How to find out about travel restrictions abroad. Check travel restrictions online and for free

When going on vacation or on business abroad, you must make sure that you do not have any loan debts or decisions of bailiffs to pay a debt that you did not repay on time. Without this condition being met, you will most likely not be allowed to leave the country. The likelihood of such an outcome increases depending on the amount of debt. This includes fines. The total amount of payments that you must repay must not exceed 10 thousand rubles. Therefore, before leaving, be sure to take care of payments. To find out about all debts, you can contact banks or bailiffs in person. However, this method requires a lot of time and effort. As an alternative, you can view all your debts online right from your home. In this article you will learn how to check debt before traveling abroad in several ways.

Possible verification options

In our country there are several online resources for checking debts:

  • State Services portal;
  • website of the Federal Bailiff Service;
  • website of the Federal Tax Service.

It is impossible to single out the most versatile and convenient of them. Each user chooses the one that is more familiar and convenient to him. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Features of the State Services portal

To perform a debt check using this service, you must meet the following conditions:

  • register an account on;
  • enter your passport details and SNILS number, INN in your personal account settings;
  • confirm your identity by visiting a service center (service center), electronic signature or registered letter to obtain expanded access to all services.

Without fulfilling all the conditions, you will not be able to obtain information about debts using this service. Let's figure out how to check your debt before traveling abroad through State Services.

Check for State Services

To check you must follow these steps:

  • open the main page of the site through a browser;
  • If you have logged in to your account and entered all the data, then home page there will be information about your tax, legal and transport debts:
  • in the same window, click the “Check and pay” button:
  • The next page will provide brief instructions on how to obtain the service. Click the "Get Service" button to proceed to the next step:
  • on the new page, enter your TIN and click the “Find debt” button:
    In order not to search for the number in documents, you can copy it from your personal information in your account settings;
  • the system will perform a search and then give you a list of all tax debts, which are linked to your TIN. If they are not there, then you will see a window:

Now let’s check traffic police fines using this website:

In this way, you can check your debt before going abroad with the help of State Services. Let's move on to checking through the Federal Tax Service website.

Check on the website of the Federal Tax Service

  • Log in using your account from the State Services portal. To do this, you need to have a confirmed record in the CO center, through a registered letter with a code or using an electronic signature;
  • through a previously received electronic signature;
  • login and password from the registration card. You can receive this document from the Federal Tax Service inspection during a personal visit (to do this, take your passport with you).

On the left side of the page you will see three sections, each of which is intended for a specific type of authorization:

Once in Personal Area, you can check your debt before going abroad, pay it, see accruals, and so on.

Check on the FSSP website

If your case has been transferred to bailiffs due to non-payment, then you need to check the status of your debts on another resource. You can do this using the official website Federal service bailiffs at the link Let's figure out how to work with this resource.

To check for debts from bailiffs, you must follow these steps:

On this same page you can pay off your debts. To do this, click on the “Pay” button in the line with the debt. After this, you will be redirected to a page with a choice of payment method. The photo below shows the window with the choice of payment system:
By clicking on the one you need, you will be taken to a page where you can fill out the form. Now you know how to check your debt before traveling abroad, and how to pay it off right from home.

The formation of debt entails inevitable sanctions. One of them is a ban on traveling to another state. This measure is preceded by many other measures. First, the bank tries to influence the debtor in other ways. This is a negotiation phone calls, notifications. If these measures do not produce the desired effect, the creditor may appeal to the judicial authority. Enforcement proceedings begin, as a result of which travel abroad is prohibited.

This sanction is a way of putting pressure on the debtor. It is preceded by the person being blacklisted. It is a list of those banned from traveling.

Grounds for being included in the database of debtors restricted from traveling abroad

The grounds for being included in the list of those prohibited from traveling abroad are stipulated in the legislation of the Russian Federation. There is one condition for this - the presence of uncovered liabilities, the amount of which is more than 10 thousand rubles. Where possible, we have already written.

However, the penalty is taken only if the case reaches the judicial authority. The right to travel can only be restricted by bailiffs. If this is a pre-trial proceeding, neither banking institutions nor debt collectors can apply this measure of influence.

How do debtors get on the list under consideration? It is replenished if a case has been opened against a person, and the court has confirmed the defendant’s guilt. Enforcement proceedings begin, as a result of which restrictions on travel abroad are imposed. It is not always the case that a person has information that travel is closed to him. Sometimes information about this becomes clear only when the citizen plans to travel to another state.

If the ticket has already been purchased, the trip can most likely be considered invalid. Even if a person covers his debt immediately, a certain time must pass before information about him is removed from the list. Standard terms are 30 days.

It is better to check in advance whether you are included in the list in order to protect yourself from getting into trouble when crossing the border.

Types of lists prohibiting travel abroad

Is there really a special database that displays information about people not allowed to travel abroad? Such a bank actually exists, and it is divided into two formats:

  • A list compiled by collectors and banking institutions;
  • A bank created by bailiffs.

Banking institutions create private lists necessary for employees. This is an internal resource, information from which cannot be transferred to third parties. If private information is published in the public domain, debtors have the right to sue the bank, since this is a violation of the law on confidentiality and personal secrets.

What is it for? Such banks represent a resource with credit histories persons If a person with an outstanding debt and similar restrictions comes for a loan, bank employees will quickly discover unpleasant information about him, which will affect the decision to issue a loan.

The list of debtors compiled by bailiffs is a more serious problem for several reasons:

  • This is evidence that enforcement proceedings already exist and are already being carried out against the person;
  • Data from this bank is made publicly available. Any interested person can find out information that a person has been restricted from leaving due to an outstanding debt. To do this, you need a minimum list of data.

The debtor himself can obtain information from the FSSP database. To do this, he needs to go to the official resource of bailiffs. After this, he will be able to get information about whether he is allowed to travel abroad.

The right to travel can only be restricted by bailiffs.

Why are such checks necessary? They allow you to protect yourself from unpleasant surprises. This particular punishment is not always provided for debtors. This is just one of the sanctions. If you have a debt, but you do not know whether travel to other states is prohibited for you, you need to visit the FSSP website and check the necessary information. This will allow you not to purchase hot vouchers that will simply disappear, and not to plan business trips.

How can I check if I have any travel restrictions?

If you want to find out whether you have been banned from leaving, you need to follow the following algorithm:

  1. Go to the official resource of the bailiff service;
  2. Select, in the appropriate column, your status - legal entity or individual;
  3. Indicate the bailiff service that is located at your place of residence;
  4. Indicate your full name;
  5. Indicate the date of birth;
  6. Click on the “Find” button.

Information about whether you are on the list of those banned from traveling can also be obtained directly - through bailiffs. However, this method has many disadvantages. The judiciary is overcrowded, which means you have to wait in line to get information. The institution operates on a specific schedule, which is inconvenient for people with a similar schedule in the service.

Accessing information via the Internet is the simplest solution. In just a few minutes you will learn the following information:

  • Are you prohibited from traveling to other countries?
  • Amount of debt;
  • Start date of the trial;
  • Sanctions imposed on the basis of outstanding obligations.

But these are not the only advantages that the site offers. On it you can not only find out the information you are interested in, but also immediately pay off your debt. After this, you must inform the bailiffs about the fulfillment of your obligations.

What is it for? This will speed up the process of removing you from the list of persons prohibited from traveling to other countries.

It is worth considering that funds to repay the debt do not immediately go to the bailiffs’ account. You'll have to wait anyway.

Is it possible to speed up the lifting of restrictions?

What to do if a travel ban has been issued against you, and you need to visit another state? The most basic way out is to pay off the debt, and the “doors” abroad will be open for you. However, this is not always possible as the debt may be large. Often a person simply does not have the means to pay it off immediately.

There is a more accessible way out. Those who are not allowed to travel abroad can negotiate with banking institution or bailiffs. The subject of negotiations is finding a compromise option for paying off the debt. This may be the provision of installment plans by the lender. Both parties agree that the debtor will pay certain amounts per month. The collector, in this case, can cancel his demand that the debtor be prohibited from traveling to other countries.

Most often, restrictions on traveling abroad are lifted after the debtor has made several payments and has not violated the terms of the contract.

The lifting of the travel ban may be due to valid reasons. For example, such a reason is the debtor’s work, which requires him to visit other countries. A valid reason is considered by the claimant. He may compromise, and information about the person will be removed from the list. But this option is not always possible. The creditor may refuse. In this case, the debtor will have to resolve the issue of further continuation of work related to travel and flights.

A ban on traveling abroad is one of the sanctions applicable to debtors.

Another option related to the abolition of restrictions without covering the debt is to wait until the end legal proceedings. It can be completed if the debt is considered hopeless. However, this is only a theoretical option and is not very feasible in practice.

How the legal procedure for banning travel abroad is carried out, watch in this video:

When the enforcement proceedings are completed, the travel ban and other sanctions will indeed be lifted automatically. But you will have to wait for this for at least a year. During this time, all means of influence will be applied to the debtor, including seizure of accounts, real estate, property with their subsequent sale. For this reason, the easiest way to go abroad if you are on the list of defaulters is to pay the debt or get it in installments.

The country's authorities have a lot of leverage over their citizens. Some of the methods used to force people to pay off debt and regularly pay taxes to the state treasury are quite harsh. One of the ways to influence is to restrict travel abroad. Many Russians do not even suspect that they have been banned and cannot travel abroad.

To avoid unpleasant situations during border control, it is recommended. This can be done online.

Some Russians believe that this is nothing more than a “horror story”, and in reality there were no cases of ban. In fact, more than 900,000 people are already prohibited from traveling abroad in 2020 due to debt. Therefore, we recommend that you quickly check all your debts online.

Those who may encounter problems crossing the state border include mainly:

  • debtors who repeatedly violate mandatory payment deadlines;
  • people with criminal records;
  • civil servants;
  • minor citizens.


It is important to know that having a small debt or controversial issue with alimony does not automatically imply a ban on leaving. If a person with minor debts from a bank faces a ban, this is illegal. In this case, he has the right to go to court.

Practice shows that the decision in such cases is always made in favor of the plaintiff. But you may not be able to go abroad and travel outside the Russian Federation may not be allowed. Most often, novice bailiffs make illegal demands against a person with a small debt.

threatens only in a few cases. So, this is relevant when a person has debts in accordance with a court decision to collect property. A ban is also imposed when proceedings are initiated by non-judicial authorities against a person who has debts.

In the first case, “drastic” measures are not always taken either. This is relevant when a person who has debts has ignored the requirements of the state without a good reason. In the second case, the issue is still resolved in court. If the decision was not made in favor of the debtor, then the ban on traveling abroad is relevant for him.

You can check the ban on traveling abroad due to debt on the website online. To do this, you need to fill out the form that you see below.

Such harsh measures are relevant for those who have debts of various types - the most common reason for a ban on leaving the state:

  • If the debt for alimony, compensation for damage to property, physical and mental health, in connection with the death of the breadwinner is more than 10,000 rubles.
  • If the amount for various types of debt exceeds 30,000 rubles. This includes loans, non-payment utilities, traffic police fines, taxes and others. A limit can also be established for a smaller amount of debt if it has not been paid within 60 days from the end of the voluntary payment period.
  • Failure to comply with requirements of a non-property nature. For example, the obligation to hand over a child, rehiring an illegally dismissed employee, demolition of a building, and much more.
  • At the personal initiative of the claimant for a ban. Then there can be a restriction on leaving Russia for any amount of debt. But the claimant's request must be based on a judicial act.

But even if the amount of debt is large, not everything is so simple.

After initiating enforcement proceedings, a person must be able to voluntarily repay the debt. This can be done within 5 days.

If a person who has a debt does not pay it off for an unjustifiable reason, the debtor can file an application with the court. Sometimes this doesn't happen.

Bailiffs can also make a corresponding petition. But this happens extremely rarely. If a person is subject to this measure, they must be notified by mail. In practice, many citizens do not receive such notifications or they arrive with a long delay.

Civil servants

The failure of civil servants to travel abroad does not apply to all employees. There are several categories that are limited in their right to leave the Russian Federation:

  1. Employees of government agencies who possess information classified as “special importance” and “top secret” (the classification “secret” is not a reason to restrict the right to leave the country).
  2. Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB.
  3. Serving in the army. The contract service does not restrict the right to cross the border.

The above-mentioned employees, if there is a special need to travel abroad, can try to achieve this if they write a statement to management. After numerous checks, a decision may be made in favor of the applicant.

How to check for a ban, watch the video

Convicted citizens

All convicted persons, regardless of the nature and severity of the crime, are restricted from traveling abroad. They will not be allowed out of the country under any pretext. The ban will remain in effect until the criminal record is completely expunged. This also applies to probationers and those released on parole.


Children under 18 years of age cannot cross the border independently, unaccompanied by adults. Accompanying persons may be parents, guardians, or guardians. For children to travel accompanied by third parties, a notarized written permission from the parents is required.

How is a travel ban issued?

There is enough time to correct the situation and not become banned from leaving the country. The ban is formalized as follows:

  1. The creditor files a lawsuit against the debtor for late obligatory payments.
  2. When the court makes a decision on collection, the case is transferred to the FSSP.
  3. An employee of the Federal Bailiff Service must inform the offender in writing about his debt and mandatory deadlines its repayment (usually five days).
  4. If the violator does not resolve the issue within the prescribed period, then bailiffs may impose a ban on him crossing the Russian border.

Bailiffs can limit the possibility of crossing the border without a trial, based, for example, on a decision of the labor commission.

Get up-to-date information

There are several ways to find out whether a person has restrictions on traveling abroad. Previously, debtors received a letter by regular mail. Now the notification procedure has been simplified. The new system is quite convenient and allows hypothetical debtors to find out all the relevant information.

Checking for unpaid fines

Method one, standard

A person planning a vacation outside of Russia can find out about the existence of restrictions on traveling abroad in person. It is easy to verify the existence of a debt. To do this, he needs to find time and visit the office of the Federal Bailiff Service.

Everyone also has the opportunity to find out important information by phone. As a result of personal communication, the official informs the debtor of the amount of the debt and how to repay it.

You also need to call the bank branches where you took out the loan and find out if by chance you have any debts.

Method two, convenient

More in a convenient way is possibility . To do this, a person who assumes that he has debts must go to the official page of the relevant organization:

  • website of the Federal Bailiff Service,
  • bank, if there were loans,
  • tax service,
  • Traffic police (to check fines),
  • unified portal of State Services.

E-government website where you can check existing debts online

There are cases when people are not aware of the existence of certain debts (traffic police fines or debts for housing and communal services repairs, which you were not even notified about).

On the page, the debtor fills out an online form. You must provide your personal information and region of residence. Before doing this, it is recommended to agree to the processing of your personal data.

If, as a result of an inspection, a person learns about the existence of debts, then he needs to get rid of them as soon as possible, otherwise he will go to foreign countries may be closed. Repayment methods can also be viewed on the official website. Today it is very convenient to pay off debts. Today, everyone can make a payment online.

Method three, the fastest

Most quick way To check the ban on traveling abroad online without registration is to use a proven service that will check on all sites and databases your debts, which may prevent you from leaving the country. You will receive an answer within 2 minutes.

Important point

Some Russians complain that border guards demand a receipt for payment of debt. This is an illegal requirement.

The banking affairs of a person traveling abroad do not concern border guards at all. Only an employee of the bailiff service can verify the fact of repayment of the debt.

Curtain Falls

Some Russians, faced with such an unpleasant phenomenon as a ban on traveling abroad, could successfully circumvent the “sanctions” several months ago. All they needed was to come to Belarus and travel abroad from there.

But in March of this year, the authorities of the Belarusian state ratified two agreements concluded with Russia. These agreements concern the entry and exit of citizens of both countries into the territory of Belarus and Russia. According to the newly minted agreement, a person with a debt is not able to travel abroad through Belarus.

To date, the authorities of both countries have introduced the so-called “ common bank" This applies not only to Russians, but also to Belarusians who have problems with debts to the state.

Cancellation of the ban

The period of “sanctions” for Russians is usually 6 months. At the end of 6 months, the period can be extended. But this injustice can be challenged. If a person who wants to travel abroad does everything legally competent, the court may make a decision regarding the lifting of the existing ban.

What are the conditions?

The travel ban can be lifted if the following conditions are met:

Every person wants to visit as many beautiful and exotic places as possible that cannot be found in Russia. When all the fees and hassles are behind you, it’s time to think about whether you can easily travel to another country. Of course, such a ban does not apply to everyone.

Federal Law No. 114-FZ provides for a number of closed rules that prevent crossing the border of the Russian Federation.

Who is affected by the ban on traveling abroad?

Cases that temporarily restrict the right of a citizen of the Russian Federation to leave the country:

  • the citizen has been convicted of committing a crime of any kind;
  • is a conscript or is undergoing military or any other civilian service;
  • the citizen is an employee of the FSB;
  • a person is accused or suspected of committing a crime;
  • the traveler submitted knowingly false information to obtain documents required for departure;
  • a citizen of the Russian Federation has access to state secrets;
  • avoids obligations imposed by the court.

Certain features that should be taken into account in specific cases of each of the grounds for banning travel outside the country:

  1. A citizen's criminal record may be a condition that prevents him from leaving the Russian Federation if a court conviction has been issued and has entered into legal force. The ban is lifted at the moment the criminal record expires (such terms are provided for in Article 86 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).
    The following cases are exceptions:
    - the citizen has been pardoned or amnestied;
    - exclusion of this crime from the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation;
    - the criminal case was terminated and the court verdict was overturned;
    - expiration of the statute of limitations of the sentence (the decision was not used due to circumstances that do not depend on the convicted person).
  2. If you are drafted into the army or perform other civilian service, then you are deprived of the right to travel abroad for the duration of your service. Exceptions apply to contract soldiers who have a commander’s permission to travel freely outside the Russian Federation or citizens who have been granted a deferment or exemption from conscription.
  3. According to the concluded contract, FSB employees are prohibited from leaving the country. If the need arises, you can submit a report on temporary lifting of the restriction 3 months before the departure date. If a positive decision is made on your request, it is given to you against receipt.
  4. A citizen suspected of committing a crime is subject to a ban on traveling abroad.
    The restriction is valid until:
    - the criminal case will be closed and all charges against the detainee will be dropped;
    - the penalty will be cancelled;
    - the acquittal will come into force;
    - the accused will be released without a preventive measure.
  5. If false information is provided by a person submitting documents to leave the country, the limitation period is 1 month. The basis for the ban is the proven fact of submitting knowingly false testimony.
  6. A citizen who has access to state secrets should find out whether he has documented access or not, as well as what secrecy classification the documents to which he is admitted have. There are 3 levels of secrecy: secret, top secret and documents of special importance. Access to documents with a “secret” level cannot serve as the only basis preventing travel outside the country.

In other cases, after the cessation of work with classified documents, 5 or more years must pass, depending on the degree of secrecy, before the travel restriction is lifted.

Restriction on travel abroad for debtors

According to statistics from the Main Directorate for Migration Issues of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, this group of restrictions has the most large percentage. The following circumstances preventing debtors from leaving the country apply in combination:

  • The debt exceeds the amount of 10,000 rubles;
  • A civil person has been presented with a writ of execution or enforcement proceedings have been initiated against him;
  • The writ of execution is overdue for 3 years after the court decision;
  • In this case, copies of the resolution must be sent both to the debtor and to the Main Directorate for Migration Issues of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

When all debt is repaid and enforcement proceedings are terminated, the travel ban is lifted. If a certain agreement between the citizen and the FSSP is reached, the restriction can also be lifted.

Restrictions on travel abroad for civil servants:

Each specific case of restrictions has its own set of features. It is worth considering the position and place of work of the citizen. Both persons serving in “closed” places and citizens with access to state secrets are subject to restrictions on leaving the country.

The travel ban is established for the period specified in the employment contract or regulatory legal act, which can be extended up to 10 years by the Interdepartmental Commission. It all depends on the degree of secrecy of the documents to which you have access.

The law does not provide for restrictions on leaving the country for judges. But they, like citizens who have access to state secrets, may be affected by travel restrictions for other reasons.

Where can I check restrictions on traveling abroad?

Today, the following online resources are available to learn about restrictions on leaving the country:

  1. Unified portal of public services - to fully work with the site you will need to register. In your personal account you can check the presence of unpaid fines and debts;
  2. On the official site tax office you can check your tax debts before your trip;
  3. The website of the bailiff service provides information on enforcement proceedings about all citizens with debt. The general database also contains data on all departments of bailiffs, where you can get advice or pay off your debt.

Under circumstances of any kind, the authorities of the Main Directorate for Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia will issue a notification containing:

  • period of restriction;
  • number of the decision to ban travel and date;
  • Name and address of the organization prohibiting travel.

Organizations monitoring compliance with order when traveling abroad Russian Federation: FSSP, FSIN, Ministry of Internal Affairs, employer. They notify the units of the Main Directorate for Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia about circumstances that have arisen that prevent you from traveling abroad, after you have completed your documents.

If they do not agree with the decision to ban leaving the country, citizens can file a complaint with the court or the Main Directorate for Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Additional restrictions on traveling abroad since 2014

The regulation, signed in May 2014, prohibits prosecutors from entering 173 countries. The existence of an agreement between the United States and 173 countries on the extradition of citizens of other countries serves as an argument for including these states on the entry prohibited list. This restriction helps maintain the safety of employees of this department.

Similar restrictions previously affected employees of the FSKN (drug control), FSB (Federal Security Service) and the Ministry of Internal Affairs (Ministry of Internal Affairs). The introduction of “sanctions” by some countries against the Russian Federation served as a ban on the entry of security forces into the territory of these states.

The State Duma of the Russian Federation has introduced a bill concerning persons with debts. According to it, bailiffs are required to send registered letters to citizens with the amount of debt and a notification that in case of non-payment of the debt, they will be denied the right to travel outside the country.

Another innovation concerns the ban on a child leaving the country by one of the parents or guardians. When submitting an application to the Main Directorate for Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia about preventing a child from leaving the country, the other parent will not be notified about this. Only in court can this ban be lifted.

Interesting fact: the legislation does not provide a list of grounds for lifting the ban, and the decision will be made by the court. If the child is 10 years old, his opinion is taken into account in this dispute.

If you have restrictions on leaving the country, even if you wish, you will not be allowed to travel abroad. Once again, make sure whether you can freely travel outside the Russian Federation. This will help you avoid unnecessary problems at the customs checkpoint or at the airport terminal and will save your nerves. It is especially important if you cross the border by car, having driven 1000 kilometers before the checkpoint.

In 2020, clause 1 of Article 67 of Federal Law No. 229 was legislated for the amount of debt limiting travel abroad - 30 thousand rubles. For citizens with debts regarding the collection of alimony, compensation for harm caused to health, compensation for harm in connection with the death of a breadwinner, property damage and (or) moral damage caused by a crime, travel abroad is prohibited if the amount of debt exceeds 10 thousand rubles.

A citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to freely leave the territorial borders of the country for the purpose of recreation or business meetings, provided that they have the appropriate documents. In 2020, state legislation established restrictions on traveling abroad. The basis for a ban on traveling abroad is financial debts for payment of utilities, fines, alimony, customs duties, and credit loans from banking organizations.

Normative base

In accordance with Art. 2 Federal Law“On the procedure for leaving the Russian Federation and entering the Russian Federation dated August 15, 1996 No. 114-FZ, a citizen of the country has the right to unhindered travel outside the state with a foreign identification document. Article 15 No. 114-FZ outlines temporary restrictions that in 2020 apply to a certain category of the population:

  • the citizen has access to classified information;
  • an individual has concluded employment contract, the condition of which is a ban on traveling abroad;
  • person liable for military service;
  • accused of an illegal act before sentencing;
  • convicted of a crime serving a prison sentence in a prison;
  • the citizen evades the duties assigned by the court;
  • an individual provided false information when preparing documents.

Types of debts

In 2020, a citizen of the Russian Federation will not be able to leave the territory of the country if there are financial charges that have not been paid on time:

  • alimony for the maintenance of the child/children;
  • tax obligations;
  • contribution on a mortgage, credit loan in a banking organization;
  • payments for the provision of utility services;
  • compensation for damage to health;
  • property penalties;
  • administrative fines.
For your information

Debt to government organizations and private individuals is the basis for a temporary restriction in accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 67 of the Federal Law “On Enforcement Proceedings” dated October 2, 2007 No. 229 - FZ in the official order established by the court at the request of the plaintiff or on the bailiff’s own initiative, if the citizen does not attempt to pay the specified amount. If there are unclosed financial obligations individual entrepreneur before the Federal Tax Service, the institution has the right to decide to collect funds without the permission of executive authorities.

Who can impose a travel ban in 2020?

In the event of a financial debt to an individual for failure to pay alimony, moral compensation, or property penalties, only a court can restrict departure. If a citizen has obligations to government organizations or administrative offenses, then the institutions petition for the independent issuance of a writ of execution.

  1. State Traffic Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  2. Customs Service.
  3. Border authorities, FSB.
  4. Police.
  5. The Federal Tax Service.
  6. Labour Inspectorate.
  7. Banking organization.

After 3 days from the date of receipt of the petition, by decision of the court, the bailiff issues a decision to restrict crossing the state border in 2020 without personal presence individual in accordance with paragraph 8 of Art. 30 of the Federal Law “On Enforcement Proceedings” dated October 2, 2007 No. 229 - Federal Law.

The process of imposing a ban on leaving the country

At the request of a private individual or government organization, a court hearing is scheduled, at which a writ of execution is issued - an order for mandatory payment financial resources. In 2020, a decision can be made without the presence of the defendant. After the verdict is passed, a writ of execution is prepared, which is transferred to the Federal Bailiff Service for reporting to the debtor. The document states sum of money, details of an individual or government agency, the deadline for voluntary payment of the debt, which, in accordance with clause 12 of Art. 30 of the Federal Law “On Enforcement Proceedings” dated October 2, 2007 No. 229 - Federal Law is 5 days from the date of receipt of the resolution by the claimant.


If, after the specified time, the amount is not deposited into the plaintiff’s account, the bailiff in 2020 will impose a ban on leaving the country for debts. The approved resolution is sent to the defendant, the Federal Migration Service, and border authorities, who enter the citizen into the “black list” of a special database.

For how long is the ban imposed?

In accordance with clause 2.3 of the document “On the procedure for temporary restrictions on the debtor’s departure from the Russian Federation” dated January 29, 2008. No. 12/01–830–НВ, developed on the basis of Art. 67 of the Federal Law “On Enforcement Proceedings” dated July 26, 2017 No. 190 - Federal Law, the bailiff can make a decision on the debtor’s inability to leave the territorial borders of the country for debts for 6 months

If the debtor pays an amount of money earlier than the established maximum period in 2020, the ban is automatically lifted. If the defendant does not comply with the conditions court decision within six months, the Federal Bailiff Service re-issues a resolution on restrictions on travel abroad.

How to check the ban on traveling for debt in 2020?

Before planning a trip or business trip outside of Russia, it is recommended to make sure that there are no financial debts. In 2020, there are several ways to obtain information about personal financial difficulties.

  1. Register of the Federal Bailiff Service.
  2. Official website of the Federal Tax Service.
  3. Traffic police
  4. Banking organizations.

The FSSP electronic register allows you to find out information about debts at home. On the page of the official portal, you must enter personal data (full name, date of birth) to view current executive documents that have not yet expired. The website allows you to get acquainted in real time with the procedure for repaying unpaid bills.

The electronic page of the Federal Tax Service provides access to personal information after registration, which only involves entering the TIN number. IN personal account after indicating the missing data about the owner, which is processed by the site for a short amount of time, information about debts on fees and mandatory contributions is reflected.

To clarify information on unpaid fines and receipts for administrative offenses, you must contact the traffic police. At the moment, the procedure for obtaining data has been simplified: on the official portal of “Public Services”, a citizen of the Russian Federation, after pre-registration, receiving a personal code at the post office, through a telecom operator, can find out about personal debts.

For your information

To check the payment status of your mortgage or loan, please contact banking organization where the amount of money was taken. You can obtain information on financial debt through the personal account of a government agency user or by phone hotline when providing personal passport information.

How to get rid of a travel ban for debt?

The temporary restriction on the right to visit foreign countries for debts in 2020 can only be lifted by repaying the monetary debt to a private individual, department, or organization. You can use several methods to pay:

  • personal account in Internet banking;
  • electronic payment systems: Qiwi, Webmoney, Yandex Money, etc.;
  • mobile application of the Federal Bailiff Service;
  • bank branch, terminal.

A receipt of payment must be submitted to the FSSP to remove the restriction. For consideration of the case enforcement proceedings No more than 21 days are given for permission to leave. After confirming that the debt has been repaid, the bailiff sends a corresponding notification to the Federal Migration Service and border authorities.

When will the travel ban be lifted?

The temporary restriction is valid until the financial debt is repaid. After payment Money documents confirming this fact are transferred to the bailiff to close the claimant’s case. Notifications are sent to government organizations that control the departure of citizens outside the Russian Federation. The period for receiving documents by the Federal Migration Service and the FSB is at least 2-3 weeks. Thus, in order to leave the country in 2020, the defendant must wait for a confirmation notification from the FSSP.

Is it possible to travel abroad with debts in 2020?

A temporary restriction is a ban on crossing the state border for debts issued by executive authorities. Violation of a court decision is subject to administrative and criminal liability. But in 2020, there are exceptions to the rules established by law.

  1. A valid reason for leaving is illness, death of a close relative, inheritance, urgent treatment.
  2. The time interval between the issuance of a new decision on a restriction on crossing the territory of a state.
  3. Crossing the borders of friendly countries.

A serious reason related to the health of the claimant himself or his close relative, or the resolution of important legal issues, may be a reason to travel abroad in 2020 if there is an unpaid bill. The decision to lift the restriction is made by the senior bailiff-by the contractor at his own discretion, subject to the availability of appropriate documentary evidence.

The duration of the temporary ban should not exceed 6 months from the date of sentencing. If the debtor has not paid, a new document is issued. It takes 7 to 14 days to issue a repeat writ of execution. During this period, the claimant can freely cross state border Russian Federation.

For your information

Citizens with a monetary debt not exceeding the established minimum threshold have the right to travel abroad. To clarify the information, you must contact the relevant departments: FSSP, Federal Tax Service, State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, Ministry of Internal Affairs, banking organizations.

Since February 2017, traveling through Belarus if you have debts is not possible.


When a decision is made on a temporary restriction on crossing the state border, the defendant has the right to appeal the verdict if the amount does not exceed 10,000 rubles for one writ of execution, the personal data of the individual is incorrectly indicated, the resolution is not approved by the senior bailiff, there is no corresponding notice of the ban.

To travel abroad unhindered in 2020, citizens of the Russian Federation must follow the following advice:

  • before the trip, update data on possible financial debts on the website of the FSSP, Federal Tax Service, and State Traffic Safety Inspectorate;
  • pay fines, utility bills, and compensation to individuals on time.

Bailiffs have the right, on their own initiative, to issue a ruling on a temporary ban on traveling abroad if there is a large unpaid amount.