledge (if issued), a certificate of pension accruals, a declaration, an extract from the salary card account.

Pros and cons of restructuring

The procedure for changing the structure of debt repayment is beneficial to both parties of legal relations. The bank thus avoids losses, the client receives more convenient conditions for the loan.

For the client, this procedure has its pros and cons.

Benefits for the borrower:

  • no or reduced fines;
  • maintaining a positive credit history;
  • extra time to solve their problems;
  • lower monthly payments;
  • release of additional funds.

But for the client, there are also negative aspects of such a transaction:

  • increase in overpayment in case of delay or change of terms;
  • extension of the commitment period.

In addition to these restructuring options, there is another way to reduce loan payments.

Another option is how to reduce a loan at Sberbank

An additional way to reduce the amount of the overpayment and (or) the amount of the payment is refinance debt on more favorable terms.

Lowering the rate will either result in lower monthly payments or faster repayment of the loan. In any case, the overpayment will decrease, but with the second option, there are more savings.

Currently, Sberbank has the opportunity lower interest rates on previously issued loans. This is achieved by closing all existing liabilities with one new loan. On preferential terms, you can refinance several loans that are issued not only in Sberbank, but also in other credit institutions.

When choosing an option to change the terms of a loan, whether it be restructuring or refinancing, it is important to correctly assess your ability to pay in the future.

They will increase the chances for Sberbank to approve loyal conditions: a full package of documents, attracting a guarantor or providing collateral in the form of a vehicle or real estate, a good credit history in the past.

The loan restructuring questionnaire will help maintain and ease the burden of repaying loan funds to the lender. It is a statement of changes to the original terms of the agreement for the provision of credit funds to reduce the payment charged monthly.

Questionnaire for loan restructuring in Sberbank

The issue of restructuring bank loans has been particularly relevant since 1995 due to a decrease in the income of the population. Banks accumulate reserve funds for probable losses on loan payments. Each unpaid loan is reflected in an increase in the percentage of financial losses, and forces financial institutions to freeze a certain amount of money in reserve. That is why banks provide an opportunity to help the borrower pay off debts without problems, making some concessions so as not to lose all profits in the event of an unpaid loan.

Thus, in order to get more convenient conditions for paying off a debt, you can fill out a loan restructuring form at Sberbank. To do this, you will need to contact the branch of a banking organization to obtain the appropriate form and fill it out, or simply download it from the Internet and fill it out at home.

What is a loan restructuring application?

The described questionnaire is an application for restructuring a loan, it takes only a few minutes to fill it out. The method of filing a document differs depending on the type of loan.

In order to apply to fill out a loan restructuring form, mortgage holders will need:

  1. Contact the branch of the bank that issued the loan;
  2. Submit an application to revise the terms of the concluded contract;
  3. Submit proof of a decrease in monthly income of more than 30% or the total family income is less than 2 living wages.
  4. Provide the rest of the document base indicated below in the article.
  5. Sign an additional agreement to the loan agreement and a new payment schedule.

If you have previously taken a consumer loan or to purchase a car, then the following requirements apply:

  1. Contact the branch of Sberbank;
  2. Submit an appropriate application and fill out an application form for loan restructuring according to the sample provided by a bank employee;
  3. Provide documents on the impossibility of making payments on the loan in the prescribed manner (this may be evidence of the loss of a job, a decrease in income, the appearance of disability, the presence of leave to care for a child under 3 years old, loss of a breadwinner, mobilization into the army, etc..)
  4. To restructure a loan for the purchase of a personal car, it is additionally necessary to submit documents for the vehicle.
  5. Wait for a positive decision;
  6. Sign a new payment schedule.

If you find that you are unable to make your next payment, experts recommend not delaying the submission of the relevant application, so as not to expose yourself to the risk of ruining your credit history. If you contact the bank after the delay has begun, then you will no longer be able to restructure the debt. In order for the bank to agree to make concessions, convince it that your financial difficulties are temporary and will soon come to naught. But even if you were denied restructuring, you can apply for refinancing.

What is in the restructuring application form sample?

To provide more convenient conditions for paying credit loans, the bank must collect as much detailed information about you as possible. To get all the information about you, it provides the opportunity to fill out the appropriate questionnaire.

A sample of filling out a questionnaire on loan restructuring at Sberbank contains the following information:

  1. Information about the client;
  2. About official employment;
  3. About the presence of property;
  4. About average monthly income;
  5. On the existence of debt obligations;
  6. Additional information (availability of bank cards of Sberbank of Russia, whether there are relatives working in this bank);
  7. Confirmation of information and conditions of the bank;
  8. Code of the subject of the credit history (to be filled in by a bank employee);
  9. Places for the signature of the client, the operator accepting the questionnaire and the employee who registered it.

Before filling out a loan restructuring form at Sberbank, make sure that you meet the above conditions. In this case, you can reduce the amount of the loan payment in the amount of up to 10% of the remaining amount, but not more than 600,000 rubles.

How to fill out a debt restructuring form?

By filling out the application and questionnaire, you can postpone the loan repayment period (for a year for a car loan or 2 years for a consumer loan) or increase the period for which the agreement was concluded (up to 10 years for a mortgage, but no more than 35 years in total and 3 years for a general purpose loan, but no more than 7 years in total). At the same time, in relation to a particular client, the bank can apply various methods of refinancing.

How to fill out a loan restructuring form at Sberbank, ask an employee of the operational department at a bank branch. Treat the question of how to correctly fill out the loan restructuring form with all responsibility and remember that you are drawing up an official document. Based on it, you may be denied restructuring or make a positive decision.

You can fill out the application form for restructuring a loan at Sberbank personally by downloading it and filling it out in a relaxed atmosphere at home. Other banks require personal presence when completing the documentation.

How can I apply for a loan restructuring?

You can submit a completed questionnaire for a preliminary analysis of the possibility of restructuring a loan with your own hand when contacting a bank branch or by sending a registered letter. If you do not use the services of Sberbank, but of another financial organization, please note that not all banks provide a restructuring service. Therefore, it is recommended to first obtain the necessary information, and then fill out the document.

An example of filling out a questionnaire on restructuring a loan at Sberbank, see the photo.

Finally, please note that from the point of view of jurisprudence, loan restructuring is the conclusion of a new agreement with different conditions. At the same time, the previous agreement officially terminates, for which a new agreement must be drawn up, the previous agreement is no longer relevant.

So, in case you find that you are unable to make the next payment, you can get out of the situation by submitting an application and filling out a loan restructuring form at Sberbank. Prove that you really need to ease the terms of payments under the loan agreement, and you will get the opportunity not only to increase the loan payment term, but also its size by 10%. And remember, don't wait until your previous loan is past due.

If a citizen’s conditions have changed and he wants to add them to the parameters of the selected loan program, it is permissible to write an application for loan restructuring at Sberbank. Consider the order and features of the procedure.

Revising the terms of the loan helps to find a compromise between the borrower and the lender

Today, Sberbank (the sample does not differ from the forms of other institutions) is obliged to accept an application for restructuring a loan from a client at his request. It is permissible to request amendments to the loan agreement under the following circumstances:

  1. job loss;
  2. change in financial well-being for the worse (lower wages);
  3. the birth of a child in the family, which entailed unplanned expenses;
  4. the need to maintain a disabled relative;
  5. prolonged illness (temporary inoperability);
  6. other reasons requiring systematic costs not previously taken into account.

Grounds for revising the terms of the loan agreement

When is a loan deferment possible?

Under such circumstances, it is better to contact the bank and insist on changing the terms of the loan agreement than to try to solve the problem on your own. So the borrower will have the opportunity to change the terms of the loan or get an official deferral. Otherwise, delays, penalties or fines are likely, which affects the deterioration of the credit history and entails far-reaching consequences.

There are several options for renegotiating the contract.

A banking institution will readily review the new characteristics of the borrower, because it is interested in repaying the debt. Rather than losing a client and his debts, it is better to find a consensus that satisfies both parties. For example, at the birth of a baby, the bank allows a deferment for a year. Sometimes you can request a longer period if the financial situation in the family is unfavorable.

How to apply for restructuring

Official confirmation of the reasons why it is necessary to revise credit obligations to individuals is required

Considering the form for reviewing loan obligations, a sample of which is presented below, you can note that it must be written by the borrower, but also have the signature of the co-borrower. In this case, it is necessary to indicate a clear change in the parameters and the date from which this happened.

Features of filling out an application

The client can request to change the interaction option of a banking institution in several ways:

  • reduce the amount of the mandatory payment;
  • assign a different frequency (quarterly or annual);
  • replace the security form.

How to apply

The last item should be selected if it became possible to use real estate as security. This will also affect some previously agreed terms, such as the rate. If, on the contrary, it became necessary to sell the car or replace it with another one, this should also be noted in order to remain within the law.

When filling out the form, indicate the best option for changing the terms of debt repayment

If the reason for the request to revise the terms of the contract is related to the guarantee (the refusal of the guarantor to continue to perform this function or the possibility of attracting one), this should be noted as a separate paragraph.

Restructuring a loan at Sberbank to an individual, an application for which is drawn up according to the requirements of the institution, is mandatory. The bank will not refuse such a law-abiding client. On the contrary, it will be taken into account in further interaction. If the product was issued with the presence of guarantors or co-borrowers, they must be informed about the application. They must provide written consent to submit it or refuse. Their answer must be entered.

Thus, an application form for reconsideration of the terms of repayment should be submitted for any change in its characteristics. When faced with a problem, do not try to solve it yourself. The bank needs to be familiarized with them in order to revise the principles of debt repayment so that the borrower can fulfill his obligations in full.

Restructuring accounts payable (video)

In this video, you will learn what you should pay attention to when reviewing the repayment terms of various loans.


If a situation arises when it is difficult to comply with the obligations assumed to repay the debt, the borrower has the right to apply to the financial institution with a request to revise the loan obligations. This is the most correct decision - to start a dialogue with the bank, which benefits from the return of the debt. In addition, the client will not be in the database of malicious non-payers. In the future, this will not become an obstacle for him when applying for other banking products.

- a very difficult question, which every year in the country becomes only more acute. It is connected exclusively with the financial problems of the borrower and with the desire to avoid delinquency on loans. Before proceeding to its consideration, we allow a small digression.

Sberbank is the largest bank in the country. We will not go into statistical details, but if we proceed from the logic that Sberbank is the largest bank in consumer lending, and delinquency in Russia is growing at an accelerated pace from year to year, it turns out that most of this delinquency falls on Sberbank, the restructuring of consumer loans and the restructuring of a mortgage loan in Sberbank begins to cause more and more concern. How is the restructuring of debt on a loan in Sberbank, in the largest bank in the country? Almost the same as or in .

I mean, very smart!

To begin with, the borrower can avoid delinquency in only 3 ways:

  • pay the loan properly

If everything is clear with the first and third points (they work successfully, but only for the benefit of the bank), then the second point, which should really harmonize the relationship between the borrower and the bank, does not work in the country.

ATTENTION! The restructuring of a loan in Sberbank to an individual, as well as in other banks in the country, is a beautiful myth designed to create the illusion of a civilized banking market. In fact, it turns out a natural "field of miracles" - bring us your money!

What is restructuring?

Restructuring a loan at Sberbank to an individual is the process of “healing” the borrower and easing the debt burden, the result of which is the avoidance of his bankruptcy and the further continuation of loan payments. As a result, the bank solves the problem with a loss due to such a client, and the borrower continues to pay, for a longer time, but in smaller parts.

Advantages and disadvantages

Honest restructuring of debt on a loan at Sberbank, both for the bank and for the borrower, has a lot of pluses, and perhaps only one minus. For a borrower, this is a serious overpayment on a loan that he took before difficulties arose. And for the bank - possible financial losses, which, in fact, are easily covered by a longer service time for a restructured loan.

That is, the bank is always in the black, even if it honestly restructures the loan.

Benefits for the bank:

  • the bank avoids losses
  • the bank improves the quality of its portfolio
  • earns extra income
  • saves time and effort on litigation

Benefits for the borrower:

  • court avoidance
  • avoidance of penalties and fines
  • saving nerves


If we talk about the actual state of affairs with restructuring in Sberbank, then I would like to say that an honest restructuring of a loan in Sberbank to an individual is possible, but only if you resolve the issue through the authorities and almost through the chairmen of the board. In other cases, bank employees do everything exactly the opposite - they do not accept the application, do not process it, waste time, give incorrect information, and so on.

Why is this being done? It's hard to say, but it's true.

Restructuring a loan in Sberbank to an individual, features:

  • debt restructuring on a loan at Sberbank is a privilege of the bank, not its obligation
  • Sberbank employees are not really interested in loan restructuring
  • especially under the conditions that are officially announced
  • Sberbank is only interested in personal gain
  • Sberbank employees are only interested in quantitative indicators of lending
  • Sberbank employees (paradoxical as it may seem) are interested in the client's delay
  • honest restructuring of debt on a loan at Sberbank is possible, but only through management

Here it is necessary to explain. The behavior of Sberbank employees in relation to loan restructuring is absolutely typical for the entire banking environment.

Sberbank is a huge bureaucratic structure with a large number of employees who have low labor discipline and different perceptions of the same information. Therefore, one employee says one thing, the other - another. It is not clear who is telling the truth and who is not.

Restructuring loans from other banks

Restructuring loans from other banks in Sberbank

There is an erroneous definition among the people - the restructuring of loans from other banks in Sberbank, and so, there is no such service in Sberbank!

People confuse one term with another. What people understand by restructuring loans from other banks in Sberbank is “refinancing”. That is, refinancing or combining two loans into one with other excellent conditions, while restructuring loans is completely different.

The very same restructuring of loans from other banks in Sberbank is a fictitious service. No bank in the country restructures loans from other banks.

  • If it is impossible to pay the loan within the time period set by the bank, the borrower can apply for debt restructuring. Such a document is the basis for revising the contract and contractual obligations between the parties and changing the terms of loan documents in a favorable direction for the borrower.

    The solution of debt issues in the bank is possible by deferred payment, for example:

    • debt extension;
    • Reducing the interest rate;
    • Providing "credit" holidays to Sberbank (deferred principal payment and payment of interest in a certain period of time).

    Loan debt restructuring

    It is possible to transfer the payment of the "body" of the loan at VTB 24 Bank for a longer period under the agreement, as well as the transfer of payment of interest on the loan. An application (a sample can be downloaded below) for reviewing financial and loan documents is submitted to the bank, and a client of a financial institution needs a delay. Usually, the bank makes concessions and allows the borrower to repay payments at a convenient time.

    An application under a loan agreement is considered by the authorized body of the financial institution. And if there are good reasons, a positive decision is made on the application of the client.

    The borrower of VTB 24 should be aware that in the event of litigation for non-payment of the loan, such a statement will affect the judge's decision in favor of the bank's client.

    Application for debt restructuring on a loan sample VTB 24

    Restructuring a credit debt under an agreement is a change in the conditions for the return of funds and the provision of more convenient conditions for repaying debt. If the borrower cannot make a monthly loan payment (indicated in the agreement), you must contact the bank with a request for recalculation (can be downloaded on the website) and a delay in the return of funds. To date, the bank offers an individual repayment schedule, waiver of penalties and fines, an increase in the loan term and other conditions acceptable to the borrower.

    It is more profitable for the bank to review loan documents for the debt, to find the optimal mutually beneficial solution for the parties, than to submit documents to the court to consider the issue of repayment of the loan. This requires the correct execution of a sample application for debt restructuring on a loan.

    In order to receive approval from VTB 24, certain conditions must be met, for example:

    • Valid reasons for the main place of work;
    • Care on maternity leave;
    • Disability for health reasons or disability, etc.

    Also, the client at Sberbank should not have received restructuring on previously taken loans and debts. All actions of the borrower must be documented.

    Sample application of Sberbank for debt restructuring on a loan

    The Bank provides deferred payment to customers under the age of 70 years, as well as for loans confirmed by collateral. A financial institution must provide a loan agreement, a passport, as well as additional papers that the manager will request.

    In order to ask for a deferment at Sberbank, you need to fill out a questionnaire (a sample is attached below) and indicate the reasons on the basis of which a deferral of payment is required. You can specify the desired mode of subsequent payments to the bank. Completed documents are submitted to the bad debt department in the organization. The specialist conducts a conversation and draws up a plan for further actions. If additional documents are needed, the manager will compile a list of papers and download a sample that are provided to the bank. And in case of a positive decision in VTB 24, an additional agreement is signed between the parties.

    Download a sample application for debt restructuring on a loan

    A sample application for restructuring is a questionnaire that the bank will require. Such a statement is written in a free form indicating information about the borrower, a list of attached documents, details of the loan agreement, the desired method of facilitating loan obligations. Submitting an application for restructuring to the bank is the final stage of the procedure. Its sample and application consists of data on the parties, date of signing, amount and repayment scheme. You can download an up-to-date sample application for debt restructuring on a bank loan.

    Sberbank clients can request a sample agreement from the bank to revise the loan under the agreement. If the client has temporary financial difficulties, you can go to VTB 24 and try to negotiate a change in the payment schedule. The letter to the financial institution must be written in two copies. When revising the loan agreement, a photocopy of the passport and additional documents are attached, the package of which should be clarified in advance at the financial institution itself. There is even the possibility of sending business papers by registered mail with notification to the head office of the financial institution. Thus, in the presence of a complete package of documents and the absence of circumstances complicating the situation, the bank will most likely meet you halfway and issue you a debt restructuring on mutually beneficial terms.